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Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Future Institute of Engg 18 Aug 2010

1. 12 + 22 - 32 + 42 - 52 + 62 - ......
Using C prog. implement the above equation. You can,t use for loop.

2. Convert infix to postfix using C.

3. What is life cycle model in soft engg. What are the difference between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model ?

4. What is the diffrence between do loop and do-while loop ?

5.What are the different CPU scheduling algorithms in OS ?

6. Define DDL and DML in DBMS.

7. they asked two puzzles which were very easy.

8. If you mentioned any subject in your CV then they will ask questions from them.

9. What is class, access specifiers in Java.

10. What is structure,array,diffrence between them etc. in C.

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Placement Paper 27 Feb 2011

Aditi Sample Question Paper:

1 Water and wine are in ratio 1:4. how much of water should be added to make it half-half.

2 A man gets 20 oranges for re.1 .and 25 oranges for re.1. He mixes them and sells 45 oranges for Re.2..Find his gain or loss %

3.A square of size 40 by 40..There are 4 circles each of radius 10.not overlapping but juzt touching each other inside the square..which % of the area of the square is not covered by the circles.?

4.Question on income and expenditure. A man spends 20% of his income on something...10% of the remaining ..etc. like this


a nutrients: food as oxygen : air

b courier : message as judge: law

c parent: offspring as s_____:fraternal

6 Sentence Correction: which word in the given choices can replace the italicized word? --3 qns

7 Logical sequence. 4 sentences were shuffled and given..what is the logical order of these sentences. --6 qns


Each item has a question followed by two statements :
Mark a: If the question can be answered with the help of statement "1" alone
Mark b: If the question can be answered with the help of statement "2" alone
Mark c: If the question can be answered with the help of both the statements but not with the help of either statement by itself
Mark d: If the question cannot be answered even with the help of both the given statements
1. Does winking improve eye sight?
1) During the process of winking the focal power of eyes improves
2) Experiments have shown that eye exercise lead to an improvement in eye sight
Answer: d because neither 1 or 2 is adequate.

Each floor of a 3 storeyed building is occupied and a total of 15 people live in the building. How many live on the first floor?
1) The no. of people living in the first floor is an odd number
2) The no. of people living on the first floor double the number living on the second floor

Program 1 can be implemented
1) Program 1 is tested and error free
2) The implementation site is ready

The sum of digits of a 5 digit no. is 10. The digit in the ten thousandth place is cube of that of units place. what is the number.
1) The digits in the thousandth, hundredth and tenth place are equal
2) The digit in the units and tenth place are not equal

1) The rate of compound interest is 12% per year
2) The interest is deposited in the account at the end of every six months

Variable "X" is an address variable.
1) The value of variable "X" is "adbcf"
2) Program has a statement X =&Y

Is white color the best reflector of light?
1) The lower a color,s reflection index the better its power of reflection
2) White has a reflection index of 0.28

Does Mehta work in an advertising agency?
1) Mehta begins work at 9 am in the morning and works till 9 in the night
2) Mehta is a copywriter

Is it true that Maggi Noodles success was largely due to its ability to satisfy a latent consumer need?
1) Before the entry of Maggi Noodles, Others did not have access to a food item which was convenient to prepare and could be consumed between meals.
2) Maggi Noodles was an instant hit with ladies who had children in the range of 10 to 12 years

Sachin wrote Program 1
1) It is found in the directory c:\user\sachin
2) Sachin tested Program 1

Are all Argots also Knicks?
1) All Argots are Drones
2) All Drones are Knicks

Does classical music aid plant growth?
1) Music aids in the development of sugar in plants.
2) In an experiment conducted, its was observed that plants exposed to classical music grew by 5cm more than plants not exposed to classical music in the same period.

Are cheques the safest method of making a payment.
1) Cheques are more convenient than cash in making and resolving payments.
2) Payment by cheques eliminate the risk involved in handling cash.

Networking is working fine.
1) Computer A is able to talk to Computer B
2) Both Computer A & B are Pentium Machines.

Is it true that smiling is easier than frowning?
1) Smiling requires the movement of 14 facial muscles while frowning requires the movementof 24 facial muscles.
2) Moving every facial muscles requires the same amount of effort.

Is it true that the Carpenter lives on the first floor.?
1) the Barber lives two floors above the black smith who in turn stays one floor above the carpenter.
2) the blacksmith lives two floors above the weaver who lives one floor below the carpenter in a threestoreyed building.

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Technical Other cochin 06 Mar 2011

Aditi Sample Technical Questions

What would be the output of the following program.
extern int a;
int a=20;
(a) 20 (b) 0 (c) garbage value (d) error!!

What would be the output of the following program.
int a[5]={2,3};
printf("\n %d %d %d",a[2],a[3],a[4]);
(a) garbage value (b) 2 3 3 (c) 3 2 2 (d) 0 0 0

What would be the output of the following program.
printf("\n %d %d %d %d",i,j,k,m);
(a) -2 3 0 1 (b) -3 2 0 1 (c) -2 3 1 1 (d) error

What would be the output of the following program.
int a,b;
printf("%d %d",a,b);
sumdig(int n)
static int s=0;
int d;
else return(s);
(a) 12 6 (b) 6 12 (c) 3 15 (d) error

What would be the output of the following program.
#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
int a,b=3;
printf("\n %d %d",a,b);
(a) 64 4 (b) 27 4 (c) 27 6 (d) 64 6

What would be the output of the following program.
const int x=get();
(a) 20 (b) garbage value (c) error (d) 0

A function has this prototype void f1(int **x), How will you call this function?
(a) int **a; (b) int a; (c) int *a; (d) int a=5;
f1(a); f1(&a); f1(&a); f1(&&a);

pointout the error, if any, in the for loop
int l=1;
(a) The condition in the for loop is a must (b) The two semicolons should be droppe (c) The for loop should be replaced by awhile loop (d) No error

Can the following piece of code be executed?
int main(void)
char strA[10]="compile",strB[10];
char * my_strcpy(char *destination,char *source)
char *p=destination;
return destination;
(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "compile"
(b) The compilation error char *(char *,char *) differs in levels of indirection from ,int(), will occur
(c) Yes & it will print compile on the screen (d) None of the above

What would be the output of the following program.
char str[5]="fast";
static char *ptr_to_array = str;
(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "fast"
(b) display "fast" on screen (c) will give a compilation error (d) none of the above

What would be the output of the following program.
int num,*p;
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) junk value (d) compilation error

What would be the output of the following program.
int a[3]={2,3,4};
char *p;
p=(char *)((int *)p+1);
(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) junk value (d) 3

What would be the output of the following program.
int i=10;
fn(int i)
return ++i;
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) Compilation error

What will be the value of i & j after the loop isexecuted?
(a) i=4,j= 24 (b) i=24,j= 24 (c) i=25,j= 25 (d) i=5,j=25

What would be the output of the following program.
int i,j;
(a) 11 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) compilation error

What would be the output of the following program.
int i=7;
(a) 49 (b) 56 (c) 72 (d) compilation error

What will the printf print?
char *p,*f();
printf("f() returns:%s\n",p);
char *f()
char result[80];
strcpy(result,"anything will do");
return (result);
(a) f() returns: anything will do (b) f() returns:
(c) compilation error (d) The printf statement is not going to be executed

How many times the following program would print ,Jamboree,?
printf("\n Jamboree");
(a) infinite number of times (b) 32767 times (c) 65535 times (d) till the stack does not overflow

Notice the error in the default statement in the code snippet below.Will it give a compilation error?
int a=10,j;
case 30: printf("the value is 30");
case 50: printf("the value is 50");
default:printf("the value is not 30 or 50");
fn(int a)
return (++a);

(a) Will display "the value is 30" (b) Will display "The value is not 30 or 50" (c) Yes a compilation error would happen
(d) No compilation errors but there will be no output on the screen

What would be the output of the following program.
struct emp
char name[20];
int age;
float sal;
struct emp e = {"tiger"};
printf("\n %d %f",e.age,e.sal);
(a) 0 0.000000 (b) Garbage values (c) Error (d) none of the above

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Placement-Paper 19 May 2011

Aditi Sample placement paper,Aditi latest 2012-2013 Test paper,Aditi campus recruitment written test questions Aditi solved placement paper questions with answers,Aditi latest selection procedure,Aditi Aptitude and technical and technical hr interview proceedures,aditi off campus recruitment papers Aditi previous years questions,Aditi written test jhas 50 questions,1 hour,min CGPA 5.8, Question paper in two sets A & B 3 round of interview

aditi Sample Test Paper

Directions for question 1-10: Each question comprises four scattered segments of a sentence. Identify from among the four choices the sequences that correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.

A. Anniversaries can be dicey things.
B. As long as the dead are being commemorated on a particular day, it is fine.
C. The opposition could keep its gun powder dry and ready as well.
D. But when it comes to a government celebrating a year or two in office, there can be trouble.
(a) DACB
(b) CADB
(c) ABDC
(d) BCDA

A. It is less concerned with telling a tale.
B. As with so much Huxley,s later fiction, one is not sure whether or not to call this book a true novel.
C. It is also weak on characterization but strong on talk.
D. Than with presenting an attitude of life.
(a) CBDA
(b) BADC
(c) ABDC
(d) DCBA

A. While the above is true for private sector companies, it is not so in the public limited companies.
B. But with the removal of control over premia, the premia at which issues are marked has gone up quite sharply.
C. So the cost of capital at even a lower debt equity ratio comes out lower.
D. Traditionally, the cost of equity is higher than the cost of debt.
(a) DBCA
(b) BADC
(c) ACDB
(d) CDAB

A. Compiling and debugging.
B. Testing.
C. Writing the code.
D. Thinking of the algorithm.
E. Understanding the problem

A. Such alliances are shaky from the start.
B. In this manner parties which are not able to get a mandate from the electorate are able to come to power.
C. We have seen the unique spectacle of political forming alliance just to form a government.
D. Indian democracy continues to amaze.

(a) ADBC
(b) BADC
(c) DCBA
(d) BDCA

A. They are the three faces of dysphoria - bad feeling.
B. Anxiety, Depression and Anger.
C. When the three combine and get out of control, we get what is called mental illness.
D. All of us experience three emotions almost daily.
(a) ACDB
(b) CBDA
(c) CADB
(d) DBAC

A. This is the key to tap the creative power inside us.
B. It is difficult to control our thinking and feelings.
C. That is, unless we work at it conciously and persistently.
D. We are influenced and limited by attitudes, prejudices by other individuals and by external conditions to such an extent that few can control mental and emotional processes.
(a) ACDB
(b) BDCA
(c) CADB
(d) DBAC

A. Two vital facts must be understood.
B. The subconscious mind has the power to create.
C. The second is that it obeys the orders given to it by the conscious mind.
D. Its function is to bring to full expression whatever is desired by the conscious mind.
(b) CBDA
(c) ADBC
(d) DBAC

A. But what is not often understood is that this flash is outcome of long periods of incubation.
B. The layman thinks that it is a spell of divine flash which illuminates the dark and the hidden.
C. True, it does.
D. Inspiration is much misunderstood term.

(a) DBAC
(b) ACBD
(c) DBCA
(d) CADB

A. As a result, the world has undergone a transformation.
B. Science and civilization have made rapid strides especially in recent times.
C. This constitutes the basic factor in the use of productive resources.
D. But behind all the progress of mankind is the human factor which is invaluable and irreplaceable.

(a) ABDC
(b) BADC
(c) DCAB
(d) CBDA

Directions for questions 11-20: Each problem contains a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to select the correct answer from (a) to (d) depending on the sufficiency of the data given in the statements to answer the question. Mark your answer as
(a) If statement (I) alone is sufficient.
(b) If statement (II) alone is sufficient.
(c) If both (I) and (II) together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(d) Either of the statements (I) and (II) is sufficient.
(e) If statements (I) and (II) together are not sufficient.

What is the distance from City A to City C in kms?
(I) City A is 90 kms from City B.
(II) City B is 30 kms from City C.

Is z less than w? z and w are real numbers.
(I) z2 = 25
(II) w = 9

The value of an estate in January 1905 started gradually declining in such a way that at the end of each year it was worth only x times its value at the beginning of the year. What was its worth in end December 1910 ?
(I) It was worth Rs.10,109 in the end of December 1906.
(II)It was worth Rs.12,345 in the beginning of January 1905.

In an election, 3 candidates A,B and C were representing for a membership of parliament. How many votes did each receive?
(I) A received 1006 votes more than B and 1213 more votes than C.
(II) Total votes cast were 15,414.

John studies Chinese in a school. Which school does he attend?
(I) All students in Jefferson High school take French.
(II) Maysville High School offers only Chinese.

How many girls passed the entrance exam this year?
(I) Last year 560 girls passed
(II) This year there was a 10% decrease over last year in the number of failures.

What is Raju,s age?
(I) Raju, Vimala and Kishore are all of the same age.
(II) Total age of Vimala, Kishore and Abishek is 32 and Abishek is as old as Vimala and Kishore together.

Is Sreedhar eligible for an entry pass to the company premisers?
(I) The company does not allow strangers to enter the company.
(II)All employees are elgible to get a pass.

Among five friends who is the tallest?
(I) D is taller than A and C.
(II)B is shorter than E but taller than D.

Can a democratic system operate without effective opposition?
(I) The opposition is indispensable.
(II) A good statesman always learns more from his opponents than from
his fervent supporters.

Directions for question 21-22 : Answer the questions based on the passage below them

A temple has 3 gateways, each of them is leading you into the temple, and at the end of each gateway there is an idol and as a devotee passes through the gateway with some flowers the number of flowers double. Ram enters the 1st gateway with some flowers and he puts same number of flowers at each idol and the end he is left with none.

How many flowers did Ram start with?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 7

How many flowers does he put at each idol?
(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 5

Directions for question 23-25 : Answer the questions based on the passage below them
Liz, Jenni, Jolie and Rick have an English final on Friday and they all would like to study together at least once before the test.
Liz can study only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Thursday afternoon and night.
Jenni can study only on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and Tuesday afternoon and night.
Jolie can study only on Wednesday and Thursday nights, Tuesday afternoon and Monday afternoon and night.
Rick can study the afternoons and nights of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and on Monday afternoon.

If the group is to study twice, then the days could be
(a) Monday and Wednesday
(b) Tuesday and Thursday
(c) Wednesday and Thursday
(d) Monday and Friday
(e) Tuesday and Wednesday

If three of them tried to study together when all four couldn,t
(a) this would be possible twice
(b) it would have to be on Wednesday night
(c) Rick could not attend the three person groups
(d) This could be accomplised on Monday and Tuesday only
(e) This would not be possible

If Liz decided to study every night,
(a) she would never be able to study with Rick
(b) she would never be able to study with Jolie
(c) she would have at least two study partners each night
(d) she would have to study alone on Monday night
(e) she would study with only Jenni on Thursday night


NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper

What is the number of functions of a three variable boolean function?

Which is the most commonly used replacement algorithm?
Ans. LRU

Which memory management technique involves dividing the memory into fixed sized blocks?
Ans. Paging

What is video resolution ?

The processing speed of a microprocessor depends on _____?
Ans. data bus width


NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper

What is the output of the program given below

char i=0;
for(;i>=0;i++) ;

What is the output of the following program

int i=0;

What is the memory allocated by the following definition ?
int (*x)[10];

What is the memory allocated by the following definition ?
int (*x)();

In the following program segment
int a=2;
int b=9;
int c=1;

How many times is c=c*a calculated?

In the program segment in question 5 what is the value of a at the end of the while loop?

What is the output for the program given below

typedef enum grade{GOOD,BAD,WORST,}BAD;
BAD g1;

Give the output for the following program.
#define STYLE1 char
typedef char STYLE2;
printf("%d %d\n",x,y);

In the following program
char *pDestn,*pSource="I Love You Daddy";
(a)Free() fails
(b)Strcpy() fails
(c)prints I love You Daddy

What is the output for the following program
char a[5][5],flag;

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Placement Paper Whole Testpaper 29 Dec 2011

Aditi Sample placement paper,Aditi latest 2012-2013 Test paper,Aditi campus recruitment written test questions Aditi solved placement paper questions with answers
Adidit latest selection procedure,Aditi Aptitude and technical and technical hr interview proceeures,aditi off campus recruitment papers Aditi previous years questions
Aditi written test jhas 50 questions,1 hour,min CGPA 5.8, Question paper in two sets A & B 3 round of interview

1 In a party 48 person r there,2/3 r men, remaining are women, half of women r doctor,no of doctor in party is----?

2 From a cuboids of 18*15*8 size how many 6*6*6 cube can be cut

3 The age of father is thrice then his son, after 15 yr the the father age is twice as the son, Find the age of father.ans-45 yr

4 Which is greater 30% of 40,5 more than the square of 3,aur are hi 2 the yad nahi hai.

5 A man purchase 3 tv @11500 rs per piece,one sold at 20% gain,other two 7% loss,find net gain/loss.

6 One ball drops fron height 150 m,and bounces back to 5/6 of previous height,till it becomes stationary,calculate total height trevelled.

7 Two question related to the position of chair(11 person(5 men.6 women),kucch sharat hai),find the location.

8 Apple:fruit then wood:tree and 3 more
9 One question related to ration and proption values r not adjact---one material 1.60 rs per kg is mixed with second material @1.48 rs per kg,in
what propotin they r added so the mixed material costs 1.54 rs per kg.
10 In a polygon,if line is drawn towards outside,then sum of angle at any vertex is----not remembered exactly.

11 Find the min value of 6Xsquare-12X
12 One question from set theory--in a survey of college of 2000 student 54% like coffie,68% like tea, some %(48%)like smoke from total and 30% like coffie and tea,32 % like tea and smoke,some percentage likea coffee and smoke,6 % not like anything, Find the % of Coffee only.Valus are not exact.
13 The sum of two no is 72,then max value if their multiple of those no is----?

14 A function is given,you have to find the valve of X at which the finctin in min--Y is function of (arithmetic *exponential)

15 If the income of A is 25 % less than the income of B.then the income of B is greater than -----%?

16 Three coin are tossed,The probabaility of getting atleast one head is----?

17 In a Glass a mix of milk and water(4 times milk and 1 times water).Glass se kitana mix nakal lo ki usake place me water dalane per mix ka ratio 50% water and 50% milk ho jaye. ans 3/8

18 In the expansion of(X2+1/X2)12---X square plus one upon X square ka whole power twelve----the coefficient of term which is free from X

19 If she is y year older from x year,then how many year older from Z year.

20 Three questions depending on relations---3 condition---and you have to give ans----it is too easy---u can do in 1 min.
21 Logical sequence of sentence like in Engg services

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Technical cochin 06 March 2011

Aditi Sample Technical Questions

What would be the output of the following program.
extern int a;
int a=20;
(a) 20 (b) 0 (c) garbage value (d) error!!

What would be the output of the following program.
int a[5]={2,3};
printf("\n %d %d %d",a[2],a[3],a[4]);
(a) garbage value (b) 2 3 3 (c) 3 2 2 (d) 0 0 0

What would be the output of the following program.
printf("\n %d %d %d %d",i,j,k,m);
(a) -2 3 0 1 (b) -3 2 0 1 (c) -2 3 1 1 (d) error

What would be the output of the following program.
int a,b;
printf("%d %d",a,b);
sumdig(int n)
static int s=0;
int d;
else return(s);
(a) 12 6 (b) 6 12 (c) 3 15 (d) error

What would be the output of the following program.
#define CUBE(x) (x*x*x)
int a,b=3;
printf("\n %d %d",a,b);
(a) 64 4 (b) 27 4 (c) 27 6 (d) 64 6

What would be the output of the following program.
const int x=get();
(a) 20 (b) garbage value (c) error (d) 0

A function has this prototype void f1(int **x), How will you call this function?
(a) int **a; (b) int a; (c) int *a; (d) int a=5;
f1(a); f1(&a); f1(&a); f1(&&a);

pointout the error, if any, in the for loop
int l=1;
(a) The condition in the for loop is a must (b) The two semicolons should be droppe (c) The for loop should be replaced by awhile loop (d) No error

Can the following piece of code be executed?
int main(void)
char strA[10]="compile",strB[10];
char * my_strcpy(char *destination,char *source)
char *p=destination;
return destination;
(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "compile"
(b) The compilation error char *(char *,char *) differs in levels of indirection from ,int(), will occur
(c) Yes & it will print compile on the screen (d) None of the above

What would be the output of the following program.
char str[5]="fast";
static char *ptr_to_array = str;
(a) Compilation will only give a warning but will proceed to execute & will display "fast"
(b) display "fast" on screen (c) will give a compilation error (d) none of the above

What would be the output of the following program.
int num,*p;
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) junk value (d) compilation error

What would be the output of the following program.
int a[3]={2,3,4};
char *p;
p=(char *)((int *)p+1);
(a) 2 (b) 0 (c) junk value (d) 3

What would be the output of the following program.
int i=10;
fn(int i)
return ++i;
(a) 10 (b) 11 (c) 12 (d) Compilation error

What will be the value of i & j after the loop isexecuted?
(a) i=4,j= 24 (b) i=24,j= 24 (c) i=25,j= 25 (d) i=5,j=25

What would be the output of the following program.
int i,j;
(a) 11 (b) 10 (c) 4 (d) compilation error

What would be the output of the following program.
int i=7;
(a) 49 (b) 56 (c) 72 (d) compilation error

What will the printf print?
char *p,*f();
printf("f() returns:%s\n",p);
char *f()
char result[80];
strcpy(result,"anything will do");
return (result);
(a) f() returns: anything will do (b) f() returns:
(c) compilation error (d) The printf statement is not going to be executed

How many times the following program would print ,Jamboree,?
printf("\n Jamboree");
(a) infinite number of times (b) 32767 times (c) 65535 times (d) till the stack does not overflow

Notice the error in the default statement in the code snippet below.Will it give a compilation error?
int a=10,j;
case 30: printf("the value is 30");
case 50: printf("the value is 50");
default:printf("the value is not 30 or 50");
fn(int a)
return (++a);

(a) Will display "the value is 30" (b) Will display "The value is not 30 or 50" (c) Yes a compilation error would happen
(d) No compilation errors but there will be no output on the screen

What would be the output of the following program.
struct emp
char name[20];
int age;
float sal;
struct emp e = {"tiger"};
printf("\n %d %f",e.age,e.sal);
(a) 0 0.000000 (b) Garbage values (c) Error (d) none of the above

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Whole Testpaper 19 May 2011

Directions for question 1-10: Each question comprises four scattered segments of a sentence. Identify from among the four choices the sequences that correctly assembles the segments and completes the sentence.

A. Anniversaries can be dicey things.
B. As long as the dead are being commemorated on a particular day, it is fine.
C. The opposition could keep its gun powder dry and ready as well.
D. But when it comes to a government celebrating a year or two in office, there can be trouble.
(a) DACB
(b) CADB
(c) ABDC
(d) BCDA

A. It is less concerned with telling a tale.
B. As with so much Huxley,s later fiction, one is not sure whether or not to call this book a true novel.
C. It is also weak on characterization but strong on talk.
D. Than with presenting an attitude of life.
(a) CBDA
(b) BADC
(c) ABDC
(d) DCBA

A. While the above is true for private sector companies, it is not so in the public limited companies.
B. But with the removal of control over premia, the premia at which issues are marked has gone up quite sharply.
C. So the cost of capital at even a lower debt equity ratio comes out lower.
D. Traditionally, the cost of equity is higher than the cost of debt.
(a) DBCA
(b) BADC
(c) ACDB
(d) CDAB

A. Compiling and debugging.
B. Testing.
C. Writing the code.
D. Thinking of the algorithm.
E. Understanding the problem

A. Such alliances are shaky from the start.
B. In this manner parties which are not able to get a mandate from the electorate are able to come to power.
C. We have seen the unique spectacle of political forming alliance just to form a government.
D. Indian democracy continues to amaze.

(a) ADBC
(b) BADC
(c) DCBA
(d) BDCA

A. They are the three faces of dysphoria - bad feeling.
B. Anxiety, Depression and Anger.
C. When the three combine and get out of control, we get what is called mental illness.
D. All of us experience three emotions almost daily.
(a) ACDB
(b) CBDA
(c) CADB
(d) DBAC

A. This is the key to tap the creative power inside us.
B. It is difficult to control our thinking and feelings.
C. That is, unless we work at it conciously and persistently.
D. We are influenced and limited by attitudes, prejudices by other individuals and by external conditions to such an extent that few can control mental and emotional processes.
(a) ACDB
(b) BDCA
(c) CADB
(d) DBAC

A. Two vital facts must be understood.
B. The subconscious mind has the power to create.
C. The second is that it obeys the orders given to it by the conscious mind.
D. Its function is to bring to full expression whatever is desired by the conscious mind.
(b) CBDA
(c) ADBC
(d) DBAC

A. But what is not often understood is that this flash is outcome of long periods of incubation.
B. The layman thinks that it is a spell of divine flash which illuminates the dark and the hidden.
C. True, it does.
D. Inspiration is much misunderstood term.

(a) DBAC
(b) ACBD
(c) DBCA
(d) CADB

A. As a result, the world has undergone a transformation.
B. Science and civilization have made rapid strides especially in recent times.
C. This constitutes the basic factor in the use of productive resources.
D. But behind all the progress of mankind is the human factor which is invaluable and irreplaceable.

(a) ABDC
(b) BADC
(c) DCAB
(d) CBDA

Directions for questions 11-20: Each problem contains a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to select the correct answer from (a) to (d) depending on the sufficiency of the data given in the statements to answer the question. Mark your answer as
(a) If statement (I) alone is sufficient.
(b) If statement (II) alone is sufficient.
(c) If both (I) and (II) together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(d) Either of the statements (I) and (II) is sufficient.
(e) If statements (I) and (II) together are not sufficient.

What is the distance from City A to City C in kms?
(I) City A is 90 kms from City B.
(II) City B is 30 kms from City C.

Is z less than w? z and w are real numbers.
(I) z2 = 25
(II) w = 9

The value of an estate in January 1905 started gradually declining in such a way that at the end of each year it was worth only x times its value at the beginning of the year. What was its worth in end December 1910 ?
(I) It was worth Rs.10,109 in the end of December 1906.
(II)It was worth Rs.12,345 in the beginning of January 1905.

In an election, 3 candidates A,B and C were representing for a membership of parliament. How many votes did each receive?
(I) A received 1006 votes more than B and 1213 more votes than C.
(II) Total votes cast were 15,414.

John studies Chinese in a school. Which school does he attend?
(I) All students in Jefferson High school take French.
(II) Maysville High School offers only Chinese.

How many girls passed the entrance exam this year?
(I) Last year 560 girls passed
(II) This year there was a 10% decrease over last year in the number of failures.

What is Raju,s age?
(I) Raju, Vimala and Kishore are all of the same age.
(II) Total age of Vimala, Kishore and Abishek is 32 and Abishek is as old as Vimala and Kishore together.

Is Sreedhar eligible for an entry pass to the company premisers?
(I) The company does not allow strangers to enter the company.
(II)All employees are elgible to get a pass.

Among five friends who is the tallest?
(I) D is taller than A and C.
(II)B is shorter than E but taller than D.

Can a democratic system operate without effective opposition?
(I) The opposition is indispensable.
(II) A good statesman always learns more from his opponents than from
his fervent supporters.

Directions for question 21-22 : Answer the questions based on the passage below them

A temple has 3 gateways, each of them is leading you into the temple, and at the end of each gateway there is an idol and as a devotee passes through the gateway with some flowers the number of flowers double. Ram enters the 1st gateway with some flowers and he puts same number of flowers at each idol and the end he is left with none.

How many flowers did Ram start with?
(a) 4
(b) 5
(c) 3
(d) 7

How many flowers does he put at each idol?
(a) 10
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 5

Directions for question 23-25 : Answer the questions based on the passage below them
Liz, Jenni, Jolie and Rick have an English final on Friday and they all would like to study together at least once
before the test.
Liz can study only on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and Thursday afternoon and night.
Jenni can study only on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday nights and Tuesday afternoon and night.
Jolie can study only on Wednesday and Thursday nights, Tuesday afternoon and Monday afternoon and night.
Rick can study the afternoons and nights of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and on Monday afternoon.

If the group is to study twice, then the days could be
(a) Monday and Wednesday
(b) Tuesday and Thursday
(c) Wednesday and Thursday
(d) Monday and Friday
(e) Tuesday and Wednesday

If three of them tried to study together when all four couldn,t
(a) this would be possible twice
(b) it would have to be on Wednesday night
(c) Rick could not attend the three person groups
(d) This could be accomplised on Monday and Tuesday only
(e) This would not be possible

If Liz decided to study every night,
(a) she would never be able to study with Rick
(b) she would never be able to study with Jolie
(c) she would have at least two study partners each night
(d) she would have to study alone on Monday night
(e) she would study with only Jenni on Thursday night


NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper

What is the number of functions of a three variable boolean function?

Which is the most commonly used replacement algorithm?
Ans. LRU

Which memory management technique involves dividing the memory into fixed sized blocks?
Ans. Paging

What is video resolution ?

The processing speed of a microprocessor depends on _____?
Ans. data bus width


NOTE: The questions are of multiple choice format in the paper

What is the output of the program given below

char i=0;
for(;i>=0;i++) ;

What is the output of the following program

int i=0;

What is the memory allocated by the following definition ?
int (*x)[10];

What is the memory allocated by the following definition ?
int (*x)();

In the following program segment
int a=2;
int b=9;
int c=1;

How many times is c=c*a calculated?

In the program segment in question 5 what is the value of a at the end of the while loop?

What is the output for the program given below

typedef enum grade{GOOD,BAD,WORST,}BAD;
BAD g1;

Give the output for the following program.
#define STYLE1 char
typedef char STYLE2;
printf("%d %d\n",x,y);

In the following program
char *pDestn,*pSource="I Love You Daddy";
(a)Free() fails
(b)Strcpy() fails
(c)prints I love You Daddy

What is the output for the following program
char a[5][5],flag;

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Sample placement paper


1. 12 + 22 - 32 + 42 - 52 + 62 - ......
Using C prog. implement the above equation. You can,t use for loop.

2. Convert infix to postfix using C.

3. What is life cycle model in soft engg. What are the difference between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model ?

4. What is the diffrence between do loop and do-while loop ?

5.What are the different CPU scheduling algorithms in OS ?

6. Define DDL and DML in DBMS.

7. they asked two puzzles which were very easy.

8. If you mentioned any subject in your CV then they will ask questions from them.

9. What is class, access specifiers in Java.

10. What is structure,array,diffrence between them etc. in C.

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Sample placement paper


1. 12 + 22 - 32 + 42 - 52 + 62 - ......
Using C prog. implement the above equation. You can,t use for loop.

2. Convert infix to postfix using C.

3. What is life cycle model in soft engg. What are the difference between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model ?

4. What is the diffrence between do loop and do-while loop ?

5.What are the different CPU scheduling algorithms in OS ?

6. Define DDL and DML in DBMS.

7. they asked two puzzles which were very easy.

8. If you mentioned any subject in your CV then they will ask questions from them.

9. What is class, access specifiers in Java.

10. What is structure,array,diffrence between them etc. in C.

Aditi Placement Paper : Aditi Sample placement paper


1. 12 + 22 - 32 + 42 - 52 + 62 - ......
Using C prog. implement the above equation. You can,t use for loop.

2. Convert infix to postfix using C.

3. What is life cycle model in soft engg. What are the difference between Waterfall Model and Spiral Model ?

4. What is the diffrence between do loop and do-while loop ?

5.What are the different CPU scheduling algorithms in OS ?

6. Define DDL and DML in DBMS.

7. they asked two puzzles which were very easy.

8. If you mentioned any subject in your CV then they will ask questions from them.

9. What is class, access specifiers in Java.

10. What is structure,array,diffrence between them etc. in C.
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