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Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Placement Paper 21 October 2010

ADOBE Written Test

Section -1

1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.

2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert A to B.

Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);

3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,

the list must be sorted.

4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.

itoa() function is available.

5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.

6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.

7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following

Instructions LDA num ; load Accumulator with num

DCR R ; decrement Register R
INR R ; increment Register R
MOV x,y ; move the contents of register y into register x
JZ label ; jump to label if A=0
DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
you can use B & C registers in addition to A register Cool prove that a tree is

BST.what is height of a tree?

9) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)

Section - 2

There Were four section:

1. Aptitude: They had fairly simple arithmatic question, questions on geometry and

questions like whether information can be deduced from the comments given. It was

fairly easy and jst u need to have basic clear.

2. Analytical: Questions like pattern matching, odd one out were there. Be careful

while attempting these two sections that u wont be having much time. Before u know

the time is over.

3. Computers: This paper is mostly from the topics u cover in B.Tech. there was

one question on finite automata,Bit manipultaion(flipping the bits), drawing the

tree given preorder and inorder traversal, finding the formula for N-ary tree to

fine number of external nodes.

4. C/Java: Here u had to write C programs(Mind u no mutiple questions).There was

one question to write program to search a string from bigger string, write a

algorithm to compute X^n which is of complextity log n, implement atoi function.(U

cannot use any standard function in these.)


1. what percentage of total mass does liver has
Ans 2.4%

What is the ratio of bones to total mass

All the questions are simple ..

3. 45 min Testing concept test: 20 objective multiple choice qustions like binary

form of numbers, virtual memory, lossy compression, while loop, if-then-else,

error codes.

ba. lossy compression
b. lossless Compression
d image

2. output of 11000100 minus 2

3. Memory leakage is because of
a. variable not decraled
b. variable not free.. like this 4 options were given

4. Virtual memory concept is related to
a. memory leagkage {mospagebreak}

5.Regretion testing is defined as
a. testing the whole application
b.testing the different modules in the application

6. If the time is very limited for the testing then what would u test in the

a. run all the tests
b.look for the most used featues in the application
c.go to the test plan and run the test based on the priority

I would suggest to go thru all the definition like what is regretion testing .what

is unit smoke.etc.

1 Test Case Writing questions: 10 test cases for entering 3 values representing

sides of a triangle and the program giving output as scalene, isosceles or

eqilauteral (10 Marks)

1 Output of a calculator and finding the error in the output, write the defect log

for the bug (5 Marks)

1 Ques on weather Dev should do the testing or not. Give 3 reason on favour and 2

against it. (5 Marks)

1 Question diff between priority of a bug and severity of a bug. Give example of

one case where priority is high but severity is low and one case where severity is

high bur priority is low.

1 Question on a program that calculates P=R/I where R, I are integer inputs and P

a floating point output. Write 10 test cases for this - 5 Marks.


1. Software test: One hour Software test. U will be placed on a system with an

application opened that is containing bugs in it. A reference doc will be provided

where u will find the description of six modules of the application. U have to

find maximum number of bugs in those six modules given in the reference doc in one

hour. Each module contains at least one bug. U will have to keep writing the bug

in a paper provided to u as u keep finding it with the time when u found it.

2. 5 rounds of Interviews each of approximately 1 hour.

1st will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on everything from simple

codes to find errors in them, writing simple algos, giving very simple puzzles,

test cases for a marker, ur projects, about urself, etc. The guy will keep giving

hints and help u to solve the problem.

2nd will be by a Manager level guy, based on ur technical skills, puzzles to be

solved on the whiteboard in front of him, algo to reverse a string using array,

questions on ur projects, test cases of a duster, the projects u have mentioned in

ur CV. More of a question-answer based approach, not very interactive.

3rd will be by a senior HR on why Adobe, what keeps u going, where r u placed in

ur organization, all HR questions and about ur projects and Organizational levels.

4th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing only on puzzles, lots of

puzzles and scenario based test cases, like how to test an imaging application

that removes the red eye affect from an image, test cases of an VOIP phone. The

guy will keep giving hints and help u to solve the problem.

5th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on problem solving

approach, scenario based error investigation, like an attachment is not opening in

outlook on a particular system, what all can be the reasons. The guy will sort of

discuss with u the problem and will try to find out the solution at the same time

assessing ur problem solving skill. Then he will play a logical game, then some

general questions, test cases for a radio, something about Adobe etc.

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Placement Paper 27 Sepember 2010

C Paper:

1. What is the difference between Char a[ ]=?string? and char *a=?String?

2. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit

degF =5/9*(c+32)
In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.

3. What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this?

4. What do you mean by Bit fields? Give example.

5. Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer hoe,s?

6. Compare two binary trees they are same or not.

7. You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other?

8. WAP to find Depth of tree program. We were given the structure of the node using that we need to write the code.

9. In binary search we have two comparisons one for greater than and other for less than the mid value. Optimize so that we need to check only once

10. Question was some what like we need to write the function so that we get the two dimensional array and memory is assigned to it using malloc function. Don?t remember the question exactly. But this was the only question in proper language?

Engineering Paper:

I remember only 5 questions in this. As this was taken first
1. Binary search Tree was given. Find 4ths smallest element.

2. Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?
Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z
3. Represent (-5)10 in 2?s complement representation in 8 bits

4. Expression was given. Draw tree and then find the postfix
Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in assembly
For (i=0 ; i<=10 ; i++)

C test:

Q1) Linked list using recursion.

Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().

Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)

Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.

Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)

Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.

Q7) Subtraction of 2 base 13 numbers.

Q8) Min and max nodes of a quad tree.

Q9) Prove that in a tree no of internal nodes is one less than leaves.

Q10) A couple of boolean logic proofs

Q11) Code to see if a binary tree is a BST or not.

Q12) Switch case program out put?

Engineering test:

Most of it had algorithms( no code)

Q1) Given an array with some repeating numbers. Like 12,6,5,12,6

Output: 12,12,6,6,512 should come before 6 since it is earlier in list. So cant use a dictionary.

Q2) Implement a dictionary manually with a lil overhead.

Q3) Finding nth element from end in a list

Q4) Inserting an element into a sorted linked list.

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Placement Paper 05 Sepember 2010

Two rounds: Not tough Question. But time management required.
Engineering Round:(15 questions)

1 Finding height of binary tree

2. Number of times multiplication is required:

int computeXn(int x int n)
return x*x;
else if(n%2=0)
int y computeXn(x n/2);
return y*y;
else if(n%2=1)
int y computeXn(x n/2);
return y*y*x;
Calculating power of a tree for 5^12.

3. Polynomial A+Bx+Cx^2+....+Nx^(n-1) this representation is more suitable for which data structure. Then P and Q are two such polynomial and how to add that two using that data structure. WAP for that.

4. Specification of variables in one language: letter follow by letter or digit.
1. (LUD)*
2. L.(LUD)* => this one right.
3. L.(L.D)+
4. L.(L.D)*

C Round:(10 questions)

1. Diff between typedef and #define?

2. getbis function gives n bits from the position p of an binary no A.

3. You have to sort large data. But your memory does not have so much space. how you can sort that.

4. a[2][3][4] pointer representation

5. You have two threads T1 and T2 they are reader and writer respectively.
With some specification:

6. sprintf() function used how and what means?

An array given Arr[] which is in decreasing order. How many swapping required in
for(int index=0;index
for(int j=n-index;j

8. Finding Output:
int arr[]={10,20,30,40}
int varible_ptr=arr[0];
for(int index=0;index<4;index++)
printf(" arr[%d] = %d", index, *(varible_ptr+index));

Adobe Placement Paper : ADOBE PATTERN KOLKATA 27 JULY 2009

Hi Friends

Adobe came to Jadavpur University on July 27, 09. Following is the test pattern:

1. Aptitude: 45 minutes
45 questions in total. Refer R.S Agarwal or CSR.
15 questions from analytical.
30 questions from quantitative aptitude.
No test on English language.

2. Subjective questions.
10 questions: 30 minutes.
10 questions: 45 minutes.

The paper comprised of the following topics:

1. Algorithm analysis.
Finding time complexity of a program written in pseudo code.
Writing 1 pass algorithms for sorting with some given constraint(s).

2. Microprocessor.
Use of 5-6 mnemonics only and 3 registers we are asked to write a program.

3. C-language.
String operations without using standard string library functions.

4. Automata theory.
One nfa was given to accept bbb. We are to find a fsm that will accept aabb.
One fsm was given finding the number of string that it can accept.
The questions was little bit tricky but if prepare well for GATE examination,

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Whole Testpaper



I have given the test on 25 February for the Developer. This was for the experienced people <=1year. We had to give two tests of Engineering and C or Java.


Both of the paper has 10 questions and 10 marks for each test. And each test is for 45 minutes.


C Paper:


  1. What is the difference between Char a[ ]=”string” and char *a=”String”
  1. What is wrong with the code? The code was for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit

degF =5/9*(c+32)


 In code this line was wrong as we want 5/9 and that to be multiplied with bracket result. But here 9 will be first multiplied with bracket result.


  1. What are Data breakpoints? Give two scenarios where we make the use of this
  1. What do you mean by Bit fields? Give example
  1. Write the function for changing a number from hexadecimal to integer htoi(s
  1. Compare two binary trees they are same or not.
  1. You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other
  1. WAP to find Depth of tree program. We were given the structure of the node using that we need to write the code.
  1. In binary search we have two comparisons one for greater than and other for less than the mid value. Optimize so that we need to check only once
  1. Question was some what like we need to write the function so that we get the two dimensional array and memory is assigned to it using malloc function. Don’t remember the question exactly. But this was the only question in proper language

Engineering Paper:

I remember only 5 questions in this. A s this was taken first

1. Binary search Tree was given. Find 4ths smallest element.
2. Some code in assembly was given and given five options. What is being calculated?
 Ans (XY) 2 + Y + Z

3. Represent (-5)10 in 2’s complement representation in 8 bits 
4. Expression was given. Draw tree and then find the postfix

Some commands in the assembly language were given. Then need to convert this code in assembly


For (i=0 ; i<=10 ;  i++)



NOTE: NO Automata questions were asked. Good News!!!!


The engineering paper was totally based on the Data Structure, simple assembly programs implementation and some simple algorithms related to data structures.

So read Arrays, Linked list, postfix prefixes inorder post order etc.

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe General - Interview

Adobe interview for freshers

Written rounds:

Round 1: Aptitude - Trivially simple. Time could be a problem for junta not preparing for CAT. Fifteen questions in fifteen minutes.

Round 2: Quant - This was even more trivial. Thirty questions in thirty minutes.

These two rounds were entirely objective, multiple-choice with no negative marking. We had to fill in an OMR sheet and very few of us had pencils and erasers with us - almost everybody had pens. That was bad as we couldn,t change an option after marking it.

Round 3: Engineering. This included a lot of general stuff. Don,t remember much about it. Thirty minutes. 15 marks

Round 4: Code. This was a real test. A lot of questions and quite a few that I hadn,t seen before. We were supposed to write working C code in a limited time. 15 questions. 45 marks. It was like Neo fighting Smith in Matrix 3!

10 were selected out of 60 people who wrote the test.


He is very soft-spoken and one of my friend told me that this guy had brutally destroyed him. So I was terribly nervous. I usually am confident but in that room, I was stammering! Finally, it turned out that he wasn,t that brutal after all. Moral of the story: Stay confident at all times.

  1. He asked me my specialization? When I told him that I had none as I didn,t want to specialize in this stage, he was a little surprised but appeared satisfied with my reason.
  2. Why not further studies? (He had noted that I was third in my batch. He appeared impressed by that

    Answer : I told him that my profile clearly indicated that I,ve been trying to get into the industry via internships, industry-funded projects right from second year, second sem. I said that I was fully sure that I didn,t want to do MS anytime soon.
  3. He asked me to tell him about my favorite project.

    Answer : I told him about the web-browser that I had developed for cell-phones. I thought that was the only project which was closest to what Adobe was working on. He appeared satisfied with my answers.
  4. He then looked at my grades. He commented that my lowest grade - B- was in Digital Image Processing. I just looked at him like a doofus thinking of what to say. But he quickly added, ,don,t worry, it happens., So people, be fully prepared to explain any anomalous grades. I was prepared with the explanation of the W in the my grade-sheet but not of the B- in DIP. I know that this is really stupid considering that I was interviewing with Adobe. Don,t make this mistake.
  5. He then asked me a question that had been asked in Round 4, written test:

    Describe an optimal algorithm to find the second minimum number in an array of numbers. What is the exact number of comparisons required in the worst case? Note that they didn,t ask the order in Big-Oh notation. They wanted the exact number of comparisons.

    Answer : I screwed up, big time in this question. I had superficially discussed this question with my friend a while ago and he had outlined an algorithm which I thought that I had understood, but I hadn,t. I started off explaining it but got stuck in the middle. He sternly told me to read it up again. One solution that I could tell him, and which I had written in the test was this:

    Use two variables - min and second min. Initialize them by comparing the first two elements of the array. This is (1) comparison. Then, go through the entire array, from index 2 to n-1 comparing each element, first with min and then with second min, updating each variable as necessary. This will involve a worst case of two comparisons for each element. Therefore, total number of comparisons = 2*(n-2) + 1 = 2*n - 3 comparisons.

    I,ll try to update this with a better solution, sometime soon.
  6. Given a polygon (could be regular, irregular, convex, concave), find out whether a particular point lies inside it or outside it.

    Answer : This is an easy, straight question from graphics. You shoot a ray parallel to the x-axis passing through this point. Start with odd parity. Change parity of ray each time it intersects an edge of the polygon (consider special case of when the line passes through a vertex of the polygon. Change parity only if it passes through a vertex which has one edge above it and one edge below the ray). If the parity of ray is even when it passes through the point, it is inside the polygon, else it is not.
  7. He asked me to explain Canny,s algorithm to him. (this was because my DIP project was related to this)

    Answer : This is simple. Study DIP
  8. Then, he gave me a practical problem to solve: Suppose you are given an image which contains some text and some photos. How do you find the location of the image?

    Answer : I gave various alternatives - from searching for RGB components, to using OCR.. he didn,t appear fully satisfied. I think he was looking for edge-detection, but that would fail, if the text contained tables, etc.


Interview2 :

He was friendly at the start but this interview was my worst. He asked me my favorite subject. I said that it was Programming. (He laughed at that)

  1. Which are the four storage classes in C.

    Answer : static, extern, register, auto
  2. Given a program:

     int i;

    int main()

       int j;

       int *k = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int));



    Where are each of these variables stored?

    Answer : I started off correctly, but he was able to confuse me. He brought in shared libraries, static libraries fundas into the discussion. We had a discussion for about twenty-minutes on this. Finally, he was happy with one of my answers because I had deduced which policy made sense and answered correctly. He said that out of all the people interviewed so far (I was second last), nobody had been able to answer all of these questions correctly

  3. Question on polymorphisms.

    this is easy - get it from any C++ book. He tried to confuse me again, but this time I was ready and he was finally satisfied.

    Then he looked at my grades and said that out of all your grades, you have only two Bs and one of them is in Compilers. Why? (Damn it.. three non-A grades and that,s all they ask about. What,s wrong with this world?!)

    Didn,t you like Compilers? "Not in particular", I replied. "Fine. Now, I HAVE to ask you questions on compilers", he said.
  4. He again went back to the first question he had asked me. Once again, I had no satisfactory answer for him.
  5. Then he wrote out some code and asked me how the compiler will generate code for it. I gave some answer, but he was clearly not satisfied. I thought it was all over by then.

    Then, he asked me a DIP question. He commented that he had given that particular question to his juniors in IITB once and they had done a very good job at it. The problem is this:

    A teacher is writing on a blackboard and we want to pass all the information on the blackboard over a low-bandwidth network in real-time. How do we do it.

    Answer : I first suggested that we capture only a small portion of the board. To locate that portion, we could search for the chalk in the prof,s hand - of course, taking care that it had the blackboard in the background (no point capturing a video of the prof scratching his chin, na?). Further, if the prof was writing only text, we could convert the video into text by OCR and then transmitting. Simple diagrams could also be reduced to a set of vector-graphics instructions (we rarely, see the prof shading stuff). I think he liked my approach, but was not completely satisfied. Anyway, we left it at that and went forward.
  6. Given a set of words one after another, give me a data structure so that you,ll know whether a word has appeared already or not.

    Answer : I suggested various alternatives. but he kept helping me and finally, we came up with an array of pointers to 26-trees (each node of the tree has 26 children). Store every word as a path from the root to a leaf with pointers in the correct places. For example, hello would be stored as - pointer from ,h, index of the root array to a node which had a pointer from ,e, index of it,s array to a node which had a pointer from ,l, index of the array.. and so on. This is both time and space efficient.
  7. He asked me some questions on Interprocess Communication: What,s a semaphore? How are they used? He would often pick out words from my answers and ask me what they meant. He wanted to make sure that I really knew what I was talking about. I was able to answer all his questions, but I made the mistake of telling him, when we started off that I didn,t know much about this subject as I had done it a long time ago. He was very annoyed at that, apparently because a lot of people before me had said this.
  8. He then asked me some DB fundas. Transaction. Serializability, Consistent state, etc. I was able to answer all of them. I stumbled around a bit in a few questions where I was explaining correctly, but not using the keywords that he was looking for.
  9. Finally, he asked me whether I had any questions. I thought that I should say something to make him realize that I was not completely stupid and so asked him whether there was any logic to the order in which the short-listed candidates were called. This turned out to be a dumb move. The order was alphabetic and he sent me off with a parting shot, saying "You guys do pattern recognition and stuff and still you can,t recognize such a simple pattern" Me and my big mouth! Moral of the story: Don,t ask questions for the sake of asking.


Interview3 : Puzzle round

After the first two interviews, this one was like having a warm batch after being cold and wet for days! I did well in this one.

  1. There is a clock at the bottom of the hill and a clock at the top of the hill. The clock at the bottom of the hill works fine but the clock at the top doesn,t. How will you synchronize the two clocks. Obviously, you can,t carry either of the clocks up or down the hill! And you have a horse to help you transport yourself. And, the time required for going up the hill is not equal to the time required to go down the hill.

    Answer : You have to go up the hill and come back, with horse, without horse, getting four equations to solve four unknowns - time to go uphill - with horse, without horse, time to go downhill - with horse, without horse. Then you can go up the hill and set the clock to ,(time when you left) + (time to go uphill with horse),

  2. There was one more puzzle.. I don,t remember it. but I do remember that we started discussing ways of generating large prime numbers. I told him the funda of Mersenee primes (luckily remembered it) and he was decently impressed.

  3. We also talked a bit about my phone browser project.

Finally, two people were selected out the ten that were shortlisted.


Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Technical - C & C++

Adope placement paper

The test predominantly consists of algorithm questions and a lot of questions on trees.

Some questions are:

C test:

Q1) linked list using recursion.

Q2) Find if a number is divisible my 3, without using %,/ or *. You can use atoi().

Q3) 2 integers A and B are given, find the no of bits that need to be flipped in A to get B. ( xor a and b and count the number of bits)

Q4) Write a Rotate function for rotating elements in an array, using a reverse function.

Q5) Given 2 sorted arrays A and B with duplicate elements, get C= A -B and does not have duplicates(use a variation of merging 2 arrays and then remove the duplicates.)

Q6) Some routines to swap int pointers.

Q7) Subtraction of 2 base 13 numbers.

Q8) Min and max nodes of a quad tree.

Q9) Prove that in a tree no of internal nodes is one less than leaves.

Q10) A couple of boolean logic proofs

Q11) Code to see if a binary tree is a BST or not.

Q12) Switch case program out put

Engineering test:

Most of it had algorithms( no code)

Q1) Given an array with some repeating numbers. Like 12,6,5,12,6

output: 12,12,6,6,5
12 shud come before 6 since it is earlier in list. So cant use a dictionary.

Q2) Implement a dictionary manually with a lil overhead.

Q3)finding nth element from end in a list

Q4)inserting an element into a sorted linked list.

In the anal part many questions were based on the rule that square root of 25 is +5/-5. Not just 5. Similarly for 1.

Geometry the questions were a lil bit tricky, but they are few that u can ignore them.


Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Technical - Other

I went through the Adobe process some months back for a dev position (I have 3+ yrs of exp.). They have a written test day followed by (if you cleared the tests!) a interview day.
Tests are fairly easy… hey I sailed through them! Typical quantitative, problem solving (puzzles), coding. Some areas to brush up on for the tests:
- C pointers (goes without saying!)
- Searching (bsearch)
- Binary trees and in-order, pre-order etc.
- Recursion (a C test of some standing without recursion? Nah..!)
- Automata / state machines
- General C concepts - diff between macro and inline fn. diff between static, local, dynamic vars etc.

Tests last for 2-3 hours but are not very intensive (if you’ve taken the JEE you’ll know what intensive is…).

Interview day is.. intensive! My suggestion is.. no matter how much you’ve worked on C/C++ and low-level algo stuff - DON’T go into the interview day without 4-5 days of solid revision of core concepts.

I had to go through 4 tech and 1 hr interview. You’ll either be asked *very* deep technology or no technology (only puzzles that is)… no general probing tech questions here.
Tech areas that were covered:
- C++ - inheritance, polymorphism - VPTR/VTBL questions, operator overloading, templates
- Linked lists and trees! Lots about this
- Find general algos for list questions etc
- Deeper areas like compression algos, algo complexity

Tech questions to puzzles split was 40:60. That is mostly puzzles… but this is upto you - you might be asked which you want. If you’re confident about knowing tech inside out go for tech questions — easier to prove yourself. Puzzles have a luck component.

Great place to work btw… very cool plush office. Lots of smart people.

So how did I fare? Do I work for Adobe now? That’s the mystery…

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Whole Testpaper

adobe sample test paper 3 rd september at mumbai

   Written Test


1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.

2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);

3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list. After inserting,
   the list must be sorted.

4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.
   itoa() function is available.

5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.

6) Write a funcn int round (float x) to round off a floating point num to int.

7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions
     LDA num   ; load Accumulator with num
     DCR R     ; decrement Register R
     INR R     ; increment Register R
     MOV x,y   ; move the contents of register y into register x
     JZ label  ; jump to label if A=0
     DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
 you can use B & C registers in addition to A register

8) Prove that a tree is BST. What is height of a tree?

9) Given A, B & C Boolean polynomials. Prove That (A+BC) = (A+B) (A+C)

1. 15 min Logical Ability test: Simple syllogism based questions, sequence related questions, etc   


2. 30 min Quantitative Aptitude test: Simple Arithmetic, angles, geometry, profit/loss, number system   


There will be 15 questions for match the column


Mark A if column A is GREATER than column B

Mark B if column A is LESS than column B

Mark C if column A is = column B



There are very simple typical baron based


There would be 3 questions on triangles all three were from RS Aggarwal.


17. there was one set of questions on the DI question on 20 -25 were on this graph

It was about the total mass of human body is 70,000 gms

Muscles 30000

Bones 10000   

Blood   5000



There were two pie charts

Which tell the percentage of water in the food.

And the second one tells the which parts ,,something like that



1. what percentage of total mass does liver has

Ans 2.4%


What is the ratio of bones to total mass


All the questions are simple ..



3. 45 min Testing concept test: 20 objective multiple choice qustions like binary form of numbers,  virtual memory, lossy compression, while loop, if-then-else, error codes.        


1. Winzip is a

a. lossy compression

b. lossless Compression


d image


2. output of 11000100 minus 2


3. Memory leakage is because of

 a.variable not decraled

 b. variable not free.. like this 4 options were given


4. Virtual memory concept is related to

a. memory leagkage


5.Regretion testing is defined as

a. testing the whole application

b.testing the different modules in the application


6. If the time is very limited for the testing then what would u test in the application.

a. run all the tests

b.look for the most used featues in the application

c.go to the test plan and run the test based on the priority


I would suggest to go thru all the definition like what is regretion testing .what is unit smoke.etc.  


1 Test Case Writing questions: 10 test cases for entering 3 values representing sides of a triangle and the program giving output as scalene, isosceles or eqilauteral (10 Marks)


1 Output of a calculator and finding the error in the output, write the defect log for the bug (5 Marks) 


1 Ques on weather Dev should do the testing or not. Give 3 reason on favour and 2 against it. (5 Marks)


1 Question diff between priority of a bug and severity of a bug. Give example of one case where priority is high but severity is low and one   case where severity is high bur priority is low. 


1 Question on a program that calculates P=R/I where R, I are integer   inputs and P a floating point output. Write 10 test cases for this - 5   Marks.    


1. Software test: One hour Software test. U will be placed on a system with an application opened that is containing bugs in it. A reference doc will be provided where u will find the description of six modules of the application. U have to find maximum number of bugs in those six modules given in the reference doc in one hour. Each module contains at least one bug. U will have to keep writing the bug in a paper provided to u as u keep finding it with the time when u found it.   


2. 5 rounds of Interviews each of approximately 1 hour. 


1st will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on everything from simple codes to find errors in them, writing simple algos, giving very simple puzzles, test cases for a marker, ur projects, about urself, etc. The guy will keep giving hints and help u to solve the problem. 


2nd will be by a Manager level guy, based on ur technical skills, puzzles to be solved on the whiteboard in front of him, algo to reverse a string using array, questions on ur projects, test cases of a duster, the projects u have mentioned in ur CV. More of a question-answer based approach, not very interactive. 


3rd will be by a senior HR on why Adobe, what keeps u going, where r u placed in ur organization, all HR questions and about ur projects and Organizational levels. 


4th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing only on puzzles, lots of puzzles and scenario based test cases, like how to test an imaging application that removes the red eye affect from an image, test cases of an VOIP phone. The guy will keep giving hints and help u to solve the problem.


5th will be by a Senior Team member level guy, focusing on problem solving approach, scenario based error investigation, like an attachment is not opening in outlook on a particular system, what all can be the   reasons. The guy will sort of discuss with u the problem and will try to find out the solution at the same time assessing ur problem solving skill. Then he will play a logical game, then some general questions, test cases for a radio, something about Adobe etc

Adobe Placement Paper : Adobe Whole Testpaper

        I am Guru Pradeep M attended Adobe test on 16-07-2006. The test was on Analytical(easy), Quantitative(Easy), C(Easy but most on Data Structures).I Attended The test in Development Domain.Merit-Trac Conducted the test. Actually it was for both Testing & Devp Posn. Testing I dont Know.These are the quesns that was asked on C.Hope this Will help u a Lot. Waiting for results.Thank U.Bye Bye
Guru Pradeep M
  ADOBE Written Test
1) Wap to reverse a linked list and sort the same.

2) Given two integers A & B. Determine how many bits required to convert
   A to B. Write a function int BitSwapReqd(int A, int B);

3) Write an algorithm to insert a node into sorted linked list.After inserting,
   the list must be sorted.

4) Without using /,% and * operators. write a function to divide a number by 3.
   itoa() function is available.

5) Wap to swap two integer pointers.

6)Write a funcn int round(float x) to round off a floating point num to int.

7) write an ALP to find sum of First n natural numbers using the following Instructions
     LDA num   ; load Accumulator with num
     DCR R     ; decrement Register R
     INR R     ; increment Register R
     MOV x,y   ; move the contents of register y into register x
     JZ label  ; jump to label if A=0
     DJNZ label; Decrement & Jump if A <> 0
 you can use B & C registers in addition to A register

8) prove that a tree is BST.what is height of a tree?

9) Given A,B & C Boolean polynomials.Prove That (A+BC)=(A+B)(A+C)

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