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Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Test Paper


Hi guys!

     Recently I sat for Aztec.Pretty cool company!The good thing about the company since they deal with all kind of technologies since the name A to Z Technology you get a great exposure.
   The 4 rounds are 
              The apti had 4 parts: english,maths,analytical,pie charts  and a program.
                    English :OK
                    Maths : Easy
                    analytical: pretty tough
                    Pie charts: OK
                    Program :In my case was to print     1
                 GD was dress code for girls in colleges
                  The invigilator was quite cool...He coordinated the whole stuff.
                 Tech was nice.They asked me many HR questions before going to the tech stuff.
                 Tech was mainly arond Java since i mentioned them i am interested in Java.Other than that they asked me many
                 Software engineering questions .        

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Whole Testpaper


Aztech Soft is a very good company with lots of facilities.It,s a CMMI level V company....this company gives a very good training. Aztech has GD.In our group of 10 persons 2 were selected including me.They give us the choice to choose gd topics.And the written test were also easy...they consists of general aptitude,verbal,analytical and a C program. In our case there were a C program for palindrome.The technical round is also good. In HR round they ask personal details as well as some puzzles.

1. They will ask you that which language you know better.
2. Some basics of C.
 A program to form the above fig. by C code.
4. Some question on Java. what is class,access specifires.
5. A simple program on Java to check how to define class in Java.
6. If you have done any project then they will ask questions on that.
7. They prefer if you know .NET
8. I hv done projects on .NET, so they ask few questions on that topic.
9. who discover JAVA and .NET  ?
10. A simple query on sql.
11. Some question on DBMS.
12. I have done project on .NET and sql they ask me some question on sql server.
13. What is stack,queue,linked list, diffrence between array and linked list in Data Structure.
14.What are the different life cycle models in software engg. ?

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Test Paper

hi all,,I attended this exam with 0 preparation.Apti was damm easy (mainly freom Agarwal...Puzzels,quantitatives,decition makeing,data interpretation,data sufficiency problem etc..)and 1 program was there carrying 17,s also too easy.only looping concept r needed. 
There was 1 apti(60min).1 gd(around 20 mins 8 peoples),1 technical(min 30mins max 50mins) and finally a Hr round(min 10mins max 20 mins).
GD also was good.the coordinator was really help full and showed real leadership quality by himself.My topic was : "should there b any dress code for women in
working places"...other topics "will u come back to India if u have been to Africa","BPO" etc,
the Technical and HR were very tough but very very easy for me..they r looking for smartness the basic knowladge of database,C,datastructure,and it may be
from geography,physecs.. don,t panic. it depends panel to panel..
their Hr round was preety interactive.u only hav to express urself with out fear and say boldly that u know...but 1 thing must b taken care off that u must b
confident ,otherwise they can eliminate u in the Technical or even in the HR,,it was a long session.they took 2 consecutive dayz.body and mind may b flushed

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Whole Testpaper


hi ,

aztec came in our campus on 8th aug,2006.

criteria : 65% overall(10th,12th,B.Tech)

students eligible: IT,CSE,ECE

Approximately I think 250 people took written test out of which 69 got cleared, then had a GD, in that they took 44 out of which finally 30 members were selected. 

They started with their ppt..

after that we had a written test which had few verbal,quant,analytical n DI questions.we were given a prog to write the code in was manageable  re ..we can get through..then we had a GD for the short listed candidates..diff kinds topics..current affairs..history..abstract etc etc..then finally interview for shortlisted candidates was a HR+tech round..they again tested in programin..any lang will C,C++,Java etc..they r lookin for the logic..n thats it..actually it was a grt experiance

there were 34 questions to be done in 60 minutes.....
1 correct answer carries 1 mark, 1/4 negative marking for wrong answer

first 8 questions were of english  :

-> pick out the correct sentence..
-> fill in the blanks , vocab based
1 question was of analytical reasoning..(bit difficult)

->it consisted of 5 subquestions.
-> refer BARON for practice

5 questions of logical reasoning...
-> refer R.S. AGGARWAL 

5 questions of DI

10 questions were of aptitute  
-> refer R.S.AGGARWAL

now q34 was a programming question (17 marks )


we had to make a pattern in less than 10 lines...


after that we had GD, some topics of gd
-> pigs having wings
-> foreign coaches for indian sports
-> alphabet letter ,L,


they asked about c,c++,dbms,dcn,vhdl,data structures...

some questions :

q1. write program of bubble sorting?
q2. wap of fibonacci series?
q3. wap of palindrome?
q4. insertion & deletion in linked list?
q5. difference b/w OSI layers & TCP/IP layers ?
q6. difference b/w SMTP & SNMP ?
Q7. difference b/w UDP & FTP ?
q8. which layer is called host to host layer ?
q9. what is the full form of V.H.D.L ?
q10. what is the use of V.H.D.L ?
q11. wap of finding first 10 prime numbers?
q12. what is the id of ,C,? ( ans: the compiler which u use to run C programs
like turbo)
q13. some puzzles...
q14. primary key & foreign key


q1. within 60 seconds describe urself?
q2. about family background ?
q3. strengths ???

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Aptitude - General

Java Question for 1+ years

  1. Explain about your current project.?

  2. While using Apache Tomcat4.1 where can place all the jsp files.

  3. What is a jsp?.

  4. what is a servlet?

  5. Which type of connection using in JDBC?.(Whether it is Pooledconnection like..)

  6. what r the implicit objects in jsp?.

  7. what r the directives in jsp.?

  8. what r the actions in jsp.?

  9. what is diff b/w forward and redirect()?.

  10. what r the steps involved in JDBC connection.?

  11. How u can configure Tomcat server?

  12. what is method overloading?

  13. what is method overriding?

  14. what r the oops conepts in java?

  15. what is polymorphism?

  16. what is an abstract class?

  17. what is the diff b/w an abstract class and an interface?

  18. how can call jsp from servlets?

  19. how can call servlets from jsp?

  20. how can handle errors in jsp?

  21. what r the sessions?

  22. what is the diff b/w String and StringBuffer class?

  23. what is the adv of jsp over servlets?

  24.  what is the diff b/w Apache Tomcat4.1 and other versions?


Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Aptitude - General

Sample Test Paper

  1. One of the following is my secret word: AIM  DUE  MOD  OAT  TIE. With the list in front of you, if Iwere to tell you any one of my secret word, then you would be able to tell me the number of vowels in my secret word. Which is my secret word?                                                   
     Ans. TIE

  2.  In the following figure: A  B  C
                                                 E   F  G
     Each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is:
    a) Represented by a different letter in the figure above.
    b) Positioned in the figure above so that each of A + B + C, C + D +E, E + F + G, and G + H + I is equal to 13. Which digit does E represent?  Ans. E is 4

  3. One of Mr. Horton, his wife, their son, and Mr. Horton,s mother is a doctor and another is a lawyer.
    a) If the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the doctor and the lawyer are not blood relatives.
    b) If the doctor is a woman, then the doctor and the lawyer are blood relatives.
    c) If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man.Whose occupation you know?
     Ans. Mr. Horton: he is the doctor.

  4. Here is a picture of two cubes:

      a)  The two cubes are exactly alike.                                                         
      b)  The hidden faces indicated by the dots have the same alphabet on them.Which alphabet-q, r, w, or k is on the faces indicated by the dots?  Ans. q

  5. In the following figure:
                    A              D
                    B      G     E
                    C             F
     Each of the seven digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is:
      a) Represented by a different letter in the figure above.
       b) Positioned in the figure above so that A*B*C, B*G*E, and D*E*F are equal.Which digit does G represent?   Ans. G represents the digit 2.

  6. Mr. and Mrs. Aye and Mr. and Mrs. Bee competed in a chess tournament. Of the three games played:
      a) In only the first game were the two players married to each other.
      b) The men won two games and the women won one game.            
      c) The Ayes won more games than the Bees.
      d) Anyone who lost game did not play the subsequent game. Who did not lose a game?
       Ans. Mrs. Bee did not lose a game.

  7. Three piles of chips--pile I consists one chip, pile II consists of chips, and pile III consists of three chips- are to be used in game played by Anita and Brinda. The game requires:
    a) That each player in turn take only one chip or all chips from just one pile.
    b) That the player who has to take the last chip loses.
    c) That Anita now have her turn.
     From which pile should Anita draw in order to win?
     Ans. Pile II

  8. Of Abdul, Binoy, and Chandini:
     a) Each member belongs to the Tee family whose members always tell the truth or to the El family  whose members always lie.
    b) Abdul says ,,Either I belong or Binoy belongs to a different family from the other two."Whose family name do you know? Ans. Binoy,s family--El.


  C programs are asked in this section

  1. Write a program to insert a node in a sorted linked list.

  2. Write a program to implement the Fibinocci series.

  3. Write a program to concatenate two circular linked lists into a single circular list.

  4. A function even_odd_difference()passes the array of elements. Write a program to calculate the differenceof the two sums of which one sum adds the elements of odd ones and another adds the elements of even ones.

  5. Write a program to reverse a linked list.

section c

Questions on C++ are asked here

  1.  Base class has some virtual method and derived class has a method with the same name. If we initialize the 
     base class pointer with derived object; calling of that virtual method will result in which method being called?
        a. Base method                                            b. Derived method.
        c. Error                                                        d. None of these 

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Aptitude - General

APTITUDE PAPER.                                  Total time is 50 minutes.  

  1.   Mrs. Prasad sells Rs. 164.50 worth of greeting cards, for which she receives 40% commission. How much  should she remit to the company for which she sells these cards?

  2. A merchant is paid Rs. 30 for an article. He wishes to place a price tag on it so that he can offer a 10 %discount on the price marked on the tag and still make a profit of 20% on the cost.  What price should he mark on the tag?   

  3. On a rectangular lot 50 feet by 120 feet a man who walks 5 feet per second may cross diagonally from one corner to the opposite corner or walk along the perimeter of the lot. How much time in seconds does he save by walking diagonally?

  4.   A 64 pound mixture of sand and gravel is 25% sand. How many pounds of sand must be added to produce a  mixture that is 40% gravel?

  5.   A piece of paper with an area of 60 square inches is divided into 2 pieces so that the area of one is two-third the area of the other. The area in square inches of one of the pieces is:

  6. In a group of 15, 7 can speak Spanish, 8 can speak French and 3 can speak neither. How much of the group  can speak both French and Spanish?

  7.   A graduating class of 356 votes to choose a president. With 5 candidates seeking office, what is the least number of votes a successful candidate could receive and yet have more votes than any other candidate?

  8. A sports jacket marked Rs. 48 is offered at a discount of 25% during a store wide sale. At this reduced price, the dealer makes a profit of 20% on cost. The cost to the dealer is:

  9. On a diagram of a camp site drawn to a scale of 1:120, the size of the building is 36/5 inches. The actual length in feet of this building is:      

  10. How many cc of water must be added to 100 cc of 80% solution of boric acid to reduce it to 50% solution?

  11. A shirt marked Rs. 12.50 was sold at Rs. 10. The rate of discount on the marked price was:

  12. A pipe can fill a swimming pool in h hours. What part of the pool is filled in x hours?

  13. If a roast that requires 1 hour and 40 minutes of roasting time has been in the oven for 55 minutes, how many more minutes of roasting time are required?

  14. In performing an experiment a boy planted 105 seeds of which 84 sprouted. What percentage of seeds failed to sprout?

Aztec Placement Paper : Aztec Whole Testpaper


Aztec Software is a software and technology services company. The eligibility criteria was to have more than 65% aggregate (overall, all semesters).

The company started the campus by a presentation, they basically told us about the company and also about the job offered to us if we got selected .The company presentation was about an hour long, wherein we were told that we would have to clear the following 5 rounds in order to be recruited:







The test basically is on the following topics:

       Logical reasoning

      Analytical reasoning

      General aptitude


      C Programming

The result was announced after an hour and the short listed students (25) were called for a group discussion round.


Here, they divided the students who were selected in the written test into groups of 8 to 10 each. The individual groups were called for the GD separately, wherein initially they asked us to introduce ourselves and then the topic was given for the discussion, before starting the discussion we were given about 2 mins. to think on the subject and then the discussion started which lasted about 10 mins.

Some of the topics, which are given in the group discussion, are:

  Vulgarity in cinema today.

  Is it necessary to do masters or bachelors degree in computer science in order to become a software professional.

After the group discussion 19 students were called for the next round.


Here each student was called individually and questioned based on the resume.

For an Electronics and Communication (ECE) student they generally asked questions like,

  Why did you choose ECE?

  How do you think you can fair well in a software field?

  Which is your field of interest?

  Based on the field of interest ,the student was questioned on the same

1.Write a program to insert a node in a sorted linked list.

2.Write a program to implement the Fibonacci series.

3.Write a program to concatenate two circular linked lists into a single circular list.

4.A function even_odd_difference()passes the array of elements.Write a program to calculate the difference of the two sums of which one sum adds the elements of odd ones and another adds the elments of even ones.

5.Write a program to reverse a linked list.

Results were announced after the final round (i.e., HR round)


After the Technical Interview – I, again each student was called individually and questioned on C programming language and the questions were also asked based on the subjects done in previous semester depending on the branch chosen.

Some of the questions were:

  What is a compiler, interpreter?

  Write a program to accept a string and display it in an output file.

  Program to sort an array of data.

  Why does the compile time and runtime error occur?

Results were announced only after the final round (i.e., HR round)


In this round the student was basically asked to introduce himself/herself along with the family background.

Some of the questions were:

  What according to you are the qualities of a leader?

  What would be your reaction to a certain situation?

  What is e-learning?

  Do you think internet is the basic necessity of life.

  Can you work under pressure (better give example of a situation were u had to work under pressure).

Only this much i could get..

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