Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Hello friends..... I am currently pursuing engg degree in Toc H Institute of Scince and Technology,
Total 3 sections. Duration of the test is 50 minutes in which you have to answer 60 questions.
General Aptitude (Agarwal model questions)
Simple english grammar like propositions, synonyms, articles.......
Students were divided into some groups each containing 10 members. Two topics were given
1. God whether it exists or not
2. Is group discussion essential for placement drives.
After announcing the topic you will be given 2 minutes. You can prepare your points in tht time.6 out of 10 were selected after the GD.
Study the basic concepts in OOP, C and DBMS.
He told me to write a program to reverse a string without using built in functions. The questions were
1. Features of OOP
2. Primary key
3. Difference between primary key and unique key.
4. What is polymorphism
5. Types of polymorphism
6. Macro
Genaral HR Questions like
Tell me abt you?
Family ?Why Caritor? Wat is your aim in life etc
Finally 36 people were selected..... By gods grace i was one among them... Try hard, work well, work on your aptitude and you can definitely come out with flying colors
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Hi friends,
I am Rajitha doing final year,CSE in MVGR college of Engg.I got selected in Keane in the off campus at GMRIT.The whole selection process is done in single day It contains 4 rounds
1.Written test+essay writing
2,Group discussion
3.Technical round
4.Hr round
It contains 3 sections
Some of the questions are
1.statement1:any one of these statements is untrue
statement2:any two of these statements are untrue
statement10: ten of these statements are untrue
Which of the following is true
a)statement10 b)statement9 c)can�t determine d)none of these
Usually logical section will have least cut off.(around 12)
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) none of these
(ans 5)
Each group contains 12-13 members.our topic is
�Is dress code necessary at university level�.
Other topics are:
Is software industry dominating hardware industry
Global warming
Importance of social activities
Effect of cinema on youth
They will ask to introduce ourselves and will give 2mins time to think about the topic and then asks to speak. They will check whether we are able to speak relevantly.They will evaluate essay writing here.In my group 8 members were selected.
The key question in caritor is whether u will do further studies.please say NO.
They will trap u by asking what is ur GRE score.they will ask questions on c,dbms and os.
From c
Write a program on prime number,factorial,palindrome
From dbms simple queries like list the employees whose salary>some amount,
Employee name starting with �t� etc
It is very simple.general qs
Tell me about ur college
Why keane
Did u attend any companies before.if rejected why.
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Hi Friends,
Myself Jawed Iqbal doing MCA final year from
In Caritor (Keane now) there are four levels
1) Written test (in that you also have an small essay writing)
2) GD
3) Technical interview
4) HR interview
Written test consists of 3 sections
Mathematical (15 questions each 4 marks)
Logical (10 questions each 3 marks)
Verbal (10 questions each 1 mark)
Sectional cut off was there( So attempt from all sections) but no �ve marking.
Apart from that 1 hr they will give time for essay writing (To us they told to write essay on first , 10 min was there for that, In that time they distributed the question papers)
For this section you better go through RS Agarwal (QA) especially chapters like time & work, time and distance, ratio proportion, ages, allegation & mixture, average, SI,CI, Train problems�
Question mainly came from following sections�
1) 3 cat can kill 3 rats in 3 minutes then how much time 50 cats will take to kill 100 rats?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) none of these
Hint: no of leg of cockroach is 6, mice 4 and crow 2.
(Sorry I can�t remind options)
a) 1/5th b) �th c) 1/3rd d) none
(Sorry I can�t remember options.)
7) Average tempt between Monday �Wednesday is 37 and average tempt between Tuesday-Thursday is 34. Monday�s tempt 4/5th of Thursday�s tempt. What is the tempt on Thursday.
(Sorry I can�t remember options.)
9) One problem was related to age (it was easy only)
This section was very easy, with average knowledge of English u can clear this section. Generally general use of articles, prepotions. Some general uses of English
This section was really very tough. Questions were very lengthy; pattern was similar to TCS reasoning. U have to concentrate hard on this section.
Few questions were,
12 people blood-relation was given, they asked no of male in that�
One question of sitting arrangement on round table of three different couples, they asked some body�s husband.
One question related to van diagram,
Some question related to DI.
This is a rejection round. How u communicate is very important. U have to open
1) Impact of Indian cinema on youth
2) Should sports person come for advertisement
3) Nuclear family or joint family �
3)Tech. Interview
Go through your resume, they are going to ask question from that what u mentioned in
5. He gave one simple input and told to draw UML diagram.
Note: they used to check the essay also so write it clearly, avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes�..
Total appeared->640
Written cleared->228
GD cleared ->133
Tech. cleared->88
HR cleared� 74(Final selection)
I was one of them. This was my third company. So don�t loose hope, have faith in urself and GOD.
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Totally 205 wrote the exam
60 people cleared the aptitude
53 cleared the G.D
30 cleared in technical
27 cleared the h.r
2.Group discussion
No negative markings
Der is sectional cut-off
Choice wer given for all
Do not watse much time in maths jus go at random to find easy questions
Along with the the answer sheet we were asked write passage jus 10 lines we were given time separately���
In aptitude der were three sections
a.mathametical (from r.s agarwal)
3.logical reasoning
maths der wer 15 questions each carry 4 mark
questions wer like train problem,age problem, profit and loss,ratio and propotion,mixture problems,then
a question lik der wer cow,cockroach,rat total no. of legs wer 150,no.of heads=50
find the total no. of rat and cow.
Verbal was really easy 15 questions
No synonyms and antonyms
Jus fill in the blanks wit appropiate word from the choice
LOGICAL �20 questions
Problem wer like the one in rs.agarwal verbal and non-verbal reasoning
Bloodrelation,giving set of statement 2 find the person sitting at a place,
Given a set of statement lik this person works on this day(a works on mon and tue�..)
Wen does b work?
For logical work out verbal and non verbal reasoning book
2. Goup discussion
60 wer divided into 5 groups
12 members in 1 group
topic given to us was
1.Is reservation in educational institution nessary?
Some other topics given In other batch was
2.Cricket is it nessay ?
3.Mobile phone in colleges shld be allowed or not
3.Technical interview
questions asked 2 me wer
Tell me abt u r self
I mentioned abt a project done in dbms he asked me questions from that
Then asked abt primary key,foreign key,unique
Normalization and its types
Types of linked list
Asked me 2 draw double linked list and how 2 reverse it
Structure and union,their differences
Data abstraction,inheritence
Tell me abt u r self
Absked me abt father and mother
Why caritor?
R u confident that u will get placed
Any questions?
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor Whole Testpaper
Hi friends, This is Anirban,3rd yr student of Biotechnology from HALDIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,HALDIA, West Bengal.we recently had a pool campus on 28th june in ITME for CARITOR/KEANE(CARITOR has acquired KEANE).the test consisted of 4 parts-
1)APTITUDE-3 sections(cut off 40% for each section)total time 1hr
a>general mathematics- 15 questions - questions where from time and distance,time and work,probability,permutations and combinations,average..probability sums were a bit tough but the rest were easy.
b>general english-very easy..10 questions
c>logic-guys plz practise from RS AGARWAL-VERBAL AND NON VERBAL.i cant remember all the questions...but there were questions from family relations,in a round table from 6-7 statements u have to find out who sat beside whom, who among 4-5 persons was liar from the statements given..the rest i did with my eyes closed..cant remember-10 questions.
BEWARE---Guys take extra caution while cheating..CARITOR had their own people..u would be in a sorry state if u get caught.
we also had to write an essay on Ethics and Values(10 mins).then there was a short ppt..results were announced after 1 hr..
2)selected candidates have to go through topic was is GD necessary in campus interview!!!.just say something sensible in GD.dont shout!!!.some other GD topics which i can remember are PRESIDENTS PROFILE,CHINA a Threat To INDIA,CRICKET nd MEDIA,IT in INDIA..etc
3)selected candidates were then sent to i am non-IT,thre interviewer didnt ask me much from C nd other stuffs(take a look at the easy programmes-like even number,swapping of two numbers, greatest among a list of numbers,prime no,fibonacci series,string reversal). he asked me more about my departmental subjects.. i answered them correctly and then i was sent to HR.
Caritor Placement Paper : Caritor General - other
hi friend, I am Viswanath selected for CARITOR on campus held on 22/05/2007 at Madanapalle Institute Of Technology And Science, Madanapalle.
The recruitment process consists of 4 rounds....35Q,s & 100M
1.Written test consisting of maths(15*4M), simple english(10*1M) and logical reasoning(10*3M)
3.Tech. round
4.H.R. Interview
The written test is of 1 hour duration and started at 8:30 am 268 members attnded and 126 members were qualified to next round. The test is very simple and the all the questions can be attempted. The questions on english are so simple and every one who knows common english can get through. Sectional cutoff is there and i advice u to first attempt english section.
They test the communication skills, gestures e.t.c in this round. A simple topic is given and chance is given to every one. In our group out of 12 members 8 members are selected for next round and i was one of them.Totally 76 members were selected from this round out of 126.
This is the major test of recruitment process and the q,s are based on C and indiudival branch subjects. One who is technically sound can able to get through with ease. 53 members were selected in this round and are sent for H.R. Interview.
In this round they will analyse the attitude, flexibility.....of the person. But the candidate is not stressed and is made to feel free.
Totally out of 53 members attended the H.R.Interview 40 members were selected and I was one of them. The results declared at about 8:00 pm. I am one of the happiest souls in the earth at the moment