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CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Placement Paper Latest 16 May 2012

C-DAC Latest Placement papers Technical Questions

Technical Interview Questions CDAC Placements

Design and Gate using Mux?

Explain about Linking (Dynamic & Static)?

Write a function to insert a node in the linked list for the given position ?

What are the methods to find out the stability of a system?

How to find the stability of the system using Poles?

Where should we use processes & where to use thread?

What are the disadvantages of using array?

Explain the advantages of threads over processes?

CDAC Microprocessor Questions

what is virtual in C

Expain your project

What is volatile

What is near and for pointer

Difference between array and linked list

what happened when a function is called

Different type of segment in 8086

What is ISR

What is IVT ? and rectored interrupt

Explain rectered interrupt how it work?

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Placement Paper Tech Prep 22 May 2012

C-DAC Latest Placement Papers

1.The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm.....
None of these options

2. _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.Index

ans Subscript Array File

3. _________ symbol is used for Processing of data. Oval Parallelogram

ans Rectangle Diamond

4. __________ is the analysis tool used for planning program logic Protocol None of these options PROLOG


5. Machine language has two part format the first part is__________ and the second part is __________ OPCODE,OPERAND


6. Language Primarily used for internet-based applications ADA C++ JAVA


7. _________ is a point at which the debugger stops during program execution and awaits a further command. Memory Dump Watch point

ans Break point None of these options

8. ________do not contain any program logic and are ignored by the language



Virus Comment

None of these

9. The component of data base management system is ________

Data definition Language

Data manipulation Language

Data definition Language

Data manipulation Language

None of these

10. The quality of Algorithm is judged on the basis of_________

Time requirement

Memory Requirement

Accuracy of solution

All of these-ans

11. Advantages of using flow charts is

Effective Analysis

Efficient Coding

Time consuming

Effective Analysis

Efficient Coding

–ans Programming in C

12. The Real constants in C can be expressed in which of the following forms Fractional form only Exponential form only ASCII form only

ans Both Fractional and Exponential forms

13. The program, which translates high-level program into its equivalent machine language program, is called Transformer Language processor Converter

None of these options

14. Consider the following statements.

i.Multiplication associates left to right

ii.Division associates left to right

iii.Unary Minus associates right to left

iv.subtraction associates left to right

All are true

ans only i and ii are true all are false only iii and iv are true

15. What will be the value of variable a in the following code? unsigned char a; a = 0xFF + 1; printf("%d", a); 0xFF 0×100 0

ans 0×0

16. What is the output of the following program? #include
void main()
printf(“n10!=9 : %5d”,10!=9);
ans 0 Error None of these options

17. #include
void main()
int x=10;
void main()
int a=14;
a += 7;
a -= 5;
a *= 7;
ans 98 89 None of these options

20. What is the output of the following code? #include
#define T t
void main()
char T = `T`;
T t
t t

21. The statement that prints out the character set from A-Z, is
for( a = `z`; a < `a`; a = a – 1) printf("%c", &a); for( a = `a`; a <= `z`; a = a + 1 printf("%c", &a); for( a = `A`; a <= `Z`; a = a + 1)

Ans printf("%c", a); for( a = `Z`; a <= `A`; a = a + 1) printf("%c", a);

22. The statement which prints out the values 1 to 10 on separate lines, is for( count = 1; count <= 10; count = count + 1) printf("%dn",count); for( count = 1; count 10; count = count + 1) printf(“%dn”,count);

23. What does the term `call-by-reference` refer to?
Passing a copy of a variable into a function. Passing a pointer to a variable into a function.

ans Choosing a random value for a variable. A function that does not return any values.

24. What is the output of the following code? #include
void swap(int&, int&);
void main()
int a = 10,b=20;
swap (a++,b++);
printf(“n%dt%dt”,a, b);
void swap(int& x, int& y)
14, 24
11, 21 ans 10, 20 Error

25. What is the output of the following program code #include
void abc(int a[])
char a[5];
Error<——ans None of these options

26. which of the following is true about recursive function

i. it is also called circular definition

ii. it occurs when a function calls another function more than once

iii. it occurs when a statement within the function calls the function itself iv. a recursive function cannot have a return statement within it"

i and iii<——ans i and ii ii and iv i, iii and iv

27.What will happen if you assign a value to an element of an array whose subscript exceeds the size of the array?

The element will be set to 0 Nothing, its done all the time Other data may be overwritten Error message from the compiler

28. What is the output of the following code? #include
void main()
int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }}; printf(“n%d”,**(*arr+1)+2+7);
16 <——ans 7 11 Error

29. If int s[5] is a one dimensional array of integers, which of the following refers to the third element in the array? *( s + 2 ) <——ans *( s + 3 ) s + 3 s + 2

30. #include"stdio.h" main() { int *p1,i=25; void *p2; p1=&i; p2=&i; p1=p2; p2=p1; printf("%d",i); } The output of the above code is : Program will not compile

ans 25 Garbage value Address of I

31. What is the output of the following code? void main() { int i = 100, j = 200; const int *p=&i; p = &j; printf("%d",*p); } 100 200

<——ans 300 None of the above

32. void main() { int i=3; int *j=&i; clrscr(); printf("%d%d",++*j,*(&i)); } What is the output of this program? 3 3 4 3 <

ans 4,address of i printed Error:Lvalue required

33. What is the output of the following code? #include
void main()
int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50};
int *ptr = arr;
printf(“n %dt%dt”,*ptr++,*ptr);
10 20
10 10

ans 20 20 20 10

34. Which of these are reasons for using pointers?

1.To manipulate parts of an array

2.To refer to keywords such as for and if

3.To return more than one value from a function

4.To refer to particular programs more conveniently 1 & 3 no+1);
35 What is the output of this program?
8 8
8 9 <——ans 9 8 8 , unpredictable

36. During initializing a union Only one member can be initialised. All the members will be initialised. Initialisation of a union is not possible.

ans None of these options

37. Self referential structure is one

a. Consisting the structure in the parent structure

b. Consisting the pointer of the structure in the parent structure Only a Only b Both a and b Neither a nor b

38. Individual structure member can be initialized in the structure itself

True False

Compiler dependent

None of these options

39. Which of the following is the feature of stack?

All operations are at one end It cannot reuse its memory

All elements are of different data types

Any element can be accessed from it directly<——ans

40. When stacks are created Are initially empty

ans Are initialized to zero Are considered full

41. What is time required to insert an element in a stack with linked implementation?

(1) (log2n)<——ans (n) (n log2n)

42. Which of the following is the feature of stack?

All operations are at one end It cannot reuse its memory

All elements are of different data types

Any element can be accessed from it directlyns

43. Time taken for addition of element in queue is (1) (n) (log n)

ans None of these options

44. When is linear queue said to be empty ? Front==rear Front=rear-

1 Front=rear+1 Front=rear<——ans 45. When queues are created Are initially empty<——ans Are initialized to zero Are considered full None of the above

46. What would be the output of the following program? #include
printf(“n%c”, “abcdefgh”[4]);
e <——ans error

47. Select the correct C code which will read a line of characters(terminated by a n) from input_file into a character array called buffer. NULL terminate the buffer upon reading a n. int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch != `n`)&& (ch != EOF) ){buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc(input_file );} buffer[loop] = NULL; int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch = "n")&& (ch = EOF)) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop–; ch = fgetc(]input_file ); } buffer[loop]= NULL; int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch “n”)&& (ch != EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc(input_file ); } buffer[loop] = -1;

48. What is the output of the following code ?
void main()
int a=0;
int b=0;
++a == 0 || ++b == 11;
0, 1
1, 1 <——ans 0, 0 1, 0 49. What is the output of the following program? #define str(x)#x #define Xstr(x)str(x) #define oper multiply void main() { char *opername=Xstr(oper); printf("%s",opername); } opername Xstr multiply <——ans Xstr

50. What is the output of the following code ? #include
void main()
char *a = “C-DACACTSn”; printf(“%sn”,a); }
C-DAC <——ans None of these 51. #include
void main()
while (1)
{if (printf(“%d”,printf(“%d”)))
The output is
Compile time error
Goes into an infinite loop

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Placement Paper C,C++,Prgaramming 20 November 2012

1 Which of the following holds the ROM, RAM, CPU?

Hard Disk
Mother Board
None of the above
.Answer : C

2 Magnetic Tape used _________ access method.

None of the above
.Answer : B

3 What is the difference between Memory and Storage?

Memory is Temporary and Storage is Permanent
Memory is Permanent and Storage is Temporary
Memory is Slow and Storage is Fast
None of the above
Answer : A

4 The Language that the computer can understand is called _______.

High Level Language
Machine Language
System Program
Assembaly Language
Answer : B

5 CPU stands for?
Common Processing Unit
Central Process Unit
Central Processing Unit
Central Performance Unit
Answer : C

7 ALU stands for?

Arithmetic Logic Unit
Arithmetic Logical Unit
Arithmetic Logic Uniform
None of the above
Answer : A

8 MODEM stands for?
Multicomputer Operating Device Memory
Modulator Demodulator
Mega Storage Devide
None of the above
.Answer : B

9 CPU controls ___________.
All Input, Output and processing
Controls Memory
Controlled by the input data
None of the above
.Answer : A

10 Which of the following is not hardware?

Magnetic Tape
MS Word
Answer : D

11 Memories which can be read only are called ____________ memories.

Dynamic Memories
Answer : B

12 What is the radix of Binary Number System?

Answer : C

13 What is the radix of Octal Number System?

Answer : B

14 The Decimal Number system has base __________.

None of the above
.Answer : D

15 The Hexadecimal Number system has base __________.
Answer : C

16 BCD stands for ___________.
Basic Computer Digit
Binary Converted Decimal
Binary Coded Decimal
None of the above
Answer : C

17 Octal number system contains digits from __________.
0 - 8
0 - 7
1 - 8
1 - 9
Answer : B

18 Decimal number system contains digits from __________.

1 - 10
0 - 10
0 - 8
0 - 9
Answer : D

19 Portable program means?
Program with wheels
Independent from its authors
Independent of platform
None of the above
Answer : C

20 The number of 1,s present in the binary representation of 10 x 256 + 5 x 16 + 5 is
Answer : B

21 The scheme of which interpreter translates the source program is known as
Paragraph by paragraph
Instruction by instruction
Line by line
None of the above
Answer : B

22 The principal electronic payment systems for electronic commerce is __________.
Credit Card
Digital Wallet
Electronic Cheque
All of the above
Answer : D

23 What is the first stage in program development?
Specification and design
System Analysis
None of the above
Answer : A

24 Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?
Communication, planning, modelling, construction, deployment
Communication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing
Analysis, designing, programming, Debugging, maintenance
Analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing
25 The hexadecimal number system consists of the following symbols __________.
0 - 7
0 - 9
0 - 9, A - F
None of the above
.Answer : C

25 DNS in internet technology stands for
Dynamic Name System
Domain Name System
Distributed Name System
None of the above
.Answer : B

26 HTML stands for
Hyper Text Markup Language
Hyper Text Manipulation Language
Hyper Text Managing Links
Hyper Text Manipulating Links
.Answer : A

27 GB is equal to ______.
230 bits
230 bytes
220 bits
220 bytes
.Answer : B

28 The set of computer programs that manage the hardware/software of a computer is called
Compiler system
Operation system
Operating system
None of the above
.Answer : C

29 S/MIME in Internet technology stands for?
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
Simple Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
Simple Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
.Answer : A

30 Which one of the following is an example of Operating System ?
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Access
Microsoft Windows
.Answer : D

31 Which one of the following represent the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23?
None of the above
.Answer : B

32 Which one of the following is different from other members?

Answer : A

33 Computers on an internet are identified by
E-mail address
Street address
IP address
All of the above
.Answer : C

34 What is blog?
Online Music
A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal
A personal or corporate Google Search
.Answer : C

35 Which is not online Indian Matrimonial website?
.Answer : D

36 Bit stands for
Binary Information Term
Binary Digit
Binary Tree
Bivariate Theory
Answer : B

37 Which one of the following is not a network device?
Answer : D

38 A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed
High-level language
Low-level language
Assembly language
Natural language
Answer : A

39 How many 1,s are present in the binary representation of 3 x 512 + 7 x 64 + 5 x 8 + 3

Answer : B

40 The Unix command used to find out the number of characters in a file is
Answer : B

41 In a client/server model, a client program ___.

Asks for information
Provides information and files
Serves software files to other computers
Distributes data files to other computers
.Answer : A

42 Every device on the Internet has a unique ___________ address (also called an "Internet address").
Answer : D

43 PERT stands for?
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
Permission Evaluation and Review Technique
Project Evaluation and Review Technique
A & C Both
.Answer : D

44 ______ is the high speed memory used in the computer.
Hard disk
.Answer : D

45 SWOT analysis stands for?
Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threat
Stamina Will Obesity Threat
Subtle Will Opportunity Threat
None of the above
Answer : A

46 The set of processed data is called?
Data Processing

47 BPO Means?

Business Process Outsourcing
Business Process Office
Business Process Output
Business Program Output
.Answer : A

48 Which of the following is object oriented programming?
.Answer : B

49 gif is expanded as?
Graphics Interchange File
Graphics Interchange Format
Graphics Information File
Graphics Information Format
.Answer : B

50 AVI format was developed by?
.Answer : C

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Placement Paper C,C++,Prgaramming 20 November 2012

C-DAC,C-CAT -Multiple Choice Questions Programming Language and C/C++

Question 1:
The break statement is used to exit from
a. a DO loop
b. a FOR loop
c. a SWITCH statement
d. all of above -Answer
e. none of above

Question 2:
C++ Multiple Choice Questions Bank
In which statements, does a CONTINUE statement cause the control to go directly to the test condition and then continue the looping process?
a. FOR and WHILE
d. While and DO-WHILE -Answer
e. None of above

Question 3:
The advantage of a SWITCH statement over an ELSE-IF statement
a. A default condition can be used in the SWITCH
b. The SWITCH is easier to understand1. -Answer
c. Several different condition can cause one set of statements to be executed in
d. Several different statements can be executed in a SWITCH
e. None of above

Question No 4
The comma operator (,) is primarily used in conjunction with
a.FOR statement -Answer
b.IF-ELSE statement
c.DO-While statement
d. All of above
e. None of above

Question No 5
The GOTO statement is used to
a. Permit two different expressions to appear in situation where only one expression would ordinarily used
b. Terminate loops or to exit from a switch
c. Alter the normal sequence or program execution by transferring control to some other part of the program
d. Carry out a logical test and then take one of two possible actions, depending upon the outcome of a test -Answer
e. None of above

Question No 6
a. The CONTINUE statement is used to
b. Permit two different expressions to appear in situation where only one expression would ordinarily be used
c. Terminate loops or exit from a switch -Answer
d. Alter the normal sequence of program execution by transforming control to some other part of the program
e. All of above
f. None of above

Question No 7
The traditional way to create an infinite loop in C is
a. FOR ( ; ; )… -Answer
b. IF (=) BREAK;
c. WHILE ()…
d. All of above
e. None of above

Question No 8

The difference between the declaraction of an external variable and its definition is
a. A declaration causes storage space to be allocated to variable while a definition announces variable’s properties -Answer
b. A declaration announces the properties of a variable while a definition also causes storage to be allocated
c. A declaration announces the properties of a variable while definition only causes storage to be allocated
d. A declaration uses storage space to be allocated to variable while a definition also announce its properties.
e. None of above

Question No 9
The comma operator (,) is used to
a. Permit to different expressions to appear in situation where only one expression would ordinarily be used
b. Terminate loops or to exit from switch -Answer
c. Alter the normal sequence of program execution by transferring control to some other parts of the program
d. Carry out the logical test and then take one of two possible actions, depending upon the outcome of the test
e. None of above

Question No 10
The recursive form of algebraic formula
y=(x1 + x2 + …+xn) is
a. Y = x + n-1 xi i=1
b. Y= xn + n xi i=1
c. Y=xn+xi
d. Y = xn + n-1 i=1 xi -Answer
e. None of above

Question No 11
Which one of the following, is a storage class specification in C?
a. Automatic -Answer
b. External
c. Static
d. All of above
e. None of above

Question No 12
Given these variables
char ch;
short i;
unsigned long ul;
float f;
The overall type of this expression is
a. Char
b. Unsigned
c. Float -Answer
d. Double
e. None of above

Question No 13
What will this program display?
float f;
printf ("%f",f);
a. 3.3 -Answer
b. 3.0
c. 3
d. 3.1
e. None of above

Question No 14

The most common use of the one-dimentional array in C is the
a. String
b. Character
c. Data -Answer
d. Functions
e. None of above

Question No 15
C++ Multiple Choice Questions Bank
The string related function supplied by C standard library is
a. strcpy()
b. strcat()
c. strcmp()
d. All of above
e. None of above -Answer

Question No 16
Find out the incorrect statement for strlen() function
a. Returns the length of a string -Answer
b. Does not count the null terminator
c. Has general form strlen();
d. All of above
e. None of above

Question No 17
C provides loop constructs for performing loop operations. They are
a. The WHILE statement
b. The DO statement -Answer
c. The FOR statement
d. All of above
e. None of above

Question No 18

Arrays that do not have their dimensions explicitly specified are called
a. Unsized arrays -Answer
b. Undimensional arrays
c. Initialized arrays
d. No size of arrays
e. None of above

Question No 19
What is wrong with the given fragment?
a. The size of the array is not specified
b. Declaration must have float in place of int
c. The list must be enclosed between curly braces
d. All of the above -Answer
e. None of the above.

Question No 20
A variable that holds the memory address of another object is called a
a. integer
b. pointer
c. constant
d. memory variable -Answer
e. None of the above.

Question No 21
a. * and &
b. * and &&
c. & and && -Answer
d. % and &
e. None of the above.

Question No 22
In C, the address of m,s memory location can determined by the expression
a. *m
b. m& -Answer
c. &m
d. m*
e. None of the above.

Question No 23
Main() is an example of
a. library function -Answer
b. user-defined function
c. header
d. statement
e. None of the above,

Question No 24
The header file ,ctype.h, can be used for
a. providing links to assembly language for calls
b. providing diagnostic and debugging assistance
c. providing support for string handling functions
d. providing character type identification (boolean) and translation -Answer
e. None of the above.

Question No 25.
The header file ,math.h* can be used for
a. providing links to assembly language for calls
b. providing diagnostic and debugging assistance
c. providing support for string handling functions
d. All of the above
e. None of the above. -Answer

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Technical - Other


Hi i have attended CDAC exam of 15th april 2007 and the test comprises of
1. Aptitude
2. c/c++
3. Java

aptitude is nothing it will be very easy, jus from R.S Agarvall example
1.time and work problem
2.train problem
3.chain rule problem

And in technical side it will be from c and c++? and im hosting some of the c and c++ question which i know
1.Find which one of the following is correct?
a) !(p||q) !p || !q
b) !!!p = !p
c) p && q  || r  p && ( q || r )

2. find the output of the following program?
static i = 3;
return i >0 ? main():0;
d)error in the code

3.find the output of the following program?
charp[] = "%d\n";
p[1] = ,c,c;
a) 0
b) a
c) A
d) error in the code

4.which will return integer?
a) int*s (  )
b) ( int* ) s(  )
b) int ( *s ) (  )

5.find the output of the following program?
ptr +=3;
return (ptr);
int main()
printf("y = %s\n",y);
return 0;
b) LLO
c) LO
d) L

6.find the output of the following program?
int i = _1_abc(10);
int_1_abc(int i)

7.In order  to force derived class A to redefine a function a fun, void foo( )
how should A declare foo( )?
inline foo()
virtual voidfoo( ) = 0

8. which operator cant be overloaded?
a) &;
b) [ ] ;
c) :: ;
d) all the above;

8.If u allocate it as,
    int *ptr = new int [ 25];
How will u deallocate it ?
a)   delete *pint;
b)   delete [ ] pint;
c)   delete pint [25];
d)   all ;

9. which virtual ?
a) constant;
b) static function;
c) return;
d) none;

10. How many times "hello world" will be printed?
void fun(int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < = n; i ++)
printf("hello world");
a) infinite
d)n times

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Whole Testpaper


Hi folks! i am Anwarul Abbasi, i have managed to get some questions of the recent CDAC (all India) entrance paper of DESD, it was held on 20.08.2006,  and here they are:

Sections A ( C programming) Total Question 35
Sections B ( Digital, Mup,Electrical,Networking) Total Question 35
Sections C( Apittute) Total Question 30
Section A
1. What is the output of
int a=3,b=5,c=50;
Ans: a=0
2. What is the output of
int x=4;
Ans: 8
3.Arrays are preffered over link list while?
Ans: Accessing elements.
4. The getch() library function returns:
Ans: ans Displays a character on the screen when any key is pressed.
Section B
1. Consider the boolean expression  x,yz,+x,y,z+x(y+z) and give its POS.
Ans: NA
2. The logic Expression Y=Em(0,3,6,7,10,12,15) is equivalent to.
Ans: NA
3. The number of 43 in 2,s complement is
Ans: 00101011
4. The process to process delivery of the entire message is the responsibilty of___________
Ans: Transport Layer
5. The IP is ____________   protocol
Ans: Reliable and connection oriented
6. The ____________ sub layer is responsible for the operation of  CSMA/CD access method in framing
Ans: MAC
7. Gigabit ethernet has a data rate of _________ Mbps
Ans: NA
Section C
1. Mansard: Roof::
Ans: Dormer: window
2. Curatot:painting::
Ans: Archvist:manuscript
1. Motile
Ans: NA
2. Forge

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC General - other

C-Dac Sample quesion paper - pattern 2

Programmin Concepts

61. The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as
Information hiding

62. The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that do not contribute to its essential characteristics is called _____________

63.Object Oriented Technology`s ______ feature means that a small change in user requirements should not require large changes to be made to the system

64. An object has _____
All of these options

65. Which of the following is true:
Class is an object of an object
Class is meta class
Class cannot have zero instances
None of these options

66. If a derived class object is explicitly destroyed by applying the delete operator to a base-class pointer to the object, the _____ function is automatically called on the object Derived-class destructor
Base-class destructor
Base-class constructor
Derived-class constructor

67. In object orientated programming a class of objects can _____________ properties from another class of objects

68. Contracts are not meant to be used in cases of _______
`has-a` relationship
`is-a` relationship
Both Composition and `has-a` relationship

69. Inheritance through interface is called ________
Implementation inheritance
Definition inheritance
Delegation inheritance
Interface inheritance model

70. When a class uses dynamic memory, what member functions should be provided by the class?
An overloaded assignment operator
The copy constructor
A destructor
All of these options

71. ______ means that both the data and the methods which may access it are defined together in the same unit
Data hiding
Data Binding
None of these options

72. The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that do not contribute to its essential characteristics is called _____________

73. Car contains a steering wheel is example of ________
Composition and Association
None of these options

74. Can two classes contain member functions with the same name?
Yes, but only if the two classes have the same name
Yes, but only if the main program does not declare both kinds
Yes, this is always allowed

75. A contract is implemented through
Abstract Class
Interface and Abstract Class

English Language Ability

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given

fame : heroism
death : victory
derelict : fool
martyr : man

flood : water
famine : food
fire : ashes
disease : germ

78. Bland : Piquant ::
inane : relevant
charlatan : genuine
slavish : servile
terse : serious

remiss : duty
cogent :argument
easy : hard
careful : position

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to the given word

80. FETTER :




84. COURT :

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same relationship as the given

Maintain : satisfaction
Astonish : wonder
Soothe : concern
Lion : tame

Directions:- Pick out the best choice which can complete the incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully

86. It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dweller when the Government officials told him that__________
he had to vacate hutment which he had been unauthorized occupying
he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multistoried building
he would be arrested for wrongly encroaching on the pavement outside his dwelling
they would not accede to his request

87. In the closing days of the civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was planning to graciously welcome the defeated confederate states back into the Union. After Lincoln was assassinated, however, the "Radical Republicans" in Congress imposed martial law in the South, creating resentment that caused problems well into this century. Had Lincoln lived, the history of regional conflict in 20th century America would have been considerably different. All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT The imposition of martial law in the South was primarily responsible for the resentment felt in the South Had he lived, lincoln would have treated hte defeated South as he had planned Lincoln would have been able to prevent the Radical Republicans in Congress from imposing martial law in the South Factors other than the imposition of martial law in the South affected the history of regional conflicts in 20th century America

88. A politician wrote the following: "I realize there are shortcomings to the questionaire method. However, since I send a copy of the quetionnaire to every home in the district, I believe the results are quite representative.... I think the numbers received are so large that it is quite accurate even though the survey is not done scientifically" Most people who received the questionnaire have replied Most people in the district live in homes. the questionnaire method of data collection is unscientific A large, absolute number of replies is synonymous with accuracy

89. A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals would provide only an illusion of protection. Quantities of such chemicals, already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators. When they reach the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above? It is impossible to measure with accuracy the quantity of ozone-destroying chemicals that exist as coolants in refrigerators. In modern societies, refrigeration of food is necessary to prevent unhealthy and potentially life-threatening conditions. Even if people should give up the use of refrigerators, the coolants already in existing refrigerators are a threat to atmospheric ozone. The coolants in refrigerators can be fully recovered at the end of the useful life of the refrigerators and reused

90. Every town with a pool hall has its share of unsavory characters.This is because the pool hall attracts gamblers and all gamblers are unsavory. Which of the following, if true cannot be inferred from the above?
All gamblers are unsavory
All pool halls attract gamblers
Every town has unsavory characters
All gamblers are attracted by pool halls

Directions:- The workweek in a small business is a five-day workweek running from Monday through Friday. In each workweek, activities L,M,N,O and P must all be done.The work is subject to the following restrictions:
L must be done earlier in the week than O and earlier than P
M must be done earlier in the week than N and earlier than O
No more than one of the activities can ever be done on any one day

91. Which of the following is an acceptable schedule starting from Monday to Friday?
L, M, N, O, P<-------------ans
M, N, O, N, M
O, N, L, P, M
P, O, L, M, L

92. In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in a straight line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it. The cups are numbered consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the balls is painted a single solid color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange, purple, red, and yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in a manner that conforms to the following conditions:
The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-numbered cup than the orange ball.
The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent to the cup under which the magenta ball is hidden.
The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.
Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups,in order from 1 through 6?
Green, yellow, magenta, red, purple, orange
Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow Magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange<-ans
Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Qand R are intelligent in mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in mathematics and hindi. Q and S are intelligent in psychology and buddhist studies. T is intelligent in buddhist studies hindi and psychology

93. who is intelligent in psychology, geology and buddhist studies
Q <-------------ans

Directions:- The following questions are based on the following situations.Asha, Babli, Charn, Deepti, Eira, Farha are cousins. No two cousins are of the same age ,but all have birth days on the same date in that year. The youngest is 17 years old and the oldest is Eira is 22.Farha is somewhere between Babli and Deepti in age.Asha is older than Babli. Charn is older than Deepti

94. If asha is one year older than charn the number of logically possible orderins of all six cousins by increasing age is
2 <-ans(Babli,Asha, Farha, Charn, Deepti,Eira )

95. It is easier to swim in the sea water than in river water because sea is vast mass of water sea water is generally calm
the density of sea water is higher than river water<---------ans
they water of sea is cool and greenish
96. starting from a point x jayant walked 15metres towards the west he turned to his left and walked 20 metres he then turned to his left and walked 15 metres he then further turned to his right and walked 12 metres how far is jayant from the point x and in which direction?
32 metres south
47 metres east
42 metres north
27 metres south <-------------ans
97. Rock and roll music started in the 1950s as a young mans medium and rock is still best performed by men in their twenties and thirties. As rock performers grow into their forties and even fifties, they are simply less physically capable of producing the kind of exciting music they did when they were younger. All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT:
As rock performers mature, their performances tend to become less exciting
Rock music is dominated by male performers
Women performers have always played a significant role in rock music
The physical demands of performing rock are better met by the young <-------------ans

Mathematical Problems
98. Which of the following statements are true, if x + y + z = 10 y >= 5 and 4 >= z >= 3
1. x < z
2. x > y
3. x + z <= y
1 only
2 only
3 only
1 and 3 only <-------------ans
99. The solution of the equation 4 - 5(2y + 4) = 4 is
-2 <-------------ans
100. When x5 + 1 is divided by (x - 2), the remainder is
101. How many terms of the series -9 , -6 , -3 ,.........must be taken such that the sum may be 66?
9 <-------------
102. The side of a rectangle are whole numbers. What must their lengths be for the perimeter for the rectangle to be numerically equal to its area?
3 and 6
4 and 5
4 and 6
5 and 5

103. A path 7 metres wide surrounds a circular lawn whose diameter is 252m.What is the area of path?
5698 sq.mtrs.
5000 sq.mtrs.
5500 sq.mtrs.
None of these

104. If the negative of the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is less than -35, which of the following may be one of the numbers?
18 <-------------ans

105. What is the perimeter of a rectangle that is twice as long as it is wide and has the same area as a circle of diameter 8?

106. Towns A and C are connected by a straight highway which is 60 miles long. The straight line distance between town A and town B is 50 miles, and the straight line distance from town B to town C is 50 miles. How many miles is it from town B to the point on the highway connecting town A and C which is closest to town B?

108. A batsman played 17 innings during a season and he was not out. The score of 85 improves his average by 3 runs in the 17th innings. His average score after 16th innings is

109. If paper costs 1 paisa per sheet, and a buyer gets a 2% discount on all the paper he buys after the first 1000 sheets, how much will it costs to buy 5000 sheets of paper?
Rs 49.30
Rs 50.00
Rs 39.20
Rs 49.20

110. The income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission is increased from 4% to 5%. The percentage of slump in business is 8%

111. There are 4 quarts in a gallon. A gallon of motor oil sells for Rs.12 and a quart of the same oil sells for Rs.5. The owner of a rental agency has 6 machines and each machine needs 5 quarts of oil. What is the minimum amount of money she must spend to purchase enough oil ?

112. A truck departed from Newton at 11:53a.m. and arrived in Far City,240 miles away, at 4:41 p.m. on the same day. What was the approximate average speed of the truck on this trip?
16/1,200 MPH
40/288 MPH
1,494/240 MPH
50 MPH

113. A girl rode her bicycle from home to school, a distance of 15 miles, at an average speed of 15 miles per hour. She returned home from school by walking at an average speed of 5 miles per hour. What was her average speed for the round trip if she took the same route in both directions?
7.5 miles per hour
10 miles per hour
12.5 miles per hour
13 miles per hour

114. A is thrice as good a workman as B. If the time taken by B to do piece of works exceeds that taken by A by 8 days. In how many days A does the work.

115. The population of a town was 54,000 in the last census. It has increased 2/3 since then. Its present population is

116. One hundred job applicants show up in response to a classified ad.If 60 percent of them are female and if 3/4 of the female applicants are willing to relocate if the job demands it, how many are not willing to relocate?
It cannot be determined from the information given

117. Mr. Smith drove at an average speed of 50mph for the first two hours of his trip. For the next three hours, he averaged 20 mph. What was Mr. Smith`s average speed for the five-hour trip ?
20 mph
32 mph
35 mph
38 mph

118. A postal truck leaves its station and heads for Chicago, averaging 40mph. An error in the mailing schedule is spotted and 24 minutes after the truck leaves, a car is sent to overtake the truck. If the car averages 50mph, how long will it take to catch the postal truck?
1.6 hours
3 hours
2 hours
1.5 hours

119. The length breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2 :3. The length, breadth and height of the cuboid are increased by 100%, 200% and 200% respectively. Then the increase in the volume of the cuboid is
5 times
6 times
12 times
17 times

120. An Automobile covers the distance between two cities at a speed of 60km. per hour and on the return journey it covers at a speed of 40 km. per hour. Find the average speed.

121. A man buys 200 shares (par value of Rs.10) of a company, which pays 12% per annum as dividend, at such a price he gets 15% on his money. Find the market value(app.) of a share.
Rs. 9
Rs. 12
Rs. 8
Rs. 7.50
122. An old picture has dimensions 33 inches by 24 inches. What one length must be cut from each dimension so that the ratio of the shorter side to the longer side is 2:3?
2 inches
6 inches
9 inches
10 1/2 inches
123. Hiralal earned a profit of Rs. 300 by selling 100 kg of mixture of A and B types of rice at a total price of Rs. 1100. What was the proportion of A and B types of rice in the mixture if the cost prices of A and B types of rice are Rs. 10 and Rs. 5 per kg respectively ?
3 : 2
2 : 5
2 : 773
5 : 2
124. A fraction has a value of 2/5. If the numerator is decreased by 2 and the denominator increased by 1, then the resulting fraction is 1/4.What is the value of the numerator of the original fraction ?

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC General - other

C-Dac Sample quesion paper - pattern 3

Answer: 1. What is data structure?
    A data structure is a way of organizing data that considers not only the items stored, but also their relationship to each other. Advance knowledge about the relationship between data items allows designing of efficient algorithms for the manipulation of data.

2. List out the areas in which data structures are applied extensively?
    Compiler Design,
    Operating System,
    Database Management System,
    Statistical analysis package,
    Numerical Analysis,
    Artificial Intelligence,

3. What are the major data structures used in the following areas : RDBMS, Network data model & Hierarchical data model.
    RDBMS – Array (i.e. Array of structures)
    Network data model – Graph
    Hierarchical data model – Trees

4. If you are using C language to implement the heterogeneous linked list, what pointer type will you use?
    The heterogeneous linked list contains different data types in its nodes and we need a link, pointer to connect them. It is not possible to use ordinary pointers for this. So we go for void pointer. Void pointer is capable of storing pointer to any type as it is a generic pointer type.

5. Minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue?
    Two. One queue is used for actual storing of data and another for storing priorities.

6. What is the data structures used to perform recursion?
    Stack. Because of its LIFO (Last In First Out) property it remembers its ‘caller’ so knows whom to return when the function has to return. Recursion makes use of system stack for storing the return addresses of the function calls.

    Every recursive function has its equivalent iterative (non-recursive) function. Even when such equivalent iterative procedures are written, explicit stack is to be used.


CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Technical - C & C++

C-Dac Sample quesion paper - pattern 1

Fundamentals of Programming
1.The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm
None of these options

2. _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents of the field designed as the record key.

3. _________ symbol is used for Processing of data.

4. __________ is the analysis tool used for planning program logic
None of these options

5. Machine language has two part format the first part is__________ and the second part is __________

6. Language Primarily used for internet-based applications

7. _________ is a point at which the debugger stops during program execution and awaits a further command.
Memory Dump
Watch point<------ans
Break point
None of these options
8. ________do not contain any program logic and are ignored by the language Processor
None of these options

9. The component of data base management system is ________
Data definition Language
Data manipulation Language
Data definition Language and Data manipulation Language
None of these options
10. The quality of Algorithm is judged on the basis of_________
Time requirement
Memory Requirement
Accuracy of solution
All of these options<------ans

11. Advantages of using flow charts is
Effective Analysis
Efficient Coding
Time consuming
Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding<-----ans

Programming in C
12. The Real constants in C can be expressed in which of the following forms
Fractional form only
Exponential form only
ASCII form only
Both Fractional and Exponential forms<------ans

13. The program, which translates high-level program into its equivalent machine language program, is called
Language processor
None of these options<------ans<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]-->

14. Consider the following statements. i.Multiplication associates left to right ii.Division associates left to right
iii.Unary Minus associates right to left
iv.subtraction associates left to right All are true <------ans
only i and ii are true
all are false
only iii and iv are true
15. What will be the value of variable a in the following code?
unsigned char a;
a = 0xFF + 1;
printf("%d", a);
0 <------ans

16. What is the output of the following program?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf("\n10!=9 : %5d",10!=9);
None of these options
17. #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int x=10;
(x<0)?(int a =100):(int a =1000);
printf(" %d",a);
None of these options
18. Which of the following shows the correct hierarchy of arithmetic operations in C
(), **, * or /, + or -
(), **, *, /, +, -
(), **, /, *, +, -
(), / or *, - or + <-----Ans

19. What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int a=14;
a += 7;
a -= 5;
a *= 7;
None of these options

20. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
#define T t
void main()
char T = `T`;
T t
t t

21. The statement that prints out the character set from A-Z, is
for( a = `z`; a < `a`; a = a - 1)
printf("%c", &a);
for( a = `a`; a <= `z`; a = a + 1
printf("%c", &a);
for( a = `A`; a <= `Z`; a = a + 1)<----Ans printf("%c", a);
for( a = `Z`; a <= `A`; a = a + 1)
printf("%c", a);
22. The statement which prints out the values 1 to 10 on separate lines, is
for( count = 1; count <= 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n",count);
for( count = 1; count < 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n",count);<------ans
for( count = 0; count <= 9; count = count + 1) printf("%d ",count);
for( count = 1; count <> 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n",count);
23. What does the term `call-by-reference` refer to?
Passing a copy of a variable into a function. Passing a pointer to a variable into a function. <------ans
Choosing a random value for a variable.
A function that does not return any values.

24. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
void swap(int&, int&);
void main()
int a = 10,b=20;
swap (a++,b++);
printf("\n%d\t%d\t",a, b);
void swap(int& x, int& y)
14, 24
11, 21 <------ans
10, 20
25. What is the output of the following program code
void abc(int a[])
char a[5];
None of these options
26. which of the following is true about recursive function
i. it is also called circular definition
ii. it occurs when a function calls another function more than once
iii. it occurs when a statement within the function calls the function itself
iv. a recursive function cannot have a return statement within it"
i and iii<------ans
i and ii
ii and iv
i, iii and iv
27.What will happen if you assign a value to an element of an array whose subscript exceeds the size of the array?
The element will be set to 0
Nothing, its done all the time
Other data may be overwritten
Error message from the compiler

28. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }}; printf("\n%d",**(*arr+1)+2+7);
16 <------ans
29. If int s[5] is a one dimensional array of integers, which of the following refers to the third element in the array?
*( s + 2 ) <------ans
*( s + 3 )
s + 3
s + 2

30. #include"stdio.h"
int *p1,i=25;
void *p2;
The output of the above code is :
Program will not compile <------ans
Garbage value
Address of I
31. What is the output of the following code? void main()
int i = 100, j = 200;
const int *p=&i;
p = &j;
200 <------ans
None of the above

32. void main()
int i=3;
int *j=&i;
What is the output of this program?
3 3
4 3 <------ans
4,address of i printed
Error:Lvalue required
33. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50};
int *ptr = arr;
printf("\n %d\t%d\t",*ptr++,*ptr);
10 20
10 10<------ans
20 20
20 10

34. Which of these are reasons for using pointers?
1.To manipulate parts of an array
2.To refer to keywords such as for and if
3.To return more than one value from a function 4.To refer to particular programs more conveniently
1 & 3 <------ans
Only 1
Only 3
All of the above

35. struct num
int no;
char name[25];
void main()
struct num n1[]={{25,"rose"},{20,"gulmohar"}, {8,"geranium"},{11,"dahalia"}};
printf("%d%d" ,n1[2].no,(*&n1+2)->no+1);
What is the output of this program?
8 8
8 9 <------ans
9 8
8 , unpredictable
36. During initializing a union

Only one member can be initialised.
All the members will be initialised. Initialisation of a union is not possible.<------ans
None of these options
37. Self referential structure is one
a. Consisting the structure in the parent structure
b. Consisting the pointer of the structure in the parent structure
Only a
Only b
Both a and b
Neither a nor b
38. Individual structure member can be initialized in the structure itself
Compiler dependent
None of these options

39. Which of the following is the feature of stack?
All operations are at one end
It cannot reuse its memory
All elements are of different data types
Any element can be accessed from it directly<------ans
40. When stacks are created
Are initially empty<------ans
Are initialized to zero
Are considered full
None of these options

41. What is time required to insert an element in a stack with linked implementation?
(n log2n)

42. Which of the following is the feature of stack?
All operations are at one end
It cannot reuse its memory
All elements are of different data types
Any element can be accessed from it directly<------ans
43. Time taken for addition of element in queue is
(log n)<------ans
None of these options
44. When is linear queue said to be empty ? Front==rear

45. When queues are created
Are initially empty<------ans
Are initialized to zero
Are considered full
None of the above

46. What would be the output of the following program?
#include <stdio.h>
printf("\n%c", "abcdefgh"[4]);
e <------ans

47. Select the correct C code which will read a line of characters(terminated by a \n) from input_file into a character array called buffer. NULL terminate the buffer upon reading a \n.

int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch != `\n`)&& (ch != EOF) ){buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc(input_file );} buffer[loop] = NULL;

int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch = "\n")&& (ch = EOF)) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop--; ch = fgetc(]input_file ); } buffer[loop]= NULL;
int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch <> "\n")&& (ch != EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc(input_file ); } buffer[loop] = -1;
None of the above
48. What is the output of the following code ?
void main()
int a=0;
int b=0;
++a == 0 || ++b == 11;
0, 1
1, 1 <------ans
0, 0
1, 0

49. What is the output of the following program? #define str(x)#x
#define Xstr(x)str(x)
#define oper multiply
void main()
char *opername=Xstr(oper);
multiply <------ans

50. What is the output of the following code ? #include<stdio.h>
void main()
char *a = "C-DAC\0\0ACTS\0\n"; printf("%s\n",a); }
C-DAC <------ans
None of these

51. #include<stdio.h>
void main()
while (1)
{if (printf("%d",printf("%d")))
The output is
Compile time error
Goes into an infinite loop
Garbage values <------ans
None of these options
52. Select the correct C statements which tests to see if input_file has opened the data file successfully.If not, print an error message and exit the program.
if( input_file == NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n");exit(1); }

if( input_file != NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n");exit(1); }
while( input_file = NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n");exit(1);}
None of these options
53.The code
int i = 7;
printf("%d\n", i++ * i++);
prints 49
prints 56 <------ans
is compiler dependent
expression i++ * i++ is undefined
54. Recursive procedure are implemented by
Linear list

55. Which of these are reasons for using pointers?
1. To manipulate parts of an array
2. To refer to keywords such as for and if
3. To return more than one value from a function 4. To refer to particular programs more conveniently
1 & 3<------ans
only 1
only 3
None of these options

56. The expression x = 4 + 2 % -8 evaluates to -6
None of these options

57. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
register int a=2;
printf("\nAddress of a = %d,", &a); printf("\tValue of a = %d",a);
Address of a,2 <------ans
Linker error
Compile time error
None of these options

58. What is the output of the following code? #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
int i,*ptr;
for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++) printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]);(as the 0=4,for -1 it becomes =3)
6 5 4 3 2
0 garbage garbage garbage garbage
4 3 2 1 0 <------ans

59. Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a float pointer:
float ptr;
float *ptr; <------ans
*float ptr;
None of the above
60.If the following program (newprog) is run from the command line as:newprog 1 2 3 What would be the output of the following?
void main (int argc, char*argv[])
int I,j=0;
for (I=0;I<argc;I++)
j=j + atoi(argv[I]);
Compilation error<------ans

CDAC Placement Paper : CDAC Whole Testpaper

CDAC Test in APR 2004

114.  In the closing days of the civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was  planning to graciously welcome the defeated confederate states back into the Union. After Lincoln was assassinated, however, the "Radical Republicans" in Congress imposed martial law in the South, creating resentment that caused problems well into this century. Had Lincoln lived, the history of regional conflict in 20th century America would have been considerably different. 

All of the following assumptions underline the argument above EXCEPT The imposition of martial law in the South was primarily responsible for the resentment felt in the South Had he lived, lincoln would have treated hte defeated South as he had  planned Lincoln would have been able to prevent the Radical Republicans in Congress  from imposing martial law in the South Factors other than the imposition of martial law in the South affected the  history of regional conflicts in 20th century America

115 A politician wrote the following: "I realize there are shortcomings to the questionaire method. However, since I send a copy of the quetionnaire to every home in the district, I believe the results are quite representative.... I think the numbers received are so large that it is quite accurate even though the survey is not done scientifically" Most people who received the questionnaire have replied Most people in the district live in homes. the questionnaire method of data collection is unscientific A large, absolute number of replies is synonymous with accuracy

116 A worldwide ban on the production of certain ozone-destroying chemicals  would provide only an illusion of protection. Quantities of such chemicals, already produced, exist as coolants in millions of refrigerators. When they reach the ozone layer in the atmosphere, their action cannot be halted. So there is no way to prevent these chemicals from damaging the ozone layer further. 

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument above?
It is impossible to measure with accuracy the quantity of ozone-destroying chemicals that exist as coolants in refrigerators.
In modern societies, refrigeration of food is necessary to prevent unhealthy and potentially life-threatening conditions.
Even if people should give up the use of refrigerators, the coolants already  in existing refrigerators are a threat to atmospheric ozone.
The coolants in refrigerators can be fully recovered at the end of the  useful life of the refrigerators and reused.

117 Every town with a pool hall has its share of unsavory characters. This is because the pool hall attracts gamblers and all gamblers are unsavory. 
Which of the following, if true cannot be inferred from the above? All gamblers are unsavory.All pool halls attract gamblers. Every town has unsavory characters. All gamblers are attracted by pool halls.

Directions:- The workweek in a small business is a five-day workweek 
running from Monday through Friday. In each workweek, activities L,M,N,O and 
P must all be done.The work is subject to the following restrictions:

L must be done earlier in the week than O and earlier than P

M must be done earlier in the week than N and earlier than O

No more than one of the activities can ever be done on any one day

118 Which of the following is an acceptable schedule starting from Monday to 
L, M, N, O, P <-------------ans
M, N, O, N, M
O, N, L, P, M
P, O, L, M, L

119 In a game, exactly six inverted cups stand side by side in a straight 
line, and each has exactly one ball hidden under it. The cups are numbered 
consecutively 1 through 6. Each of the balls is painted a single solid 
color. The colors of the balls are green, magenta, orange, purple, red, and 
yellow. The balls have been hidden under the cups in a manner that conforms 
to the following conditions:

The purple ball must be hidden under a lower-numbered cup than the orange 

The red ball must be hidden under a cup immediately adjacent to the cup 
under which the magenta ball is hidden.

The green ball must be hidden under cup 5.

Which of the following could be the colors of the balls under the cups, in 
order from 1 through 6?

Green, yellow, magenta, red, purple, orange
Magenta, green, purple, red, orange, yellow
Magenta, red, purple, yellow, green, orange <-------------ans
Orange, yellow, red, magenta, green, purple

Directions:- In a group there are five students coded as P Q R S T.Q and R 
are intelligent in mathematics and geology. P and R are intelligent in 
mathematics and hindi. Q and S are intelligent in psychology and buddhist 
studies.T is intelligent in buddhist studies hindi and psychology

120 who is intelligent in psychology, geology and buddhist studies
Q <-------------ans

Directions:- The following questions are based on the following situations. 
Asha, Babli, Charn, Deepti, Eira, Farha are cousins. No two cousins are of 
the same age , but all have birth days on the same date in that year .The 
youngest is 17 years old and the oldest is Eira is 22.Farha is somewhere 
between Babli and Deepti in age.Asha is older than Babli. Charn is older 
than Deepti

121 If asha is one year older than charn the number of logically possible 
orderins of all six cousins by increasing age is
2 <-------------ans( Babli,Asha, Farha, Charn, Deepti, Eira)

122 It is easier to swim in the sea water than in river water because
sea is vast mass of water
sea water is generally calm
the density of sea water is higher than river water <-------------ans 
they water of sea is cool and greenish

123 starting from a point x jayant walked 15metres towards the west he 
turned to his left and walked 20 metres he then turned to his left and 
walked 15 metres he then further turned to his right and walked 12 metres 
how far is jayant from the point x and in which direction? N
32 metres south -
47 metres east W-------E
42 metres north -
27 metres south <-------------ans S

124 Rock and roll music started in the 1950s as a young mans medium and rock 
is still best performed by men in their twenties and thirties. As rock 
performers grow into their forties and even fifties, they are simply less 
physically capable of producing the kind of exciting music they did when 
they were younger. All of the following assumptions underline the argument 
above EXCEPT:
As rock performers mature, their performances tend to become less exciting
Rock music is dominated by male performers
Women performers have always played a significant role in rock music
The physical demands of performing rock are better met by the young <-------------ans

Mathematical Problems

125 Which of the following statements are true, if

x + y + z = 10 y >= 5 and 4 >= z >= 3

1. x < z

2. x > y

3. x + z <= y

1 only
2 only
3 only
1 and 3 only <-------------ans

126 The solution of the equation 4 - 5(2y + 4) = 4 is
-2 <-------------ans

127 When x5 + 1 is divided by (x - 2), the remainder is

128 How many terms of the series -9 , -6 , -3 ,.........must be taken such 
that the sum may be 66?
9 <-------------ans

129 The side of a rectangle are whole numbers. What must their lengths be 
for the perimeter for the rectangle to be numerically equal to its area?
3 and 6
4 and 5
4 and 6
5 and 5 

130 A path 7 metres wide surrounds a circular lawn whose diameter is 252m. 
What is the area of path?
5698 sq.mtrs.
5000 sq.mtrs.
5500 sq. mtrs.
None of these

131 If the negative of the sum of two consecutive odd numbers is less than 
-35, which of the following may be one of the numbers?
18 <-------------ans

132 What is the perimeter of a rectangle that is twice as long as it is wide 
and has the same area as a circle of diameter 8?

133 Towns A and C are connected by a straight highway which is 60 miles 
long. The straight line distance between town A and town B is 50 miles, and 
the straight line distance from town B to town C is 50 miles. How many miles 
is it from town B to the point on the highway connecting town A and C which 
is closest to town B?

134 A batsman played 17 innings during a season and he was not out. The 
score of 85 improves his average by 3 runs in the 17th innings. His average 
score after 16th innings is

135 If paper costs 1 paisa per sheet, and a buyer gets a 2% discount on all 
the paper he buys after the first 1000 sheets, how much will it costs to buy 
5000 sheets of paper?
Rs 49.30
Rs 50.00
Rs 39.20
Rs 49.20

136 The income of a broker remains unchanged though the rate of commission 
is increased from 4% to 5%. The percentage of slump in business is

137 There are 4 quarts in a gallon. A gallon of motor oil sells for Rs.12 
and a quart of the same oil sells for Rs.5. The owner of a rental agency has 
6 machines and each machine needs 5 quarts of oil. What is the minimum 
amount of money she must spend to purchase enough oil ?

138 A truck departed from Newton at 11:53a.m. and arrived in Far City, 240 
miles away, at 4:41 p.m. on the same day. What was the approximate average 
speed of the truck on this trip?
16/1,200 MPH
40/288 MPH
1,494/240 MPH
50 MPH

139 A girl rode her bicycle from home to school, a distance of 15 miles, at 
an average speed of 15 miles per hour. She returned home from school by 
walking at an average speed of 5 miles per hour. What was her average speed 
for the round trip if she took the same route in both directions?
7.5 miles per hour
10 miles per hour
12.5 miles per hour
13 miles per hour

140 A is thrice as good a workman as B. If the time taken by B to do piece 
of works exceeds that taken by A by 8 days. In how many days A does the 

141 The population of a town was 54,000 in the last census. It has increased 
2/3 since then. Its present population is

142 One hundred job applicants show up in response to a classified ad. If 60 
percent of them are female and if 3/4 of the female applicants are willing 
to relocate if the job demands it, how many are not willing to relocate?
It cannot be determined from the information given

143 Mr. Smith drove at an average speed of 50mph for the first two hours of 
his trip. For the next three hours, he averaged 20 mph. What was Mr. Smith`s 
average speed for the five-hour trip ?
20 mph
32 mph
35 mph
38 mph

144 A postal truck leaves its station and heads for Chicago, averaging 
40mph. An error in the mailing schedule is spotted and 24 minutes after the 
truck leaves, a car is sent to overtake the truck. If the car averages 
50mph, how long will it take to catch the postal truck?
1.6 hours
3 hours
2 hours
1.5 hours

145 The length breadth and height of a cuboid are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. 
The length, breadth and height of the cuboid are increased by 100%, 200% and 
200% respectively. Then the increase in the volume of the cuboid is
5 times
6 times
12 times
17 times

146 An Automobile covers the distance between two cities at a speed of 60km. 
per hour and on the return journey it covers at a speed of 40 km. per hour. 
Find the average speed.

147 A man buys 200 shares (par value of Rs.10) of a company, which pays 12% 
per annum as dividend, at such a price he gets 15% on his money. Find the 
market value(app.) of a share.
Rs. 9
Rs. 12
Rs. 8
Rs. 7.50

148 An old picture has dimensions 33 inches by 24 inches. What one length 
must be cut from each dimension so that the ratio of the shorter side to the 
longer side is 2:3?
2 inches
6 inches
9 inches
10 1/2 inches

149 Hiralal earned a profit of Rs. 300 by selling 100 kg of mixture of A and 
B types of rice at a total price of Rs. 1100. What was the proportion of A 
and B types of rice in the mixture if the cost prices of A and B types of 
rice are Rs. 10 and Rs. 5 per kg respectively ?
3 : 2
2 : 5
2 : 773
5 : 2

150 A fraction has a value of 2/5. If the numerator is decreased by 2 and 
the denominator increased by 1, then the resulting fraction is 1/4. What is 
the value of the numerator of the original fraction ?

English Language Ability

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to 
each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same 
relationship as the given.

fame : heroism
death : victory
derelict : fool
martyr : man

flood : water
famine : food
fire : ashes
disease : germ

105 Bland : Piquant ::
inane : relevant
charlatan : genuine
slavish : servile
terse : serious

remiss : duty
cogent :argument
easy : hard
careful : position

Directions:- Choose the best word, which is most opposite in the meaning to 
the given word.

107 FETTER :




111 COURT :

Directions:- The given pair of words contains a specific relationship to 
each other. Select the best pair of choices which expresses the same 
relationship as the given.

Maintain : satisfaction
Astonish : wonder
Soothe : concern
Lion : tame

Directions:- Pick out the best choice which can complete the incomplete 
stem correctly and meaningfully

113 It was an extremely pleasant surprise for the hutment-dweller when the 
Government officials told him that__________
he had to vacate hutment which he had been unauthorized occupying
he had been gifted with a furnished apartment in a multistoried building
he would be arrested for wrongly encroaching on the pavement outside his 
they would not accede to his request

OO Programming Concepts

88 The ability to reuse objects already defined, perhaps for a different 
purpose, with modification appropriate to the new purpose, is referred to as
Information hiding.

89 The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that 
do not contribute to its essential characteristics is called _____________.

90 Object-oriented technology`s ______ feature means that a small change in 
user requirements should not require large changes to be made to the system.

91 An object has _____.
All of these options.

92 Which of the following is true:
Class is an object of an object.
Class is meta class.
Class cannot have zero instances.
None of these options.

93 If a derived class object is explicitly destroyed by applying the delete 
operator to a base-class pointer to the object, the _____ function is 
automatically called on the object
Derived-class destructor.
Base-class destructor.
Base-class constructor.
Derived-class constructor.

94 In object orientated programming a class of objects can _____________ 
properties from another class of objects

95 Contracts are not meant to be used in cases of _______.
`has-a` relationship.
`is-a` relationship.
Both Composition and `has-a` relationship.

96 Inheritance through interface is called ________
Implementation inheritance.
Definition inheritance.
Delegation inheritance.
Interface inheritance model.

97 When a class uses dynamic memory, what member functions should be 
provided by the class?
An overloaded assignment operator.
The copy constructor.
A destructor.
All of these optionsq

98 ______ means that both the data and the methods which may access it are 
defined together in the same unit.
Data hiding.
Data Binding
None of these options

99 The term given to the process of hiding all the details of an object that 
do not contribute to its essential characteristics is called _____________.

100 Car contains a steering wheel is example of ________
Composition and Association
None of these options

101 Can two classes contain member functions with the same name?
Yes, but only if the two classes have the same name.
Yes, but only if the main program does not declare both kinds.
Yes, this is always allowed.

102 A contract is implemented through.
Abstract Class.
Interface and Abstract Class

Programming in C

38 The Real constants in C can be expressed in which of the following forms
Fractional form only
Exponential form only
ASCII form only
Both Fractional and Exponential forms<------ans

39 The program, which translates high-level program into its equivalent 
machine language program, is called
Language processor
None of these options<------ans

40 Consider the following statements.
i.Multiplication associates left to right
ii.Division associates left to right
iii.Unary Minus associates right to left
iv.subtraction associates left to right
All are true<------ans
only i and ii are true
all are false
only iii and iv are true

41 What will be the value of variable a in the following code?
unsigned char a;
a = 0xFF + 1;
printf("%d", a);
0 <------ans 

42 What is the output of the following program ?
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf("\n10!=9 : %5d",10!=9);
1 <------ans 
None of these options

43 #include<stdio.h>
void main()
int x=10;
(x<0)?(int a =100):(int a =1000);
printf(" %d",a);
Error <------ans 
None of these options

44 Which of the following shows the correct hierarchy of arithmetic 
operations in C
(), **, * or /, + or -
(), **, *, /, +, -
(), **, /, *, +, -
(), / or *, - or + <------ans 

45 What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int a=14;
a += 7;
a -= 5;
a *= 7;
112 <------ans 
None of these options

46 What is the output of the following code?
#define T t
void main()
char T = `T`;
printf("\n%c\t%c\n",T, t); 

T t
T T <------ans.I did,nt get d correct ans
t t

47 The statement that prints out the character set from A-Z, is
for( a = `z`; a < `a`; a = a - 1)
printf("%c", &a);
for( a = `a`; a <= `z`; a = a + 1)
printf("%c", &a);
for( a = `A`; a <= `Z`; a = a + 1) <-----ans 
printf("%c", a);
for( a = `Z`; a <= `A`; a = a + 1)
printf("%c", a);

48 The statement which prints out the values 1 to 10 on separate lines, is
for( count = 1; count <= 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);
for( count = 1; count < 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);<------ans
for( count = 0; count <= 9; count = count + 1) printf("%d ", count); 
for( count = 1; count <> 10; count = count + 1) printf("%d\n", count);

49 What does the term `call-by-reference` refer to?
Passing a copy of a variable into a function.
Passing a pointer to a variable into a function. <------ans
Choosing a random value for a variable.
A function that does not return any values.

50 What is the output of the following code?
void swap(int&, int&);
void main()
int a = 10,b=20;
swap (a++,b++);
printf("\n%d\t%d\t",a, b);
void swap(int& x, int& y)
14, 24
11, 21 <------ans 
10, 20

51 What is the output of the following program code
void abc(int a[])
char a[5];
Error <------ans 
None of these options

52 which of the following is true about recursive function
i. it is also called circular definition
ii. it occurs when a function calls another function more than once
iii. it occurs when a statement within the function calls the function 
iv. a recursive function cannot have a return statement within it"
i and iii<------ans
i and ii
ii and iv
i, iii and iv

53 What will happen if you assign a value to an element of an array whose 
subscript exceeds the size of the array?
The element will be set to 0
Nothing, its done all the time
Other data may be overwritten
Error message from the compiler

54 What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int arr[2][3][2]={{{2,4},{7,8},{3,4},}, {{2,2},{2,3},{3,4}, }};
16 <------ans

55 If int s[5] is a one dimensional array of integers, which of the 
following refers to the third element in the array?
*( s + 2 ) <------ans
*( s + 3 )
s + 3
s + 2

57 #include"stdio.h"
int *p1,i=25;
void *p2;
The output of the above code is :
Program will not compile <------ans
Garbage value
Address of I

58 What is the output of the following code ?
void main()
int i = 100, j = 200;
const int *p=&i;
p = &j;
200 <------ans
None of the above

59 void main()
int i=3;
int *j=&i;
What is the output of this program?
3 3
4 3 <------ans
4,address of i printed
Error:Lvalue required

60 What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50};
int *ptr = arr;
printf("\n %d\t%d\t",*ptr++,*ptr);
10 20
10 10 <------ans
20 20
20 10

61 Which of these are reasons for using pointers?
1.To manipulate parts of an array
2.To refer to keywords such as for and if
3.To return more than one value from a function
4.To refer to particular programs more conveniently
1 & 3 <------ans
Only 1
Only 3
All of the above

62 struct num
int no;
char name[25];
void main()
struct num n1[]={{25,"rose"},{20,"gulmohar"},{8,"geranium"},{11,"dahalia"}};
printf("%d%d" ,n1[2].no,(*&n1+2)->no+1);
What is the output of this program?
8 8
8 9 <------ans 
9 8
8 , unpredictable

63 During initializing a union
Only one member can be initialised.
All the members will be initialised.
Initialisation of a union is not possible.<------ans
None of these options

64 Self referential structure is one
a. Consisting the structure in the parent structure
b. Consisting the pointer of the structure in the parent structure
Only a
Only b
Both a and b
Neither a nor b

65 Individual structure member can be initialized in the structure itself
Compiler dependent
None of these options

66 Which of the following is the feature of stack?
All operations are at one end
It cannot reuse its memory
All elements are of different data types
Any element can be accessed from it directly<------ans<------ans

67 When stacks are created
Are initially empty<------ans
Are initialized to zero
Are considered full
None of these options

68 What is time required to insert an element in a stack with linked 
O(n log2n)

69 Which of the following is the feature of stack?
All operations are at one end
It cannot reuse its memory
All elements are of different data types
Any element can be accessed from it directly<------ans

70 Time taken for addition of element in queue is
O(log n)<------ans
None of these options

71 When is linear queue said to be empty ?

72 When queues are created
Are initially empty<------ans
Are initialized to zero
Are considered full
None of the above

73 What would be the output of the following program?
#include <stdio.h>
printf("\n%c", "abcdefgh"[4]);
e <------ans

74 Select the correct C code which will read a line of characters 
(terminated by a \n) from input_file into a character array called buffer. 
NULL terminate the buffer upon reading a \n.
int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch != `\n`) && (ch != 
EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] 
int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch = "\n") && (ch = EOF) 
) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop--; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] = 
int ch, loop = 0; ch = fgetc( input_file ); while( (ch <> "\n") && (ch != 
EOF) ) { buffer[loop] = ch; loop++; ch = fgetc( input_file ); } buffer[loop] 
= -1;
None of the above

75 What is the output of the following code ?
void main()
int a=0;
int b=0;
++a == 0 || ++b == 11;
0, 1
1, 1 <------ans 
0, 0
1, 0

76 What is the output of the following program?
#define str(x)#x
#define Xstr(x)str(x)
#define oper multiply
void main()
char *opername=Xstr(oper);
multiply <------ans 

77 What is the output of the following code ?
void main()
char *a = "C-DAC\0\0ACTS\0\n"; printf("%s\n",a);
C-DAC <------ans 
None of these

78 #include<stdio.h>
void main()
while (1)
if (printf("%d",printf("%d")))
The output is
Compile time error
Goes into an infinite loop
Garbage values <------ans 
None of these options

79 Select the correct C statements which tests to see if input_file has 
opened the data file successfully. If not, print an error message and exit 
the program.
if( input_file == NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n"); exit(1); }
if( input_file != NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n"); exit(1); }
while( input_file = NULL ) { printf("Unable to open file.\n"); exit(1); }
None of these options

80 The code
int i = 7;
printf("%d\n", i++ * i++);
prints 49
prints 56 <------ans 
is compiler dependent
expression i++ * i++ is undefined

81 Recursive procedure are implemented by
Linear list

82 Which of these are reasons for using pointers?
1. To manipulate parts of an array
2. To refer to keywords such as for and if
3. To return more than one value from a function
4. To refer to particular programs more conveniently
1 & 3<------ans
only 1
only 3
None of these options

83 The expression x = 4 + 2 % -8 evaluates to
None of these options

84 What is the output of the following code?
register int a=2;
printf("\nAddress of a = %d,", &a);
printf("\tValue of a = %d",a);
Address of a, 2 <------ans 
Linker error
Compile time error
None of these options

85 What is the output of the following code?
void main()
int arr[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
int i,*ptr;
for(ptr=arr+4,i =0; i<=4; i++)
printf("\n%d",ptr[-i]); (as the 0=4,for -1 it becomes =3)
6 5 4 3 2
0 garbage garbage garbage garbage
4 3 2 1 0 <------ans 

86 Which of the following is the correct way of declaring a float pointer:
float ptr;
float *ptr; <------ans
*float ptr;
None of the above

87 If the following program (newprog) is run from the command line as: 
newprog 1 2 3
What would be the output of the following?
void main (int argc, char*argv[])
int I,j=0;
for (I=0;I<argc;I++)
j=j + atoi(argv[I]);
Compilation error <------ans

Fundamentals of Programming

27 The programming language that was designed for specifying algorithm
None of these options

28 _____ contains the addresses of all the records according to the contents 
of the field designed as the record key.
Index <------ans 

29 _________ symbol is used for Processing of data.
Parallelogram <------ans

30 __________ is the analysis tool used for planning program logic
None of these options

31 Machine language has two part format the first part is__________ and the 
second part is __________

32 Language Primarily used for internet-based applications
JAVA <------ans

33 _________ is a point at which the debugger stops during program execution 
and awaits a further command.
Memory Dump
Watch point <------ans
Break point
None of these options

34 ________do not contain any program logic and are ignored by the language 
None of these options

35 The component of data base management system is ________
Data definition Language
Data manipulation Language
Data definition Language and Data manipulation Language
None of these options

36 The quality of Algorithm is judged on the basis of_________
Time requirement
Memory Requirement
Accuracy of solution
All of these options <------ans

37 Advantages of using flow charts is
Effective Analysis
Efficient Coding
Time consuming
Effective Analysis and Efficient Coding <------ans

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