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Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper IG Engg M.P 22 May 2012

Hello friends , I am Naina Gupta Completed BE from Indira Gandhi Engineering

College, Sagar (M.P). The Consagous Technologies Limited Company

Recruitment process consist of three round for selection which was held on 23 rd May 2012 at Adina College,Sagar and they are

1. Written Test

2. Group Discussion

3. Interview

Consagous Technologies Written Test :

The written test consist of 40 objective type questions from which 10 are on aptitude skills and rest on technical skills which includes concept of

c , c++ , java, dot net , sql and php. The written test has its three sets A, B and C. I got set A. There were about 80-100 students who gave the test.

Aptitude questions which I remember were based on :

1. Race problems

2. Age problem

3. Ratio and proportion

4. Simple Interest

5. Percentage

They were easy and I was able to do them quickly. I liked the aptitude
questions in the test.

Technical questions which I remember were:

1. Write a unix command to execute background files?

2. Difference b/w int variable name and extern int variable name?

3. Dotnet basics questions.

4. Which is the reserved java keyword ? like native

5. Some output based questions

6. Where we mention the prototype of a function?

Technical questions are seem to be somewhat difficult to me but I tried to find out solution for them and did my best to solve them. The multiple choice was given in every question leaving only 1 or 2 question. Finally the test was submitted and result came out after about and hour or two.

I got selected in Written and a total of 21 out of some 80-100 students got selected in written test. I really feel great and happy for being selected but after giving the test only I was confident that definitely I will be selected in the test and so I did. Your confidence and positive thinking are the most important weapons in the whole process
of selection.

Group Discussion:

After the selection of 21 students from written test we all were taken to the seminar hall and they make us divide into two parts. The GD topic was
given to us is

Spirituality and technology

In this everyone was able to speak , I also spoke well but some students were not able to speak so they were also given separate chance to express their views. This procedure I like the most was atleast one can express how they are good if they have their confidence at low level.

After that the result came out in which 7 students selected in one list and 4 selected in second list out of 21 in which 7 were final …. I was out of 7 students selected.

Interview :

Interview includes both technical and personal questions. It was good experience. They asked firstly the personal and than technical questions which are as such…

Your name?

Where are you from ?

Why u did the engineering?

Tell 5 positive points about you

Tell 5 negative points about you

What is html ?

What is markup language?

Why java is secure?

What is jvm?

What is skype?

Who is the topper of your class?

What you are planning for your future in which field you have to go with which major subject?

What will happen to you if we will not select you?

I replied these question positively leaving 1 or 2 technical one.

During my interview time I was confident and it was my great experience.

Finally the result came out and only 5 students got selected and I was 1 out of them. I was selected and really happy. I had a great experience

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper LKCT College 23 March 2011

The procedure was divided in 3 parts

1) GD

2) Written paper: 40 questions (Technical MCQ) + 10 questions (Aptitude)

3) Interview-(Technical + HR + Aptitude)

GD round

The topic was "should India break diplomatic relation with Pakistan"
The most fearing round for many of us. But believe me friends. Once you are in there you will enjoy the moments.
Don’t hesitate to give ur points, but remember never to interrupt in between when any of your colleague is speaking.

And be in manner.sit straight.
Try to be a good Listener too, that helps u very much. You will be sitting in a bunch of 20 and in most of the cases 4-5 will be selected or even more.
Only speak in English, because one student was speaking in hindi and he was not selected.

Written Round:

Written was fully technical 55 questions were objective type and 5 questions were for writing answer.

Technical questions were based on:

Data structure:-based on complexity, sorting.

C:-control statement, loop, Structure, pointer

and some simple C programs like.

Q. What would be the output of the following program:

Int i=0;



If(i<<4 && i<<9)





a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

b. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

c. 4 5 6 7 8 9

d. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Java:-strings based.

Software eng:-sdlc

Dot net:-some questions were from dot net.

C++:-questions were simple from c++,if ur basic is clear then u will solve.

For writing:-one question was container and second was why empty structure takes 2 byte memory in c++

Interview Round:

Only 44 students had selected for interview round..

3 technical sir, one HR mam and one CEO Mr. Mukesh sir were taking interview. they were taking interview one student at a time. And calling name according to list of clearing the return .My name was last third in that list..

But after taking 15 interview they had call randomly. In randomly my name was first.

This was the most memorable round for me, I was nervous. And after 5 min it was normal.

HR asked me a series of questions like

Tell me something about yourself?

Then tell me something about your Family?

Are you willing to relocate to any other location?

Are you willing to sign bond for 2 yr?

Who is ideal person and y?

Mam ask abt CONSAGOUS?

Technical question were:-

What is JQuery?

What is HTML?

What is JavaScript?

Tell me something about Photoshop, Flash.

Features of java?

What is difference between method and msg passing?

What is difference between binary tree and binary search tree?

What is left join?

What is virtual function, abstract class?

How to access private member of abstract class?

How many project u have made?

CEO asked some questions to check the aptitude.

How u will put four points at equal distance?

Some other LR question and Some Quantitative aptitude questions they asked.

All they were asking randomly. Not serial-wise.

After taking the interview, after 5-10 min they declared result.

Finally there were appr. 12 selections. I was one of them.

It is not necessary to give all answers. Skip some question instead of giving wrong answers.

So please be confident and honest never try to bluff them they are very smart.

Please be yourself and success will be yours. Luck is also one of factor for selection of u.

See you in consagous.

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper Adina institute of Eng M.P.22 May 2012

Consagous technology the recruitment process of Consagous technology had three rounds:
1. Written Test
2. GD
3. Technical interview/HR
Consagous written test
1. The first round was written test. The Paper was made up from two parts technical and aptitude. It had total of 40 questions out of which 30 questions were technical and 10 questions were aptitude.
Those questions are:

Consagous technical written test questions and answers

i. Prototyping of a function means
a. call
b. Declaration
c. parameter passing

2. What command in UNIX to go on background

3 What is the output of following code:

class Mylist
public static void main(String args[])
int a=args[1];
int b=args[2];
int c=args[3];
System.out.println("Ram is "+c);

Output should be Ram is 2 then
a. java 222
b. java 0231
c. java 0232
d. java 021

4. What is the output of following code:
class Myform
public static void main(String args[])
int a=5;
if(3>6 && a==5)
a. Compiler error
b. true
c. false

5 Waht is importance of generic function in .NET?

Consagous Aptitude written test

1. If a clock exactly show the 8 O,clock in the morning. What is the angle between the hour hand when the clock exactly show 2 O,clock at noon.
a. 90
b. 120
c. 180
d. 240

ii. Question based on up stream and down stream.

iii. Question based on time distance.

iv. Question based on percentage.

v. Question based on probability.

We are only 21 students qualified in the first round.

2 Consagous group discussion

Second Round was GD. We got the topic "Spirituality and Technology". The group had 21 students. After the discussion each student was given a chance to expresshis/ her view on the topic.
The discussion was going up to 20 minutes.

3. consagous Technical and HR round
Third Round was HR and Techanical Interview
Q1. Tell me about yourself.
Q2. What are the access level in Database?
Q3. What is the difference between scriptlets and servlet?
Q4. What is the compiler of java?
Q5. Why java is a platform independent language?
Q6. What is 5 strength points and 5 weekness points?
Q7. What is your long term goal?
Q8. If I will give you another language to work rather than java so, Do you agree?
Q9. What about your father?
Q10. How you able to pay the fee of college?

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper M.P. Latest 22 May 2012

Consagous Written Test pattern, Hiring Process and Whole Test Paper
Latest Recruitment Process of Consagous Technologies

Consagous Technologies-Aptitude
1.A train overtakes two persons who are walking in the same direction in which the train is going, at the rate of 2 kmph and 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 and 10 seconds respectively. The length of the train is:
A45 m
B.50 m-Answer
C54 m
D72 m

2 kmph = ( 2 x5 /18)m/sec = 5 /9m/sec.
4 kmph = ( 4 x 518)m/sec = 10 /9m/sec.
Let the length of the train be x metres and its speed by y m/sec.

Then, (x /y-5/9) = 9 and (x/y-10/9 )= 10.
9y-5=xand 10 (9y-10)=9x
9y-x=5 and 90y-9x=100
on solving we get x=50
Length of the train is 50 m

2.A man rows to a place 48 km distant and come back in 14 hours. He finds that he can row 4 km with the stream in the same time as 3 km against the stream. The rate of the stream is:
A.1 km/hr -Answer
B.1.5 km/hr
C. 2 km/hr
D. 2.5 km/hr
Suppose he move 4 km downstream in x hours. Then,
Speed downstream =(4/x)km/hr
Speed up stream =(3/x)km/hr
48/4/x+48(3/x)=14 or x=1/2
So,speed downstream = 8 km/hr,speed upstream =6km/hr
Rate of the stream = 1/2(8-6)km/hr =1 km/hr.

3.A pupil,s marks were wrongly entered as 83 instead of 63. Due to that the average marks for the class got increased by half (1/2). The number of pupils in the class is:
C. 40-Answer
D. 73

Let there be x pupils in the class.

Total increase in marks =(x*1/2)=x/2
Therefore x/2=(83-63) =x/2=20 =x=40

4 A bag contains 6 black and 8 white balls. One ball is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ball drawn is white?
A. 3/4
Let number of balls = (6 + 8) = 14.
Number of white balls = 8.
P (drawing a white ball) = 8 /14 = 4 /7 .

5.The salaries A, B, C are in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% are allowed respectively in their salaries, then what will be new ratio of their salaries?
A. 3 : 3 : 10
B. 10 : 11 : 20
C. 23 : 33 : 60-Ans
D. Cannot be determined

Let A = 2k, B = 3k and C = 5k.
A,s new salary = 115/100 of 2k =115/100 x 2k = 23k/10
B,s new salary = 110 /100 of 3k = 110 /100 x 3k = 33k/10
C,s new salary = 120 of 5k = 120 x 5k = 6k
New ratio 23k /10: 33k/10 : 6k = 23 : 33 : 60

6.There were two rooms of students room A and room B.If 10 students from room A are transferred to room B then the no of students in both the room will be equal .If 20 students from room B are transferred to room A then the no. of students in room A will be double the no of students in room A.Then what are the no. of students in room A?

7.The time taken by boat to travel 4 meters dowmstream is 4 hours 48 min and that the upstream 4 hours .Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the stream.
8.An accurate clock shows 8 o,clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o,clock in the afternoon?
A. 144º
Angle traced by the hour hand in 6 hours = (360/12) x 6 º = 180º.

9.If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is:
A50 km-Ans
B.56 km
C. 70 km
D. 80 km
Let the actual distance travelled be x km.

Thenx = x/10 + 20/14
14x = 10x + 200 4x = 200
x = 50 km.
10 Three candidates contested an election and received 1136, 7636 and 11628 votes respectively. What percentage of the total votes did the winning candidate get?
A. 57%
B. 60%
C. 65%
D. 90%
Total number of votes polled = (1136 + 7636 + 11628) = 20400.
Required percentage = (11628 / 20400 x 100) % = 57%.

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper Bhopal 22 May 2012

I just want to share my experience of getting placed at Consagous Technologies. On 9th June 2012 there was an close campus drive of Consagous Technologies in our college.
I was very excited to take part in it. Firstly, they started with a seminar, a small introduction about the company. Then the placement process started.
The recruitment process of Consagous had three rounds.
1. Written test
2. Group discussion
3. Technical interview & HR Interview

Consagous Technologies Written Test :
It was objective type with 50 questions in 60 mins. The written test paper had three sets set A , set B and set C. I got set B. Basically the question were from network connection with database ,output of programs on C, C++, java,, php , data structure and Aptitude questions included topics like Time & Distance, simple interest ,average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion etc.There was no negative marking in the written test.

Consagous Technologies Technical written test
Some of them which I remember are-
1. What command in UNIX run on background
2. The groups of students are divided into 2class room. If 10students are shifted from class A to Class B then no of students in both class are equal.
If 10 Students are shifted from class B to Class A then no of students in class A is Double to the no of students in Class B. Find the total no of students?
3. The time taken by boat to travel 4 meters downstream is 4 hours 48 min and that the upstream 4 hours .Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the stream.
4. And many more….

Then after few hours the result of written test was announced , and fortunately I was selected among the 80-100 other students. After written test 21 students were shortlisted and went through 2nd round .
Consagous GD Round:
In this round , all 21 students divided into two teams and went through group discussion process.
Topic of our GD was “Spirituality and Technology” and it held for 15 to 20 min. It was the very nice discussion and most of them took part in it.
After GD round 11 students were short listed. Then the next round was Technical and HR interview.

Consagous Technologies HR and Technical Interview:
Finally after 2nd Round I had been selected for HR and Technical Interview Round .At that time also I was full of excitement for my PI , though nervous also.
I just prayed to God , took my parents name and entered in the room, As I entered I saw three people there inside the room I wished all of them, and they offered me the chair,
I replied with thank you sir thank you mam.

HR questions:
• Introduce yourself
• Why you want to be a software engineer?
• Why you want to join consagous?
• Why do we take you in consagous?
• Tell me 5 negative points of your,s?
• Tell me the name of CEO of Google, Facebook?

Technical question:
• what is object –oriented programming?
• Tell me about your major project?
• Features of OOPS n Advantage of Oops?
• Difference between Router $ Switch?
And many more……
All you have to be confident and have positive attitude during the interview.
Really it was a very good experience with HR sir and with his team.
And just after half an hour the results had been declared , 5 students were selected and fortunately with God Grace I was one of them, that was one of the most cherishable moment of my life.
After that we have a photograph with HR Sir & CEO Sir.
I always remember one thing We Will..... Do It...........!!!!!
I would like to thank Consagous Technologies to give me such a big opportunity to work with them,thank you so much.!

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Paper Technical C Indore 27 February 2011

I just want to express my personnal experience of getting placed at Consagous Technologies,to all freshers who are in search of the job.
On 25th of Feb 2011 there was a campus drive of Consagous Technologies in our college.That was the second time any software company is coming to our college for batch, I was very excited.
Firstly, they started with a seminar, a small introduction about the company.Then as the first round of the placement process, they conducted GD, in every group there was 20 students, and in the GD they just given the topics on the current affairs ,like- Global warming, Science is a curse or boon, girls are superior than boys?, etc.
Then after half an hour the result of GD was announced , and fortunetly I was selected among the 150 other students.
Then there was a written round, that was fully Technical , the question paper consists of total 50 questions out which 45 are optional and the rest of the 5 questions are not optional.
Some of them which I remember are-

1.when we pass an argument to a function , then how it is being interpreted?
Ans- Address of the first element of an array. the size of structure can be determined?
3.Complexity of binary search algorithm?
4.what does the symbol << do in c++?
5.what does (.) dot operator do?
6.what is RTTI?
7.What is containership?
And many more questions related to data structure on complexity, C program output, etc

Then the result was declared on the next day, total 45 students are short leasted out of 150(approx) and the further rounds of Technical and HR are after two days.

Then on 28th of Feb 2011 we are called for the next rounds, and that was the toughest time ever as my turn came almost at last , firstly my name was announced for the Technical round, there when I entered there are 3 persons inside the room who are taking the interview, as I entered they asked me to reduce the speed of the fan, I went to the switch board but the regulator was not working , then they told me to switch it off.
Then , they offerd me to have a seat, there they asked me about-
1. what is your area of interest?
2. what is recursion?
3. write a program of factorial using recursion.
4. differentiate between My sql and Sql server.
5. they asked me questions related to my minor project.
6. what does get and post method do?
7. what is structure?
8. what is union?

Out of which I have given answers of the many of them.

Then I was called for the PI (personnmal interview) , I was very tired as it was 6:30 and I was waiting for my turn from 11’o clock onwards. But as I was very much exited , I just prayed to God and entered in the room, As I entered I saw two persons there inside the room I wished both of them, and they offerd me the chair, I replied with thank you sir thank you mam. Then the first question which I was asked there is-
1.Tell me something about yourself?
2.they asked me of my strengths.
3.then suddenly they started asking aptitude questions, and the main thing is that they are not repeating the questions, you have to listen it very carefully.
And the questions are like—
Que- a man moves 50 km away from his house in the north direction, then he turns left and moves 50 km , and then again he turns left and moves 50 km, then at which place he is from his house and at what distance?

Que- the ratio of the age of the two friends are in the ratio 6:5 then there ratio becomes 8:7 , so how many years they will it takes to gain this ratio?

4.where do you see yourself after 5 years?
5.tell me your 5 such skills which you can give to our organization.
6.what do you know about our company?

They both are very calm and are of very good nature, and they are very supportive which helped me a lott .

And just after half an hour the results had been declared and fortunetly with God’s Grace I got selected, that was the one of the very most imported and cherishable moment of my life.

All The Best to all my dear friends , and I wish you for your bright future.

And , at last but not the least, I would like to thanks to Consagous Technologies to give me such a big opportunity to prove myself in my life, thank you so much.

Consagous Placement Paper : Selection Process in Consagous Technologies

Hello friends , I am Naina Gupta Completed BE from Indira Gandhi Engineering
College, Sagar (M.P). The Consagous Technologies Limited Company
Recruitment process consist of three round for selection which was held on 23
rd May 2012 at Adina College,Sagar and they are

1. Written Test

2. Group Discussion

3. Interview

*Written Test :*

The written test consist of 40 objective type questions from which 10 are on
aptitude skills and rest on technical skills which includes concept of
c , c++ , java,
dot net , sql and php. The written test has its three sets A, B and C. I
got set A. There were about 80-100 students who gave the test.

Aptitude questions which I remember were based on :

1. Race problems

2. Age problem

3. Ratio and proportion

4. Simple Interest

5. Percentage

They were easy and I was able to do them quickly. I liked the aptitude
questions in the test.

Technical questions which I remember were:

1. Write a unix command to execute background files?

2. Difference b/w int variablename and extern int variablename?

3. Dotnet basics questions.

4. Which is the reserved java keyword ? like native

5. Some output based questions

6. Where we mention the prototype of a function?

Technical questions are seem to be somewhat difficult to me but I tried to
find out solution for them and did my best to solve them. The multiple
choice was given in every question leaving only 1 or 2 question. Finally
the test was submitted and result came out after about and hour or two.

I got selected in Written and a total of 21 out of some 80-100 students
got selected in written test. I really feel great and happy for being
selected but after giving the test only I was confident that definitely I
will be selected in the test and so I did. Your confidence and
positive thinking are the most important weapons in the whole process
of selection.

*Group Discussion:*

After the selection of 21 students from written test we all were taken to
the seminar hall and they make us divide into two parts. The GD topic was
given to us is

*Spirituality and technology *

In this everyone was able to speak , I also spoke well but some students
were not able to speak so they were also given separate chance to express
their views. This procedure I like the most was atleast one can express how
they are good if they have their confidence at low level.

After that the result came out in which 7 students selected in one list and
4 selected in second list out of 21 in which 7 were final .. I was out of 7
students selected.

*Interview :*

Interview includes both technical and personal questions. It was good
experience. They asked firstly the personal and than technical questions
which are as such.

· Your name?

· Where are you from ?

· Why u did the engineering?

· Tell 5 positive points about you

· Tell 5 negative points about you

· What is html ?

· What is markup language?

· Why java is secure?

· What is jvm?

· What is skype?

. Difference between truncate and delete command in sql?

· Who is the topper of your class?

· What you are planning for your future in which field you have to go
with which major subject?

· What will happen to you if we will not select you?

I replied these question positively leaving 1 or 2 technical one.
During my interview time I was confident and it was my great experience.

Finally the result came out and only 5 students got selected and I was 1 out of
them. I was selected and really happy. I had a great experience.
All the best guys............

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Placement Papers May 2012

Hello Friends !!!
I am Divya Diwakar, College - Indira Gandhi Engineering College, Sagar ( m.p )
I just want to share my experience of getting placed at Consagous Technologies.

On 23th of May 2012 there was an open campus drive of Consagous Technologies in Adina college , Sagar (m.p.). I was very excited to take part in it.
Firstly, they started with a seminar, a small introduction about the company. Then the placement process started.
The recruitment process of Consagous had three rounds.
1. Written test
2. Group discussion
3. Technical interview / HR

Written Test :

It was objective type with 40 questions in 40 mins. The written test paper had three sets set A , set B and set C. I got set C. Basically the question were from network connection with database ,output of programs on C, C++, java,, php , data structure and Aptitude questions included topics like Time & Distance, simple interest ,average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion etc.There was no negative marking in the written test.

Some of them which I remember are-

1. Name two files used to make a network connection with database?
2. In a hash table key , the value cannot be null but it can be-
(a) True (b) False
3. The time taken by boat to travel 4 meters dowmstream is 4 hours 48 min and that the upstream 4 hours .Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the stream.
4. In a family there are two grandparents whose average age is 67 and there are two parents whose average age is 42 and there are three children of average age 6 What is the total average age of the family?
5. There were two rooms of students room A and room B.If 10 students from room A are transferred to room B then the no of students in both the room will be equal .If 20 students from room B are transferred to room A then the no. of students in room A will be double the no of students in room A.Then what are the no. of students in room A?
And many more..

Then after few hours the result of written test was announced , and fortunately I was selected among the 80-100 other students. After written test 21 students were shortlisted and went through 2nd round .

GD Round:
In this round , all 21 students divided into two teams and went through group discussion process. Topic of our GD was "Spirituality and Technology" and it held for 15 to 20 min. It was the very nice discussion and most of them took part in it.
After GD round 11 students were shortlisted. Then the next round was Technical and HR interview.

HR and Technical Interview:

Finally after 2nd Round I had been selected for HR and Technical Interview Round .At that time also I was full of excitement for my PI , though nervous also. I just prayed to God , took my parents name and entered in the room, As I entered I saw three people there inside the room I wished all of them, and they offered me the chair, I replied with thank you sir thank you mam.

HR questions:
. Introduce yourself
. Are you interested in business of your father ?(As I mentioned my father is a businessman)
. what is your Aim?
. Why do we take you in consagous?
. Position after five year
. What u know about Consagous?

Technical question:
. what is object -oriented programming?
. Do you think java is secure and why?
. What is the difference between abstraction and encapsulation?
And many more..

All you have to be confident and have positive attitude during the interview.
Really it was a very good experience with HR sir and with his team.

And just after half an hour the results had been declared , 5 students were selected and fortunately with God Grace I was one of them, that was one of the most cherishable moment of my life.
I would like to thank Consagous Technologies to give me such a big opportunity , thank you so much.!

Consagous Placement Paper : Consagous Technologies Candidate Experience

Hello friends !!!
I,am Abhinav Ranjan Sinha
College- L.K.C.T(Indore)

I just want to express my personnal experience of getting placed at Consagous Technologies,to all freshers who are in search of the job.
On 25th of Feb 2011 there was a campus drive of Consagous Technologies in our college.That was the second time any software company is coming to our college for batch, I was very excited.
Firstly, they started with a seminar, a small introduction about the company.Then as the first round of the placement process, they conducted GD, in every group there was 20 students, and in the GD they just given the topics on the current affairs ,like- Global warming, Science is a curse or boon, girls are superior than boys?, etc.
Then after half an hour the result of GD was announced , and fortunetly I was selected among the 150 other students.
Then there was a written round, that was fully Technical , the question paper consists of total 50 questions out which 45 are optional and the rest of the 5 questions are not optional.
Some of them which I remember are-

1.when we pass an argument to a function , then how it is being interpreted?
Ans- Address of the first element of an array. the size of structure can be determined?
3.Complexity of binary search algorithm?
4.what does the symbol << do in c++?
5.what does (.) dot operator do?
6.what is RTTI?
7.What is containership?
And many more questions related to data structure on complexity, C program output, etc

Then the result was declared on the next day, total 45 students are short leasted out of 150(approx) and the further rounds of Technical and HR are after two days.

Then on 28th of Feb 2011 we are called for the next rounds, and that was the toughest time ever as my turn came almost at last , firstly my name was announced for the Technical round, there when I entered there are 3 persons inside the room who are taking the interview, as I entered they asked me to reduce the speed of the fan, I went to the switch board but the regulator was not working , then they told me to switch it off.
Then , they offerd me to have a seat, there they asked me about-
1. what is your area of interest?
2. what is recursion?
3. write a program of factorial using recursion.
4. differentiate between My sql and Sql server.
5. they asked me questions related to my minor project.
6. what does get and post method do?
7. what is structure?
8. what is union?

Out of which I have given answers of the many of them.

Then I was called for the PI (personnmal interview) , I was very tired as it was 6:30 and I was waiting for my turn from 11,o clock onwards. But as I was very much exited , I just prayed to God and entered in the room, As I entered I saw two persons there inside the room I wished both of them, and they offerd me the chair, I replied with thank you sir thank you mam. Then the first question which I was asked there is-
1.Tell me something about yourself?
2.they asked me of my strengths.
3.then suddenly they started asking aptitude questions, and the main thing is that they are not repeating the questions, you have to listen it very carefully.
And the questions are like-
Que- a man moves 50 km away from his house in the north direction, then he turns left and moves 50 km , and then again he turns left and moves 50 km, then at which place he is from his house and at what distance?

Que- the ratio of the age of the two friends are in the ratio 6:5 then there ratio becomes 8:7 , so how many years they will it takes to gain this ratio?

4.where do you see yourself after 5 years?
5.tell me your 5 such skills which you can give to our organization.
6.what do you know about our company?

They both are very calm and are of very good nature, and they are very supportive which helped me a lott .

And just after half an hour the results had been declared and fortunetly with God,s Grace I got selected, that was the one of the very most imported and cherishable moment of my life.

All The Best to all my dear friends , and I wish you for your bright future.

And , at last but not the least, I would like to thanks to Consagous Technologies to give me such a big opportunity to prove myself in my life, thank you so much.
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