CSC Placement Paper : CSC Placement Paper BITS,warangal 23 July 2010
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Placement Paper offcampus chennai anna university 13 July 2010
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Placement Papers 20th may 2010 at AUDISANKARA COLLEGE GUDUR
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Whole Testpaper 1
Hi, it was 18 Sep when CSC visted our college i.e BIET Jhansi.......It has 5 people whole came....
we have to go through 5 rounds given below:
1. Aptitude
2. Technical Written
3. Communication round(including extempo)
4. Technical Interview
5. HR
it involve 140 question which include some english part also .......numeric part was not so tough but it was very difficult to break english questions......time limit was 1 hour.. after giving the apptitude round we waited for result......out of 90.... 36 cleared the apptitude...
Technical Written
it involve 55 question has to be completed in 1 has all the subject question which we have studied in B.Tech Computer Science....Data Structure,DBMS,comp Architecture,comp n/w,etc...... cut off was 23......I scored highest in CS and IT after giving technical round we waited for result 16 cleares the technical round............
Communication After clearing the technical written we went for interview which first have .....communication round....main stress was given on fluency speak good one.... it also have an extempo in which on topic was given and we have to speak on that immediatly..............i have cleared that round....
Technical Interview
My technical interview was very went for appox 50 min.......I: may i come in sir HR:yes sure.. I: Good evening sir
HR: very Good evening Ashish...have a seat...I sat he congrats me for clearing my previous round....
HR: tell me about ur self I: i told
HR: well...r u familiar with C... I: yes
HR: WAP to print a pattern
I 1 min with no error
HR: what is ur area of intrest... I: sir data Stucture
Hr: ok............write aprogram to add a node to a link list? I wrote with output....he was impressed and ask me can u write for doubly link list.I asked for paper he said let it be.................
Hr: have done any project..... I: yes sir i have done a project in ASP.NET with C#..... I explained my project.........he asked me some coding i explained him.........
HR: what it LAN? I:Answered..
HR:what is MAC? I:sorry sir....
HR:what is Modem? I:Answered..... then he passed me to HR round....
he asked me about the enviorment i would like to work....i satisfy the bond and condition.... my family background... and very specialmy hobbies....and my achivement i have written in my was brilliant day for me as only 2 were finally selected .......HR then called me and made an announcment that i was selected in CSC and asked me how will i celebrate the day.....I was the most pleasant moment of my life to be placed in CSC................I was feeling great and top of the world...
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Whole Testpaper
hii frnds!!....
This is Madhuri I attended CSC in vit on 31st Aug 2007. There are 5 rounds in csc:they are:
1 Aptitude
2 Technical (written)
3 Communications round
4 Hr
5 Technical interview
The compensation in csc in Rs.3.00lacs per annum for mca/ nd rs.3.14lacs for as per the ppt till date
nd 2 yrs bond.
(40 quesrions --40 mins)
It consited of hights nd distances,ages,anology,fill in the blanks with appropriate words,derive conclusions,nd problems on distance and speeds nd puzzles,etc
some questions are!!
1. A 3*3 blck is given and should be filled frm 1...9 they gave 3 numbers nd when coundted horizontally,vertically and diagnally they should sum 15. they gave nearly 7 questions on this blk really easy if u practice sudoku.
2. If x,y are 2 positive integers and they are derived as follows:
then wats the value of f(3,0),f(1,2) etc nd hw f(1,2) can be derived in terms f(0,0),f(0,2),f(3,0)
there 5 questions relating to this.
3. 1question on ages i dont properly remember the questions
4.7 questions on anlogy,fill in the blanks
5.deriving conclusions 10 questions
Technical written:
(55 questions 60 min)
There were 2 sets for cse and non cse
Iam frm IT so these are topics asked in my set:
1 Engineering mathematics--->2 questions
2 Theory of computations ---->1 question
3 Computer organizations and architecture---->20 questions
4 Digital logic-->2 or 3 questions
5 Data structures-->8 qustions
6 Compilers-7 ques
7 Mind test on personality--5 questions
The test also includes operating systems,software engineering,general questions on sound cards some raid
it was tough
Communications test:
This is just cool bold they just ask hw do u make tea,wht u done if u suddenly get 2 crores,wht u do when u come 2 know u r going to die 2morrow,etc
I cant xplain much becoz i lost in this round.
Isuffered a lot here because i didnt get correct pattern any where so i wanted to help others.
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Aptitude - General
Hai guys,,
This is the paper on General aptitude. This paper is very very important as far as ones selection is concerned. U have to be very fast and accurate and U have to score at least above 80 to be selected for interview. The criteria for the test was 60% throughout in 10th,12th, grad and MCA upto iv sem.Here about 150 students sat for the test and 15 were short listed for the interviews. So U can see the degree of the competition.The company is good and work hard U can get through. Start practicing Mental ability from RS Agarwal Specially PUZZLES,NUMBER SERIES,MIRROR IMAGE,3D and FIGURE SERIES. Though I am sending U the technical paper also but that will be available to almost all of U and so that is not so important for selection.Just attempt about 60 questions out of 75 in that paper.
NO of ques : 100
Time : 40 minutes
This paper was divided into 7(seven) sections:
1. Sequence figures : 10 questions
In this section U have to trace out the next figure in the given sequence OR find out the ODD figure from given four figures. This is very simple section and U can do it very easily.
2. Numerical Series : 15 questions
In this section U have to find the odd no in given series OR find the next no in the given series OR what comes in place of ? in a series. Practice this type of question from R.S Agarwal.I remember only few question which I am trying to give below:
6 9 12 ? 6
6 ? 9 9 6
9 12 6 3 6
this is just the type of ques.It may not be the exact one.
U see that the sum of each row is 36. So ?=6.There were many ques of this type.
3 6 18 ? 7 8
1 2 6 6 3 2
This types if questions were there in which U have to find the no replacing ?....
3. Non verbal reasoning : 15 questions
Here U are given 4 squares figures (a,b,c,d) differing slightly in thickness of their sides Now U are given a few set of figures with some figures left out.These blanks are numbered 1 to 15.U have to fit one of the above given square figures in each blank.This is a very simple question and U can do it easily.
4. Analytical Reasoning :15 Questions
This section contained questions as given in puzzle section of RS Agarwal.It contains 4 parts with 5,5,3,2 questions.Just do it with patience.Make tables and then U will easily answer the questions following it.. don,t remember the exact question but I am sending approximately same question:
(i).Four friends are given named Akansha,Anuska,Anisha, ... , ... .Each of them live in a separate home and sleep on one bed.Akansha and Anuska have two extra beds,two of the house have green lawns while the rest have narrow porchs,One of the house has Airconditioner while the est have fans.And so on.. Based on these informations five questions were asked like
What is the total no of beds in all houses?
ans:14(not sure!!just check it)
Who lives in the house with green lawn and with AC?
These type of questions are very simple.Just make the table and U will get all the answers
(ii).Five students and five subjects and given along with few information.Five questions are asked following the questions.This is a bit tricky do it in the end.
(iii).In a given knockout series England defeated Pakistan,Pakistan was defeated by Newzealand, India defeated both England and Newzealand.
Three very simple questions were asked like:
Who won the series? ans: India
Who didn,t win a single match? ans: Pakistan
How many matches were played in total?
(iv). This is also very simple question..U can answer it easily.
5. Spatial reasoning : 15 Questions
This question is similar to the MIRROR IMAGE part of RS Agarwal.A Figure is given and U have to identify the figure which "CANNOT BE" the mirror image of the given figure which can be rotated along any axis.
6. English aptitude : 15 Questions
This section contains two parts:
(i). 5 questions asking synonym of given words. (one of the word is quiet ans:silent)
(ii).10 questions aksing to identify words not similar in meaning to the given words. (one of the word is mutiny and the alternatives are
a)uprising b)rebel c)revolt,d).... answer:b )
7. 3D reasoning : 15 Questions
This section contained questions in which a 3 dimentional figure is given and U have to judge how it would look from the side indicated in the question like from below,from back etc. Also there are questions in which a sheet is given with marks on it along which it can be folded.U have to judge from the given option the three dimentional structure which can be build by folding the sheet along the given lines .
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Technical - Other
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Whole Testpaper 2
frnds i remember only those questions wich vr aksed from me
and as ther r many questions interview was very long so i m posting questions subjectwise
1) whn u open web browser, thn wht will happen wht do u do first thing?
2) wht u write first thing, i said DNS or webaddress concept thtn he asked complete web adress like i told
thn he asked meaning of each word-http,www,com etc
3) wht is URL
4) tel complete procedure how a site open after opening explorer
5) other layers understand DNS or not if not thn wht will happen (concept of mapping to ip adress comes here) thy asked how mapping takes place and at wich layer
6) dns procedure use wht tcp/ip or osi
7) how many layers in tcp/ip and wich layers are extra in osi model
8) tcp/ip conection oriented or conectionless
9) wht is DNs he was trying to ask in detail but as i havnot read so i said tht
10) wht is arp
11) wht is rarp
12) wht is ATM(asynchronous mode transfer)
1) wht is primary key
2) if ther is no primary key how will u uniquely identify each tuple (i said composite key or super key)
3) diff between tuple and attribute
4) wht r anomalies explain each in detail (like insertion anomaly deletion and modification anomaly)
5) wht is foreign key constraint
6) if i want to delete a tuple from a table having reference in so other table thn wht will happen (concept of cascade comes else error)
7) wht r triggers explain
8) if i want to hav som tuples havind null value wht to do (outer join)
9) wht if i join two tables and no primary key (spurious tuples generate redundant data)
10) he asked me wht will u do if need to retrieve this so basically query
and select first four tuples
select *
from employee
where salary
thn apply rownum<=4 to select first four tuples
11) diff betweenoracle 9i and oracle 8
12) diff between dbms, rdbms, ordbms
1) wht is os
2) wht is a process
3) diff between process and thread
4) if threads share data section wht will happen
(concept of semaphore and crtitcal section comes so )
5) wht is semaphore
6) wht other thing semaphore do except synchronisation
7) wht else happen in threads and process so deadlock concept comes
8) deadlocks, and i told abt 4 conditons of deadlocks also
9) in os wher do u use stacks and queues
(like stacks for saving process satate , on system call context switch etc and queue in scheduling so he asked do we hav only fifo scheduling)
10) so types of scheduling
Data Structure
1) u hav fifteen boxes in kitchen and ur mom asked u to make foos for 1 month, wht will u do to make food fast (thn concept of sorting came)
i said i will put name tag on boxes and thn sort thm in ascending order or i can put thm in order of color shade firstly lightest and thn little darker and soon but tht can create confusion so first is better way
2)u hav 1000 names in unorder manner and i asked u to pick any name of my choice randomly and thn giv me complete info of tht person so wht ds will u use
i said firstly i will sort thm thn i will use hashing/btrees as thy r faster in decreasing search domain,
thy asked wich sort will u use
i said radix as good for strings , he asked if one more name increase or decrease i said radix sort take linear time so doesnot affect much on time
he said if names r vary in length like one is venkateshraman other is raj i said sort from 3rd last letter or use padding.
3) wht is heapsort, concept . wher u can apply it
4) wht all ds u know
i said heaps binomial fiboncaai, liked list stacks queues trees arrays etc
5) advantage and disadvantage of linked list and array over each other in temrs of memory allocation
6) insert and delete a node in a linked list write a code(not from me)
basically thy asked asll application based question on data structure
1) he write a java code of swapping to name via calling object as parameter and asked whther result will reflect in main or not
(as object passed as a reference so reuslt will be reflected)
2) in java we use call by reference or call by value
3) wht r interfaces
4) diff between interfaces and abstraction
- before going for interview i hav heard tht thy ask ur fav subject note tht and thn asked ques accordingly but today thy start taking interview without asking any fav subjects from all of us
- so be prpeared for DBMS, os, ds, java, networks and c/c++(little bit)
- n/w questions vr all concept based no theory thy just want to see how things happen
-either u,ll go offcampus or oncampus thy take 35 minutes to 1 hr interview of each person). mine was 35 minutes so u can see no of ques asked think abt my frnd whose interview was of complete 1 hr even whn we vr oncampus
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Whole Testpaper1
it was a very tough test i hav given test of 6-7 companies but csc test was toughest
ther vr linear equations questions wich vr not at all easy
questions on sets
-permutaion combination
-arrangement logical ques
- distance speed ques
- time question
-ques like f has pririty over h and g has priortiy over i so now 4-5 ques based on this
-length is increased by 5 and breadth is decreased ny 10 thn total is 200m and whn length decreasd by 5 and breadth increasd by 15 thn total is 75 m, fing length
-a>b>c so wich is tru
ab>ac or a/b>b/c or som more options
-6 girls and 6 boys, all boys and all girls will sit together so no of possible ways
- cow is tied with rope from two sides 40 40 cm and forming an angle 24degree size of rope is 15cm so how much area in wich cow can graze
-7 orange and 5 apples cost 16.90 rs and 5 oranges and 7 apples cost 2.60 so no of oranges
-ther is a place wher ppl r either no or yes. if ram sain 2and 2 makes four thn he is yes and similarly if mohan said 2 -1 is 2 thn he is no. so now ques based on this
- paragraph given and u hav to conlude or find contradicting line
and rest all questions vr very tough so i dont remember thm at all
technical ques
-c c++
- wht is piggybanking used for (acknowledgement)
- wht combines router and bridge
- tcp/ip is wht conection oriented or conectionless
- X.25 protcol is at wich layer
- wht is superkey (primarykey+attribute)
- wich join will u use to hav null values (outer)
- query was given find join type
select and and name from customer, order
where (natural join)
- wich follow binary tree property
- som code of java given find no of dangling pointers
- linked list a->b and b pt to itself so wht type of linked list (infinite)
- which line is wrong abt linked list
(circular list can be only implemented in doubly linked list)
- os question on context switch and sytem call
- microporcesor ques like result of 2 input , 1 o/p line and three annd gates is (nand)
- which gate need to combine with or gate to make nand gate
- transfer RO to local and local to RO and shift RO 3 timed thn local to RO so result is
- some instruction were given and u hav to find resultanf values of flags
- some instrcution was given find output shift 2 times right to 80008ff
- atomicity definiton was given and u hav to tell wich property it is(atomicity)
- questions vr given fill in the balnks three places (placemnt,replacemnt,replacment) order was correct
- wich normal from shld be saticsy to hav bcnf and one more condition was given
- som ques of physics given resistance and volts use so u hav to tell output (low voltage or high voltage or??)
- wich sort take o(n^2) time
- some prog given outer fro loop from 1 to n and inner frm 1 to k so time is
-right output of preorder traversal som tree was given
- wht r abstract data types
- wht r steps of compiler (syntax, semantic,...)
CSC Placement Paper : CSC Whole Testpaper