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Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Placement Paper hyderabad 25 January 2010


1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Cricket
2) Football
3) Polo
4) Carrom
5) Hockey

2. In the word CONTRACTUAL, the positions of the first and the eleventh letters are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the second and the tenth letters are interchanged, and so on, up to the positions of fifth and seventh letters are interchanged, keeping the position of sixth letter unchanged. Which letter will be the third to the right of the sixth letter from the left end?
1) U
2) N
3) T
4) A
5) None of these

3. In a certain code, LATE is written as $%#@ and WIDE is written as *?▲@. How is DIAL written in that code?
1) ▲@#$
2) ▲@%$
3) ▲?%$
4) ▲?%#
5) None of these

4. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on their positions in the English alphabet?
1) PRS
2) QST
3) OQR
4) ORS
5) None of these

5. If in the following set of numbers, the first and the third digits are interchanged in each number, which number will be second if arranged in ascending order after interchanging the digits?
583 645 396 287 469
1) 583
2) 645
3) 396
4) 287
5) 469

Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following questions two rows of numbers are given. The resultant of each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules, and the question below the row of numbers is to be answered. The operations of numbers in each row progress from left to right.

(i) If an odd number is followed by another odd number, they are to be multiplied.
(ii) If an even number is followed by another even number, the first number is to be divided by the second even number.
(iii) If an even number is followed by the perfect square of an odd number, the first number is to be subtracted from the second number.
(iv) If an odd number is followed by an even number the two are to be added.
(v) If an even number is followed by an odd number which is not a perfect square, the square of the odd number is to be added to the even number.

11. 96 16 81 = x
11 15 18 = y
What is the value of y-2x?
1) 108
2) 33
3) 105
4) 36
5) None of these

12. 28 49 13 = x
37 12 22 = y
What will be the sum of the resultant of the two rows?
1) 108
2) 244
3) 102
4) 344
5) None of these

13. 18 5 17 = x
64 8 11 = y
What will be the value of x + y?
1) 189
2) 129
3) 69
4) 169
5) None of these

14. 9 15 50 = x
12 25 24 = y
What will be the value of x/y?
1) 18
2) 8
3) 5
4) 6
5) None of these

15. 56 14 9
36 12 7
What will be the difference between the resultants of the two rows?
1) 14
2) 21
3) 5
4) 26
5) None of these

1. (4)
2. (2)
3. (3)
4. (5)
5. (2)
6. (2)
7. (4)
8. (5)
9. (3)
10. (5)
11. (1)
12. (2)
13. (1)
14. (3)
15. (4)

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Placement Paper hyderabad 25 January 2010


1. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
1) Cricket
2) Football
3) Polo
4) Carrom
5) Hockey

2. In the word CONTRACTUAL, the positions of the first and the eleventh letters are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the second and the tenth letters are interchanged, and so on, up to the positions of fifth and seventh letters are interchanged, keeping the position of sixth letter unchanged. Which letter will be the third to the right of the sixth letter from the left end?
1) U
2) N
3) T
4) A
5) None of these

3. In a certain code, LATE is written as $%#@ and WIDE is written as *?▲@. How is DIAL written in that code?
1) ▲@#$
2) ▲@%$
3) ▲?%$
4) ▲?%#
5) None of these

4. What will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on their positions in the English alphabet?
1) PRS
2) QST
3) OQR
4) ORS
5) None of these

5. If in the following set of numbers, the first and the third digits are interchanged in each number, which number will be second if arranged in ascending order after interchanging the digits?
583 645 396 287 469
1) 583
2) 645
3) 396
4) 287
5) 469

Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following questions two rows of numbers are given. The resultant of each row is to be worked out separately based on the following rules, and the question below the row of numbers is to be answered. The operations of numbers in each row progress from left to right.

(i) If an odd number is followed by another odd number, they are to be multiplied.
(ii) If an even number is followed by another even number, the first number is to be divided by the second even number.
(iii) If an even number is followed by the perfect square of an odd number, the first number is to be subtracted from the second number.
(iv) If an odd number is followed by an even number the two are to be added.
(v) If an even number is followed by an odd number which is not a perfect square, the square of the odd number is to be added to the even number.

11. 96 16 81 = x
11 15 18 = y
What is the value of y-2x?
1) 108
2) 33
3) 105
4) 36
5) None of these

12. 28 49 13 = x
37 12 22 = y
What will be the sum of the resultant of the two rows?
1) 108
2) 244
3) 102
4) 344
5) None of these

13. 18 5 17 = x
64 8 11 = y
What will be the value of x + y?
1) 189
2) 129
3) 69
4) 169
5) None of these

14. 9 15 50 = x
12 25 24 = y
What will be the value of x/y?
1) 18
2) 8
3) 5
4) 6
5) None of these

15. 56 14 9
36 12 7
What will be the difference between the resultants of the two rows?
1) 14
2) 21
3) 5
4) 26
5) None of these

1. (4)
2. (2)
3. (3)
4. (5)
5. (2)
6. (2)
7. (4)
8. (5)
9. (3)
10. (5)
11. (1)
12. (2)
13. (1)
14. (3)
15. (4)

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Placement Paper Not Specified 07 August 2010


Deloitee came to our college on 8th august 2010.Its ppt started around 10:30 in the thing i must tell u guys that it was very impressive and they were very down to earth and our college has taken part in that ppt very enthusiastically. So it was good sign to them that our college students are intrested in the company.

Aptitude test:- It started around 1:15pm and end at 2:00pm. There was 40 question and 45 minutes for it,frankly speaking time was not adequate for the you have to make stratergy according to their instructions.In my case there was no negative marking so i decided to solve for 40 minutes and in last 5 min i will go for random option for unanswered question.I was able to solve around 20-22 question rest i ticked randomly.class average was around 18-20 questions.
See profit and loss,speed time and distance,work and time and data intrepretation,comprehension type problem. Question was of Cat-level ,and in many question there was lot of data given and it was very confusing so it is my advice to read it very carefully and judge quickly what they are asking , just be calm,have patience,try to answer each question you attempt correctly. Result came in the evening and i was among 59 out of 160 students who appeared.

Business Casestudy:- Next morning it started around 8 am in the morning.Here group of 6-7 people was formed and we were given a business problem and we have to work out that problem in a group.1 member from deloitte was with each group and was noting points put by each individual.Give chance each 1 to give their views be a good listener also and try to put your ideas in graphs.our problem was to analyse market of usa for

i)a product nutrocrape(just like cerelac in india)for infants less than 2 years of age.

ii)pills for Hiv and diabetics.

For Solving this first be clear about your objectives and go for both pros and cons. Try to give rough data and estimate your product demand you can check..... for more details.........

Presentation of casestudy:-It was of two minutes.Note that points you gonaa speak doesn,t matches with any of your collegue.After that they asked question on your presentation just be calm........

HR Interview :- Ahhhh......,if you are here you are 80% done i was among 24 finalist among 59. This was totally HR round with very little knowledge of tecnical.You should be well aware of the things you have written on your cv, many of question they wasked was from my cv eg. My experience as a executive member of an event.

Prepare your summer project well,questions like tell me about yourself,why should i hire you,why you wanna join deloitte,for this type of question you can refer

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Placement Paper Not Specified 12 December 2010

1. Delloitee recriuts moostly women from freshers in campus

2. All placement organisers and co-ordinaters, try to provide them with more what they ask, all infrastructure else they gonna make pay you for what do you did in the evening. For sure you will not get more placements in the evening or they will not visit your campus the next year

3. Attend the pre-placement talk in formalz only
They gonna leave you no excuses. I mean they simply don,t care 4 all the damn hell going around they simply say they want energy.

They are the only humans who can see Energy in the dressing thats too on lyin formals

4. 1 silly written test without any negatives

5. Then cums the world,s most stupid and immoral, ugly seletion process step normally any company would give you negative points when you dominate your team memebrs in G.D. or Case Study

Well thats not the case with Deloitte

The only condition to get placed in Deloitte is dominate, over power and out show all your team member in a GD or CS. Usually, you can,t get eliminated when you co-ordinate with your team members in a GD or CS.
They think that their selection criteria in GD is absolutely the best, in fact this is totally immoral and unethical.

"Our company is totally moral and ethical" this is what you can hear in pre-placement talk presentation

6. There cums the world,smost simple intervew." Tell me about yourself"

Answer it properly, and he gives the placement order to your placement order

Personal interview:
Its the world,s most worst, worster, worstest selection process l,ve ever seen. They gonna make you pay for what you did till morning. Hope they may change their attitude in coming few years.

Note: I never mind what they, damn care for this because its truth what i,ve said

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Aptitude - General

Recruitment test of  Deloitte Tech at Coimbatore on  30. 07.2004

There are three sections (Verbal, Quans and Critical)
15 Quans
10 Verbal
4 (Fitting the correct word in the given sentence)
6 (Fitting the correct sentence in the given paragraph)
15 Reasoning.

  1. I have 20 rupees. I bought 1, 2, 5 rupee stamps. They are different in numbers by the reason of no change, the shop keeper gives 3 one rupee stamps. So how many stamp(s) I have. Ans: 10

  2. An Engine length 1000 m moving at 10 m/s. A bird is flying from engine to end with x kmph and coming back at 2x. Take total time of bird traveling as 187.5 s. Find x and 2x.

  3. All persons know either swimming or rowing. There are 14 persons who know only swimming and 14 persons who know only rowing. 8 tickets sold for rowing. How many people are there for swimming?

  4. Which polygon has no. of sides = diagonal (Eg. Pentagon)

  5. One Cigar can be made from 7 bits. If there are 16 Cigars then how many bits collected? Ans: 4

  6. A, B, C, D went to a hotel and planned to share the bill equally. But afterwards they changed their plan and to pay proportional to consumption A paid 240, B & C paid equally, D paid only half the amount that he should have paid based on the first plan. What is the amount paid by B?

  7. There is a point P on the circle. A and B started running in two constant different speeds. A in Clockwise and B in Anti-clockwise. First time 500 m in Clockwise from P then 400 Anti-clockwise. If B is yet to complete one round, What is the circumference of the circle?

  8. There are 5 Sub with equal high marks. Mark scored by a boy is 3:5:6:7:8 (Not sure). If his total aggregate if 3/5 of the total of the highest score, in how many subjects has he got more than 60%?

  9. There are 11 lines in plane. How many intersections (Maximum) can be made?

  10. There are 3 Sections with 5 Qns each. If three Qns are selected from each section, the chance of getting different Qns is________

  11. There is a 20 X 20 array. In Each row , the tallest person is called and among them, the tallest person is A. In Each column, the shortest person is called and among them, the shortest person is B. Who is taller?

  12. P # Q = (P-Q)(Q-P) = - 1. Then Which is true?
    P = 3, Q = 2 P = 2,Q = 3 P = -1,Q = 1 P = 1, Q = -1 Ans: I & II only

  13. 7 Pink, 5 Black, 11 Yellow balls are there. Minimum no. atleast to get one black and yellow ball Ans: 17

  14. A, B, C and D are four people. There are four houses Red, Yellow, Blue, White. P, Q, R and S are four sections not in same order Conditions like  Three are sisters B comes from Red C comes from Blue Qns were asked based on that

  15. A Father is willing his estates like this. If a boy is born, wife has 1/3 part and remaining for boy. If a girl is born, Wife has 2/3 and remaining for the girl. But twins (Boy + Girl) are born. What is the share that the daughter would get?

  16. MBA, GRE prob from Barrons GRE (Don know whether it is there in all GRE Editions). Ans: GMAT, CAT (Sure)

  17.  If ü - Married 
      û - Not Married and
      M-ü N-û
      N-ü L-û
      L-û M-ü
    Who is married? Ans: N

    (A panel with 2 people- one HR & one Tech Guy)

  18. Tell me abt urself.

  19. You specify that you get irritated when things dont go in the pace you want them to.Then how do you handle a team?

  20. tell us about ur projects

  21.  Tell me wht is a foreign key(DBMS) .First tell me what is a key?

  22. What happens when an application is opened as like an MS Word and u press Tab key then the response seen
    is the cursor moving a bit on the Word document.So,what r the processes (no jargon,give the proper technical terms) behind this whole thing happening? 

  23. Do u think ur project is saleable? What rating

  24. What r the things u will do to reduce the processing time of your project?

  25. What can you do to decrease the time taken for processing a file in a batch processing system?


Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Whole Testpaper 1

DELOITTE PAPER @ IIT Delhi (20-09-2004)

The company was open for all branches of B E and M E

They expect people with very good comm.. skills

They told that there will be one interview in ppt.
But more interviews were conducted in cases where the HR,s were not able to decide.
They were sent to CEO panel.
The Interview was full of personal and a little HR for non-circuits and technical for circuits.
They expect students to be strong in the Enterprise application and Technology integration field.

The pattern was similar to CTS pattern as the HR,s were former CTS employees.
The booklet given here was BLUE

40 Qns. 60 mins. Negative marking of 0.25 per negative answer.

Three sections (Verbal, Quans and Critical)
15 Quans
10 Verbal
4 (Fitting the correct word in the given sentence)
6 (Fitting the correct sentence in the given paragraph)
15 Reasoning.

Plz work out... Don,t rely on the answer provided here. They may be wrong sometimes
Que. Which r in RED asked in IIT Delhi rest r which I have collected from other paper of Deloitte

1. I have 20 rupees. I bought 1, 2, 5 rupee stamps. They are different in numbers by the reason of no change, the shop keeper gives 3 one rupee stamps. So how many stamp(s) I have. Ans: 10
2. An Engine length 1000 m moving at 10 m/s. A bird is flying from engine to end with x sec and coming back at 2x sec. Take total time of bird traveling as 187.5 s. Find the to and fro speed of the bird. Answer 6 and 18m/s
3. P(father ) & Q (Son) .. Morning walk… In the shape of equilateral triangle. P walks at 1kmph and runs 4kmpg. Q runs and walks at double P,s speed. From the apex of equilateral triangle they both start. Q goes clockwise and P anticlockwise. They both travel for 90 min.
Ans 3.5 (not sure)
4. Which polygon has no. of sides = diagonal Answer- Pentagon)
5. A person makes one Cigar from 7 burnt pieces. How many pieces would be required to make 16 Cigars. Answer 112

6. There is a point P on the circle. A and B started running in two constant different speeds. A in Clockwise and B in Anti-clockwise. A meet B First time 500 m in Clockwise from P then second time 400 m Anti-clockwise from P. B is yet to complete one round, What is the circumference of the circle?

7. What is the prob. Of getting 2 prime nos. from 1 to 20. (Ans 14/95)

8. There are 5 Sub with equal high marks. Mark scored by a boy is 3:4:5:6:7 (Not sure). If his total aggregate if 3/5 of the total of the highest score, in how many subjects has he got more than 50%? - 3
9. There are 11 lines in plane. How many intersections (Maximum) can be made? Answer 11C2
10. There are 3 Sections with 5 Qns each. If three Qns are selected from each section, then in how many ways this selection can be done..
Answer : 1000(d)
11. There is a 20 X 20 array. In Each row , the shortest person is called and among them, the tallest person is A. In Each column, the shortest person is called and among them, the tallest person is B. Who is taller?

12. P # Q = (P-Q)(Q-P) = - 1. Then Which is true?
P = 3, Q = 2 P = 2,Q = 3 P = -1,Q = 1 P = 1, Q = -1 Ans: I & II only
13. 7 Pink, 5 Black, 11 Yellow balls are there. Minimum no. atleast to get one black and yellow ball Ans: 19
14. Juice contains water and orange pulp in the ratio of 3:1. For making 12L juice, how much orange pulp will be required. Answer 3
15. What is the probabltity of writing correct addresses to 4 letters to be posted. Answer 1/24(c )
16. A,B and C starts from a point on a circle. A and B goes clockwise and C anticlockwise. A meets C after 88s B meets C after 110s. after how many sec A meets B .
17. There are 80 balls and one of them is defective and having less wt. than others. What is the min. amount of weighings to get that ball out.(Answer 5)
18. How many type can arrange to seat 4 man & 4 woman on a circuler table alternate.
19. A, B, C and D are four people. There are four houses Red, Yellow, Blue, White. P, Q, R and S are four sections not in same order
Conditions like
Three are sisters
B comes from Red
C comes from Blue
Qns were asked based on that

20. A Father is willing his estates like this. If a boy is born, wife has 1/3 part and remaining for boy. If a girl is born, Wife has 2/3 and remaining for the girl. But twins (Boy + Girl) are born. What is the share that the daughter would get?
Answer = 1/6
21. MBA, GRE prob from Barrons GRE (Don know whether it is there in all GRE Editions). Ans: GMAT, CAT (Sure)
22. If ü - Married
û - Not Married and
M-ü N-û
N-ü L-û
L-û M-ü
Who is married? Ans: N 

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Whole Testpaper


Written Test:

The test duration was 1 hour

6 disorder sentensces - 6 marks
8 competetive english - 6 marks
15 arithmetic - 15 marks
13 logical reasoning - 13 marks

0.25 negative mark for each wrong answer

Concentrate more on arithmetic and logical reasoning.


The interview is one to one interview. If you are from computer science back ground the ask more about oops concepts and Java 
Interview will be for 20 to 40 minutes.

Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Paper Aptitude - General - 30 July 2004

Recruitment test of  Deloitte Tech at Coimbatore on  30. 07.2004

There are three sections (Verbal, Quans and Critical)
15 Quans
10 Verbal
4 (Fitting the correct word in the given sentence)
6 (Fitting the correct sentence in the given paragraph)
15 Reasoning.

I have 20 rupees. I bought 1, 2, 5 rupee stamps. They are different in numbers by the reason of no change, the shop keeper gives 3 one rupee stamps. So how many stamp(s) I have. Ans: 10

An Engine length 1000 m moving at 10 m/s. A bird is flying from engine to end with x kmph and coming back at 2x. Take total time of bird traveling as 187.5 s. Find x and 2x.

All persons know either swimming or rowing. There are 14 persons who know only swimming and 14 persons who know only rowing. 8 tickets sold for rowing. How many people are there for swimming?

Which polygon has no. of sides = diagonal (Eg. Pentagon)

One Cigar can be made from 7 bits. If there are 16 Cigars then how many bits collected? Ans: 4

A, B, C, D went to a hotel and planned to share the bill equally. But afterwards they changed their plan and to pay proportional to consumption A paid 240, B & C paid equally, D paid only half the amount that he should have paid based on the first plan. What is the amount paid by B?

There is a point P on the circle. A and B started running in two constant different speeds. A in Clockwise and B in Anti-clockwise. First time 500 m in Clockwise from P then 400 Anti-clockwise. If B is yet to complete one round, What is the circumference of the circle?

There are 5 Sub with equal high marks. Mark scored by a boy is 3:5:6:7:8 (Not sure). If his total aggregate if 3/5 of the total of the highest score, in how many subjects has he got more than 60%?

There are 11 lines in plane. How many intersections (Maximum) can be made?

There are 3 Sections with 5 Qns each. If three Qns are selected from each section, the chance of getting different Qns is________

There is a 20 X 20 array. In Each row , the tallest person is called and among them, the tallest person is A. In Each column, the shortest person is called and among them, the shortest person is B. Who is taller?

P # Q = (P-Q)(Q-P) = - 1. Then Which is true?
P = 3, Q = 2 P = 2,Q = 3 P = -1,Q = 1 P = 1, Q = -1 Ans: I & II only

7 Pink, 5 Black, 11 Yellow balls are there. Minimum no. atleast to get one black and yellow ball Ans: 17

A, B, C and D are four people. There are four houses Red, Yellow, Blue, White. P, Q, R and S are four sections not in same order Conditions like  Three are sisters B comes from Red C comes from Blue Qns were asked based on that

A Father is willing his estates like this. If a boy is born, wife has 1/3 part and remaining for boy. If a girl is born, Wife has 2/3 and remaining for the girl. But twins (Boy + Girl) are born. What is the share that the daughter would get?

MBA, GRE prob from Barrons GRE (Don know whether it is there in all GRE Editions). Ans: GMAT, CAT (Sure)

 If ü - Married
  û - Not Married and
  M-ü N-û
  N-ü L-û
  L-û M-ü
Who is married? Ans: N

  (A panel with 2 people- one HR & one Tech Guy)

Tell me abt urself.

You specify that you get irritated when things dont go in the pace you want them to.Then how do you handle a team?

tell us about ur projects

 Tell me wht is a foreign key(DBMS) .First tell me what is a key?

What happens when an application is opened as like an MS Word and u press Tab key then the response seen
is the cursor moving a bit on the Word document.So,what r the processes (no jargon,give the proper technical terms) behind this whole thing happening?

Do u think ur project is saleable? What rating

What r the things u will do to reduce the processing time of your project?

What can you do to decrease the time taken for processing a file in a batch processing system?


Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Paper Whole Testpaper IIT Delhi - 2 September 2004

DELOITTE PAPER @ IIT Delhi (20-09-2004)

The company was open for all branches of B E and M E

They expect people with very good comm.. skills

They told that there will be one interview in ppt.
But more interviews were conducted in cases where the HR,s were not able to decide.
They were sent to CEO panel.
The Interview was full of personal and a little HR for non-circuits and technical for circuits.
They expect students to be strong in the Enterprise application and Technology integration field.

The pattern was similar to CTS pattern as the HR,s were former CTS employees.
The booklet given here was BLUE

40 Qns. 60 mins. Negative marking of 0.25 per negative answer.

Three sections (Verbal, Quans and Critical)
15 Quans
10 Verbal
4 (Fitting the correct word in the given sentence)
6 (Fitting the correct sentence in the given paragraph)
15 Reasoning.

Plz work out... Don,t rely on the answer provided here. They may be wrong sometimes
Que. Which r in RED asked in IIT Delhi rest r which I have collected from other paper of Deloitte

1. I have 20 rupees. I bought 1, 2, 5 rupee stamps. They are different in numbers by the reason of no change, the shop keeper gives 3 one rupee stamps. So how many stamp(s) I have. Ans: 10
2. An Engine length 1000 m moving at 10 m/s. A bird is flying from engine to end with x sec and coming back at 2x sec. Take total time of bird traveling as 187.5 s. Find the to and fro speed of the bird. Answer 6 and 18m/s
3. P(father ) & Q (Son) .. Morning walk… In the shape of equilateral triangle. P walks at 1kmph and runs 4kmpg. Q runs and walks at double P,s speed. From the apex of equilateral triangle they both start. Q goes clockwise and P anticlockwise. They both travel for 90 min.
Ans 3.5 (not sure)
4. Which polygon has no. of sides = diagonal Answer- Pentagon)
5. A person makes one Cigar from 7 burnt pieces. How many pieces would be required to make 16 Cigars. Answer 112

6. There is a point P on the circle. A and B started running in two constant different speeds. A in Clockwise and B in Anti-clockwise. A meet B First time 500 m in Clockwise from P then second time 400 m Anti-clockwise from P. B is yet to complete one round, What is the circumference of the circle?

7. What is the prob. Of getting 2 prime nos. from 1 to 20. (Ans 14/95)

8. There are 5 Sub with equal high marks. Mark scored by a boy is 3:4:5:6:7 (Not sure). If his total aggregate if 3/5 of the total of the highest score, in how many subjects has he got more than 50%? - 3
9. There are 11 lines in plane. How many intersections (Maximum) can be made? Answer 11C2
10. There are 3 Sections with 5 Qns each. If three Qns are selected from each section, then in how many ways this selection can be done..
Answer : 1000(d)
11. There is a 20 X 20 array. In Each row , the shortest person is called and among them, the tallest person is A. In Each column, the shortest person is called and among them, the tallest person is B. Who is taller?

12. P # Q = (P-Q)(Q-P) = - 1. Then Which is true?
P = 3, Q = 2 P = 2,Q = 3 P = -1,Q = 1 P = 1, Q = -1 Ans: I & II only
13. 7 Pink, 5 Black, 11 Yellow balls are there. Minimum no. atleast to get one black and yellow ball Ans: 19
14. Juice contains water and orange pulp in the ratio of 3:1. For making 12L juice, how much orange pulp will be required. Answer 3
15. What is the probabltity of writing correct addresses to 4 letters to be posted. Answer 1/24(c )
16. A,B and C starts from a point on a circle. A and B goes clockwise and C anticlockwise. A meets C after 88s B meets C after 110s. after how many sec A meets B .
17. There are 80 balls and one of them is defective and having less wt. than others. What is the min. amount of weighings to get that ball out.(Answer 5)
18. How many type can arrange to seat 4 man & 4 woman on a circuler table alternate.
19. A, B, C and D are four people. There are four houses Red, Yellow, Blue, White. P, Q, R and S are four sections not in same order
Conditions like
Three are sisters
B comes from Red
C comes from Blue
Qns were asked based on that

20. A Father is willing his estates like this. If a boy is born, wife has 1/3 part and remaining for boy. If a girl is born, Wife has 2/3 and remaining for the girl. But twins (Boy + Girl) are born. What is the share that the daughter would get?
Answer = 1/6
21. MBA, GRE prob from Barrons GRE (Don know whether it is there in all GRE Editions). Ans: GMAT, CAT (Sure)
22. If ü - Married
û - Not Married and
M-ü N-û
N-ü L-û
L-û M-ü
Who is married? Ans: N


Deloitte Placement Paper : Deloitte Paper Whole Testpaper PIET, PUNE


Written Test:

The test duration was 1 hour

6 disorder sentensces - 6 marks
8 competetive english - 6 marks
15 arithmetic - 15 marks
13 logical reasoning - 13 marks

0.25 negative mark for each wrong answer

Concentrate more on arithmetic and logical reasoning.


The interview is one to one interview. If you are from computer science back ground the ask more about oops concepts and Java
Interview will be for 20 to 40 minutes.


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