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dMtechnologies Placement Paper : dM Technologies Placement Papers

Max Marks: 45 Max Time: 45 Minutes

Please read these instructions carefully before attempting the assessment test.

1. Please DONOT write anything on this question paper.
2. The total time allotted is 45 minutes exactly.
3. Circle the correct option (s) on the answer sheet provided to you.
4. Please do all rough work on a rough paper only.
5. Use of unfair means would automatically draw cancellation of your candidature.

Questions 1 to 4: Read the statements below and answer the questions that follow:

An editor must choose five articles to be published in the upcoming issue of an arts review. The only articles available for publication are theater articles F, G, H and J and dance articles K, L, M and O. At least three out of five published articles must be dance article. If J is chosen, then M cannot be. If F is chosen, then J must also be chosen.

1. If M is not chosen for the issue, which of the following must be chosen?
a. F b. G c. H d. J e. K

2. How many acceptable groupings of articles include J?
a. one b. two c. three d. four e. five

3. The choice of which article makes only one group of articles acceptable?
a. F b. G c. J d. L e. M

4. If G is chosen for the issue, which of the following must be true?
a. J is not chosen b. Exactly three dance articles are chosen
c. H is not chosen d. All four of the dance articles are chosen
e. F is not chosen

5. Let f(x) = ax - b |x|, where a and bare constants. Then at x = 0, f(x} is
a maximized whenever a > 0, b > 0 b maximized whenever a > 0, b < 0 c minimized whenever a> 0, b> 0 d minimized whenever a > 0, b < 0

6. The sequence 52,51,48,43,34,27,18 is wrong. Could you tell because of which number it is going wrong?
a 34
b 27 c 48 d 18
7. If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at 1 p.m. If he cycles at 15 km/ hr, he will arrive at the same place at 11 a.m. At what speed must he cycle to get there at noon?
a 11 km/hr b 12 km/hr c 13 km/hr d 14 km/hr

8. If the first day of 1999 was Sunday then what day was the last day?

a Monday b Tuesday c Friday d Sunday

Questions 9 to 10: In the questions below, identify the two statements necessary to make the conclusion in the beginning of the question true.

9. Jonathan is swimming.
a) Jonathan is in the pool during the winter.
b) Jonathan is in the pool.
c) Swimming takes place in the pool during the winter.
d) All the boys in the pool are swimming.

a a & b b b & d c c & d d d & a

10. A is south-west to C.
a) A is two miles south of B.
b) B is two miles east of D.
c) C is two miles east of B.
d) D is North-west of A.

a a & c b c & b c d & b d a & d

Questions 11 to 14: Read the statements below and answer the questions that follow:

For a motorist there are three ways of going from City A to City C. By way of a bridge the distance is 20 miles and the toll is $0.75. A tunnel between the two cities is a distance of 10 miles and the toll is $1.00 for the vehicle and driver plus $0.10 for each passenger. A two-lane high-way without tolls goes east for 30 miles to City B and then 20 miles in a northwest direction to City C.

11. Which of the following is the shortest route from B to C?
a. Directly on the toll-free highway to CityC b.The bridge c. The tunnel
d. The tunnel or the bridge e. The bridge only if traffic is heavy on the toll-free highway

12. The most economical way of going from City A to City B, in terms of tolls and distance, is to use the
a. tunnel b. bridge c. bridge or tunnel
d. toll-free highway e. bridge and highway

13. Jim usually drives alone from City C to City A every working day. His firm deducts a percentage of employee pay for lateness . Which factor would most probably influence his choice of the bridge or the tunnel?
a. Whether his wife goes with him b. Scenic interest of each route
c. Traffic conditions on the road, bridge, and tunnel d. Saving of $0.25 in tolls
e. Price of gasoline consumed in converting the 10 additional miles on the bridge

14. In choosing between the use of the bridge and the tunnel, the chief factor(s) would be
I. traffic and road conditions II. number of passengers in the car
III. location of one,s home in the center or outskirts of one of the cities
IV. desire to save $0.25
a. I only b. II only c. II and III only d. III and IV only e. I and II only

15. A policeman and a thief spot each other when they are 400m apart and both start running in the same direction. If the thief runs at a speed of 10km/hr and the policeman runs at a speed of 15 km/hr. Find how much time the policemen has to run in order to nab the thief.
a. 200s b. 220s c.288s d. 300s e. 312s

16. A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee, putting in 2 parts of a 33p.a gm. Grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm. If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm to 2 parts of the less expensive grade, how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.
a. 90 b. Rs 1.00 c. Rs. 3.00 d. Rs. 8.00

17. In a group of 15, 7 have studied Latin, 8 have studied Greek, and 3 have not studied either. How many of these studied both Latin and Greek?
a. 0 b.3 c.4 d.5

Questions 18 to 21: Following questions are based on letter,s analogy. First pair of letters should have the same relationship as the second pair of letters or vice versa.

18. ?: BGLQ:: YDIN: VAFK

19. NLO: RPS:: ? : ZXA
a. VUW b. VTR c. VTW d. TRP

20. If "football" is "cricket", "cricket" is "basketball" , "basketball" is "volleyball" , "volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is cricket, which is not a ball game?
a. cricket b. football c. khokho d. basketball

21. During a given week a programmer spend ¼ of his time preparing charts, 3/8 of his time for coding, rest of his time for debugging the programs. If he had 48 hrs during the week how many hours did he spent debugging the program.
a. 16 hrs b. 18 hrs c. 20 hrs d. 12 hrs

Questions 22 to 25: Read the statements below and answer the questions that follow:

The letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G , not necessarily in that order, stand for seven consecutive integers from 1 to 10.
D is 3 less than A.
B is the middle term.
F is as much less than B as C is greater than D
G is greater than F

22. The fifth integer is
a. A b. C c. D d. E e. F

23. A is as much greater than F as which integer is less than G?
a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

24. If A = 7, the sum of E and G is
a. 12 b. 10 c. 8 d. 14 e. 16

25. A-F=? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. cannot be determined
26. An integer T is as much greater than C as C is greater than E. T can be written as A+E. What is D?
a. 5 b. 3 c. 4 d. 2 e. cannot be determined

Questions 27 to 31: Each of the following question consists of a pair of words that are separated by a colon and followed by five answer choice. Choose the pair of words or phrases in the answer choices that are most similar to the original pair.

a. epic: poem b. house: library c. tale: fable
d. number: page e. play: theatre

a. approximation: precise b. description: vivid c. quotation: apt
d. interpretation: valid e. significance: uncertain

a. scholar: pedantic b. fool: idiotic c. idler: lethargic
d. tormentor: sympathetic e. diner: dyspeptic

a. grain: sand b. morsel: meal c. strand: rope d. scrap: rope e. splinter: wood

a. transient: mobility b. disinterested: partisanship c. dissimilar: variation
d. progressive: transition e. ineluctable: modality

32. A three digit number consists of 9, 5 and one more number. When these digits are reversed and then subtracted from the original number the answer yielded will be consisting of the same digits arranged yet in a different order. What is the other digit?
a 1
b 3 c 4 d 7
33. A farmer built a fence around his 17 cows in a square shaped region. He used 27 fence poles on each side of the square. How many poles did he need altogether?

a 102
b 104 c 106 d 108

34. The sum of all odd integers greater
than 100 and less than 1000 is
(A) 247500
(B) 495000
(C) 990000
(D) 1100000
(E) None of the above.

35. The value of a such that the planes
ax + y + z = 0,x + 3z = 0, and 5y+6z = 0
have a line in common is
(A) -1/15
(B) -11/15
(C) 11/15
(D) 1/15
(E) 0

36. The set of real x for which
(x + 1)3(x - 2)2(x - 3) < 0 is
(A) (-1, 3)
(B) (-1,-1) [ (3,1)
(C) (-1,1)
(D) (-1, 3)
(E) (-1, 2) [ (2, 3)

37. lim
tan x
sin( -x
2 )
(A) 0
(B) 1/2
(C) 2
(D) -1
(E) -2

38. If the surface area of a cube is
decreased by 19%, the volume of
the cube decreases by
(A) 9%
(B) 19%
(C) 27.1%
(D) 37.1%
(E) 85.2%

39. Let f and g be functions such that
f(x) = f(-x),
g(x) = -g(-x),
0 f(x) dx = 7,
and R2
0 g(x)dx = 3.
Calculate R2
(A) 6
(B) 10
(C) 14
(D) 20
(E) Cannot be determined from
the given data.

40. If , are the roots of
(x - 2)(x - p3) = p7,the roots of (x - )(x - ) + p7 = 0
(A) -2 - p3, p7
(B) 2 - p7, p3 - p7
(C) 2+p3, p7
(D) 2+p7, p3 + p7
(E) 2, p3

41. (2log1/318 )log43 equals
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 2p2
(D) 4
(E) 8

Questions 42 to 45: Fill up the blanks, numbered [42], [43] up to [45], in the two passages below with the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank.

At that time the White House was as serene as a resort hotel out of season. The corridors were [42]. In various offices, [43] gray men in waistcoats talked to one another in low-pitched voices. The only color, or choler, curiously enough, was provided by President Eisenhower himself. Apparently, his [44] was easily set off; he scowled when he [45] the corridors.

a striking b hollow c empty d white
a quiet b Faded c Loud d stentorian
a laughter b curiosity c humour d temper
a paced b strolled c stormed d prowled

dMtechnologies Placement Paper : dMtechnologies Placement Papers 2010

1. Tell me about yourself?

(This is a classic, open-ended interview question and is likely to be thrown at you in the first 5 minutes. It,s your chance to introduce your qualifications, good work habits, etc. Keep it mostly work and career related.)

2. What do you plan to be doing in five years, time? or Where do you see yourself five, ten or fifteen years from now?

(Explain your career-advancement goals that are in line with the job for which you are interviewing. Your
interviewer is likely more interested in how he, she or the company will benefit from you achieving your goals than what you,ll get from it, but it goes hand in hand to a large degree. It,s not a good idea to tell your potential new boss that you,ll be going after his or her job, but it is okay to mention that you,d like to earn a senior position.)

3. What contributions could you make to our organization that would help you to stand out from other engineering graduates / students?

4. What made you choose your department (for Engineering)?

(The interviewer is likely fishing to see if you are interested in your field of work or just doing a job to get paid. Explain why you like it. Besides your personal interests, include some rock-solid reasons that show you have vision and sense. If you are applying for a position in an area different from your department you need to give solid justifications to convince the interviewer.)

5. What sort of criteria did you use to decide we are the organization you would want to work for?

6. How has your experience during your school, college and life in general prepared you for your career?

7. Describe an ideal job or the job you,d like to be in.

8. Whether your Institute and department have met your expectations?

(Never talk negatively about your institute, even if you hate it.)

9. What made you choose this Institute?

(Be in sync with what you answered or plan to answer for Q No. 8.)

10. List 2-3 of your greatest achievements since you,ve been in this Institute and why?

11. Which subjects have you enjoyed studying the most and why? Which subjects did you dislike and why?

(Be diplomatic here; don,t quote a functionally important subject or the one that company wants you to have knowledge on.)

12. Do you have plans to continue your education?

(Never say yes even if you are planning to. They don,t want to waste their time and resources neither for training nor for even interviewing you if they know you have plans to leave them soon.)

13. How would your faculty and friends describe you?

14. Given the chance, how would you alter your education?

(Don,t be too much negative on this one. Say You are proud of your educational background but given a chance may be you,d like to make it more perfect.)

15. What kind of training or industry projects have you undergone and did you enjoy them? Why?

16. What are your interests and hobbies?

17. What are your strengths?

(Point out your positive attributes related to the job.)

18. What are your weaknesses?
(Don,t spend too much time on this one; be diplomatic as everybody has weaknesses but you don,t need to open your heart out here. Try to point out a couple of weaknesses that the interviewer might see as strengths, such as being very cautious about the quality of your work. Avoid answering "I am too hardworking." As it is a very common answer. Disguised n every weakness, mention a strength that compensates for it. None of your weaknesses should actually come in the way of your performance in the organization.)

19. What sort of serious problems have you experienced, and how have you handled them?

20. If you had your whole life to live over, what would you do differently and why?

21. Which is more important to you, your salary or your job?

(Play the good boy/girl here, even if your only motivation is money and you give a damn about your job. Tell them how work gives you satisfaction and energy etc.)

22. What have you found to be the biggest source of motivation in your life?

(Talk about incidents or people who have inspired you. Try to give functional answers, which might somehow show that you,d be the best person to hire.)

23. What sorts of things cause you stress, and how do you deal with them?

(Give a diplomatic answer that somehow shows how particular you are about perfection in work.)

24. What sorts of things cause you stress, and how do you deal with them?

(Give a diplomatic answer that somehow shows how particular you are about perfection in work.)

25. What is your definition of success?

26. How would you develop team spirit among the people that you work with?

27. Do you like to work independently or as a team?

(Always answer a team but be sure to add that given a serious task at hand that requires more precision you wouldn,t mind taking it over independently and delivering a perfect piece of work.)

28. What kind of work environment do you like the best?

(Talk in context of the organization.)

29. How would you resolve conflicts w ith employees, coworkers, and supervisors?

(Give sensible answers with examples at hand.)

30. In what ways have you learned from your mistakes?

(Give some nice goodie-goodie examples not of grave, sinister mistakes.)

31. In w hat areas do you need to improve your skills?

(Answer diplomatically in context of the company.)

32. Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself?

(Answer with positive, work-oriented adjectives, such as conscientious, hard-working, honest and courteous, plus a brief description or example of why each fits you well.)

33. What do you know about our company?

(To answer this one, research the company before you interview.)

34. Why do you want to work for us?

(Research the company before you interview. Avoid the predictable, such as, "Because it,s a wonderful company." Talk about some achievements of the company and how popular it is.)

35. Why should I hire you?

(Point out your positive attributes related to the job, and the good job you,ve done in the past. Include any compliments you,ve received from your trainers, professors etc.)

36. What past accomplishments gave you satisfaction?

(Briefly describe one to three work projects, initiatives or academic laurels that made you proud or earned you pats on the back etc.)

37. What makes you want to work hard?

(Don,t say salary and perks, rather, focus more on achievement and the satisfaction you derive from work.)

38. Why do you want this job?

(Find out about the job in advance. You may also ask questions about the job while you,re answering, but don ,t show you,re so dumb to be applying for a job position without knowing anything about it. Say what attracts you to the job. Avoid showing desperation for the job or the Bollywood answers such as "I really need the job", because I have a sick mother, a sister to marry and a physically challenged brother.)

39. How do you handle pressure and stress?

(Everybody feels stress in various situations, but the degree might vary. Tell them that you can handle it well with a smile and show how in past you have worked under stressful situations and have come out successful such as college exams, cultural fest, quizzes etc)

40. Explain how you overcame a major obstacle.

(Answer with a particular example of your problem-solving skills and your learning from it.)

41. What qualifies you for this job?

(Confidently show off your skills, experience, education and other qualifications, especially those that match the job description well. Avoid repeating what you,ve already mentioned in your resume or silly answers like since you are an engineer and they are looking for engineers, so you qualify for the job)

42. What is the reason for your not so good / average academic performance?

(* depends on marks/grades)

43. What makes you different from others?

44. How would you describe yourself to a stranger in 5 words / 3 words / 10 words?

(Don,t falter, be well prepared with this one)

45. What is your mission in life?

46. Are you ready to travel or work from a location far away from your hometown or state or

(Always be ready, say yes, as you need to be flexible. If you are still answering no, you need to give the interviewer concrete and convincing reasons for this but still you risk your chances. )

47. Who is the person who has inspired you most?

(Be ready with some concrete examples about you deeds and beliefs, which show that you have been inspired with that person. Don,t give answers like a Miss World / Mr. World contestant that it Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Teresa. It could be even your mother; father; your neighbour; some one you met, when you were young or even your house maid)

48. Given a case situation, how would you react to it / handle it?

(Be methodical and do not get nervous, the purpose is not to see your answer but to see how to react and respond at that instance and how you approach it)

49. What would be the first thing you would do if we hire you?

(Don,t get overjoyed, be composed but do show your happiness and gratitude to the interviewer(s) and give a sensible answer)

50. Do you have any questions to ask?

(Be well prepared for this in advance or ask about something that did strike you during the interview. But it must be a sensible question, related to the company or the job profile etc. Don,t be over smart to ask, so "when am I joining and who to I need to work with", or asking lady interviewers "will you go out for a coffee with me")

These are some of the suggestive questions, while in actual interview situation the questions might be dependent on what you answer for the initial few questions such as "Tell us something about yourself?" or on the basis of points you have mentioned in your Resume.
Good performance in an interview, apart from preparation, knowledge and communication skills, requires Attitude and Confidence.

Quick Tips:

- Research the Corporate website
- Brush up your academics and concepts (sometimes HR and technical interviews are combined)
- Hone your communication skills
- Dress up for your interview
- Get all the required documents and certificates neatly in place (preferably organized in a nice file)
- Be Confident! Interviewers are also human! They have been at the position you are in today
- Remember the company is here because it wants to hire good people, not reject them. The job
needs you as much as you need the job; it is a mutually beneficial proposition
- Sell yourself to the company.

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