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ELGI Placement Paper : ELGI Technical - Other



1. The pressure p in terms of its mean kinetic energy/unit volume E is

a .E/3 b.E/2 c.3E/4 d.2E/3 e.5E/4

2. Convert volumetric to gravitational, relative volume of each constituent of flue gas

a. %mw b. xmv c. me d. xsw e. %sw

3. Which is correct for reversible polytrophic process?

a. temperature constant b. density constant c. volume constant

d. entropy constant e. same heat transfer

4. if a gas or vapour allowed to expand through a minute hole

a. free expansion b. hyperbolic c. adiabatic expansion

d. parabolic e. throttling

5. Minimum work of compressor is possible, when the adiabatic index is

a.0.75 b.1 c.1.27 d.1.35 e.2

6. Under ideal condition, isothermal, isochoric, adiabatic and isobaric are

a. static b. dynamic c. quan-static d. stable e. thermodynamic

7. If a heat engine attains 100% efficiency, then it is

a. zeroth law b. I law c. II law d. no e. all

8. If Q1 is the heat in source, Q2 is the cold sink for heat pump then COP

a. Q1 / (Q1- Q2) b. Q2 / (Q1- Q2) c. (Q1- Q2) / Q1

9. The output of  diesel engine is increased if

a. more fuel b. flywheel size c. incoming air

d. scavenging e. supercharging

10. Accumulation of carbon in the cylinder increases when

a. decrease in volume b. volumetric efficiency c. ignition time

d. effective compression ratio e. travel time

11. The most popular firing sequence

a.1234 b.1324 c.1423 d.1243 e.1342

12. for same power, same speed, flywheel of petrol and diesel engine are

a. smaller b. greater c. equal d. none

13. If petrol is used in diesel engine, then

a. higher knocking b. black smoke c. lot of fuel d. improper combustion

14. Ans .d) mechanical efficiency

15. Reciprocating compressor is used for

a. large quantity of air at high pressure b. large quantity of air at low pressure

c. low quantity of air at low pressure d . low quantity of air at high pressure

16. Thermal diffusity

a. Dimensionless d. used in radiation process

17. Critical pressure

18. Cryogenics Ans - Option with engineering

19. Lean relation for

a. specific gravity b. dynamic viscosity

20. Centre of pressure = centre of gravity when

21. Flow of particles in definite path without change in the path of the particle

a. one dimensional b. c. turbulent d. steady state

22. Pressure coefficient is given by

23. Vortex on whirlpool is due to

a. cavitation b. wake c. drag

24. Rotometer is used

25. Axial flow pump is used

26. To avoid caviation

27. Fan laws

28. Rupture (what it is)

29. A belt drive, where pulley dia is double, and then it key length must be

a. doubled b. same c. increase the critical length d.

30. Surface contact in motion is called

a. roll pair b. surface pair c. lower pair d. slide

31. For fluctuating load----------- is used

a. ball bearing b. roll bearing c. thrust bearing d. sleeve bearing

32. Transmit power

33. D1 and D2 are pulley dia, and then the speed is given by

34. To keep the noise to minimum

35. In pinion and gear design, the design must be made by

a. gear b. pinion c. both

36. The plate is severely deformed at a side then it grains becomes

a. ductile b. malleable c.

37. What is recrystallation temperature?

38. What is austempering?

39. Acetylene is staid on --------- form

a. liquid b. solid c. compressed

40. tool life is concentrated on

a. cutting speed b. material c. feed or depth

41. Reamer is used for

a. b. to correct the size and finish

42. Statistical quality control charts uses

a. statistics b. probability c. all the above.


compressor performance curve
laser machining a) hard matl b) soft matl )
dynamic viscosity
shock absorber purpose
sp. Heat ratio
cetane number why
cantilever ,simple supported beam (SFD,BMD)
intercooler why
multistage pr. Problems
rain water spherical why
rankine cycle howmany process
vapour comp ref high head pr same even if comp is switched off why
adiabatic saturation a)dbt same b)wbt same
3 phase induction motor direction to be reversed how
ratio of (not clear) temp in a gas comp adiabatic to isthermal a)>1 b).1 c)=1
know about isothermal, polytropic, adiabatic
structure in engg. Mech
equilibrium conditions
circle eqn 1d,2d,3d(dimensions)
ax2+bx+c=0 produt of roots
2x+y=4 slope
slip gages in used only for less time and then kept separately
fuel economy factor
pr. Gage(manometers)           

ELGI Placement Paper : ELGI Paper Technical - Other



1. The pressure p in terms of its mean kinetic energy/unit volume E is

a .E/3 b.E/2 c.3E/4 d.2E/3 e.5E/4

2. Convert volumetric to gravitational, relative volume of each constituent of flue gas

a. %mw b. xmv c. me d. xsw e. %sw

3. Which is correct for reversible polytrophic process?

a. temperature constant b. density constant c. volume constant

d. entropy constant e. same heat transfer

4. if a gas or vapour allowed to expand through a minute hole

a. free expansion b. hyperbolic c. adiabatic expansion

d. parabolic e. throttling

5. Minimum work of compressor is possible, when the adiabatic index is

a.0.75 b.1 c.1.27 d.1.35 e.2

6. Under ideal condition, isothermal, isochoric, adiabatic and isobaric are

a. static b. dynamic c. quan-static d. stable e. thermodynamic

7. If a heat engine attains 100% efficiency, then it is

a. zeroth law b. I law c. II law d. no e. all

8. If Q1 is the heat in source, Q2 is the cold sink for heat pump then COP

a. Q1 / (Q1- Q2) b. Q2 / (Q1- Q2) c. (Q1- Q2) / Q1

9. The output of  diesel engine is increased if

a. more fuel b. flywheel size c. incoming air

d. scavenging e. supercharging

10. Accumulation of carbon in the cylinder increases when

a. decrease in volume b. volumetric efficiency c. ignition time

d. effective compression ratio e. travel time

11. The most popular firing sequence

a.1234 b.1324 c.1423 d.1243 e.1342

12. for same power, same speed, flywheel of petrol and diesel engine are

a. smaller b. greater c. equal d. none

13. If petrol is used in diesel engine, then

a. higher knocking b. black smoke c. lot of fuel d. improper combustion

14. Ans .d) mechanical efficiency

15. Reciprocating compressor is used for

a. large quantity of air at high pressure b. large quantity of air at low pressure

c. low quantity of air at low pressure d . low quantity of air at high pressure

16. Thermal diffusity

a. Dimensionless d. used in radiation process

17. Critical pressure

18. Cryogenics Ans - Option with engineering

19. Lean relation for

a. specific gravity b. dynamic viscosity

20. Centre of pressure = centre of gravity when

21. Flow of particles in definite path without change in the path of the particle

a. one dimensional b. c. turbulent d. steady state

22. Pressure coefficient is given by

23. Vortex on whirlpool is due to

a. cavitation b. wake c. drag

24. Rotometer is used

25. Axial flow pump is used

26. To avoid caviation

27. Fan laws

28. Rupture (what it is)

29. A belt drive, where pulley dia is double, and then it key length must be

a. doubled b. same c. increase the critical length d.

30. Surface contact in motion is called

a. roll pair b. surface pair c. lower pair d. slide

31. For fluctuating load----------- is used

a. ball bearing b. roll bearing c. thrust bearing d. sleeve bearing

32. Transmit power

33. D1 and D2 are pulley dia, and then the speed is given by

34. To keep the noise to minimum

35. In pinion and gear design, the design must be made by

a. gear b. pinion c. both

36. The plate is severely deformed at a side then it grains becomes

a. ductile b. malleable c.

37. What is recrystallation temperature?

38. What is austempering?

39. Acetylene is staid on --------- form

a. liquid b. solid c. compressed

40. tool life is concentrated on

a. cutting speed b. material c. feed or depth

41. Reamer is used for

a. b. to correct the size and finish

42. Statistical quality control charts uses

a. statistics b. probability c. all the above.


compressor performance curve
laser machining a) hard matl b) soft matl )
dynamic viscosity
shock absorber purpose
sp. Heat ratio
cetane number why
cantilever ,simple supported beam (SFD,BMD)
intercooler why
multistage pr. Problems
rain water spherical why
rankine cycle howmany process
vapour comp ref high head pr same even if comp is switched off why
adiabatic saturation a)dbt same b)wbt same
3 phase induction motor direction to be reversed how
ratio of (not clear) temp in a gas comp adiabatic to isthermal a)>1 b).1 c)=1
know about isothermal, polytropic, adiabatic
structure in engg. Mech
equilibrium conditions
circle eqn 1d,2d,3d(dimensions)
ax2+bx+c=0 produt of roots
2x+y=4 slope
slip gages in used only for less time and then kept separately
fuel economy factor
pr. Gage(manometers)          


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