HFCL Placement Paper : HCL 20 September 2008
HFCL Placement Paper : General - Interview
HFCL Placement Paper : Test Pattern
I Written test
The pattern is total 100 questions 1 hour time
check out the old 98 hexaware paper few qs are from that
few qs on tracing the output(simple ons).
basic question on computer awarness(very simple ones like expand WAP, etc very simple ones
choose the odd man out type of questions ex A E I O choose the odd man.
simple math qs like 199^2 - 24^2 etc.
opposites and synonymsmanage your time properly
III Technical/ HR Interview.Hexaware - Interview Procedure
The information on the interview is pretty sketchy but it may consist of both technical grilling and HR interview. The written test for Hexaware consists of three sections. The first section is a Computer Awareness Section. The second section is an Aptitude Section which has questions on basic mathematics. In the third section a C program is given and the output of the program is to be found. This section has the maximum weightage
HFCL Placement Paper : HFCL Paper General - Interview
(1) TTL to CMOS pullup & vice-versa
(2) function of Ping
(3) SNMP protocol
(4) Application layer
(5) ## ----> token pasting in C
(6) Question on C: i^=j you have to tell the output given the values of i and j;
(7) Complexity of Binary Search tree
(8) Macro is given as follows : SQR(x) x*x
find the value of SQR(i-j) , when i and j were given
(9) Multiplexer 1 to 3 inputs--- A,B,C control lines--- S1,S2 Output --- Y .Write Y interms of S1,S2
(10) Bandwidth minimum sampling theorem
(11) Shannon,s Law
(12) Difference between fork() & execve()
(13) Banker,s algorithm
(14) append(&struct , fp)
(15) Windows95 , X-Windows what are they?
(16) 16k memory , ending address of the address space FFFFH find the starting address?
(17) Difference between TCP/IP and OSI model
(18) Difference between Bridge and router
(19) A graph was given : " a qudrilateral with 1 diagonal " find the number of trees in the graph
(20) Difference between TCP and UDP
(21-23) Pass by reference in C (3 questions)
(24) Synchronisation technique for IPC ( probably which method among the 4 choices was best was asked)
(25) Address of RST 6.5
(26) Preorder Traversal
(27) Infix to Postfix
(28) What data structure is used to transform infix to postfix?
(29) 4 bit computer , size of ROM given , output of ROM gives the address , design a mod-n counter
(30-31) FIFO , LRU page trace
(32) How many flip-flops in MOD-33 counter?
(33) printf("\nab\bcd\ref");
(34) doorom hello test
find argc and argv
(35) call main()
what does this piece of code does?
(36-39) 4 question from Understanding Pointers in C on Pointer , Array , all from exercise in the book
(40-41) 2 questions on precedence rule
(1) ICMP protocol which layer?
(2) Ping - which protocol implemented?
(3) FTP - which protocol implemented?
(4) What kind of handshaking is used in TCP/IP?
(5) IP addressing ClassA , ClassB , ClassC
(6) End to end error correction is done by which layer ?
(7) Question on address bus and data bus ALE
(8) 16 bit address bus and 8 bit data bus , how much memory can be interfaced ?
(9) 1 bit opcode , (n-1) operand , find the length of Program Counter
(10) 4 bit ROM
(11) What is the benefit of memory interleaving ?
(12) How many maskable and non-maskable interrupt in 8085
(13) RISC what kind of Control Unit is implemented ?
(14) In Pipeline architechture , what is the value of CPI (Cycles Per Instruction)
(15) Where TLB is used?
struct a
char b[7];
char *s;
struct b
char *t;
struct a y;
struct b q={"Raipur" , "Kanpur" , "Jaipur"};
printf("%s %s" , q.t , q.y.s);
printf("%s %s" ,++q.t , ++q.y.s);
Find the ouput
(17) Heapsort worst case complexity
(18) Binary search complexity
(19) Where far pointer is used?
(20) Why address of operator(&) cannot be used on register variables?