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I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper Valliammai Engg College Chennai 16 January 2011






TIME: 1hour

CUT OFF:30(10+20)


3. HR round









9. Synonyms

10. Coding and decoding

11. Direction sense test

12. Number ranking seq test

Technical interview

1. She asked about myself

2. My favorite subject (I said optical, she asked me to explain recent applications and tech in optical communication. I explained about fiber)

3. She asked me about programs in ece(matlab, verilog in vlsi)

She asked me to explain verilog programs which I specified in resume.

4. Weakness,strengths (explain with example)

5. Ask me to say about "C" language.

6. Ask me to write syntax

7. Why iGate

8. What you know about iGate

9. About hard work and smart work

10. Quality of leader

11. Where u like to c u after 5years

12. Many qu from paper presentation, inplant training,project.

HR round:

1. About myself?

2.Are you mobile

3. etc.

4. Any question (I asked about igate logo)

I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper Chennai 23 December 2011

I Gate Technical Paper 1

Total 6 sections.

1) Computer Fundamentals

2) Algorithms

3) Hardware

4) Software

5) General Awareness

6) Languages

1. One Nibble =?

2. Hexadecimal and Octal representation of 1024?

3. What a compiler does?

4. DOS? (Whether Graphical interface or Character interface and two more

Choices are given)

5. CPU - abbreviation

6. Fortran used as ( Ans : Scientific Language)

7. ASCII character set ? (total number)

8. Windows NT- What NT stands for?

9. Which is not an input device ? (keyboard, Disk, Mouse,Lightpen)

10. Which is not a pointing device ?( mouse,Joy stick,lightpen none)

11. Microsoft Chief ?

12. 4GL ? (Fortran,SQL,ADA, ....)

13. Father of Computers?

14. Which of them is Object Oriented Language.?

15. Power PC is the product of ? (Microsoft,IBM,Apple,Motorola,Intel)

(A combination of any correct 3 companies)

16. Latest processor used ? (Pentium, Power PC, Pentium pro,none)

17. MS Word is ?

18. First Super Computer built in India. (Ans : param)

19. Which of the following companies donot manufacture chips?

(Microsoft, Motorola, Intel, HP)

20. LAN - abbrevation

21. WAN - abbrevation

22. Modem is ? (related to electrical hardware.- Like Modulator &demodulator)

23. FDD - abbrevation ( floppy Disc drive)

24. BIT - abbrevation

25. Information is ? (message, data,processed data,none)

26. Which is not networking ?(internet, Ethernet, arcnet,none)

27. One Gigabyte =?( 2 power30 , 2 power 20 ,2 power 10 none)

28. Which of the following is not RDBMS ? (sybase, SQL,Acess,none)_

29. Oracle is ? (Ans : Relationasl Data Base Management System)

30. In Oracle, Table means ( Ans : Collection of records)

31. DMA - abbrevation (Direct Memory Access,Discrete memory Access,

Disk memoryaccess)

32. What is meant byStatic Variable ?

33. What is meant by QUEUE? {refer any data structures text}

34. What is meant by STACK? {refer any data structures text}

35. The processor used in first IBM PC? (8086,8088,zig4,intel)

36. Difference between 80286 and 80287

37. In bubble sort , no. of comparisons required ?(ans : formula : N*(N-1)/2)

38. No. of comparisons of an item in 100 items by binary comparison?

( 10,25,50 100)

39. CRT - (Cathode Ray Tube)

40. No. of entryvalues are there in ideally in a subroutine.

41. Binary tree?

42. Flow in one direction ? (Single linked list,Double linked


43. Electron screen size ? (here, 2 lines of algorithm is given.

Name the algoirithm)

44. Which is not storage device.? (printer,CD ROM,Disk,none)

45. A question regarding memory ? ( least used memory,recently unused


46. ISO - (International Standard Organisation)

47. HTML - (Hyper Text Makeup Language)

48. Flow chart for factorial N? (ans :choice a)

49. What is meant by Recursion ?

50. Struct(s)

{ int a;

long b;


Union (u)

{int a;

long b;


Print sizeof(s)and sizeof(u) if sizeof(int)=4 and sizeof(long)=4

51.Switch (i)


case 1


case 2


break; ( ans : 1,2,3,none)

case 3


Output of i after executing the program

52. char S;

char S[6]= " HELLO";

printf("%s ",S[6]);

output of the above program ? (0, ASCII 0, I,unpredictable)

53. Unsigned char c;

for ( c=0;c!=256;c++2)


No. of times the loop is executed ? (127,128,256,infinitely)

54. int i;



i=i+1; <====== PASCAL PROGRAM

print i;



No. of times the loop is executed?

55. Convert (int A,var ,int B;int c)






Convert (inta,b,c)





} convert (

A,B,c) ?




56. Procedure A



end <====== PASCAL PROGRAM

Procedure B No. Of errors in the program ?(1,2,3,none)




57. int i;






} else




output of the program ? (4,3,unpredictable,none)

58. what is FAT?.

File allocation table


Total 44 questions are there.

1. How many degrees hours hand rotate in 10 minutes?

2. 1/(10 power 18) - 1/(10 power 20) = ?

3. 0
4. c=a/b ; a-1=c What is the relation between a&b

5. N = ((8.42)**2)*(95. ....)/((0.982)*(64.....)**2)

If N contains the first three digits as 988,Which of the following is the

nearest answer (9.88,98.8,988,none)

6. The sum of 7 consecutive odd integers with 27 as the fourth number.

7. (66666666666666)**2 + 888888888888=?

8. 2486724...... Express it in product of 3 numbers.(The given number

is not exactly correct. Choices are given. Very easy)

9. Radius of sphere is increased by 50%. By how much percentage is surface

area is increased.

10. In which of the following , 2 as a common factor , can be eliminated.

Ans : log(x square)/log(y square) = log(x)/log(y)

Antonyms :



13. & 14. - Sentence correction

15, 16 , 17 - Spelling Mistakes

18, 19 - Two Questions

6 letters are assigned certain numbers.

In each qusetion , 4 combination of digits are given . Of which , which gives

a meaningful word.

20 & 21. - 4 sentences will be given in each question. Arrange them in

logical order .

22. 5 straight lines are cut in a circle. A question regarding this.

Reasoning :

a) If statement A alone is required

b) If statement B alone is required

c) If bothe statements A & B are required

d) Neither

23. Does Mr. Mathew give tution ?

A) MAthew is a teacher

B) In school, the teacher is not expected to give tutions.

24. There is no power cut in advanced country

If T is a city, Is there power cut in that city?

A) Z is a advanced country

B) T ia a capital city of country Z

25. Tanzanians are in East Africa. Tanzanizns are good in either Education ,

Dance or Music

A) Tanzanians are good at Education

B) East Africa are good at dance & Music.

Remaining questions 26 - 29 are of the same type.

30. On onw day, 14 children are admitted in a school by their mothers.

2 are sisters, 3 are brothers,2 are brother and sister and 2 are twins.

The rest are singles. How many mothers came? (5 , 7, 9, 14)

31. Problem Cisterns & pipes.

It will take 8hrs to fill a cistern. But due to leak at the bottom, it

take 10 hrs to full it. In how many hrs, th eful tank will be emptied

because of leak.? (18,8,40,10)

32. Question regarding men & work

A does alone a work in 4 days

B does alone a work in 8 days

C does alone a work in 10 days

A & B together ------

C & B together ------

33. In 3.5 Kg rod , there is 74% silver. If it is alloyed with a 0.5 Kg rod,

the % of silver goes p to 84%. The percent of silver in 0.5 Kg rod?

34. Two chords of lengths 2L1 and 2L2 are drawn in a circle. Their lengths

are inversely proportional to the straight distance joining the centre.

Find the radius of circle.

35. A Kg of tea costs Rs 49.50 . But the supplier gives 10 gms less for

every Kg he sold. What is the actual cost.

36 - 40

A question on transportation table. 5 questions were given.




A X 12 8 20 6


B 12 X 12 5 9


C 20 8 X 4 7


D 3 15 6 X 10


E 12 5 8 3 X


A,B,C,D,E denote the stages.

X denote the start of the stage.

The bus goes from A to E and E to A woith back stops at B,C, & D

For each the charge is Rs.0.70

The numbers in the table are how many passengers are there in the bus

upto that stage.( the numbers given the table are not correct)

36. Total no. of passengers in onward journey

37. Total amount in the conductors bag just before the bus reaches

the stage C

38. How many Rs. 1.40 tickets are issued to passengers in backward journey.

39. If the bus breaks down between the stages C & D , the amount refunded to


40. If the ticket costs Rs.1.50, how much is the profit in Backward journey.

Remaining 4 questions may be fron English.


1)At 6,o clock clock ticks 6 times. The time between first and

last ticks was 30sec. How much time it takes at 12,o clock.

Ans. 66 sec. 2 marks.

2)Three friends divided some bullets equally. After all of them

shot 4 bullets the total no.of remaining bullets is equal to that of

one has after division. Find the original number divided.

Ans. x x x

x-4 x-4 x-4

3x-12 = x

x= 6

ans is 18 2 marks

3)A ship went on a voyage after 180 miles a plane statrted with 10 times

speed that of the ship. Find the distance when they meet from

starting point.

Ans. 180 + (x/10) = x

x = 20

ans is 180+20 2 marks

4) Fill the empty slots.

played won lost draw Goals for Goals against

A 2 2 *0 *0 *7 1

B 2 *0 *1 1 2 4

C 2 *0 *1 *1 3 7

the slots with stars are answers. 4 marks

BC drew with 2-2

A won on B by 2-0

a won on C by 5-1

5) There are 3 societies a,b,c. a lent tractors to b and c as many

as they had. After some time b gave as many tractors to a and c

as many as they have. After sometime c did the same thing.

At the end of this transaction each one of them had 24.

Find the tractors each orginally had.

Ans a had 39 b had 21 c had 12 4 marks

6) There N stations on a railroad. After adding x stations 46 additional

tickets have to be printed. Find N and X.

Ans. let N(N-1) = t;

(N+x)(N+x-1) = t+46;

trail and error method x=2 and N=11 4 marks

7)Given that April 1 is tuesday. a,b,c are 3 persons told that their

farewell party was on

a - may 8, thursday

b - may 10,tuesday

c - june 8, friday

Out of a,b,c one is only correct one of the regarding month,day,date.

Other told two correct and the third person told all wrong.What is

correct date,month,day. 5 marks

8)There are 4 parties. df,gs,dl(depositloss),ew ran for a contest.

Anup,Sujit,John made the following statements regarding results.

Anup said either df or ew will definitely win

sujit said he is confident that df will not win

John said he is confident that neither ew nor dl will win

the result has come. only one of the above three has made a correct

statement. Who has made the correct statement and who has won

the contest. 5 marks.

9)Five people a,b,c,d,e are related to each other. Four of them make

one true statement each as follows.

i) b is my father,s brother. (ans. d said this)

ii)e is my mother-in-law. ( b )

iii)c is my son-in-law,s brother. ( e )

iv)a is my brother,s wife. (c)

10 marks.

10) All members of d are also members of a

All ,, e ,, d

all ,, c ,, both a and b

not all ,, a are members of d

not all ,, d ,, e

a)which of all following statements must be true

1) There are more common members between c and a than between

c and e

2) There are more members in a than in c

3) There are more members in a than in e

i) 1 only ii) 3 only iii) 1,2 only iv) 2 and 3 only v)1,2,3

b)Which of all the following can be inferred from the statements above

1)Some members of d are also members of b

2)All members of e are members of a

3)All members of a are members of b

4)Some members of d are not members of c

5)All members of b are members of c

i) 1 only ii) 3 only iii)2 only iv) b and d only v)d,b and a only

d)Which of the following is not possible

i)Some members of e are also members of c but are not members of b

ii) ,, ,, d ,, ,,,, both c and b

iii)all ,, e ,, ,, a

iv)some ,, d are not ,, a

v) ,, e are ,, b

1) i only 2) iii only 3) i and iii only 4) all the above 5)none

e)if all members of b are also members of c then

i) all members of a are also members of b

ii)all ,, ,, c

iii) ,, b ,,, a

iv) some members c ,, e and b

v) ,, ,, d and b

1) ii only 2) iii and iv only 3) iii only 4) ii and iv only


11) Boys are allowed to watch football at C.V.Raman auditorium subjected to


i)the boy over age 16 can wear overcoat

ii)no boy over age 15 can wear cap

iii)to watch the football either he has to wear overcoat or cap or both

iv) a boy with an umberella or above 16 or both cannot wear sweater.

v) boys must either not watch football or wear sweater.

What is the appearance of the boy who is watching football.

Iam sending the Tata Ibm paper by three parts. Some more

paper will be sent by Bhadram. Here is the first part


12. After the following command is executed

$ ln old new

a listing is performed with the following output

$ls -li

total 3

15768 -rw-rw-rw- 2 you 29 sep 27 12:07 old

15768 -rw-rw-rw- 2 you 29 sep 27 12:07 New

15274 -rw-rw-rw- 1 you 40 sep 27 09:34 very old

Which of the following is true

a) Old and new have the same i-node number ,2

b) Old and new have the same i-node number ,15768

c) Old and new have nothing to do with each other

d) Very old and new are linked

e) Very old and old are linked

29) Which of the following is true about fork ()

a) It transforms an executable binary file into a process

29) Which of the following is true about fork ()

a) It transforms an executable binary file into a process

that overlays the process which made the fork ()

system call. No new process is created Ans B;

b) Causes the creation of a new process the CHILD process

with a new process ID.

c) Causes the creation of a new process, the child process with

the same process ID as the parent

d) fork() has nothing to do with processes.

e) fork() is not a system call

1)which message is displayed when a window is destroyed


ans: check your self may be B


ans:we don,t know

3)which is the message used to limit the size of the window



3)until |who|grep mary do step 60 done

a)is syntactically correct

b)waits 60 sec. irrespective of mary being logged in or not

c)waits until mary is logged in

d)waits till mary exists



4)the unix system call that transform an executable binary file into a process:

ns: we don,t know

5)fork() is a system call causes

ans: causes the creation of a new process , the child person with a new process ID


{ char *


char y[]="add";

char *z;

z=(char *) malloc(sizeof(x)+size of(y)+1)





ans:Add+string=addstring (if it is in caps also true)

7)char *(*(*a[n]())();

ans:d)an array of n pointers to functions returning pointers to functins returning pointers to charecters

8)interprocess command in unix be achieved by

a)pipes b)messages c)semaphores d)shared memory e0all

ans: E (all)

I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper Vel MultiTech Chennai 4 December 2010

Friend there are totally 4 rounds.

1) Written test (verbal- 20 questions, quantitative- 30 questions) time limit-1 hour, i think cut-off is 30/50.

2) Technical HR-1

3) Technical HR-2

4) HR

Some questions which i recollect are. But i can,t recall the questions.

1) Two age problem will come, for 1 ques ans is 35 years.

2) Answer west. (Question name is stands in lef leg for 33) and the next questions it is 2.
Ans: East

3) In relation question they ask which is wrong one. Answer is 1st option ( instead of grand mother they mention it as grand father)

4) 7a-3b=40 and 7b-3a=42,
Find a-b.

5) If the sides of the rectangle increases by 10%, find the increased area.

6) Meaning of apposite

7) They will ask 2 questions in figures and 2 in syllogism, 2 in work, 2 in odd man out easy only.

I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper hyderabad 5 May 2010

hi everyone,
here is a question paper for amcat(hcl) wh i faced today...

question paper has 4 sections
3)analytical ability(25)
4)technical(8 q,s)

total time given : 107minutes

technical wasnt so tough....2 passages regarding technical (like java is found in the year 1999,by james on) and q,s from the passage only...
no need to worry about technical at all....

1) a bag contains 4 white balls,5 red balls, 6 black balls.what is the probability dat v select 3 red balls from the bag ?

Ans: 2/91 (wh i had got nd ans present in the options)

2) In a village dere r 8000 people.6% men and 10% women were added.den d population becomes 8600.what is the total no. of men present in village?

3) From the word ASPIRATION , what is the probability to select an vowel ?

4)Arrange the word CORPORATION in such a way dat all the vowels come together.wat is d probability ?

5)6,7,5,__,4,9.Fill the series.


7)log((a+b)/3)=0.5(loga+logb).wat is the relation between a and b?

8)a=2,b^2-1=ab.find log(a^3+b^3) to the base (a+b).

9)a bag contains 3 black balls,3 yellow balls.A girl picks a ball and place it back in the bag.wat is the probability dat she selects a lack ball always ?

10)A boy chooses a number x.He finds dat square of x is less than x.wat is the range of x ?
c)x>0 and x<1
d) none of dese

11)A number x wen divided by 13 leaves a remainder 12.wat is the value of (x)^13/13?


13)A number ,a, lies between 2 and 3 (including 2,3). and number ,b, lies between 4 and 6(including).wat is the minimum and maximum value of a^2-b^2 ?

14)one question on seating arrangement clear idea .....but not so tough....

15)2 persons shyam and murali starts walking from the same point.shyam goes 4m towards east and turns left and walks 4m.murali walks towards 3m west and walks 4m right.wat is the distance between dem at dis point ?

16) the distance between 2 points A and B is 100m.2 persons who are at station A and B starts walking towards each other at the same time with the same person walks straight the road for 30m and goes left for 10m and goes towards right for 2om from dat point . and den goes right and reaches the same road again. now, wat is the distance between dem ?

17)meanings and opposites of dese words were asked
a) product

18)the boy fell ______ the cycle

19)find error in the sentence....Can i lend your pencil for a minute , please ?

20)2 passages were given...and q,s regrding dat passage

21)One pipe is 3 times faster dan the other pipe.bothe the pipes working together can fill the tank in 36 hours.wat is the time taken by slower pipe to fill the tank alone?

22)A number wen divided by 8,7,6,5 leaves a remainder 1,2,3,4. find the number ?


24)(a+b)^3-(a-b)^3 =?
ans : 2b(b^2+3a^2)

25)wat is the power of 5 in the multiplication ? 90 * 80 * 70 * 60 * 50 * 40 * 30 * 20 * 10.

26)wat is the value of (1.0816)^1/2

27)log2 = 0.3010.wat is the value of 5^25 ?

I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper college of engeering GITAM 2 February 2010

Igate questions
English -20 verbal reasoning.
Reasoning -15
Quantitative -15
Fill in the blanks of objective type questions on articles-------a,an,the -3Q
On Prepositions�1Q
Given Antonym -1Q-> Bilk - deceived (meaning) ----check the antonym in questions context.
Arrange the sentences in meaning ful passage very easy ---cross check with options.
Syllogisms ----2.Q
Visual ability---2Q.(very easy given 4 addresses of same , but we have to find small mistake in one of that ).
One passage consisting qusetions ---2Q.
Data interpretation ---one table is given ---3Q
Synonym -1Q
Topics from r.s. agarwal quant( each topic one question each)
� Problems on age,
� Profit or loss
� Time and work
� Time and distance
� Problems on trains
� Simple interest
� Compound interest
� Stocks and shares.
Quantitative : 30 questions
(I don�t remember exact questions )
1Q on Problems on Ages : some difference of father and son is 15 ,given ages ratio at present ,and after three years -------- Ans: 47:11.
1Q on Problems on trains: two coramandal express one from kolkata and other from chennai and distance is given some 2500, and where they after travelling some distance ----------Ans:1500km
1Q on simple and compound interest: given principal amount,rate, time difference between simple and compound interest is-------------Ans : 49.

Questions in iGATE is written test is very easy but cut off is 40/50

another twist is that there are 4 sets in iGATE written test paper�
Questions are same but may be question numbers are jumbled�.

For English :
I feel this could be useful �

iGATE-2010 campus selections in GITAM
Nearly 400 people have attended the written test ..60 got selected in it�

---In my first technical round he asked about my self(say about strengths,positives,hobbies etc�rather than academic details)�he asked my eamcet rank,etc�and my favorite subject(I said dbms)..he asked questions �.i answered every question..he asked�.
--He asked to write a programme ..i did it�
--again about my resume contents..ppts ,hobbies,weakness etc(keep your as simple as possible but be perfect on your resume)�.
--[if you don�t know anything ..say what you know ,but be confident]
--HE ASKED 4,5 questions on C,C++�
--As usual abt my self�He concentrated more on puzzles(all are from sakunthala devi ) .
---.he asked me 7 puzzles�easy but need to spontaneous�I answered 6 puzzles�some of my friends faced questions on sql etc�
---About myself
---He asked my performance rating in this interview in (0-8 scale)..i said 7..abt my parents,my background etc�
---he also asked about my girl friends. .etc..etc �he was very much impressed with my answer�

Finally ,results are out and I am in�18 got selectd from 60 students�(6 cse,3ece,2 eee, 2 mca,3 eie,2 it)
Be thorough with your summer project,main project,paper presentations..
it is better to write about yourself in a paper before attending a campus.�
to explain your answers ..make use of paper and pen in tr rounds�definitely your TR will be impressed(as I did)..
make your TR to come in your own way�stress the words which you know more about that word�the TR will definitely asks about it..if he asks abt it ..hz on your way�
That�s all friends�I hope my experiences will be useful .

I-Gate Placement Paper : iGate Placement Paper BIT RANCHI 7 January 2010

hi friends,
first of all i would like to say that placement is all about "right attitude". So please try to be positive because others win not because they know much or they practice much its just because of "right attitude".
iGATE visited our campus on 7th Jan 2010. Its ppt was very impressive.
The written test consisted of a 1 hour paper comprising of 2 sections: 1.)English(20 questions) and 2.) Aptitude (30 question
English part was very easy so attempt at last,i did it in 15 minutes.
simple comprehension n questions based on it,read questions first then go for the answers in comprehension.
simple use of articles, analogy, sentence correction.
Aptitude section had a good mix of maths (11 questions), and rest reasoning questions.
For maths part prepare from R.S Aggarwal->time n work,time n dist, Simple interest,compound interest,ratio n proportion,profit n loss(only basic questions are asked)
Reasoning part consisted of concentration question(2),diagram combination questions(2),syllogism,puzzles, etc
Just be confident.
200 people appeared for the written test out of which 78 cleared the written test,n then these 78 were subject to 3 interviews: 2 technical and 1 HR. Finally 35 were selected to be iGators n by God,s grace i was one of them.
1st Technical Interview:1.) as i had mentioned 2 projects in my cv so i was told to write 7-8 sql querries.2.) 2 puzzles were given to solve(just be cool and try to show the approach u wud use in problem solving),i solved them.
2nd Technical interview:1.)the interviewer gave me 2 questions to solve from math,s section of written test. 2.)asked me to write the code fro insertion in between in a link list. 3.)asked about heap sort. 4.)stack n queue

I-Gate Placement Paper : General - other - 20 November 2007


I am Praveen placed in iGate, held on 20th November,07 in Mahalingam College of Engineering And Technology. I am doing my Final year ECE, I have benefited much from this site, and I like to contribute myself by giving the information I have experienced. The selection procedure is,
1. Aptitude Test
2. GD
3. Technical and HR interview

Aptitude Test:
15 questions no choices; worksheet will be provided, no negative marks, u have to work down the answers, the time to solve 15 question was about 30 min... All questions are easy if u have read R S AGARWAL, some topics are Time and Distance, Probability, Problems on numbers, Average, Age, Profit and Loss and some other topics in RS Agarwal... That is enough...

3-4 questions were very simple. Others were little hard. Cutoff was high, it was around 10. They short listed 88 from 1000.. for the next round...

Some questions that I Remember, I have put here..
1. If MASTER : VIXOSP then what,s STREAM : ?
Ans :  XOPSIV   

2. Boys and girls are seated in 5 rows and 5 columns, such that A is seated at the center and  P is right to A. If R is in front of A and Q is behind P. In which direction is Q seated with respect to R. If all the students are seated facing north.
Ans : south east

3. If 21 books must be placed in a row. In how many ways these books can be arranged such that no two new books are arranged consecutively,,,
Ans : 210

4. Two dice are thrown such that a sum of 8 is obtained in a condition that the second die must be always 4. Find the num of chances of obtaining sum of 8.
Ans : 1/6

5. Two cans A & B contain 25% & 30 % of milk. If 6 parts of can A and 4 parts of can B acre mixed in a can C. What is the proportion of milk in can C.
Ans : 15

6. 1 rupee, 50 paisa and 25 paisa coins are there in the ratio of 2.5 : 3 : 4. For Rs 210, find the number of 1 rupee coins.
Ans : 105.

7. 9 men and 6 women will finish a work in 5 days, similarly 3 men and 15 women can finish the same work in 10 days then in how many days 9 men and 10 women will finish the same work.
Ans :3

8. X amount takes 10 years to become double. How many years it takes to become triple ?
Ans :15

9. A team plays cricket in a year with a % of win by the team as 50% and the % of loosing matches as 40%. If the number of matches tied is 20, then find the number of matches played.
Ans : 200

10. There are 8 pairs of socks and 2 socks are worn from that such that the pair of socks worn are not of the same pair. what is the number of pair that can be formed.
Ans :56   

11-15.... sorry I couldn,t remember...but they were simple..  

 Since short listed were less in number they cancelled group discussion for us..

Technical and HR interview:                   
Since I am an ECE student both interviews were like an HR interview and some questions on my basics and area of interest..

All were simple questions no need to get worry.... all ways give your answer with confidence.. some questions were asked from apti too which u had already written they will ask to solve it..



I-Gate Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Chitkara Insititute Of Engineering Technology - 4 October 2007


Hi, I am placed in iGate, held on 4th OCT,07 in CHITKARA INSTITUTE OF Engineering TECHNOLOGY . I am doing my Final year ECE, i have benefited much from this site, and i like to contribute myself by giving the information i have experienced.

The selection procedure is,
1.Aptitude Test
3.HR interview


Aptitude Test:  15 question no choices; A worksheet will be provided, no negative marks, u have to GIVE ANSWER in the space provided in the question paper Some topics are Time and Distance, Probability, Problems on numbers, Average, Age, Profit and Loss and some other topics in RS Agarwal.. that is enough  


1.541629 decoded as 624273. then 162937 decoded as _______.
2. Based on mathematics operation. + is division, - is multiply, * is add, / id divide. then 5+2*6/8-3 is________.
3. Time n work. a is 3 times better than b & do the work in 60 days before b. in how many days complete d work if they working together
4. If 6 parallel line is cut by another 5 parallel line, then how many parallogram r there.
5. ques. on probability like odds in favour r given & find d prob in favour.
6. in how many ways a no. of 2 digit can be formed using no. 1,3,4,5,7 , when repetition is allowed.
7. The ratio of boys & girls in class is 5:4. the ratio of girls studying math & physics is 3:1. find d %age of class comprise girl studying math.
8. Based on average (very simple)
9. if 20% discount then s.p. is 24. what is s.p. if discount is 30%
10. based on venn diagram(very simple)
11. based on simple interest.(again simple)
12. based on profit and loss. 


Technical : 
1. Brief introduction.
2. What is ur favourite subject.
3. How microprocessor work.
4. Which language u know.
5. What is pointer & advantage? Why we use it.
6. What is ur hobbies & asked ques. on that.
7. Why signal light in traffic signal is red.
9. Do u want 2 ask any question.
10. Thank you. plz wait outside.  

HR interview:
1. Introduction.
2. Tell me what u knows about igate.
3. what,s ur hobbies and asked ques on that.
4. ask me 2 sell a mineral water bottle & convince me 2 buy it
5. o.k. thank you.
HR is like formality but dont take it easy bcoz some stdnt eliminate in this round also.  

I-Gate Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Chitkara College of Engineering,Chandigarh - 4 October 2007


Hey Friends This is Nakul here..i,m frm Manav Rachna College of Engineering,Faridabad..recently there ws a joint campus drive at Chikara College,Chandigarh..I-Gate hd come for campus placements..numerous colleges were invited...lemme assure you they cleard 178 students in apti..90 odd in Tech and 60 (i think) in HR....GD WS dont lose hope.

Here goes:



well we had 15 qstns to b completed within 30 mins..sounds scary bt TOTALLY NOT..js keep ur cool..remember the basic formulaes and try to attempt ATEAST 8-9 correctly..purely reasoning..

qstns included

1) numbr encrytion

2) Speed distance time

3) probability

4) work men

5) profit loss

6) ratio proportion

7) percentage(tricky)

8) simple interest


remember..8-9 correct!!!!



awrite..GD ws cancelled so it ws only Tech and ws diffrnt fo every1..some were askd jus basics. my technical included qstns on RDBMS, summer training project plus some basic HR qstns..i ws asked to wait outside and thn one person came and escorted me to a new room..i hd clrd the tech.



This ws HR..majority of candidates were askd jus basic qstns like describe urself,hobbies!!bt in my case there were puzzles,abt the company,awareness qstns(3 uses of pen othr thn writing!!!duh!!)plus the basic HR qstns..and finally next aftrnun results wre declared and I WS SELECTED..


Bt lemme assure u getting into an IT company isn�t difficult at all..jus believe in urself and plz plz don�t miss ny opportunity..


I-Gate Placement Paper : General - other Mahalingam College of Engineering, Pollachi - 19 September 2007



Hi Candidates,
I am Praveen I am placed in iGate, held on 20th November,07 in Mahalingam College of Engineering And Technology. I am doing my Final year ECE, I have benefited much from this site, and I like to contribute myself by giving the information I have experienced. The selection procedure is,

1. Aptitude Test
2. GD
3. Technical and HR interview
Aptitude Test:
15 question no choices; worksheet will be provided, no negative marks, u have to work down the answers, the time to solve 15 question was about 30 min... All question are easy if u have read R S AGARWAL, some topics are Time and Distance, Probability, Problems on numbers, Average, Age, Profit and Loss and some other topics in RS Agarwal... That is enough...
3-4 questions were very simple. Others were little hard. Cutoff was high, it was around 10. They short listed 88 from 1000� for the next round...

Some questions that I Remember, I have put here� 

  1. If MASTER : VIXOSP then what�s STREAM : ?
         Ans :  XOPSIV   
  2. Boys and girls are seated in 5 rows and 5 columns , such that A is seated at the center and  P is right to A. If R is in front of A and Q is behind P. In which direction is Q seated with   respect to R. If all the students are seated facing north.
    Ans : south east 
  3. 3.    If 21 books must be placed in a row . In how many ways these books can be arranged such that no two new books are arranged consecutively,,, 
                  Ans : 210 
  4. Two dice are thrown such that a sum of 8 is obtained in a condition that the second die        must be always 4. Find the num of chances of obtaining sum of 8.
    Ans : 1/6 
  5. Two cans A & B contain 25% & 30 % of milk. If 6 parts of can A and 4 parts of can B acre mixed in a can C. What is the proportion of milk in can C.
                 Ans : 15 
  6. 1 rupee, 50 paisa and 25 paisa coins are there in the ratio of 2.5 : 3 : 4 .For Rs 210, find the number of 1 rupee coins.
    Ans : 105. 
  7. 9 men and 6 women will finish a work in 5 days, similarly 3 men and 15 women can finish the same work in 10 days then in how many days 9 men and 10 women will finish the same work.
    Ans :3 
  8. X amount takes 10 years to become double. How many years it takes to become triple ?.
    Ans :15 
  9. A team plays cricket in a year with a % of  win by the team as 50% and the % of loosing matches as 40%. If the number of matches tied is 20,then find the number of matches played.
    Ans : 200 
  10. There are 8 pairs of socks and 2 socks are worn from that such that the pair of socks worn are not of the same pair. what is the number of pair that can be formed. 
    Ans :56  

       11 �. 12�. 13�.. 14�� 15�� sorry I couldn�t remember�.but they where simple�  



Since short listed were less in number they canceled group discussion for us�


Technical and HR interview:                   

Since I am an ECE student both interviews where like an HR interview and some questions on my basics and area of interest�

All where simple question no need to get worry�..all ways give your answer with confidence�.some questions were asked from apti too which u had already written they will ask to solve it..


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