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Infosys Placement Paper : Infosys A.C.Patil college of Engineeing Mumbai 14 January 2011

There are total 183 students eligible for the Aptitude and English test.
The criteria for our college is aggregate 58% till semester 6.
Out of which 52 cleared the exam and called for interview(92 passed in aptitude but failed in English test only 52 cleared both tests).
There are four panels for interview.
3 of them asking the simple questions and puzzles and one is asking the technical c and c++ questions.

Now its time for interview,
I entered into the room, he asked me to sit, i thanked him.

He asked me my intro.
I answered.

He asked me r u rajput???
I said yes..

Then he asked me strengths and weakness
I answered the same as my friends- punctual , sincere , .....etc

weakness--- wont satisfied until complete the work given to me.

Then he asked me three puzzles.

I answered(50-50)

He told me i,ll give u 50% for each answer.

After that he asked about the Infosys.

After that asked about my hobbies Sudoku.

That is what are the two words that the Sudoku main up of.

I simply said , unable to recall now.

Then he asked me to go.

The interview taken of 10-15 minutes.

After completing interview process 4-5 students are asked for re interview,

After that at near about 6:30 the results are announced.

And 45 of us are there in the final list.
I am one of them.

Infosys Placement Paper : Infosys Placement Paper Hyderabad 20 January 2012

I attended the campus drive for Infosys, which was held on 20th January, 2012 in my college through Jawaharlal knowledge centre. Totally there are 1201 candidates from 25 colleges participated in this campus drive, which were located in Rangareddy, Khammam and Hyderabad districts. Eligibility criteria is 68% or above 68% without backlogs. Not only for Infosys, if you are competing through JKC means definitely you have to compete with more than 1000 candidates. So you should put your maximum efforts to clear the tests.

Placement pattern for Infosys consists of two rounds:

1) Written test
2) HR.

For the written test you should carry one copy of your resume, passport size photograph, your certificates. Before writing the exam they asked you to fill a form which consists of various questions about you like your 12th standard marks (only 12th standard), do u have spouse, backlogs, gaps in education, eye sight, any reference, if you have their name and their position in the company, criminal cases bla bla bla....

This form only takes 30 minutes to complete.

Now let me discuss about the pattern of written test clearly.



Aptitude reasoning test consists of 6 different topics.

1)PICTURE REASONING (5 questions)

In this section, a series of pictures are given which may consist of picture series, picture analogy or picture classification.Difficulty level for this section is 2/10.


In this section, sequence questions like seating arrangement or money distribution or height arrangement are given. A set of five questions are based directly on the statements given.

In the exam which I wrote I got this question like this.

Sai, Rakesh, Mukesh, Raju, Madhu are friends. They went to a sweet shop.
Some conditions given like this.
a) Sai ate 7 laddus less than Raju.
b) Mukesh ate 8 more than Raju.
c) Sai and Rakesh ate 17 laddus together.
d) Mukesh and Madhu ate 28 laddus together.
e) Totally they ate 59 laddus.

So based on this passage they gave questions like who ate more laddus and less laddus etc.... those questions are very easy if you understood the passage carefully. Difficulty level for this section is 3/10.

3) DATA SUFFICIENCY (5 questions)

Here a set of two statements are given followed by 5 options which satisfy the answer for the statements. You have to decide which option best suits the answer.

By studying the syllabus we came to know that there are no aptitude sections like areas, volumes etc... topics, But they included those topics in this topic wisely.

The question I got in the exam is like this.

What is the area of the hexagon?
Statement 1: The side of hexagon is 6cm.
Statement 2: The angle made by a side of hexagon at the centre is 60 degrees.

I didn,t remember this question exactly. But what,s my intention is just to say if you want to do this question you should know the formula to find out the area of the hexagon, which is related to areas section in quantitative aptitude. So be prepare well...!!

Difficulty level for this section is 7/10.

4) DATA INTERPRETATION (5 questions)

This section consists of a direct sequence of 5 questions based on the data which is provided in the form of table charts, bar charts, pie charts or line charts. The question I got in the exam is in the form table chart. Actually I concentrated mainly on other topics, because I found this question is difficult to understand. To solve this question we should convert the given data, which is in $,s into rupees, they gave the table for only one year and given there will be some percentage increases in the next year. So too many calculations... so I left it means I guessed the answers because we don,t have negative marking. Difficulty level for this section is 8/10.

5) RELATION PROBLEM (5 questions)

This section consists of questions which are similar to the sets and relations like students with biology, mathematics, physics and chemistry, mathematics and biology, only physics, etc., and questions related as such.

The question I got under this section is
A, B, C, D, E and F are six members in a family. Some conditions are given like that.
a) A is most talkative person in the family.
b) B is less talkative than C, F.
c) E is more talkative than D, B.
d) There are four males and two females.
e) No one is widow.
f) Most talkative person marries less talkative person etc...

Like this about 10 conditions were given. So based on this we should attempt the questions like who is least talkative? , Among the given pairs, which pair is correct? The gender of C etc. Difficulty level for this section is 8/10.

6) SYLLOGISM (5 questions)

This section consists of statement followed by two conclusions. We need to pick out from 5 options, which suit the best answer.

The questions I got under this section are as follows.
1) All men are cat.
2) All cats are bus.
3) All men are bus.
4) Some men are bus.
5) Some cats are bus.

A) 123 B)324 C)234 D)521

The answer is "A" Difficulty level for this section is 6/10.

The verbal ability test consists of following sections.

1) SENTENCE CORRECTION (8 questions)

Among 4 sentences the correct one should be detected.

Mainly they concentrated on punctuation marks and prepositions. They had given very lengthy sentences. So somewhat time taking but these are easy to answer if you know the grammar well. Difficulty level for this section is 5/10.


In this section they mainly concentrated on tenses and grammar. Here also lengthy sentences. So time taking guys. Difficulty level for this section is 5/10.

3) FILL IN THE BLANKS (8 questions)

The paper setter used this section very efficiently. He asked one question on Idioms and phrases, one question on one word substitutes, one question on tenses, one question on prepositions, one question on synonyms and one question on vocabulary etc. So this section is somewhat difficult....!! Difficulty level for this section is 7/10.

4) THEME DETECTION (6 questions)

This section consists of a 5 to 6 lines paragraph and we select the correct conclusion among four given options. This questions are time taking....!! Difficulty level for this section is 7/10.

A common section in every company,s written test is Comprehension passages. Here we have two passages. Those two are lengthy, But easy to understand. The only thing is you should have time to read these passages. My sincere suggestion is do these passages after completing all the sections. Difficulty level for this section is 6/10.

My suggestion is for aptitude reasoning test go through R.S. Agarwal books. Coming to verbal test, for sentence correction Objective English by Hari mohan Prasad is good. But for other sections Objective English by R.S. Agarwal is preferable to Hari mohana Prasad.

The universal cutoff for Infosys i.e., whether it is on-campus or off-campus the cutoff for Infosys written test is 18/30 in aptitude reasoning test and 20/40 in verbal test. That means 60% marks in aptitude reasoning and 50% marks in verbal test. Remember sectional cut-off is there.

The exam was completed at 12.30 pm. They announced the result at 3.45 pm. Out of 1201 they selected only 102 candidates, but they divided these 102 members into 2 batches of 50 and 52 members based on their marks. I got 12th position among all the candidates.

Immediately they asked all the selected candidates to come for HR round. Again they gave a form to fill the semester wise marks. Here they ask one copy of your resume and also sometimes your memos. But they didn,t ask me. Why means if your percentage is about 68 or slightly greater than 68, then only for verification purpose they ask the memos. I have an aggregate of 74%. So they didn,t ask me. After this I was asked to come for HR round. Every HR is of at least 40+ age. They are very friendly... The only thing you should remember is we should not be nervous....!!

Here I,m explaining my Interview experience.
HR: How are you?
ME: Very fine sir, what about you?
(Don,t be afraid to ask the HR "how are you sir?" It gives an impression that you are friendly, jovial. And also we know that first impression is best impression)
After that he asked about my personal details etc...
HR: What are the problems did you face in your mini project? Your role in mini project?
ME: Explained...
HR: Under the skills you have written some words like Self-learner, Creative and Effective team player. Can u please explain?
ME: Explained...
HR: Why you got less percentage in 3-2 than other semesters?
ME: until 3-1 I mainly concentrated on my studies sir. But in 3-2, I thought that after this semester I have to appear for the campus interviews and the companies like you require not only studies but also extra circular activities. So in that semester I gave some PPTS and I made a short film also. I learned video editing myself for that movie. So I got less percentage. But in 4-1, definitely I,ll get good percentage sir.
HR: Do you play games? (Because I mentioned I,m a district player in badminton and volley ball in my resume)
ME: Yes sir, because my father is a physical director so I used to play those games.
HR: Do you have any questions for me?
ME: May I know your name sir....
HR: We shouldn,t tell our name boy...!!
ME: Actually why I asked means sir whether I was selected or not I want to upload my experience into some websites like etc... So that it will be helpful to someone, who is willing to join in your company.
(So that the HR came to know that the student has helping nature towards others)
HR: Of course, you can upload. But we shouldn,t tell our names boy.
ME: Thank you very much sir...!

I completed my interview at 4 pm. Results are announced at 8 pm. 75 members got selected out of 102 members. I got second position in the list.

My suggestions for you to get succeeded in the Infosys campus recruitment process is

1) Written test is very very important. In that also mainly concentrate on Verbal test. If you completed the written test successfully, you have more chances of getting a job.

2) While doing verbal test paper in written test you don,t have time to revise it, so be fast...!!

3) While performing the interview you should remember the following things. Eye contact, tone should be louder, don,t place your hands on the table, while saying something you can move your hands freely, don,t say one word answers, try to explain the answer clearly.

4) If you ask a wrong question or unnecessary question also, try to say why you asked that question, what,s your view behind that question? like what I said for the last question in my interview experience.

Don,t be nervous. I came from Telugu medium. But medium doesn,t play any role only hard work plays.

Remember this quotation : "If you are excited, you are going to learn something; but if you are nervous, you are going to lose everything".

Infosys Placement Paper : Infosys Indur Institute of Engineering and Technology 18 January 2012

Hi Friends....

I have attended infosys recuritment on 18th through JKC.,3 districts (Hyderabad.. Medak...Nalgonda) were called for interview with 68% criteria. Around 1200 students attended Finally 102 for HR round ..,then 80 got placed.

Written test:


Cut off:

60% for Reasoning(18 marks)
50% for Verbal(20marks)


1. Figure Series(5 ques)-(very easy)

Prepare from Indiabix

2. Puzzle(5 ques)-(bit tough)

Prepare from R.S.Agarwal Verbal

3. Data Sufficiency(5 ques)-(very easy)

Prepare from Indiabix

4.Data Interpretation(5 ques)-(lengthy)

Prepare from Indiabix

5.Puzzle(5 ques)-(tough)

Prepare from R.S.Agarwal Verbal

6.Syllogisms(5 ques)-(very easy)

Prepare from Indiabix

Verbal Ability:

1.Sentence Correction(8 ques)

2.Phrase correction(8 ques)

3.Fill in the blanks(8 ques)

4.Theme Detection(6 ques)

5.Reading comprehension(10 ques)

HR Interview:

me:Good evening sir
hr:good evening.. how are you feeling now...?
me:fine sir..
hr:whr is your college?
hr:family background
hr:tell me something about your mini proj... problems faced in it
hr:why did you take this project
hr:how will you prepare for your exams...?
hr:you need to arrange an industrial tour for 30 memebers. how will you plan it?
hr:you need to plan a car parking event... how would you do it...?? you need to accomdiate 20 cars.
hr:do you want to know any thing about company??
me:no sir
hr:how are feeling now...ok or tensed??
me:ok sir
hr:thts good... you may go now
me:thankyou sir

Logical part was easy compared to verbal.

For logical part R.S Agarwal Verbal and Indiabix website in enough

For Verbal you need to know grammar rules.

you should be fast in reading and understanding.

Be confident in Interview.

All The Best for all of you...

Meet you in Mysore...

Infosys Placement Paper : INFOSYS Vijay Rural College Nijamabad, 9 January 2012

Hi guys,
I m Vivek.N of Jayamukhi college,Warangal..,I have attended infosys recuritment on 9th through JKC.,4 districts (Adilabad..,Nijambad..,Karimnagar..,Warangal) were called for interview with some criteria around 1100+ students were invited but 971 attended..,Finally 73 for HR round ..,then

------------50 out of 971---------were placed i was NOT one of the 50 members..


Wriiten test
--- Reasoning(30questions-40min)
--- Verbal(40questions-30min)

NORMAL CUT OFF --- 60% for Reasoning(18 marks)
50% for Verbal(20marks)

If u r going through JKC or otherthan ur campus for recruitment, remember that the paper will be tough & the Verbal part will be lengthy, in 35 minutes u cannot attempt all..,

1. PICTURE REASONING (5 questions)

In this section, a series of pictures are given which may consist of picture series, picture analogy or picture classification.


In this section, sequence questions like seating arrangement or money distribution or height arrangement are given. A set of five questions are based directly on the statements given.

3. DATA SUFFICIENCY (5 questions)

Here a set of two statements are given followed by 5 options which satisfy the answer for the statements. You have to decide which option best suits the answer.
4. DATA INTERPRETATION (5 questions)

This section consists of a direct sequence of 5 questions based on the data which is provided in the form of table charts, bar charts, pie charts or line charts.

5. RELATION PROBLEM (5 questions)

This section consists of questions which are similar to the sets and relations like students with biology, maths, physics and chemistry, maths and biology, only physics, etc., and questions related as such.

6. SYLLOGISM (5 questions)

This section consists of statement followed by two conclusions. We need to pick out from 5 options which suits the best answer

The Verbal Ability test pattern is distributed into 5 different topics as:

1. SENTENCE CORRECTION (8 questions)

Among 4 sentences the correct one should be detected


3. FILL IN THE BLANKS (8questions)

4. THEME DETECTION (6 questions)


-----------Be thorough with REASONING..,(Verbal & Non-verbal reasoning ).., Verbal(from GRE book.., something called Shakuntala devi book etc., )

Never expect any of the papers to be easy..,Especially Offcampus once..,They may entire change the way of questionings like (Two big passages in verbal..,followed by big sentence corrections..,etc) Be prepared with all the logic,s and prepare a strategy for all.,

-----1st you will have a pre-placement talk of about 45minutes which consists of presentation of INFOSYS it,ll be intresting,Then in respective rooms you will be filling a form 1st where u have to fill up ur details ..,Instructer will tell u everything how to fill the form..Better to carry Pen & pencil..,Then u will be given Reasoning..after that Verbal ......!!!!!! For us they didnt gave any OMR sheet..,simply we have to write down correct option in given sheet..Don,t write anything on question paper & they will provide you rough paper too.

Finally---I wish you "All the very best" .,About me..,well I was not placed that means INFOSYS lost me..,I got an experience of Competition..,And i have a confidence that you will find me in anyone of other Placement experiences where you will see me as a selected guy..,!!!!!! Anyhow this is not my last this was my 1st...!!!!!!

Infosys Placement Paper : Infosys National Institute of Technology, Calicut 5 JANuary 2012

Written test Pattern:

1.Reasoning paper:

30Ques - 35 mins
1- 5 Picture Series
5-10 Cube related problem
10 - 15 Data Sufficiency
15 - 25 Two puzzles 5qs each
25 - 30 Syllogism with 6 statments.

2.Verbal English paper.

Correction of sentences
2 RC,s
Theme detection
Find the wrong part of sentence.

Here they check your communication. No technical questions were asked.Be thorough with your resume.

Infosys Placement Paper : Infosys National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur 10 October 2011

Interview of infosys is being taken by interviewer to check ur confidence level and nothing else.It all depends on ur written test hw have u performed in the written test if u r able to crack the written test then u can consider that u have 99% of chance to get into infosys.

As far as my interview experience is concerned i enterede the interview room at 5:15 P.M.

Me:Good Evening Sir

Int. : good evng

Int : Describe Urself

Me : Sir my name is Md.Intshamuddin......
Int : i don,t need all these informations i have all these information in ur resume.
Me : ok sir,after thinking for half a minute I said, sir i believe in comittment if i comitt to do anything i take rest only after completing my comittment.
Int : what do u mean by comittment?
Me : comittment is nothing but an idea in which one is rigid about doing something like if i want to crack civil service exam then i have to do this whether it will be very difficult for me or doesn,t matter.
Int : How would u analyse to solve a problem
Me : sir i would make a plan for this,organise all the people involved in the project motivate them and..basically i have given dealing on this topic.
Int : what do u mean by algorithm?
Me ; Sir it is nothing but a process of solving a problem in a sequencial manner using step by step process.
Int : suppose u have an exam after one month,how would u plan for that.
Me : Sir first of all i will make a daily routine and will try to follow that routine ,have confidence in myself,be patient...before one day of exam i will not study anything new...whatever i have studied i will revise them will take full sleep and be relaxed before the exam ...
Int : then
Me : sir i will go to appear at the exam and will give my best..and finally the result will come in my favour..

One thing u all need to know is that they will try to demorlize u by saying that keep talking keep talking even though u have given sufficient answer for that question. so don,t fear about that.i was confident about my selection but then little bit nervous too because interviewer always said to me keep talking keep talking after giving every answers of the m placed in infosys...thanx to indiabix team through which i have gained lots of experience like how to give HR interview and all that...all the best guys be confident inj urself and have patience everything will go in ur favour.

Infosys Placement Paper : infosys durgapur - 29 September 2011

Infosys came to my college "Aryabhatta Institute of Engineering & Mngmnt Durgapur" for recruitment for the 2012 passing out batch..first thr was a PPT session..In this we were given an insight about the company..the Awesum Mysore training campus was one of the highlights..then we were made to sit in the classes for the aptitude test..i was nervous and was trying very hard not to think much about what was at stake..i tried to take it as just another exam..the first paper was logical reasoning...i knew the questions of infosys apti is not very tough but the time factor plays a crucial i just started solving questions as soon as i got the paper.
LOGICAL REASONING : this section contained questions from topics like Data sufficiency(5 Qs),syllogism (5Q),complete the figure series(5Q),Data interpretation (5Q),puzzle(10Q).
i found this section average..if you solve RS Agarwal then its sufficient...but lemme tell u i took this section with a strategy..i first finished with syllogism as they are scoring and easy, then i did picture series completion(very easy),then Data sufficiency(easy)then i solved puzzle test and then DI..the point was to attempt tricky questions after gaining confidence from solving easy ones like syllogism worked for me..i guess i got 23 -25 questions correct (out of 30) minimum as i cracked both the puzzles and handled DI pretty well...

next was verbal..i m good in english so it was not a big deal but for people who are not confident should practice a lot for this section as infy sets a high standard for engligh section(probably they want u to b better then their europe ,USA based clients in english)..


this section has high difficulty level with severe time constraint..just 35 minutes for 40 questions...with 2 long attempt passage at the last..and before attempting any passage try to just quickly check which one is data based or facts based..and attempt them first..overall u cannot take this section lightly...hard wrk is the only possible option...try developing reading habit..i solved all my verbal questions without using any grammar rule...only my earlier reading habit was sufficient..i think i did almost 27-29 questions correct...

finally we all reported to the semionar hall for the declaration of the result of th Apti round...i was side of me was telling i would get thru...but other the side was scaring the hell out of me..i was biting my nails..shaking my legs and what not...suddenly the infy member appeared with a list in his hand..he called out the first wasnt mine..the hall was filled with rupturous applause for the candidate,,then another name was called out..i was getting tensed but to my expected surprise my name was announced..i got up from my seat and thumped my chest mildly two three times similar to football celebration...i was ecstatic...i came out of the seminar hall to report for HR soon as i steped out of the hall i screamed with joy ..i felt like crying..but somehow maintained a balance...i went for HR which was cool..infy is 90 % cleared if u clr the apti...and wen finally name of the selected candidate was announced in the evening i was thr in the list...finally i thanked God..because only i realise how much important this dream job was for me...all the best to all of u...i hope i have a great time in infy at mysore campus.....

Infosys Placement Paper : infosys MNM JAIN ENGG. COLLEGE, Chennai - 23 September 2011

1. logical reasoning (30q)
2. verbal (40q)


1-5 find the out series out from the five.
6-10 cube problem (find the no of cubes painted with at least one face etc...)
10-15 data sufficiency (revise the basic geometry formula )
16-20 puzzle(a thief stoles with the help of x,y,z tools --- VERY EASY)
21-25 puzzle(jumbled puzzle --- LITTLE TOUGH)
26-30 syllogism


1-10 reading comprehension
11-20 sentence improvement
21-30 sentence correction
31-40 theme detection

Infosys Placement Paper : infosys United College of engg & research - 23 September 2011

I want to share my experience of infosys selection with you all, but before that let me tell you that Infy hires in bulk, so if you have 65+ during, have a good aptitude & communication skill then you,re more likely to be selected.

On 23rd sept Infy visited our college for Recruitment, we had a pre placement talk by Mr.Sudhir Mishra , Global head HR of infy, the good thing about this talk was that it removed our previous myths about the company and inspired us all a lot.

Then paper started at 11am.
FIRST Section:
Logical Reasoning- (30 questions in 40 min)
1. 5 questions from figure pattern (Find the missing figure)
2. 2 passage of puzzle (5 ques each so total 10 ques)
3. 2 passage of Data interpretation (5 ques each so total 10 ques)
4. 5 questions from Syllogisms

There was no quants.
you can easily solve 15 questions from this ques
and the rest depends on your preparation .

This section was pretty tough and lenghty too.

1. 10 ques of Sentence correction
2.10 ques of fill in with appropiate word
3. 10 question of Theme completion (ques were like what do you infer from this passage)
4. 2 RC,s (5 ques each) (The RC was really lenghty so attempt it last)

practice your reading skills and work hard on grammer as english section is pretty tough. Although not much of vocab was asked only 2 ques were thr.

I cleared the cutoff and was called for the interview very early , so be prepared beforehand,
my HR was a 50-60 yr old person , was quite polite to me ,
asked a few basic questions covering my resume like
my projects, hobbies , achievement,
he also gave me a few situations and asked me how would i react to them, by this they check your presence of mind.
Be confident in whatever you speak and surely u,ll crack it.
Out of 628 who appeared 158 were selected & i was one of them.

Infosys Placement Paper : infosys SCTCE - 14 September 2011

I would like to share my experience with you about the infosys placement. First of all what I want to say is, its easy to get place in infosys then any other companies. Its all the matter of clearing the test. If you clear the test, then you are 90% in. So don,t get worried, prepare well. As infosys as a sectional cut off for verbal, kindly please pay attention to verbal, if you cant get cut off mark in verbal, then you are out. No need to worry about the test pattern, its very well said during preplacemnet talk, attending of preplacement talk is must, or sometime it may affect in your interview.
Selection Procedure -
Aptitude test is of 30 marks with time 40 minute.
For us aptitude was easy, toughness may vary from college to college It consist of 6 parts, each part 5 questions -ODD one out there was some set of picture, and you have to find the one which is not fitting in that set. Its easy, just a matter of thinking is required
It was anther set of easy qn, one guy was going from his home to school, he has to cross 7 lanes, then they gave various set of statements. from that v can get the sequence of lane from home, that,s it. then you will get the next 5 qns

for us it was a pie chart, again, it was easy. anyone who knows how to read a pie chart can easily do it

-SYLLOGISM It was little different syllogism, here 4 statements will be given, we hav take a combination of 2 from the option which will result in the conclusion given in the question. If you have enough practice in syllogism and if you know all the rules, then you can very well crack it.

It was also easy thing, five person plays different games, then there was question based on that. one of the easy method to do is, draw the table, keeping one thing, eg name constant and then as u go through question, fill the table with games.

eg is x>y?, the there will be 2 statements. we will have to find, which and all statement is necessary to get the answer for qn. It is recommended by me that you do the interpretation part in the end, because its all about time management and interpretation takes lot of time

VERBAL is for 40 marks, 35 minute it wa sthe one of the most toughest part of our infy exam, it was so tough that I didnt expect I could clear the exam. But luckily it happened

-READING COMPRESSION two passages. each passage as 5 questions. first passage was easy and answers were direct, second passage was little lengthy, but answers were direct. I recommend you to do the passage at the end & check the qns and see if qn is direct, so u wont waste time in reading it

-FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH PHRASES (6qns) all you have to do is just read the sentence and find the phrase which fits into it. It was the only easy part in our paper

-CONCLUSION WRITING (6qns). a Small 6 para will be given(each para 1 qns), you have to find the conclusion or the which is not as per para, depending on the question given. Its some what easy. all option seems same

-GRAMMAR (6qns) a sentence will be underlined, from the given options, you will have to find the sentence which is grammatical correct, all options seems to be similar. But they are not -Rest of format i dont remember exactly, but it was also finding errors. anyway verbal was tough Out of 210 appeared, 155 got selected in test

It was my first interview, but to tell frankly I was not tensed at all. I was just in relaxed. To all who are going to attend infosys, infy is not looking at your english grammar or how your accent, they just looks on your communication. you must open your mouth and answer, and please dont answer in a word, at the same time dont make it so lengthy.

First impression is the best impression, so when you enter the room, dont forget to ask permission and it should be firm and loud for me there was no much questions
- it was just, why I came from palakkad till here, please don,t say this is gud college and al. they know that fact, the want how you got here leaving other colleges. so I just mentioned all mistakes I made in entrance exam and how I reached here, it was very well clear from my answer that it was the thing which I regret the most, so now he can,t ask the qn thing which I regret.
- next question was are you making such mistake now. I told no, and told now how I am answering question, how I recheck the answer before marking it and how I plan time and all, so he could conclude that I am a good planner.
-next was about my mini project, o explained him how we took the project and all, and the answer was just like that, he can conclude that i am willing to take any project even if i dont know about it, and finally will get the project going
- he asked, if I had any question, I told no, I have attended many infy program, so I know about infy he gave me handshake and told good luck After 2 day,s result was announced, and lucky I was one of the selected infy candidate. So my dream of becoming INFOCIAN is coming true

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