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Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper Chennai 24 January 2012

hi friends ,

JSW pooled 3 colleges viz.., NIE, SJCE & PES. the candidates were from electrical, mechanical and environmental stream on 25th jan, 2012.

Im from electrical stream and I would be happy if my experience will be of a little help for those seeking a bright career.

selection procedure:

Technical written round
Hr & Technical

since last year, there were no aptitude questions. so be least bothered about aptitude.

Technical questions will be for 50 marks in 1 hr. even though they r basically in search of electrical people, most of the questions asked were on the ground of power & basic electronics. be prepared for machines only for the sake of interview round. for written, go through the following concepts:

decimal to binary conversion
transistor [ ce, cb, cc, types of transistors, calculating gain, currents, resistances and related concepts ( nearly 5 quests)]
bcd-binary conversions
application questions like: at what temp, farenhiet and celsius are equal ( -40c)
basic concepts about microcontrollers
no. of buses and address lines in microprocessors,
power consumptions of led, lcd ( its more for lcd)
voltage regulator of ic
scr turn off-on time which is more
what happens voltage when speed increases in the generator

Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper new delhi 25 November 2009

hello friends...
I am Harsh Tiwari from JSS college, noida. im a student of ECE, final year and i appeared for jindal steels GET 2010 recruitment process. to start with a happy note, im glad to tell that i finally got selected in jindal steels thru the above mentioned process, and i hope that this article helps future aspirants to its very best. talking of jindal steels, ive alwz had an impression that it is really a company worth joining, and their selection process is also a challanging one. ill be glad if the readers find this article helpful, and i wud advice you to post more experiences of yours here.
GET recruitment process of jindal steels is divided into three parts :
- Written test
- Group Discussion
- Personal interview
let us start with written test first of all... a large number of people had applied for this exam this year, approx 42000.. it was scheduled on 4th october, 2009.. the paper consisted of 115 questions in total, and time limit was 115 minutes.. this meanz that u hav to be good at time management.. use ur watch well and keep a track of time.. the paper was splitted in two sections, and there was NO negative marking..
first section was aptitude section, which had 55 questions.. following is a description of aptitude part, as much
as i could remember..
VERBAL(20 questions) consisted of 10 questions on comprehension.
5 questions on word meanings, synonym.
5 questions on fill in the blanks with articles.
NON-VERBAL (15 questions) consisted of 10 questions on data interpretation and number perception.
QUANT(20 questions) consisted of questions based on Ratio and Proportion (4 Q), Profit and Loss, Percentage, Time
and Work (2 Q), Average (1 Q), allegation and mixtures (1 Q)... for example...
1. average of a 4 member family 10 years ago is 24 . in these 10 years a pair of twins come into the family. but
yet after 10 years, the average remains 24. find the age of the twins.
options: 3, 4 , 5 , none of the options.
2.two persons are in election. 55% of the valid votes are with one person and 20% of votes are invalid.
total number of votes are 7500.
find the number of votes with other person.
3. percentage questions.
4. a man sells 4 t.v in the cost price of 5 t.v . find profit %
5. to check in details.
as 3 options given : a big series , to check if all are similar.
6. 10 questions in verbal ability.
a) to choose similar words from options given.
b) 2 long comprehension passages, but both of these were worth attempting (really easy) .
c) Appropriate use of preposition in sentences
7) 3 questions on computation as * for + , - for / , like that.
a. 2589324564295834259
How many 2’s are just after an odd digit?
b. ,+’ is for ‘*’………..’-‘ is for ‘+’….’*’ for ‘/’…….’/’ for ‘-‘…
Then solve…2+8/9*7
c. M for multiplication, D for division, A for Addition, S for substration
Then solve… 8M6A9S1D3A6D8
8. Case study sort of.. given some conditions..f the students to be admitted to a college.. and so to answer if
admitted or not.
9.Meaning of words used in sentence.example: "bonafide" was the word used in sentence( dont remember the sentence) and u had to find its meaning from options(4 qs).
10.use of prepositions and articles
11.majority of problem solving questions were based on chapters like profit and loss,percentage,geometry( 2 questions in my paper i remember), time and distance,progressions(ex: 15th term of the fibonacci series ) ratio propertions.Not all qs were from these but majority were.
12.some data interpretation questions and problem solving qs were as follows::
(a) replace * with +./ with -,+ with *,- with / and solve the following questions
24/78+90*87-87/878 (values are arbitraryly put here but ques looked like this and there were 2qs)
(b) a passage was given with informations about 3 guest houses red,green,yellow and their details like accommodation status, fees, advance fees, reservation criteria. etc. followed by 3 ques based on them (typical data interpretation qs, 2 such passages were there =6qs)
(c)A,B,C are three vertices of a triangle and triangle DEF is formed by joining midpoints of the triangle abc respectively.what is the ratio of the area of triangle DEF to TRIANGLE ABC?
(d)ram ,s salry is 20 % less than raj salary,vikram,s salary is 55 % more than raj,s salry.if raj saves 20% of the salary which equal to rs.2000, what is vikram,s salry?(values changed but qs was on these concepts).. I would not call the questions tough at any cost, but the time constraint was the biggest factor. i could attempt the RC section correctly, and i believe it made a difference..
I appeared for control and instrumentation stream. But, most of the questions were from Electronics and communication, so frenz from ECE, its a really great opportunity for u guys.. there were 60 questions, and none of them involved much of calculations.. they were either theoretical, or sum direct formula based questions..
1. equation of the transportation problem.
2. auto-correlation has which symmetry : even symmetry
3. given a pcm has bit rate as 36000 bits/sec. and maximum fm = 3.2 khz. find the sampling rate.
4.some questions were with 8051 chip.
5.highest priority in interuppt in 8085 is :
6.given a source voltage sinusoidal voltage v=200 sin 314t ,load resistance is 10 ohms and the angle of firing is 90 degree in scr. find the current options 10, 5 , 5v2,
7. turn on time for a scr is ----- than turn off time.
8. the coefficient of pd controller is k = sinwt/wa , -sinwt/wa , costwt/wa , -coswt/wa.
9. what does hold signal represent in 8085.
10.The peak voltage in half wave rectifier is v and power is p. what will be the value of voltage and power in a full wave bridge rectifier , if other conditions unchanged.
a)V , P b) 2V, P , c)2V,2P
11. in a semi converter , the firing angle is 60 degree. what is the conduction angle for the Scr present.
12. Given a G(s) 1/(s-1)(s+2)(s+3). how many times will it encircle the origin in a nyquist plot.
13. Given a routh table with 2 rows as S4 1 2 4
S3 10 20 ,then find the number of roots lying in RHS side of x plane.
14. in 8085, the length of general purpose registers ?
15. what is cycloconvertor ( changes higher frequency to lower one and vice-versa in one step)
16. what should be the width of pmos w.r.t nmos, so that current loss is minimum. ( This was based on the fact that nmos construction requires lesser area than pmos for the same amount current flowing through it)
17. number of overlap scr conducting in 1 phase full wave rectifier.
18. blind speed can be rectified by changed by ..............
19. What type of digital circuits dont depend on the input from previous states . combinational circuits
20. Which component of superhetrodyne receivers provide image frequency selectivity.
21. Given an ampitude modulated x(t) = 20 sin100wt + 10sin300wt - 20sin50wt. find fm.
22. If the amplitude of a FM wave is made two times , then what will be its effect on the frequency deviation of the wave.
23. What is quantization.
24. If the value of e ( damping ratio) is 0<1, < eqn. characteristic the of roots about said be can what> imaginary , or complex conjugates, real and equal , real and unequal.
25. G(s) = 1/s2 + 4s + 25 . Find the time when the output reaches the maximum for the first time (Peak time)
26. What is PUSH related to in 8085 :- stack, accumulator, .........
27. Difficulty with servomotor.. ( dead space, backlash, saturation of core...)
28. Which filter is to be used for finding the o/p between f1 and f2 . ( band-pass, low-pass , band-stop,high-pass)
29. What is the potential difference b/w electrodes in a cell called ( positive potential, negative, electrode potential)
30. What are the three inputs of IGBT called (emitter, collector and gate)
31. What is the instrument used to measure the movement of ear pulses called ( ECG,EOG, EFG,... )
32. What is the instrument used in ECG called..
33. Find the Z transform of an u(n-5)
34. What is snubber circuit used for (increasing dv/dt, decreasing dv/dt, overvoltage protection)
35. LVDT is which type of transducer : inductive , capacitive..
36. What is transfer function in terms of transform
37. Find the Z transform of G(s) = 1/ (s+1)2
38. IF in a transfer function there are multiple repeating poles , what can be said about it’s stability Options: It will oscillate and will be stable, It will be unstable
39. One question was related to : x-plot, y-plot, T-plot
40. One question was related to power cup.
41. One numerical on strain gauge.
42. One question on Bilinear Transformation(DSP)
43. One question on linear programming problem(OR)
and few other questions, which i dont remember, but were easy.. the written round was easy to clear finally...
This was the next stage of the process, and GD was NOT an elimination process. the students arrived at the
interview venue were randomly divided into groups of 10 people each, and were sent into a conference room for GD.
there were three people for evaluation. all of them were very friendly, they welcomed us with a smile. they will
see your attitude, body language, confidence levels and leadership qualities. try to maintain a little smile on ur face through out d process (i did). The topic was been given to us after entering the hall, and they told us to take the seat. A white sheet and synopsis of the topic was also given to us and after 3-5 minute of reading they told us to start the GD. Do try to put down watever you are thinking (in points, not much) on that white paper, as you are asked to submit that paper back, with your name on it. They are giving the topic as Common topic or topic related from Current affairs. If u have some nice conclusions related to that topic then tell as conclusions in the end when they ask about conclusions (they will, generally). Do not speak too much they also check your listening skills. And lastly, try your level best not to create a mess out of everything. My group was very co-operative, and we decided to let one person speak ata time, in clockwise manner ( i proposed this !!!), and then we had an open- house. We also concluded our topic with a unanimous stand of the whole group. This really pits a good impression in any GD.
The topic given to my group was : Experience v/s Youth
other topics were :
>Examination- Is it ruining Education
>capital punishment
>Casteless society
>Girls are fitted in working in manufacturing industry
>Is delhi an apt venue for commonwealth games?
and few other similar topics...
I finally had my number for interview. I wont say that i was nervous or scared, but it did feel like my first job interview. The interviewing panel consisted of 3 people, who seemed quite senior. Thankfully, they were very supportive, encouraging and friendly. The first question to me was Tell me about yourself, which i answered confidently, as i had prepared this answer. Do prepare answer to this question well, as this wud be the opening question of most of your interviews. They also asked me my two favorite subjects. i told microprocessors and digital design. Now, i had read previous year blogs that they generally ask questions from subjects which you mention as your favourite subjects. But this was NOT the case with me. To my surprise, they did not ask a single ques from those subjects.
The questions to me were :-
> explain kirchoffs current law.
> draw circuit diagram and input-output waveforms of a 3-phase bridge rectifier, and explain them.
> why is a capacitor used in a rectifier, and what wud change if it is repalced by an inductor.
> what is communication, and what are problems faced in communication systems.
> explain controller action.
> elaborate last answer by comparing the actions of P, PI and PID controllers.
> stability of systems.
> discussion on Lead-lag compensators.
> all of a sudden, i was asked to tell the names of the subjects ive studied in B.Tech!!!
> polymorphism in c++.
> why jindal steels?
> being of ECE branch, wud i be able to adjust in a job meant for Instrumentstion?
> 2 incidents of my college life that i wud never forget.
and few other questions. My interview lasted for 25 minutes. All in all, it was an awesome experience.
I hope i cud help u in ur preparations for jindal steels exam.

Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper BRCM CET BAHAL BHIWANI HARYANA 19 March 2010

1. Density of milk flow is measured by -(a)Rotameter(b) Lactometer (c) Milkometer (d) Non Of these.
2. In isobaric process which is constant-(a) Pressure (b) volume (c) temperature (D) heat.
3.Dimension of surface tension?
4.Maximum velocity ratio occur in - (a) chain drive (b) gear drive (c) Belt drive (d) Rope drive
5.Whose is the captain of Hockey Indian team 2010 word cup?
6.Where and when Olympic game occured recently?
7.what is least count of vernier?
8.What is tensile strength?
9.What is feed in lathe in machine?
10.Define viscosity?
11. what is unit of viscosity in MKS ?
12.What is rake angle?
13. what is annealing?
14.what is difference between petrol engine and Diesel engine?
15.what is diametric pitch in gear?
16.what is module?

Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper Lucknow 21 November 2010

Hello Friends,

I am Sumit jindal. My branch is Civil Engg. Today I,m going to show you the pattern in which Jindal Steel & Power LTD. Conducted there written test for GTE-Trainee 2010 on 21st Nov. I,m confident that it will help you out. My result is still awaited.

The test consisted of 115 questions in 115 minutes. So the time was quite less so you have to be very fast. As there was no negative marking, you have to attempt maximum questions.

There were two sections.

1. Technical (very simple ques paper)
2. Non Technical (percentage, ratio, time and work) no general awareness questions

Technical section consisted of 60 questions

It consisted of following questions:

1. 5 or 6 questions based on is code grade of steel, water content determination etc

2. What is the deflection of simply supported bead carrying a UDL in whole length?

3. Fixed end moment for beam carring a UDL?

4. Grade of concrete use in sea water?

5. 1 question om euler formula in column?

6. 1 question based on NEW engineering formula (pile foundation)

Non Technical section consisted of 55 Questions.

Verbal (20 questions) consisted of 10 questions on comprehension.
Quantitative (20 questions) consisted of questions based on Ratio and Proportion (4 Questions), Profit and Loss, Percentage, Time and Work (2 Questions), Average (1 Question), allegation and mixtures (1 Question).

Some questions are,
Fill in blanks of prepositions

I hope it will help you for your exam

Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper Bhopal 21 November 2010

Hi Friends,

I have attended Jindal test on 21st Nov, I share my experinces with you.

1) Written test.

Totally 115 questions: 55 aptitude, 60 technical, 2 hours, no negative marking, no calculators allowed.

Aptitude: 20 Verbal (2 RCs), 20 quantitative, 15 reasoning.
Very easy Ratio proportion, percentage, age, simple problems

Technical: Mostly theoretical my Domain paper Electrical.

Important topics: Machines, Control System, Measurements, Power systems, Network theory, Basics.

Jindal Placement Paper : Jindal Placement Paper Jaipur 21 November 2010

I am going to highlight few topics on which questions will be certainly asked in Jindal & Monnet group exams.

Basic in topics ko dekh jana pakka test clear ho jayega.

1. Biot no.

2. CIM

3. Product development launching

4. Dynamics basics

5. Air conditioning basics

6. Inertia basics

7. Impulse & Francis turbine

8. Hardness, toughness etc

9. Aptitude questions. on trains, Cp Sp, work time, Digits, Sequence etc.

10. English language questions. Mostly fill in the blanks on articles a, an, the and other grammetical fill in the blanks.

Mujhe to kuch aisa mil nahi paya tha paper se pehle but guys I thought of uploading such thing after my paper.

Jindal Placement Paper : General - other Hyderabad - 17 February 2008


hi i am from civil engg. technical questions from civil only.

the entire test was divided into 4 sections:-
1.General english it contains questions related to articles,prepositions,synonyms and 2 passages.

2. quantitative aptitude percentage,time & work,speed,profit & loss etc...

3. attention to detail it contains questions like changing the mathematical operators eg.. ,+, stands for,*,, ,-, stands for ,/, and so on...

4.Technical questions (CIVIL) total 60 questions (OBJECTIVE)

1. vicats apparatus is used for....
2. position of centre of gravity w.r.t centre of pressure for an immersed body
3. as per IS 456:2000 Ec=
4. sp. wt. of steel
5. dimensions of an A4 paper
6. size of modular brick used in india
7. depth /width ratio for shallow foundation
8. natural method of seasoning of timber
9. slenderness ratio formula
10. concept of relative density is related to which type of soil
11. no. of blows required for performing liquid limit test
12. plate load test is used for..
13.width of B.G in India
14. valve through which flow in one direction is possible
15. pH of water for making concrete
16. condition for a column to be long or short
17. disease caused presence of nitrates
18. what is the angle called diff b/w magnetic meridian & true meridian

Jindal Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Kolkata - 17 February 2008


The test of JSPL held on 17th February 2008 was more or less of an easy type for instrumentation stream. Many questions were from power electronics and communications. The ques that I remember were:

Verbal (20 ques):

1. 10 ques based on two RC passages,dealing with computer languages.

2. remaining ques on articles, prepositions and word meanings.

Numerical (20 ques):
1. all ques based on simple but lengthy calculations involving %ages, profit and loss, ratio-proportion,etc.

Attention to detail(15 ques):
1. ques based on pattern recognition, logical reasoning and types like if + is -, - is *, etc.

Technical (60 ques-INSTRUMENTATION):

I remember 51 ques. They are:

what does ‘value’ mean in value engg.
what is value engg used for
two ques on statement of nyquist-shannon theorem
i/p and o/p impedance of instrumentation amplifier
given open loop TF for unity f/b calc damping ratio
given G(s)H(s) calc type of system
thru which signal does µP communicate with memory
12 address lines address how much of memory
no of timers of 8051
prog device used with 8051
µcontrollers used widely in which industry
ques on what is LPP
which technique used for optimization in OR
which of these deals with reducing waiting time(ans: queuing theory)
given BW and SNR of a communication channel calc its maxm transmission rate in kbps when affected by white Gaussian noise
what is a µcontroller
no of components in VLSI
what is done in VLSI
what are the procedures for sampling of a signal
which is the most commonly used non-impulse type of pump
how do you go from time domain to freq domain(both fourier and laplace were in the options)
what is thyristor
what is triac
diff betw triac and SCR
why is equalizing ckt used in series with SCR
what freq crystal should be used betw pin 1 n 2 of a µP
if for a resistive load in an SCR ckt the current is ripple free and equal to 20 A what will it be when 20 mH inductor connected to the load
if load current in an SCR is I, what is the average thyristor current for a 1-ö converter
maxm efficiency of AM power
given signal freq and intermediate freq calc image freq
when are equalizing pulses applied in TV
what is a spirometer
what is used to measure heart sounds
minm duration of firing pulses for a thyristor
which of these transforms is also called tustin ’s method( or something like that)
why is RC snubber ckt used
what type of waveform produced by RC oscillator
diff betw inverter and oscillator output
for a 6 phase 60 Hz half wave rectifier what is the triple freq of the output
which of the following modulation is digital: PCM/ PAM/ PWM/ PTM
which method of ctrl removes offset
eqn of PID
what filter used for extracting SSB output
CMRR is expressed commonly in
integrated value of step fn.
differentiated value of const fn.
what is the kidney dialysis method(artificial) called
quantity analogous to current in pneumatics
quantity analogous to mass in rotational motion
which of these theorems not used in filters( ans: norton’s theorem)
which of these is UHF(1.68MHz,16.8Mhz,168Mhz,1680MHz

Jindal Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper SRM Engg. College ,Chennai - 10 September 2007


Hi , Friends.....I am Manjeet. By the Grace of GOD and GODDESS i got placed in JSW(Jindal South West) STEEL. Thanks a lots to by this really i got lots of benefits....... I am from EEE(Electrical & Electronics Engineering) branch. JSW STEEL team visited in our campus on 10th. sept.2007.Total 8 colleges of 4 branches(EEE,Mech,Chem,Civil) were participeted.

Firstly there were very enyhusiastic PPT happened.After that the selection procedures has started.

Totaly there were 400 students for this from all the four branches. There was Technical objective questions of 1hr duration and total no. of questions was 50. The questions papers was different for different branches. For EEE the major portions of questions was from :

Electrical Machines (AC&DC),Measurements,Microprocessor,Digital,Basic Electricals ,LIC,Control Systems ....etc....In which 8to10 was of numerical based and remaining all was fully theoratical based on the basis of basic concepts based questions. Calculator was also allowed in the exam.Time is sufficient for the exam.

I am giving u some advice here just go through the GATE papers of previos 10 to15 years papers speciall 1marks questions and revised ur syllabii...

Totally around100 students were shortlisted for this round. My Topic was "WHY WE SHOULD GO FOR ARRANGE MARRIAGE". I told in favour of ARRANGE MARRIAGE and some of my friends told in favour of Love Marriage. In my batch there were 15 members..... Some oher batch got the topic Nuclear Deal. They are giving the topic as Common topic or topic releted from Current affairs. Try to initialise the topics or try to tel 3 to 4 times with the important points related from that topics and if u have the nice conclusions related from that topic then also tell as conclusions at final when he ask about conclusions.

Totally around 60 students were short listed for this round. My Interviews was of around 10 to 15 mints ,Interviews Technical cum HR was combined. Sir asked me ,Tel me about ur self,i told very clearly,then he asked what`s ur favourite subject i told about my area of interest TRANSIMISSION and DISTRIBUTION systems and SWITCHGEAR and PROTECTION then he asked me from TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION systems, some definitions , important formulas with relations, some diagram and some questions ... etc...

Next day on 11th. sept.2007 around 12 noon the final Result of Selected condidates came.
Totally 46 students got Selected including me . I cannot expressed about that moment how much i was happy .....really it was the happiest moment for me till that time of my life. Friends dont get dippressed , be confidence definately u will get succes one day.

Jindal Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper SRM Engg. College ,Chennai - 10 September 2007


Hi , Friends.....I am Manjeet. By the Grace of GOD and GODDESS i got placed in JSW(Jindal South West) STEEL. Thanks a lots to by this really i got lots of benefits....... I am from EEE(Electrical & Electronics Engineering) branch. JSW STEEL team visited in our campus on 10th. sept.2007.Total 8 colleges of 4 branches(EEE,Mech,Chem,Civil) were participeted.

Firstly there were very enyhusiastic PPT happened.After that the selection procedures has started.

Totaly there were 400 students for this from all the four branches. There was Technical objective questions of 1hr duration and total no. of questions was 50. The questions papers was different for different branches. For EEE the major portions of questions was from :

Electrical Machines (AC&DC),Measurements,Microprocessor,Digital,Basic Electricals ,LIC,Control Systems ....etc....In which 8to10 was of numerical based and remaining all was fully theoratical based on the basis of basic concepts based questions. Calculator was also allowed in the exam.Time is sufficient for the exam.

I am giving u some advice here just go through the GATE papers of previos 10 to15 years papers speciall 1marks questions and revised ur syllabii...

Totally around100 students were shortlisted for this round. My Topic was "WHY WE SHOULD GO FOR ARRANGE MARRIAGE". I told in favour of ARRANGE MARRIAGE and some of my friends told in favour of Love Marriage. In my batch there were 15 members..... Some oher batch got the topic Nuclear Deal. They are giving the topic as Common topic or topic releted from Current affairs. Try to initialise the topics or try to tel 3 to 4 times with the important points related from that topics and if u have the nice conclusions related from that topic then also tell as conclusions at final when he ask about conclusions.

Totally around 60 students were short listed for this round. My Interviews was of around 10 to 15 mints ,Interviews Technical cum HR was combined. Sir asked me ,Tel me about ur self,i told very clearly,then he asked what`s ur favourite subject i told about my area of interest TRANSIMISSION and DISTRIBUTION systems and SWITCHGEAR and PROTECTION then he asked me from TRANSMISSION and DISTRIBUTION systems, some definitions , important formulas with relations, some diagram and some questions ... etc...

Next day on 11th. sept.2007 around 12 noon the final Result of Selected condidates came.
Totally 46 students got Selected including me . I cannot expressed about that moment how much i was happy .....really it was the happiest moment for me till that time of my life. Friends dont get dippressed , be confidence definately u will get succes one day.

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