Oil India Limited Placement Papers Ramco Placement Papers Rockwell Placement Papers3i Placement PapersABB Placement PapersAccel Frontline Placement PapersAccenture Placement PapersAcumen Software Placement PapersAditi Placement PapersAdobe Placement PapersADP Placement PapersAgile Placement PapersAgreeya Placement PapersAIG Placement PapersAkamai Placement PapersAks Software Systems Placement PapersAlcatel Placement PapersAllahabad Placement PapersAlle Placement PapersALLFON Placement PapersAlter Placement PapersAlumnus Placement PapersAmdocs Placement PapersAMI Placement PapersAndhra Bank Placement PapersANZ Placement PapersAppLabs Placement PapersAricent Placement PapersASDC Placement PapersAshok Placement PapersAshok LeyLand Placement PapersAspire Placement PapersASPNET Placement PapersAST Pvt Ltd Placement PapersAsto Placement PapersAtlas Placement PapersAxentis Soft Placement PapersAxes Placement PapersAztec Placement PapersBAAN Placement PapersBajaj Placement PapersBank Of Maharashtra Placement PapersBARC Placement PapersBEL Placement PapersBEML Placement PapersBently Placement PapersBFL Placement PapersBHEL Placement PapersBirlasoft Placement PapersBlueStar Placement PapersBOB Placement PapersBOSCH Placement PapersBPL Placement PapersBrakes Placement PapersBSNL Placement PapersC-DOT Placement PapersCadence Placement PapersCalsoft Placement PapersCampaq Placement PapersCanarys Placement PapersCapgemini Placement PapersCaritor Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd Placement PapersCaterpillar Placement PapersCD Placement PapersCDAC Placement PapersCelstream Placement PapersCGI Placement PapersChangepond Placement PapersChatargee Placement PapersCisco Placement PapersCiticorp Placement PapersCMC Placement PapersCOGNIZENT Placement PapersComputer Placement PapersConsagous Placement PapersConsagous Technologies Placement PapersConvergys Placement PapersCORDYS Placement PapersCOSL Placement PapersCovansys Placement PapersCrompton Placement PapersCSC Placement PapersCTS Placement PapersDaimler Placement PapersDell Placement PapersDeloitte Placement PapersDelphi-tvs Placement PapersDeutsche Placement PapersDharma Placement PapersDigital Placement PapersdMtechnologies Placement PapersDot Placement PapersDot Com Infoway Placement PapersDRDO Placement PapersDSL Placement PapersDSQ Placement PapersDSRC Placement PapersE2E Placement PapersEasyTech Placement PapersEDS Placement PapersEFFIGENT Placement Papersefunds Placement PapersEIL Placement PapersELGI Placement PapersELICO Placement PapersEnercon Placement PapersEpson Placement PapersEricssion Placement PapersEssar Placement PapersFCG Placement PapersFidelity Placement PapersFlextronics Placement PapersForbes Placement PapersFORCE Placement PapersFuture Placement PapersFX Placement PapersFX Labs Placement PapersG2One Network Private Limited Placement PapersGDA Placement PapersGE Placement PapersGenpact Placement PapersGeodesic Placement 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PapersIntegra Placement PapersIntegraphr Placement PapersInterwoven Placement PapersIntex Placement PapersIOCL Placement PapersIonnor Solutions Placement PapersiSoft Placement PapersIspat Placement PapersISRO Placement PapersIttiam Placement PapersIvega Placement PapersJ&B Placement PapersJataayu Placement PapersJean Placement PapersJean Martin Placement PapersJet Placement PapersJEYPEE Placement PapersJindal Placement PapersJKT Placement PapersJOHN Placement PapersKalam Software Technology Placement PapersKanbay Placement PapersKeane Placement PapersKenexa Placement PapersKkshema Placement PapersKleward Placement PapersKnoah Solutions Placement PapersKPIT Placement PapersKPIT Cummins Placement PapersL&T Placement PapersL&T Infotech Placement PapersL&T(EEC) Placement PapersLCube Placement PapersLG Placement PapersLG Soft India Placement PapersLifetree Placement PapersLinkwell Placement PapersLionBridge Placement PapersLogica Placement PapersLucent Placement PapersM-Phasis Placement PapersMA Placement PapersMANGANESE Placement PapersMascot Placement PapersMastek Placement PapersMatrix Placement PapersMAXSOFT Placement PapersMcAfee Placement PapersMECON Placement PapersMentor Placement PapersMerrill Placement PapersMicrosoft Placement PapersMindfire Solutions Placement PapersMindtree Placement PapersMiraclesoft Placement PapersMistral Placement PapersMotorola Placement PapersMTNL Placement PapersNagarro Placement PapersNalko Placement PapersNCR Placement PapersNess Placement PapersNest Placement PapersNewgen Placement PapersNFL Placement PapersNHPC Placement PapersNihilent Placement PapersNIIT Placement PapersNovartis Placement PapersNovell Placement PapersNTPC Placement PapersNucleus Placement PapersNYROS TECHNOLOGY Placement PapersOil Placement PapersONGC Placement PapersOnline Education Placement PapersOnMobile Placement PapersOracle Placement PapersOrange Placement PapersParagon Placement PapersPCS Placement PapersPDIL Placement PapersPentaware Placement PapersPentaware Tech Placement PapersPerot Placement PapersPersistent Placement PapersPhilips Placement PapersPlanetasia Placement PapersPNESTEC Placement PapersPolaris Placement PapersPoor Placement PapersPramati Placement PapersProdEx Placement PapersPSI Placement PapersQuark Placement PapersQuinnox Placement PapersQwest Placement PapersR Placement PapersRamco Placement PapersRapidigm Placement PapersRBI Placement PapersRedpine Placement PapersReliance Placement PapersReliance(RIL) Placement PapersRinl Placement PapersRipples Infolink Placement PapersRobert Placement PapersRobert Bosch Placement PapersRockwell Placement PapersRRB(Railway Placement PapersRRB(Railway Recruitment Board ) Placement PapersRSsoftware Placement PapersSahi Placement PapersSail Placement PapersSamsung Placement PapersSamtel Placement PapersSAP Placement PapersSapient Placement PapersSasken Placement PapersSatyam Placement PapersSBI Placement PapersScandent Placement PapersSchneider Placement PapersSCT Placement PapersSemanticSpace Placement PapersShriram Placement PapersSIEMENS Placement PapersSierra Placement PapersSkyTECH Placement PapersSLK Software Placement Paperssobha Placement PapersSoftSol Placement PapersSonata Placement PapersSony India Placement PapersSQL Placement PapersSQL Star Placement PapersSSC Placement PapersStarent Placement PapersStarent Networks Placement PapersSTMicroelectronics Placement PapersSubex Placement PapersSUN Placement PapersSuther Placement PapersSynergy Placement PapersSynopsys Placement PapersSyntel Placement PapersSystech Solutions Placement PapersTalisma Placement PapersTata Placement PapersTata Technologies Placement PapersTavant Placement PapersTCE Placement PapersTCS Placement PapersTech Placement PapersTech Mahindra Placement PapersTELCO Placement PapersTelserra Placement PapersTEMNOS Placement PapersTesco Placement PapersTexas Placement PapersThermax Placement PapersThink Placement PapersTHOROGOOD Placement PapersThoughtWorks Placement 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MECON Placement Paper : General - Interview Kolkata - 20 March 2007


Hi friends, I am from mechanical and got a call for mechanical discipline

I got the interview call to be held in kolkata. in kolkata the interview consisted of a psychometric test and the technical interview. The psychometric test is based on ur perception of taking things in day to day activites and they told us that it is not for any evaluation purpose. After getting our TA we were asked to wait for the interview. In the interview room ther were 8-9 people who were bond in there respective fields........

one asked me tell me about urself
and he asked about my career interests ....I told them regarding thermal engineering
he asked me about the gas power plant in Delhi and also its power rating
the basic units of the power plant
about ash handling plant
about ash utilization
how to control the frequency of electric supply  in the power plant
One asked me about the solan brewri and also the shyama sangeet as I was a bengali
and if I liked ravindra sangeet or not
and one asked why did I wanted to join MECON
and why not any private sector as I had a good placement already in the time of interview...they kept grilling on why mecon and not that
company...but at the end said good............
he asked me about the training I did and about the no of turbines in the plant and their ratings each... 

whole total the interview was fine...............I think those who want to appear for the interview do know ur interest in the company...i mean why dio u want to join mecon and no other company.........................and also abou ttheir training and project and about one or two favourite subject...though they should have an overall idea of other subjects as well


MECON Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Ebenezer Matriculation, Korattur, Chennai - 4 February 2007




Hai guys,


Company Name: MECON
DATE: 4/02/2007.  VENUE: Ebenezer Matriculation, Korattur, Chennai.
Mechanical Engineering:

The Question paper had a total of 140 questions (Printed in English/Hindi). All the questions were objective type questions.
There were 50 General aptitude questions and 90 Technical questions. The aptitude was very easy. Questions were asked in logical reasoning,
reading comprehension (RC), some basic aptitude. In RC was very easy, direct answers were in passage itself.

The technical questions were mainly taken from the following subjects
2)Strength of materials
3)Theory of machines
4)Production technology

Simple problems applying in
*Steady Flow equation.
*Change in entropy.
*calculation of internal energy, enthalpy.
*Calcuation of dryness fraction.

Strength of materials:
*Various bending moment formulae
*Maximum deflection

Theory of Machines:
*Centrifugal tension in belts.
*Buckling formula.
*Moment of inertia.
*Deflection in helical spring, springs in series and parallel.

Production technology:
*Hardening techniques
*Manufacturing process of cast iron. (Cupola)
*Welding applications
*Hot rolling, Cold rolling.

MECON Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper - 12 March 2006

Sample Test Paper of Mcon Ltd.  conducted in March 2006.

The written test will be of 2hrs duration consisting of only objective questions 40% of which will be of Aptitute and General English type questions and the rest 60% will be from the concerned subject


The sample questions presented here will only familiarize you with the type of questions that will be used in the test. The examination, however, may not be confined to only these types of questions.



Directions for questions 1 & 2:

In each of the following sentences, a word is printed in capital letter. Your task is to find out a word from among the four alternatives marked as A,B,C,D given below which has similar meaning to the word printed in capital letters


1. That person was present as the organization’s special EMISSARY in the meeting.


A) Quest    B) Attraction   C) Messenger    D) Performer


2. President ENTREATED the guest to stay out till the discussion continued.


A) Pleaded   B) Advised   C) Charged    D) Insisted


Directions for questions 3:

In the following sentence words are not presented in proper order. Arrange the words properly so that the resulting sentence makes sense. Indicate the index of the word(i.e. A, B,C,D)that you have chosen to put LAST in the sentence.


3. the  rain      despite     came       they

            A         B          C          D

Directions for questions 4:

In the given sentence a blank(____) space is there. Find out from the given alternatives the correct one which may fill in the sentence appropriately.


4. There were grave doubts whether the meeting will bring _____ anything substantial.


A) up    B) about    C)  with   D) into


Directions for questions 5 to 8:

Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct answer from the four suggested answers marked as A,B,C,D


5. The value of

                         0.4 x 0.6 + 0.2 x 0.8 + 4 x 0.12           is

                                  0.4 +0.8


 A) 0.73         B) 0.2    C) 1.0         D) 1.73


6. What number should come in the blank space ( ____ ) ?

     35    40    46    53    ____


A) 61           B) 60    C) 58         D) none


7. Who was the first in India to obtain MRCP and FRCS in one calendar year ?


A) N. G. Ranga                B) Manabendra Nath Roy        C) Bidhan Chandra Roy      D) G. M. Reddy


8. Charlie Chaplin won Lenin Peace prize in the year ____


A)  1954                 B) 1970                 C) 1957           D) None of the above


Directions for questions 9 & 10:

In the following questions a pair of words if given by followed by four additional pair of words. Select the pair of words that has the same relationship that is existing between the first two words.











1. Herring bone gears are used when it is required that a/an


A) axial thrust is transmitted                                           B) radial thrust is transmitted

C) torque is transmitted.                                     D) None of the above


2. During the dwell period of a cam the


A) cam does not rotate                                      B) displacement of the follower is zero

C) velocity of the follower is maximum               D) acceleration of the follower is           

E) cam becomes immobile                                              maximum




1. A simply supported reinforced concrete T-Beam Bridge is adopted for spans up to


A) 5 m              B) 15 m                        C) 50 m                        D) 25 m


2. A structure is said to be elastic if the


A)    Stress is proportional to strain    

B)     Strain disappears when the loads are removed

C)     Strain is very large

D)    None of the above




1. If the air gap length of an induction motor is increased, its


A) power factor decreases        B) speed decreases       C) noise decreases

D) magnetising current decreases                                   E) nothing happens


2. A 100 MVA transformer may be cooled with


A) air                           B) oil forced air blast                 C) oil forced circulation 

D) oil natural circulation             E) None of the above





1. The negative resistance characteristic is exhibited by


A) Diode          B) Triode                      C) Tetrode                    D) Pentode       E) Thyratron    


2. The element used for reducing secondary emission in pentodes is


A) Control grid B) Anode          C) Cathode       D) Suppressor     E) Screen grid            




1. Pyridine bases are used for the manufacture of


A) Drugs          B) Explosives                C) Fertilizers            D) Paints          E) Insecticides


2. Calcium Carbide is prepared from quick lime and Carbon at


A) 10000C        B) 5000C          C) 15000C                     D) 20000C          E) 30000C





1. The magnaflux  process can be used to detect cracks in


A) Brasses           B) Aluminium Alloy   C) Common Steel             D) Austenitic Steel                       E) None of the above


2. The complete malleabilizing process (heating, holding and cooling) will last approximately


A) One hour                 B) Ten hours       C) Fifty hours         D) Hundred and Fifty Hours

E) Thousand Hours




1. The most widely accepted material used for fettling open-hearth furnaces is


A) Zirconium oxide                    B) Magnesite                C) Chrome ore

D) Iron ore                               E) Lime


2. The most conducive temperature for testing fireclay refractories for carbon monoxide 

    disintegration is


A) 30˚ to 45˚ F               B) 145˚ to 300˚ C                 C) 600˚ to 690˚ F           

D) 925˚ to 940˚ F           E) None of these




1. Which type of Crushers are being used in Iron ore Mines?


A) Jaw Crushers           B) Cone Crushers           C) Hammer Crushers  D) None of these


2. In ferrous metallurgy the quality of limestone is mainly based on its


A) CaO content            B) MgO content            C) Free lime availability D) Silica content





1. A Ton of Refrigeration is equivalent to


A) 16000Btu/hr B) 212 Btu/hr                C) 10000 Btu/hr                        D) 12000 Btu/hr


2. “Ten Books on Architecture” was written by


A) Aristotle                   B) Vitruvius                  C) Charles Lamb                       D) Le Corbusier




1. A friable limestone deposited in lakes from CaCO3 supplied by streams or springs

    draining into it is known as


A) Chalk                       B) Marl                        C) Tufa                                    D) Pure limestone


2. Identify the positive biaxial mineral crystal from the listed four


A) Epi diorite                B) Aragonite                 C) Muscovite                            D) Barite




1. Which one is not a component in manpower planning?


A) Manpower inventory        B) Manpower forecasting

C) Discipling manpower       D) Wastage analysis


2. Which one of the following is not considered an extrinsic reward?

A) Salary                                  B) Recognition

C) Working condition            D) Fringe benefits




1. When there is more than one union a new union may be given recognition if

I.                    It is registered

II.                 It covers at least 15% of the workers in the establishment concerned

III.               It has functioned for at least one year after registration


A) I, II & III are true      B) I & II are true        C) II & III are true         D) I & III are true


2. The process of job evaluation does not involve


A) comparison of one job with others

B) a thorough examination of the job

C) merit of the individual performing the job

D) the arrangement of jobs in their correct sequence in terms of value to the firm





1. The pricing policy in which an initial low price is charged in anticipation of getting more

    business at subsequent higher price is known as


A) Offset pricing                        B) Loss leader pricing

C) Diversionary pricing  D) Guaranteed pricing


2. Diversification marketing


A) Is an attempt to expand the organization’s control of a market in which it already has a

     product or a service.

B) Introduces an existing product or service to new customers.

C) Involves both a new product and new customers.





1. Budgeted sales – 1200 units @ Rs. 15/- per unit, Actual Sales – 800 units @ Rs. 18/- per

    unit. Sales quantity variance will be


A) Rs. 6000/- (Adverse)            B) Rs. 7200/- (Favourable)        C) Rs. 2400/- (Favourable)


2. For computing “Labour Efficiency Variance” the formula is Standard Rate X (Standard

    Hours – Actual Hours). Here the Actual Hours mean


A) Hours actually worked          B) Hours actually paid for          C) Idle Hours



MECON Placement Paper : MECON Paper Whole Testpaper - 12 March 2006

Sample Test Paper of Mcon Ltd.  conducted in March 2006.

The written test will be of 2hrs duration consisting of only objective questions 40% of which will be of Aptitute and General English type questions and the rest 60% will be from the concerned subject

The sample questions presented here will only familiarize you with the type of questions that will be used in the test. The examination, however, may not be confined to only these types of questions.



Directions for questions 1 & 2:

In each of the following sentences, a word is printed in capital letter. Your task is to find out a word from among the four alternatives marked as A,B,C,D given below which has similar meaning to the word printed in capital letters


1. That person was present as the organization’s special EMISSARY in the meeting.


A) Quest    B) Attraction   C) Messenger    D) Performer


2. President ENTREATED the guest to stay out till the discussion continued.


A) Pleaded   B) Advised   C) Charged    D) Insisted


Directions for questions 3:

In the following sentence words are not presented in proper order. Arrange the words properly so that the resulting sentence makes sense. Indicate the index of the word(i.e. A, B,C,D)that you have chosen to put LAST in the sentence.


3. the  rain      despite     came       they

            A         B          C          D

Directions for questions 4:

In the given sentence a blank(____) space is there. Find out from the given alternatives the correct one which may fill in the sentence appropriately.


4. There were grave doubts whether the meeting will bring _____ anything substantial.


A) up    B) about    C)  with   D) into


Directions for questions 5 to 8:

Read the following questions carefully and choose the correct answer from the four suggested answers marked as A,B,C,D


5. The value of

                         0.4 x 0.6 + 0.2 x 0.8 + 4 x 0.12           is

                                  0.4 +0.8


 A) 0.73         B) 0.2    C) 1.0         D) 1.73


6. What number should come in the blank space ( ____ ) ?

     35    40    46    53    ____


A) 61           B) 60    C) 58         D) none


7. Who was the first in India to obtain MRCP and FRCS in one calendar year ?


A) N. G. Ranga                B) Manabendra Nath Roy        C) Bidhan Chandra Roy      D) G. M. Reddy


8. Charlie Chaplin won Lenin Peace prize in the year ____


A)  1954                 B) 1970                 C) 1957           D) None of the above


Directions for questions 9 & 10:

In the following questions a pair of words if given by followed by four additional pair of words. Select the pair of words that has the same relationship that is existing between the first two words.











1. Herring bone gears are used when it is required that a/an


A) axial thrust is transmitted                                           B) radial thrust is transmitted

C) torque is transmitted.                                     D) None of the above


2. During the dwell period of a cam the


A) cam does not rotate                                      B) displacement of the follower is zero

C) velocity of the follower is maximum               D) acceleration of the follower is           

E) cam becomes immobile                                              maximum



1. A simply supported reinforced concrete T-Beam Bridge is adopted for spans up to


A) 5 m              B) 15 m                        C) 50 m                        D) 25 m


2. A structure is said to be elastic if the


A)    Stress is proportional to strain    

B)     Strain disappears when the loads are removed

C)     Strain is very large

D)    None of the above




1. If the air gap length of an induction motor is increased, its


A) power factor decreases        B) speed decreases       C) noise decreases

D) magnetising current decreases                                   E) nothing happens


2. A 100 MVA transformer may be cooled with


A) air                           B) oil forced air blast                 C) oil forced circulation 

D) oil natural circulation             E) None of the above





1. The negative resistance characteristic is exhibited by


A) Diode          B) Triode                      C) Tetrode                    D) Pentode       E) Thyratron    


2. The element used for reducing secondary emission in pentodes is


A) Control grid B) Anode          C) Cathode       D) Suppressor     E) Screen grid            




1. Pyridine bases are used for the manufacture of


A) Drugs          B) Explosives                C) Fertilizers            D) Paints          E) Insecticides


2. Calcium Carbide is prepared from quick lime and Carbon at


A) 10000C        B) 5000C          C) 15000C                     D) 20000C          E) 30000C





1. The magnaflux  process can be used to detect cracks in


A) Brasses           B) Aluminium Alloy   C) Common Steel             D) Austenitic Steel                       E) None of the above


2. The complete malleabilizing process (heating, holding and cooling) will last approximately


A) One hour                 B) Ten hours       C) Fifty hours         D) Hundred and Fifty Hours

E) Thousand Hours




1. The most widely accepted material used for fettling open-hearth furnaces is


A) Zirconium oxide                    B) Magnesite                C) Chrome ore

D) Iron ore                               E) Lime


2. The most conducive temperature for testing fireclay refractories for carbon monoxide 

    disintegration is


A) 30˚ to 45˚ F               B) 145˚ to 300˚ C                 C) 600˚ to 690˚ F           

D) 925˚ to 940˚ F           E) None of these




1. Which type of Crushers are being used in Iron ore Mines?


A) Jaw Crushers           B) Cone Crushers           C) Hammer Crushers  D) None of these


2. In ferrous metallurgy the quality of limestone is mainly based on its


A) CaO content            B) MgO content            C) Free lime availability D) Silica content





1. A Ton of Refrigeration is equivalent to


A) 16000Btu/hr B) 212 Btu/hr                C) 10000 Btu/hr                        D) 12000 Btu/hr


2. “Ten Books on Architecture” was written by


A) Aristotle                   B) Vitruvius                  C) Charles Lamb                       D) Le Corbusier




1. A friable limestone deposited in lakes from CaCO3 supplied by streams or springs

    draining into it is known as


A) Chalk                       B) Marl                        C) Tufa                                    D) Pure limestone


2. Identify the positive biaxial mineral crystal from the listed four


A) Epi diorite                B) Aragonite                 C) Muscovite                            D) Barite




1. Which one is not a component in manpower planning?


A) Manpower inventory        B) Manpower forecasting

C) Discipling manpower       D) Wastage analysis


2. Which one of the following is not considered an extrinsic reward?

A) Salary                                  B) Recognition

C) Working condition            D) Fringe benefits




1. When there is more than one union a new union may be given recognition if

I.                    It is registered

II.                 It covers at least 15% of the workers in the establishment concerned

III.               It has functioned for at least one year after registration


A) I, II & III are true      B) I & II are true        C) II & III are true         D) I & III are true


2. The process of job evaluation does not involve


A) comparison of one job with others

B) a thorough examination of the job

C) merit of the individual performing the job

D) the arrangement of jobs in their correct sequence in terms of value to the firm





1. The pricing policy in which an initial low price is charged in anticipation of getting more

    business at subsequent higher price is known as


A) Offset pricing                        B) Loss leader pricing

C) Diversionary pricing  D) Guaranteed pricing


2. Diversification marketing


A) Is an attempt to expand the organization’s control of a market in which it already has a

     product or a service.

B) Introduces an existing product or service to new customers.

C) Involves both a new product and new customers.





1. Budgeted sales – 1200 units @ Rs. 15/- per unit, Actual Sales – 800 units @ Rs. 18/- per

    unit. Sales quantity variance will be


A) Rs. 6000/- (Adverse)            B) Rs. 7200/- (Favourable)        C) Rs. 2400/- (Favourable)


2. For computing “Labour Efficiency Variance” the formula is Standard Rate X (Standard

    Hours – Actual Hours). Here the Actual Hours mean


A) Hours actually worked          B) Hours actually paid for          C) Idle Hours


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