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MTNL Placement Paper : 18 September 2005 ,Whole Testpaper

********technical section************

1.what is a aquadag.
2.about the quiscent condition
3.cassegrain feedis used with parabolic reflector to
allow the feed convenient position. $
4. configuration of cascade.
ce cc,cbce, none
5.resistors is measured in a) ohms
b) watts. c) both
6.if diameter of radar is >> 4 times $
how much range is increased ans)4
7.n type have which type of impurity
8.semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is around.$
9.why slicon is prefeered
10. what is w2/w1=4 relationship is called $
11.which one is best outof(near about)
nyqiust,bode, routhz
12.wein bridge frequecy conditions
13.The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is
valid for –
a). High frequency, large signal operation
b.) High frequency, small signal operation
c.) Low frequency, small signal operation
d). Low frequency, large signal operation
14. comparater is used for?
15. astable and bistable uses
16. to increase input z u will prefer
a). Current series feedback
b). Current shunt feedback
c). Voltage series feedback
d). Voltage shunt feedback
17.. Enhancement type P channel MOSFET the gate voltage is
+,-,+ &-
18 which gate gives 0 when i/p is 1
19. decimal have radix ?
20 what is binary for 10
21 one value was given SN72 like that ,u have to tell
which device it means.
22. what does the sync mean in tv tramnsmission. $
23. question on transformer coupling(i didnt remember)
24. where the double tunning is used in radio receivers.
25. sequential circuit dependence on input and output.$
26.question on power receiveed by the receiver in tramsmmission
27.the probability density function of envelope of narrow
band noise is gaussian...............................
28. what isthe output of given IC .
29.if quantization level is incresed from 8--->9 then what is the
30. a figure was given and we have identify thec circuit. closed loop if u are having m=100 and negative feedback
is .04,what is gain
32.k maps was given u have to give the right pairings.
33.a question on bandwidth
34.fourier series coprises of
35.stalites works in which frequency $
vhf,uhf,both which u can prepare a binary counter. $
37.q based on use of schotky diode
38. q based on the use of varactor diode.
39.q based on allignment in paramagnetic materials.
40.which equipment uses minimum power.
41. it both input of nand gate is high,give the o/p. many bits are required to reepresent 35 in binary.
43.what is CMRR.
44.if current in zener is increased then what happens.(near about).
45.for,thermistor if temperature is increased then then temperature
46.relation between B(beta) and Ic in bjt
47.the resistance of loudspeaker is nearly
ohms,k ohms,m ohms,
48.early state in bjt is due i/p applies,
on time,off time,....

*****aptitude section***********8

aptitiude q

antonymns of

1. debonair

6.a very simple passage followed by 5n scoring q,s
7.5 question to pick the wrong part in sentences
maths part time taken by 4 men to do work is 98.if 3 more
person are involved they the will finsh the work of 298 hrs
in how many more days
2. dicount offered by 3 shopownwer
15 and 10
20 and 10
which is the most discounted
3.15^3-14^3/15^2+210+14^2 solve it
4. (312)^.5 * (201)^.5 solve it
5.radius of 2 circle and revolution of one was given,find the other
6. 7 know french ,8 know german ,3 know none ,find how many know both.
7. 80 %failed in maths, 70 %in english ,10 % failed in both,total
no is 144.find total strength.? $
8.if watch is always makes error of 4 second (+)/hours,what will be
time on 22 day 8 am when it was last corrested on 21 day 1 pm
9 q based on day of birth ?


1. cube face q(same of any two side is 7) $
2. relationships based simple q .(8 in no in total)
3. dog:caninne governor: ??? $
4. 0,6,24,36,120,312(approx likethat) what should not be there $
5 123456:234556 345678:???

MTNL Placement Paper : guru harkishan public school,nanak piao,delhi-33 ,18 January 2009

Test Paper :3
Paper Type : Candidates Experiences
Test Date : 18 January 2009
Test Location : guru harkishan public school,nanak piao,delhi-33
Posted By : Admin

Dear PSU Aspirants,

I would like to share my experience with you and hope this experience would add on to your endeavors that you are making to get through such exams .I would like to tell you that the paper in not at all tough but yes, it is tricky .So if you are thorough with your specialization you will surely come out with flying colours. Here is a gist of the paper that I had faced on the said date .My specialization is Human Resource. So here goes the sample as per my memory…….

Human Resource section

1. In SWOT, O stands for?

2. Herzberg Theory

3. Power Distance

4. In Conflict,what is collaboration,accommodation?

5. As per the Indian Employment act(Standing order),how many workers should be there in the factory?

6. What is Cost of living allowance,mobility allowance?

7. types of leadership?

8. Personality types

9. Halo Effect

10. Specialisation of labour

11. job enlargement and Job enrichment

12. what is the other name of reward power?

13. Salary Compression?

14. Honesty test includes what?

15. Burnout?

16. Stress causes- sweating or trembling and restlessness

17. ------------ is a method by the employer and the union come in contact if a contract has been violated

18. Choose the wrong answer—

a)rules are followed because employee fear punishment

b)grapevine helps in knowing grievance(provides vital clue)

c)only genuine grievance should be handled

19. If a man has become fat,then the company should undertake

a) employee assistance program

b) cafeteria awareness program

20. Forced choice method?

21. Arbitration?

22. forced field method

23 Sensitivity training

24. job rotation

25. Downsize is for…..

a) permanent period

b)temporary period

c)employee could be called back

d)short period

26. Honesty tests

27. There were many questions on Compensation

28. Internal equity

29. BARS

30. Job specification includes?

31. Cost of living allowance

32. Fringe benefits

33. Group shift

34. group think

35. Assissment centre

36. HRP.


1. The price at which govt takes goods from the farmers?

2. Profit and loss

3. meaning of Vituperate and Dazzle

4. Duck and drake?

5. which vitamin is required for coagulation?

6. First woman foreign secretary of India

7. KOnkan railways has reduced the distance between Kochi and Mumbai by 1/5,1/2,1/3,1/4.

8. Alkaline soil is found in?

9. If one angle is 60 degrees ina polygon and the other angles increase by 24 degrees then calculate the

number of sides

10 .when is sarva siksha abhiyan supposed to end?

11. Real numbers

12. quadratic equation

13. average

14. AP,GP

15. Probability

16. Cone

17. Sphere.

All the best

Vinita Srivastava.

Enter Your Comments

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MTNL Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper - 18 September 2005

Sample Questions for the MTNL (JTO/JAOS) EXAM

MTNL (JTO/JAOS) EXAM ----HELD ON 18/09/2005.

there were 170 q,s ,out of which 100 technical and 70 counts for
time limit was 2 hours. 30 minutes were previusly given for filing the
entry.exam stared around 10 o clock.

*there were no g.k question
*approx 10 question were also in sail 2005 examination(management
$-------> repeated

*few q which i remembered,
i have written them according to the nearest topic
*technical was having almost thoeritical question nearly.

********technical section************

1.what is a aquadag.
2.about the quiscent condition
3.cassegrain feedis used with parabolic reflector to
allow the feed convenient position. $
4. configuration of cascade.
ce cc,cbce, none
5.resistors is measured in a) ohms
b) watts. c) both
6.if diameter of radar is >> 4 times $
how much range is increased ans)4
7.n type have which type of impurity
8.semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is around.$
9.why slicon is prefeered
10. what is w2/w1=4 relationship is called $
11.which one is best outof(near about)
nyqiust,bode, routhz
12.wein bridge frequecy conditions
13.The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is
valid for –
a). High frequency, large signal operation
b.) High frequency, small signal operation
c.) Low frequency, small signal operation
d). Low frequency, large signal operation
14. comparater is used for?
15. astable and bistable uses
16. to increase input z u will prefer
a). Current series feedback
b). Current shunt feedback
c). Voltage series feedback
d). Voltage shunt feedback
17.. Enhancement type P channel MOSFET the gate voltage is
+,-,+ &-
18 which gate gives 0 when i/p is 1
19. decimal have radix ?
20 what is binary for 10
21 one value was given SN72 like that ,u have to tell
which device it means.
22. what does the sync mean in tv tramnsmission. $
23. question on transformer coupling(i didnt remember)
24. where the double tunning is used in radio receivers.
25. sequential circuit dependence on input and output.$
26.question on power receiveed by the receiver in tramsmmission
27.the probability density function of envelope of narrow
band noise is gaussian...............................
28. what isthe output of given IC .
29.if quantization level is incresed from 8--->9 then what is the
30. a figure was given and we have identify thec circuit. closed loop if u are having m=100 and negative feedback
is .04,what is gain
32.k maps was given u have to give the right pairings.
33.a question on bandwidth
34.fourier series coprises of
35.stalites works in which frequency $
vhf,uhf,both which u can prepare a binary counter. $
37.q based on use of schotky diode
38. q based on the use of varactor diode.
39.q based on allignment in paramagnetic materials.
40.which equipment uses minimum power.
41. it both input of nand gate is high,give the o/p. many bits are required to reepresent 35 in binary.
43.what is CMRR.
44.if current in zener is increased then what happens.(near about).
45.for,thermistor if temperature is increased then then temperature
46.relation between B(beta) and Ic in bjt
47.the resistance of loudspeaker is nearly
ohms,k ohms,m ohms,
48.early state in bjt is due i/p applies,
on time,off time,....

*****aptitude section***********8

aptitiude q

antonymns of

1. debonair

6.a very simple passage followed by 5n scoring q,s
7.5 question to pick the wrong part in sentences
maths part time taken by 4 men to do work is 98.if 3 more
person are involved they the will finsh the work of 298 hrs
in how many more days
2. dicount offered by 3 shopownwer
15 and 10
20 and 10
which is the most discounted
3.15^3-14^3/15^2+210+14^2 solve it
4. (312)^.5 * (201)^.5 solve it
5.radius of 2 circle and revolution of one was given,find the other
6. 7 know french ,8 know german ,3 know none ,find how many know both.
7. 80 %failed in maths, 70 %in english ,10 % failed in both,total
no is 144.find total strength.? $
8.if watch is always makes error of 4 second (+)/hours,what will be
time on 22 day 8 am when it was last corrested on 21 day 1 pm
9 q based on day of birth ?


1. cube face q(same of any two side is 7) $
2. relationships based simple q .(8 in no in total)
3. dog:caninne governor: ??? $
4. 0,6,24,36,120,312(approx likethat) what should not be there $
5 123456:234556 345678:???

MTNL Placement Paper : MTNL (JTO/JAOS) EXAM ----HELD ON 18/09/2005

Sample  Questions for the MTNL (JTO/JAOS) EXAM

MTNL (JTO/JAOS) EXAM ----HELD ON 18/09/2005.

there were 170 q,s  ,out of which 100 technical and 70 counts for 
time limit was 2 hours. 30 minutes were previusly given for filing the 
entry.exam stared around 10 o clock.

*there were no g.k question
*approx 10 question were also in sail 2005 examination(management 
$------->  repeated

*few q which i remembered, 
i have written  them according to the nearest topic
*technical was having almost thoeritical question nearly.

********technical section************

1.what is a aquadag.
2.about the quiscent condition
3.cassegrain feedis used with parabolic reflector to 
allow the feed convenient position.   $
4. configuration of cascade.
ce cc,cbce, none
5.resistors is measured in a) ohms
b) watts.   c) both
6.if diameter of radar is >> 4 times $
how much range is increased   ans)4
7.n type have which type of impurity
8.semiconductor strain gauge over the normal strain gauge is around.$
9.why slicon is prefeered
10. what is w2/w1=4 relationship is called  $
11.which one is best outof(near about)
nyqiust,bode, routhz
12.wein bridge frequecy conditions
13.The ,h, parameter equivalent circuit of a junction transistor is 
valid for –
a). High frequency, large signal operation
b.) High frequency, small signal operation
c.) Low frequency, small signal operation
d). Low frequency, large signal operation
14. comparater is used for?
15. astable and bistable uses
16. to increase input z u will prefer 
a). Current  series feedback
b). Current shunt feedback
c). Voltage series feedback
d). Voltage shunt feedback
17.. Enhancement type P channel MOSFET the gate voltage is
+,-,+ &-
18  which gate gives 0 when i/p is 1
19. decimal have radix ?
20  what is binary for 10
21 one value was given SN72 like that ,u have to tell
which device it means.
22.  what does the sync mean in tv tramnsmission.  $
23.  question on transformer coupling(i didnt remember)
24. where the double tunning is used in radio receivers.
25. sequential circuit dependence on input and output.$
26.question on power receiveed by the receiver in tramsmmission
27.the probability density function of envelope of narrow 
band noise is gaussian...............................
28. what isthe output of given IC .
29.if quantization level is incresed from 8--->9 then what is the
30. a figure was given and we have identify thec circuit. closed loop if u are having m=100 and negative feedback
is .04,what is gain
32.k maps was given u have to give the right pairings.
33.a question on bandwidth
34.fourier series coprises of
35.stalites works in which frequency   $
vhf,uhf,both which u can prepare a binary counter.  $
37.q based on use of schotky diode
38. q based on the use of varactor diode.
39.q based on allignment in paramagnetic materials.
40.which equipment uses minimum power.
41. it both input of nand gate is high,give the o/p. many bits are required to reepresent 35 in binary.
43.what is  CMRR.
44.if current in zener is increased then what happens.(near about).
45.for,thermistor if temperature is increased then then temperature 
46.relation between B(beta) and Ic in bjt
47.the resistance of loudspeaker is nearly
ohms,k ohms,m ohms,
48.early state in bjt is due i/p applies,
on time,off time,....

*****aptitude section***********8

aptitiude q

antonymns of

1. debonair

6.a very simple passage followed by 5n scoring q,s
7.5 question to pick the wrong part in sentences
 maths part time taken by 4 men to do work is 98.if 3 more 
person are involved they the will finsh the work of 298 hrs 
in how many more days
2.  dicount offered by 3 shopownwer 
15 and 10
20 and 10
which is the most discounted
3.15^3-14^3/15^2+210+14^2  solve it
4. (312)^.5 * (201)^.5  solve it
5.radius of 2 circle and revolution of one was given,find the other
6. 7 know french ,8 know german ,3 know none ,find how many know both.
7. 80 %failed in maths, 70 %in english ,10 % failed in both,total 
no is 144.find total strength.?  $
8.if watch is always makes error of 4 second (+)/hours,what will be
time on 22 day 8 am when it was last corrested on 21 day 1 pm
9 q based on day of birth ?


1. cube face q(same of any two side is 7)   $
2. relationships based simple q .(8 in no in total)
3. dog:caninne  governor: ???   $
4. 0,6,24,36,120,312(approx likethat)  what should not be there   $
5  123456:234556   345678:???

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