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Nagarro Placement Paper : Nagarro Placement Paper New delhi 2012

2011 Nagarro Placement Paper:-

1.sinx+sin2x=1,then cos2x+xos4x=?

a)1 b)3 c)0 d)none

2.cos 30d/sin 10d + cos 59d/sin 31d =?

a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4

3. x pow (a+b) . x pow(b+c). x pow (c+a)/ (x pow(a). x pow(b) . x pow(c)) pow(2)=?

a)0 b)1 c)8 d) 5

4. length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?

a)50.97 b)57.23 c)55.45 d)59.14

5. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.

For example:

str1: Are you engineer.
str2: You are engineer.

Output: yes

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I,m fine.

Output: No

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I am fire.

Output: No

6. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0.

For example:

array 1: {2,1,4,7}
array 1: {3,-3,-8,0}
array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6}


pairs =


7. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits.

For example:





8. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user

For example:

string = abcba

Output : c

string = abcdecbae

Output : d

string =naveen

Output : a

9. if Sec^2 A= 4xy/(x+y)^2

Ans:- This is possible only for x=y;

10. if SecA*SinA=0 then what will be the Value of CosA.

Ans:- CosA=Cos0=1

11. What will be the Max. Value of f(x) = (sinx-cosx)^2


12. If tan A = 2-(3)^1/2 then what will be the value of tan (90-A)

Ans:- 2+3^1/2

13. if log [log (x+4)-4] =0

7 5 then what will be the value of x.


14. What will effect on the Area of a triangle if the side of triangle just double from their original Side.

15. Two question based on ven diagram.

16. One Question on profit and loss such as if a shopkeeper sell 960 gm sugar in respect of 1000g at same price then what will there profit .Ans:- 25/6

17. How Many no. Between 1000 to 9900 in which four digits of number are different.

18. if xy = 6 and x^2y+xy^2+x+y = 9 then find out the Value of x^2 + y^2

19. First Question was base on Blood relation . it was such that if A, B, C, D, E, F, have relation with J as Father, Brother, Daughter, Aunt , Mother, Wife Unorderly and there was given condition such as

1) A and B have not same Sex

2) D, E have Same Sex

3) E born Before A.

20. An array of size 5X5 is given to us. The elements from 1 to 25 are to be inserted in the array, such that starting from a particular position for an element i, the next element i+1can be inserted only at the mentioned positions (u,v), and if these all positions are occupied then it returns giving a count of how many positions have been occupied in the array:
(u,v) = (x+/-3 , y)
(u,v) = (x , y+/-3)
(u,v) = (x+/-2 , y+/-2).

Nagarro palcement paper In Banglore campus recruitment in 2011

Q:-1 find the all possible combination of digits ranging 1 to 9 whose sum is 10,
no digit shud be repeated in any combination.

Q:-2 if there is a matrix A[][] of order m and another matrix B[][] of order n such that (m>n) you have to find the occurance of matrix B[][] in matrix A[][].
this matriix B exist in A

Q:-3 Take an array of 100 elements and fill it with the no 1 to 100 such that
one no shud skip and one no shud repeated. Find the no which is repeated and
which is skipped.

Technical Part
Q1. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.

For example:

str1: Are you engineer.
str2: You are engineer.

Output: yes

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I,m fine.

Output: No

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I am fire.

Output: No

Q2. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0.

For example:

array 1: {2,1,4,7}
array 1: {3,-3,-8,0}
array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6}


pairs =


Q3. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits.

For example:





Q4. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user

For example:

string = abcba

Output : c

string = abcdecbae

Output : d

string =naveen

Output : a

Aptitude - Numerical Father Agnel School,New Delhi - 9 February 2010 NAGARRO 9th FEBRUARY AT NEW DELHI
Hello friends, Navneet here from Meerut.I gave Nagarro paper.
1.sinx+sin2x=1,then cos2x+xos4x=?

2.cos 30d/sin 10d + cos 59d/sin 31d =?

3. x pow (a+b) . x pow(b+c). x pow (c+a)/ (x pow(a). x pow(b) . x pow(c)) pow(2)=?
d) 5

4) length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?

Programmin section 1.30 hrs 4 question.
1)Seat Planing
Write a function for seat allocate and seat reserved.Seat allocate array and seat reserver array.Seatallocate array is of 10*20 and each row and column represent A1,A2....;B1,B2.....;........J1,J2... andso on i.e row are A to J whereas col starts from 0 to 19.Each cell in the table represent either 0 or1. 0 rep seat available , 1 repr seat reserved. Seat allocation starts from highest to lowest.And row j is highest, i is second highest and so on.Max 20 seats can be booked at a time. if seat is available print the seat no like "B2" i.e (2 row, 3 col)and seat is booked." otherwise Print "Seat is not available."

2) A string of charater is given.Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.
I,J(if equal occurance)
3)Remove all the blank spaces between character.Matrix is of 10* 10.
| N | A | | V | |T
| |G | U | |P |
|T | | | A | |

| N | A | V | T | |
|G |U | P | | |
|T | A | | | |

4)write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye:
change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where
the value is stored.

Whole Testpaper Pce, Jaipur - 19 February 2009 NAGARRO 19th FEBRUARY AT JAIPUR
Hello Friend, Ajay Here. I just decribing here at Paper Procedure Which held at PCE, Jaipur on 19 feb.2009, Mainly for nagarro Selecton procedure 3 round conduct
In Round first.
40 Question in 90 minutes.
There Mainly two Section.
Apptitude Section:-
Apptitude Section there was 40 question
This Section divide in two part.
1) Mathematics part:-(20 Question) Trignometry, Profit and loss,Ven disgram,Sphere, Trinagle problems
Some Question in Mathematic was such as
1) if Sec^2 A= 4xy/(x+y)^2
Ans:- This is possible only for x=y;

2)if SecA*SinA=0 then what will be the Value of CosA.
Ans:- CosA=Cos0=1

3) What will be the Max. Value of f(x) = (sinx-cosx)^2

4) If tan A = 2-(3)^1/2 then what will be the value of tan (90-A)
Ans:- 2+3^1/2

5) if log [log (x+4)-4] =0

7 5 then what will be the value of x.

6) What will effect on the Area of a triangle if the side of triangle just double from their original

7) Two question based on ven diagram.

8) One Question on profit and loss such as if a shopkeeper sell 960 gm sugar in respect of 1000g at same price then what will there profit .Ans:- 25/6

9) How Many no. Between 1000 to 9900 in which four digits of number are different.

10) if xy = 6 and x^2y+xy^2+x+y = 9 then find out the Value of x^2 + y^2

2) Reasonong Part:- Mainly there was four question and each question divided in 5 Sub Question
1) First Question was base on Blood relation . it was such that if A, B, C, D, E, F, have relation with J as Father, Brother, Daughter, Aunt , Mother, Wife Unorderly and there was given condition such as
1) A and B have not same Sex
2) D, E have Same Sex
3) E born Before A.
Then Find out the following Answer.

2) Second Question was based on A Contract.
These All question from R.S. Agarrwal. So Please refer them for Practice because it is Very time
Consuming Part.
Technical Paper:-
Second Paper of Round 1 total Technical. There Was four Question one Quest ion i Remember was
such as
Q.1 A string of charater is given.Find the Continous Occurance of a character and display that
A or if Same then A and D.
Q.2 One question was base on Hash Table related Teacher, Their topic,in A 20 days Period.
Q.3 Based on link list where one pointer Point the Next Node and Second Show their Sub Node.

Towrite a Fuction Which Return the largest integer Value.

Second part
1.a function input(int[] array) was given and we had to enter any number and the entered no./should convert into absolute no like 4578, 6789 , 1234 etc means the no should convert into/incresing nos.
2.A mXn matrix was given and rows and coloumn were sorted as shown below then we had to/write a function that search a desired entered no in the matrix .with minimum complexity
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
3.There is a array of 99 cells and we have to enter 1-100 elements in it , no two elements wouldrepeat , so the is one no. missing because 99 cells and 1-100 nos. sowe had to implement a function to find that missing no.

Nagarro Placement Paper : Nagarro Placement Paper 21 July 2012

1. Mathematical(20 question) and Analytical section(20 question)

in this section total of 40 question is given which have to be solved within one hours duration..

a list of formulas will b provided with this paper using which u can solve math section...So no need to cram the formulas. some of question like

1. tanA=3,tanB=5,find tan(A-B)??

2.if a balll is dropped on ice having a diameter of 24cm and fill inside with depth of 8cm,find the radius of the circle drawn over ice if the ball is pull outside.? question over Ages of father and son relation. question over circle segment and equilateral triangle.

5. one question over boat stream.

math section is bit difficult atleast for me as I didn,t prepare well for this section. please refer to all the previous paper also 2 question this time repeat from the previous paper.

Now, next section is Analytical

guys for this section frankly speaking lot of post i have seen everyone says read R.S aggarwal for this section but according to me no need for any book for this section its just a common sense of your which will b used here. question are lengthy but once u understand the question all the parts for that question will be solved very easily. I attempt Analytical section first and then Maths section..

after completing this one another test was Coding test will be there for 75 min

I Mentioning 3 question here:

1) an array was given like


int N=4,

now write a function name reverse (a[],n)

so that it will reverse the given array in constant memory, in order of o(n)...

so that resulting array will be


2) produce a matrix of N order such that


1 2 3

2 1 2

3 2 1


3) Last question is an array is given containing -ve and +ve values we have to sort the array such that all the negative number will come to left hand side and all the positive number will come right hand side of the array..

I can able to solve only above two questions in the slotted time..

guys Nagaroo paper is not easy to do hard work..

Important part of all is maths section read ninth and tenth class math to prepare...

All the very best guys...

I got a call for the next round.. :)

Nagarro Placement Paper : Nagarro Placement Paper NIT kurukshetra 09 October 2012

Q1. Write a program to check whether 2 strings given by the user are anagram strings or not.

For example:

str1: Are you engineer.
str2: You are engineer.

Output: yes

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I,m fine.

Output: No

str1: Am i fine.
str2: I am fire.

Output: No


Q2. Write a program to find out the combination of an element of each array gives a result 0.

For example:

array 1: {2,1,4,7}
array 1: {3,-3,-8,0}
array 1: {-1,-4,-7,6}


pairs =



Q3. Write a program to get the subsequence of a bit 1 and 0 given in a array of bits.

For example:






Q4. Write a program to get the first non repeating alphabet from the given string by the user

For example:

string = abcba

Output : c

string = abcdecbae

Output : d

string =naveen

Output : a

Nagarro Placement Paper : Nagarro Placement Paper SDM public school punjabi bagh Delhi 16 January 2010

Naggaro came for placements in SDM Public School East Punjabi Bagh Delhi on 16/Jan/2010 . The first paper for aptitude was for 1 hr .This was objective type paper. It had math,s ques. like area b\w four circles ,trignometric ques, of 9th and 10th standard median of triangle, sphere radius Sp -CP, etc Formulae were given at the back for math,s section. The ques was not too easy but not too hard only 9th and 10th standard ques .
Also 2.5 marks for every correct answer and a (-)1 for every wrong answer.
Next was technical section for 2 hours. This was subjective. It had 4 qustions. The ones I remember are as follows:
1.a function input(int[] array) was given and we had to enter any number and the entered no. should convert into absolute no like 4578, 6789 , 1234 etc means the no should convert into incresing nos.
2.A mXn matrix was given and rows and column were sorted as shown below then we had to write a function that search a desired entered no in the matrix .with minimum complexity
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
3.There is a array of 99 cells and we have to enter 1-100 elements in it , no two elements would repeat , so the is one no. missing because 99 cells and 1-100 nos. sowe had to implement a function to find that missing no.
4.The last one was that we had to implement a funtion to tale nos. as input and arrange them ino ascending order with complexity of O(n) .
the result haven,t came yet ,will come on 14 feb 2010 don,t know Valentine kaisa bnega, I m still waiting for result,so pray for me .
I just want to say to crack the Nagarro xam just read 9th and 10th standards maths , array , pointer, and string.

Nagarro Placement Paper : Naggaro came for placements in SDM public School East Punjabi Bagh Delhi on 16/jan/2010

Hi friends
Naggaro came for placements in SDM public School East Punjabi Bagh Delhi on 16/jan/2010 . The first paper for aptitude was for 1 hr .This was objective type paper.It had maths ques. like area b\w four circles ,trignometric ques, of 9th and 10th standard median of triangle, sphere radius Sp -CP, etc Formulae were given at the back for maths section. The ques was not too easy but not too hard only 9th and 10th standard ques .
Also 2.5 marks for every correct answer and a (-)1 for every wrong answer.

Next was technical section for 2 hours.This was subjective.It had 4 qustions.The ones i remember are as follows:

1.a function input(int[] array) was given and we had to enter any number and the entered no. should convert into absolute no like 4578, 6789 , 1234 etc means the no should convert into incresing nos.

2.A mXn matrix was given and rows and coloumn were sorted as shown below then we had to write a function that search a desired entered no in the matrix .with minimum complexity
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

3.There is a array of 99 cells and we have to enter 1-100 elements in it , no two elements would repeat , so the is one no. missing because 99 cells and 1-100 nos. sowe had to implement a function to find that missing no.

4.The last one was that we had to inplement a funtion to tale nos. as input and arrange them ino ascending order with complexity of O(n) .

the result haven,t came yet ,will come on 14 feb 2010 dont knw Valentine kaisa bnega, I m still waiting for result,so pray for me .

I just want to say to crack the Nagarro xam just read 9th and 10th standards maths , array , pointer, and string.

Best of luck .
$wEEkar bHardwAj

Nagarro Placement Paper : General - other Father angel school, Delhi - 9 February 2008


Nagarro 1st written test consists of the following with the time limit of 2.5 hrs
1. Aptitude (20 Q,s)
2. Analytical Ability (20 Q,s)
3 Coding paper (4 Q,s - 1hr)

Aptitude consists of geometry, 1question from trignometry, Mensuration, Profit n loss and distance/speed/time and time and work. This part was easy. Formulas to be used were mailed to us, int prior, but they were not provided with the question paper.

These questions were really easy, and can be done in 15-20 mins.
For above two, books I would recommend you would be Barons and RS aggrawal and good puzzles book.

CODING (Should be Efficient in terms of time and space):
Aptitude and Analytical Ability papers were taken back when this section was given to us. And in each coding question paper, function prototype was given.

Programmin section 1.30 hrs 4 question.
1)Seat Reservation prog for the theatre. Write a function for seat allocation for the movie tickets. Total no of seats available are 200. 20 in each row. Each row is referred by the Character, "A" for the first row and ,J, for the last. And each seat in a row is represented by the no. 1-20. So seat in diffrent rows would be represented as A1,A2....;B1,B2.....;........J1,J2... Each cell in the table represent either 0 or 1. 0 rep would seat is available , 1 would represent seat is reserved.

Booking should start from the last row (J) to the first row(A). At the max 20 seats can be booked at a time. if seats are available, then print all the seat nos like "B2" i.e (2 row, 3 col) otherwise Print "Seats are not available." and we must book consecutive seats only.

2) A string of charaters were given. Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.

3) Int Matrix of certain size was given, We had few values in it like this.








We were supposed to move back all the spaces in it at the end.

Note: If implemented this prog using recursion, would get higher preference.

4)write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3D matrix in 1D matirx. function prototye: void set (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
void get (int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
On 26th Feb, we were called for the interview on the next day. i.e 27th Feb.

There in we had to appear for the written test again of coding, consisting of 4 Q,s and followed by one tech interview and then HR interview. HR is just the formality.. All the candidates went through, all 3 rounds.

CODING Q,s in the 2nd written test.

1. A chessboard was given to us. Where in there was a Knight and King was placed on certain positions. Our aim is to reach the king from the knight in minimum no of counts.As we know, knight can either move 2 steps vertical/horizontal and 1 step horizontal/vertical. same goes here as well. Proper image of the chess board was given in the question paper, and all the positions(max 8) were given that knight can take in the first step. Sol : Most of us implemented using recursive func.

2. Struct person{
char * name;
person[] friends;

We were given the networklist of friends. Each has set of friends which was unidirectional i.e, if you are my frnd, then i may or may not be in ur frnds list. okie. Network was like this:

Amit - ->Rahul -> Aman -> kumar
Rahul- ->Vipin->Ankit->Reena->kumar
Kumar- ->Rahul->Reena->Tanmay

We need to identify whether 1st person being passed is a frnd of another person or not. Frnds can be frnd,s friend also and so on. And we need to identify the distance. for example

Input: Amit, Kumar
Output Distance 1
Input Amit, Tanmay
Output: Distance 2
Input: Rahul, Aman
Not frnds.

3) There was a 2D matrix given, we were supposed to sort the all diagnols elements. diagnols of Top left corner and Top right corner were to be sorted in the same matrix in an efficient way.

4. We need to write the function to check the password entered is correct or not based on the following conditions..
a) It must have atleast one lower case character and one digit.
b)It must not have any Upper case characters and any special characters
c) length should be b/w 5-12.
d) It should not have any same immediate patterns like
abcanan1 : not acceptable coz of an an pattern
abc11se: not acceptable, coz of pattern 11
123sd123 : acceptable, as not immediate pattern
adfasdsdf : not acceptable, as no digits
Aasdfasd12: not acceptable, as have uppercase character

Nagarro Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Pce, Jaipur - 19 February 2008


Hello Friend, Ajay Here. i just decribing here at Paper Procedure Which held at PCE, Jaipur on 19 feb.2008, Mainly for nagarro Selecton procedure 3 round conduct

In Round first.
40 Question in 90 minutes.

There Mainly two Section.
Apptitude Section:-
Apptitude Section there was 40 question

This Section divide in two part.
1) Mathematics part:-(20 Question) Trignometry, Profit and loss,Ven disgram,Sphere, Trinagle problems
Some Question in Mathematic was such as

1) if Sec^2 A= 4xy/(x+y)^2
Ans:- This is possible only for x=y;

2)if SecA*SinA=0 then what will be the Value of CosA.
Ans:- CosA=Cos0=1

3) What will be the Max. Value of f(x) = (sinx-cosx)^2

4) If tan A = 2-(3)^1/2 then what will be the value of tan (90-A)
Ans:- 2+3^1/2

5) if log [log (x+4)-4] =0
7 5 then what will be the value of x.

6) What will effect on the Area of a triangle if the side of triangle just double from their original Side.

7) Two question based on ven diagram.

8) One Question on profit and loss such as if a shopkeeper sell 960 gm sugar in respect of 1000g at same price then what will there profit .Ans:- 25/6

9) How Many no. Between 1000 to 9900 in which four digits of number are different.

10) if xy = 6 and x^2y+xy^2+x+y = 9 then find out the Value of x^2 + y^2

2) Reasonong Part:- Mainly there was four question and each question divided in 5 Sub Question

1) First Question was base on Blood relation . it was such that if A, B, C, D, E, F, have relation with J as Father, Brother, Daughter, Aunt , Mother, Wife Unorderly and there was given condition such as

1) A and B have not same Sex

2) D, E have Same Sex

3) E born Before A.

Then Find out the following Answer.

2) Second Question was based on A Contract.

These All question from R.S. Agarrwal. So Please refer them for Practice because it is Very time Consuming Part.

Technical Paper:-
Second Paper of Round 1 total Technical. There Was four Question one Quest ion i Remember was such as

Q.1 A string of charater is given.Find the Continous Occurance of a character and display that character.
A or if Same then A and D.

Q.2 One question was base on Hash Table related Teacher, Their topic,in A 20 days Period.

Q.3 Based on link list where one pointer Point the Next Node and Second Show their Sub Node. To write a Fuction Which Return the largest integer Value.

I just like to Say . Nagarro ka to Kevel Appti do Kyonki Maths or Logical Reasoning Ki Practice ho jati hai...

After Exam they Declare that Result Will Declare With in 30 Days.
Their Package between 6000$-6200$

Nagarro Placement Paper : Aptitude - Numerical Father Agnel School,New Delhi - 9 February 2008


Hello friends, Navneet here from Meerut.I gave Nagarro paper.

1.sinx+sin2x=1,then cos2x+xos4x=?
a)1 b)3 c)0 d)none
2.cos 30d/sin 10d + cos 59d/sin 31d =?
a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4
3. x pow (a+b) . x pow(b+c). x pow (c+a)/ (x pow(a). x pow(b) . x pow(c)) pow(2)=?
a)0 b)1 c)8 d) 5
4) length of minute hand is 5.4 cm, area covered by this in 10 min is ?
a)50.97 b)57.23 c)55.45 d)59.14

some related to profit and loss and reasoning-: Only Puzzles.
Programmin section 1.30 hrs 4 question.
1)Seat Planing
Write a function for seat allocate and seat reserved.Seat allocate array and seat reserver array.Seat allocate array is of 10*20 and each row and column represent A1,A2....;B1,B2.....;........J1,J2... and so on i.e row are A to J whereas col starts from 0 to 19.Each cell in the table represent either 0 or 1. 0 rep seat available , 1 repr seat reserved.

Seat allocation starts from highest to lowest.And row j is highest, i is second highest and so on. Max 20 seats can be booked at a time. if seat is available print the seat no like "B2" i.e (2 row, 3 col) and seat is booked." otherwise Print "Seat is not available."

2) A string of charater is given.Find the highest occurance of a character and display that character.
I,J(if equal occurance)

3)Remove all the blank spaces between character.Matrix is of 10* 10.
| N | A | | V | |T
| |G | U | |P |
|T | | | A | |

| N | A | V | T | |
|G |U | P | | |
|T | A | | | |

4)write a function to give demostrate the functionality of 3d in 1d. function prototye:
change(int value,int indexX,int indexY,int indexZ, int [] 1dArray);
value=what is the date; indexX=x-asix indexY=y-axis indexZ=z-axis and 1dArray=in which and where the value is stored.

Nagarro Placement Paper : General - other PCE,Jaipur - 5 September 2007


Nagarro selection procedure held at PCE,jaipur on 5th,sept 07

1st round:
paper1:40 objective type ques to be completed in 90 minutes
20 general maths
20 reasoning
paper2:5 subjective prog. ques to be completed in 2hrs
(language of implementation:C/C++/Java/.net/pseudo code)
out of round abt 1000 students they selected 18
8 for engineering group(based on paper2 score)
10 for quality group(based on paper1 score)
Interview procedure: held at nagarro office,gurgaon on 20-21,sept 07
there r 4 rounds

Round 2:(for quality group:50 objective type ques to be completed in 90 minutes
25 general maths
25 reasoning)
(For engineering group there r 2 programming questions)

Round 3:Essay writing
3 topics were given
1.India as a superpower
2.opening up of indian economy
3.Descibe abt any 4 global indian(youth icons)
total time:30 min

Round 4:Another HR asked 2 apti ques

Nagarro Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Gurgaon - 21 July 2007


hi all,
I have attended Nagarro Off Campus Test on july 21 at Gurgaon.
Following is the complete test paper of the test as I remember..

Firstly There was an Aptitute test (90 min) comparising two sections as follows:
1. Mathematical Ability Test - 25 Questions
2. Analytical Ability Test - 25 Questions

Mathematical Test:-
There ws questions from Mensuration (Circle, Rhombus, Square, Cube etc..), Trigonometry( Sin, Cos.. etc..), geometry (Circle,s chord.. etc)
Questions were above average level but they had given the list of formulae. so it was easy to solve..

Analytical Test:
This was comparatively easy one. There was 5 group of questions with instructions given for each...
1. quesions like.. A is father and have to children M & N of opposite sex.. B is the sun of M... etc... easy to solve if you are able to make a graph.
2. Than there was a question which were saying about the arrangement of books...Other questions was work group questions...In short Aptitude was ok..

Technical Ability Test:
This was difficult. three questions to be attempted in 60 min. The Coplete Technical Paper was as follows:
Write the Pseudo code for the following:
1. Wrie a function which returns the most frequent number in a list of integers. Handle the case of more than one number which meets this criterion.
public static int[] GetFrequency(int[] list)
2. Counting in Lojban, an artificial language developed over the last fourty years, is easier than in most languages
The numbers from zero to nine are:
0 no
1 pa
2 re
3 ci
4 vo
5 mk
6 xa
7 ze
8 bi
9 so
Larger numbers are created by gluing the digit togather.
For Examle 123 is pareci
Write a program that reads in a lojban string(representing a no less than or equal to 1,000,000) and output it in numbers.

3. Where now stands that small knot of villages known as the Endians, a mighty forest once stood. Indeed, legand has it that you could have stoodon the edge of the wood and seen it stretch out for miles, were it not for the trees getting in the way.
In one section of the forest, the trees stood in a row and were of hight from 1 to n, each hight occurring once and once only.
A tree was only visible if there were no higher trees before it in the row.
For example, if the heights were 324165, the only visible trees would have been those of height 3,4 & 6.

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