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Download novell Placement Papers in MS Word and PDF Format for Job Interview

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Novell Placement Paper : General - Interview PMI,sectar 16a,NOIDA - 3 July 2007

Hello frns,

I m from electronics and communication engg.

I hv been called for int. on 3&4 jul 07 after clearing the written exam. On d first day there was psycho test which was a formality and the gd.the gd was organized in groups of 7-9 candidates.2 topics were given and we hav to select one of them. Only one observer was present at my topic was “globalization and its effect on India”. The psycho test was of 7 min. consisting of 24 ques. & the gd was of 10-12 min.The whole of the day was engaged in document verification. the meal and tea is provided by them at no cost. At last we were told about d tim we should com next day for interview.

The interview was of 15 min (fix) as after every 15 min new candidate enters. I got an advantage of being a fresher so they just ask me about my final year project and nothing else. I was also placed in a good comp. so most of d tim they ask about d reason for joining the NTPC.

U should always b prepare for this question.

They called 125 candidates for 25 seats.

I m still waiting for the results to be announced in first week of august.

Novell Placement Paper : General - Interview NIT PATNA - 10 September 2007

My branch is ECE.

NTPC Ltd. has visited our college on 10-09-2007 and has taken 21 students from different branches: ECE-6, Mech.-5, Civil-5, Electrical-5.

There was no written test, only interview (HR + Technical).

There were 4 members in the interview panel.

Interview of ECE students were conducted from 7:45 pm onwards.

I was the first student from ECE branch to face them so I was having no idea of the questions that were going to be asked.

The questions they asked me were :

Tell me about yourself, your family background and your academic details.

Any co-curricular activity?

If you were given opportunity to go abroad will you accept it?

What subjects you have read in these six semesters?

What is the role of electronics and communication in Power Plants?

What are Transducers?

How will you measure and display the temperature of a body?

What should be the capacity of the device you are using for measurement?


The interview lasted for around 10-15 minutes.

The results were announced at around 10 pm and they had selected 21 students and

I was among those 21.

Novell Placement Paper : General - other Gurunanak Dev School,Udaipur - 22 April 2007


Technical test was not so tough(Instrumentation Stream) If U prepare 2to 3 weeks sincerely U can attempt 90% of portion
Paper will consist of 120 technical questions . It covers Analog,Digital,Control,Process control , Electronic Meaurement and Industrial Measurement

Qus Principle of Optical Fiber: Total Internal reflection
2 Anticipatory controllers are; Derivative
3 Routh Stability defines : poles on the left/right/......
4. One question is on Final Value theory
5 S^5+s^4+.............. : How many roots find out
6 System is Marginally stable When root lies on
7 One 2 question on K-Map
8 9,s complement of 19
9 encoders and Decoders are different: No of Active lines
10 Flashing Memory is
11 Find out Hexadecimal code of
12 Input Impedance of CRO is
13 Casacading of an Low pass and high pass filter will give : Notch filter
14 Pitot tube is used to measure
15 Why FET is used in Electronic Voltmeter
16 Data Acqsition System Comprise of Blocks: Transducers,A/d conveter, sensors...........................
17 Some quetion on General Engineering
18 Ph changes from 5 to 7 Hydrogen Ion concentration will increase/decrease............
19 2 Questions on feedforward control
rest 50 questions of Aptitute.................

Novell Placement Paper : Technical - Other Mount Carmel School,New Delhi - 22 April 2007


HELLO frns

I am giving u the paper minutes of NTPC exam on april 22 ,2007 b’cz I have faced the problem of non availability of any pattern or sample questions .It was really an easy paper so the cut off marks r really high. It constitutes of 170 questions (120 tech + 50 apti) in 2hrs.

For tech part the syllabus is same as of the GATE and for apti part R.S.Aggarwal is more than sufficient. As time duration is very short so time management is very important.


For this section no special attention is required only rs aggarwal is enough and it also has easy level of English section.


For this section u have to b good in the basics. No hard question were asked but u should b careful about your time . It has also some part of very basic general knowledge. The questions were from following topics

10-12 q about microprocessor(8085)

3 q abt RS232 standard

7-10 q of GK

4-6 q of opamp

10-15 q of digital comm..

2-5 q of microwave

15-20 q of analog devices

20-23 q of digital electronics(flip flops,gates,mux,no system etc)

1 q of ISO OSI model

5-8 q of control system

10-12 q of signals and their processing


passage for comp
word meaning based (antonym and synonyms) fetter, fester, lucid, anomaly, elucidate etc
word analogy based
what is a tunnel diode
wht is a zener diode
effect of + and – feedback on stability
composition of gobar gas
function of differential in the vehicle
function of stack register
fun of instruction pointer
fun of rst6.5,7.5
wht is an interrupt
output vtg calc on op amp
how a pulse train can b generated using registers
conversion of oct to hex,hex to binary
fun of quantizer in pcm
why fm is less prone to noise
fun of limiter in detection of FM
wht is envelop detector
phase shift of 1/s^2
signal limited to 1000 hz sampled at nyquist rate.quantizer has 128 level .calculate the bit rate of the system.
1.5 V battery supply same power to R1 and R2 separately(R1>R2).calc the internal resistance of battery
a wire is cut in two halves. one half is again stretched to th twice of length .calc the resistance

Novell Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Novell, Bangalore


Hello friends,
This is pradeep.M completed B.E-Telecomm. I attended Novell Software Development Ltd test and i cleared the test. The Test consists of
1) Analytical section(15 Questns in 20 minutes)[Easy]
2) Computer Concepts (15 Questns) [Difficult- you should Know basics Well]
3) C(15 questions)[Bit difficult-No questns were asked from TEST UR C SKILLS]
4) Write an essay on Linux/Open source[Easy].

I got questns from Analytical part like
1) Logical Questions like
a) All pens are pencils
b) some pecils are books

2) time and work, Rate and interest
3) Ages, Speed and distance
In Computer concepts part, questions on LRU page replacement policy, semaphores, scheduling, cache memory,Data structures etc.

I am not sending the questns because i forgot all the questns. sorry for not sending. Then I attended technial interview.

In technical interview, they asked to choose favourite subjects. I said C and Linux. They started asking questns On C.

Some of C Questns i encountered (with answers)
1) Questns on static, global
2) questn on function pointers, Pointers
3) what is name equivalence of structures ?
soln: In C, structures can be assigned only if they have the same name. C doesn,t support assignment of two different structures.
4) Then how is name equivalence overrided?
soln: By using Explicit cast we can overrride this equivalence. Then i gave an example.
struct structure1{int i;} s1={1};
struct structure2{int i;} s2={2};
s1= *((struct structure1 *) &s2);
5) if unintialized Global/static variables are stored in BSS segment. Then after Implicit intialization with zero. will they reside in BSS segment?
Soln: I said yes. (I dont know this soln can anyone please send soln).
6) if no reigsters are available in MPU, then register variable is taken as auto variable. Then we can apply & operator to it?
Soln: I said no. I couldnt explain this properly. (Can anyone send me the correct soln)
7) some questns on Right Shift, left shift, Unions,Dangling pointers,Memory Leaks.
8) Questns on Data structures(linked lists, Binary Tables)
Since I was weak in data structures I couldn,t answer most of the questions.
9) Then they asked questns on OS(Defn of OS,Process Mgmt, Memory Mgmt,File Mgmt)
-Process Mgmt (Scheduling, fork() in Linux,zombie)
-Memory Mgmt(what is page, paging, Demand paging,Fragmentation)
-File Mgmt(File System, inode, locking,open(), lseek())

Novell Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

Novell Recruitment test conducted on (20/9/04). There is four section in test.

Aptitude 20 questions 20 minutes

System comcept 20 questions 15 minutes

C programming 15 questions 20 minutes

Passage on java/internet 10 min


A problem on time and work ,A and b takes 15 days to completer the work,A takes 30 days so how many days B take?

A question on compound interest with 5 sub questions,simple if u know the concept.

A question on finding the speed of boat given the speed of upstream and downstream.

System Concept ( mainly questions from OS,data structures,networks)

Berkeley sockets-ans :connection oreiented.

A question on bankers algorithm

Complexity of hastable

What is Cpu timeslice?

Aquestion on DMA
C programming

One pointer diff is given like this:
int *(*p[10])(char *)
Explain the variable assignment

For the following C program
void fn(int *a, int *b)
int *t;
int a=2;
int b=3;
printf("%d,%d", a,b);
What is the output?
a) Error at runtime
b) Compilation error
c) 2 3
d) 3 2

what is the output?
ans :stack overflow

Novell Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

Novell Recruitment test conducted on (20/9/04). There is four section in test.

Aptitude 20 questions 20 minutes

System comcept 20 questions 15 minutes

C programming 15 questions 20 minutes

Passage on java/internet 10 min


A problem on time and work ,A and b takes 15 days to completer the work,A takes 30 days so how many days B take?

A question on compound interest with 5 sub questions,simple if u know the concept.

A question on finding the speed of boat given the speed of upstream and downstream.

System Concept ( mainly questions from OS,data structures,networks)

Berkeley sockets-ans :connection oreiented.

A question on bankers algorithm

Complexity of hastable

What is Cpu timeslice?

Aquestion on DMA
C programming

One pointer diff is given like this:
int *(*p[10])(char *)
Explain the variable assignment

For the following C program
void fn(int *a, int *b)
int *t;
int a=2;
int b=3;
printf("%d,%d", a,b);
What is the output?
a) Error at runtime
b) Compilation error
c) 2 3
d) 3 2

what is the output?
ans :stack overflow

Novell Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper NIT - 16 September 2007

Hai friends......,
This is the latest question paper from novell,hope help u little bit,
section1 :Apti(15)-----------------20min
section2 :Tech(c)-----------------20min
section3:Operating sytem--------15(min)..........

sections r same as previous patterns,
5 questions r like ..given 4 sentences u have choose an option of logically correct order...
ex:1: a->tom is taller than ravi
b>satish is smaller than tom
c->tom and suresh r equal in height...
1)acb 2)abc 3) cab 4)bca....
like this questions r 5...
1.question on time and wirk
2.pipes and cisterns..
3.alligation mixtures..
like this questions r five...
given one smalll passage contains mathematical part calculating profit and ,losss etc..
from this passage 5 questions puzzles this time....
operating system questions...
1.Given main memory,size page size 4kb u hav calculate page table size....(4)
2.If 3 and more process r ther which one suitable...1.semaphore 2.spin lock 3.mutex...etc----ans:spin lock(check it)
3.With 32 bit addressing how memory u can address (4gb)
4.A system has fixed and large block size ..then which of the following is suitable.......1.efficient throughput,more delay...etc2......... 3..........less delay less throughput etccccccc
5.Which of the following not ther in process context.program counter2.parent id....
grill on basics only be confident on basics...............
section wise cuttoff is ther b carefulll....
C very easy involves some algo,s also asking for time complexity(merge sort)..what is time complexity to extract max element in min heap?
2.fabonnaci --iterative is best r recursive...
100 members ..attende..8 members shortlisted in written...........3 mem selected fianlly .
overalll written is not that much easy.......................

Novell Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

Novell Sample Test paper
Paper consist of

OS : 10 Q
C : 10 Q
C++:10 Q
Java : 10 Q
OS is compulsory and you can choose any one of these three language

C++ Questions

If there is one class template which has one static member variable that static variable will belong to
a) Every instance of class template will share the same copy of static variable
b) Every instance of class template will have its own copy of static variable.
c) Compilation error
d) Don,t remember.

What is template specialization ???
a) define a new template class for a specific data type.

How we will overload operator *+= such that
obj1 *+= obj2;
implies that
four choice were there last option was d) it is not possible I checked that option.

In C++ what does the operator overloading means.
a) Giving new meaning to existing C++ operators
b) defining functionality of existing C++ operator for user define objects.
c) defining new operators.
d) don,t remember.

what is ,>>, in C++
a) right shift operator and insertion operator depend upon the use
b) right shift operator and extraction operator depend upon the context use
c) right shift operator and insertion/extraction operator depend upon the use

class A
int a ,b;
A() : a(0)
if you create obj of this class as A obj;
a) b will be initialized before a
b) a will be initialized before b
c) both will be initialized together
d) none of these.

OS Question (All OS questions were based on basics of UNIX all small -2 commands.)

How image of one process can be replaced by other process
a) exec

How image of one process can be copied to new born process
a) fork

How can you list all the files used by a particular process

How do u create a link of file

C Questions

int main()
char *a= "Novell";
char *b;
return 0;

int main()

Novell Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper

Novell Paper

Section 1
Question 1 to 5 have to be answered on the basis of the information given below:

On Sunday, December 23, four ships were berthed at the Port. Ship W left at 4 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of 8-day cruises to Bermuda and Nassau. Ship X left at 4:30 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of alternating11-day and 13-day cruises. Ship Y sailed at 5 PM on Sunday, December 23, for a series of 5-day cruises to Bermuda. Ship Z sailed on Monday, Decmeber 24, for a series of 7-day cruises to Nassau. Each cruise begins on the day after departure. Each ship is scheduled to return to the Port early in the morning after the last day of the cruise and leave again in the afternoon of the same day.

1. On December 31, which ships will be sailing from the Port on a New Year,s Eve.

(a) W and X
(b) X and Y
(c) W and Z
(d) X and Z
(e) X, Y and Z

Ans: (c)

2. On how many sailing dates between December 24 and February 28 will ship W be moored alongside another ship

(a) 0
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 5
(e) 6

Ans: (d)

3. On how many occasions between December 24 and February 28 will three ships be moored at the Port.

(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
(e) 4

Ans: (a)

4. On which day of the week will these four ships make most of their departures?

(a) Sunday
(b) Monday
(c) Tuesday
(d) Thursday
(e) Saturday

Ans: (b)

5. On which days of the week in the period between December 24 and February 28 will the pier be least crowded?

(a) Tuesday and Friday
(b) Tuesday and Thursday
(c) Friday and Saturday
(d) Wednesday and Thursday
(e) Thursday and Saturday

Ans: (a)

6. A family with a husband, his wife and their child are at one side of river.
They want to cross the river on a boat. The child can,t be left alone.
The only available boat can hold only one person and the boatboy.
Only the boatboy can row the boat.
What is the minimum number of trips from on bank to the other, that the boatboy has to make
for the whole family to reach the other side.

Question 7 to 10 have to be answered on the basis of the information given below:

The workweek in a small Business is a five-day workweek running from Monday through Friday.
In each workweek, activities L,M,N,O and P must all be done.The work is subject to the following restrictions:

L must be done earlier in the week than O and earlier than P
M must be done earlier in the week than N and earler than O
No more than one of the activities can ever be done on any one day

7.Which of the following is an acceptable schedule starting from Monday to Friday

a) L, M, N, O, P
b) M, N, O, N, M
c) O, N, L, P, M
d) P, O, L, M, L
e) P, O, L, M, N

Ans. (a)

8. Which of the following pair of activies could be done on Monday and Tuesday

a) L and O
b) M and L
c) M and P
d) N and O
e) O and M

Ans. (b)

9.If P and N are done on Thursday and Friday, then which of the following is true

a) L is done on Tuesday
b) L is done on Wednesday
c) M is done on Monday
d) O is done on Tuesday
e) O is done on Wednesday

Ans. (e)

10. Which of the following could be true

a) L on Friday
b) M on Thursday
c) N on Monday
d) O on Monday
e) P on Tuesday

Ans. (e)

Q. 5 programs are sheduled from monday to saturday, monday is not holiday,
PQRST are the programs. The day before P is holiday, and some other clues are
given, we have to find the sequence (4 questions)

Q. Suppose U R the presoner, There are two guards Who will tell truth or
one will tell truth. There is a gate for liberty and another foe hell.
asking about which sequencing is sufficient to find the gate for liberty??

Q. There are 7 targets, A B and C has to shoot them.
All should be shot down consecutively.
1. The number of chances for A and B are not less then 2,
2. C has only one chance
3. A can,t shot 3 times consicutively.
4. B is permited to shoot in even chances only.

They have given some 2 or 3 MCQ questions on this.

Section 2

1. Encryption and decryption is done in the following layer.

a) DLL
b) Network layer
c) Transport
d) Presentaion

Ans: (d)

2. Floating point has different formats on two different machines.
This modifications are taken care by which layer?

a) DLL
b) Network layer
c) Transpor layer
d) Presentation

Ans: (d)

3. Time complexity of quick sort algorithm is

a) N*N
b) log(N)
c) N*log(N)
d) N

Ans: (c)

4. Time complexity of AVL tree is .

a) N*N
b) log(N)
c) N*log(N)
d) N

Ans: (b)

5. Cycle stealing is used in which concept?

a) Programmed I/O
b) DMA
c) Interrupts

Ans: (b)

6. How many octets are there in an IP address

a) 6
b) 8

7.What are the maximum number of hosts that can be served by an IP

a) 254
b) 256
c) 2**24(2 to the power 24)

8. Which of the following is model representation of life cycle software

a) Water fall model
b) Spiral

9. The purpose of reviewing code is

a) To find syntax error
b) Tocheck for the proper design

10. Semaphores are used for the resolution of

a) Contention
b) Accessing of same resources by more than one

11.In threading of processes when the race condition will happen

a) Low priority process
b) Higher priority process

(See O.S.Concepts by Silberschatz)

12.Which of the following function is not performed by O.S.

a) CPU sheduling
b) Memory management
c) Transaction

Ans: (c)

13. If two applicaltion programmes uses same libraries which of following are shared

a) Lib code
b) Code and stack
c) Data
d) Data, code and stack

14. Which is the maximum 16 bit signed integer.

a) 66337
b) 66338
c) 257
d) 258

15.When will interrupt occurs?

a) Divide by zero
b) DMA completed
c) Insufficient memory

16. Which of the following has low power cosumption

a) EIL
c) Totempole Arrangement

17. Which of the following is the wrong statement

a) Cominational circuits has memory
b) Sequential circuits has memory
c) Sequential circuits is a function of time

Ans: (a)

18.Virtual address is

a) More than physical address
b) Lesstthan physical memory
c) Equal to physical memory
d) None

Ans : (a)

19. Which of the following reduces CPU burden

Ans : DMA

20. Malloc function allocates memory at

a) compilation time

Ans: d

Section 3

1.Max value of SIGNED int

2. A long C program is given -- try to be familiar with few of the concepts listed below

int *num={10,1,5,22,90};
int *p,*q;
int i;
print the value of i, and q-p, and some other operations are there.
how the values will change?

3. One pointer diff is given like this:

int *(*p[10])(char *, char*)

Explain the variable assignment

4. char *a[4]={"jaya","mahe","chandra","buchi"};
What is the value of sizeof(a) /sizeof(char *)

5. For the following C program

void fn(int *a, int *b)
{int *t;

{int a=2;
int b=3;
printf("%d,%d", a,b);

What is the output?

a) Error at runtime
b) Compilation error
c) 2 3
d) 3 2

6. For the following C program

#define scanf "%s is a string"

What is the output.

Ans. %s is string is string

7. For the following C program

{char *p="abc";
char *q="abc123";
print("%c %c",*p,*q);

a) aabbcc
b) aabbcc123
c) abcabc123
d) infinate loop

8. What is the value of the following:


a) -1
b) 1
c) 65336

9. For the following C program

#define void int
int i=300;
void main(void)
{int i=200;
{int i=100;
print the value of i;}
print the value of i;}

What is the output?

10. For the following C program

int x=2;
printf("%d ",x);

Ans. 8

11. For the following C program

int a[]={0,0X4,4,9}; /*some values are given*/
int i=2;
printf("%d %d",a[i],i[a]);

What is the value?

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