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PapersIntegra Placement PapersIntegraphr Placement PapersInterwoven Placement PapersIntex Placement PapersIOCL Placement PapersIonnor Solutions Placement PapersiSoft Placement PapersIspat Placement PapersISRO Placement PapersIttiam Placement PapersIvega Placement PapersJ&B Placement PapersJataayu Placement PapersJean Placement PapersJean Martin Placement PapersJet Placement PapersJEYPEE Placement PapersJindal Placement PapersJKT Placement PapersJOHN Placement PapersKalam Software Technology Placement PapersKanbay Placement PapersKeane Placement PapersKenexa Placement PapersKkshema Placement PapersKleward Placement PapersKnoah Solutions Placement PapersKPIT Placement PapersKPIT Cummins Placement PapersL&T Placement PapersL&T Infotech Placement PapersL&T(EEC) Placement PapersLCube Placement PapersLG Placement PapersLG Soft India Placement PapersLifetree Placement PapersLinkwell Placement PapersLionBridge Placement PapersLogica Placement PapersLucent Placement PapersM-Phasis Placement 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PSI Placement Paper : Technical - Other

Sample Question Paper

What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ?

a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

lass professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};

Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

Which is not the characteristics of a view ?
a) Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d) Updateable

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, tables

What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

GD Topic

1- indian cricket team is consistent or not;
2- IT shoud be necessary in rural area or not;
3- sourav ganguli should be caption or not;
4- advantage & disadvantages of Outsoursing;
5- india & pakistan matches are pation (josh) or not;

PSI Placement Paper : Technical - Other


Largest integer can be written from 8 bits is
a. 256
b. 255
c. 8
d. 10

change a hexadecimal no to octal

how many address lines needed to pass 1MB of data.

What is the function of the modulus operator in most language.
a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

class professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};
Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class myprofessor were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS s perfom the following the following functionc except ______________.
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, table

What relationship is resolved by an intersecting or associative entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file upper in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..(answer)
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

i = 0;
j = 0;

In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at completion ?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 3
d) 9
e) 10

Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?

a) Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance
b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance
c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance
d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.

class Word
Word(const char*,int = 0);
Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required to call the constructor ?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ?

a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

lass professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};

Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

Which is not the characteristics of a view ?
a) Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d) Updateable

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, tables

What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

Aptitude Section.

Question like A is engg. B is doctor C is artist etc then few condition related to them you have give answer to 4 or 5 qs on these conditions .

same as above with different data and conditions.

3 qs onfinding error in english sentences

If father is three times as old as son . 5 years ago he was 4 times age of his son what is son age.

Same as above but now daughter and mother joined in and age in question is that of daughter.

A figure is given find no of traingles in this figure

Same as above but figure is diffrent and find no of squares and triangles.

PSI Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

Sample Question Paper

Which of the following best explains life cycle of Defect ?

a) Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Closed -> Defect Rechecked

b) Defect Found -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Reported -> Defect Rechecked -> DefectClosed

c) Defect Debugged -> Defect Found -> Defect Closed -> Defect Reported -> DefectRechecked

d) Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Rechecked -> Defect Closed

Which group does Winrunner ,Load Runner ,SQA Suite fall under ?

a) Databases

b) Automated Test Tools

c) Operating Systems

d) Rapid Application Development Tool

i = 0;

j = 0;


In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at completion ?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 3

d) 9

Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?

a) Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance

b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance

c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance

d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.

class Word



Word(const char*,int = 0);


Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required to call the constructor ?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3

Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NULL ?

a) typedef((void *)0) NULL;

b) typedef NULL(char *)0;

c) #define NULL((void *)0)

d) #define NULL((char*)0)


Referring to the sample code above ,which of the following could you use to make the standars I/O Stream classes accessible without requiring the scope resolution operator ?

a) using namespace std::iostream

b) using namespace std;

c) using namespace iostream ;

d) using iostream;

Which one of the following statements allocates enough space to hold an array of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?

a) int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));

b) int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));

c) int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));

d) int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));

What function will read a specified number of elements from a file ?

a) fread()

b) readfile()

c) fileread()

d) gets()

What is the largest value an integer can hold in a Standard C compiler ?

a) 32767

b) 65536

c) 2147483647


With every use of memory allocation function should be used to release allocated memory which is no longer needed ?

a) dropmem()

b) dealloc()

c) release()

d) free()

int a=1;

int ab=4;

int main()


int b=3,a=2;



kernal execute the first process when system is start---

ans :- init();

process id of kernal

(a) 1

(b) 0

(c) 2

(d) none

Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NULL ?

a) typedef((void *)0) NULL;

b) typedef NULL(char *)0;

c) #define NULL((void *)0)

d) #define NULL((char*)0)

Which one of the following statements allocates enough space to hold an array of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?

a) int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));

b) int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));

c) int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));

d) int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));.

After written ,group discussion and interview will be there

Topics for group discussion:

Is IT sector made a difference to rural India.
Does the world need army?

are there stars in the sky?

capital punishment should be avoided .

Is India really shining ?

PSI Placement Paper : Technical - Other

Sample Question Paper

What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ?

a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

lass professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};

Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

Which is not the characteristics of a view ?
a) Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d) Updateable

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, tables

What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

GD Topic

1- indian cricket team is consistent or not;
2- IT shoud be necessary in rural area or not;
3- sourav ganguli should be caption or not;
4- advantage & disadvantages of Outsoursing;
5- india & pakistan matches are pation (josh) or not;

PSI Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++

Sample Question Paper

Which of the following best explains life cycle of Defect ?

a) Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Closed -> Defect Rechecked

b) Defect Found -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Reported -> Defect Rechecked -> DefectClosed

c) Defect Debugged -> Defect Found -> Defect Closed -> Defect Reported -> DefectRechecked

d) Defect Found -> Defect Logged -> Defect Debugged -> Defect Rechecked -> Defect Closed

Which group does Winrunner ,Load Runner ,SQA Suite fall under ?

a) Databases

b) Automated Test Tools

c) Operating Systems

d) Rapid Application Development Tool

i = 0;

j = 0;


In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at completion ?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 3

d) 9

Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?

a) Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance

b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance

c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance

d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.

class Word



Word(const char*,int = 0);


Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required to call the constructor ?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 3

Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NULL ?

a) typedef((void *)0) NULL;

b) typedef NULL(char *)0;

c) #define NULL((void *)0)

d) #define NULL((char*)0)


Referring to the sample code above ,which of the following could you use to make the standars I/O Stream classes accessible without requiring the scope resolution operator ?

a) using namespace std::iostream

b) using namespace std;

c) using namespace iostream ;

d) using iostream;

Which one of the following statements allocates enough space to hold an array of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?

a) int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));

b) int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));

c) int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));

d) int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));

What function will read a specified number of elements from a file ?

a) fread()

b) readfile()

c) fileread()

d) gets()

What is the largest value an integer can hold in a Standard C compiler ?

a) 32767

b) 65536

c) 2147483647


With every use of memory allocation function should be used to release allocated memory which is no longer needed ?

a) dropmem()

b) dealloc()

c) release()

d) free()

int a=1;

int ab=4;

int main()


int b=3,a=2;



kernal execute the first process when system is start---

ans :- init();

process id of kernal

(a) 1

(b) 0

(c) 2

(d) none

Which one of the following represents a correct and safe declaration of NULL ?

a) typedef((void *)0) NULL;

b) typedef NULL(char *)0;

c) #define NULL((void *)0)

d) #define NULL((char*)0)

Which one of the following statements allocates enough space to hold an array of 10 integers that are initialized to 0 ?

a) int *ptr = (int *) calloc(10,sizeof(int));

b) int *ptr = (int *) alloc( 10*sizeof(int));

c) int *ptr = (int *) malloc( 10*sizeof(int));

d) int *ptr = (int *)calloc(10*sizeof(int));.

After written ,group discussion and interview will be there

Topics for group discussion:

Is IT sector made a difference to rural India.

Does the world need army?

are there stars in the sky?

capital punishment should be avoided .

Is India really shining ?

PSI Placement Paper : Technical - Other

There are two sections
1.technical qs -20
2.apptitute qs -25


Largest integer can be written from 8 bits is
a. 256
b. 255
c. 8
d. 10

change a hexadecimal no to octal

how many address lines needed to pass 1MB of data.

What is the function of the modulus operator in most language.
a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

class professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};
Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class myprofessor were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS s perfom the following the following functionc except ______________.
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, table

What relationship is resolved by an intersecting or associative entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file upper in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..(answer)
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

i = 0;
j = 0;

In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at completion ?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 3
d) 9
e) 10

Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?

a) Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance
b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance
c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance
d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.

class Word
Word(const char*,int = 0);
Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required to call the constructor ?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ?

a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

lass professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};

Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

Which is not the characteristics of a view ?
a) Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d) Updateable

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, tables

What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

Aptitude Section.

Question like A is engg. B is doctor C is artist etc then few condition related to them you have give answer to 4 or 5 qs on these conditions .

same as above with different data and conditions.

3 qs onfinding error in english sentences

If father is three times as old as son . 5 years ago he was 4 times age of his son what is son age.

Same as above but now daughter and mother joined in and age in question is that of daughter.

A figure is given find no of traingles in this figure

Same as above but figure is diffrent and find no of squares and triangles.

PSI Placement Paper : PSI Data Systems Paper Technical - Other

There are two sections
1.technical qs -20
2.apptitute qs -25


Largest integer can be written from 8 bits is
a. 256
b. 255
c. 8
d. 10

change a hexadecimal no to octal

how many address lines needed to pass 1MB of data.

 What is the function of the modulus operator in most language.
a) Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b) Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c) Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d) Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

class professor{}
class teacher: public virtual professor{};
class researcher: public virtual professor {}
class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};
Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class myprofessor were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS s perfom the following the following functionc except ______________.
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more
a) Table,SQL statement types
b) SQL statement type,user
c) Column,rows
d) User, table

 What relationship is resolved by an intersecting or associative entity ?
a) Recursive
b) Mandatory one to one
c) Many to Many
d) One to One

 Make a copy of file upper in the directory two levels up .
a) jump -2 upper
b) cp upper ../..(answer)
c) cp upper -2/
d) None of the above

i = 0;
j = 0;

In the (generic) code segment above what will be the value of the variable i at completion ?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 3
d) 9
e) 10

Which of the following statements is true when a derivation inherits both a virtual and non-virtual instance of a base class ?

a) Each derived class object has base objects only from the non virtual instance
b) Each base class object has derived objects only from the non-virtual instance
c) Each derived class object has base objects only from the virtual instance
d) Each derived class object has a base object from the virtual instance and a base object from non-virtual instance.

class Word
Word(const char*,int = 0);
Referring to the sample code above what is the minimum number of arguments required to call the constructor ?

a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

What is the function of the modulus operator in most languages ? 

a)   Sets a system environmental value to either base 10 ,base 8 or base 16
b)    Returns the remainder after dividing one number by another
c)    Returns the first argument raised to the second argument power
d)    Prints out the actual code written to standard output rather than executing the code

lass professor{}
     class teacher: public virtual professor{};
     class researcher: public virtual professor {}
     class myprofessor :public teacher,public researcher {};

Referring to the sample code above ,if an object of class “myprofessor” were created ,how many instances of professor will it contain?
a) 0
b)  1
c)  2
d) 3

Modern RDBMS’s perfom the following the following functionc except
a) Force column values in one table to match any of the values in a column of another table
b) Automatically replicate data on another server
c) Automatically create new indexes based on query history
d) Prevent unauthorized users from accessing data at the firls level

 Which is not the characteristics of a view ?
a)  Consumes Disk space for data
b) Multiple tables
c) Multiple rows
d)  Updateable

RDBMS triggers are typically bound to a _____________and one or more _____________
a)  Table,SQL statement types
b)  SQL statement type,user
c)   Column,rows
d)  User, tables

What relationship is resolved by an “intersecting” or “associative” entity ?
a)   Recursive
b)  Mandatory one to one
c)   Many to Many
d)   One to One

Make a copy of file “upper” in the directory two levels up .
a)  jump -2 upper
b)  cp upper ../..
c)  cp upper -2/
d)  None of the above

                    Aptitude Section.

Question like A is engg. B is doctor C is artist etc then few condition related to them  you have give answer to 4 or 5 qs on these conditions .

same as above with different data and conditions.

3 qs onfinding error in english sentences

 If father is three times as old as son . 5 years ago he was 4 times age of his son what is son age.

Same as above but now daughter and mother joined in and age in question is that of daughter.

A figure is given find no of traingles in this figure

Same as above but figure is diffrent and find no of squares and triangles.


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