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Redpine Placement Paper : Redpine Placement Paper Vijayawads 18 December 2011

RedpineLatest (2011)Test Pattern and latest questions asked

Three Sections

Three sections mentioned comprises total of 25 questions (weightage -not uniform)

and they carry 100 marks, time given will be 90 minutes..........!


Section: 2(COMPUTING)

Section: 3(APTITUDE)

Time Limit: 90 Minutes


Simple realization of logic gates given, we have 2 find d output?
The maximum value of signed number that can be fit into 2 byte register?



Program to obtain value of ,k, and to obtain ,k, in d given program code u should have d knowledge of modular division


Topics to concentrate

Average and age
Train problems
Direction sense

Some questions asked


1.Simple realization of logic gates given, we have 2 find d output?
Sol: Have to know the properties of AND,NAND, EX-OR functions

2.The maximum value of signed number that can be fit into 2 byte register?
Sol: We know that byte consists of 8 bits and the left most bit consist of sign hence only seven bits represent the magnitude similarly for 2 byte register d left most bit i.e.,16th bit represent sign hence the max value can be obtained by placing all 1,s in remaining 15 bit positions.
Therefore d value is: (2^15)-1=32767

3. Ideal op-amp sum was given and we have 2 find d output voltage?
Sol: It was difficult to draw d diagram i will explain d procedure so that u can b able 2 interpret d diagram easily
At terminal1: (2-V1)/5=(V1-Vout)/10;
At terminal2: (0-V2)/10=(V2-Vout)/100; as given it is ideal op-amp V1=V2;
By solving d above three equations we can get Vout=-5.5V

4.Given a series of three sources connected in a ckt with load resistor(R) and power delivered by them individually is given by 18W,50W,98W.What is the total power delivered when all the three sources r active?
Sol: E1^2/R=18W;
E2^2/R=50W; Equations formed by interpreting the given data
Hence total power delivered when all the 3 sources r active is E^2/R;
where E=E1+E2+E3;(as they r connected in series)
By multiplying 1st&2nd eqs we get (E1*E2)/R=sqrt(18*50)=30W;
By multiplying 2nd&3rd eqs we get (E3*E2)/R=sqrt(98*50)=70W;
By multiplying 1st&3rd eqs we get (E3*E1)/R=sqrt(18*98)=42W;
Therefore total power delivered is:P=(E1^2+E2^2+E3^2+2E1E2+2E2E3+2E1E3)/R
Hence total power delivered P=450W

5.A 26Kbyte memory, there is memory it contains 12 address lines and 4 bit data bus, the number of these type of memories required to design 26Kbyte memory?
Sol: 26K byte=26*1024=26624 bytes
Address lines=12;memory occupied=2^12=4096 bytes
4 bit data bus memory can be neglected as it is very small
Hence 26624 bytes=N*4096 bytes;
Hence 7(6.5)type of memories r required to design 26Kbyte memory

6.The no of 2-input XOR gates required to design 19-input XOR gate?
Sol: Lengthy procedure........!

7.This questions was given based on rising n falling edges of a flip flop?
Sol: Have a brief look on the theory of flip flops

8.Conversion of given multiplexers to AND gates
9.Convert d following:
a)73(in decimal) to binary
b)octal to binary
c)decimal to hexadecimal.........!
Sol: To convert decimal number 2 binary divide d given decimal number by 2
To convert decimal number 2 hexadecimal/octal divide d given number by 16/8
To convert binary number 2 decimal multiply d digits with powers of 2

10.Simple C programs(3 questions were given)
11.Program to obtain value of ,k, and to obtain ,k, in d given program code u should have d knowledge of modular division
Eg: 16 mod 7=remainder obtained when 16 is divided by 7 i.e.,2
12.A(m,n)=n+1,if m=0;
=A(m-1,A(m,n)),if m>0,n=0;
=A(m-1,A(n,1)),if m>0,n>0; then find A(2,2)
Sol: Looks simpler but takes lot of time 2 answer its based on mainly RECURSIVE function used in C language


13.Six monkeys take 4 minutes to eat 6 bananas
a)How many minutes r required for 2 monkeys to eat 2 bananas
b)How many monkeys r required to eat 15 bananas in 15 minutes
Sol:a)From given data we can interpret as follows:
1 monkey in 1 minute eats 6/(4*6)=1/4th of a banana--------eq1
Therefore 1 monkey takes 8 minutes to eat 2 bananas which means that 2 monkeys can eat 2 bananas in just 4 minutes
b)Let us assume that ,N, monkeys r required to eat 15 bananas in 15 minutes
Therefore 1 monkey in 1 minute can eat 15/(15*N)=1/Nth of a banana-------eq2
By equating 1 and 2 we get 1/N=1/4;
=> N=4;Hence no.of monkeys required are 4

14.A man walking along a railway bridge heard d whistle sound of a train when he already 5/13th distance of a bridge. Then he runs n can be escaped from making accident with d train. If he had ran back from there to starting point he could be escaped. If the velocity of man is 12kmph.What is velocity of man?
Sol: By given data it is clear that man has to cover total distance of d bridge and 5/13th
distance of d bridge as he walked back. Let d distance of d bridge=,x,
Hence total distance man has to cover=x+(5/13)x=(18/13)x
But train requires only ,d, distance to cover and also time taken by both must b same
=> Velocity of train=x/t;
Velocity of man=(18/13)x/t=12kmph;

15.In a party 12 members had a board meeting and hands were shaken between them before and after d party. Therefore total no.of handshakes possible?
Sol:1 st person can shook his hand with other 11 persons=>handshakes possible=11
2nd person can shook his hand with other 10 persons=>handshakes possible=10

11th person can shake hand with 1 person only=>handshakes possible=1
Hence total no.of handshakes possible=11+10+9+8+.......+1=66
But hands had done it twice their work in d party. Therefore total no.of handshakes possible=2*66=132

16.The average age of 10 members of a given committee= average age of 10 members 4 yrs.’ ago because older member is replaced by a younger member. What is d age difference?
Sol: Present average of ages=(a1+a2+......+x)/10-------eq1;
Average of ages before 4 yrs ago=(a1+a2....-9*4+y)/10-----eq2;
By equating eqs 1&2 we get
y-x=36=>the age difference is 36 yrs........!

17.Abbreviations from CN like.....
Sol: CDMA-Code division multiple access
FTP- File transfer protocol
IEEE-Institute for electrical and electronics engineers
I have covered d total test paper and make practice of these type of questions for getting into RPS(Red Pine Signals) wishing u all d best for your future........!
NOTE: These are the solutions written by me in my test hope they will be helpful for u I will be happy if any one of my friend get benefitted by this.....!


It includes both STLD ,VHDL and Microprocessors.

1)Design 3:1 multiplexer using one tri-state buffer, AND gates and NOT gates.

2)The no of 2-input XOR gates required to design 19-inprt XOR gate?

3)A 26Kbyte memory, there is memory it contains 12 address lines and 4 bit data bus, the number of these type of memories required to design 26Kbyte memory?

4)Write a VHDL or Verilog HDL code for


output :out is assigned to 1 when a is ,1, for two clock cycles.

5)what is the output of following fig.100ps is the delay for XOR gate and 50ps for AND gate .all +ve and -ve edges start at boundaries of nanoseconds.(actually the output of fig is A(B(notC)+(not B)C) ,and the waveforms are given).

6)design forwhich the output is 10MHz clock,input to that circuit is 30MHz.Communications:

7) What is shoran’s theorem?

8)X is Gaussianly distributed signal


b)X is zreo mean and a unit variance random variable,them find the mean and variance of y


9)because of error 000 is coded instead of 0 ,111insted of 1.then what is the error correction and error detection capability of the system?

10)A deterministic signal whose pdf is given then we have to find the minimum sampling frequency needed ?


11)One question on bit rate.....(i didn,t remember exactly)

12)What is the application os MS world and MSperfect application is?

13)Write a c code for factorial using recursion.

14)Some statements are given like

putup::then lift the pen move accordingly without drawing aline,

FD N::move forward (N distance)

LD N:: move left at an angle of 90 degrees then move N

RD N::move right at an angle of 90 degrees then move N

putdown::draw alin following instructions

15)what is the output of following code


FD 10


LD 1

FD 2


RD 8 so on like is....

13)what is the output

int a[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

int *p=a;


14)two general knowledge questions..

15)what is expansion of GMSK?

16)find out the 5 digit number in that 4th digit is 4 more than the second digit ,3rd digit is 3 less the 2nd digit and first is 3 times the last digit?

1)what is output for the following program.




int *p,*q,i;

p=(int *)100;

q=(int *)200;




a)100 b)25 c)0 d)compile error

Ans : b) 25

2)what is output for the following program.


#define swap(a,b) temp=a,a=b,b=temp;



int a=5,b=6;

int temp;



printf("a=%d,b= %d",a,b);


a)a=5 b=6 b)a=6 b=5 c)a=0 b=6 d)None Ans : a a=5 b=6

3)what is output for the following program.




unsigned char i;

for( i=0;i<300;i++)





a)299 b)300 c)infinite d)none ans: c (infinite)

4)what is output for the following program.




int n=2;

int sum=5;



case 2:sum=sum-2;

case 3:sum*=5;


default :sum=0;




a)15 b)0 c)6 d)none

ans: a (15)

5)/* what is the program indicates */




char *q;

int *ip;

q=(char *)malloc(100);

ip=(int *)q;



a)it frees all allocated memory.

b)it frees 400 bytes of memory.


d)segmentation fault.

6)What is output for the following program.




int a=10,b=5;





a)a=0,b=5 b)a=10 b=5 c)a=0,b=0 d)none

Ans: a a=0,b=5

7)What is output for the following program.




int a[5],i,*ip;






a)0 b)5 c)1 d)none

Ans: d (none)

8)What is the size of the structure.






char a;

short b;

int c;



a)7 b)8 c)12 d)120


9) What is output for the following program.




unsigned char c[]={0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44};

unsigned int *p=c;

unsigned short *s=c;

printf("%x %x %x",c[2],p[2],s[2]);


Ans: please execute this program.

10) What is the difference between these two declarations:

i) int *f()

ii) int (*f)()

11) Define pointer to function that take argument as character pointer and return void pointer.

Ans: void *(*f)(char *)

12) 5-2-3*5-2 evaluates 18 then

i) - left associative * has precedence over -

ii) - right associative * has precedence over -

iii) * left associative - has precedence over *

iv) * right associative - has precedence over *

a) i b)ii c) iii d)iv

Ans: iv

DataStructure questions:

1)Difference between re-entrance and recursion.

2)In which Data structure recursion can be used.Ans: Stack.

3)Merge sort problem can be solved using which method. Ans: Divide and conquer strategy.

4)8 queens problem can be solved by using which method Ans: Back tracking.

5,6) Two problems related to inorder and post order.

First answer was : + - * a b c d (In objective its answer was (d) )

Second answer was : inorder

Operating systems:

1)what are the necessary conditions for Deadlockrefer Galvin

Answer was : b&c

2)Two problems on memory management .

One answer was : 68.5 ns(average access time.)

3) what are the different types of IPC mechanisms.


1)direct communication.(messages)

2)Indirect communication.(mail box)

3) Synchronous/Asynchronous communication.(Naming.)

4) Context switching.

Ans : A

5) Specify any 3 regarding the context of process?


1)Process state.

2) Process Attribute.

3)Accounting Information.

4)See PCB (Process control Block) in Galvin Book.

5)Advantages and Disadvantages of cache buffer?

6)Increasing memory many page faults occur(I dont know Question exactly)?


Computer Networks

1)What is the use of ICMP in TCP/IP stack?

2)What is the use of ARP in TCP/IP stack?

3)What is the header length of Ether Net MAC.

4)What is the mechanisms used for error detection in Data Link Layer?

Ans: CRC(cyclic redundancy check.)

Redpine Placement Paper : Redpine Placement Paper HCU Campus 31 December 2010

Test pattern consists of four subjects.

The paper having 100 marks.

1) C - 42 marks(each question carries 3 or 2 marks on objective and descriptive)

2)Data Structures - 18 marks (only objective 2 or 3 marks)

3)Operating Systems - 30 marks (it consists objective and descriptive,some problems on memory management)

4)Computer Networks-10 marks(both objective and descriptive)

The following questions are given below.

1)what is output for the following program.




int *p,*q,i;

p=(int *)100;

q=(int *)200;




a)100 b)25 c)0 d)compile error

Ans : b) 25

2)what is output for the following program.


#define swap(a,b) temp=a,a=b,b=temp;



int a=5,b=6;

int temp;



printf("a=%d,b= %d",a,b);


a)a=5 b=6 b)a=6 b=5 c)a=0 b=6 d)None

Ans : a a=5 b=6

3)what is output for the following program.




unsigned char i;

for( i=0;i<300;i++)





a)299 b)300 c)infinite d)none

ans: c (infinite)

4)what is output for the following program.




int n=2;

int sum=5;



case 2:sum=sum-2;

case 3:sum*=5;


default :sum=0;




a)15 b)0 c)6 d)none

ans: a (15)

5)/* what is the program indicates */




char *q;

int *ip;

q=(char *)malloc(100);

ip=(int *)q;



a)it frees all allocated memory.

b)it frees 400 bytes of memory.


d)segmentation fault.

Ans :

6)What is output for the following program.




int a=10,b=5;





a)a=0,b=5 b)a=10 b=5 c)a=0,b=0 d)none

Ans: a a=0,b=5

7)What is output for the following program.




int a[5],i,*ip;






a)0 b)5 c)1 d)none

Ans: d (none)

8)What is the size of the structure.






char a;

short b;

int c;



a)7 b)8 c)12 d)120


9) What is output for the following program.




unsigned char c[]={0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44};

unsigned int *p=c;

unsigned short *s=c;

printf("%x %x %x",c[2],p[2],s[2]);


Ans: please execute this program.

10) What is the difference between these two declarations:

i) int *f()

ii) int (*f)()

a) b) c) d)

11) Define pointer to function that take argument as character pointer and return void pointer.

Ans: void *(*f)(char *)

12) 5-2-3*5-2 evaluates 18 then

i) - left associative * has precedence over -

ii) - right associative * has precedence over -

iii) * left associative - has precedence over *

iv) * right associative - has precedence over *

a) i b)ii c) iii d)iv

Ans: iv

DataStructure questions:

1)Difference between re-entrance and recursion.

2)In which datastructure recursion can be used.

Ans: Stack.

3)Merge sort problem can be solved using which method.

Ans: Divide and conquer strategy.

4)8 queens problem can be solved by using which method.

Ans: Back tracking.

5,6) Two problems related to inorder and post order.

First answer was : + - * a b c d (In objective its answer was (d) )

Second answer was : inorder

Operating systems:

1)what are the necessary conditions for Deadlock

refer Galvin

Answer was : b&c

2)Two problems on memory management .

One answer was : 68.5 ns(average access time.)

3) what are the different types of IPC mechanisms.


1)direct communication.(messages)

2)Indirect communication.(mail box)

3) Synchronous/Asynchronous communication.(Naming.)

4) Context switching.

Ans : A

5) Specify any 3 regarding the context of process?


1)Process state.

2) Process Attribute.

3)Accounting Information.

4)See PCB (Process control Block) in Galvin Book.

6)Advantages and Disadvantages of cache buffer?

7)Increasing memory many page faults occur(I dont know Question exactly)?


Computer Networks

1)What is the use of ICMP in TCP/IP stack?

2)What is the use of ARP in TCP/IP stack?

3)What is the header length of Ether Net MAC.

4)What is the mechanisms used for error detection in Data Link Layer?

Ans: CRC(cyclic redundency check.)

Redpine Placement Paper : HCU Campus

Test pattern consists of four subjects.

The paper having 100 marks.

1) C - 42 marks(each question carries 3 or 2 marks on objective and descriptive)

2)Data Structures - 18 marks (only objective 2 or 3 marks)

3)Operating Systems - 30 marks (it consists objective and descriptive,some problems on memory management)

4)Computer Networks-10 marks(both objective and descriptive)

The following questions are given below.

1)what is output for the following program.




int *p,*q,i;

p=(int *)100;

q=(int *)200;




a)100 b)25 c)0 d)compile error

Ans : b) 25

2)what is output for the following program.


#define swap(a,b) temp=a,a=b,b=temp;



int a=5,b=6;

int temp;



printf("a=%d,b= %d",a,b);


a)a=5 b=6 b)a=6 b=5 c)a=0 b=6 d)None

Ans : a a=5 b=6

3)what is output for the following program.




unsigned char i;

for( i=0;i<300;i++)





a)299 b)300 c)infinite d)none

ans: c (infinite)

4)what is output for the following program.




int n=2;

int sum=5;



case 2:sum=sum-2;

case 3:sum*=5;


default :sum=0;




a)15 b)0 c)6 d)none

ans: a (15)

5)/* what is the program indicates */




char *q;

int *ip;

q=(char *)malloc(100);

ip=(int *)q;



a)it frees all allocated memory.

b)it frees 400 bytes of memory.


d)segmentation fault.

Ans :

6)What is output for the following program.




int a=10,b=5;





a)a=0,b=5 b)a=10 b=5 c)a=0,b=0 d)none

Ans: a a=0,b=5

7)What is output for the following program.




int a[5],i,*ip;






a)0 b)5 c)1 d)none

Ans: d (none)

8)What is the size of the structure.






char a;

short b;

int c;



a)7 b)8 c)12 d)120


9) What is output for the following program.




unsigned char c[]={0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44};

unsigned int *p=c;

unsigned short *s=c;

printf("%x %x %x",c[2],p[2],s[2]);


Ans: please execute this program.

10) What is the difference between these two declarations:

i) int *f()

ii) int (*f)()

a) b) c) d)

11) Define pointer to function that take argument as character pointer and return void pointer.

Ans: void *(*f)(char *)

12) 5-2-3*5-2 evaluates 18 then

i) - left associative * has precedence over -

ii) - right associative * has precedence over -

iii) * left associative - has precedence over *

iv) * right associative - has precedence over *

a) i b)ii c) iii d)iv

Ans: iv

DataStructure questions:

1)Difference between re-entrance and recursion.

2)In which datastructure recursion can be used.

Ans: Stack.

3)Merge sort problem can be solved using which method.

Ans: Divide and conquer strategy.

4)8 queens problem can be solved by using which method.

Ans: Back tracking.

5,6) Two problems related to inorder and post order.

First answer was : + - * a b c d (In objective its answer was (d) )

Second answer was : inorder

Operating systems:

1)what are the necessary conditions for Deadlock

refer Galvin

Answer was : b&c

2)Two problems on memory management .

One answer was : 68.5 ns(average access time.)

3) what are the different types of IPC mechanisms.


1)direct communication.(messages)

2)Indirect communication.(mail box)

3) Synchronous/Asynchronous communication.(Naming.)

4) Context switching.

Ans : A

5) Specify any 3 regarding the context of process?


1)Process state.

2) Process Attribute.

3)Accounting Information.

4)See PCB (Process control Block) in Galvin Book.

6)Advantages and Disadvantages of cache buffer?

7)Increasing memory many page faults occur(I dont know Question exactly)?


Computer Networks

1)What is the use of ICMP in TCP/IP stack?

2)What is the use of ARP in TCP/IP stack?

3)What is the header length of Ether Net MAC.

4)What is the mechanisms used for error detection in Data Link Layer?

Ans: CRC(cyclic redundency check.)

Redpine Placement Paper : 25 August 2006 ,Whole Testpaper

Written test consists of 4 secetions
Each questions carry weightage differently
It includes both STLD ,VHDL and Microprocesers.
1)Design 3:1 multiplexer using one tri-state buffer,AND gates and NOT gates.
2)The no of 2-input XOR gates required to design 19-inprt XOR gate?
3)A 26Kbyte memory,there is memory it contains 12 adderss lines and 4 bit data bus,the number of these type of memories required to design 26Kbyte memory?
4)Write a VHDL or Verilog HDL code for
out is assigned to 1 when a is ,1, for two clock cycles.
5)what is the output of following fig.100ps is the delay for XOR gate and 50ps for AND gate .all +ve and -ve edges start at boundaries of nanoseconds.(actually the output of fig is A(B(notC)+(not B)C) ,and the waveforms are given).
6)design forwhich the output is 10MHz clock,input to that circuit is 30MHz.
7) What is shonan,s theorem?
8)X is Gaussianly distribuyed signal
b)X is zreo mean and a unit variance random variable,them find the mean and variance of y
9)because of error 000 is coded insted of 0 ,111insted of 1.then what is the error correction and error detection capability of the system?
10)A deterministic signal whose pdf is given then we have to find the minimum sampling frequency needed ?
11)one question on bit rate.....(i didn,t rember exactly)
12)what is the application os MS world and Msperfect application is?
13)write a c code for factrial using recursion.
14)some statements are given like
putup::then lift the pen move accordingly without drawing aline,
FD N::move forward (N distance)
LD N:: move left at an angle of 90 degrees then move N
RD N::move right at an angle of 90 degrees then move N
putdown::draw alin following instructions
what is the output of following code
FD 10
LD 1
FD 2
RD 8
so on like is....
13)what is the output
int a[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
int *p=a;
14)two genaral knowledge questions..
15)what is expansion of GMSK?
16)find out the 5 digit number in that 4th digit is 4 nore than the second digit ,3rd digit is 3 less the 2nd digit andfirst is 3 times the last digit?

Redpine Placement Paper : Technical - Database HCU Campus

HI all ......................

Test pattern consists of four subjects.

The paper having 100 marks.

1) C - 42 marks(each question carries 3 or 2 marks on objective and descriptive)

2)Data Structures - 18 marks (only objective 2 or 3 marks)

3)Operating Systems - 30 marks (it consists objective and descriptive,some problems on memory management)

4)Computer Networks-10 marks(both objective and descriptive)

The following questions are given below.

1)what is output for the following program.




int *p,*q,i;

p=(int *)100;

q=(int *)200;




a)100 b)25 c)0 d)compile error

Ans : b) 25

2)what is output for the following program.

#define swap(a,b) temp=a,a=b,b=temp;



int a=5,b=6;

int temp;



printf("a=%d,b= %d",a,b);


a)a=5 b=6 b)a=6 b=5 c)a=0 b=6 d)None

Ans : a a=5 b=6

3)what is output for the following program.




unsigned char i;

for( i=0;i<300;i++)





a)299 b)300 c)infinite d)none

ans: c (infinite)

4)what is output for the following program.




int n=2;

int sum=5;



case 2:sum=sum-2;

case 3:sum*=5;


default :sum=0;




a)15 b)0 c)6 d)none

ans: a (15)

5)/* what is the program indicates */




char *q;

int *ip;

q=(char *)malloc(100);

ip=(int *)q;



a)it frees all allocated memory.

b)it frees 400 bytes of memory.


d)segmentation fault.

Ans :

6)What is output for the following program.




int a=10,b=5;





a)a=0,b=5 b)a=10 b=5 c)a=0,b=0 d)none

Ans: a a=0,b=5

7)What is output for the following program.




int a[5],i,*ip;






a)0 b)5 c)1 d)none

Ans: d (none)

8)What is the size of the structure.






char a;

short b;

int c;



a)7 b)8 c)12 d)120


9) What is output for the following program.




unsigned char c[]={0x1,0x2,0x3,0x4,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44};

unsigned int *p=c;

unsigned short *s=c;

printf("%x %x %x",c[2],p[2],s[2]);


Ans: please execute this program.

10) What is the difference between these two declarations:

i) int *f()

ii) int (*f)()

a) b) c) d)

11) Define pointer to function that take argument as character pointer and return void pointer.

Ans: void *(*f)(char *)

12) 5-2-3*5-2 evaluates 18 then

i) - left associative * has precedence over -

ii) - right associative * has precedence over -

iii) * left associative - has precedence over *

iv) * right associative - has precedence over *

a) i b)ii c) iii d)iv

Ans: iv

DataStructure questions:

1)Difference between re-entrance and recursion.

2)In which datastructure recursion can be used.

Ans: Stack.

3)Merge sort problem can be solved using which method.

Ans: Divide and conquer strategy.

4)8 queens problem can be solved by using which method.

Ans: Back tracking.

5,6) Two problems related to inorder and post order.

First answer was : + - * a b c d (In objective its answer was (d) )

Second answer was : inorder

Operating systems:

1)what are the necessary conditions for Deadlock

refer Galvin

Answer was : b&c

2)Two problems on memory management .

One answer was : 68.5 ns(average access time.)

3) what are the different types of IPC mechanisms.


1)direct communication.(messages)

2)Indirect communication.(mail box)

3) Synchronous/Asynchronous communication.(Naming.)

4) Context switching.

Ans : A

5) Specify any 3 regarding the context of process?


1)Process state.

2) Process Attribute.

3)Accounting Information.

4)See PCB (Process control Block) in Galvin Book.

6)Advantages and Disadvantages of cache buffer?

7)Increasing memory many page faults occur(I dont know Question exactly)?


Computer Networks

1)What is the use of ICMP in TCP/IP stack?

2)What is the use of ARP in TCP/IP stack?

3)What is the header length of Ether Net MAC.

4)What is the mechanisms used for error detection in Data Link Layer?

Ans: CRC(cyclic redundency check.)

Redpine Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper 25 August 2006


I have attended the REDPINE company .i.e one of domine company for ECE students.The cut off is 70%.
First there is a written test and then interview.
Written test consists of 4 secetions
Each questions carry weightage differently
It includes both STLD ,VHDL and Microprocesers.
1)Design 3:1 multiplexer using one tri-state buffer,AND gates and NOT gates.
2)The no of 2-input XOR gates required to design 19-inprt XOR gate?
3)A 26Kbyte memory,there is memory it contains 12 adderss lines and 4 bit data bus,the number of these type of memories required to design 26Kbyte memory?
4)Write a VHDL or Verilog HDL code for
out is assigned to 1 when a is ,1, for two clock cycles.
5)what is the output of following fig.100ps is the delay for XOR gate and 50ps for AND gate .all +ve and -ve edges start at boundaries of nanoseconds.(actually the output of fig is A(B(notC)+(not B)C) ,and the waveforms are given).
6)design forwhich the output is 10MHz clock,input to that circuit is 30MHz.
7) What is shonan,s theorem?
8)X is Gaussianly distribuyed signal
b)X is zreo mean and a unit variance random variable,them find the mean and variance of y
9)because of error 000 is coded insted of 0 ,111insted of 1.then what is the error correction and error detection capability of the system?
10)A deterministic signal whose pdf is given then we have to find the minimum sampling frequency needed ?
11)one question on bit rate.....(i didn,t rember exactly)
12)what is the application os MS world and Msperfect application is?
13)write a c code for factrial using recursion.
14)some statements are given like
putup::then lift the pen move accordingly without drawing aline,
FD N::move forward (N distance)
LD N:: move left at an angle of 90 degrees then move N
RD N::move right at an angle of 90 degrees then move N
putdown::draw alin following instructions
what is the output of following code
FD 10
LD 1
FD 2
RD 8
so on like is....
13)what is the output
int a[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
int *p=a;
14)two genaral knowledge questions..
15)what is expansion of GMSK?
16)find out the 5 digit number in that 4th digit is 4 nore than the second digit ,3rd digit is 3 less the 2nd digit andfirst is 3 times the last digit?

Redpine Placement Paper : Aptitude - General

edpine - placement sample question papers

redpine signals test held on 19 oct (for cse it mca) only technical test which comprises of 100 marks after the test there r 2 technical interviews & 1 hr test consists of qs from c,ds,cn,os in the interview they mainly stressed on c & networks & the mistakes u did in the test paper pattern is as follows
1)a single line prg code to find whether the given no is a power of 2
2)single line code for copying one string to other without using strcpy
3)can v jump from one function to other using goto?
4)to return more than 1 value what u will do?
5)return value of *p++
6)diff between int fun() && extern fun();
7)can we return an address of auto variable from fun.if s say how ?if not say y?

1)to store heterogenous data in linked list what ptr should we declare?
2)8queens ->backtracking
3)recursion uses -> stack
for more qs plz refer to the material given in
all were from that only
so go thru it
1)tftp ->trivial file transfer protocol
2)ftp uses ->tcp/ip
4)class b address range
5)mac storage ->6bytes
7)803.11 ->lan
signal can be sent thru -> kill
1)4p 3pens 2e cost 20 & 2p 3pens 4e cost 34 how much 3(p+pens+e) cost
2)a man sold some melons which r....................
sol x be the original no of melons
)1/2+x/2 is the one he has sold
so he was left with (x-1/2-x/2)=x/2-1/2=1(given)
3)a watch loses 2sec for every 5min for 10 hrs how much time it loses
4)refer to george summers problem of sridevi playing tennis
5)one more q which was easy
ans)clark is the landlord

Redpine Placement Paper : Redpine Paper Whole Testpaper - 25 August 2006

First there is a written test and then interview.
Written test consists of 4 secetions
Each questions carry weightage differently
It includes both STLD ,VHDL and Microprocesers.
       1)Design 3:1 multiplexer  using one tri-state buffer,AND gates and NOT gates.
       2)The no of 2-input XOR gates required to design 19-inprt XOR gate?
       3)A 26Kbyte memory,there is memory it contains 12 adderss lines and 4 bit data  bus,the number of these type of memories required to design 26Kbyte memory?
        4)Write a VHDL or Verilog HDL code for
            out is assigned to 1 when a is ,1, for two clock cycles.
        5)what is the output of following fig.100ps is the delay for XOR gate and 50ps for AND gate .all +ve and -ve edges start at boundaries of nanoseconds.(actually the output of fig is  A(B(notC)+(not B)C) ,and the waveforms are given).
        6)design forwhich the output is 10MHz clock,input to that circuit is 30MHz.
        7)  What is shonan,s theorem?
        8)X is Gaussianly distribuyed signal
             b)X is zreo mean and a unit variance random variable,them find the mean and variance of y
         9)because of error 000 is coded insted of 0 ,111insted of 1.then what is the error correction and error detection capability of the system?
         10)A deterministic signal whose pdf is given then we have to find the minimum sampling frequency needed ?
         11)one question on bit rate.....(i didn,t rember exactly)
         12)what is the application os MS world and Msperfect application is?
         13)write a c code for factrial using recursion.
         14)some statements are given like
              putup::then lift the pen move accordingly without drawing aline,
              FD N::move forward (N distance)
              LD N:: move left at an angle of 90 degrees then move N
              RD N::move right at an angle of 90 degrees then move  N
              putdown::draw alin following instructions
what is the output of following code
FD 10
LD 1 
FD 2
RD 8
so on like is....
           13)what is the output
               int a[10]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
               int *p=a;
           14)two genaral knowledge questions..
           15)what is expansion of GMSK?
           16)find out the 5 digit number in that 4th digit is 4 nore than the second digit ,3rd digit is  3 less the 2nd digit andfirst is 3 times the last digit?

Redpine Placement Paper : Redpine Paper Aptitude - General

edpine - placement sample question papers

redpine signals test held on 19 oct (for cse it mca) only technical test which comprises of 100 marks  after the test there r 2 technical interviews & 1 hr test consists of qs from c,ds,cn,os in the interview they mainly stressed on c & networks & the mistakes u did in the test paper pattern is as follows
1)a single line prg code to find whether the given no is a power of 2
2)single line code for copying one string to other without using strcpy
3)can v jump from one function to other using goto?
4)to return more than 1 value what u will do?
5)return value of *p++
6)diff between int fun() && extern fun();
7)can we return an address of auto variable from fun.if s say how ?if not say y?

1)to store heterogenous data in linked list what ptr should we declare?
2)8queens ->backtracking
3)recursion uses -> stack
for more qs plz refer to the material given in
all were from that only
so go thru it
1)tftp ->trivial file transfer protocol
2)ftp uses ->tcp/ip
4)class b address range
5)mac storage ->6bytes
7)803.11 ->lan
signal can be sent thru -> kill
1)4p 3pens 2e cost 20 & 2p 3pens 4e cost 34 how much 3(p+pens+e) cost
2)a man sold some melons which r....................
sol x be the original no of melons
)1/2+x/2 is the one he has sold
so he was left with (x-1/2-x/2)=x/2-1/2=1(given)
3)a watch loses 2sec for every 5min for 10 hrs how much time it loses
4)refer to george summers problem of sridevi playing tennis
5)one more q which was easy
ans)clark is the landlord

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