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Sapient Placement Paper : Sapient Placement Paper Tech Interview 03 September 2012

1.Written Test 100 questions in 1 and half hour
2Technicl written Test
3.Technical Intervew
4.HR interview
1.Sapient Aptitude Test 75 95 minutes
RS Agrarwals book is enough
2.Sapient Technical written Test consists
UNIX,DBMS,Pointers,C,C++,RDBS,OS,Data Structures etc....

Sapient Technical Questions

1What is a null pointer?

There are times when it,s necessary to have a pointer that doesn,t point to anything. The macro NULL, defined in , has a value that,s guaranteed to be different from any valid pointer. NULL is a literal zero, possibly cast to void* or char*. Some people, notably C++ programmers, prefer to use 0 rather than NULL.

You can,t use an integer when a pointer is required. The exception is that a literal zero value can be used as the null pointer. (It doesn,t have to be a literal zero, but that,s the only useful case. Any expression that can be evaluated at compile time, and that is zero, will do. It,s not good enough to have an integer variable that might be zero at runtime.)

2When is a null pointer used?

The null pointer is used in three ways:

1. To stop indirection in a recursive data structure.

2. As an error value.

3. As a sentinel value.

1. Using a Null Pointer to Stop Indirection or Recursion

Recursion is when one thing is defined in terms of itself. A recursive function calls itself. The following factorial function calls itself and therefore is considered recursive:

What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and what kind of a database is used in an ERP application?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an information system used in manufacturing companies and includes sales, inventory, production planning, purchasing and other business functions. An ERP system typically uses a multiuser database.

3. What is a DBMS?

DBMS stands for Database Management System. A DBMS receives requests from applications and translates those requests into actions on a specific database. A DBMS processes SQL statements or uses other functionality to create, process and administer databases.

4. Why is a database considered to be "self-describing"?

In addition to the users, data, a database contains a description of its own structure. This descriptive data is called "metadata."

5. Who is E.F. Codd, and why is he significant in the development of modern database systems?

While working at IBM, E.F. Codd created the relational database model. A paper he published in 1970 presented his ideas to the world at large. His work is the foundation for most of the DBMSs currently in use, and thus forms the basis for database systems as we know and use them today.

6. What is SQL, and why is it important?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is the most important data processing language in use today. It is not a complete programming language like Java or C#, but a data sub language used for creating and processing database data and metadata. All DBMS products today use SQL.

Sapient HR Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself.
Why should I hire you?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Why do you want to work at our company?
What are your goals?
What motivates you to do good job?

Sapient Placement Paper : Sapient Placement Paper SJCE Mysore 05 May 2012

Online Aptitude: It contained four sections.

English: There were 25 questions that had to be solved in 25 min. Questions were related to Error finding, Synonyms and Ant synonyms, Comprehension.

Questions were not too tough, if you are little bit well in English, you can solve the problems easily. Comprehension was on last.

Quantitative Aptitude: You will have to solve 25 questions in 35 min, You can refer to R.S Aggarwal book.
Hide quoted text:

Questions were on Logarithmic, time and distance, pipes and Cistern, Time and Work, Boat Streams, Trains, Permutation-Combination.

Technical Aptitude: It also contained 25 questions to be solved in 35 min, Questions were related to C outputs, Pointers, C++, Sorting related to time complexity, stable sorting.

Logical Ability (Reasoning): It also contained 25 questions that had to be solved in 35 min. Those were not tough, you can solve those easily. Questions were related to Blood relation, series, Directions, Sentences arrangement, Word arrangement, Statement Conclusion.

Cut off was 500 out of 600. I don’t know how they calculated 600. They gave some relaxation in English section and changed the cut off from 500 to 450.
8 were selected in first round. They started the technical round just after the announcement.

Technical round: In technical rounds they asked questions related to C, Data structure, C++, OOPs concept, Some puzzles, You don,t need to go deep for those all. Actually they were looking at our problem solving abilities. If you don,t know answers just Say I don,t know but your expression must have to be right.

They asked the questions like.

There are 9 cubes, 8 of them are of same sizes, one is slightly heavier, You have to find which one is heavier, you can use anything but whatever you use, you cannot use more than three times. Use Weight machine.

How can you print the values of nodes of a binary tree on the level basis? Use BFS approach
There is a single linked list, you can traverse till second last node and you have to print the node values in reverse order.

Array Implementation of stack.

Class and example of a class related to table

Two ropes of height 50 m are tied with the roof of a building of height 40 m, You have to cut the maximum ropes in height. There is no stair.

1) What is virtual function?
2) What is Hash Table?

3) Difference between DBMS and RDBMS.

6 were selected for HR round.

HR Round:
In HR round, They asked the questions like

1) Tell me something about urself, your academics, your family background, your hobbies, your interest?

2) How was your technical round?

3) Why did you get fewer marks in +2 as I have just 58.77% in +2?

4) Where do you see urself after 3 years?

5) Where do you see urself after 5 years?

6) Have you ever worked in a Team?

7) What problems did you face in the team?

8) How did you solve the problems?

9) How did you manage your team? As I was the team leader.

10) How do you solve a problem?

11) Give me real life example that will show how do you solve problem?

12) Why Sapient?

13) How do you get the information related to industries?

Recently, what is happening in Industry? I said "Barak Obama is opposing the outsourcing" as one of my answer, then they asked

14) Then what should we do?

Sapient Placement Paper : LBSIM, New Delhi ,14 April 2007

Written Test:

In the written test we were given the following case-study of a mobile compay..we were to write a program in one hour.

A mobile company prepares a bill of every subscriber on a monthly basis. The amount of the bill is calculated according to the following criteria:


No. of calls less than equal to 200 – Re1.20/min.

No. of calls between 200 to 500- Re1.40/min

No. of calls between 500 to 1000- Re1.65/min

No. of calls above 1000- Rs. 2.00/min

A minimum rental of Rs 250 will be charged
No. of calls less than 500- Rs. 300
No. of calls less than 700- Rs. 350
No. of calls less than 1000- Rs 400
No. of calls above 1000- rs. 500
If the subscription is over one year, then the subscriber gets a discount of 2% on call charges and 5% of rental
A mobile connection is identified by the following attributes:
Mobile no.
Subscriber’s Name
No. of calls
Subscription date

Define a class/structure of the above problem and write a function CalculateBilling(Subscriber[]) in C/C++/Java. The function should calculate the total bill amount of all the subscribers. The fubction should also calculate the following:

1. total no. of subscribers whose bill amount between Rs. 2000 and 3000

2. total no. of subscribers whose bill amount between Rs. 5000 and 6000

3. the subscriber who has the highest bill amount for the month.

The approach that you can take is to draw a flow chart first and then write the function in any of the languages or you can write the snippets of code along the flowchart.

Remember that they check you for ur approach and logic and not for the accuracy of the syntax. They’ll select you even if your program is incomplete and you have taken the right approach (I’m saying this bcoz my approach helped me to clear the program was not complete)


The Interview was both technical and HR. they started with my introduction followed by the review of the program that was given in the written test. They asked to state the problem, suggest an alternative approach, improvements that I can suggest in my program.

Then they asked some technical questions based what I had studied in my semesters.

Finally they asked some questions to assess my personality, leadership qualities and qualities as a team member. Remember that they’ll assess your communication skills throughout the interview. The interview ended with the same old traditional question – “Do u want to ask any question?”

It was a one-day selection process and around 28 students were finally selected. I was one amongst themJ.

Sapient Placement Paper : Hyderabad ,20 December 2010

Sapient has a very lenghty process for campussing. It has 3 steps:
1. Online Aptitude
2. Tech/Domain interview
3. HR interview

1) Online Aptitude.

It contained four sections.

* English
* Quantitative Aptitude
* Technical Aptitude
* Logical Ability (Reasoning)

2) Tech interview.

They asked questions mainly from Data Structure and C++. They were simple like Sorting(algo+program), Linked List, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation, factorial.

They also gave some puzzles like Tower of Hanoi, 8 Queen problem, no of squares. It was about an hour long interview. They rate every student out of 10 with overall cut-off 7 and cut-offs in both sections.

It was quite easy and they were very friendly.

HR interview:

It was very easy.they asked questions like

* What will you do if you get stuck in some program?

* My partner and I were given a task. we both did it in different processes. What will I do then to solve the problem?

* How do I update myself?

* They also asked about projects and VTs.

* They even asked to solve some reasoning questions like Complete dearrangement, no of squares.

They mainly want to see your approach to a problem and your willingness to learn.

I got the job.

Hope my experience will help you to get a job too.

Sapient Placement Paper : IIIT Bangalore ,5 February 2011


I am Krishna Kishore Appala a student of PGDSD in IIIT Bangalore 2011 batch.
Recently Sapient Corporation came to our college for placement and here I am posting the selection procedure of it.

It was a two day placement event having three rounds :

Day 1:
Written Test :

Aspiring minds conducted the written test in our college. It consists of 4 sections Quantitative Aptitude (R.S Agarwal will be sufficient), Technical Aptitude(Basics and o/p in C, C++, Java), English(Paragraphs, Antonyms, synonyms, GRE Barrons will be helpfull), Logical Ability(Reasoning by R.S Agarwal is more than enough).The duration is 2 hours. Since its an online exam , even if u dont complete the section it will jump to the next section. So keep an eye on time running on top right corner.

The results are announced after 2 hours.

Day 2:
Technical Interview :

It is a 1 hour 15 minutes round for me.
In this round HR will ask questions on there wish, and those questions are need not to be from Computer Science. For me he asked in Chemistry (about Ozone layer, Number of molecules binded in it : O3 , What if Carbon dioxide CO2 is mixed with Carbon monoxide CO).
Later he jumped to basics of C,C++,Java like Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Early binding, Late Binding, Reflection concept In java. Then he asked about Oracle. He gave nearly 10 queries for me to write and execute in his laptop, Out of which i have done 7. Those queries consists Second max salary (which is a common question), concepts of joins, cursors and triggers.

This round is mainly stress interview and next question depends on the previous answer.
HR : What is chemical composition of Ozone ?
ME : O3
HR : What is 3 in that ?
ME : Number of molecules BINDED together.
HR : So, Where do u come across the word "BINDING" in programming languages ?
ME : In Java the concepts of Early Binding and Late Binding .

This is to tell u that the HR can jump from one subject to other (from Chemistry to Java)

Results are out immediately after u complete the technical round, and will be sent for HR round in another panel.

HR round:

Even this is also elimination round and should be very careful. And at the same time they are very friendly. They asked the questions like:
1) Explain about a situation in your life where you played a role of Team Lead. And how much u are successful as a team lead.
2) Explain your working style if you are in a team.
3) What are your future plans? Where will u be after 5 years?
4) Are you willing to do Higher studies ?
5) Describe the most happiest day in your life.
6) What do u know about Sapient?

Total 16 students cleared all the rounds and because of god grace I am one of them.
That was the day for which i had waited and finally it had came.

All the best guys.
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