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SBI Placement Paper : SBI Clerk Exam 2012 Solved Question Paper

State bank of India had conducted written exam for recruitment to the clerical cadre on 27 May 2012. In the written exam candidates were asked questions from the following categories:

General Awareness
General English
Quantitative Aptitude

Computer Knowledge/Marketing Aptitude

Previous years question papers come in handy for aspirants preparing for different banking exams. They can refer to the previous years questions during the preparation process. The previous years questions will give the candidates an understanding of the questions asked in bank job exam.

Click here for more details

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Placement Paper Marketing/Computer 08 October 2012

SBI Marketing and Computer Awareness questions and answers

1. Marketing in Banks is required for _____

(1) Getting new customers

(2) Retaining existing customers

(3) Lending

(4) Accepting of deposits

(5) All of these (Ans)

2. Service Marketing is the same as _____

(1) Relationship Marketing

(2) Transaction Marketing

(3) Internal Marketing

(4) All of these

(5) None of these (Ans)

3. Market size Means ___

(1) Size of marketing staff

(2) Size of the Organization

(3) Scope for profits (Ans)

(4) Scope for marketing

(5) None of these

4. Market share means ___

(1) Market price of shares

(2) Sensex

(3) Share market

(4) Share of business among peers (Ans)

(5) Market volatility

5. Internal Marketing means ____

(1) Selling to oneself

(2) Selling to the employees

(3) Selling of samples

(4) Selling to foreign markets

(5) None of these (Ans)

6. A ,Call, means ____

(1) A Profession

(2) Teletalk

(3) Calling on a Prospect (Ans)

(4) A Call Centre

(5) All of these

7. A ,Call Centre, is ___

(1) A Place where Salesmen meet every day

(2) A training Centre

(3) A Back Office set up where customer queries are answered (Ans)

(4) Customers meeting place

(5) All of these

8. A presentation means ___

(1) Display of products

(2) Explaining the utility of products (Ans)

(3) A gift

(4) Display of Communication skills

(5) All of these

9. A DSA means ____

(1) Directly Selling Authority

(2) Directly Selling Agent,

(3) Direct Selling Authority

(4) Direct Selling Agent (Ans)

(5) Distributors & Selling Agencies

10. ,Benchmark, means _____

(1) Products lined up on a bench

(2) Salesmen sitting on a bench

(3) Set standards (Ans)

(4) Marks on a bench

(5) None of these

11. Value - added services means ______

(1) Giving full value for money

(2) Better value for higher price

(3) Costlier service

(4) Additional service (Ans)

(5) All the above

12. CRM means ____

(1) Customer Relationship Management (Ans)

(2) Customer Retention Manager

(3) Customer Relatives Meet

(4) Channel Route Market

(5) Channel Representative Manager

13. A ,Target Group, in Marketing ______

(1) To whom the sales should be directed (Ans)

(2) A Group of Sellers

(3) A Group of Buyers

(4) A Group of Products

(5) All the above

14. The Target Group for Credit Cards is ____

(1) All Card holders

(2) All existing borrowers

(3) Individuals with taxable income

(4) All of these

(5) None of these (Ans)

15. Bancassurance means ___

(1) Assurance given by banks to Loanees

(2) Assurance to bank with one bank

(3) Assurance to repay loans

(4) Assurance to give good service

(5) Selling insurance products through banks (Ans)

16. Cross - selling means _____

(1) Selling with a cross face

(2) Selling to Red Cross members

(3) Selling to Blue Cross members

(4) Selling across countries

(5) Selling other products to existing customers (Ans)

17. ATM means _______

(1) Any Time Marketing

(2) Any Time Money

(3) Any Time Machine

(4) Automatic Teller Machine (Ans)

(5) Automatic Teller Money

18. Digital Marketing is ______

(1) a way of Direct Marketing

(2) a way of Indirect Marketing (Ans)

(3) a strategy of the DSAs

(4) All of these

(5) None of these

19. Market segmentation helps in ________

(1) Identifying the target group

(2) Focussed marketing

(3) Improved lead generation

(4) Only (1) & (2)

(5) All (1), (2) & (3) (Ans)

20. Only one of the following is true. Find the same.

(1) Marketing is not required in a monopolistic situation

(2) Marketing is not required in Public enterprises

(3) Marketing depends on competitors performance

(4) Marketing has no role to play in production levels (Ans)

(5) Motivated employees do not require sales incentives.

21. Price is an important factor for effective marketing. What are the other Ps?

(1) Product, Promotion & Place (Ans)

(2) Place, Persuasion & Promotion

(3) Pride, Person & Place

(4) Product, Paper & Person

(5) None of these

22. Advertisements are required for ______

(1) Boosting the production levels

(2) Motivating the employees

(3) Boosting the sales (Ans)

(4) All of these

(5) None of these

23. Sales forecasting involves study of _____

(1) Proper selling price

(2) Sales planning

(3) Distribution outlets

(4) Consumer needs and demands

(5) All of these (Ans)

24. Market Research is needed for _____

(1) Choosing the right sales persons

(2) Choosing the right products

(3) Marking proper marketing decisions (Ans)

(4) Deciding the sales incentives

(5) None of these

25. Marketing is termed as successful, when _________

(1) There is a rise in the number of salesmen

(2) There is no need for post-sales service

(3) There is no need to give discounts

(4) There is rise in sales through more clients (Ans)

(5) Marketing is an ongoing process and hence, an never be successful.

26. What happens ;when you press the Ctrl + V key?

(1) A Capital V letter is typed into your document at the cursor point

(2) The selected item is pasted from the Clipboard (Ans)

(3) The selected item is pasted to the Clipboard

(4) The selected drawing objects are distributed vertically on he page

(5) None of these

27. Which do you press to enter the current date in a cell ?

(1) CTRL + : (semicolon) (Ans)

(2) CTRL + SHIFT + : (colon)

(3) CTRL + F10

(4) CTRL + F11

(5) None of these

28. Which of the following describes a relational database?

(1) It provides a relationship between integers

(2) It consists of separate tables of related data (Ans)

(3) It retrieves data related to its queries

(4) It provides a relationship between floats

(5) None of these

29. How do you print your slides in a handout that includes lines for notes?

(1) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and set the number of slides per page to 3 (Ans)

(2) In the Print dialog box, select Handouts and a number of slides per page, then select the Include comment pages option

(3) In the Print dialog box, select Notes Pages instead of Handouts

(4) It cannot be done

(5) None of these

30. Suppose you have columns of data that span more than one printed page. How can you automatically print the column headings on each page?

(1) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under Print titles

(2) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Page tab, click the Options button, then enter your choices

(3) Click Page Setup on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and make a selection under the Print heading

(4) Click Page Preview on the File menu, click the Sheet tab, and enter the row that contains these column headings under Print titles (Ans)

(5) None of these

31. The Assistant is ______

(1) an application that allows you to take notes and save them in a file

(2) an animated character that provides help and suggestions (Ans)

(3) a button on the standard Toolbar that executes the Print command

(4) a collection of frequently misspelled words in a dictionary file

(5) None of these

32. Which of the following place the common data elements in order from smallest to largest ?

(1) Character, file, record, field, database

(2) Character, record, field, file, database

(3) Character, field, record, file, database (Ans)

(4) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database

(5) None of these

33. Select the odd one out ______

(1) Interpreter

(2) Operating System (Ans)

(3) Compiler

(4) Assembler

(5) None of these

34. Which of these is a quick way to copy formatting from a selected cell to two other cells on the same worksheet ?

(1) Use CTRL to selected all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the Standard toolbar

(2) Copy the selected cell, then select the other two cells, click Style on the Format menu, then click Modify

(3) Click Format Painter Button image on the Formatting toolbar twice, then click in each cell you want to copy the formatting to (Ans)

(4) Use Alt to select all three cells, then click the Paste Button image button on the Standard toolbar

(5) None of these

35. How do you prevent emailed word document from always opening in the Reading Layout ?

(1) From the Tools Menu > Options > General Tab > uncheck the ,Allow starting in Reading Layout, (Ans)

(2) From the View Menu > Reading Layout > General Tab > uncheck the ,Allow starting in Reading Layout,

(3) Form the Format Menu > Auto format > Edit Tab > uncheck the ,Use with emailed attachments,

(4) All the above

(5) None of these

36. By default your document prints in __ mode.

(1) Landscape

(2) portrait (Ans)

(3) page steup

(4) Print view

(5) None of these

37. Which of the following is small single site network?

(1) LAN (Ans)

(2) DSL

(3) PAM

(4) USB

(5) None of these

38. How can page break be done in word?

(1) Press f1 key putting cursor on an appropriate place

(2) Press ctrl+ Enter putting cursor on an appropriate place (Ans)

(3) Use Insert/section break

(4) Change font size of document

(5) None of these

39. What do the contents of Active cell show?

(1) Name box

(2) Reheading

(3) formula bar (Ans)

(4) Task pen

(5) None of these

40. To search and load the saved file ____

(1) select the close command

(2) select the new command (Ans)

(3) select the same command

(4) select open command

(5) None of the

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Placement Paper Computer Awareness 08 October 2012

SBI Computer Awareness questions with answers
1. Assembly language is–
1.Low-level programming language
2.High level programming language
3.Machine language
4.All of the above
5.None of these

2. In Assembly language–
1.Mnemonics are used to code operations
2.Alphanumeric symbols are used for addresses
3.Language lies between high-level languageand machine
4.All of the above -Answer
5.None of these

3. The following computer’s memory is characterized by low cost per bit stored–
2.Secondary -Answer
3.Hard disk
4.All of the above
5.None of these

4. The following is true for Auxiliary Storage–
1.It has an operating speed far slower than that of the primary storage. -Answer
2.It has an operating speed faster than that of the primary storage.
3.It has an operating speed equivalent than that of the primary storage.
4.All of the above
5.None of these

5. Following is true for Bandwidth–
1.The narrow the bandwidth of a communications system the less data it can transmit in a given period of time. -Answer
2.The narrow then bandwidth of a communications system the more data it can transmit in a given period of time.
3.The wider the bandwidth of a communications system the less data it can transmit in a given period of time.
4.All of the above
5.None is true

6. Acknowledgement from a computer that a packet of data has been received and verified is known as–
1.ACK -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

7. The following is a communications device (modem) which allows an ordinary telephone to be used with a computer device for data transmission–
2.Acoustic coupler -Answer
3.Mobile phone
4.All of the above
5.None of these

8. ALGOL is the
1.High-level language -Answer
2.Low level language
3.Machine language 4.All of the above
5.None of these

9. A high level programming language named after Ada Augusta, coworker with Charles Babbage–
3.Ada -Answer
5.All of the above

10. Following is a logic circuit capable of forming the sum of two or more quantities–
1.Adder -Answer
5.None of these

11. To identification particular location in storage area one have a–
1.Address -Answer
5.None of these

12. A local storage register in the CPU which contains the address of the next instruction to be executed is referred as–
1.Key register
2.Address register -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

13 .A sequence of precise and unambiguous instructions for solving a problem in a finite number of operations is referred as–
2.Algorithm -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

14 .A character set that contains letters, digits, and other special characters such as $, @, +„ % referred as–
2.Alphanumeric -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

15. One of the components of central Processing Unit (CPU) of the computer that performs mathematical and logical operations is–
1.ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) -Answer
2.Address register
4.All of the above
5.None of these

16. A standard intended to connect relatively low­speed devices such as keyboards, mouse, modems and printers is–
1.Access bus -Answer
2.Access time
4.All of the above
5.None of these

17. The concept that one can disconnect peripherals and plug them in without letting computer shut down or reconfigure the system is referred as–
1.Hot plugging -Answer
2.Cold plugging
3.Access bus
4.All of the above
5.None of these

18. The time interval between the instant at which data is called from a storage device and the rust delivery begins in–
1.Access time -Answer
2.Delivery time
3.Service time
4.All of the above
5.None of these

19. The automatic execution of lower-priority (background) computer programs when higher­priority (foreground) programs are not using the system resources is referred as–
1.Background processing -Answer
2.Foreground processing
3.Null processing
4.All of the above
5.None of these

20. A form of access to a computer or network with specified user name and password is referred as–
1.Account -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

21 .A local storage area also called a register, inwhich the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is formed, is–
1.Accumulator -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

22. Computer that operates on data which is in the form of continuously variable physical quantities–
1.Digital computer
2.Analog computer -Answer
3.Mechanical computer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

23. Anonymous FTP is the–
1.Internet file transfer protocol -Answer
2.Protocol that requires password
3.None access files
4.None of these

24 .EFF sites allows anonymous FTP that–
1.Do not require a password or access -Answer
2.Requires password or access
3.Is a none access file
4.All of the above
5.None of these

25. ANSI is–
1.American National Standards Institute
2.A USA based national organization that establishes uniform standards in several fields of computers.
3.1. and 2. both are true -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None is true

26. APL is–
1.A high level language for specifying complex algorithms.
2.A real-time language primarily for scientificapplications.
3.Only 1. is true
4.Both 1. and 2. are true -Answer
5.None of these

27. The overall design, construction, organization and interconnecting of the various components of a computer system is referred as–
1.Computer Architecture -Answer
2.Computer Flow chart
3.Computer Algorithm
4.All of the above
5.None of these

28. Asynchronous communication is–
1.Communication between indepen-dentlyoperating units -Answer
2.Communication between dependent operating units
3.Communication between independent and dependent operating units
4.All of the above
5.None of these

29. Audio response is–
1.Output medium
2.Produces verbal responses from the computer system
3.Both 1. and 2. are true -Answer
4.Only A is true
5.None is true

30. Automated Office refers to the merger of ............... in an office environment.
4.All of the above -Answer
5.None is true

31. Auxiliary storage is
1.Secondary storage -Answer
2.Primary storage
3.Processing device
4.All of the above
5.None of these

32. Archive is–
1.Backup storage
2.Forward operation -Answer
3.Primary storage
4.All of the above
5.None of these

33. A branch of computer science that deals with computers that possess reasoning, learning and thinking capabilities that resemble those of human beings is recognized as–
1.Software engineering
2.Artificial intelligence -Answer
3.Hardware engineering
4.All of the above
5.None of these

34. ASCII is–
1.A standard coding system for computers -Answer
2.Hardware device
4.All of the above
5.None of these

35. Following is true for Bandwidth–
1.The wider the bandwidth of a communication system the more data it can transmit in a given period of time. -Answer
2.The narrow the bandwidth of a communication system the more data it can transmit in a given period of time.
3.The wider the bandwidth of a communication system the less data it can transmit in a given period of time.
4.All of the above
5.None is true

36. ASCII-8 is–
1.An extended version of ASCII-7 -Answer
2.Is a 8-bit code
3.Both 1. and 2. are true
4.Both 1. and 2. are false
5.None of these

37. ASCII File is–
1.Document file in the universally recognized text format -Answer
2.Word processor
3.System file
4.All of the above
5.None of these

38. A program that translates mnemonic statements into executable instructions is referred as–
2.Assembler -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

39 .An assembler is–
1.Translator -Answer
3.Assembly language
4.All of the above
5.None of these

40. Following is not true for Backup files–
1.These are the files which are generated automatically in when one save a document.
2.These files help in protecting the document due to out of order of the computer or power failure
3.These files delete as soon computer is off -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

41. An algebra that deals with logical propositions which are either true or false is referred as–
1.Boolean algebra -Answer
2.Modern Algebra
3.Abstract Algebra
4.All of the above
5.None of these

42. Bandwidth is–
1.The range of frequencies available for data transmission -Answer
2.Data transmission rate
3.Alternate for rubber band
4.All of the above
5.None is true

43. A coding structure in which characters are represented by means of a series of parallel bars is–
1.Bar code -Answer
2.Menu bar
3.Numeric bar
4.All of the above
5.None of these

44. n Broadband system or a network system
1.Several analog signals share the same physical network channel -Answer
2.Only digital signals share the same physical network channel
3.Single analog signals share the same physical network channel
4.All of the above
5.None of these

45. Bit stands for–
1.Binary digit
2.One binary piece of information
3.Both 1. and 2. are true -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None is true

46. Broadband channel is the–
1.The fastest carriers where data transfer rates is of 1 million baud (bits/second) or more. -Answer
2.The slower carriers where data transfer rates is of 56k baud
3.Musical channel
4.All of the above
5.None of these

47. BLOB is–
1.Binary Large Object
2.A long bit string representing complex data
3.Object oriented language
4.Only 1. and 2. are true -Answer
5.None of these

48. A group of related items/section of program oding treated as a unit is referred as–
1.Block -Answer
3.Street 1
4.All of the above
5.None of these

49. An operation in which data is moved to a different location is referred as–
1.Block move -Answer
2.Street move
4.All of the above
5.None of these

50. The following is responsible for number of logical records in a physical record–
1.Blocking factor -Answer
3.Boolean algebra
4.All of the above
5.None of these

51. A digital communication system capable of interconnecting, a large number of computers, terminals and other peripheral devices within a limited geographical area is called–
1.LAN -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

52. A secondary storage device that uses a long plastic strip coated with a magnetic material as a recording medium is–
1.Magnetic tape -Answer
2.Compact disk
3.Hard disk
4.All of the above
5.None of these

53. An E-mail protocol for storage, manage-ment and change, especially in corporate offices–
1.Message handling service-Answer
2.Postal service’s
3.Data storage
4.All of the above -Answer
5.None of these

54. Which of the following is an advantage of stored programs?
2.Reduction in operation costs
3.The computers becoming general-purpose
4.All of the above
5.None of these

55. Which of the following is not true for primary storage?
1.It is a part of the CPU-Answer
2.It allows very fast access of data
3.It is relatively more expensive then other storage devices.
4.Can be removed and transported.
5.All of the above

56. Function of control unit in the CPU is–
1.To decode program instructions-
2.To transfer data to primary storage
3.To perform logical operations
4.To store program instructionsAnswer
5.All of the above

57. Electronic spreadsheets are useful in situation where relatively .......... data must be input
1.Small -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None is true

58. A list of options from which a program user can select anyone in order to perform a desired action is referred as–
4.All of the above
5.None of these

59. A method whereby messages to be transmitted between computers are all sent to a central computer, which gathers them and routes them to the appropriate destination(s) is known as–
1.Message switching-Answer
2.Message delete
3.Message accept -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

60. Which of the following describe one or more characteristics of a modem computer?
1.An electronic deviceAnswer
2.A mechanical device
3.A electro-mechanical device
4.All of the above
5.None of these

61. Combining records from two or more ordered files into a single ordered file is called–
1.Menu -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

62. The ascending order of a data hierarchy is
5.All of the above

63. A LSI chip contains the entire CPU of computer except main memory is called–
2.Hard disk
3.Input device
4.Output deviceAnswer
5.All of the above

64. A storage medium that loses its contents in the event of power failure is called–
1.Volatile storage-Answer
2.Non volatile storage
3.Permanent storage
4.All of the above
5.None of these

65. One-millionth of a second is referred as–
1.Microsecond -Answer
5.All of the above

66. Alternate facilities of programs, data files,hardware equipments, etc. used in case the original one is destroyed, lost, or fail to operate is–
1.Backup -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

67 One-thousandth of a second is called–
1.Microsecond -Answer
5.All of the above

68. The CPU (central processing unit) consists of
1.Input, output, and processing
2.Control unit, primary storage, andsecondary storage-Answer
3.Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit, andprimary storage
4.All of the above
5.None of these

69. The product of data processing is–
3.Software -Answer
5.All of the above

70. The input device used by computer is–
2.Central processing unit-Answer
4.System unit
5.All of the above

71. The structure of interconnecting of nodes of a computer network is referred as–
1.Network topology
3.Local Area Network-Answer
4.Wide Area Network
5.All of the above

72. Nible is–
1.Double of byte
2.Half of byte
3.Ten times of byte
4.Five times of byte-Answer
5.All of the above

73. Multiprogramming is the–
1.The inter-leaved execution of two or more different and independent programs by the same computer
2.The execution of single by the different computers
3.The inter-leaved execution of two or more different and independent programs by the different computers-Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

74. A facility available in an operating system that allows multiple functions from the same application package is referred as–
4.All of the above
5.None of these

75. Narrowband channel is a communication channels–
1.That handle low volumes of data
2.Used mainly for telegraph lines and low speed terminals-Answer
3.Both 1. and 2.
4.All of the above
5.None of these

76. Following is the example of Network–
4.All the above
5.None of these

77. Peer-to-peer is a description–
1.Of communications between two dissimilar devices-Answer
2.Of communications between two equal devices
3.Of communications between two different devices
4.All of the above
5.None of theses

78. Non-document files are–
1.Pure ASCII files that can be listed for any word processing software-Answer
2.Non ASCII files that can be listed for any word processing software
3.Pure ASCII files that can be listed for specific word processing software
4.Non ASCII files that can be listed for pecific word processing software
5.All of the above

79. The method of dividing a physical channel into many logical channels so that a number of independent signals may be simultaneously transmitted on it is referred as–
1.Multithreading -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

80. An interconnected computer configura-tions or computers with two or more independent CPUs that have the ability to simultaneously execute several programs is called–
1.Multithreading -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

81. Following is not a non-impact printer–
1.Thermal printer -Answer
2.Ink-jet printer
3.Laser printer
4.Dot-matrix printer
5.All of the above

82. A number system with a base of 8 is referred as–
1.Binary -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

83. Devices converts digital signals to Sine waves at the sending end and back to digital signals at the receiving end is called–
1.Modem -Answer
3.Mobile phone
4.All of the above
5.None of these

84. Dividing a project into segments and smaller units in order to simplify the analysis, design and programming effort is referred as–
2.Modular approach
4.All of the above-Answer
5.None of these

85. The technique where digital signals are converted to its analog form for transmission over an analog facility is called–
1.Modulation -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

86. Multiprocessor is a computer system–
1.Where many CPU under a common control
2.Consisting of more than one input devices under common control
3.Where many output devices under-Answer
4.All of the above 5.None of these

87. The point at which the flow of text in a document moves to the top of a new page–
1.Page break -Answer
2.Page insert
3.Page format
4.All of the above
5.None of these

88. Technique to implement virtual memory where memory is divided into units of fixed size memory is–
1.Paging -Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

89. An adder where all the bits of the two operands are added simultaneously–
1.Parallel adder-Answer
2.Half adder
3.Full adder
4.All of the above
5.None of these

90. An extra bit added to a string of bits that enables the computer to detect internal errors in the transmission of binary data–
1.Parity bit
4.All of the above
5.None of these

91. Password is–
1.Code by which a user gains access to a computer system
2.Pass for viewing movie
3.Entrance without paying something
4.All of the above
5.None of these

92. PL 1 (Programming Language One) is–
1.High level programming language
2.Low level programming language
3.Machine language
4.Assembly language
5.All of the above

93. Pascal is–
1.A high-level programming language-Answer
2.Named after Blaise Pascal
3.Named after mathematician that facilitates structured programming techniques
4.All of the above
5.None of these

94. S torage device where time to retrieve stored information is independent of address where it is stored is called–
1.Random access memory (RAM)
2.Primary memory
3.Secondary memory
4.All of the above -Answer
5.None of these

95. Octal number system has a base–
1.Two -Answer
5.All of the above

96. Since input and output devices are on the edge of the main processing therefore they are referred as–
1.Peripheral devices
2.Processing devices
3.Personal devices-Answer
4.All of the above
5.None of these

97. A system changeover method where complete changeover to the new system takes place incrementally over a period of time is referred as–
1.Phased replacement-Answer
2.Block replacement
3.Complete replacement
4.All of the above
5.None of these

98. One trillionth of a second is–
1.Pico second -Answer
2.Mille second
3.Micro second
5.All of these

99. Following is of Non-vo a storage device
1.Magnetic tape -Answer
2.Compact disk
3.Floppy disk
4.All of the above
5.None of these

100. A storage medium that retains its contents even in the absence of power is referred as–
1.Non-volatile storage
2.Volatile storage
3.Secondary storage
4.Primary storage-Answer
5.None of these

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Placement Paper Professional Knowledge 01 November 2012

1. UNIVAC is

a. Universal Automatic Computer
b. Universal Array Computer
c. Unique Automatic Computer
d. Unvalued Automatic Computer
a. Universal Automatic Computer

Explanation: There are no computers with the name as in other options. UNIVAC was the first general purpose electronic digital computer designed for commercial use, produced by Universal Accounting Company of John

Mauchly and J.P.Eckert in 1951.

2. CD-ROM stands for

a. Compactable Read Only Memory
b. Compact Data Read Only Memory
c. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory

Correct Answer: d. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Explanation: There are no objects with the name as in other options. CD-ROM is a non-volatile optical data storage medium using the same physical format as audio compact disk, readable by a computer with a CD-ROM

drive. The standard 12 cm diameter CD-ROM store about 660 megabytes.

3. ALU is
a. Arithmetic Logic Unit
b. Array Logic Unit
c. Application Logic Unit
d. None of above
Explanation: ALU is a unit in Central Processing Unit in a computer system that is responsible for arithmetic calculations and logical operations. Apart from ALU, the CPU contains MU (Memory Unit) and CU (Control Unit).

4. VGA is
a. Video Graphics Array
b. Visual Graphics Array
c. Volatile Graphics Array
d. Video Graphics Adapter
Explanation: VGA is a type of Graphics Adapter. Graphic Adapter is an electronic board that controls the display of a monitor. This device helps the motherboard to work with the monitor and in VGA and SVGA the last letter

‘A’ stands for ‘Array’ whereas in MDA, CGA, MCGA the last letter ‘A’ stands for ‘Adapter’.

5. IBM 1401 is
a. First Generation Computer
b. Second Generation Computer
c. Third Generation Computer
d. Fourth Generation Computer
Explanation: IBM 1401 is a Second Generation Computer and is the first computer to enter Nepal in 2028 BS for census. Government of Nepal had brought this computer on rent and later purchased for data processing in

Bureau of Statistics. After this computer, another ICL 2950/10, a British computer, was purchased by the fund of UNDP and UNFPA for the census of 2038 BS is second computer in Nepal.

6. MSI stands for
a. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
b. Medium System Integrated Circuits
c. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
d. Medium System Intelligent Circuit
Explanation: After the invention of IC chips the development of computers plunged into next phase. Small Scale Integration and Medium Scale Integration (SSI and MSI) were used in third generation of computers and Large

Scale Integration and Very Large Scale Integration (LSI and VLSI) are being used in fourth generation of computers. People are now expecting ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) Circuits to be used for fifth generation


7. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
a. 1.40 MB
b. 1.44 GB
c. 1.40 GB
d. 1.44 MB
Explanation: Microfloppy disks (3.5 inch) if it is high density (MF2HD) can store 1.44 MB and if it is low density (MF2DD), it can store 720 KB. Mini Floppy disks (5.25 inch) if it is high density (MD2HD) can store 1.2 MB and low

density (MD2DD) stores 360 KB of data.

8. The first computer introduced in Nepal was
a. IBM 1400
b. IBM 1401
c. IBM 1402
d. IBM1402
Explanation: IBM 1401, a second generation computer was brought in Nepal by the Government of Nepal paying One Lakh and twenty five thousands per month to use in the census in 2028 B.S. Before this computer, Nepal

was using a calculating device called Facit for statistical tasks.

9. WAN stands for
a. Wap Area Network
b. Wide Area Network
c. Wide Array Net
d. Wireless Area Network
Explanation: There are three different classes of computer network namely, Local Area Network (LAN) that covers a small geographical area such as a room, a building or a compound; Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) that

has a citywide coverage; and Wide Area Network (WAN) that covers the whole globe or beyond the globe.

10. MICR stands for
a. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
b. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
c. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
d. None
Explanation: MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Reader) is kind of scanner that can scan and identify the writing of magnetic ink. This device is used in banks to verify signatures in Checks.

11. EBCDIC stands for
a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
b. Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code
c. Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code
d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
Explanation: EBCDIC is an 8-bit binary code for larger IBMs primarily mainframes in which each byte represent one alphanumeric character or two decimal digits. 256 characters can be coded using EBCDIC.

12. BCD is
a. Binary Coded Decimal
b. Bit Coded Decimal
c. Binary Coded Digit
d. Bit Coded Digit
Explanation: BCD is a binary coded notation in which each of the decimal digits is expressed as a 8-bit binary numeral. For example in binary coded decimal notation 12 is 0001 0010 as opposed to 1100 in pure binary.

13. ASCII stands for
a. American Stable Code for International Interchange
b. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange
c. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
d. American Standard Code for Interchange Information

c. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Explanation: ASCII is a code which converts characters – letters, digits, punctuations and control characters such as Alt, Tab etc – into numeral form. ASCII code is used to represent data internally in micro-computers. ASCII

codes are 7 bits and can represent 0 to 127 and extended ASCII are 8 bits that represents 0 to 255.

14. Which of the following is first generation of computer
b. IBM-1401
c. CDC-1604
d. ICL-2900

Explanation: IBM-1401, CDC-1604 is second generation computer. ICL-2900 is a fourth generation computer. EDSAC is important in the development of computer since it was the first computer to use John von. Neumann’s

Stored Program Concept. It used 3000 vacuum tubes and computers with vacuum tubes are of first generation computers.

15. Chief component of first generation computer was
a. Transistors
b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
c. Integrated Circuits
d. None of above

b. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
Explanation: Transistors were used for second generation computers and integrated circuits in third generation. First generation computers used vacuum tubes and valves as their main electronic component. Vacuum Tubes

were invented by Lee DeForest in 1908.

16. FORTRAN is
a. File Translation
b. Format Translation
c. Formula Translation
d. Floppy Translation

c. Formula Translation
Explanation: FORTRAN (Formula Translation) is one of the earlier High Level programming languages used to write scientific applications. It was developed by IBM in 1956.

17. EEPROM stand for
a. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
b. Easily Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
c. Electronic Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
d. None of the above

a. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
Explanation: There are three types of ROM namely, PROM, EPROM and EEPROM. PROM can’t be reprogrammed, EPROM can be erased by exposing it in high intensity ultraviolet light and EEPROM can be erased and

reprogrammed electrically. It is not needed to be removed from the computer to be modified.

18. Second Generation computers were developed during
a. 1949 to 1955
b. 1956 to 1965
c. 1965 to 1970
d. 1970 to 1990
Correct Answer: 1956 to 1965
Explanation: Second generation computers used transistors as their main electronic component. Transistor was invented by Bell Lab Scientists John Burdeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley in 1947 and won the Nobel

Prize in 1956 but it was not used in computers till 1956. The second generation continued until the implementation of IC chips invented by Jack Kilby in Texas Instruments in 1958.

19. The computer size was very large in
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation

a. First Generation
Explanation: It is obvious that computers developed with more power, reliability, speed and smaller sizes due to the enhancement of technology. First generation computers used 1000s of vacuum tubes that required lot of

space made them gigantic in size. Single transistor could replace 1000 vacuum tubes and a single IC chip replaced 1000s of transistors made computers smaller and more speedy.

20. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Third Generation
d. Fourth Generation

Fourth Generation
Explanation: Microprocessors further revolutionized the development of computers. Personal microcomputers were possible due to the microprocessors. The first microprocessor called Intel 4004 was developed by

American Intel Corporation in 1971. Microprocessors are used in the computers of fourth generation computers.
What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?

21. Who invented the high level language C?

A) Dennis M. Ritchie
B) Niklaus Writh
C) Seymour Papert -Answer
D) Donald Kunth

22. Which of the following is not a type of Software

A) System Software
B) Application Software
C) Utility Software
D) Entertainment Software -Answer

23. Which of the following is not the classification of computers based on application?

A) Electronic Computers
B) Analog Computers
C) Digital Computers -Answer
D) Hybrid Computers

24 Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?

A) Memory address register
B) Memory data register
C) Instruction register
D) Program counter -Answer

25 Networking such as LAN, MAN started from

A) First generation
B) Second generation -Answer
C) Third generation
D) Fourth generation

26. Which characteristic of computer distinguishes it from electronic calculators?

A) Accuracy
B) Storage -Answer
C) Versatility
D) Automatic

27. Which of the following is the largest manufacturer of Hard Disk Drives?

B) Seagate -Answer
C) Microsoft
D) 3M

28 LSI, VLSI & ULSI chips were used in which generation?

A) First
B) Second
C) Third -Answer
D) Fourth

29. Which is the type of memory for information that does not change on your computer?

D) RW / RAM -Answer

30 Which generation of computer is still under development
a. Fourth Generation
b. Fifth Generation
c. Sixth Generation
d. Seventh Generation
b. Fifth Generation
Explanation: Today’s computer fall under the fourth generation computers that uses the LSI and VLSI Integrated Circuits. For fifth generation computers it is expected for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits (ULSI). The study

for using Gallium Arsenide instead of silicon chips is underway. Electrons can travel 5 times faster in Gallium Arsenide compared to the silicon. Similarly, genetically engineered protein molecules are being tried for

processors. Fifth generation computers are expected to have artificial intelligence, ability to use natural language.

31 Artificial Intelligence is associated with which generation?
a. First Generation
b. Second Generation
c. Fifth Generation
d. Sixth Generation
c. Fifth Generation
Explanation: ‘A computer is a slave in a box’. This is a saying due to the lack of intelligence in computer in spite of their speed, accuracy, diligence and reliability. A computer can only perform instructed task in the way

already programmed. Thus, scientists are trying to develop artificial intelligence in computers so that they can think and make decisions themselves. This is expected for fifth generation computers.

32 Which operation is not performed by computer
a. Inputting
b. Processing
c. Controlling
d. Understanding

d. Understanding
Explanation: Computers can’t understand since they don’t have intelligence. Let’s hope in fifth generation they will achieve artificial intelligence and be able to understand.

33 Fifth generation computer is also known as
a. Knowledge information processing system
b. Very large scale integration (VLSI)
c. Both of above
d. None of above
a. Knowledge information processing system
Explanation: Fifth Generation computers will have artificial intelligence and will be able to understand making knowledge information processing system possible,

34 Central Processing Unit is combination of
a. Control and storage
b. Control and output unit
c. Arithmetic logic and input unit
d. Arithmetic logic and control unit
d. Arithmetic logic and control unit
Explanation: Arithmetic logic and control unit along with memory unit forms a complete central processing unit and central processing unit along with input/output unit forms a computer system.

35 The brain of any computer system is
a. Control Unit
b. Arithmetic Logic Unit
c. Central Processing Unit
d. Storage Unit
c. Central Processing Unit
Explanation: Control unit or arithmetic logical unit alone can not represent the function of brain to compare with neither does storage unit only. Central Processing Unit is the combination of control, arithmetic logic and memory

units thus can be compared with brain that controls the body, processes its functions and remembers.

36 Pick the one that is used for logical operations or comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than.
a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
b. Control Unit
c. Both of above
d. None of above
a. Arithmetic and Logic Unit
Explanation: Logical sub-unit of ALU performs all the comparisons such as less than equal to or greater than. Arithmetic sub-unit of ALU performs calculations such as addition, subtraction and so on.

37 Analog computer works on the supply of
a. Continuous electrical pulses
b. Electrical pulses but not continuous
c. Magnetic strength
d. None of the above
a. Continuous electrical pulses
Explanation: Analog computers works on the continuous electrical pulses and digital computers work on the discrete electrical pulses. Analog computers need to process physical quantities such as temperature, pressure,

speed etc.

38 Digital devices are
a. Digital Clock
b. Automobile speed meter
c. Clock with a dial and two hands
d. All of them
a. Digital Clock.
Explanation: Automobile speed meter and clock with a dial and two hands are analog devices. Speed meter works on speed of wheel and the later works on tension of dialed spring.

39 The computer that process both analog and digital is called
a. Analog computer
b. Digital computer
c. Hybrid computer
d. Mainframe computer
c. Hybrid Computer
Explanation: Analog, Digital and Hybrid are the three classes of computers based on the work or principle on which computer work. Hybrid computers can perform both the tasks of analog computers as well as hybrid

computers. These computers are used in aircraft, hospitals where measuring physical quantities and converting them into digital data to analyze is required.

40 Offline device is

a. A device which is not connected to CPU

b. A device which is connected to CPU

c. A direct access storage device

d. An I/O device
Offline device is
a. A device which is not connected to CPU

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Placement Paper HR Interview 05 Aug 2012

A firm handshake- A handshake says a lot about you than you can imagine. A firm handshake is a sign of confidence and leadership qualities, which organizations are always looking for in employees. But make sure you do not squeeze the hand of your interviewer, as it is a sign of insecurity, or being a control freak.

Maintain eye contact- Whenever we lie, we tend to avoid eye contact. Thus, whenever you fail to make eye contact, the subconscious of the interviewer would tell him that you are lying, even if you are not. Always maintain eye contact with the interviewer whenever answering questions. But don’t hold the eye contact for more than few seconds at a stretch, as it is considered rude.

Maintain your wit- Sometimes, interviewers throw candidates off track by asking weird questions such as “What if dinosaurs were still alive?” They are not looking for a right answer to such questions. Rather, they are looking for ability to handle unexpected situations. Maintain your wit at all times during the interview.

Be open- During the interview, be open in your stance, and in your mannerisms as well. Do not cross your arms or legs. If an interviewer offers you something, do not hesitate to accept it.

Be precise with your answers- Nothing impresses an interviewer more than clarity of thought. Always try and give to the point answers. Blabbering about stuff won’t help matters.

Dress appropriately- Professionalism is an important criteria taken into account when hiring candidates. Your dress is the first thing an interviewer notices when you walk into a room. Make sure you dress appropriately. Steer clear of a denims and tees. Instead, opt for something formal and more business-like for your interview.

Try conversing- Don’t treat the interview as a question-answer session. Treat it as a conversation instead. If you have some doubts or questions in mind, feel more than ready to ask them during the interview. It is important to form a rapport with your interviewer, as it improves chances of getting selected.

Be yourself- It is easier said than done, but it is important. When you are called for a job interview, the employer wants to meet the real you and not someone who is rehearsed by counselors etc. Try to be yourself during the interview, and if the interviewer likes you, you will get the job.

Arrive on time- Noting pisses off an employer more than a potential job candidate arriving late for the interview. Make sure you arrive at least 5 minutes before the scheduled time. Arriving early shows that you are really interested in the job, which improves your chances of being selected.

Showcase your knowledge as much as you can- At the end of the day, an interviewer is gauging whether you are the right fit for the job. Whenever possible try to showcase your knowledge and skillset during the interview.

5 most common job interview mistakes

1. Trying to fit in to the expectations of the employer

It is by far the most common job interview mistake committed by candidates. As humans, we have an innate tendency to be accepted, and we often lie our way to it. But one simple lie leads to hundreds others, and eventually, you are caught. HR professionals are skilled at catching lies. In fact, that’s the first thing they do in a job interview- separate the genuine candidates from the liars.
Don’t try to put on a garb just to seek acceptance from the interviewer. Be yourself and speak of situations as they are. Even if you were fired from your last job, don’t hide it from your potential employer. Interviewers are humans too, and they understand difficulties and situations of working in an organization.

2.Asking no questions, or asking dumb ones
An employer expects you be research a little bit about the company and the industry before you come for the interview. When we research something, we often have our doubts and our questions. Surprisingly though, most candidates fail to put enough hard work in the research part. The end result- they fail to ask relevant questions, or end up asking dumb questions at the end of the interview. Make sure you avoid that mistake.
When you get the chance, always ask questions that make the interviewer think a little.

3. Rambling rather than answering
When an interviewer asks a question, he expects a concise, well articulated response. A to the point answer shows you are confident, and organizations are always looking for confident employees. When answering a question, you need to know when to stop. And you need to avoid the rambling pitfall that interviewers lay there purposely. Most times, when you finish answering, the interviewer will pause for a moment, expecting you to go further.
Don’t fall in that trap. Just remain confident and ask the interviewer politely whether he would like to know something else.

4. Not taking your CV with you
When you read it, it seems like a common thing to do. You need to take your CV and your documents along when you are going for an interview. But 60% of the candidates forget to take it along, or don’t bother taking it along.
Even if you have already sent your CV via e-mail, always take it along when going for an interview. Make sure it is neatly printed on an A4 size sheet, and do not fold it. Keep it safe in a folder with the rest of the documents. It shows that you are organized and serious about the job.

5. Speaking ill of the last employer
It is one of the most common reasons why employers reject a candidate. When you bad mouth your previous employer, it shows that you lack integrity and loyalty. No organization wants an employee who is not trustworthy.

Common Interview Questions

Tell me about yourself/ describe yourself?

What does you name means?

Why gap in education(if there is gap)?

Describe your work experience(if there is..)?

Why have you left your previous job?

What do you know about our bank?

How many bank exams(or)interviews have you attended so far?

What are your strengths?

What are your weakness?

Why are you switching your career?

How will your education help your banking career?

What have you been doing since now after education?

Are you willing to work anywhere in india?

When mnc’s are paying more salaries why you are settling down for low salaries in banks?

Why do you want to join in banking sector?

Why should we select you?

How would you take it if you were not selected for this position?

SBI Placement Paper : Practice test for for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, MBA

Practice test for for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, MBA

1. A ____ is a named location on a disk where files are stored.
A folder
B pod
C version
D none of the above
Ans (A)
2. The ____ allows you to choose where to go and is located below the Standards Buttons toolbar.
A System menu
B Address bar
C Menu bar
D none of the above
Ans (B)
3. A ____ is a set of computer instructions that carry out a task on the computer.
A program
B database
C memory file
D none of the above
Ans (A)
4. An operating system version designed for home use is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (A)
5. A user-interface that is easy to use is considered to be ____.
A user-happy
B user-simple
C user-friendly
D none of the above
Ans (C)
6. When you press and release the secondary mouse button you are ____.
A Right-clicking
B Left-clicking
C either a. or b.
D neither a. nor b.
Ans (A)
7. Another term for hyperlink is ____.
A link
B source
C bar
D none of the above
Ans (A)
8. A ____ is a flash memory storage device that plugs into a USB port.
A USB snap drive
B USB flash drive
C USB memory maker drive
D none of the above
Ans (B)
9. An operating system version designed for use with a Media Center PC is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (B)
10. A graphical user interface displays ____.
A graphics
B text
C both (A) and (B).
D neither (A) nor (B).
Ans (C)
11. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice, you are ____.
A Primary-clicking
B Double-clicking
C pointing
D none of the above

12. Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as a ____.
A hyperlink
B menu
C source drive
D none of the above
Ans (A)
13. The ____ program compresses larger files into a smaller file.
A WinZip
B WinShrink
C WinStyle
D none of the above
Ans (A)
14. An operating system version designed for use with a tablet PC is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (C)
15. The ____ displays the name of every computer user on the computer.
A Wish list screen
B Command screen
C Welcome screen
D none of the above
Ans (C)
16. The ____ contains commands associated with the My computer window.
A Standards menu
B Start menu
C System menu
D none of the above
Ans (C)
17. Press the ____ button to have the window fill the entire screen.
A Close
B Maximize
C Minimize
D none of the above
Ans (B)
18. The ____ is the drive containing the files to be copied.
A source drive
B destination drive
C USB drive
D none of the above
Ans (A)
19. A ____ allows you to write on screen with a digital pen and convert that writing into characters that the PC can
A monitor RS
B tablet PC
C database manager
D media center
Ans (B)
20. A ____ is a pointing device.
A monitor
B mouse
C keyboard
D none of the above
Ans (B)

SBI Placement Paper : Practice test for for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, MBA

Practice test for for Bank PO, Bank Clerk, MBA

1. A ____ is a named location on a disk where files are stored.
A folder
B pod
C version
D none of the above
Ans (A)
2. The ____ allows you to choose where to go and is located below the Standards Buttons toolbar.
A System menu
B Address bar
C Menu bar
D none of the above
Ans (B)
3. A ____ is a set of computer instructions that carry out a task on the computer.
A program
B database
C memory file
D none of the above
Ans (A)
4. An operating system version designed for home use is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (A)
5. A user-interface that is easy to use is considered to be ____.
A user-happy
B user-simple
C user-friendly
D none of the above
Ans (C)
6. When you press and release the secondary mouse button you are ____.
A Right-clicking
B Left-clicking
C either a. or b.
D neither a. nor b.
Ans (A)
7. Another term for hyperlink is ____.
A link
B source
C bar
D none of the above
Ans (A)
8. A ____ is a flash memory storage device that plugs into a USB port.
A USB snap drive
B USB flash drive
C USB memory maker drive
D none of the above
Ans (B)
9. An operating system version designed for use with a Media Center PC is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (B)
10. A graphical user interface displays ____.
A graphics
B text
C both (A) and (B).
D neither (A) nor (B).
Ans (C)
11. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice, you are ____.
A Primary-clicking
B Double-clicking
C pointing
D none of the above

12. Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as a ____.
A hyperlink
B menu
C source drive
D none of the above
Ans (A)
13. The ____ program compresses larger files into a smaller file.
A WinZip
B WinShrink
C WinStyle
D none of the above
Ans (A)
14. An operating system version designed for use with a tablet PC is Microsoft Windows XP ____.
A Home Edition
B Media Center Edition
C Tablet PC Edition
D none of the above
Ans (C)
15. The ____ displays the name of every computer user on the computer.
A Wish list screen
B Command screen
C Welcome screen
D none of the above
Ans (C)
16. The ____ contains commands associated with the My computer window.
A Standards menu
B Start menu
C System menu
D none of the above
Ans (C)
17. Press the ____ button to have the window fill the entire screen.
A Close
B Maximize
C Minimize
D none of the above
Ans (B)
18. The ____ is the drive containing the files to be copied.
A source drive
B destination drive
C USB drive
D none of the above
Ans (A)
19. A ____ allows you to write on screen with a digital pen and convert that writing into characters that the PC can
A monitor RS
B tablet PC
C database manager
D media center
Ans (B)
20. A ____ is a pointing device.
A monitor
B mouse
C keyboard
D none of the above
Ans (B)



1. On 7th May 2008, agni-I was test-fired. It was

(A) Ballistic Missile
(B) Surface to air missile
(C) Land to sea missile
(D) Air to air missile

2. Which of the following High Courts has recently quashed the merit list issued in 2006 and 2007 by the centre and the

(A) Bhopal High Court
(B) Rajasthan High Court
(C) Madras High Court
(D) Guwahati High Court

3. Recently the Acronym START came into News. START stands for”

(A) Strategic Association for Restructuring Trade
(B) Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
(C) System Tracking and Reprocessing Team
(D) None of the above

4. People™s Democratic Party emerged second largest party with 33·01% in elections held in”

(A) Bhutan
(B) Nepal
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Italy

5. According to the World Conservation Union Report, the number of plant species in India listed as threatened is

(A) 247 plant species
(B) 250 plant species
(C) 275 plant species
(D) 255 plant species

6. Which of the following states passed a Bill in March 2008, amending the Registration Act 1908 to prohibit foreigners from buying land in the state

(A) Kerala
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Goa
(D) Maharashtra

7. The renowned scientist John Wheeler who died in April 2008, was originally hailed from

(A) Australia
(B) U.S.A.
(C) Finland
(D) Britain

8. Who received Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2007

(A) Bill Gates
(B) Nelson Mandela
(C) Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(D) Arthur C. Clarke

9. The 2008 UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize awarded to

(A) Lydia Cacho Ribeiro
(B) Anna Politkovskaya
(C) May Chidiac
(D) U Win Tin

10. Which of the following Indian players has not completed 10,000 runs in Test cricket

(A) Rahul Dravid
(B) Sachin Tendulkar
(C) Sunil Gavaskar
(D) Virendra Sehwag

11. On March 26, 2008, NASA™s space shuttle which returned safely to Earth after completing 16 day mission to International Space Station was

(A) Discovery
(B) Endeavourer
(C) Columbia
(D) None of the above

12. Jules Verne is Europe

(A) Space shuttle
(B) Missile shield system
(C) Biggest spacecraft
(D) Mission to Antarctica

13. Indias National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the countries first

(A) Dirrohoea map
(B) Malarial map
(C) Bird flu map
(D) Cancer map

14. The World Is What It Is™ is the biography of

(A) V. S. Naipal
(B) Khushwant Singh
(C) Amrita Preetam
(D) A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

15. According to a World Bank Report India got remittances in 2007 worth

A) $ 30 billion
(B) $ 35 billion
(C) $ 25 billion
(D) $ 27 billion

16. The Summit of NATO (NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY) was held in April in

A) Romania
(B) Morocco
(C) Pakistan
(D) Indonesia

17. ACcording to latest WHO report the number of estimated TB cases found every year in India is

(A) 2·2 million
(B) 1·9 million
(C) 1·5 million
(D) 1·7 million

18. Tata purchased Jaguar and Rover from

(A) Hyundai
(B) Maruti Suzuki
(C) Ford Motor
(D) None of the above

19. According to a survey, the country which has the highest number of internet users is

(A) U.S.A.
(B) China
(C) Japan
(D) Germany

20. Which country has won the Women,s Asia Cup Cricket 2008 which was held in Colombo in the month of May 2008 ?

(A) Brisbane
(B) Melbourne
(C) Sydney
(D) Perth

21. According to Prime Minister™s Economic Advisory Council (EAC) headed by C. Rangrajan the economic growth rate for 2008-09 will remain at

A) 8%
(B) 8·5%
(C) 9%
(D) 8·9%

22. The Pritzkar Architecture Prize has been won by

(A) Bill Gates Foundation
(B) William Harvey
(C) Jea Nouvel
(D) None of the above

23. Which of the following cricket players has been banned for violating the player™s code of conduct by PCB ?

(A) Danish Kaneria
(B) Shoaib Malik
(C) Mohammad Yousuf
(D) Shoaib Akhtar

24. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme has now been extended to all 604 districts of the country with a total budget outlay of”

(A) 18000 crore
(B) 16000 crore
(C) 15000 crore
(D) 14000 crore

25. Inflation which soared above 7% in the month of April is measured by

A) Consumer Price Index
(B) Retail Price Index
(C) Whole Sale Price Index
(D) Industrial Price Index

26. The winner of Bahrain Grand Prix is

(A) Lewis Hamilton
(B) Kartikeyan
(C) Felipe Massa
(D) Robert Kubica

27. The winner of Miss India Earth 2008 is

(A) Tanvi Vyas
(B) Suman Kaur
(C) Rashmi Sehgal
(D) Rani Sharma

28. In face of rising prices, Central Government has decided to set strategic Reserve of foodgrains over and above buffer stock. The limit of the reserve is

(A) 10 million tonneS
(B) 7 million tonnes
(C) 6 million tonnes
(D) 5 million tonnes

29. Which of following newspapers/magazines won six Pulitzer prizes

(A) The New York Times
(B) The Times Magazine
(C) The Washington Post
(D) The Guardian

30. ˜Leftism in India , 1917-1947’ is a book written by

(A) S. R. Chaudhuri
(B) K. Kanwar
(C) R. Nagaswamy
(D) Sudipto Chatterjee

31. Recently President Pratibha Patil visited three countries. Which of the following was not the part of her trip

(A) Argentina
(B) Chile
(C) Mexico
(D) Brazil

32. GJM stands for

(A) General Justice Movement
(B) Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
(C) Gorkhaland Janshakti Morcha
(D) Gorkha Janjagriti Morcha

33. The elections of which of the following countries were marred by controversy

(A) ItalY
(B) Spain
(C) Zimbabwe
(D) Nepal

34. Supreme Court has upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing 27% for candidates belonging to

(A) SCs
(B) STs
(D) Minorities OBC

35. At which of the following places have the remains of early human history been found in excavation

(A) Chittorgarh
(B) Bhavnagar
(C) Kolkata
(D) Karaikal

36. Judum™ is

(A) Terrorist organization
(B) A branch of naxalite
(C) Name of a police force
(D) An anti naxalite movement

37. When was Nepal declared a Secular Nation

(A) in 2005
(B) in 2007
(C) in 2008
(D) in 2006

38. The Director General of UN Food and Agriculture Organization of present is

(A) Jacques Diouf
(B) Kundekeh K. Yumkella
(C) Jammel Al Hiyilan
(D) Michael Griffin

39. According to a research, stem cells from skin can treat

(A) Alzhumer
(B) Schizophrenia
(C) Parkinsons disease
(D) None of the above

40. When did the Olympic torch relay begin

(A) in 1950
(B) in 1952
(C) in 1953
(D) in 1963

Answers with Hints

1. (A)
2. (C)
3. (B) The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (START-II) is a treaty between Russia and U.S.A. for reducing their nuclear arsenals. The treaty is due to expire in 2009.
4. (A) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (B) 12. (C)
13. (B) India™s Vector Borne Disease Control Programme has prepared the country™s first malarial map identifying India™s 60 most malarial endemic districts that report over 50% of the country™s malaria™s cases.
14. (A) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C)
19. (B) 20. (A) India won fourth consecutive times in Women,s Asia Cup Cricket 21. (B)
22. (C) The Pritzkar Architecture Prize, considered to be equivalent of Nobel Prize for architecture has been won french architect Jea Nouvel for his creative experimentation in architecture.
23. (D) 24. (B) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (A) 28. (D)
29. (C) The Washington Post has won six Pulitzer Prizes, including Public service award for its reporting on conditions of U.S. War Veterans.
30. (A) 31. (A) 32. (B) 33. (C)
34. (C) The Supreme Court on April 10, 2008 upheld the law enacted in 2006 providing a quota of 27 per cent to the other Backward Classes in Central Educational Institutions.
35. (C)
36. (D) Salva Judam is an antinaxalite movement formed by group of people against attack from maxalites. The movement started from Dantewada district (Chhattisgarh).
37. (D) 38. (A) 39. (C) 40. (B)

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Probationary Officer,s Exam Solved Paper ,12 October 2008

SBI Probationary Officer,s Exam Solved Paper (Held on 12-10-2008)

General Awareness/Computer Knowledge

1. Balmiki Prasad Singh has taken over as Governor of _____

(A) Goa
(B) Bihar
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Sikkim
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

2. The Paralympic Games in September 2008 were held at _____

(A) Tokyo
(B) New York
(C) Madrid
(D) Stckholm
(E) Beijing
Ans (E)

3. Which of the folowing is/are True about the National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) which was in news recently?

(1) The NRAA was set-up in 1955 at the initiative of the then Prime Minister J.L.Nehru
(2) NRAA was established to co-ordinate the work of five ministries associated with the development of rainfed
(3) NRAA is now converted into a Corporation of the same name

(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1 , 2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

4. Dalichi Sankyo has recently taken over which of the following Companies/Corporation of Indian base /

(A) Jet Airways
(B) Ranbaxy
(C) Bhilai Steel Plant
(D) National Textiles Corporation
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

5. The recent report on Global Development Finance released by the World Bank has projected India ,s GDP growth rate at which of the following levels?

(A) 5 %
(B) 6 %
(C) 7 %
(D) 8 %
(E) 9 %

Ans (C)

6. which of the following cities is placed at the top of the list of cities found suitable for "Global Commerce" compiled by the master cards? (Result of the survey were published in various financial newspaper)

(A) London
(B) New York
(C) Tokyo
(D) Beijing
(E) Mumbai

Ans (D)

7. The New Capital Adequacy Framework prescribed for banks in commonly known as ___

(A) Credit Policy
(B) Monetary Policy
(C) KYC Norms
(D) Basel Accord
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

8. As we all know Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) in the percentage of the deposit banks keep in reserve with them . This ratio is also known as ___

(A) Repo Rate
(B) Reserve Repo Rate
(D) Liquidity Ratio
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

9. The sudden turn of events in the economic environmental globally , in the last four to five month have resulted in slowing down of India ,s economic growth. Which of the following is/are the event(s) which has/have put their impact on Indian economy?

(1) Turmoil in US Credit market
(2) Large scale increase in the prices of crude oil and foodgrains
(3) Adoption of Basel II norms by the banks

(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 & 2 only
(E) All 1,2 & 3
Ans (D)

10. Which of the following is India ,s Tax GDP ratio ?

(A) 5 %
(B) 15 %
(C) 25 %
(D) 30 %
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

11. Which of the following is known as ,Himadri, ?

(A) It is India,s Space Craft launched to study the moon
(B) It is India,s first Research Station in Arctic Region
(C) It is new battle tank produced by India
(D) It is new warship inducted in the Indian Navy recently
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

12. The Govt. of India recently announced a subsidized pricing policy based on nutrients in it of which of the following to protect the interest of the farmers ?

(A) Seeds
(B) Pesticides
(C) Fertilizers
(D) Organic Manure
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

13. The next Non-Aligned Movement SAummit 2009 is scheduled to be held in ___

(A) India
(B) Egypt
(C) Brazil
(D) South Africa
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

15. Ghulam Nabi Azad was in the news recently as he has resigned from the post of the ___

(A) Governor, Jammu & Kashmir
(B) Chief Minister , Jammu & Kashmir
(C) Governor , Jharkhand
(D) Chief Minister, Jharkhand
(E) Governor, Manipur

Ans (B)

15. When the growth of GDP in a country slows down suddenly,people start losing their jobs and the situation continues for several weeks,what name is given to this state of economy (A big was in this state recently.) ?

(A) Inflation
(B) Recession
(C) Deflation
(D) Economic Boom
(E) None of these
Ans (B)

16. "Lisbon Treaty" is the treaty accepted/adopted by the members of which of the following organizations recently ?

(C) European Union
(D) Nuclear Supplier Group (NSG)
(E) None of these

Ans (C)

17. When a corporate entity wishes to raise money from the market it can do that by issuing ___

(A) Treasury Bill
(B) Momerandom of Association
(C) Kisan Vikas Patra
(D) National Saving Certificate
(E) Commercial Papers
Ans (E)

18. Russia has recently made a ceasefire Agreement with which of the following nations ?

(A) Ukraine
(B) Kazakhastan
(C) Croatia
(D) Georgia
(E) None of these
Ans (D)

19. The Govt. of India has decided to build a Nuclear Power Plant in which of the following North Eastern States ?

(A) Manipur
(B) Assam
(C) Meghalaya
(D) Arunachal Pradesh
(E) None of these
Ans (E)

20.India won it,s individual Gold Medal in Beijing Olympic 2008 in which of the following events ?

(A) Hockey
(B) Football
(C) Lawn Tennis
(D) Swimming (E) Rifle Shooting
Ans (E)

SBI Placement Paper : SBI Clerk Exam ,13 July 2008

SBI Clerk Exam (Held on 13-07-2008)

General Awareness
1. Oscar Awards are given for the excellence in the field of -

(A) films
(B) Literature
(C) Sports
(D) Politics
(E) Status

2. Which of the following is not a food crop ?

(A) Wheat
(B) Barley
(C) Maize
(D) Gram
(E) Cotton

3. Union Budget always presented first in -

(A) The Loksabha
(B) The Rajyasabha
(C) Joint session of Parliament
(D) Meeting of the Union cabinet
(E) The State Assemblies

4. The Government of India has earmarked about Rs. 70,000 crore in Union Budget to help which of the following sections of the society ?

(A) Children who are bonded labour
(B) Persons working in hazardous industries
(C) Farmers
(D) People living below poverty line
(E) None of these

5. Jose Louise has taken over as the prime minister of -

(A) France
(B) Argentina
(C) Spain
(D) New zealand
(E) Italy

6. The conference of Economic/ Finance Ministers of ASEAN was held recently in -

(A) Jakarta
(B) Bali
(C) New Delhi
(D) Tokyo
(E) Islamabad

7. Which of the following International forums/ organizations has made a decision of not to go for reckless lending ?

A) G-7
(B) G-8
(D) World Bank

8.Mahmood Ahmadinejad who was in India on an official visit recently is the -

(A) Prime Minister of Iraq
(B) President of Iran
(C) Prime Minister of Iran
(D) President of Iraq
(E) None of these

9. India recently started "Maitree Express" to which of the following destinations ?

(A) Islamabad
(B) Karanchi
(C) Dhaka
(D) Kathmandu
(E) None of these

10. The first ever General elction took place in which of the following countries in Indian sub-continent ?

(A) Bhutan
(B) China
(C) Pakistan
(D) Bangladesh
(E) Sri Lanka

11. As per the latest figures published in the newspapers the growth of economy in India for the fiscal year ended March 2008 has been at which of the following levels ? About -

(A) 6 %
(B) 6.5 %
(C) 7 %
(D) 7.5 %
(E) 9 %

12. Name of B.S.Yeddyurappa was recently in news as he has taken over as the -

(A) Governor of Karnataka
(B) Chief Minister of Karnataka
(C) Governor of Andhra Pradesh
(D) Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh
(E) None of these

13. The Govt. of India Planning to put up a bill in the parliament to ensure free and compulsory education for all those who are of the age of -

(A) 3 Years
(B) 5 Years
(C) 6-14 Years
(D) 12-20 Years
(E) Upto 21 Years

14. "World No Tobacco Day" is observed on which of the following days ?

(A) Ist May
(B) 10th May
(C) 21st May
(D) 31 st May
(E) 1st June

15. Late Vijay Tendulkar who died recently was a famous -

(A) Social Work
(B) Politician
(C) Sportsman
(D) Play Wright
(E) None of these

16. Mnay times we erad in newspapers about the GM Crops.What is the full form of GM ?

(A) Genetically Marketed
(B) Genetically Modified
(C) Green & Moisturious
(D) Globally Marketed
(E) None of these

17. Barack Obama whose name was in news recently is from which of the following countries ?

(A) UK
(C) France
(D) Italy
(E) None of these

18. Which of the following is an Oscar winning documentary on climate change in which former US Vice President Al Gore has featured as a narrator ?

A) An inconvenient truth
(B) The Sea
(C) Road to prediction
(D) Remember My Name
(E) None of these

19. Defence minister from 27 nations recently gathered at which of the following places to discuss security amongst the countries of Asia Pacific Region ?

(A) Beijing
(B) New Delhi
(C) Singapore
(D) Kuala Lumpur
(E) None of these

20. Who amongst the following is NOT a Lawn Tennis Player ?

(A) Serena Williams
(B) Katarina Srebotnik
(C) Andy Murray
(D) Nichlas Almagro
(E) Ricky Ponting

21. The head office of the Stae Bank Of India is located in -

A) Kolkat
(B) New Delhi
(C) Pune
(D) Ahmedabad
(E) None of these
ANS (E) Mumbai

22. Which of the following is NOT the name of the sensitive index of any global stock exchange ?

(A) Nasdaq
(B) Nikkei
(C) Kospi
(D) Dow
(E) Combix

23. Mnay times we read the term ,ECB,in financial newspapers.What is the full form of ,ECB,?

(A) Essential Commercial Borrowing
(B) Essential Credit & Borrowing
(C) External Credit & Business
(D) External Commercial Borrowing
(E) None Of These

24. Who amongst the following is the new face in Union Cabinet after it was reshuffled recently ?

A) Mnai Shankar Aiyer
(B) Rahul Gandhi
(C) Priyanka
(D) Jyotiraditya Scindia
(E) None of these

25. Who amongst the following has taken over as the chief minister of Nagaland ?

(A) Manik Sarkar
(B) Dinesh Nandan Sahay
(C) P.Longon
(D) K.Shankaranarayanan
(E) None of these


General English

1. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. If there is no error, the answer is ,d, (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
(a) You would not have used (b) such an insulting language (c) if you would have been accompanied (d) by your elder brother. (e) No error
Answer - c
2.Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. If there is no error, the answer is ,d, (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
All the furnitures have been (a)/ replaced by the owner of the house (b)/ before shifting. (c)/ No error. (d)
Answer - a
3.Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. If there is no error, the answer is ,d, (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
As soon as I shall reach New Delhi (a)/ I shall send you the file (b)/ you have asked for. (c)/ No error. (d)
Answer - a
4.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
He does not suffer from any ....... disease at all.
a. Acute
b. Chronic
c. Temporary
d. Irregular
Answer - b
5.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
We are not sure if their business is strictly .........
a. Prudent
b. Honest
c. Judicious
d. Legitimate
Answer - a
6.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
The claims made by the manufacturer of the product are so extravagant that only the ...... will accept them on face value.
a. Cynical
b. Gullible
c. Rich
d. Indifferent
Answer - b
7.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
Justice should be ..... even-handedly.
a. Discharged
b. Performed
c. Declared
d. Administered
Answer - d
8.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
The leader of the opposition party condemned the communal riots in ... terms.
a. Unambiguous
b. Unparliamentary
c. Unequivocal
d. Uncontrollable
Answer - c
9.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
They should spend less time ... about and more with their children.
a. Gallivanting
b. Gravitating
c. Frisking
d. Flirting
Answer - c
10.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
The Government,s handling of the situation led to ...... violations of human rights.
a. Tumultuous
b. Obvious
c. Ostensible
d. Flagrant
Answer - d
11.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
A bullet ........ his cheek.
a. Grazed
b. Glazed
c. Grasped
d. Screamed
Answer - a
12.In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
The injured man was still groggy and could only give a ..... account of the accident.
a. Garish
b. Gangling
c. Garbled
d. Garrulous
Answer - c

13. In each of these questions, the given sentence has a blank space. Four alternative words (a), (b), (c) and (d) are given after the sentence. Select from the alternatives that word as your answer which you consider most appropriate for the blank space.
The teacher,s counsel had a ........ effect on the mischievous student,s conduct.
a. Memorable
b. Salutary
c. Sudden
d. Forceful
Answer - b
14.In these questions, pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
The majority of village folk in India are illiterate and .... superstitious.
(a) Overtly (b) Delicately (c) Stubbornly (d) Covertly (e) Critically
Answer - c
15.In these questions, pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
I must admit, my parents stood by me in my times of ...... .
(a) Passion (b) Duress (c) Involvement (d) Development (e) Criticism
Answer - b


1. Sum of smallest six digit no. and greatest five digit no. is:

a. 199999

b. 201110

c. 211110

d. 1099999

e. None of these

2. Value of 112 * 54. is :

a. 6700

b. 70000

c. 76500

d. 77200

e. None of these

3. 1399*1399

a. 1687401

b. 1901541

c. 1943211

d. 1957201

e. None of these

4. When a no. is multiplied by 13 product consist of all 5’s. The smallest such no. is

a. 41625

b. 42135

c. 42515

d. 42735

e. None of these

5. If n is –ve no. then which of the following is least.

a. 0

b. –n

c. 2n

d. n2

e. None of these

6. If -1<=x <=2 and 1<= y <= 3 then least value of 2y-3x is :

a. 0

b. -3

c. -4

d. -5

e. None of these

7. The least prime no. is :

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. 3

e. None of these

8. The sum of prime no.’s b/w 60 and 75 is:

a. 199

b. 201

c. 211

d. 272

e. None of these

9. Total no. of even prime no.’s is :

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

d. None

e. None of these

10. How many No’s B/w 400 and 600 begin with or end with digit 5.

a. 40

b. 100

c. 110

d. 120

e. None of these

11. The digit in unit’s place of product 81*82……..*89 is:

a. 0

b. 2

c. 6

d. 8

e. None of these

12. The sum of first 45 natural no’s is :

a. 1035

b. 1280

c. 2070

d. 2140

e. None of these

13. The unit’s digit in the product of 771 * 659 * 3 65 is :

a. 1

b. 2

c. 4

d. 6

e. None of these

14. Which no. is exactly divisible by 11

a. 235641

b. 245642

c. 315624

d. 415624

e. None of these

15. The largest natural no. which exactly divides the product of any 4 consecutive natural no’s is:

a. 6

b. 12

c. 24

d. 120

e. None of these

16. The diff. b/w squares of 2 consecutive odd integers is always divisible by:

a. 3

b. 6

c. 7

d. 8

e. None of these

17. The smallest no. to be added to 1000 so that 45 divides the sum exactly is :

a. 10

b. 20

c. 35

d. 80

e. None of these

18. The least no. which must be subtracted from 6709 to make it exactly divisible by 9 is :

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. None of these

19. Find the no. nearest to 99547 and exactly divisible by 687:

a. 98928

b. 99479

c. 99615

d. 100166

e. None of these

20. The least no. by which 72 must be multiplied in order to produce a multiple of 112 is

a. 6

b. 12

c. 14

d. 18

e. None of these

21. Which largest no. of 5 digits is divisible by 99:

a. 99909

b. 99981

c. 99990

d. 99999

e. None of these

22. A no. when divided by 114 leaves the remainder 21 if same no. is divided by 19 the remainder will be

a. 1

b. 2

c. 7

d. 21

e. None of these

23. The diff. b/w 2 no’s is 1365 when larger no. is divided by smaller the quotient is 6 and the remainder is 15. The smaller no. is :

a. 240

b. 270

c. 295

d. 360

e. None of these

24. The divisor is 10 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder if remainder is 46 then dividend is :

a. 4236

b. 4306

c. 4336

d. 5336

e. None of these

25. A four digit no. divisible by 7 becomes divisible by 3 when 10 is added to it the largest such no. is :

a. 9947

b. 9987

c. 9989

d. 9996

e. None of these


1) a

2) 1120000/16 = b

3) (1400-1)*(1400-1) = d

4) 555555/13 = d

5)c 6)c 7)c 8)d 9)b 10)c 11)a 12)a 13)c 14)d

15)c 16)d 17)a 18)c 19)c 20)c 21)c

22)d 23)b 24)d 25)b



1.Let R = qs—4. When s=8, R=16. When s=10, R is equal to

a. 11
b. 14c. 20
d. 21

2. If 272/3 × 81-1/2 = 3x, the value of x is

a. -1
b. 0
c. 1
d. 2
Answer -b

3. 0.333 .... × 0.444 .... is equal to

a. 0.148148148 ....
b. 0.777 ....c. 0.121212 ....
d. 1.333 ....



5. On converting the following base-2 numeral in base ten, 1101101, we get

a. 96
b. 104
c. 108
d. 109

6. The number of prime factors of (6)10×(7)17×(55)27

a. 54
b. 64
c. 81
d. 91

7. A train crosses a pole in 15 seconds, while it crosses 100 meter long platform in 25 seconds. The length of the train is -

a. 125m
b. 135 m
c. 159 m
d. 175 m

8.Two taps A and B can fill a tank in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. If both the taps are opened simultaneously and the tap A is closed after 3 minutes, then how much more time will it take to fill the tank by tap B?

a. 7 min & 15 sec
b. 7 min & 45 sec
c. 8 min & 5 sec
d. 8 min & 15 sec

9. The milk and water in two vessels A and B are in the ratio 4:3 and 2:3 respectively. In what ratio, the liquids be mixed in both the vessels so that the new liquid contains half milk and half water?

a. 7:5
b. 1:2
c. 2:1
d. 6:5

10.A car covers a distance of 715 km at a constant speed. If the speed of the car would have been 10 km/hr more, then it would have taken 2 hours less to cover the same distance. What is the original speed of the car?

a. 45 km/hr
b. 50 km/hr
c. 55 km/hr
d. 65 km/hr

11. A person covered some distance in 12 hours. He covered half the distance by rail @ 75 km per hour and the rest by car @ 45 km/hr. The total distance covered by him was

a. 450 km
b. 675 km
c. 337.5 km
d. 1350 km

12. A sum of Rs. 427 is to be divided among A, B and C in such a way that 3 times A,s share, 4 times B,s share and 7 times C,s share are all equal. The share of C is

a. Rs. 84
b. Rs. 147
c. Rs. 196
d. Rs. 240

13. A and B entered into a partnership investing Rs. 12000 and Rs. 9000 respectively. After 3 months C also joined them with a capital of Rs. 15000. The share of C in the half yearly profit of Rs. 9500 is

a. Rs. 3500
b. Rs. 3000
c. Rs. 2500
d. Rs. 4000

14.The ratio of income of A and B is 5:4 and their expenditure is as 3:2. If at the end of the year, each saves Rs. 800, then the income of A is

a. Rs. 1700
b. Rs. 1800
c. Rs. 2000
d. Rs. 2200

15.A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked at it for 10 days together and then B left. The remaining work was done by A alone in 30 more days. B alone can finish the work in

a. 48 days
b. 60 days
c. 75 days
d. 90 days

16.The ratio between the curved surface area and the total surface area of a right circular cylinder is 1:2. If the total surface is 616 sq. cm, the volume of the cylinder is

a. 1848 cm3
b. 1232 cm3
c. 1078 cm3
d. 980 cm3

17.A circular wire of radius 42 cm is cut and bent in the form of a rectangle whose sides are in the ratio of 6 : 5. The smaller side of the rectangle is

a. 30 cm
b. 60 cm
c. 72 cm
d. 108 cm

18.A man walking at the rate of 6km per hour crosses a square field diagonally in 9 seconds. The area of the field is-

a. 125 sq. cm
b. 112.5 sq. cm
c. 110 sq. cm
d. 100√2 sq. m

19.A rectangular carpet has an area of 240 sq. cm. If its diagonal and the longer side are together equal to five times the shorter side, the length of the carpet is -

a. 10 cm
b. 24 cm
c. 26 cm
d. 27.5 cm

20.The ratio of 435 : 25 is same as

a. 4 : 1
b. 2 :1
c. 7 : 5
d. 7 :10

21. A sphere and a cube have equal surface areas. The ratio of the volume of the sphere to that of the cube is

a. √π : √6
b. √π : √6
c. √π : √3
d. √6 : √π

22.The marked price of a table is Rs. 3000 and is available at successive discounts of 20% and 10% respectively. If there is an additional discount of 5% on cash payment, then what is the cash price of the table?

a. Rs. 2400
b. Rs. 2160
c. Rs. 2100
d. Rs. 2052

23. A certain sum becomes Rs. 5290 in 2 years and Rs. 6083.50 in 3 years at C.I. The rate of interest per annum is

a. 10%
b. 12%
c. 15%
d. 16⅔ %

24.A person borrowed Rs. 500@ 3% per annum S.I and Rs. 600 @4½% per annum on the agreement that the whole amount will be returned only when the total interest becomes Rs. 126. The number of years, after which the borrowed sum is to be returned, is

a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5

25.A sum of Rs. 12,000 doubles in 5 years at C.I. What will be the amount after 20 years?

a. Rs. 1,20,000
b. Rs. 1,92,000
c. Rs. 1,24,000
d. Rs. 96,000

26. A person sold 320 mangoes for the C.P. of 400 mangoes. His gain percent is

a. 10%
b. 15%
c. 12½%
d. 25%

27. A person bought some oranges @ Rs. 10 per dozen and bought the same amount of oranges @ Rs. 8 per dozen. He sold these oranges @ Rs. 11 per dozen and gained Rs. 120. The total number of oranges bought by him was

a. 30 dozen
b. 40 dozen
c. 50 dozen
d. 60 dozen

28.On selling a certain commodity for Rs. 425, there is as much gain as loss on selling it for Rs. 355. The C.P. of the commodity is

a. Rs. 370
b. Rs. 385
c. Rs. 390
d. Rs. 400

29.A sum of Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in three years at S.I. If the rate of interest is increased by 5% then the amount will increase to

a. Rs. 950
b. Rs. 980
c. Rs. 1010
d. Rs. 1040

30.Of the three numbers, second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 44, the largest number is

a. 24
b. 36
c. 17
d. 72

31.A house owner wants to get his house painted. He is told that this would require 25 kg of paint. Allowing for 15% wastage and assuming that the paint is available in 2kg tins, the number of tins required for painting the house is -

a. 15
b. 12
c. 10
d. 20

32.Price of food grains have risen by 10% and of other items of consumption by 15%. If the ratio of an employee,s expenditure on food grains and other items is 2:5, by how much should his salary be increased so that he may maintain the same level of consumption as before, assuming that his present salary is Rs. 3500?

a. Rs. 300
b. Rs. 350
c. Rs. 375
d. Rs. 475
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