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SUBEX Placement Paper : SUBEX Placement Paper Bangalore 14 September 2011

The aptitude round consists of 3 sections:

1) Verbal reasoning
2) Analytical reasoning
3) Brain Teaser

Total 15 questions duration 20 minutes. It,s very easy to crack the first round.

Some of the questions I remember that shared, below

Directions: Please read the passage and answer the questions following:

In Japan, companies generally expect their employees to put in long hours of overtime. But it is difficult for women, who also have household chores to do and children to take care of, to work at the same pace as men, who are not burdened with such responsibilities. Many women inevitably opt for part time jobs, which enable them to combine work and domestic duties. At present, 23% of all female salaried workers are part timers and the ratio has been on the rise in recent years. Part time work places women at a disadvantage. The wages of part-time workers are considerably lower than those of full time employees, and part-time work tends to involve menial labour. Moreover, because salary and promotion in Japanese companies are often based on seniority, it is extremely difficult for women either re-entering the labour force or switching from part-time to full time work to climb the ladder.

1) Japanese men do not share house chroes and childcare with their wives.

a) The statement is definitely true, or would be a reasonable conclusion to draw from the passage.
b) Statement is definitely untrue, or would not be a reasonable conclusion to draw
c) I have insufficient information to answer either of the above with any certainty

2) A quarter of all part time workers in Japan are female.

a) Statement is definitely true or would be a reasonable conclusion

b) Statement is definitely unture or would not be a reasonable conclusion to draw

c) I have insufficient information to answer either of the above with any certainy.

3) Part time is definitely true or would be a reasonable conclusion to draw

a) Statement is definitely true or would be a reasonable conclusion

b) statement is definitely untrue or would be a reasonable conclusion to draw

c) I have insufficient information to answer either of the above with any certainty

4) Women in Japan to work overtime

a) Statement is definitely true or would be a reasonable conclusion.

b) Statement is definitely untrue or wouldn,t be a reasonable conclusion.

c) I have insufficient information to answer either of the above with any certainty.

Directions: Three men(Tom, peter and Jack) and three women (Eliza, Anne and karen) are spending a few months at a hillside. They are to stay in a row of nine cottage, each one living in his/her own cottage. There are no others staying in the same row of houses.

1) Anne, Tom and Jack do not want to stay in any cottage, which is at the end of the row.
2) Elize and Anne are unwillings to stay besides any occupied cottage.
3) Karen is next to peter and Jack.
4) The house occupied by Tom.
5) None of the girls occupy
6) Between Anne and Jack cottage there is just.

5) Which of the above statements can be said to have been derived from two other statement?

a) Statemt1
b) Statemt2
c) Statemt3
d) Statemt4
e) Statemt5

6) How many of them occupy cottages next to a vacant cottage.

a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 e) 6

7) Which among these statements are true.

i) Anne is between Eliza and Jack.
ii) At the most four persons can have occupied cottages on either side of them.
iii) Tom stays besides Peter.

a) i only
b) ii only
c) i and iii only
d) ii and iii only
e) i,ii and iii

Directions: A particular seafood restaurant serves dinner Tuesday through Sunday. The restaurant is closed on Monday. Five entrees snapper. halibut,lobster, mahi mahi, and tuna are
served each week according to the following restrictions:

Halibut is servedon three days each week.But never firday.
Lobster is served on one day each week.
Mahi is served on three days each week. But never on consecutive days.
Halibut and snapper are both served on Saturday.
Tuna is served five days each week.
No more three different entrees is served.

8) On which of the following pairs of days could the restaurant menu of entree be identical?
a) Friday and Sunday
b) Tuesday and Wednesday
c) Saturday and Sunday
d) Wednesday and Friday
e) Thrusday and Friday

9) Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of the days on which halibut and lobster may both be served.
a) Tuesday,Thursday
b) Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday
c) Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday
d) Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday and Friday

10) If mahi mahi is served on Saturday it could be true that

a) Snapper and mahi mahi are both served on sunday
b) Snapper and halibut are both served on Tuesday
c) Lobster and halibut are both served on Thursday
d) Tuna, Snapper are both served on Saturday
e) Lobster and snapper are both served on Friday

And, 5 questions are given, for Brain teaser.

11) Test on three subjects Physics, Chemistry & Biology are to be conducted simultaneously the number of candidates for the tests are 68, 36 and 72 respectively. Candidates are to be seated in different rooms such that each room will have candidates of the same subject and the load on each invigilator be the same i.e. the number of candidates in each room should be the same what is the minimum number of rooms you need for the purpose.

a) 22 b) 30 c) 44) d) None of these

12) Three oranges, six bananas and eight apples cost Rs.30. Seven oranges, four bananas and two apples cost 20. I bought five oranges, five bananas and five apples. How much did i pay.

a) 25 b) 30 c) 35 d) Cann,t be determined

13) The product of all integres from 1 to 100 will have the following numbers of zero at the end.
a) 20 b) 21 c) 24 d) 25

14) What is the highest power of 25 that divides the product of the first 100 multiples of 5.
a) 74 b) 100 c) 62 d) Cann,t be determined

15) A five digit number is formed using digit 1,3,5,7 and 9 without repeating any are of these. What is the sum of all such possible numbers.

a) 666600 b)66660 c)666666 d) None of these

SUBEX Placement Paper : Bangalore ,Candidate Experiences

1) Written test
2) 2 technical interviews
2) 1 HR interview.

Written test:
You will be given 3 ques, u have to do one in 30 min.

For me 3 questions were:
1) You have to create a list class to accept a string and do the following:
a) add a string to the list
b) delete a string node
c) sort it
d) print it
e) edit

2) You have to create a date wrapper function
a) accept the date in any format such as 02-feb-2007 or 02-march-07 or 02/07/07 and print it in mm-dd-yy

3) You have to create a string wrapper function using some copy constroctor and some other things were given to do.


SUBEX Placement Paper : Mt Carmel College, Bangalore ,14 January 2007


Hi All,

I attended the test on 14th Jan 2007 conducted by Subex Azure ltd.The paper had C programming mainly on pointers.

Part 1: 20 questions in C (1/2 an hour duration)

Part2: A program to be written (1/2 an hour)



sizeof(char) = 2

sizeof(int) = 4

sizeof(float) = sizeof(pointer) = 4

sizeof(double) = 8


#define _LINE_ 10






#define STRINGDEF(expr) #expr



calculate the following postfix expression

+ * + 2 6 - 1 5 6


int i = 260;

float f = 12.2;

char c = ,a,;

char *ptr1,*ptr2,*ptr3;

ptr1 = (char *)&i;

ptr2 = (char *)&f;

ptr3 = (char *)&c;

printf ("%c|%c|%c",*ptr1,*ptr2,*ptr3);


a. 260|12|97

b. 260|12|a


int main(int argc,char **argv)


int *p;

p = malloc(10 * sizeof(int i));


/*(i) */

return 0;

What is the state of the marked line (i)?


a. dangling pointer p

b. defined

c. memory leakage during malloc




int i = 0;


return 1;


return 0;



1.Always 0

2.Always 1




unsigned int is_keyword : 1;

unsigned int is_extern : 1;

unsigned int is_static : 1;


/*print the value of is_keyword */


1. Compile error

2. 1

3. Error, before the :


int foo(void)


char *p;

int i;

if (i && (*p=10))

return 1;


return 0;


what will be the outcome if the foo function is called ?


int m =1;

int l =0;

int i = -1;

int j =1;


for(; i <= (j && 1) && (m &&j); (i >> 4))

/*sorry i do not exactly remember the for loop,but it actually look like the above for loop */


How many times will the loop execute,


a. 8

b. 1

c. infite times




char *p;

int i;



struct mem member = {"value, 3"},2;



1. compile erroe

2. state defined




char *name;

int i;



char var;

int integer;

float var2;




//see the above assumptions








and rest i do not remember....

but lot on pointers and preprocessors.


Write a program to get strings and to substitute character from string1 to string2

(equv to UNIX command tr)

for example:

string1: "abc"

string2: "def"

the occurrence of ,a, will be replaced by ,d, , ,b, will be replaced by ,e, , ,c, will be replaced by ,f,

AND for less complexity assume the string1 and string2 are of same size
thatz all guys...

SUBEX Placement Paper : UVCE,Bangalore ,2 September 2008

Hi every1, i,m pragathi a computer science engineering student from DSCE BANGALORE,recently got placed in SUBEX company..It was a pool campus for 4 colleges.UVCE,DSCE,JSS,SIT

The company PPT was held on 2nd september2008.the pay is 4 lk p a and monthly stipend of 3000 during 8th semester...25000 performance appraisal after 12 months and 24 for 2 years

the same day we had written round....the written round has 2 sections
->first 1/2 an hour for multiple choice technical questions mostly based on FILE structures, pointers, arrays, enum, memory allocation ->next 1/2 an hour for writting a,ll have 2 options in which 1 of them have to be written

First technical round by the project leader on 10th sep2008
Second technical round by seniour project manager on 10th sep 2008
HR round on 10th sep 2008
Telephonic technical round by the seniour VP on 14th september 2008
results announced on 15th :) and received offer letter on 19th sep 2008

For written round the simple programs asked were
1)Input the text from a file and count the number of words which start with a have to use command line arguments.the input file name is given at the command prompt..
2)to input an unsigned integer and reverse the first and last nibble of the number.....there were other questions like input the text from a file and count the number of declarations made as "int","float","char"... i,ll just show u an e.g., use lot of comments to support your program and can be understood easily void main(int argc,char* argv[])
FILE *fp;
char str[],str1[];
int i,count=0;
//u can either read the entire line using fgets or word by word using fscanf...if u use each word in the str until u find a space
{ i=0;
while(str1[i]!=, ,)
//check if the 1st letter is an vowel
case ,A,:
case ,E,:
case ,I,:
case ,O,:
case ,U,:
case ,a,:
case ,e,:
case ,i,:
case ,o,:
case ,u,:count=count+1;
printf ("%d",count);

there was negative marking for objective type.if u clear that test only then your program would be evaluated..189 student took up the written round...59 had cleared objective...only 15 of them were shortlisted for the interview...we were asked to go to the company for the interview

in the fisrt tech make u comfortable they asked tell me about yourself?

then questions on data structure...realloc()what pointer is returned when the requested size is not available at the requested pointer?

then few simple sql queries... some of them were asked about virtual functions...why do you use them?some real time example...their favourite topics were c,ds,c++,os,dbms

writing program on linked list,doubly linked list only 7 cleared the 1st technical round...

In the second technical round...
all subjects were asked like CPU scheduling,page replacement algorithm in OS,SQL query,all the normalisation methods,sorting algorithms,different software engineering models(water fall model)which is better...C,C++ concepts...i was asked to write a simple program to take a string as input of form "my name is pragathi" and the output should be "ym eman si ihtagarp"...revesing of each word...tell me about yourself was asked again

only 5 of them cleared 2nd technical round

then there was HR round...

this was to check how well you think...few puzzles were asked...given 12 sticks,how do u make squares such that they are all linked to 1 another...

...a person is falling from 10th floor to commit suiside but he,ll be saved by some1...police watchin this will not arrest the person who tried to commit suiside...why dint they arrest him...

in HR they,ll see your approach not the exact answer...some general questions... some points from PPT about subex and so on.

only 2 of us cleared HR...

finally telephonic interview was taken by the seniour was a casual talk...tell me about yourself...what r your activities in college...which r the subjects u have this semester...what r the subjects about,,,

the CPU scheduling algorithms...which algorithm does windows OS use(round robin scheduling was my answer),normalisation methods...

both of us got placed in SUBEX...

I thank all those who have shared there experience in freshers helped a lot to know how the interview will be...I thank my family,teachers and my dearest BUDDIES who helped me thru out...ALL THE BEST:)

Subex Placement Paper : Trivandrum ,30 August 2006


hi guys
This is the subex azure placement paper.

My advice is tht if ur not comfortable with c,dont write subex(dont waste ur time ok!)

hi guys
This is the latest question paper of subex azura.
Test of location: Trivandrum
question pattern
C programming 20 questions (30 minutes)
The following are the question i remembered.Hope it will give a clear cut idea abt subex.
unsigned int is_keyword:1;
unsigned int is_extern:1;
unsigned int is_static:1;
printf("%p",&flag is_static);
whts is the o/p?
unsigned int is_keyword:1;
unsigned int is_extern:1;
unsigned int is_static:1;
3.main(int argc,char argv[])
int i=10,j=10;
const int *ptr;
int *const ptr1=&j;
is it compile?

int ival;
char ival;
o/p? foo(void)
char *p;
int i;
return 1;
return 0;
calling the function foo,what happened? i=260;
float f=12.2;
char c=,a,;
char *ptr1,*ptr2,*ptr3;
ptr1=(char *)&i;
ptr2=(char *)&f;
ptr3=(char *)&c;
printf("%d %d %d",*ptr1,*ptr2,*ptr3);
o/p? main(int argc,char **argv)
int *p;
p=malloc(10*sizeof(int i));
/*(i) */
return 0;
whts tht state of (i)?

after this we had a programming question.

my question is tht write a pgm to count the occurrence of following C keywords in a file and calcuate the sum?

Hey guys ,dont upset confident.prepare well(means from a to z of C)...Then u can simply get it

after test,
2 round TEch interview
and 1 round HR.

Their pay scale is 3 lakshs for btech
3.25 for mtech

after getting a job,they will give u stipend of 2000 rs per month before u joining the firm.

Subex Placement Paper : KIIT College, Bhubaneswar ,11 July 2007

1. Written test:
It consists of two sections. Different sets of questions are there.
a. C programming test: - 20 questions, 30 min.
C objective questions, u need to find out the output. The questions are easy but u should possess through knowledge about C programming. No negative marking. The questions are covering all portions like pointer, macros, files, loop, operators, array, function etc.

b. Programming code skill: - 1 question, 30 min.

2 questions were given, u need write one.
è Write a program to delete the nodes of a linked list having a specified data item.
è Write a program to find out the no of identical words in two files. The file name should be taken as command line argument

The written result published on 24th July and 111 were qualified. The interview was held on 3rd August.

2. Technical Interview 1:-
For this round u need to possess very good knowledge in programming skill. Mainly they are giving programs on file to write like write a program to count the no of palindrome words in a file and write it in to another file and asking fundamental C and C++ questions like call by ref., call by value, pointers, wrapper class etc. Covering all portions.

3. Technical Interview 2:-

Questions from C, DS, C++, DBMS, OS, Networking, DSP and branch subjects as my branch is ECE they asked me quest. from DEC, ACT, DCT, Microprocessor etc. They just asked me to tell all subject names what ever I read from 1st SEM till now. the sub. names what ever I told they asked me questions on that sub even some questions on Basic electrical paper. He also gave me a program of inverted pyramid to write and asked questions from my project and about the recent project of 7th SEM. So prepare thoroughly on ur project.

4. HR round:-

They asked me quests from my CV and other HR questions. what I remembered…

è Introduction.

è Hobby.

è Why u have chosen ECE branch.

è Why Software.

è Why Subex.

è Tell three points from ppt of Subex.

è Questions on proj. like why this project, from where u have collected the information, ,What type of problems u have faced while doing the project, From Whom u have taken help, in future what u want to do with ur project etc etc.

è Have u faced any situation where u found urself to be dead.

è Three areas where u wants 2 improve.

è Family background etc.

è Finally, do u want 2 ask any thing?

Approach is most important. Speak confidently with a smiling face no need to feel or get tense because they are very cool.

41 students were appeared HR and finally out of this only 4 were selected. Thanks to God, in the list of 4 I was also there.

So friends!! if the day is yours nobody will stop u until you succeed. I got lot of support from my parents and friends to get the success! so this is time to tell them thanks !!

I am very much thankful to all of my friends who have given me lot of support even I was in tough times and 2 those who have contributed their papers on this site which helped me a lot . Also I would like say thanks to god and my family members for their blessings.

Ok friends this all abt my placement story, so hope for the best & be positive, definitely one day u will get success!!

1. Written test:
It consists of two sections. Different sets of questions are there.
a. C programming test: - 20 questions, 30 min.
C objective questions, u need to find out the output. The questions are easy but u should possess through knowledge about C programming. No negative marking. The questions are covering all portions like pointer, macros, files, loop, operators, array, function etc.

b. Programming code skill: - 1 question, 30 min.

2 questions were given, u need write one.
è Write a program to delete the nodes of a linked list having a specified data item.
è Write a program to find out the no of identical words in two files. The file name should be taken as command line argument

The written result published on 24th July and 111 were qualified. The interview was held on 3rd August.

2. Technical Interview 1:-
For this round u need to possess very good knowledge in programming skill. Mainly they are giving programs on file to write like write a program to count the no of palindrome words in a file and write it in to another file and asking fundamental C and C++ questions like call by ref., call by value, pointers, wrapper class etc. Covering all portions.

3. Technical Interview 2:-

Questions from C, DS, C++, DBMS, OS, Networking, DSP and branch subjects as my branch is ECE they asked me quest. from DEC, ACT, DCT, Microprocessor etc. They just asked me to tell all subject names what ever I read from 1st SEM till now. the sub. names what ever I told they asked me questions on that sub even some questions on Basic electrical paper. He also gave me a program of inverted pyramid to write and asked questions from my project and about the recent project of 7th SEM. So prepare thoroughly on ur project.

4. HR round:-

They asked me quests from my CV and other HR questions. what I remembered…

è Introduction.

è Hobby.

è Why u have chosen ECE branch.

è Why Software.

è Why Subex.

è Tell three points from ppt of Subex.

è Questions on proj. like why this project, from where u have collected the information, ,What type of problems u have faced while doing the project, From Whom u have taken help, in future what u want to do with ur project etc etc.

è Have u faced any situation where u found urself to be dead.

è Three areas where u wants 2 improve.

è Family background etc.

è Finally, do u want 2 ask any thing?

Approach is most important. Speak confidently with a smiling face no need to feel or get tense because they are very cool.

41 students were appeared HR and finally out of this only 4 were selected. Thanks to God, in the list of 4 I was also there.

So friends!! if the day is yours nobody will stop u until you succeed. I got lot of support from my parents and friends to get the success! so this is time to tell them thanks !!

I am very much thankful to all of my friends who have given me lot of support even I was in tough times and 2 those who have contributed their papers on this site which helped me a lot . Also I would like say thanks to god and my family members for their blessings.

Ok friends this all abt my placement story, so hope for the best & be positive, definitely one day u will get success!!

Subex Placement Paper : KIIT,BHUBANESWAR ,8 July 2007

I am sambit from eastern academy of science and tehnology,bhubaneswar.I had recently attended the SUBEX
that had occur in KIIT...the selection process was
1.technical test
2.technical interview by junoir project leader
3.technical interview by senoir poject leader..
In the TECHNICAL TEST it comprises of 2 test consists of 6 sets of papers...
SO u have 2 do carefully 2 complete it..BOTH....
I REMEMBERED SOME OF THE QUESTION...//u have 2 detect output///
1>int main()
int a[4]={1,2,3,4};
int *ptr ;
int main
struct node
int a,b,c;
struct node s={3,5,6};
struct node*pt=&s;

#define max 20
int main()
int i,b[]={1,2,3,4,5},*p;
int i=20;

int main()
char*name ="name";
change (name);
char * nm="new name";
INT i;
STRUCT node*next;
struct node * delete node(struct nodes* start,cons int i;);

/////rest u have 2 solve////

SUBEX Placement Paper : RajaGiri College, Kochi, Kerala ,20 May 2007


Glad To tell i got placed in Subex,

First is aptitude test, prepare well C basics.. esp POINTERS. And be prepared to write full programs.. mostly based on FILE.. Read command line arguments, reversing words in file, selecting all words with Capital letters in a file etc etc. After writing the program write comments which is a good practise. Once u have cleared the aptitude u wil have to go through 3 interviews.

1) Technical Interview:-> Different panels asks variety questions. they will ask us to rate ourself in all subjects like C CPP OS DBMS DS etc etc And start asking questions from each topic.

sample questions:
Wht are diff modules in OS?
Write a program to implement queue suing pop() and push() functions of stack?
Write programs using files,. etc
Scheduling Algorithm in OS.. etc
How can we implement concpets of private public protected in C?
(using structures.. if we define a member as extern it will be oublci.. normal members are accesible within tht fuile only.. so its private only)
Mostly basic questions. Prepare well!

2)Again one more technical interview.
here its a bit tough. They will ask more questions from mostly all subjects!
About diff looping,branching statements, differences b./w continue break goto etc etc
sample codes will be given and we have to write o/p.
Classes objects. OOP concepts, Polymorphism.. program using virtual functions.pointers.
Questions from electronics also were asked to CS students. Like half adder. full adder. karnough maps. etc
Explain private,public and protected... then inheritance.. they asked virtaally everything!!

tech 1 may be over in 10 minuites for may extend 30 minuites.

Once u clear 2 tech rounds u are almost there.I think they rarely reject someone after HR.
HR is a bit lenghty. Make sure u visit SUBEX website very well. Subex Share Price (its around 450rs now)
What all business subes has?
Why Subex over other companies?
Wht are the things which attracted u to software and subex?
(i was already placed in infy wipro asked me why subex over infy?? etc etc)
BE prepared with exact points.
i was asked to tell 3 points from the ppt which caught ur attentions.
answers: subex is a small compabny still it has worlds top clients.
the daring nature of subex..-subex acquired sysndesis which is much larger in size.
Wht is ur dream etc?

then i was asked about the software development cycle.. If u have read pankaj jalote for SE then ucan easily asnwer.. I havent read tht. But i answered with common sense and it was fine.
then asked whts the difference b/w a software application company and software product company?
Ans:Application means it is designed to suit the neds fo a particual company.. eg : wipro, tcs, infosys/ ( they have some products also.. eg: Finacle of infosys)
Products are not meant for a particular company.Its a generic product.. like windows, yahoo messenger. etc etc eg: Microsoft, Subex, Aditi etc etc
Then about parents family bkground... etc etc

SUBEX Placement Paper : Bangalore ,16 July 2008

2)analytical reasoning
3)Brain teasers

the duration of the test was 90 brain teasers the question i remember are:
1)If x=y=2z and xyz=256 then what is the value of x?
(a)12 (b)8 (c)16 (d)6
Ans. (b)
2)Pipe A can fill in 20 minutes and Pipe B in 30 mins and Pipe C can empty the same in 40 mins. If all of them work together, find the time taken to fill the tank
(a) 17 1/7 mins (b) 20 mins (c) 8 mins (d) none of these
Ans. (a)

3) Thirty men take 20 days to complete a job working 9 hours a day. How many hour a day should 40 men work to complete the job?
(a) 8 hrs (b) 7 1/2 hrs (c) 7 hrs (d) 9 hrs
Ans. (b)

4) A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long. Find the area it can graze?
(a) 38.5 sq.m (b) 155 sq.m (c) 144 sq.m (d) 19.25 sq.m
Ans. (a)

5) The average age of 10 members of a committee is the same as it was 4 years ago, because an old member has been replaced by a young member. Find how much younger is the new member ?
Ans.40 years.

6) ABCE is an isosceles trapezoid and ACDE is a rectangle. AB = 10 and EC = 20. What is the length of AE?
Ans. AE = 10

7) What is the missing number in this series?1 2 4 13 31 112 ?

In verbal they a passage and ask some questions.
In analytical reasoning they ask
I) Five houses lettered A,B,C,D, & E are built in a row next to each other. The houses are lined up in the order A,B,C,D, & E. Each of the five houses has a colored chimney. The roof and chimney of each house must be painted as follows.
i. The roof must be painted either green, red ,or yellow.
ii. The chimney must be painted either white, black, or red.
iii. No house may have the same color chimney as the color of roof.
iv. No house may use any of the same colors that the every next house uses.
v. House E has a green roof.
vi. House B has a red roof and a black chimney

1.Which of the following is true ?
(a) At least two houses have black chimney.
(b) At least two houses have red roofs.
(c) At least two houses have white chimneys
(d) At least two houses have green roofs
(e) At least two houses have yellow roofs
Ans: (c)

2.Which must be false ?
(a) House A has a yellow roof
(b) House A & C have different color chimney
(c) House D has a black chimney
(d) House E has a white chimney
(e) House B&D have the same color roof.
Ans: (b)

3.If house C has a yellow roof. Which must be true.
(a) House E has a white chimney
(b) House E has a black chimney
(c) House E has a red chimney
(d) House D has a red chimney
(e) House C has a black chimney
Ans: (a)

4.Which possible combinations of roof & chimney can house
I. A red roof 7 a black chimney
II. A yellow roof & a red chimney
III. A yellow roof & a black chimney
(a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I & II only (e) I&II&III
Ans: (e)

II) In a certain society, there are two marriage groups, red and brown. No marriage is permitted within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wives groups; women remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents. Widowers and divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than one person at the same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden
1.A brown female could have had
I. A grandfather born Red
II. A grandmother born Red
III Two grandfathers born Brown
(A) I only (B) III only (C) I, II and III (D) I and II only
Ans. D

2.A male born into the brown group may have
(A) An uncle in either group
(B) A brown daughter
(C) A brown son
(D) A son-in-law born into red group Ans. A

3.Which of the following is not permitted under the rules as stated.
(A) A brown male marrying his father,s sister
(B) A red female marrying her mother,s brother
(C) A widower marrying his wife,s sister
(D) A widow marrying her divorced daughter,s ex-husband
Ans. B

4.. If widowers and divorced males retained their group they had upon marrying which of the following would be permissible ( Assume that no previous marriage occurred)
(A) A woman marrying her dead sister,s husband
(B) A woman marrying her divorced daughter,s ex-husband
(C) A widower marrying his brother,s daughter
(D) A woman marrying her mother,s brother who is a widower.
Ans. D

III) The letters A, B, C, D, E, F and G, not necessarily in that order, stand for seven consecutive integers from 1 to 10, D is 3 less than A, B is the middle term
F is as much less than B as C is greater than D, G is greater than F,
1. The fifth integer is
(a) A (b) C (c) D (d) E (e) F
Ans. (a)

2.A is as much greater than F as which integer is less than G
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D (e) E
Ans. (a)

3.If A = 7, the sum of E and G is
(a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 14 (e) 16
Ans. (a)

4.A - F = ?
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 (e) Cannot be determined
Ans. (a)

5.An integer T is as much greater than C as C is greater than E. T can be written as A + E. What is D?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) Cannot be determined
Ans. (a)

6.The greatest possible value of C is how much greater than the smallest possible value of D?
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (e) 6
Ans. (a)

IV) For a motorist there are three ways going from City A to City C. By way of bridge the distance is 20 miles and toll is $0.75. A tunnel between the two cities is a distance of 10 miles and toll is $1.00 for the vehicle and driver and $0.10 for each passenger. A two-lane highway without toll goes east for 30 miles to city B and then 20 miles in a northwest direction to City C.
1.Which is the shortest route from B to C
(a) Directly on toll free highway to City C (b) The bridge (c) The Tunnel
(d) The bridge or the tunnel (e) The bridge only if traffic is heavy on the toll free highway
Ans. (a)

2.The most economical way of going from City A to City B, in terms of toll and distance is to use the
(a) tunnel (b) bridge (c) bridge or tunnel (d) toll free highway (e) bridge and highway
Ans. (a)

3.Jim usually drives alone from City C to City A every working day. His firm deducts a percentage of employee pay for lateness. Which factor would most influence his choice of the bridge or the tunnel ?
(a) Whether his wife goes with him
(b) scenic beauty on the route
(c) Traffic conditions on the road, bridge and tunnel
(d) saving $0.25 in tolls
(e) price of gasoline consumed in covering additional 10 miles on the bridge
Ans. (a)

4.In choosing between the use of the bridge and the tunnel the chief factor(s) would be:
I. Traffic and road conditions
II. Number of passengers in the car
III. Location of one,s homes in the center or outskirts of one of the cities
IV. Desire to save $0.25
(a) I only (b) II only (c) II and III only (d) III and IV only (e) I and II only
Ans. (a)

SUBEX Placement Paper : CUSAT ,27 August 2009

1) fun(char *s,int n)
return ;
char a[]="HELLO WORLD";
return 0;

2) #define TRUE 1;
#define FALSE -1;
#define NULL 0;
else if(FALSE)
char str[10];

4) main()
int a[]={5,15,34,10};
int *ptr;
int **ptr_ptr;
5) struct e
char *a;
int flags;
int var;
union u
int b;
float *c;
return 0;
ANS=160 or 200(i dont know)
6) main()
float b=3.28;
return 0;
7) #define __line__ 10;
return __line__;
what will foo return?
ANS=10(may be wrong answer)
8) #ifdef something
int some=0;
int thing = 0;
printf("%d %d\n", some ,thing);
Answer: Compiler error : undefined symbol some
Explanation: This is a very simple example for conditional compilation. The name something is not already known to the compiler making the declaration
int some = 0; effectively removed from the source code.
9) #include
char s[]={,a,,,b,,,c,,,\n,,,c,,,\0,};
char *p,*str,*str1;
printf("%d",++*p + ++*str1-32);
Answer: 77
Explanation: p is pointing to character ,\n,. str1 is pointing to character ,a, ++*p. "p is pointing to ,\n, and that is incremented by one." the ASCII value of ,\n, is 10, which is then incremented to 11. The value of ++*p is 11.++*str1, str1 is pointing to ,a, that is incremented by 1 and it becomes ,b,. ASCII value of ,b, is 98. Now performing (11 + 98 – 32), we get 77("M"); So we get the output 77 :: "M" (Ascii is 77).
10) #define square(x) x*x
int i;
i = 64/square(4);
Answer: 64
Explanation: the macro call square(4) will substituted by 4*4 so the expression
becomes i = 64/4*4 . Since / and *
has equal priority the expression will be evaluated as (64/4)*4 i.e. 16*4 = 64
11) main()
void show()
printf("I,m the greatest");
Answer: Compier error: Type mismatch in redeclaration of show.
Explanation: When the compiler sees the function show it doesn,t know anything about it. So the default return type
(ie, int) is assumed. But when compiler sees the actual definition of show mismatch occurs
since it is declared as void. Hence the error.
The solutions are as follows:
1. declare void show() in main() .
2. define show() before main().
3. declare extern void show() before the use of show().
12) #define f(g,g2) g##g2
int var12=100;
Answer: 100
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