Thermax Placement Paper : National power training Instt.(ER) ,29 September 2010
1) The intermediate pressure of a two stage compressor working between p1 and p2 pressure is squareroot(p1.p2)
2) In an isothermal atmosphere the relation between rate of pressure and rate of density change is
3) Value of T(torque) in combined bending moment and torsion
4) A ball bearing arrangement mechanism is used in steering mechanism
5) A shaft of 100 mm dia delivering 100 hp at 100rpm. The torque in kg-m is
6) For isentropic flow in a convergent divergent nozzle is(V
7) relation between t2 and t1 in terms if gamma and Mach no.
8) Simple problem of mechanics where 3 bodies of mass 10,20,30 are connected together and pulled with a force of 60N. calc. accelaration
9) Relation between lead and pitch in screw jack
10) Internal energy is function of temperature
11) Which delivers least power
i) Cyl & piston ii) Cam and follower iii) Belt drive iv)Gear drive
12) Newtons law states that
i) work is a fraction of heat energy transfer ii) Heat energy is a fraction of work transfer iii) No relation
13) Thermal conductivity is defined as
14) Area=1m * 1.5m wall, k=0.4, l=0.6 find thermal resistance
15) Calc COP in a vapour compression refrigeration cycle all enthalpy values would be given
16) COP of a heat pump working between source (7 deg C) and sink (-33 deg C); i/p work 1000J o/p 750J
17) Efficiency of Screw jack
18) Relation between coeff of rigidity, co-eff of elasticity and poisson,s ration
19) Simple pitot measures flow velocity
20) Expression of centre of pressure for a rectangular lamina
21) Arrange according to resistance. RTD, thermocouple, thermistor
22) Output of a thermocouple is measured in mV
23) Thermal conductivity of water increases with temp, decreases with temp, increases first then decreases, decreases first then increases.
(out of 40 ques 23 are here)
Aptitude + Verbal reasoning
20 Mirror images
10 English(fill in the blanks in comprehension, sequence testing, meaning of passages)
10 Data sufficiency (quite tough)
20 Quantitative Aptitude(8-10 easy, 10 quite high)