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torry Placement Paper : ITM,GWALIOR ,27 September 2006


First of all IT stream(IT, CS, MCA) were having different paper and NON-IT stream(EC,MECH, EI etc) had different paper.

The written test included 20 questions with time limit of 20 minutes. The paper was quite easy which included around 4 questions related with C language, 4-5 questions related to practical electronics. 2-3 of DCS and rest were aptitude.

I am writing questions correct best to my knowledge……..

1. How many 1’s will appear in the binary equivalent of 280*(273)(Some multiplication like this I don’t remember the exact figure.)

2. which device is most likely to be failed.

a) resister b) capacitor c) transistor d) diode

( I believe Ans is C)

3. there are two trains moving towards each other with speeds of 53 and 34kmph. A man standing on the slower train notice the fast one passed him in 15sec. find the length of the train.

Ans was 75 mtr

4. a man is standing on the bridge 180 mtr long. Man observes that train passes him 8 sec. while it crosses bridge in 20 sec. find the length of the train. Ans=120 mtr.

5. there was a egg seller who tell a person that 3 of his customers told him to buy half of eggs he have along with half an egg more. Find the total no of eggs with him initially. Ans 7 eggs

6. binary equivalent of 52. Ans 110100

7. which device has grid in it. A) diode b)capacitor c) transistor d)resister.

Ans:- capacitor(99 % correct)

8. which of the devices are used for filtering purpose.

a)capacitor b)inductor c) both d) none Ans C

9. int cosnt *a = 10;


………………. Ans :- Compiler error (cosnt is no keyword)

10. float a=1.1;

double b=1.1;


printf(“both are same);


printf(“both are different);

what is output:-

ans:- both r different

11. stack uses LIFO, FIFO, Round Robin etc ans:- LIFO

12. priority order of (), ++, / Ans:- ()++/

13. pilot frequency in FM:- a) 18 b)22

14. 1280 divided by smallest no. becomes perfect square. Ans :- 5

15. generation 3rd processors are made of :

a) NMOS b)HMOS some options like this I don’t remember the exact may be ans is A.

16. length of header in TCP and IP a)10,2 b) 5,10 some options like this .

17. maximum integer that can be accommodated by 1 byte.

A)256 b)512 c) 255 d)128 .

I don’t remember the rest of 3 questions but they were also easy. There was no negative marking. The copies were checked by their delegates only no help from college faculties.

I attempted 16 ques. And my 14 were surely correct. I believe 16-17 correct answers will do safely. Mark 1-2 wrong also to show that you did it only by yourself. Earlier there was no GD but then 130 were selected in written so GD was conducted. 57 out of GD and 27 final selections. Don’t make GD fish market and also if it is made so then shut yourself. As it will create a bad impression of yours.

They were having our written answer sheets with them in GD gave us marks totaled written and GD marks and then short listed for interview. Technical and HR were at the same time. 1 Aptitude question was asked with most of the guys. Like monkey climbing problem etc. also some good concepts of C and C++ were asked. Also asked to justify your ans. of programming ques. in written exam.

torry Placement Paper : Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology, Guptipara ,26 April 2007

1.Quantitative Aptitude (20 questions – 20 minutes)
2.Group Discussion (Short duration, each gets a minute or two at most to speak)
3.Technical Apti + Logical Apti (20+12 Questions – 40 minutes)

1.Quantitative Aptitude
Questions are real easy, read them once and solve, if you can,t don,t waste a single second jump to next question. Questions were from Area, Volume, Coding – Decoding, Time & work, Time & distance, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Probability, Series. I attempted 12 question correct and 4 guess work, and left 4. There was no -ve marking. Time management is the most important.

2.Group Discussion
49 students cleared Quantitative Aptitude out of 300. 5 groups of 10 students we called for GD.
Topics were like “Can India Pakistan be friends”, “Should Mobile phones be banned inside college campus”. All the topics were real easy. They simply just check ur communication skill and nothing else. 22 candidates out of 49 cleared the GD.

3.Technical Apti + Logical Apti
20 Technical questions majority from simple C programs, you will have to predict the output. Some were on OS from segmentation, paging, page replacement policies, and some from uProcessor. This paper was almost easy I attempted 13 out of 20. No -ve marking.

12 Logical Apti, this was real time consuming and tough. There was only one passage comprehension which was easy. But question like.. There are 6 house ABCDEF, each having a chimney and a roof. The colour of roof can be either of Red, Green, Blue and the colour of chimney can be Gray, Red, White. Then there some conditions will be mentioned, you will have to allocate colour to each house, then answer about 4 to 6 questions that follow.

This round was very friendly. This was my experience:
Q.Whats your name?
A.Abhishek Mitra

Q.Oh! You are from CSE?
A.Yes Sir

Q.Ok Tell me something about your family
A.Explained in short.

Q.So you are the only son of your parents?
A.Yes sir.. and only child too.

Q.Ok, So Tell me something about your interests?
A.Explained in detail.

Q.So, what about the process (He wanted to mean “Recruitment process”)?
A.Explained, that i was very much satisfied.

Q.Do you have any problem relocating to Bangalore?
A.Certainly not, Sir.

Q.Ok.. Good Luck
A.I smiled and shaked hands with him.

17 cleared the final round and got selected. “By God,s grace I got selected...”
See you at THBS...

torry Placement Paper : JITM,parlakimundi ,19 July 2007

In 5 months i had appeared of 9 companies, but i was not selected upto my 8 company.
After that my 8 th company i was attended for Torry harris business solutions at jagannadha institute of technology and management,parlakimundi,orissa.

My last attended companies list i want to describe,Those are
at last thbs.
Do u think how i suffer because of my failure, i suffer very lot.
But god know about me. after that these companies i was attended in that company.
I was selected in that company.
Here i want to tell that is all our before friends are said that "If the day is yours, no one can stop you".

so now i want to explain selection procedure.
thbs is having 5 rounds.
1.written test: aptitude
2.written test: logical reasoning
3.written test: technical
5.HR&technical interview.
For us we have no GD.
we have 3 written tests and interview only. becasue after 3rd written test there are 63 candidates are only there. all are eliminated
Nearly of 700 students in first written test nearly 300 were selected.
In first written test we can call it as Mathes test but not aptitude test. All problems are formulas which we face in our intermediate time.
The cutoff is only 7 for us.
I did 7 perfectly so i was selected in that test
after that their second written test was conducted.
It was logical reasoning test.
In this test they give puzzle test,blood relations, directions,etc problems.
It was consist of 12 questions with in 15 minutes.
In this written test only 120 were selected.
after that their third written test was conducted.
It was totally c,c++ programming and all fundamentals bits only.
In this test only 63 were selected.
After that they have GD. but they are not conducted it,because of low people.
Direcly they conducted HR&technical interview.
In that i faced all are technical only,only one que from HR
If u have good technical stuff u will select.
In my opinion we should tell to them if they ask what is your favourite language is c++;
because if u tell "c" then u will face problems because c is ocean,but c++ has some limits.
They will ask only some question about basic concepts of C++.
so Try to c++ only.
After interview they were selects only 30 candidates.
I was one among them. from our college 5 people were selected,.
so now i feel very happy,
I want to suggest to you one thing friends i.e., dont depress, but suffer why i am failing, try to avoid your mistakes and all and get good job.
I hope u see u in thbs.
best of luck friends.

torry Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper GIT,Banglore - 6 July 2006


hai friends,
This is pavan kumar from GIT banglore.Iam very happy beacause i placed in Trianz.
This good software company providing IT solutions and product oriented softwares.

Trianz pattern
1.Written test(75q-60min)
2.Group Discussion(15 min)

3.TR+HR round(30 min)

written Test:
player : coach
child : parent
student : teacher
author : publishe
intern : doctor


mechanic : car
songwriter : lyrics
desk : office
player : team
actor : screen
audience : theater
birds : nest
sailors : submarine
freight : warehouse
students : classroom

fence : posts
capture : thieves
nest : birds
devise : plans
fire : employees
4&5 etc. given

fill in the blanks are given
some verbal reseanoing questiions
time & distance
work and time
some basic questins
true discount
analitical questions
1.arrange ments


torry Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++


mostly triad is only for mech guys only


C - language:

1. write a program to calculate ncr

2. write a program to exchange the values of two variables using pointers

3. write program to open one file input some numbers and find smallest,largest, avg. and store them in another file.

4. write a structure node using linked list

5. write a program to reverse a string co-ordinate geometry

1. find the perpendicular distance from a point P(a,b) to a line lx+my+n=0;

2. y=x^3+2x^2+5x+2 find the slope of this eqn when x=12;

( Hint :find dy/dx and substitute x=12)

3. circle is x^2+y^2=a^2 . if the centre is shifted to (25,16) what is the eqn of new cirlce.

4. pt rotation P(x,y) about origin in anticlockwise direction by an angle theta. find new coordinates.
before this there will be some question on puzzles(gre barrons).
prepare co-ordinate geometry and fundamental of c.

regarding interview :

1.they will ask whether u r interseted to go aborad,

ans:say no, not interested.

2. tell some project works that r done and or going to be do in c , c++,

3. personal interview.

4. be perfect in c, they r asking that how u done this in test paper.

5.they ask u do be agree to the company bond. bond is for 3 years , breaking is at cost of 50,000.

torry Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper MMEC , Mullana - 6 May 2007


Hello friends, I am VIKAS GOYAL pursuing M.C.A from D.C.S.A (Department of Computer Science & Application) Kurukshetra University , Kurukshetra and I am a lucky guy among 580+ candidates, who got placed in TORRY HARRIS, they selected 8 students including me from my department. It was a great experience for me.

Package: 3 lakh per annum.

Criteria: 65% in B.Tech or MCA


Reporting Time: - 09:00 a.m

Selection Process Started at:-10:00 a.m

No. of rounds: - 4

1st was Aptitude Test - 20 minutes, 20 questions

2nd was Technical Test -20 minutes, 20 questions

3rd was GD (Group Discussion)

4th was the Personal Interview (Technical + HR)

Total students appeared: 580+

Qualified the 1st (Aptitude) test: 126

Qualified the 2nd (Technical) test: 60

Qualified the GD round: 44


Written test was very easy there were 20 questions in 20 minutes. There were 2 sets of papers. Mostly questions were different only 2 or 3 were same .I remembered some question:-

Ø 1 question was on clock (find degree between hour hand and minute hand at 3:15)

Ø 2 questions was on ratio & proportion(share)

Ø 2 questions were on time and distance.

Ø 2 questions were on area and volume.

Ø 1 question was on the percentage.

Ø 1 question was on age.

Ø 1 question was on the relationships.

Ø 1 question was on direction

1. Two friends each travel 4 k.m in the opposite direction and then turned in there L.H.S and travel for another 3 k.m. Now what is the final distance between them.(answer is 10).

Ø 3 questions was on series ( simple ones)

Ø 2 questions were on the simple calculation

1. There are 6 roads to reach to a city named as A, B, C, 1, 2, 3. A is blocked by flood, 1 is jammed. B is blocked due to maintenance, 3 is blocked due to an accident, and C is permanently blocked so by which way we can reach to the city?

2. The 100 toys cost Rs. 300 how much the 300 toys will cost?

Ø 2 questions were very difficult (if it is 1 in the circle then how many will be there in an octagon) so that those went over my head.

Mostly the questions were easy, there was 3 or 4 questions those were difficult, rest was the simple ones. Main thing is the time management because it is very less time to solve out all the questions. Just keep your mind cool before the exam .Cut off was around 13 so13 solid answers are enough for clearing the test .don’t waste time & do all the guesses as there is not any negative marking .The R.S AGGARWAL is enough for the practice .Result was declared after 1 and a half of hour.

Written test was easy there were 20 questions in 20 minutes. There were 2 sets of papers. Mostly questions were different only 2 or 3 were same .I remembered some question:-

Ø What will be output of: - printf(“ bye!\b\bhello”);

Ø What will be the output of the program (there was a semicolon after the for loop practice such type of questions).

Ø Linux was developed by?

Ø How will u print % by printf statement.

Ø 2 questions on the basis of computer fundamentals.

Ø 2 questions were on the operating system.

Ø In my set about 10 questions were from C (almost all of them were from Exploring C )

Ø In another set 4 or 5 questions were of C++ ( all from the TEST UR C++ SKILLS)

Ø Mostly questions were based on evaluating the output of the program as given in the EXPLORING C.

About 10 questions were easy; there were about 5 questions those were so so rest was the difficult ones. Main thing is to concentrate on the problem. The time is more than enough if u has practiced well the EXPLORING C, TEST UR C SKILLS & TEST UR C++ SKILLS. Just keep your mind cool before the exam .Cut off was around 11 or 12 so12 solid answers are enough for clearing the test. Fill all the questions.

We were 60 who qualified for the G.D.They divided us in 4 groups, each consisting of 15 members.

Topics of G.D.:-

1. Is it right time for Sachin Tendulkar to retire from cricket or not?

2. Should Sourav Ganguly be appointed again as the captain of the Indian team?

It took hardly 5 to 6 minutes to finish one G.D. Since the time is less for 15 students so you should be quicker then others .They gave us the topic, my topic was the 1st one and gave 1 minute to recall the points about the topic and then asked to start discussion. It was the nice G.D. Your communication skills and 2 or 3 strong points related to the topic are enough for clearing the G.D.

Some of us could not speak. So just after 5 or 6 minutes, they stopped us and asked those to give their views who could not speak, one by one. Speak confidently, loudly and your voice should be audible. It is not the case that always you will be starting person, if your points are strong enough then no one can’t stop you. Don’t create a fish market.

PPT: -

With the 44 selected students for the last round, they started their PPT. It took 30 to 40 minutes to finish. Be attentive in the PPT because it can help you in the interview. If you are serious about company then you should shoot 1 or 2 good questions.

4th:–PERSONAL INTERVIEW (Technical + HR):-
Immediately after the PPT they started the interview process. There was the rumor that there is only HR interview but they were asking the Technical questions also .There were 3 interviewers in the 3 interview panels. On my turn I went to the room. There was a lady interviewer.

She asked me:-

Tell me about yourself?
You have a good academic record then why have you chosen the B.Sc and MCA in spite of B.Tech?
Have you any problem in relocation at Bangalore ?
Why do you want to go to Bangalore because it is very far away?
In what subjects are you comfortable?
What do mean by the string?
What are the different types of databases?
What do you mean by data structure?
Do you have any brother or sister?
What is he doing?
Do you want to ask any questions? (Always prepare 2 or 3 good questions for asking to the interviewer

torry Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper thiagarajar college of engineering,madurai-15 - 8 July 2007

hi friends..................
iam studying final year (ece) in thiagarajar college of engineering,madurai.
recently (july 8 2007) thbs (torry harris business solution) visited our campus.................... our college allows 12 other colleges for off campus.............
totally 470 students attend written test.........written test consists of three parts.each are elimination round,...............
written test contains
1.anlytical reasoning(20 questions ,20 minutes)
2.logical reasoning(12 questions ,15 minutes)
3.technical test (20 questions,20 minutes)
1.analytical reasoning
this is the first round .this round is little bit of tough.time management is very important.please try to solve easy which they ask (probablity,
train problem,numbers,time and distance ,percentage) you prepre the r.s.agarval book.i mentioned some of the questions
Q. (9)n, (16)n,(20)n........ this terms are in a.p find n?
a)12 b)15 c)20 d)18 (i dont know exactly)
Q : in 26 letter in english alphabet ,u would arrange 6 letter word in which last 4 words are consonants .find probability?
a)26*25*24*21 b)(26^3)-21 c)26*25*22*21
Q : if u thow a two dice at a time what will be the probablity of additition of numbers less than 11?
a)11/12 b)3/12 c)11/36 ans: 11/12
Q: in atrain problem they can given two length of a train and distance and travelled in one opposite direction .find the velocity of train.

Q: eqn a2+b2+c2=10 and then find 2a+3b+4c?

Q: ther are 2 qns in relationship problem
a-b -> a is the son of b
find p-q-r?
Q: a,b,c,d,e,f,g, a is the doctor and b is engineer and then some informations are given find relatianship?

Q: rectangle leangth and breath are given how many squares are formed in inside rectangle?

Q: find how many squares in 1*1 chessboard?
a)204 b)1096 c)128 ans:204

ther are 4 set of questions are coming.
after then they announce the result for this part. only 204 students are cleared out of 470.after they conduct the second test
Compare to the first part this round is very easy. questions are from (logical reasoning&non verbal reasoning by r.s.agarval).questions are from arrangement of people who should 1st speak,and then directions
.after then they announce the result for this part. only102 students are cleared .after they conduct the third test


in this part they ask the questions from c&os. i think c is very easy and os is prepare the "exploring c" by y.kanitkar and this is very easy
some questions are
Q: which is faster ++i (or) i=i+1?

Q: i=2;

after written this test they announce the result for this part. only 44 students are cleared .
after then the interview started for 44 people.

ther are two panels .in my panel the interviewer is very cool and jovial person he ask questions tome

Q : what is your father doing?
Q: what is ur native place? tell me brief?
Q: do u know c?
ans: yes.(and then he asks from c++)
Q:what is polymorphism?
Q:what is public and private function?
Q:what is microprocessor?
Q:what is encapsulation?
Q:can u write prime number program?
ans:i do it
Q:please explain
ans:i explain
Q:had u attend before any interview?
ans:yes sir
Q:then why are u not selected for those company?
Q:where is ur level in communication point of view between the range 1-10?
Q:pleas go to join any spoken english course and improve ur communication skill,.u go we will announce the results..........
ans : thank you sir.(that time i feel i definitely get placed).

after 1 hour they announce the result.totally 16 get placed.i was one of them in the list.that time i feel very happy.i thank god first of all............

torry Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper VIT,Vellore 24 July 2007


hi frnds,iam Abhishek frm Siddharth institute of engg & Technology,Puttur.nd my stream is IT. I attended for THBS on 24th july,2007 at Vellore institute of technology,vellore.nd it was an off campus.i don,t know that there exists a company named Torry Harris up till 5 days before my interview.i saw this name in my notice board nd astonished nd our frnds just kidded as HARRY POTTER.....

ok,coming to my experience regarding the company.let me first tell u the pattern or rounds of THBS.

There were 5 rounds in this.which comprises of 3 written tests,GD,Technical+HR........

1.Aptitude- 20 min & 20 Questions
2.Logical Reasoning-20 min &12 Questions
3.Technical-20 min & 20 Questions.

Around 800 people attended for the written test.400 cleared Aptitude written.out of 400,200 cleared logical.out of 200 only 75 cleared Technical written.This was how the filteration took place in every stage.nd it was a very very fair selection process that i had ever seen before.nd this was my 7th company....

1.for aptitude they gave some simple maths regarding areas,ranking,time&work,ratio&proportion,percentages,averages etc..
so,be thorough with basic maths.nd one more thing there were differnt sets of question papers nd i think 38 sets of question papers were distributed on tat day.nd luckily my paper consisted of some easy questions,i identified them nd i solved them first nd later shifted to other difficult ones.nd the cutoff for this section is 12or 13 out of 20.after 1 hr results were announced and

luckily my name was there.

2.nd then the logical test was conducted nd tat was a very difficult one.2 puzzles,2 small passages given nd asked to conclude,nd some others.R.S.Agarwal verbal & nonverbal is reqd for this,the puzzle tests were difficult,but my practice helped,i did 1 puzzle correctly nd two passages correctly rest all paper was difficult cutoff was less as i expect it is some 5 or 6 out of 12,in this round time is very important.

3.Technical was some wat easier for me becoz iam frm IT backup.i did well.they asked C,pgm & deduce o/p.nd some theory questions like unix was introduced by-Bell labs.such stuff was given.nd luckily i got thru all the writtens.for technical TEST UR C SKILLS by yashwanth kanetkar nd EXPLORING C are preferred.they r more than enough.

4.after the announcement of Technical results i.e., according to GD batches-75 members as 5 batches(15 in one batch).nd then the HR SESHAV GUPTA gave a small description abt the company.nd then GD-our topic is.........."How is Western culture harpening Indian youth."nd i did well in GD-only for 6 min selected...

5.nd then the HR+TECHNICAL.3 panels.i was called around at 10:00pm(night) of tat day for panel is one.nd seshav gupta is my HR.he is main HR.i enterd the room with confidence.

some of my HR questions are:
1.why ur academic graph is so steep.
2.asked some tecnical que regarding UML,HTML nd little que is " wat is process area" nd i told it hotch-potch then he explained.only confidence plays the role.nd eye contact is very important.
3.asked abt my ppt "quantum cryptography"
4.then abt my strengths which i kept in my resume-"fanatic abt new things" nd "ambivert in nature"-asked to justify them.nd abt hobbies nd then general que like wats ur father nd any bros nd sis....tats it i answered with confidence.nd i impressed him well.

torry Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Thiagarajar College of Engg. MADURAI 8 July 2007

Hi Friends,

I have appeared for the Torry Harris Business Solution. I thanks to god for my selection, as i m lucky.
There are totally 4 rounds,
1. General Aptitude 20Q in 20 min
2. Logical Q 20Q in 20 min
3. Technical round 20Q in 20 min
4. HR interview

NOTE: Don,t do problems linearly. try to do randomly. bcoz time is very less. 1Q for 1 min only.

For General, RS AGARWAL book is enough. TIME & DISTANCE, TRAINS, PERCENTAGE, PROFIT, AGE TREES are some of areas to concentrate more.


For Tech, you have to study C & C++ in detail. there will be 20 theory and 20 programs to find the output like,
char a,b,c:
printf("/n a=%c, b=%c, c=%c",a,b,c);
inputs are a=ABC, b=DEF,c=GHI

Mostly from basics of C only.

U r prohibited from copying as there were 12 set of questions.

for all rounds, the cutoff will be 12 or 13.

Finally HR,
He will ask u wat u said in ur resume, so be prepared of ur resume in detail.
GD may also be conducted for 4 members only.

he asked me to write the C program for DOUBLY LINKED LIST.
I wrote.

He said, all the best and wait for result

At 6.00PM

torry Placement Paper : General - Interview JITM,parlakimundi - 19 July 2007

Hai friends,
This is uday bhaskar rao k. from Aditya institute of Technology and management,Tekkali.
Do u know friends i was appeared how many companies ???????????
In 9 companies...................
How many months it was taken to attend me u know??????????????
In 5 months only...........
In 5 months i had appeared of 9 companies, but i was not selected upto my 8 company.
After that my 8 th company i was attended for Torry harris business solutions at jagannadha institute of technology and management,parlakimundi,orissa.

My last attended companies list i want to describe,Those are
at last thbs.
Do u think how i suffer because of my failure, i suffer very lot.
But god know about me. after that these companies i was attended in that company.
I was selected in that company.
Here i want to tell that is all our before friends are said that "If the day is yours, no one can stop you".

so now i want to explain selection procedure.
thbs is having 5 rounds.
1.written test: aptitude
2.written test: logical reasoning
3.written test: technical
5.HR&technical interview.
For us we have no GD.
we have 3 written tests and interview only. becasue after 3rd written test there are 63 candidates are only there. all are eliminated
Nearly of 700 students in first written test nearly 300 were selected.
In first written test we can call it as Mathes test but not aptitude test. All problems are formulas which we face in our intermediate time.
The cutoff is only 7 for us.
I did 7 perfectly so i was selected in that test
after that their second written test was conducted.
It was logical reasoning test.
In this test they give puzzle test,blood relations, directions,etc problems.
It was consist of 12 questions with in 15 minutes.
In this written test only 120 were selected.
after that their third written test was conducted.
It was totally c,c++ programming and all fundamentals bits only.
In this test only 63 were selected.
After that they have GD. but they are not conducted it,because of low people.
Direcly they conducted HR&technical interview.
In that i faced all are technical only,only one que from HR
If u have good technical stuff u will select.
In my opinion we should tell to them if they ask what is your favourite language is c++;
because if u tell "c" then u will face problems because c is ocean,but c++ has some limits.
They will ask only some question about basic concepts of C++.
so Try to c++ only.
After interview they were selects only 30 candidates.
I was one among them. from our college 5 people were selected,.
so now i feel very happy,
I want to suggest to you one thing friends i.e., dont depress, but suffer why i am failing, try to avoid your mistakes and all and get good job.
I hope u see u in thbs.

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