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UbiNetics Placement Paper : General - other Cochin - 4 February 2006


I wrote US Technology test on 4th Feb 06 , for the past 6 month they r asking the same Questions. so prepare this

Test (90minute)
1. Aptitude====32q
2. English ====50q


1. if there r 120 people in a room, 72 r women,80 married people, then how many unmarried women?
ans :40

2. 29,11,13,17,25,32,37,47, --------
Answer 58

3) A can do a piece of work in 20 days while B alone can do it in 30 days. In how many days can A&B working together do it?
Answer: 12

3. If you started a business in which you earned Rs.1 on the first day, Rs.3 on the second day, Rs.5 on the third day, Rs.7 on the fourth day, & so on.

How much would you have earned with this business after 50 years (assuming there are exactly 365 days in every year)?

Answer: Rs.333,062,500 (just check it)

4. A father given Rs100 to his son and asked him to buy 100apples for 100rs. The boy saw 3 type of apples, best kind which cost 10rs, avg kind cost Rs5 & worst kind of Rs0.5 How much apples of avg kind did he buy ?

a) 10 b) 21 c) 32 d) 9

Answer 9

1 * 10 = 10(best)
9 * 5 = 45(avg)
90 * 0.5 = 45(worst)
100apples 100rs

5. 500 men are arranged in an array of 10 rows and 50 columns according to their heights.
Tallest among each row of all are asked to come out. And the shortest among them is A.
Similarly after resuming them to their original positions, the shortest among each column are asked to come out. And the tallest among them is B.
Now who is taller A or B ?

Answer: No one is taller, both are same as A and B are the same person.

6. There is a shortage of tubelights, bulbs and fans in a village - Kharghar. It is found that
- All houses do not have either tubelight or bulb or fan.
- exactly 19% of houses do not have just one of these.
- atleast 67% of houses do not have tubelights.
- atleast 83% of houses do not have bulbs.
- atleast 73% of houses do not have fans.
What percentage of houses do not have tubelight, bulb and fan?

Answer: 42% houses do not have tubelight, bulb and fan.

7. A soldier looses his way in a thick jungle. At random he walks from his camp but mathematically in an interesting fashion.
First he walks one mile East then half mile to North. Then 1/4 mile to West, then 1/8 mile to South and so on making a loop.
Finally how far he is from his camp and in which direction?

The soldier is 0.8944 ~ 0.9 miles away from his camp towards East-North.
It is obvious that he is in East-North direction.

8.A person with some money spends 1/3 for cloths, 1/5 of the remaining for food and 1/4 of the remaining for travel. He is left with Rs 100/-
How much did he have with him in the begining?

Answer: Rs. 250/-

Assume that initially he had Rs. X
He spent 1/3 for cloths =. (1/3) * X
Remaining money = (2/3) * X

He spent 1/5 of remaining money for food = (1/5) * (2/3) * X = (2/15) * X
Remaining money = (2/3) * X - (2/15) * X = (8/15) * X

Again, he spent 1/4 of remaining maoney for travel = (1/4) * (8/15) * X = (2/15) * X
Remaining money = (8/15) * X - (2/15) * X = (6/15) * X

But after spending for travel he is left with Rs. 100/- So
(6/15) * X = 100
X = 250

9. 12 members were present at a board meeting. Each member shook hands with all of the other members before & after the meeting.
How many hand shakes were there?

Answer: 132

Think of it this way: the first person shakes hands with 11 people, the second person also shakes hands with 11 people, but you only count 10, because the hand shake with the first person was already counted. Then add 9 for the third person, 8 for the fourth, & so on.

66 hand shakes took place before & 66 after the meeting, for a total of 132

10. The letters P, Q, R, S, T, U and V, not necessarily in that order represents seven consecutive integers from 22 to 33.
- U is as much less than Q as R is greater than S.
- V is greater than U.
- Q is the middle term.
- P is 3 greater than S.
Can you find the sequence of letters from the lowest value to the highest value?

11. B, J and P are related to each other.
1. Among the three are B,s legal spouse, J,s sibling and P,s sister-in-law.
2. B,s legal spouse and J,s sibling are of the same sex.
Who is the married man?

Answer: J is the married man.

12. A fish had a tail as long as its head plus a quarter the lenght of its body. Its body was three-quarters of its total length. Its head was 9 inches long. What was the length of the fish?

13.There r 16 balls in a bag, 8 red ones, 4 blue ones & 4 green ones. What is the least number of balls to be taken if we have at least one ball from each color?

Answer: 13

14.the roads of city r either parallel or perpendicular to one another the roads are all straight, roads A,B,C,D & E are parallel to 1 another, Roads G,H,I,J,K,L & M are parallel to 1 another
1. Road A is 1km east of road B
2. Road B is half km West of road C
3. road D is 1 km west of road E
4. ..
(I don,t remember full Quest, refer Agarwal,s reasoning (PG no. 261))

15.There are 2 & only 2 kinds of people in island, one is the "knight" who say truth & the other kind is "knave" who say lie. A man once asked the first man..

16. roads lead to a country indicated by letters X, Y, Z,1,2,3. When there is storm, Y is blocked. When there are floods X,1,2, will be blocked..
(same Quest in Agarwal,s reasoning.. puzzle section)

cut off 4 this aptitude test is 13/32
English 20/50

If the same questions turned up in ur test, inform me Through mail or 09895597155


Genre = particular variety of art or literature
Ephemeral= short lived
Debacle =

3 passages

UbiNetics Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper 1 January 2006


Hai friends,

I am Praba, i have attended the test…. i ll give the details which i know
1st - written test
2nd - GD
3rd - HR interview

In written test —-

90 mins…. no negative marks
30 qs in apti
50 qs in verbal

the test paper ll be very long.. u cannot complete the paper in 90 mins…
the 30 apti qs ll be vry long qs.. some qs on train,percent, etc.. logical qs…
series ll be there u try to complete 15 correct….

then in verbal….

u ll find long comperhensions… meanings….. senstence correction…… etc… u ll not find time to completed this also…

u do not read the comperhensions… they r very long… u try to answer meaning and other small q… qs with 2 or 3 line…..

the meanings for words ll be from GRE books… words from letters v, x, m, r, etc.. u better see to all words..

this cut off ll be enough for the clearing this round
in GD…

if u clear written then u r 90% placed….

in GD.. u should not shout… be normal.. try to express ur idea in a calm way…
they just see ur place in a team.. how u adjust in a team… they ll not select if u
fight in the GD….
Be Cool and u ll clear it…..
8 in batch… out of that… 3 to 4 ll be selected…

In interview

this ll be very cool… the HRS r very cool persons… they just see ur confidence..
tats it…. there ll be not technical qs… one r 2 many be there.. but ur
confidence is the main point there…

they need ppl with confidence…….

the interview qs ll be
about urself…
all HR qs…
some times very basic technical…
qs from resume

the main thing is.. u have to clear the written… other rounds r very cool….

if u do not know any answer just have a guess… try to answer 15 Q in apti and 25 q
in verbal…
do not leave any qs.. just make a guess… luck also plays its role…

Whole Testpaper

UbiNetics Placement Paper : Technical - C & C++ - 7 July 2003

Ubinetics Test Pattern- July 2003

20 c objective Qs to be answered in 30 minutes
All questions are related to basic c concepts like expression, arrays, loops ,structure , pointers around 3 or 4 qs on array with loops
Since paper is very easy cutoff is very high.
They will select 20% of the student for the interview after written test.
point to remember.
Each correct ans 1 marks
Each wrong answer 1 -ve mark
Sample Paper

Some of the questions will not have answers .Please forgive us.

1. Difference b/n scanf("%s",msg);and scanf("%[\^n]",msg); where msg is a char array.
2. What is ure of comma operator in for loop.
3. int shw(int *a){
*a = 10;
/* return stmt is missing */


int p=3,q=4;

q = shw(&p);

printf("%d %d",p,q);

4. which is true
a. all automatic variables are declared with in the function
b. all variables are automatic
c. all not declared variables are automatic
d. none
5. What is recursion. Recursive prog to generate Fibonacci series . Is it a best method?
6. write 7*a interms of +,-,<<
7. count number of 1,s in a 32 bit integer.(i had not remembered whether array or integer).
8. main(){
char *s1 = "hello",*s2 ="abce";
s2[0] = s1[0];
9. regarding memset
10.Algorithm to delete a node in Double linked list.
11. Difference b/n fgets,fscanf which u will prefer.
11.What is creon and whats diff b/n ,at, command.
12. what is system call and lib function. whats diff b/n them. abt execve - expalin.
13.some thing abt makeall
14. write abt TCP,IP,ICMP

UbiNetics Placement Paper : UbiNetics Paper Technical - C & C++ - 7 July 2003

Ubinetics Test Pattern- July 2003

20 c objective Qs to be answered in 30 minutes
All questions  are related to basic c concepts like expression, arrays, loops ,structure , pointers around 3 or 4 qs on array with loops
 Since paper is very easy cutoff is very high.
They will select 20% of the student for the interview after written test.
 point to remember.
Each correct ans 1 marks
Each wrong answer 1 -ve mark 
Sample Paper        
Some of the questions will not have answers .Please forgive us.
1. Difference b/n scanf("%s",msg);and scanf("%[\^n]",msg); where msg is a char array.
2. What is ure of comma operator in for loop.
3. int shw(int *a){
 *a = 10;
 /* return stmt is missing */
int p=3,q=4;
q = shw(&p);
printf("%d %d",p,q);           
4. which is true 
 a. all automatic variables are declared with in the function 
 b. all variables are automatic  
 c. all not declared variables are automatic  
 d. none  
5. What is recursion. Recursive prog to generate Fibonacci series . Is it a best method?  
6. write 7*a interms of +,-,<<  
7. count number of 1,s in a 32 bit integer.(i had not remembered whether array or integer).
8. main(){
char *s1 = "hello",*s2 ="abce";
             s2[0] = s1[0];  
 9. regarding memset  
10.Algorithm to delete a node in Double linked list.  
11. Difference b/n fgets,fscanf which u will prefer.  
11.What is creon and whats diff b/n ,at, command.  
12. what is system call and lib function. whats diff b/n them. abt execve - expalin.  
13.some thing abt makeall  
14. write abt TCP,IP,ICMP


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