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Maharashtra Placement PapersBARC Placement PapersBEL Placement PapersBEML Placement PapersBently Placement PapersBFL Placement PapersBHEL Placement PapersBirlasoft Placement PapersBlueStar Placement PapersBOB Placement PapersBOSCH Placement PapersBPL Placement PapersBrakes Placement PapersBSNL Placement PapersC-DOT Placement PapersCadence Placement PapersCalsoft Placement PapersCampaq Placement PapersCanarys Placement PapersCapgemini Placement PapersCaritor Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Placement PapersCarrizalsoft Technologies Pvt Ltd Placement PapersCaterpillar Placement PapersCD Placement PapersCDAC Placement PapersCelstream Placement PapersCGI Placement PapersChangepond Placement PapersChatargee Placement PapersCisco Placement PapersCiticorp Placement PapersCMC Placement PapersCOGNIZENT Placement PapersComputer Placement PapersConsagous Placement PapersConsagous Technologies Placement PapersConvergys Placement PapersCORDYS Placement PapersCOSL Placement PapersCovansys 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Placement PapersSemanticSpace Placement PapersShriram Placement PapersSIEMENS Placement PapersSierra Placement PapersSkyTECH Placement PapersSLK Software Placement Paperssobha Placement PapersSoftSol Placement PapersSonata Placement PapersSony India Placement PapersSQL Placement PapersSQL Star Placement PapersSSC Placement PapersStarent Placement PapersStarent Networks Placement PapersSTMicroelectronics Placement PapersSubex Placement PapersSUN Placement PapersSuther Placement PapersSynergy Placement PapersSynopsys Placement PapersSyntel Placement PapersSystech Solutions Placement PapersTalisma Placement PapersTata Placement PapersTata Technologies Placement PapersTavant Placement PapersTCE Placement PapersTCS Placement PapersTech Placement PapersTech Mahindra Placement PapersTELCO Placement PapersTelserra Placement PapersTEMNOS Placement PapersTesco Placement PapersTexas Placement PapersThermax Placement PapersThink Placement PapersTHOROGOOD Placement PapersThoughtWorks Placement 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VariFone Placement Paper : VeriFone Testpaper 31 March 2011

section: electronics:

1.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.

2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.

3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes
for a state to change. 4*10=40.

4.impedence of a p,lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.

5.serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.

5.if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.

6.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.

7.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.

8.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other
stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think
should be.

another 6 qstns are there. simple.


1.the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.

2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encription.

3.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.

4.which of the following is not used for client/server.

RPC, TCP/IP, MESSAGEQs None ans:may be none.


1. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in Database design is very important.

2. SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.


1.Data structure used to impliment a menu: doubly linked circular linked list.
2. some regular expression is given:WaW,.may be it is context free grammar.

1.the feature of real time os is: fast context swithing.
2.os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).

some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors etc.
one of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are
simple only.


depends on the member.(Mr.Deep if he comes asks archirect of 586/486/386/286
etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP . they hv taken 21(18btechs+3mtechs).
ok if u hv any queries ask immediately.

VariFone Placement Paper : General - other Sengunthar Engg College,Thiruchengode,Tamilnadu - 29 January 2008


Hi friends...
I m arun doing my final eee in sengunthar engg college, thiruchengode. I got placed in VEDANTA GROUPS on 29.01.2008. I m very happy to join in vendanta family... I like 2 share my experience with all of u.. so that it may help u....k..

First the company is very very strict in thier eligible criteria... If u r eligible 2 the following criteria only u can attend...


u must scored 1st class in 10th,12th, completing the B.E. course with a first class (60%) in the first attempt. NO backlocks should b there...


The first round was very easy only.... It contains 35 Questions U should answer within 50 mins..

The topics covered r...

1. Problems on trains (2) Que

2. Bar charts (5)

3. Analytical Venn Diagrams (5)

4. Problems on Ages (1)

5. Meanings (2)

6. Percentage (3)

7. Profit and Loss (3)

8. Numbers system (2)

and sum other questions...

U need not b a expert 2 solve tis problem.. just go through R.S. Agarwal book...Just c the formula d solve d practice 1 r 2 problems..its enough...

While solving the questions during exam...Try 2 solve bar charts d analytical venn diagram first.. so that u can score easily..


This is also easy.. u just speak out its enough.. but u should open ur mouth.. dont worry about the grammer.. do confidently....


This round i like it very much...Dont b worry abt the technical questions.. it is very very basic only.. what term u r saying from ur mouth.. they wil ask questions from that...just open ur mouth..say something r say i dont know.. they wil help u to answer the questtions...b frank what u know.. tel ur area of intrest they wil ask from that.. r else learn basics in CONTROL SYSTEM and MEASUREMENT and INSTRUMENTATION...

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Raipur - 7 October 2007


Hi friends, Vishal- Manas here, Some questions of Vedanta’s Recruitment Process (held at Raipur , from 4th Oct to 7th Oct 2007) we are giving , Most of these are from R. S. Agrawal (verbal and non verbal & Quantitative Apti.) .

Total No. Of Candidates- 425
Selected from written- 221
Branches- All (Mech, Elect, Electronics, Comp, IT)

There are total 35 Questions, Most of them are directly from R.S. Agrawal, very easy,
Total time allotted was 50 mins.

1. Find the next term of series
0, 6, 24, 60, 120, 210, 210, ?
ans - 336

2. Preamble: Constitution ::
ans- Book: Preface.

3. Greed: Corruption ::
Ans - Guilty: Enemy

4. There are some no. of men and horses , After some time half of the men left, then total no. of legs (of men and horses) will be 70, find the no of horses.
Ans – 14

5. If a train runs at 40kmph it reaches its destination late by 11 mins,but if it runs at 50kmph then it late only by 5 mins The correct time to complete its journey is-
ans- 19 mins

6.A train of 110 mtr long is running at 60 kmph . In what time it will pass a man who is running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to train ?
ans – 6 sec.


if x = y+2;
and xy = 24
then z= ?
ans – 2(13)^(1/2) {confirm it.}

8. A shopkeeper marks the selling price 20% more then cost price of a item and then he gives discount of 10% then gain will be-
ans 8%

9. Diagonal of a cube is 17.4 cm find its volume.
(data may differ)
ans- volume of a cube= (Diagonal)^3 / 3.

10.Find X.

ans X = 625

The diagram given below shows the no. of students who got distinction in three subjects out of 500 students. Study the diagram and give the ans.

11. What is the percentage of students who got distinction in two subjects ?
ans- 8%

12. What is the % of students who got distinction ?
ans 38 %

13. The % of students with distinction marks in maths is –
ans 17.8%

14. Statements :-
some bananas are apple.
All apples are tomatoes.
Some potatoes are tomatoes.

Conclusion :
(I) Some bananas are tomatoes.
(II) Some potatoes are bananas.
(III) Some apples are potatoes.
(IV) Some apples are bananas.
Ans- Only (I) and (IV) follows.

If Rectangle Represents – Males
Triangle “ “ -- Educated
Circle “” -- Urban
Square “” -- Civil Servant

15. Who among the following is an educated male not an urban resident.
Ans –11

16. Who among the following is neither a civil servant nor educated but is urban and not a male?
Ans. – 3

17. Who among the following is female , urban resident and also civil servant?
Ans. – 10

18. Who among the following is educated male who hails from urban area?
Ans. – 12

19. Who among the following is only a civil servant but not a male nor urban oriented and uneducated?
Ans. – 7

20. A batsman has certain average of 11 innings. If he scores 90 runs in 12th inning his average reduces by 5. then find his overall average?
Ans. – 145

21. Rectangle is having diagonal 5 cm and width is 3 cm . Find its area.
Ans. 12

22. If COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How MEDICINE will be written?

23.The age of a father is twice that of his elder son. 10 year hence the age of father will be 3 times that of his younger son. If the difference of age of two sons is 15 year. Then the age of father is-
ans. – 50 year

( From --Verbal & Non Verbal , R. S. Agrawal Page-299, jumbled problems )

Of the six men of literature A,B,C,D,E and F being considered here, two belonged to the 17th century, three to the 19th and one to the 20th century. Four were recognized as great poets, three as great novelists and three as great dramatists. One contributed to Bengali literature, two to Hindi, two to Marathi and one to Tamil. The 20th century writer wrote poetry only and contributed to Marathi literature and the other Marathi writer contributed to poetry, novel and drama. One Hindi writer and the only Tamil writer belonged t other 19th century. The former contributed to poetry and novel while the latter to novel and drama. The Bengali writer belonged to the 17th century and contributed to poetry only. A belonged to the 20th century, B wrote drama only, C contributed Marathi literature, D was a Hindi Poet and novelist and belonged to the 19th century. E also belonged to the 19th century, and F contributed to Poetry only.

24. To which language did B contribute ?
ans. Hindi

25. Among these, who was the Tamil writer ?
ans. E

26.To which branch of literature did A contribute ?
ans. Poetry

27. Among these, who was the Bengali writer ?
ans. F

28. To which branch of literature did C contribute ?
ans. All of these ( Poetry, Drama, Novel)

Question no 29 to 33 -- A Bar graph of 5 different TV manufacture companies A,B,C,D and E ‘s between production and demand is given, and asking some simple questions. Very easy.

Question 34 and 35 not remember.

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper National Institute of Technology, Bhopal - 2 July 2007


DATE: - 2nd July, 2007


Hi, I m Shivshankar Podder, (electronics n comm.) from NIT, Bhopal . I got selected in Vedanta Resources through campus interview in our college. I want to share my experience with u.



2) G.D.


** There were separate marks for written test, GD & Interview. The sum total of all the marks was taken for the final results. Although the written test was the only elimination round.

The session started with the PPT. It was of 1 hr. The ppt was followed by a written test. It consists of 35 questions to be completed in 50 minutes. The questions were very simple but speed was the main factor. The written consists of

20 aptitude questions (simple maths)
5 questions- venn diagram
5 questions- Data Interpretation
5 questions – Logical reasoning
The aptitude questions were very simple. They were mainly from R.S. Aggrawal. The topics were Average, Problems on ages, Percentage, Profit & Loss, problems on train, volume & surface area, series completion, coding& decoding,

Analogy questions( Barron’s GRE 12th edition- chapter 4)

For Data interpretation, refer RS Aggrawal- quantitative aptitude.

For Logical reasoning, refer Barron’s GRE 12th edition- chapter 12 & model test papers

The written test was the elimination round. It was followed by a Group Discussion.


The last round was the Interview. The interview consists of Technical + HR

1) Tell me about yourself?
2) Tell me about your family background?
3) Question on my CV?
4) Difference b/w electronics & comm Engg and Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
5) What is instrumentation?
6) Are you interested in Software or core?? Why??
7) Questions from PPT
8) Do u have any relocation problem?
9) What is the difference between Microcontroller and Microprocessor?
10) Architecture of Intel’s 8085
11) What is accumulator, Program counter, stack pointer?
12) What is stack?
13) Difference between 8085 and 8086
14) What is the difference between analog and digital communication?
15) Questions on Vocational training
16) Status flag and PSW in 8085
17) Multiplexers and decoders
18) What is 3G?
19) Are you really interested to work in our company??
20) Do u want to ask any question??

At last the results were announced. Total 16 students got selected. I was the only one from the Electronics n comm. Just be confident on whatever you know.

VariFone Placement Paper : General - other NIT Kurukshetra - 25 July 2007


The selection procedure is very easy .Screenining of students are take place in four steps
1. very tough eligiblity creteria
2.written test(totally apptitude)
3.G.D(very very small chance)
4.Interview(technical+hr both at a same time)

Eligiblity creteria is u donot have more than one yr drop.there should be no backlog in whole semesterand u must have adegree of more than 60%
written test will be very easy and u can easily score more than 90% marks,so don,t worry
in our college they didn,t took G.D

my interview was very funny
now these are the question they asked me
1 tell me about urself
2 why i want to join vedanta ?
as i was from coal mines area so i gave this reason to get inspiration for joining mining company
3 how much hour can u work in a day (this question doesn,t matter so much)
ans i simply told 14-16 hour
4. can u really work 14-16 hour in a day
ans i simply answered yes sir/madam but ther should be some allowance between this .......
5 would u like to go zambia
ans i simply told why not i don,t have any problem with places
6 tell about the type of casting processes
7 types of casting defects
afterf my answerthey asked
8 what do u mean by blow holes
9 is this possible to cast steel
10 what is the difference between steel and cast iron
ans i answered this in reference of iron-carbide dai gram as ihave good command in material science
11 what could be the max % of carbon in iron..........ans 6.7
12.then they asked about the critical temperature in iron-carbide diagram
13 then they asked about my summer project
14some question from fluiod mechanics(not from me but from other students)
15 what is the zeroth law of thermodynamics
16 modes of conduction of heatand there explaination
these are the question they asked from me..............

the questions they asked from other students of mecahnical
1 basics of 2and4-stroke engines and the difference bet them
2 about knocking
3 difference betwen type of pumps
4 types of turbine with referance to head and dischargelike which turbine has max discharge etc
5newton law of viscosity
6 properties of material like toughness ,ductility,hardnessetc
7 about testing of material like tensile test,compressive test ,impact strength test.and the setup on which they are performed in brief
8 about non destructive testing
interview will be very cool but u must have some basic concepts of FLUID MECHANICS,IC ENGINE,PRODUCTION PROCESSES, THERMAL ENGG

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper


Few aptitude questions out of 20(15min time).

>>> All these are from GMAT,96 edition(galgotia publcations) :

1.if length of a rectangle is incr by 20% and width is decr by 20% then area:(page 44)
ANS:decreases by 4%.

2.the lead in pencil is 5inch long.after pieces of 1/8.1-3/4,1-1/12inches are broken how long is the lead left in the pencil:(page44)
ANS:2-1/24inch. many two digit numbers satisfy the property:the last digit of the sqr of the two digit number is 8:(page45).
ANS:none. B is 8miles east of city C is 6 miles north of city B. and so on.(page 45):
ANS:30miles .

5.if 50 apprentices can finish a job in 4 hours and 30 journey men can finish the same job in 4-1/2 hrs and so on.(page 46).

6.there are 50 employees in the office of ABC company.and so on.(page 52.)

7. what is the max no of points of intersection of two circles of unequal radii. (page 55).

8.if the area of sqare increases by 69% then side of the sqr incr by:

9.if x,y,z are chosen frm -3,1/2,2 what is the largest value of (x/y)*z*z (page 305.)

10.a club hs 8 male 8 female members.(page 307):

11.sum of 5 consecutive numbers is 35. how many of the numers are prime:(page 368).

12.if the product of three consecutive int is 210,then sum of the two smaller ints is:(page 386).

13.there are 27 coins in which 0ne is heavier than rest(all equal weight).how many measurements are needed to isolate that odd one.


there will be 45 qstns.

>>>> 15(elec) + 5(netw) + 5(os) + 5(compilers and algos)+ 5(database and misc.) + 5(datastructures) + 5(c progs).


1.A logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.

2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ANS: astable multi sqr wave opt.

3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes for a state to change.

4.impedence of a parallell resonant circiut at resonance:

5.serial to parellel conversion is done by :
ANS:shift register.

5.if the address bus is 20bits.then the memory space is :

6.filtering can be done with: i)capacitor, ii)inductor, iii)both, iv)none.

7.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.
ANS:may be Max to 0.Think of it.

8.problem using three registers.
ANS: register A is multiplied by 11.

9.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ANS:Non inverting amplifier.

---- Another 6 questions are there. simple.

1.which is not used for error correction :
ANS :bit stuffing.

2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer:
ANS : Encryption.

3.voltage levels of rs232c:
ANS :+12,-12.

4.which of the following is not used for client/server.
ANS: none.


1. which of the following is true.
ANS:the primary key in DataBAse design is very important.
2. ANS : SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.
3. ANS : Time for insertion is more than time for modification.

1.Data structure used to impliment a menu:
ANS :doubly linked circular linked list.
2. some regular expression is given:WaW,.
ANS : may be it is context free grammar.

1.the feature of real time os is:
ANS:fast context swithing.

2.ANS:os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).

C programming:
some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are simple only. a=2,b=3,c=4;

ANS:compiling error.

3.whole logic is given in func s but they are working properly.
the main logic is :

char *string;

printf("%s",string); /* func to print */

ANS:hello and some extra characters until uccerence of \0 .

4. in a system integer takes 3bytes and char takes 1byte .......
struct smthing{
int a;
char b[4];

ANS:sizeof struct smthing is 7 bytes.


It depends on the member.
1.Mr.Deep asks archirect of 586/486/386/286 etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP.
2.Mr.Abhik asks about compiler design and TCP/IP.

Suggestions in attempting :

aptitude test:
1.attempt easy questions first.

technical test :

1.Attempt C programs first.
2.Network,os,datastuctures,compilers etc.
3.Electronics and electrical.

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper


1. There were 36 chairs. how many ways can they be placed such that all rows have equal no. of chairs and at least three chairs are there in each row and there are at least three rows.
5 ways.

2. There are 27 balls, of which 1 is heavier. given a balance how many times you need to weigh to find out the odd ball.
3 Weighs.

3. Product of three consecutive nos. 210. What is the sum of two least numbers

4. If the area of the sqaure is increased by 69 % how much the length of the side will increase?

5. if the sum of five consecutive nos. 35? how many prime nos are there :
2 primes.

6. if the length of the rectangle is reduced by 20% and breath is increased by 20 % what is the net change ?
4 % decrease

7. A question on sets. There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players, and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games. 8 of them plays atleast two games. They are 50 altogether. How many of them plays none of the games.

8. A question on directions. B is 20 miles east of A. D is 30 miles east of C. E is 10 miles north of D. C is 20 miles north of B. How far E is from A? Some 3 questions on Reasoning like,

9. If you say that giving stock options to employees increases the productivity of the company, which of the following sentences support it. A) Giving stock options increases the morale of the employees


1.A Circuit with nand gates. (ans. may be XOR)

2.CMRR. relates to (options not in order)
voltage follower
non inverting amplifier
inverting amplifier

3. Given a circuit , give the ouput.
(ans. may be triangular wave.)

4. o/p of an assembly code.
multiply by 11.

5. how to handle asynchronous events.
a) polling
b) interrupt

6. Whether all recusive pgm can be writtten iteratively?

7. What data structes you will use if you want to go to first record from the last and vice versa?
doubly linked circular list

8. Given 10000 nos. and 48MB Memory. What is the complexity of the efficient sorting algo.? (the algo. is not mentioned)O(N)

9. Given a C code and ask what it does?
code was something similar to Bubble sort and that particular code does the sorting in Desending order and the complexity
is O(n^2)(which is the next question).

A code like this is given.
a. for(i=0;ib. for(i=num;i>0;i--)
Assuming no code optimization and assume that the microprocessor
has flags etc. which one is correct.

b will execute faster.

11. If there are too many page faults what is the problem?

12. To ensure one pgm. doesnt corrupt other pgm. in a Multi-pgm enviornment
what you should do?

13. Which one you will use to implement critical section?
Binary Semaphore

14. Which one is not needed for Multi-processing. enviornment?
options are: virtual memory,security,time sharing,none of theabove.

15. Which one is not done by Data link layer ?
bit stuffing, LRC,CRC,parity check

16. Which one is not related to Data link layer?

17. Which one is not suitable for client-server application?
tcp/ip,message passing,rpc,none of the above.

18. What is SQL.
Procedural Relational DB Query Language.

19. Indexing in databases give you options were like 1.efficient deleting and inserting
2.efficient deleting.

20. int a=1,b=2,c=3;
What is the output?

21. Scope of Static Variable ............
in a file.

22. for(i=0; i<=10;i++,printf("%d",i)); +- (+- is there in the questions)

23. Real Time Os should have
a)fast context switch
b)Virtual memory etc.

24. Messages are transferred in some E71 code, where after 7 bits of data, 1 bit of stopping data is to be transferred. what should be done.
options were like
a) send directly
b) send after encoding

25. There are three processes A, B, C. A sends data to B. B removes the header stores it and sends the data to C. C returns it to B. B receives the message, identifies the message and adds the header that was stored and sends to A.B receives the messages from C such that atmost ,m, messages B are pending. Identify the best Data Structure.

26. A question in compiler about the heap and stack allocation of memory.

27. struct
char a[3];
int b;
char *cp;

a) size of x is 7.
d) cp takes the size of a pointer.
(d ) is the ans.

28.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.

29.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.

30.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes for a state to change. 4*10=40.

31 impedence of a p,lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.

32 .serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.

33. if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.

34.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.

35.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.

36.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think should be.

37. the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.

38.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encryption.

39.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.

40.which of the following is not used for client/server. RPC,TCP/IP,MESSAGEQs None ans:may be none.

41. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in DataBAse design is very important.

42. SQL is a Non procedural query language.

43.Data structure used to implement a menu: doubly linked circular linked list.

44. some regular expression is given:WaW,.may be it is context free grammar.

45.the feature of real time os is: fast context switching.

46.os implements protection with the help of hardware(like virtual addressing in 386/286 etc).

47. what is a real time system.

48. name some real time OS

49. what are the characteristics of Real time OS.

50. is DOS a real time OS.

51. what is a kernel,shell.

52. what is binary search, traversal, hashing etc.

53. given a scenario what is the suitable data structure.

54. write a code to count the no. of 1,s in a binary rep. of a number. memory taken for char *, int * etc.

55. char *cp; int *ip; cp++,ip++ - what is the result.

56. compare the no. of bytes in unix and Dos for long char short int.

57. how to make programs portable on unix and Dos under such circumstances.

58. in c++, what is a constructor, destructor, friend etc.

59. what is waterfall model, prototype model etc.

60. what is testing. what is unit testing, integration testing etc.

61. What is indexing in databases?

62. What is atomicity?

63. Can recursive pgms be written in C++, Write a recursive pgm to calculate factorial in c++.

64. What is best data structure to store the processes info in a real time operating system?

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper

Aptitute test : 15 Minutes, 20 Questions

Some questions are:
(not in order)
1. A question (first one)on addition of fraction of inches
a. was the answer

2. There were 36 chairs. how many ways can they be placed suchthat all rows have equal no. of chairs and atleast three chairs
are there in each row and there are atleast three rows.
ans:5 ways.

3. There are 27 balls, of which 1 is heavier. given a balancehow many times you need to weigh to find out the odd ball.
ans:3 Weighs.

4. Product of three consecutive nos. 210. What is the sumof two least numbers

5. If the area of the sqaure is increased by 69 % howmuch the length of the side will increase?

6. if the sum of five consecutive nos. 35? how many prime nosare there :
ans:2 primes.

7. if the length of the rectangle is reduced by 20% and breathis increased by 20 % what is the net change ?
ans:4 % decrease
8. A question on sets.
There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players,and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games.
8 of them plays atleast two games. They are 50 altogether.How many of them plays none of the games.

9. A question on directions.
B is 20 miles east of A. D is 30 miles east of C. E is 10 milesnorth of D. C is 20 miles north of B. How far E is from A?

Some 3 questions on Reasoning like,

10. If you say that giving stock options to employees increases the productivity of the company, which of the following sentences
support it.
A) Giving stock options increases the morale of the employees
11. Gamblers comes to the Amusement parks. There are some Amusement parks in each city. There are some gamblers in each city. So
what can you infer.
A) Amusement park always have gamblers.

2. Technical Questions.

Electrical & Electronics : 15 Questions
1.A Circuit with nand gates. (ans. may be XOR)

2.CMRR. relates to (options not in order)
voltage follower
non invering amplifier
inverting amplifier

3. Given a circuit , give the ouput.
(ans. may be triangular wave.)

4. o/p of an assembly code.
mulitply by 11.

5. how to handle asynchronous events.
a) polling
b) interrrupt

ii)Data Structures, Algo., & Complexity theory : 5 questions
iii) OS : 5 questions
iv) Networks and Hardware: 5 questions
v) Databases and Misc.: 5 questions
vi) C Pgm. : 5 questions
some more 10 questions.

1. if W is a sequence of strings without a and W, is its reversalthen WaW, is accepted by:

Context Free Grammmars

2. Whether all recusive pgm can be writtten iteratively?
3. What data structes you will use if you want to go to first record from
the last and vice versa?
ans:doubly linked circular list

4. Given 10000 nos. and 48MB Memory. What is the complexity of the
efficient sorting algo.? (the algo. is not mentioned)

5. Given a C code and ask what it does?
code was something similar to Bubble sort and that
particular code does the sorting in Desending order and the complexity
is O(n^2)(which is the next question).

A code like this is given.
a. for(i=0;ib. for(i=num;i>0;i--)
Assuming no code optimization and assume that the microprocessorhas flags etc. which one is correct.

b will execute faster.

7. If there are too many page faults what is the problem?

8. To ensure one pgm. doesnt corrupt other pgm. in a Multi-pgm enviornmentwhat you should do?

9. Which one you will use to implement critical section?
ans:Binary Semaphore

10. Which one is not needed for Multi-processing. enviornment?options are: virtual memory,security,time sharing,none of the

11. Which one is not done by Data link layer ?
bit stuffing, LRC,CRC,parity check

12. Which one is not related to Data link layer?

13. Which one is not suitable for client-server application?
tcp/ip,message passing,rpc,none of the above.

14. What is SQL.
Procedural Relational DB Query Language.

15. Indexing in databases give youoptions were like 1.efficient deleting and inserting
2.efficient deleting.
16. int a=1,b=2,c=3;
What is the output?
17. Scope of Static Variable ............
in a file.

18. for(i=0; i<=10;i++,printf("%d",i)); +- (+- is there in the questions)

20. Real Time Os should have
a)fast context switch
b)Virtual memory etc.

21. Messages are transferred in some E71 code, where after 7 bits of data,
1 bit of stopping data is to be transferred. what should be done.
options were like
a) send directly
b) send after encoding
22. There are three processes A, B, C. A sends data to B. B removes theheader stores it and sends the data to C. C returns it to B. B receives themessage, identifies the message and adds the header that was stored and sends to A.B receives the messages from C such that atmost ,m, messages
are pending.
Identify the best Data Structure.

23. A question in compiler about the heap and stack allocation of memory.

24. struct
char a[3];
int b;
char *cp;

a) size of x is 7.
d) cp takes the size of a pointer.
(d ) is the ans.

VariFone Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper - 1 April 2005

VERIFONE Question Paper 4 2005

there will be 45 qstns. 15+5+5+5+5+5+5.

section: electronics:

1.a logic ckt is given and asked to identify the configuration.
ans: XOR.
2.multi vibrator with nor gates is given
ans: astable multi sqr wave opt.
3.4 stage ripple counter with delay(f/f) 10msec. How much time it takes
for a state to change. 4*10=40.
4.impedence of a p,lel resonant circiut at resonance:R.
5.serial to parellel conversion is done by ans:shift register.
5.if the address bus id 20bits.then the memory space is 1Mb.
6.filtering can be done with:capacitor,iductor,both,none.
7.the config that is worst effected by low CMMR
ans:Non inverting amplifier.
8.two progs are given. one satrts counting frm 0 to MAX and the other
stars frm MAX to 0. which one executes fast.may be Max to 0.Think
should be.

another 6 qstns are there. simple.


the fctn of datalink layer is:bit stuffing.
2.which of the following is not fctn of datalink layer: Encription.
3.voltage levels of rs232x:+12,-12.
4.which of the following is not used for client/server.
RPC, TCP/IP, MESSAGEQs None ans:may be none.


1. which of the following is true.
ans:the primary key in Database design is very important.
2. SQL is a Non procedural query langauge.


1.Data structure used to impliment a menu: doubly linked circular linked list.
2. some regular expression is given:WaW,.may be it is context free grammar.

1.the feature of real time os is: fast context swithing.
2.os impliments protection with the help of hardware(like virtual
addressing in 386/286 etc).

some small c progs are given asked to tell the function/errors etc.
one of the qstn(last in the paper) is an invalid statement.
finish of all these very fast and think about those others. they are
simple only.


depends on the member.(Mr.Deep if he comes asks archirect of 586/486/386/286
etc. otherwise DS,OS,C,TCP/IP . they hv taken 21(18btechs+3mtechs).
ok if u hv any queries ask immediately.

VariFone Placement Paper : VeriFone Paper Whole Testpaper

Aptitute test : 15 Minutes, 20 Questions

Some questions are:
(not in order)
1. A question (first one)on addition of fraction of inches
a. was the answer

2. There were 36 chairs. how many ways can they be placed suchthat all rows have equal no. of chairs and atleast three chairs
are there in each row and there are atleast three rows.
ans:5 ways.

3. There are 27 balls, of which 1 is heavier. given a balancehow many times you need to weigh to find out the odd ball.
ans:3 Weighs.

4. Product of three consecutive nos. 210. What is the sumof two least numbers

5. If the area of the sqaure is increased by 69 % howmuch the length of the side will increase?

6. if the sum of five consecutive nos. 35? how many prime nosare there :
ans:2 primes.

7. if the length of the rectangle is reduced by 20% and breathis increased by 20 % what is the net change ?
ans:4 % decrease
8. A question on sets.
There are some 20 Basketball players & 30 Football players,and 25 cricket players. 1 of them plays all the three games.
8 of them plays atleast two games. They are 50 altogether.How many of them plays none of the games.

9. A question on directions.
B is 20 miles east of A. D is 30 miles east of C. E is 10 milesnorth of D. C is 20 miles north of B. How far E is from A?

Some 3 questions on Reasoning like,

10. If you say that giving stock options to employees increases the productivity of the company, which of the following sentences
support it.
A) Giving stock options increases the morale of the employees
11. Gamblers comes to the Amusement parks. There are some Amusement parks in each city. There are some gamblers in each city. So
what can you infer.
A) Amusement park always have gamblers.

2. Technical Questions.

Electrical & Electronics : 15 Questions
1.A Circuit with nand gates. (ans. may be XOR)

2.CMRR. relates to (options not in order)
voltage follower
non invering amplifier
inverting amplifier

3. Given a circuit , give the ouput.
(ans. may be triangular wave.)

4. o/p of an assembly code.
mulitply by 11.

5. how to handle asynchronous events.
a) polling
b) interrrupt

ii)Data Structures, Algo., & Complexity theory : 5 questions
iii) OS : 5 questions
iv) Networks and Hardware: 5 questions
v) Databases and Misc.: 5 questions
vi) C Pgm. : 5 questions
some more 10 questions.

1. if W is a sequence of strings without a and W, is its reversalthen WaW, is accepted by:

Context Free Grammmars

2. Whether all recusive pgm can be writtten iteratively?
3. What data structes you will use if you want to go to first record from
the last and vice versa?
ans:doubly linked circular list

4. Given 10000 nos. and 48MB Memory. What is the complexity of the
efficient sorting algo.? (the algo. is not mentioned)

5. Given a C code and ask what it does?
code was something similar to Bubble sort and that
particular code does the sorting in Desending order and the complexity
is O(n^2)(which is the next question).

A code like this is given.
a. for(i=0;i<num;i++)
b. for(i=num;i>0;i--)
Assuming no code optimization and assume that the microprocessorhas flags etc. which one is correct.

b will execute faster.

7. If there are too many page faults what is the problem?

8. To ensure one pgm. doesnt corrupt other pgm. in a Multi-pgm enviornmentwhat you should do?

9. Which one you will use to implement critical section?
ans:Binary Semaphore

10. Which one is not needed for Multi-processing. enviornment?options are: virtual memory,security,time sharing,none of the

11. Which one is not done by Data link layer ?
bit stuffing, LRC,CRC,parity check

12. Which one is not related to Data link layer?

13. Which one is not suitable for client-server application?
tcp/ip,message passing,rpc,none of the above.

14. What is SQL.
Procedural Relational DB Query Language.

15. Indexing in databases give youoptions were like 1.efficient deleting and inserting
2.efficient deleting.
16. int a=1,b=2,c=3;
What is the output?
17. Scope of Static Variable ............
in a file.

18. for(i=0; i<=10;i++,printf("%d",i)); +- (+- is there in the questions)

20. Real Time Os should have
a)fast context switch
b)Virtual memory etc.


21. Messages are transferred in some E71 code, where after 7 bits of data,
1 bit of stopping data is to be transferred. what should be done.
options were like
a) send directly
b) send after encoding
22. There are three processes A, B, C. A sends data to B. B removes theheader stores it and sends the data to C. C returns it to B. B receives themessage, identifies the message and adds the header that was stored and sends to A.B receives the messages from C such that atmost ,m, messages
are pending.
Identify the best Data Structure.

23. A question in compiler about the heap and stack allocation of memory.

24. struct
char a[3];
int b;
char *cp;

a) size of x is 7.
d) cp takes the size of a pointer.
(d ) is the ans.


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