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Verizon Placement Paper : Verizon Testpaper 05 August 2012

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Paper Type : Whole-Testpaper
Test Date : 05 Aug 2012
Test Location : Question Bank 2012
Posted By : Admin
Verizon placement paper
Verizon recruitment process and aptitude test experiences

Verizon Latest Selection Procedure, Verizon Sample Placement Papers,Verizon Previous year Question paper With Answer, Verizon Latest recruitment Pattern for IT and Non IT Jobs, Verizon Off campus and On campus recruitment process, Verzon Job interview Tips, Campus interview Pattern with Answer and explanation, Varizon General Aptitude questions for Latest Written test

Selection Procedure of Verizon

The written Test consists of 4 sections.

1) Verbal (20 questions 15 minutes)

2) Analytical (20questions 30 minutes)

3) Mental Ability (25 questions 30 minutes)

4) Technical(10 questions 15 minutes)

Time Duration: 90 Minute

No of questions :75

They will give us one answer sheet. But after every section they will collect the question paper back
Verizon Placement Paper:-
1-10 questions of the type
Rose is _______ beautiful flower.
Options: a, an, the, none
11-16 Reading comprehension... on computer protection and security
17-20 Reading comprehension on Databases (Actually you don,t need to read the passage you will be able to answer without reading it--- its so trivial)

Analytical: ( 30 questions 30 minutes)
21. Sheena is 16th from first. 29th from last in a test. 6 boys did not come. 3 failed what is the strength of the class 22-26 problems on sets.. eg 15 speak Tamil 25 speak Tamil and Hindi out of 53 people how many speak Tamil alone. etc( Do not remember exact figures)

27-32 Problems on sets eg 54 boys play cricket.61play football,66 play tennis. 24 play all three, 32 play football and cricket, 15 play foot ball and tennis. How many players played only cricket, football, tennis same kind of problem on white ,green and yellow kites

33-37 Typical annals question( u find in RS Agarwals)
6 movies need to be screened in a movie festival. The slots are 9.30,10.30,1 3.30 5.30, 7

A can screen in afternoon or morning B cannot screen before C nobody else can screen when D is screening..( similar conditions.. Watch out we all ran out of time trying to attempt this question)

38-40 Question on cube. A cube is painted with three colures namely Red, yellow ,green its [anted in such a way that colors are on the adjacent sides are not same. The cube is cut into 27 small cubes. How many cubes with one color, two color, three color etc.

41-45 One question and Two statements would be given Mark A if statement 1 alone is enough to get the answer. B if statement 2 alone is enough, C if statement 1 and 2 are necessary. D if answer cannot be arrived at
eg 1.P-X>0
2., pX>0
is p positive.

46-50 Question on cube.. 16 cubes are kept on top of which 4 cubes r kept at the centre , on top of that 2 cubes are kept and on top of that one cube is kept. It is painted from top to bottom. How many cubes with 1,2,3,4, 0,sides painted.

Mental Ability (15 questions 25 minutes)

51-53 Questions on pattern matching. Like mark A if first and third are identical, B if second and third are identical, C if first and second are identical D if they are different.

54-59 Questions of the form if +is - and - is * . * is / and / is + then find 12/3*5-2+5

60-62 A set of conditions for admissions of a school student is given like he should be in top 20 in the entrance test or should have sports excellence etc.. and questions of different cases are given and we need to find if the candidate can be admitted or not.

63-65 Similar questions for recruitment of cook. He should be 25 years of age with 3 years experience if he has lesser exp. he should meet the head cook . if he is below 25 years he should meet the manager and questions on various cases.

Technical (C and DS) :

66. Of the following select a code to print a singly link list in a reverse order.

67. select a code to print elements of a DE queue

68. a=3,b=3,c=3
a-=b-- - --c;
printf (a, b, c);

69. Find a declaration of ADT of a polynomial.

70. Select code that shows DFS of a graph

71. Select the statement that appropriately fills the DFS algorithm

Directions for question No:1-6

Your answers for each questions below would be

A, if all 3 items given in the questions are exactly alike.

B, if only the first and second items are exactly alike.

C, if only the first and third items are exactly alike.

D, if none of the above.

1) 5344544445 5344544445 5344543445

a)A b)B c)C d)D

2) 8472.9200602 8472.9200602 8472.9200602

a)A b)B c)C d)D

3)6461.4421129 6461.4421129 6461.4421129

a)A b)B c)C d)D

4) 2001.7886162 2001.7786162 2001.7885162

a)A b)B c)C d)D


a)A b)B c)C d)D

6) Arizona Desert Arizona Desert Arizona Desert

a)A b)B c)C d)D

52) If * stands for -, /stands for +, +stands for *, then which of the following is TRUE?

A) 32/14*6+40-8=44.8

B) 14*8/6+40-8=16.8

c) 32*6/14+32-8=9.9

D) 32/6*14+32-8=18.9

53) If * stands for /, /stands for -, +stands for * and –stands for +, then 17/5*4+19-8?


B) 24.5

C) 12.8

D) 22.4

54) If + stands for ‘division’, * stands for ‘multiplication’ and / stands for ‘subtraction’, then which of

the following equations is CORRECT?

A) 36*6+7/2-6=20

B) 36/6+3*5-3=45

c) 36+6-3*5/3=24

D) 36-6+3*5/3=74

55) If * stands for /, / stands for -, + stands for *, - stands for +, then which of the following equations

is TRUE?

A) 28/10*6+80-12=20

B) 10*12/6+80-12=49.3

c) 28*6/10+28-12=3.1

D) 12*28/6+80-12=448

56) If * stands for +, / stands for *, + stands for -, - stands for /, then which of the following equations

is TRUE?

A) 8*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 20*8/8+20-12=8

c) 12*20/8+40-12=-16

D) 20/8*8+40-12=164.7

57) If * stands for -, / stands for +, + stands for /, - stands for *, then which of the following equations

is TRUE?

A) 20/16*4+90-12=35.58*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 16*12/4+90-12=3.5

c) 20*4/16+20-12=-8

D) 12*20/4+90-12=4

Directions for Questions 1-4:

The following criteria have laid down for admission to professional PG course in the university. The candidate must:

i) be between 18-27 years of age as on 1 march 2004

ii) have secured not less than 60% out of 900 marks in the entrance examination and not less than 50% in the interview of 100 marks

iii) be ready to deposit Rs. 75000 as annual course fee.

iv) Must have secured 65% in graduation.

However, in case the candidate fulfills all conditions EXCEPT:


(iii),but has a score of more than 70% in the entrance examination and more than 55% in the interview, refer to the director.


(iv),but has more than 55% in graduation and can deposit rs.100000 per annum as tuition fees, refer to the admissions in charge.

1)Samarth is a B com with 65% marks. He is ready to pay rs75000 per annum as tuition fees. He was born on 30 may 1976 and has scored more than 64% in the both the entrance examination and the interview. He is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

2)Chitra secured more than 66% in both the entrance examination and in the interview. She was born on the 14th of April 1979 . she completed her Bsc with botany as her specialization with 70% marks.

She is:

a)not admitted


c) referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

3)Arjun completed BA, English literature with 63%marks. He scored 552 in the entrance examination and 64 marks in the interview. He was born on 10 December 1984 and is ready to deposit rs.100000 per

annum as tuition fees. He is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

4)Supriya completed her graduation with 66% marks. She is 21 years old. She cannot the requisite tution fee at the time of admission. She secured 62 marks in the interview and 637 marks in the entrance test. She is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

Directions for questions1-4 :

a rating company needs to appoint financial analysts in an organization. The candidate must:

i. be a graduate in any discipline with at least 60% marks

ii. not more than 30 years of age as on 1 may 2003

iii. be either a CA ,ICWA, or MBA Finance or CFA as professional qualification

iv. have at least 4 years of work experience

v. have cleared the written examination conducted by the organization with at least 50% marks

however, if a candidate fulfills all conditions EXCEPT:


(iii), but has done B com with at least 55% marks, refer to the director.


(iv), but has a Phd degree along with the professional qualification, refer to the chairman.

1)Puneet was born on 10 august 1974. he joined an organization immediately after completing his CA. He secured 55% and 67% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the

organization respectively. He is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

2)Ajay got 70% and 60% marks in graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization respectively. He has been working for the last 2 years after completing his CFA and Phd in

2000 at the age of 27. he is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

3) Nitin completed his ICWA and has been working ever since. He was born on 28 june 1977 . he scored 70% and 50% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization . he is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

4) Jayesh did his Mcom with 60% marks at the age of 24 in the year 1998. he secured 55% marks in graduation and 60%in the written examination conducted by the organization. He is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

Interview Questions

Why paging is used ?
Which is the best page replacement algo and Why ?
What is software life cycle ?
How much time is spent usually in each phases and why ?
What is testing ?
Which are the different types of testing ?
Which are the different phases in Software life cycle (asked again)
Why is analysis and testing phases very important ?
Why networks are layered ? What is the advantage of that ?
How many layers are there in OSI ? Why is it called OSI model ?
Network topologies ?
Which are the different network toplogies ?
An example of bus type network.
What is the Bandwidth of ethernet ?
Explain the advantage and disadvantage of ethernet ?
Which is the protocol used in ethernet. (CSMA/CD) Why is it called so ?
What is the advantage of Ring network ?
Compare it with ethernet.
What is inheritance, encapsulation etc.
If there are too many page faults what is the problem?
To ensure one pgm. doesnt corrupt other programme. in a Multi-programme. environment what you should do?
Which one you will use to implement critical section? Binary Semaphore
Which one is not needed for Multi-programme enviornment?
options are: virtual memory,security,time sharing,none of the above.
Which one is not done by Data link layer ? bit stuffing, LRC,CRC,parity check
Which one is not related to Data link layer?

Which one is not suitable for client-server application? tcp/ip,message passing,rpc,none of the above.
Term stickily bit is related to a)kernel b)undeletable file c) d)none
Semaphore variable is different from ordinary variable by ?
Unix system is

multi processing

multi processing ,multiuser

multi processing ,multiuser,multitasking


e) protocol encapsulates the follwing layers




d)all of the above

e)none of the above

f)TCP/IP can work on





g)A node has the IP address and it is

transmitting data from node1 to node2only. The reason may be

a)a node cannot have more than one address

b)class A should have second octet different

c)classB " " " " "


h)The OSI layer from bottom to topvfor an application which exceeds 64k the memory model should be





i)The condition required for dead lock in unix sustem is set-user-id is related to (in unix)

bourne shell has

a)history record

d) wrong statement about c++

a)code removable

b)encapsulation of data and code

c)program easy maintenance

d)program runs faster

j)which is true

a)bridge connects dissimilar LAN and protocol insensitive

b)router " " " " "

c)gateway " " " " "

d)none of the above

e)const char *

char * const

f)What is the difference between the above tow?.
In Unix inter process communication take place using?.
About i-node numbers
Max relax able permission value with out giving write permission to others?.
About ln(linking)
Linking across directories?.
Process id for kernell process
Very first process created by kernell
Function to repaint a window immediately?.
Function entry for DLL in win3.1 win 3.1 is awin 3.1 supports which type of multi tasking?.
Message displayed when a window is destroyedAbout fork()?
About send message and post message
Message to limit the size of window
System call executable binary file into a process
About GDI object?.
API used to hide window
Initialize contents of a dialog?.


How do you write a program which produces its own source code as its output?
How can I find the day of the week given the date?
Why doesn,t C have nested functions?
What is the most efficient way to count the number of bits which are set in a value?
How can I convert integers to binary or hexadecimal?
How can I call a function, given its name as a string?
How do I access command-line arguments?
How can I return multiple values from a function?
How can I invoke another program from within a C program?
How can I access memory located at a certain address?
How can I allocate arrays or structures bigger than 64K?
How can I find out how much memory is available?
How can I read a directory in a C program?
How can I increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files?

o) What,s wrong with the call "fopen("c:\newdir\file.dat", "r")"?

Verizon Technical Paper 1

Section I – Unix Programming

1) works as a command interpretor

A) Hardware B) Kernal C) Shell D) CPU

2) The major no for a floppy disk device is

A) 1 B) 3 C) 2 D) 4

3) chown

A) Changes the mode of operation to kernel mode

B) Creates a thread

C) Changes the users and/or group ownership of each given file

D) Creates a child process

4) lilo

A) Uninstalls the boot loader

B) Installs the boot loader

C) Is a login utility

D) Invokes a daemon to logoff

5) netdevice

A) Provides low level access to Linux network devices

B) Provides low level access to Linux storage devices

C) Provides an interface to communicate with graphic devices

D) None of the other option listed for this question

6) The process which terminates before the parent process exits, is called as

A) Zombie

B) Orphan

C) Child

D) None of the other option listed for this question

7) Context switch means

A) Kernel switches from executing one process to another.

B) Process switches from kernel mode to user mode.

C) Process switches from user mode to kernel mode.

D) None of the other option listed for this question

8) The following socket provides two way, sequenced, reliable and unduplicated flow of data with no

record boundaries.

A) Sequential packet socket

B) Datagram socket

C) Stream socket

D) Raw socket

9) Identify the point(s) that is not true w.r.t. signals

A) Signals are software generated interrupts that are sent to a process when an event happens

B) Signal delivery is analogous to hardware interrupts in that a signal can be blocked from being

delivered in the future.

C) Most signals are synchronous by nature.

D) Most signal cause termination of the receiving process if no action is taken by the process in

response to the signal.

10) Identify the point(s) that is true wrt Semaphore

A) Only one process at a time can update a semaphore.

B) All the other options listed for this question

C) They are often used to monitor and control the availability of system resources such as shared memory segments.

D) Is a process with exclusive use of a semaphore terminates abnormally and fails to undo the operation or free the semaphore, the semaphore stays locked in the state the process left it.


1) When a single entity is related to itself then the relationship is termed as





2) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as examples of higher level set





3) The primary characteristic of a key field as that it must be





4) What kind of relationship exist between customers and salespersons if each customer may have one

or more salespersons, and each salesperson may have one or more customers?

A) one-to-one

B) one to many

C) many to many

D) many to one

5) The following is a valid SET operation.

A) Join

B) Insert

C) Select

D) Difference

6) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as example of a higher level set.

A) Aggregation

B) Specialization

C) Generalization

D) Decomposition

7) A relation R is said to be in the , if it is in BCNF and there are non-trivial multi valued dependencies.

A) 1st NF

B) 2nd NF

C) 3rd NF

D) 4th NF

8) A occurs when a weak entity does not have a candidate key and its instances are indistinguishable without a relationship with another entity.

A) Existence dependency

B) Identifier dependency

C) Referential dependency

D) None of the other option listed for this question

9) is / are sample(s) of data model.

A) Relational

B) Rational

C) Entity- relationship

D) None of the other option listed for this question

10) In hierarchical database,

A) There is one to many relationship

B) A child may have more than one parent

C) A parent may have more than one child

D) There is no restriction on the number of parents a child may have or the number of children a parent

may have

11) The term “inner join” refers to:

A) Joins between two tables in the same schema.

B) An equality join based on one column from each table.

C) A table joined with itself.

D) A Cartesian product join.

12) Which type of join is used in this query?

SELECT last_name “Name”, hire_date “Hire Date”, loc “Location”

FROM employee, department

WHERE employee.deptno = department.deptno.

A) Outer join

B) Self join

C) Equijoin

D) Non-equijoin

13) A sales database has two table – SALESPERSON and CUSTOMERS as below:




sname VARCHAR2(10)




cname VARCHAR2(10)

The management wants to know the mapping of salespersons to their customers without excluding those salespersons that are not currently assigned. What would be the most appropriate condition, which can be applied on the Query to accomplish the above task?

A) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum

B) salespeople.snum = customers.snum(+)

C) salespeople.snum = customers.snum

D) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum(+)

14) join returns those rows from a table which have no direct match in the other table.

A) Outer join

B) inner join

C) Equijoin

D) Self join

15) To produce a meaningful result set without any Cartesian products, what is the minimum number of conditions that should appear in the WHERE clause of a four table join?

A) 1

B) 4

C) 2

D) 8

Of the following select a code to print a singly link list in a reverse order.Select a code to print elements of a dequeue

a-=b-- - --c;
printf (a, b, c);

Find a declaration of ADT of a polynomial.

Select code that shows DFS of a graph

Select the statement that appropriately fills the DFS algorithm

File *fp1,*fp2;
fp1=fopen ("a","w");
fp2=fopen ("a","w");
and operations using these two file pointers . and 4 options based on that

int *px;
} while( i<10 && *px<900);
f(int a)
int x= a*50;
return &x;
And four options about value of *px also has options on error conditions


1. What are different types of databases

2. Difference between RDBMS and File based databases

3. Even in RDBMS the data is stored as files , so why go for it

4. Three layered architecture

5. Can you change physical design

6. Write a simple employee and dept table

7. Then he asked me to retrieve all employees working in MCA dept( i wrote a nested sub query)

8. What is the advantage of nested sub query. will it improve or reduce the performance

9. What is inheritance?

10. What is a constructor?

11. Can a constructor be private?

12. Can we OVERRIDE a constructor?

13. Are there pointers in java?

14. Why is there no pointers in java?

15. Identify classes...for bus, car, cycle tricycle?

16. What is quality

17. What is quality management

18. Difference between software engineering and SQM

Actual interview

Step 1: We were asked to write a 100 word write-up on " Your greatest strength (s) that would help Verizon".

The interviewing team introduced themselves.( there were two people - One person was asking technical questions and other person was asking HR questions) Both were asking questions alternating.

They went through my write-up, and the HR person asked me an hypothetical situation

" Assume you are working on a bidding . You quote a price after lot of analysis. At the last moment your boss says that you should quote a lower price. what will you do"

he kept asking subsequent questions to corner me and was focused on making me accept that I did not have the quality that i mentioned in the write-up.

Technical person asked me what I was comfortable with C, C++ or Java. I told Java.

The HR person took over and asked

1. Instances where I have exhibited my leadership qualities?

2. How do I motivate my team members?

3. What is my biggest achievement in life so far?

4. What is my biggest failure and what I learnt from it?

The HR person took over and

1. He saw that I have won prize in Marketing in Login and asked me what the event was and asked me how we won the event.

2. What I have learnt in college or what the college has taught me apart from subjects

The technical person asked me what other subjects I have learnt so far in curricular and he interrupted me when I said "Software quality Management"

The HR person took over and asked me one last question

1. I just want to know why you are wearing a tie.

2. Tell me everything about yourself in 10 minutes?

3. Weaknesses?

4. Will u be comfortable in relocation?

5. The best thing u noticed in company presentation?

6. Any other offer u have?

7. Any backlog u have?

8. Finally asked about my family

Verizon Placement Paper : Verizon Testpaper 11 September 2011

1) If * stands for -, /stands for +, +stands for *, then which of the following is TRUE?

A) 32/14*6+40-8=44.8

B) 14*8/6+40-8=16.8

c) 32*6/14+32-8=9.9

D) 32/6*14+32-8=18.9

2) If * stands for /, /stands for -, +stands for * and –stands for +, then 17/5*4+19-8?


B) 24.5

C) 12.8

D) 22.4

3) If + stands for ‘division’, * stands for ‘multiplication’ and / stands for ‘subtraction’, then which of he following equations is CORRECT?

A) 36*6+7/2-6=20

B) 36/6+3*5-3=45

c) 36+6-3*5/3=24

D) 36-6+3*5/3=74

4) If * stands for /, / stands for -, + stands for *, - stands for +, then which of the following equations is TRUE?

A) 28/10*6+80-12=20

B) 10*12/6+80-12=49.3

c) 28*6/10+28-12=3.1

D) 12*28/6+80-12=448

5) If * stands for +, / stands for *, + stands for -, - stands for /, then which of the following equations is TRUE?

A) 8*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 20*8/8+20-12=8

c) 12*20/8+40-12=-16

D) 20/8*8+40-12=164.7

6) If * stands for -, / stands for +, + stands for /, - stands for *, then which of the following equations is TRUE?

A) 20/16*4+90-12=35.58*12/8+40-12=32.7

B) 16*12/4+90-12=3.5

c) 20*4/16+20-12=-8

D) 12*20/4+90-12=4

Directions for QUESTIONS 7-10:

The following criteria have laid down for admission to professional PG course in the university. The candidate must:

i) be between 18-27 years of age as on 1 march 2004

ii) have secured not less than 60% out of 900 marks in the entrance examination and not less than 50% in the interview of 100 marks

iii) be ready to deposit rs. 75000 as annual course fee.

iv) Must have secured 65% in graduation.

However, in case the candidate fulfiils all conditions EXCEPT:

a.condition(iii),but has ascore of more than 70% in the entrance examination and more than 55% in the interview, refer to the director.

b.condition(iv),but has more than 55% in graduation and can deposit rs.100000 per annum as tuition fees, refer to the admissions in charge.

7)samarth is abcom with 65% marks. He is ready to pay rs75000 per annum as tuition feees. He was born on 30 may 1976 and has scored more than 64% in th both the entrance examination and the interview. He is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

8)chitra secured more than 66% in both the entrance examination and in the interview. She was born on the 14th of april 1979 . she completed her bsc with botany as her specialization with 70% marks.

She is:

a)not admitted


c) referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

9)arjun completed ba, English literature with 63%marks. He scored 552 in the entrance examination and 64 marks in the interview. He was born on 10 december 1984 and is ready to deposit rs.100000 per annum as tution fees. He is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

10)supriya completed her graduation with 66% marks. She is 21 years old. She cannot the requisite tution fee at the time of admission. She secured 62 marks in the interview and 637 marks in the entrance test. She is:

a)not admitted


c)referred to the admissions in charge

d)referred to the director

directions for questions11-14 :

a rating company needs to appoint financial analysts in an organization. The candidate must:

i. be a graduate in any discipline with at least 60% marks

ii. not more than 30 years of age as on 1 may 2003

iii. be either a ca,icwa,or mba finance or cfa as professional qualification

iv. have at least 4 years of work experiance

v. have cleared the written examination conducted by the organization with at least 50% marks however, if a candidate fulfills all conditions EXCEPT:

a. condition (iii), but has done bcom with at least 55% marks, refer to the director.

b. Condition (iv), but has a phd degree along with the professional qualification, refer to the


11)puneet was born on 10 august 1974. he joined an organization immediately after completing his ca. he secured 55% and 67% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization respectively. He is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

12)ajay got 70% and 60% marks in graduation and the written examination conducted by the

organization respectively. He has been working for the last 2 years after completing his cfa and phd in 2000 at the age of 27. he is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

13) nitin completed his icwa and has been working ever since. He was born on 28 june 1977 . he scored 70% and 50% marks in the graduation and the written examination conducted by the organization . he is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

14) jayesh did his mcom with 60% marks at the age of 24 in the year 1998. he secured 55% marks in graduation and 60%in the written examination conducted by the organization. He is:



c)referred to the chairman

d)data inadequate

15). Two trains are on the same track a distance 300 km apart heading towards one another, One at a speed of 150 km/h and other at a speed of 50 km/h. A fly starting out at the front of one train, flies towards the other at a speed of 600 km/h. Upon reaching the other train, the fly turns around and continues towards the first train. How many kilometers does the fly travel before getting squashed in the collision of the two trains?

16) The major no: for a floppy disk device is

A) 1 B) 3 C) 2 D) 4

17) chown is:

A) Changes the mode of operation to kernel mode

B) Creates a thread

C) Changes the users and/or group ownership of each given file

D) Creates a child process

18) lilo is:

A) Uninstalls the boot loader

B) Installs the boot loader

C) Is a login utility

D) Invokes a daemon to logoff

19) netdevice

A) Provides low level access to Linux network devices

B) Provides low level access to Linux storage devices

C) Provides an interface to communicate with graphic devices

D) None of the other option listed for this question

20) The process which terminates before the parent process exits, is called as

A) Zombie

B) Orphan

C) Child

D) None of the other option listed for this question

21) Context switch means

A) Kernel switches from executing one process to another.

B) Process switches from kernel mode to user mode.

C) Process switches from user mode to kernel mode.

D) None of the other option listed for this question

22) The following socket provides two way, sequenced, reliable and unduplicated flow of data with no record boundaries.

A) Sequential packet socket

B) Datagram socket

C) Stream socket

D) Raw socket

23) Identify the point(s) that is not true w.r.t. signals

A) Signals are software generated interrupts that are sent to a process when an event happens

B) Signal delivery is analogous to hardware interrupts in that a signal can be blocked from being delivered in the future.

C) Most signals are synchronous by nature.

D) Most signal cause termination of the receiving process if no action is taken by the process in response to the signal.

24) Identify the point(s) that is true wrt Semaphore

A) Only one process at a time can update a semaphore.

B) All the other options listed for this question

C) They are often used to monitor and control the availability of system resources such as shared memory segments.

D) Is a process with exclusive use of a semaphore terminates abnormally and fails to undo the operation or free the semaphore, the semaphore stays locked in the state the process left it. RDBMS

25) When a single entity is related to itself then the relationship is termed as





26) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as examples of higher level set





27) The primary characteristic of a key field as that it must be





28) What kind of relationship exist between customers and salespersons if each customer may have one or more salespersons, and each salesperson may have one or more customers?

A) one-to-one

B) one to many

C) many to many

D) many to one

29) The following is a valid SET operation.

A) Join

B) Insert

C) Select

D) Difference

30) means allowing objects of different types to be considered as example of a higher level set.

A) Aggregation

B) Specialization

C) Generalization

D) Decomposition

31) A relation R is said to be in the , if it is in BCNF and there are non-trivial multi valued dependencies.

A) 1st NF

B) 2nd NF

C) 3rd NF

D) 4th NF

32) A occurs when a weak entity does not have a candidate key and its instances are indistinguishable without a relationship with another entity.

A) Existence dependency

B) Identifier dependency

C) Referential dependency

D) None of the other option listed for this question

33) is / are sample(s) of data model.

A) Relational

B) Rational

C) Entity- relationship

D) None of the other option listed for this question

34) In hierarchical database,

A) There is one to many relationship

B) A child may have more than one parent

C) A parent may have more than one child

D) There is no restriction on the number of parents a child may have or the number of children a parent may have

35) The term “inner join” refers to:

A) Joins between two tables in the same schema.

B) An equality join based on one column from each table.

C) A table joined with itself.

D) A Cartesian product join.

36) Which type of join is used in this query?

SELECT last_name “Name”, hire_date “Hire Date”, loc “Location”

FROM employee, department WHERE employee.deptno = department.deptno.

A) Outer join

B) Self join

C) Equijoin

D) Non-equijoin

37) A sales database has two table – SALESPERSON and CUSTOMERS as below:




sname VARCHAR2(10)




cname VARCHAR2(10)

The management wants to know the mapping of salespersons to their customers without excluding those salespersons that are not currently assigned. What would be the most appropriate condition, which can be applied on the Query to accomplish the above task?

A) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum

B) salespeople.snum = customers.snum(+)

C) salespeople.snum = customers.snum

D) salespeople.snum(+) = customers.snum(+)

38) join returns those rows from a table which have no direct match in the other table.

A) Outer join

B) inner join

C) Equijoin

D) Self join

39) To produce a meaningful result set without any Cartesian products, what is the minimum number of conditions that should appear in the WHERE clause of a four table join?

A) 1

B) 4

C) 2

D) 8

40).Tea worth Rs. 126 per kg and Rs. 135 per kg are mixed with a third variety in the ratio 1 : 1 : 2. If the mixture is worth Rs. 153 per kg, the price of the third variety per kg will be:

41). You have to measure exactly 4 liters of water, but you only have a 3-liter bottle and a 5-liter bottle. How do you do it?

42). You have 9 balls,equally big,equally heavy-except for one, which is a little heavier.How would you identify the heavier ball if you could use a pair of balance scales only twice?

43) What is the output of the following function if the following parameter is passed into the function as shown below function(" 12345");

long function(char *a)

int n=O; int sign; sign =(*s==,,)?1 : 1; if(*S == .2 11 *8


for(;*s >=,0,&& *s <=V; s++) n 10 * n + (*s V);

return sign n;

A) String 54321 B) String 12345 C) Long int 12345 D) Long int 54321

44) A function called total, sums up the elements of an integer array passed to it (as the first parameter). It returns the total value as an integer. The second parameter to the function is an integer, which contains the number of elements of the array.

Identify the correct code snippet(s) which accomplishes the above task.

A) int total( int numberso, int elements int total = 0, loop; for( loop = 0; loop < elements; loop++ total = total + numbers[loopl; return total; I

B) int total( int numbers[l, int elements int total = 0, loop; for( loop = 01 loop <= elements; loop++ total = total + numbersiloopl, return total;

C) int total( int numbersfl, int elements int total, loop, for( loop = 0; loop > elements: loop++ total = total + numbers[loopl; return total;

D) int total( int numbers[], int elements int total, loop; for( loop = 0; loop < elements; loop++ total = total numbers[loop], return total,

45) Which of the following does not print the numbers from I to 10?

A) maino

int i;

while (i<=10)

printf("%d\n", i); j++;

B) main()

int i;

i=O; do

Printf("%d\n". ++i), while (i<10);

C) maino

int i; for (i=l ; i<=1 0; i++) printf("%d\n", i); I D) maino

int i;

i=O; do I printf("%d\n", ++i); while (i<=10);

46) char sl [] = 1"rhis is a string"; char s2a = "pqrs";

Identify the code snippet which returns the first location in the String sl where any character from the String s2 occurs


Searching for one of "pqrs" in the string ,7his is a string" Located in position:3

A) for (i=O s2[ij !=AO,, i++) for 0 = 0; ~1 U1 1=AO, if (s2[ij = sl Uj) ( if (POS = 111 j < p0s) pos = j;

B) for (i=O; s2fi] !=AO,; i++) for 0 = 0; sl Ul !=AO,; j++) if (s2[ij s 1 Uj) ( if (Pos 111 j < pos) POS = j;

C) for(i=Qs2[ij!=,O,;i++){ for 0 = 0; S, U1 !=V: j++) if (s2li] sl Uj) ( if (Pos 111 j < pos) pos = j;

D) for (i=O; s2fil 1= W; I++) for a = 0; slUl !=AO,; j++) if (s2[ij sl U]) ( if (pos 111 j < pos) pos = j. I

47) What could be the output of the following program?

ffinclude < stdio.h > maino struct r

char city[10]; Int pin;

static struct r p =("mysore",20); static char nj] ="bangalore"; FILE *fp; fp= fopen("TRLAL",wb");

Directions for Questions 48-53:

Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow

Your answer for each question below would be

A if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly ALIKE. B if only the FIRST and SECOND item are exactly ALIKE. C if only the FIRST and THIRD item are exactly ALIKE. D if only the SECOND and THIRD item are exactly ALIKE. E if ALL THREE items are DIFFERENT

48) 7181.0984612, 7181.0984612, 7181.0984612

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

49)5444644444, 64"644444 ,5444644444

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

50)3211133222, 3211133222, 3212232222

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

51) discuteeren,, discuteren ,discuteeren

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

52) 744.2903519, 744.2903419 ,7".2903519

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

53) Wadhodhia Raste, Wadhodhia Raste, Wadhobhia Raste

A) A B) B C) C D) D E) E

Directions to solve(54-63)

Read the given below data & answer the following qustions

one hundred and twenty five small cube of equal size are

arranged in a solid pile of dimension 5*5*5 .Then from one corner

one cube is removed from the top.From the opposite corner 8 cubes

(2*2*2)r removed from the third corner a column of three cubes and

from the fourth corner a column of 4 cubes r removed the remaining

solid r coloured red on all the exposed faces...

54. How many cubes in the secomd layer fron the top do not have any

coloured face ?

ans : 6

55. How many cubes in the third layer have at least two coloured faces each ?

ans :8

56. how many cubes in the fourth layer from the top have only one colour face each?

ans :10

57. How many cubes in the bottom layer have at least one coloured face each

ans :16

58. How many cubes in the top four layers taken together have only one coloured

face each


59. How many cubes donot have any colour face

ans : 32

60. How many cubes have three colour faces each

ans :12 many cubes have only two colour faces each?

ans :24

62.How many cubes have only one colour faces each?

ans : 41

63. How many cubes are there in the top layer ?

ans : 18

64. In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is:

A. 1 hour B. 2 hours

C. 3 hours D. 4 hours

65. he difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the positions of its digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number?

A. 3 B. 4

C. 9 D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Directions to solve(66-70)

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

66. That which cannot be seen

A. Insensible B. Intangible

C. Invisible D. Unseen

67.To slap with a flat object

A. Chop B. Hew

C. Gnaw D. Swat

68. Habitually silent or talking little

A. Serville B. Unequivocal

C. Taciturn D. Synoptic

69. One who cannot be corrected

A. Incurable B. Incorrigible

C. Hardened D. Invulnerable

70. Be the embodiment or perfect example of

A. Characterise B. Idol

C. Personify D. Signify

Directions to solve(70-75)

Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

71. When varun left the cocktail party he was as ...... as a judge.

A. sober B. drunk

C. brave D. wise

72. The criminal seems to have acted in ...... the three others.

A. collusion B. coalition

C. collision D. cohesion

73. Soft minded individuals are ...... to embrace all kinds superstitions.

A. disposed B. eager

C. reluctant D. prone

74. The stenographer is very efficient. He is ...... to his firm.

A. a boon B. a credit

C. a blessing D. an asset

75. However, the group,s long-term strategy is to ...... on core sector business connected with infrastructure and energy.

A. breed B. develop

C. concentrate D. depend

Verizon Placement Paper : Verizon Testpaper 08 October 2011

Verbal Ability (20 qus 20 min)

Directions for Questions 1-3 : Choose the option which will correctly fill the blank.

1) I am writing to enquire _________the possibility of hiring a conference room at the hotel on the 2nd of September.

A) Of
B) About
C) Into
D) After

2) _________ having her lunch, she stood - the tree and waited _______ him.

A) With, below, for
B) After, under, for
C) Inside, further, to
D) About, across, into

3) The microscopic animals are the primary food for larval cod and their decline has meant that fewer fish are making it to adulthood to be caught_________ trawler men.

A) In
B) Into
C) By
D) With

Directions for Questions 4-6 : Choose the word nearest in meaning to the word from the given options.

4) The jacket is impervious to water.

A) Dirty
B) Pure
C) Impenetrable
D) Favourable

5) Chandan was chagrined with the continuous disruption of the power supply to his home.

A) Delighted
B) Creation
C) Peeved
D) Security

6) The latest ordinance issued by the government has provided the bank with two options.

A) Decision
B) Law
C) Opinion
D) Verdict
Directions for Questions 7-10: Choose the answer option which will correctly fill the blank.

7)_________ great writer is convinced that whatever he says is not an echo or imitation of what others have said.

A) An
B) The
D) No article required

8) ________ Reserve Bank of India directed banks to closely watch _______spending through International Debit Cards.

A) A,the
B) The, the
C) The, a
D) -\n, the

9) The officer received _____ official letter from _____ Ministry of IT in _____ Central Government.

A) A, the, an
C) An, the, the
B) A, an, the
D) An, an, the

10) You CANNOT send out ______uneducated man into ______ world of technology and expect him to perform.

A) An, an
B) A, an
C ) An, the
D) The, an

Directions for Questions 11-15: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

Microprocessor is an electronic computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) made from miniaturized transistors and other circuit elements on a single semiconductor Integrated Circuit (IC). Before the advent of microprocessors, electronic CPUs were made from individual small-scale Integrated Circuits containing the equivalent of only a few transistors. By integrating the processor onto one or a very few large-scale Integrated Circuit packages (containing the equivalent of thousands or millions of discrete transistors), the cost of processor power was greatly reduced. The evolution of microprocessors has been known to follow Moore,s Law when it comes to steadily increasing performance over the years. This law suggests that the complexity of an Integrated Circuit with respect to minimum component cost will double in about 18 months. From humble beginnings as the drivers for calculators, the continued increase in power has led to the dominance of microprocessors over every other form of computer; every system from the largest mainframes to the smallest handheld computers now uses a microprocessor at their core. .As with many advances in technology, the microprocessor was an idea wbose time had come. Three projects arguably delivered a complete microprocessor at about the same time: Intel,s 4004, Texas Instruments, TMS1000, and Garrett AiResearch,s Central Air Data Computer. . A computer-on-a-chip is a variation of a microprocessor, which combines the microprocessor core (CPU), some
memory, and I/O (input/output) lines, all on one chip. The proper meaning of microcomputer is a computer using a (number of) microprocessor(s) as its CPU(s), while the concept of the patent is somewhat more similar to a micro controller.

11) Which of the following descriptions would NOT fit a microprocessor?

A) Electronic computer
B) Central Processing Unit
C) Memory disk
D) A single integrated chip circuit.

12) Select the TRUE statement from the following.

A) Microprocessors and computers on a chip are variations of each other.
B) Integration of processing power on chips has made processing power cheaper.
C) Before microprocessors, CPUs were not made from individual small scale ICs.
D) A microprocessor circuit only has transistors in it.

13) Which of the following was NOT the first to develop a microprocessor?

A) Microsoft
B) Intel
C) Texas Instruments
D) Garret

14) According to the passage, which of these is NOT a use of microprocessors?

A) Drivers for calculators
B) Core for large mainframes
C) Advanced mobile phones
D) Used for small handheld computers

15) "A number of microprocessors at its CPU" is an apt description of a:

A) 11icro-controller
B) Micro-computer
C) Micro-processor
D) Micro-transistor

Directions for Questions 16-20: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis of the information provided in the passage.

Dynamic Link Libraries Windows provides several files called dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that contain collections of software code that perform common functions such as opening or saving a file. When Windows application wants to use one of those functions or routines, the app sends a message to Windows with the names of the DLL file and the function. This procedure is known as calling a function. One of the most frequently used DLLs is Windows
COMMDLG.DLL, which includes among others, the functions to display File Open, File Save, Search, and Print dialog boxes. The application also sends any information the DLL function will need to complete the operation. For example, a program calling the Open File function in COMMDLG.DLL would pass along a file spec, such as *. * or *.DOC, to be displayed in the dialog box,s Filename text box. The application also passes along a specification for the type of information it expects the DLL to return to the application when the DLL,s work is done. The application, for example, may expect return information in the form of integers, true/false values, or text. Windows passes the responsibility for program execution to the DLL, along with the parameters and the return information the DLL will need. The specific DLL is loaded into memory, and then executed by the processor. At this point the DLL, rather than the application, runs things. The DLL performs all the operations necessary to communicate with Windows and, through Windows, with the PC,s hardware. After the DLL function is complete, the DLL puts the return information into memory, where it can be found by the application, and instructs Windows to remove the DLL routine from memory. The application inspects the return information, which usually tells whether the DLL function was able to execute correctly. If the operation was a success, the application continues from where it left off before issuing the function call. If the operation failed, the application displays an error message.

16) By using DLLs, Windows:

A) Saves processing time
B) Multitasks
C) Shares program code
D) Communicates with PCs hardware

17) To use any routine of a DLL, Windows:

A) Searches and copies it in the application code and executes it
B) Loads the DLL file and searches and executes the routine
C) Loads just the required routine in memory and executes it
D) Searches the location of the routine and instructs the application to execute it

18) Which information does an application need to passto Windows to use a DLL routine?

A) Just the name of the routine
B) Just the name of the DLL, which finds in turn the routine to be executed in return
C) Both the name of the routine as well as DLL and any parameters
D) Name of the DLL, routine, any parameters and type of information to be returned

19) According to the passage, while the DLL routine is executing, the calling application:

A) Waits for the routine to execute
B) Continues with other tasks
C) Helps the DLL routine perform by communicating with Windows and through Windows with the PC,s hardware
D) Passes all responsibility of program execution to the DLL and is removed from memory
20) The DLL function after execution returns:

A) The parameters and information into memory, where it can be inspected by the calling application
B) Information into memory, where it can be inspected by the calling application
C) To the calling application the information required by it so that it can inspect it
D) The information required into memory so that DLL can inspect whether the function operation was a success

Attention To Detail (15 qus ,15 min)

Directions for Questions 1-8: Follow the directions given below to answer the questions that follow. Your answer for each question below would be: A, if ALL THREE items given in the question are exactly ALIKE. B, if only the FIRST and SECOND items are exactly ALIKE. C, if only the FIRST and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. D, if only the SECOND and THIRD items are exactly ALIKE. E, if ALL THREE items are DIFFERENT.


A) A

2) 0452-9858762, 0452-9858762, 0452-9858762

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E


A) A

4) 4665.8009291, 4665.7999291, 4665.8009291

A) A
B) B
5)808088080.8080, 808008080.8080, 808088080.8080

A) A

6) If* standsfor /, / stands for -,+ stands for * and -stands for +, then 9/8*7+5-10=?

A) 13.3
B) 10.8
C) 10.7
D) 11.4

7) If* stands for /, / stands for -,+ stands for * and -stands for +, then 9/15*9+2-9=?

A) 14.7
B) 15.3
C) 14.1
D) 16.2

8) If * stands for /, / stands for -, + stands for * and - stands for +, then which of the following is TRUE?

A) 36/12*4+50-8 =-106
B) 12*8/4+50-8 =45.5
C) 36*4/12+36-8 = 4.7
D) 8*36/4+50-8 = 300

Directions for Questions 9-11: In the following questions, the following letters indicate mathematical operations as
indicated below: A: Addition V: Equal to S: Subtraction W: Greater than M: Multiplication X: Less than D: Division
Out of the four alternatives given in these questions, only one is coccect according to the above letter symbols. Identify
the coccect one.

9) See the options given below

A) 6 S 7 A 2 M 3 W 0 D 7
B) 6 A 7 S 2 M 3 W 0 A 7
C) 6 S 7 M 2 S 3 W 0 M 7
D) 6 M 7 S 2 A 3 X 0 D 7

10) If * stands for -,/ stands for +, + stands for / and -stands for *, then which of the following is TRUE?

A) 16/8*6+90-12 =23.2
B) 8*12/6+90-12 =7.2
C) 16*6/8+16-12 =-4.1
D) 12*16/6+90-12 =8

11) If * stands for -,/ stands for +, + stands for / and -stands for * , then which of the following is TRUE?

A) 16*4/18+16-8 = -10.1
B) 18*8/4+40-8 =-2.8
C) 16/18*4+40-8 =33.2
D) 8*16/4+40-8 =-2

Directions for Questions 12-15: For the post of a manager of a leading call centre -Arcade Inc. - situated in Ludhiana, the following are the criteria the candidate must satisfy: - The candidate should have a Management Degree. – The candidate should have at least 4 years of similar experience at-another call centre. - The candidate should be more than 30 years of age as on the 1st of July 2003. - The candidate should have 6 months of international exposure, i.e. should have been posted in a foreign country. If a candidate does not satisfy the 1st condition but has more than 2 years of international experience, then the VP operations, will interview him. If a candidate does not satisfy the 4th condition, then the HR manager will interview him.

12) Shakuntala was selected for a managerial position in an international call center after she passed out from AIM Management Institute. After working for 3 years in the call center, she took a sabbatical. She is 29 years of age as on the date of application. She will be:

A) Interviewed only by the HR
B) Interviewed only by the VP
C) Rejected
D) Data insufficient

13) Rajiv has been working as a Manager in Zephyr Inc. for 4 years now. He is an Engineering graduate from a premier engineering institute. His certificate lists his date of birth as 17/12/1974. He has worked in the hotel industry at the executive level. He is:

A) Give an aptitude test
B) Interviewed by the VP
C) Data insufficient
D) Not considered

14) Soma has 2 years of experience in Welsh Inc. and 2 years of experience in Franc Inc., both leading call centers, as a manager. She has a management degree from a premier management organization. She turned 30 this December (2002). She is a B.Com Graduate from St. Xavier,s, Calcutta. If she applies for the post, she will:

A) Be interviewed directly by the VP Operations
B) Not be considered
C) Be interviewed by the HR
D) Have to give an aptitude test

15) Salina has over 4 years of experience in Care Touch, a leading call center, as a manager. She completed her MBA from Ranchi and worked in Singapore for UNO for 2 years before joining Care Touch. She will be:

A) Recruited
B) Rejected
C) Interviewed by dIe VP Operations
D) Data insufficient

Analytical Ability(25 qus 25 min)

1) 70 students are required to paint a picture. 52 use green color and some children use red, 38 students use both the colours. How many students use red color?

A) 24
B) 42
C) 56

2) At an international conference, 100 delegates spoke English, 40 spoke French, and 20 spoke both English and French. How many delegates could speak at least one of these two languages?

A) 110
B) 100
C) 140
D) 120

3) A group of 50 students were required to clear 2 tasks, one in rock-climbing and the other in bridge crossing during an adventure sports expedition. 30 students cleared both the tasks. 37 cleared bridge crossing, 38 students cleared rock climbing. How many students could not clear any task?

D) 9

4) A dance instructor conducts annual workshops in which he holds sessions for basic learners and trainers. In a particular year, 2000 people attended the workshop. 1500 participated as learners and 800 as trainers. How many participated as only trainers?

A) 200
B) 500
C) 800
D) 1500

5) In a group of 400 readers who read science fiction or literacy works or both, 250 read science fiction and 230 read literacy works. How many read both science fiction and literacy works?

A) 80
B) 160
C) 220
D) 400

6) A man said to a lady, "Your mother,s husband,s sister is my aunt". How is the lady related to the man?

A) Daughter
B) Grand daughter
C) Mother
D) Sister

7) A man is facing west. He turns 45degree in the clockwise direction and then another 180 degree in the same direction and then 270 degree in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?

A) South
B) North-West
C) West
D) South-West

8) In a row of 60, if Ram is standing at 17th from the first, what is his position from the last?

A) 25
B) 43
D) 45

9) A man is facing northwest. He turns 90 degrees in the clockwise direction and then 135degrees in the anticlockwise direction. Which direction is he facing now?

A) East
B) West
C) North
D) South

10) What three letter word best completes the below words? VA - __E S___TER - - _ER

Directions for Questions 11-15: In the following questions mark: 1, if the question can be answered with the help of statement I alone. 2, if the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone. 3, if the question can be answered with the help of both I and II. 4, if the question cannot be answered at all.

11) What is the value of P? I. P and Q are integers II. PQ = 10, P + Q =5


12) Who got the highest score in the Mathematics examination, among Sumit, Amit and Namit. No two students got the same marks. I. Sumit got more marks than Namit. II. Amit did not get lesser marks than Sumit, who did not get lesser marks than Namit.


13) How many hours does it take some boys and girls in a camp to put up the tent? I. There are 4 boys and 7 girls. II. A girl can put up the tent in 5 hours and a boy can put up the tent in 3 hours.


14) If p, q, r, s and t are in an Arithmetic Progression, is r the largest among them? I.t>O II. p, q < 0


15) Is X a whole number, if X > O? I. 2X is an even number. II. 3X is an odd number.


Directions for Questions 16-20: In the following questions mark: 1, if the question can be answered with the help of
statement I alone. 2, if the question can be answered with the help of statement II alone. 3, if the question can be
answered with the help of both I and II. 4, if the question cannot be answered at all.

16) What is the value of P? I. P and Q are integers II. PQ = 10, P + Q =5


17) Who got the highest score in the Mathematics examination, among Sumit, Amit and Namit. No two students got the same marks. I. Sumit got more marks than Namit. II. Amit did not get lesser marks than Sumit, who did not get lesser marks than Namit.


18) How many hours does it take some boys and girls in a camp to put up the tent? I. There are 4 boys and 7 girls. II. A girl can put up the tent in 5 hours and a boy can put up the tent in 3 hours.


19) If p, q, r, s and t are in an Arithmetic Progression, is r the largest among them? I.t>O II. p, q < 0


20) Is X a whole number, if X > O? I. 2X is an even number. II. 3X is an odd number.


Directions for Questions 21-25: In a certain code, the symbol for 0 (zero) is. * and that for 1 is $. The numb.:rs greater than 1 are to be written only by using the two symbols given above. The value of the symbol for 1 doubles itself every time it shifts one place to the left. (For example, 4 is written as $**; and; 3 is written as $$)

21) 11x 17 / 10 + 2 x 5 + 3 / 10 can also be represented as:

A) $*$$*
B) $*$$$
C) $$$*$
D) $**$$

22) 260 can be represented as:

A) $****$**
B) $$*$$$$$
C) $$*$$$$**
D) $*****$**

23) 60 / 17 can also be represented as:

A) $$$*$*** / $$**$$
B) $$$***** / $$**$$
C) $*$$*$** / $$**$$
D) $$*$*$** / $$**$$

24) $***$ can be represented as:

A) $$$ / $*
B) $*$**- $$
C) $*$*$- $$
D) $$$***$ - $$

25) 30^2 can be represented as:

A) ($$*$$ ) $*+ $*$*$$*$
B) ($$*$$ ) $* + $$****$
C) ( $$*$$ ) $$ + $*$****
D) ( $$*$$ ) $$ + $*$**$

c programming (15 questions-30 minutes)

1) Write an efficient C function f to count the number of bits set in an unsigned
integer. For example: f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2.

2) Write a small C program, which while compiling takes another program from
input terminal, and on running gives the result for the second program. (Hint: Think
UNIX.) Suppose the program is 1.c; then compiling and executing the program should
have the following effect:

# cc -o 1 1.c
int main()
printf("Hello World\n");
# ./1
Hello World

3) Given strings s1 and s2, write a snippet to say whether s2 is a rotation of
s1 using only one call to the strstr function. For example, given s1 = "ABCD" and s2 =
"CDAB", return true; given s1 = "ABCD", and s2 = "ACBD", return false.

4) What should be the so that the following code snippet prints

printf ("Hello");

5) Ugly numbers are numbers whose only prime factors are 2, 3 or 5. The sequence
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, . . . shows the first 11 ugly numbers. By convention, 1 is
included. Write a program to find and print the 1500’th ugly number.

[Note: These numbers are also known as “Hamming numbers” or 5-smooth numbers.]

6) Write a C program which when compiled and run, prints out a message indicating
whether the compiler that it is compiled with allows /* */ comments to nest.

7) Write a C function that will take an int parameter n and print on stdout
numbers 1 to n, one per line. The function must not use while, for, do-while loops, goto
statement, recursion, or switch statement.

8) Change/add only one character so that the following program prints * exactly
20 times. (There are atleast 3 solutions to this problem.)

int main()
int i, n = 20;
for (i = 0; i < n; i--)
return 0;

9) You are given have a datatype, say X in C. Determine the size of the datatype,
without declaring a variable or a pointer variable of that type, and, of course without using
the sizeof operator!

10) Find the midpoint of a singly-linked list in a single pass through the list.
Changing the list elements or links is not allowed.

11) Given a circular singly-linked list of sufficiently large number of nodes (say
more than 1), delete the node P given the pointer to it. Suggest the most efficient algorithm
to delete the node, without going around the list.

12) Write a C Program to reverse a stack in place using recursion. You can only
use the following ADT functions on stack: IsEmpty, IsFull, Push, Pop, Top.

13) You are provided with two stacks, as well as Pop and Push functions over
them. Implement queue i.e. Enqueue and Dequeue using the available operations.

14) Describe an algorithm for reversing the words in a string; for example ”My
name is Amit Agarwal” becomes ”Agarwal Amit is name My”. An O(n) and in-place
solution is appreciable.

15) You are given a sequence of numbers from 1 to n−1 with one of the numbers
repeating only once; e.g. 1 2 3 3 4 5.

• How can you find the repeating number?
• What if given the constraint that you can use only a fixed amount of memory (i.e.
independent of n)?
• What if there are two repeating numbers instead of one (with the same memory

Verizon Placement Paper : Asansol Engineering College,Asansol,West Bengal ,22 April 2007


there were 4 rounds in the written paper
Verbal Ability Test-20 min
Numerical Aptitude-30 min
Detail Assessment test-20 min
C and Data Structure-10 min

Verbal Ability Test
there were total 20 questions in this part
first 10 were fill in the blanks with preposition and articles...simple ones..
then there were 2 passages n read them once u wud be able to answer all the questions ...jus be attentive n have patience

Numerical Aptitude
1.venn diagram related question...5
2.then which of the following is true..that replecement questions as / stands for *....etc etc
3.then a question in whcih nos were replced by symbols in a spcl pattern...stay cool...n attempt..u wud be able to

Detail Assessment
this section is the easiest one bt time be fast at the same time assess correctly
nos will be given n asked if they r same...
some sort of puzzles kind who is oldest youngest..architect n all.....after giving certain conditions
then there were questions of certain qualifications for the post..then related question that whether a person possessing such n such qualities
shud be rejected or qualified

C and Data structure
some codes were given and output was to be determined...then there were questions related to writing missing codes...options were provided,. one question was based on TREE from data structure..another on directed graph..

thats all i cud recollect...all the best to all of you...........
may u come up with flying colors of success

Verizon Placement Paper : Asansol Engineering College,Asansol,West Bengal ,22 April 2007


there were 4 rounds in the written paper
Verbal Ability Test-20 min
Numerical Aptitude-30 min
Detail Assessment test-20 min
C and Data Structure-10 min

Verbal Ability Test
there were total 20 questions in this part
first 10 were fill in the blanks with preposition and articles...simple ones..
then there were 2 passages n read them once u wud be able to answer all the questions ...jus be attentive n have patience

Numerical Aptitude
1.venn diagram related question...5
2.then which of the following is true..that replecement questions as / stands for *....etc etc
3.then a question in whcih nos were replced by symbols in a spcl pattern...stay cool...n attempt..u wud be able to

Detail Assessment
this section is the easiest one bt time be fast at the same time assess correctly
nos will be given n asked if they r same...
some sort of puzzles kind who is oldest youngest..architect n all.....after giving certain conditions
then there were questions of certain qualifications for the post..then related question that whether a person possessing such n such qualities
shud be rejected or qualified

C and Data structure
some codes were given and output was to be determined...then there were questions related to writing missing codes...options were provided,. one question was based on TREE from data structure..another on directed graph..

thats all i cud recollect...all the best to all of you...........
may u come up with flying colors of success

Verizon Placement Paper : St. Patricks High School ,22 April 2007


hi frnds this is mahesh .i was written verizon test on 22nd apr 2007. If u r cool at the time of exam u can easily get through the test.

interview consists of 3 rounds

written was easy it has 20 verbal questions,20 aptitude,20 analytical,15 C.

we have to find the out put of programs.

ex: register int a,b;

int *p,*q;



pf("%d %d",p,q);

note:for register storage clss & is not used,because register itself points to a address

2. int a=100,b=200,p;




pf("%d %d",a,p);

ans:100,200; frm double linked list,one directed graph,etc

aptitude was very easy

Verizon Placement Paper : St.Patricks High School,Hyderabad ,22 April 2007



4. C &DS

10 PREPOSITIONS...................VERY SIMPLE
2 PARAGRAPHS....................VERY SIMPLE


$=1,*=0....$$$**** find decimal value such type of problems





Verizon Placement Paper : Tyagi Public School, New Delhi ,22 April 2007


Dear Friends,
Here I am Atul presenting you the placement paper of Verizon conducted by Merittrac(The same company that conducts test for Flextronics). So go through the Flextronics Paper also for the preparations as the pattern is same.

There were four sections:
1. Verbal
2. Aptitude
3. Mental Ability
4. C & Data Structures

In verbal you better prepare from the GRE Barron,s 14th Edition starting questions of Fill in the blanks section.Also practice High Frequency Words of barron.The mostly questions are based on you grammer practice i.e. questions related to use of ARTICLES(a,an,the).There is also a passage reading section.Don,t experiment there at all if you know nothing then just follow what you usually use to speak in your common language or dialy speaking language.

In aptitude section just do the R.S. Aggarwal,s Quantative Aptitude questions.Also practice puzzles of Shakuntala Devi. These would be a positive and confidence building for you.That would definitely make paper easy for you.

In mental ability you need not do any practice as it would be the easiest part of the paper.Just do the questions related to change of signs i.e if we replace * by -, / by + etc type questions that would make paper more easier and you can score much more marks in that paper.

In C & Data Structures you must practice just the algorithms for Binary Search, Link list etc. to implement.Also remember that only part that would be harder in this test would be C. So concentrate over the pointers concept.

You will definitely succeed as the time would be sufficient if you attempt paper with consistent speed.They will provide you sufficient time for C & Data Structure section.

Wish you all the Best.

Verizon Placement Paper : Santhome School,Chennai ,13 May 2008


I attended verizon on 13th &14th may 2008 at santhome school at chennai. test was conducted by meritrac. Test was same as previous. After cleared written test on 13th may ,I was called for technical interview on following day. after failured in almost 45 companies finally I got verizon. I was the happiest person in the world on that day. how I would celebrate this occasion I was not able to think. i didn’t believed that I got the job. here I am sharing my experience as follows:
Tech: how r you?
Me: fine sir…
Tech :how did you apply for verizon? tell me about verizon.
Me: I told through monster sir…then told him about verizon .
Tech: tell me about yourself in brief?
Me :I told about my academic ,strength.. bla bla…
Tech :how you rate yourself in c out of 5?assume 1 is highest and 5 is worst.
Me: I told 2(then I thought what I told it was too high). then I supposed to get some complicated pointer based questions.
Tech: excellent !you are too good at c.ok dear can u solve a program?
Me: that was I am expecting. he gave me 2 c program to write. I wrote…I was a bit nervous.. i didn’t confirm that whether my program was right or wrong…
Tech: ok fine..! can u tell me about your project in detail…
Me: yes sir.. i explained…many questions were asked related to project.
Tech: r u feeling nervous?
Me: no sir…(but I was feeling a bit).i smiled a little..
Tech: ok.. anything you want to ask?
Me: (important question )..always prepare for this. they want how much interested in this company .i just asked about job profile, company’s product and how that product will be beneficial for ordinary person.
Tech: he explained everything. then he asked me anything more?
Me: (I smiled a little).. no sir
Tech: ok fine!! do u have any relocation problem…
Me: sir…I told him that I am from bihar and studied at cochin. that is totally different culture.. but I managed nicely…(he convinced)
Tech: nice to meet you…
Me: (shake hands.. offered by him) thank you sir….!!!

After tech interview I was very tense that I didn’t explained clearly the things…I could perform better. but I failed to do that. i was thinking what should I do next, either wait outside or leave. i rethought and decided to confirm at least to hr. i asked to receptionist that about the result. she told me to sit until get any confirmation from hr. after 45 minutesReceptionist called to receive a call of hr. hr told to go for lunch and come back soon. then she would tell the result. i was feeling nervous. my hunger had gone…I was only drinking water…I was praying for god!

Then hr called 3 person for hr round including me.. i was surprised and become a happy lot….i decided I will perform much better than previous…no any fault…I must have to get this golden opportunity. the two guys came out with offer-letter. now my turn to get enter in hr cabin…
Hr: how r u?
Me: fine mam…
Hr: did u take lunch?
Me: no man…but I will take after sometimes…
Hr: how u came from Bangalore to Chennai and where do u stay?
Me: I told…
Hr: what have u doing since 1 year?
Me: I told..
Hr: what are your weakness? what are you doing for minimizing for that..?
Me: I explained…
Hr: why should I hire you?
Me: I explained about my strength and matching job profile..
Hr: ok fine!! fill this form and give back after 10 minutes…
Me (I was so much excited .i was not believing that I really got job…a billion of that to almighty god…my parents.. my friends.. my well-wisher and to all)….
Offer letter will get in 10 days…I returned back to b’lore and told my friends...they congrats me and become delightful…

Some tips---
*do your home work prior to interview.
*luck plays its own role but you must have to work hard
*prepare all hr questions
*confidence and attitude is very very important while interviewing…
*always attentive. what are the questions asked and what are you answering

Verizon Placement Paper : General - other


Hi I am Suneel Dixit I got selected in Verizon Data Services. I am providing the full selected procedure details

Initially they call for Written examination. They normally ask 75 questions out of which 65 questions are of aptitude type and rest 10 are from C and Data Structures. What i beleive anyone should attempt around 90% of the questions. C part is most important to clear. There is no negative Marking

When u clear written examination they call for technical interview. In Technical Interview they query about the fnal year projec which u have developed sometimes they ask about coding and puzzles also. Prepare C and Data Structures well to crack the interview. but if ur projec is from different domain then prepare accourding to it. Interview round will last for around 30minutes to 1 hour. Beleive me its not too tough to crack it

But remember one thing if ur selelected in one comp then dont mention it . It may prove disastrous for u .
after technical interview if ur thru then they let u to the HR Round . HR is just a formality Once technical is clear it means u r at Verizon. HR will simply handover a bag to u as a gift from Verizon.

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