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Wipro Placement Paper : Wipro Test Paper Srinagar 11 October 2012

Started with an hour of ppt session there was a online written round conducted by aspiring minds.

Written round has 4 sections : Technical(25 ques in 30 mins)
: Logical Reasoning (20 ques in 25 mins)
: Quant (20 ques in 20 mins)
: Verbal (20 ques in 20 mins)

On total written was of around 90 mins with 2-3 mins optional break after each round.
One more fuzz that was only one ques appears at a time and you have to mark the option in order to going to next one.
Though there was no negative marking so guesses could be beneficial.

Technical:(C/C++/DS/OS) 3-4 ques of sorting, time complexities, error finding in the given prog. , heap definition, C++ terminologies(over riding/ overloading) etc.

Logical : easy

Quant : easy. make sure of your running out time. do not waste time on heavy calculations in order to attempt all ques as last few ques were even oral.

Verbal: Medium level. Jumbled sentences, synonyms, antonyms, sentence corrections, last 3-4 were paragraph reading which though could be solved with bit reading of paragraph but with intelligent guessing with the options.

Be careful as each section has its individual cutoff.

10 out of 50 were shortlisted for interview round.

There was an essay writing round(non eliminative). our topic was "effect of media on today,s youth"

After this technical round. it was of around 40-45 mins. although technical part was asked only for 20 mins. pretty simple.

Basic definitions were asked. HR was very helpful. simple C programs like palindrome , string reversal etc. basic definitions of C++ concepts. SQL definitions, diff b/w DDL nd DML, view, union, normalization etc.
Packages and typecasting in java. etc
Life cycle phases in software engineering.

Rest was just normal chit chat session. she seems to be more interested in telling about herself rather than knowing mine.

Next day there was the HR round of around 15 mins.
He just asked about my relocation problems, faults in their recruitment process,short term career objectives, if not Wipro what,s next sort of things. They were just looking for your communication skills and confidence in your speech.

Wipro Placement Paper : Wipro Test Paper Hyderabad 15 September 2012

I have attended campus placements held in our college for wipro. I have benefited by this site a lot so i would like to give my help and support to this by giving my interview experiences and d days procedure. first written exam was held by amcat a private company which conducts exams, and our exam was an online exam, it consisted of three parts

1) Quantitative Aptitude

2) Logical Ability

3) English

The main advantage I got is our college has requested amcat company to conduct a mock test a week before so that the students get acquainted with d computer and don,t get tensed during xam . for my luck I got a same passage in the written which I couldn,t solve during my mock exam . firstly quant paper is very easy and one should know the basic models and logical part is very easy of all parts i could easily clear the exam only bcoz of logical part and finally English 20 ques have to be answered in 16 min one could easily do it in 6 min if we just look at the options.

I waited long enough and came to know that i have cleared it

Then they called the selected students to sit in another rum and gave us a sheet and gave a topic and told us to write an essay on it . It is just to see how u gather all the important points in time and place them in chronological order .

We were given a resume type booklet and were asked to fill it
and a confirmation letter telling a bond of 15 months .

Next day we were called to the interview

I just surfed the net and came to know the basic info about wipro

And they told that there would be c lang also be asked in the interview so I just was tensed and finally I got a call for the interview so I just went there and waited for my turn
I was the first person from my branch (EEE) to go .

I was fully tensed as this was my first interview . I said k deepu everything is going to be fine u just do wat u can do and dont feel tensed on things which u cant do anything , these words recharged me a bit and I went into the panel


IW-Hi dileep ,can u please take ur proforma from this list ( the one which we filled yesterday )
(took it and gave it to him and I remained standing)
IW- Is it a punishment or wat u r standing please be seated

Me- Thank you sir

IW-Do u know that our company has a bond of 15 mnths do u knw it?

Me- Yes ,sir

IW- Do u wish to go anywhere when required ?

Me- (with a smiling face told ) s , sir I wish to go to new places as I wish to know
more places ,their cultural habits and living style

IW- You are frm electrical so frm which part I have to ask ques electonics or com-sci??

Me-( wid a smiling face ) electronics sir

IW- OK tell me What is a decoder ??

Me- Just explained the basics of it

IW- what is a flip flop ? and wat is a register ? ( as I have used a word register while
answering my previous ques)

Me- Answered it

IW- What is a diode ?

Me- (just got tensed hearing such a quest at an interview that too at final year)
just gave two answers not satisfied to my self

IW- OK tell me about urself

Me- Started with my name ,parental details , siblings ,(friends here u should tell your strengths with some examples so that IW should believe what ever u say n get full confidence in u ). I did the same n completed with my engineering life

IW- OK dileep I am done with you , u may leave and you should improve your communication

Me- OKsir thank you

I left from there and met my friends and was not satisfied as I couldn,t answer the diode ques correctly , my interview lasted for 10 min

as I had not had my lunch I and my friends as I returned there was a hr call waiting for me

so I just relaxed for a min and went there and waited for my turn
I saw the interviewer she was a very cute and chubby with all smiles over her face n its like if u be cool u can get through ,

even our junior who was helping the interviewers over there came to me and told that she is very cool and keep a smile on your face she would definitely select u

I entered wen I was called and closed the door gently

I wished her and sat .

IW- interviwer

Me- dileep

IW- Hi dileep

Me- Hi mam ( friends don,t call them as madam instead call mam because madam as per dictionary mean slut ,if they are aware of it they might get hurt )

IW- You have studied at different places how do u manage things?

Me- Yes mam I have studied for ten yrs staying at my house and from there on frns were along with me and with the help of them I could not feel that I was away from my family

IW- Good and didn,t u aim for iit ?

Me- Yes mam I had that aim till 3 months wen I joined my +2,but I came to know that I couldn,t be able to get through that exam ,I kept aieee as my target and worked hard for my goal and achieved it but for my rank I can get nit,s very far from my home town so my parents did not dare to send me that much far , so I joined here

IW- Tell me some thing about your projects

Me- Answered them wisely that my weak points or project,s weak points don,t get highlighted

IW- Your favorite tech subject

Me- Machines, power systems

IW- How many types of generating stations are there and how do they differ ?

Me- I explained in detail

And many other small ques pertaining to general things

Friends my interview didn,t happen as a ques/ans type but a full of conversation
but for the better understanding I have given it in q/a format

And I hoped best result out of it as I performed well.

The results were given out on 10th October and I was happy that I got place WIPRO and CTS also.

Wipro Placement Paper : Wipro Test Paper Chennai 18-September-2012

Wipro came to my college **** ENGINEERING COLLEGE for campus recruitment..and selected about 120 out of 800+

Most of them get filtered in written test itself..about 150 are selected for next round...SO FRIENDS CONCENTRATE ON WRITTEN TEST

Actually wipro selection process is very simple....once u crack the written test.80% u will be selected...

1.WRITTEN TEST(online)

Sometimes they will not conduct technical round direct HR round its all u r luck...for me pure luck... directly went to HR round

1.WRITTEN TEST(online)

It consits four parts....

1. Technical question 10
2. Aptitude question 20
3. Logical reasoning 20
4. Verbal 20

1.Technical question...difficulty level(6/10)
If u r good in u r academic performance u can easily crack the question...
Its all basic questions only...for me its slightly difficult

Some of the questions are....
1.what is primary key...
2.when will underflow takes place in data structure
3.5 question in c and c++ output(sorry friends i forget those question) my tips is Study c and c++ standard keyword like auto,extern,const

2.Aptitude question(5/10)

Most question are mathematical calculation...I not recommend R S agarwall there is no such questions...I know previous wipro question are from agarwall but all are offline test they changed to online so all patterns are changed...

Questions like 2 power 50 /2 power 49 like that... order of precedence sums are came

3.Logical question(9/10)

Very easy friends.....


Friends concentrate on verbal area many of them eliminated because of verbal only..

It is a lengthy section also more complicated

There are two reading comprehension.. complete the sentence...phrases word...jumbled sentence....error spotting....

Its all about u r luck really...


I dont have this section went to direct HR(god grace)..

I share my friends experience they will ask your AREA OF INTEREST AND SOME BASIC C PROGRAM
Also they will ask basic questions on dbms network os software engineering...

Like what is dbms,wat is testing,wat is fddi

I attend this round really this is very easy round matter is SPEAK WAT EVER U R MIND THINK... DON,T SIT SILENTLY EVEN U DON,T KNOW TELL FRANKLY I DON,T KNOW(not for all questions ) try tell relevant answer...

My questions are...

ME: May come in sir(simple smile i made)
HR: Yes come in(age around 50)look like arrogant I shocked..
ME: (I just come and stand nearer to HR)
HR: Please sit down
ME: Thanks sir
HR: Tell about your self
ME: Explained
HR: (He interpreted and asked) r organizer in cultural (as i mention in resume)
ME: Explained
HR: What ur problems faced
ME: Explained
HR: How u faced
ME: Explained

HR: Why so many arrears
me: Tell some story all are spotcame..
HR: You got good mark in 10th ad 12th why now u r academics are poor
ME: 10th and 12th we will concentrate on study,s only...but in clg we have lot of distraction..
HR: Distraction?wat?u mean girl?
ME: !!!!!!!(actually i meant for clg cultural symposium co curricular activities)
HR: Which girl u like in u r class..
ME: Explained...not in my class i like girl from *** dept(smiled)
HR: (smiled)k u can go...
HR: Wait wait...any question u want ask..
ME: Thank u sir for giving me opportunities...can u tell mark assement for HR round
HR: Sorry I cant tell..boy why ask
ME: Actually I have my own blogs(actually I dont have ) so that i can share my interview experience in my blogs,,it will helpful for others fresher(it will show u r eager to share u r knowledge)
HR: k k u can go now results will announce soon...
ME: Thank u sir...


Wipro Placement Paper : WIPRO Test Papers Mangalore 17 September 2012

Wipro Technologies had visited our campus for an On-Campus recruitment drive on 17/09/2012. Around 196 students from many branches(both IT and Non-IT) had registered for it. I was selected for a direct interview, without writing aptitude test(provision for students with above 80% score in 10th, 12th and UG). First we had a ,Written Communication Test, where we had to write an essay on ,Effects of global warming,. Later we were called for Technical interview. It was a one-to-one interview round where our programming skills were tested. I had to face a senior panelist. I was scared at first. But he was very friendly so I could clear the round like a cakewalk. He asked about my projects, achievements and I explained it well (This is a point where you can impress the panelist. Be confident and explain the things to the core). Then he asked me to write simple C programs like factorial of a number, generate fibonacci series, swap two numbers without temporary variable and I did it well (He might keep on interrupting you in between to check your patience and concentration. Be cool and answer any questions neatly). He asked a few questions on DBMS which I struggled to answer(Even if you dont know the concept, dont let it off as it may lead to your elimination. Give it a try or atleast pretend as if you are trying ;) ). I was confident throughout the process and it went for some 15 mins.

Few students who had met junior panelists in the first round had to undergo another Technical round. I was lucky to have only one). Elimination here was around 20% of total count. Next we had to face HR interview. I was again lucky because I was the first among all 196 to take up this round and the panelist welcomed me to the cubicle as if I was going to be crowned as the king!! It was an easy process which went for around 5 mins. He asked me questions like: Why did you choose this college? Why should we select you? Why did you choose Wipro than other company?(Yes! they will specify that ,other company, name. Just see to it that you say good things about Wipro and not to underestimate other company as well). I was informed about their bond(they have a bond for 15 months worth Rs.75000) and I agreed to that. Again this panelist was really friendly (It may not be the case with other panelists as they may take you through stress interviews or ask tough questions. Be cool and handle it well). The results were announced after some time and I had made through!!! I was excited to listen the words "Welcome to Wipro family" by them.

Some important tips and points : Though Wipro is an MRC, it wont just give a programming job to all(unlike other IT companies). They have their wings spread acroos all other sectors including VLSI, consumer electronics, telecom, healthcare. A placed student will be assigned to projects related his/her own branch(I have heard so). Make it as a strong point for the question:Why u chose Wipro? IT students be thorough with all programming concepts(including C, C++,java,MySQL,DBMS,C# or any other languages you know). Non-IT students atleast be thorough with C,C++,DBMS(Knowledge of java will be a plus). Areas to concentrate: pointers ,functions ,structures,sql queries. Also be thorough about your projects. Never underestimate anything. Dont be nervous or over-confident. Work well on your English and programming skills. Non-IT students be prepared with any one subject of your core branch(also should have strong basics of your branch subjects. Esp. mech ppl will be targeted sharply in interviews).

Though we had many leading companies visiting our campus on the same day, I chose Wipro among them without any idea about what the profile is. But now I feel that I have done an absolutely right job by choosing Wipro. Interviews are conducted in a very standard manner. Clearing is easy. Remember that its only your confidence that can sail you safely through the process. ALL THE BEST!!!

Wipro Placement Paper : Wipro APTITUDE TEST April 2012

Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test
There was individual cut off for all the sections
Section1- English, 15 questions
Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is ,no error,
1. Neither the plans / suits him and therefore / he decided not to / go out yesterday / No error
Ans: B
2. The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister / was at the airport / to receive the foreign dignitary / No error
Ans : B
3. While proceeding on leave / he had orally committed that / he will resume after two days/ No error
Ans : C
4. The number of people / applying were so large / that the college had to / stop issuing application forms / No error
Ans: B
5. a series of lectures / of Indian philosophy / are arranged by the University / No error
Ans: C
Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.
6. Illiterate : Uneducated
A) Country : State B) City : Village C) Palace : Hut D) Vision : Sight
Ans ; D
7. Money : Transaction
A) Life : Death B) Water : Drink C) Ideas : Exchange D) Language : Conversation
Ans: D
8. Overlook : Aberration
A) Mitigate : Penitence B) Condone : Offence C) Error : Omission D) Conviction : Criminal
Ans: B
9. Utopia : English
A) Odyssey : Greek B) Tulsidas : Sanskrit C) Monalisa : English D) Dante : Latin
Ans: A
10. Sailor : Pirate
A) Police : Robbers B) Lion : Lamb C) Plant : Fungus D) Major : Sepoy
Ans : C
Directions 11-12 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice.
11. I know him.
A) He is known by me
B) He was known to me
C) He has been known by me
D) He is known to me
Ans : D
12. The residents celebrated the Independence Day
A) The Independence Day celebrated by the residents
B) The Independence Day was celebrated by the residents
C) The Independence Day has been celebrated by the residents
D) Celebration of Independence Day was done by the residents
Ans: B
Directions 13-15 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete
13. Even if rains all day I will not be able to journey
A) put by B) put out C) put off D) put away
Ans: C
14. Help yourself....................whatever you can use without wasting
A) with B) to C) in D) for
Ans: B
15. There is an exception............................every rule.
A) on B) to C) in D) for
Ans: B
Section2-apptitude 15 questions
The questions 1-7 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is
(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.
(E) If statements (I) and (II) are not sufficient

1. What is the volume of a cubical box in cubic centimetres?
(I) One face of the box has an area of 49 sq.cms.
(II) The longest diagonal of the box is 20 cms.
Ans. D
2. Is z positive?
(I) y+z is positive
(II) y-z is positive
Ans. E
3. Is x>y ? x, y are real numbers?
(I) 8x = 6y
(II) x = y + 4
Ans. B
4. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?
(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.
Ans. C
5. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?
(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.
Ans. C
6. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?
(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters
Ans. D
7. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?
(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1
Ans. A
8. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......
Ans. 3n/(1 + n)
9. Out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs
10. 1/8 is divided by ,s, , if ,s, is increased by 2 times, what is the result.
Ans: increases two times
11. For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds. Now time is
8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
Ans: 7:54.
12. If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual spee he reaches 40min late. If he walks at his usual speed how much time does he
Ans:160min or 2hr 40min
13. In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% did not passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is
the total strength of the class.
Ans: 240.
14. Find the least number when divided by 7 gives the reminder 6, when divided by 6 gives reminder 5, when divided by 5
gives reminder 4 and so on....
Ans: 419
15. If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction which is left to him:
Ans: North(N)

Section3-technical ,20 questions
1. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor
(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.
(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged
(c) ZF is reset, CY is set
(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. A
2. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-
3. Picard,s method uses _______?
Ans. Successive Differentiation.
Predict the output or error(s) for the following:
4. void main()
int const * p=5;
Ans: Compiler error: Cannot modify a constant value.
5. main()
char s[ ]="man";
int i;
for(i=0;s[ i ];i++)
printf("\n%c%c%c%c",s[ i ],*(s+i),*(i+s),i[s]);
Ans: mmmm
6. Identify the recording mode, by which you can record the non-standard object in QTP
A) Standard recording B) Analog recording
C) Low level recording D) None
Ans: B
7. By default, how many no of tables would be there in a script?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four
Ans: B
8. The file extension of Shared object repository file is
A .MTR B. .TSR C. .QRS D. None
Ans: B
9. To invoke the function which does not return any value, we can use
a. call function name b. function name
c. Both A & B d. None
Ans: A
10. How many bits are needed within a machine code instruction to select a single register in a machine with 16 general registers?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
Ans: C
11. which key in any windows screen is used to invoke file menu
Ans :alt+f
12. Object which is used for calling the win32 api functions in QTP, we use
A extern B. description C. environment D. None

Ans: A
13. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000001 and 11111111 on an 8 bit machine?
A. 11111111 B. 00000000 C. 01111111 D. Overflow
Ans: D
14. Which of the following does POP stand for?
A. Post Office Protocol B. Peer over peer
C. Private Office Protocol D. Post Optical Protocol
Ans: A
15. Which of the following stages of compilation produces a syntax tree?
A. Parsing B. Code generation
C. Lexical analysis D. Semantic analysis
Ans: A
16. Which of the following is not contained in a system description?
A. Internal data flows B. Flows leaving and entering the system
C. Relationship between external entities D. Internal components or processes
Ans: C
17. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000011 and 10010000 on an 8 bit machine?
A. 11010011 B. 11110011 C. 11001011 D. 11010101
Ans: A
18. How is the decimal value for 30 represented in binary?
A. 00001111 B. 00011010 C. 00011110 D. 00011111
Ans: C
19. A memory chip has 8 data lines and 9 address lines. How many bytes can be stored on it?
A. 511 B. 512 C. 500 D. 256
Ans: B
20. Which of the following devices requires the highest input data transferrate?
A. mouse B. Keyboard C. Floppy disk D. CD
Ans: D

Wipro Placement Paper : Anna University, Chennai ,26 January 2010 26 January 2010 26 January 2010 26 January 2010 26 January 2010 26 January 2010


Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test

There was individual cut off for all the sections

Section1- English, 15 questions

Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is ,no error,

1. Neither the plans / suits him and therefore / he decided not to / go out yesterday / No error

Ans: B

2. The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister / was at the airport / to receive the foreign dignitary / No error

Ans : B

3. While proceeding on leave / he had orally committed that / he will resume after two days/ No error

Ans : C

4. The number of people / applying were so large / that the college had to / stop issuing application forms / No error

Ans: B

5. a series of lectures / of Indian philosophy / are arranged by the University / No error

Ans: C

Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

6. Illiterate : Uneducated

A) Country : State B) City : Village C) Palace : Hut D) Vision : Sight

Ans ; D

7. Money : Transaction

A) Life : Death B) Water : Drink C) Ideas : Exchange D) Language : Conversation

Ans: D

8. Overlook : Aberration

A) Mitigate : Penitence B) Condone : Offence C) Error : Omission D) Conviction : Criminal

Ans: B

9. Utopia : English

A) Odyssey : Greek B) Tulsidas : Sanskrit C) Monalisa : English D) Dante : Latin

Ans: A

10. Sailor : Pirate

A) Police : Robbers B) Lion : Lamb C) Plant : Fungus D) Major : Sepoy

Ans : C

Directions 11-12 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice.

11. I know him.

A) He is known by me

B) He was known to me

C) He has been known by me

D) He is known to me

Ans : D

12. The residents celebrated the Independence Day

A) The Independence Day celebrated by the residents

B) The Independence Day was celebrated by the residents

C) The Independence Day has been celebrated by the residents

D) Celebration of Independence Day was done by the residents

Ans: B

Directions 13-15 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete

13. Even if rains all day I will not be able to journey

A) put by B) put out C) put off D) put away

Ans: C

14. Help yourself....................whatever you can use without wasting

A) with B) to C) in D) for

Ans: B

15. There is an exception............................every rule.

A) on B) to C) in D) for

Ans: B

Section2-apptitude 15 questions

The questions 1-7 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.
(E) If statements (I) and (II) are not sufficient

1. What is the volume of a cubical box in cubic centimetres?

(I) One face of the box has an area of 49 sq.cms.
(II) The longest diagonal of the box is 20 cms.

Ans. D
2. Is z positive?

(I) y+z is positive
(II) y-z is positive

Ans. E
3. Is x>y ? x, y are real numbers?

(I) 8x = 6y
(II) x = y + 4

Ans. B
4. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?

(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.

Ans. C
5. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?

(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.

Ans. C
6. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?

(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters

Ans. D
7. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?

(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1

Ans. A

8. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......

Ans. 3n/(1 + n)

9. Out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs


10. 1/8 is divided by ,s, , if ,s, is increased by 2 times, what is the result.
Ans: increases two times

11. For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds. Now time is

8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
Ans: 7:54.

12. If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual spee he reaches 40min late. If he walks at his usual speed how much time does he
Ans:160min or 2hr 40min

13. In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% did not passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is
the total strength of the class.

Ans: 240.

14. Find the least number when divided by 7 gives the reminder 6, when divided by 6 gives reminder 5, when divided by 5
gives reminder 4 and so on....
Ans: 419

15. If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction which is left to him:

Ans: North(N)

Section3-technical ,20 questions

1. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor

(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.

(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged

(c) ZF is reset, CY is set

(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. A

2. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-

3. Picard,s method uses _______?

Ans. Successive Differentiation.

Predict the output or error(s) for the following:

4. void main()
int const * p=5;

Ans: Compiler error: Cannot modify a constant value.

5. main()
char s[ ]="man";
int i;
for(i=0;s[ i ];i++)
printf("\n%c%c%c%c",s[ i ],*(s+i),*(i+s),i[s]);

Ans: mmmm

6. Identify the recording mode, by which you can record the non-standard object in QTP

A) Standard recording B) Analog recording

C) Low level recording D) None

Ans: B

7. By default, how many no of tables would be there in a script?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

Ans: B

8. The file extension of Shared object repository file is

A .MTR B. .TSR C. .QRS D. None

Ans: B

9. To invoke the function which does not return any value, we can use

a. call function name b. function name

c. Both A & B d. None

Ans: A

10. How many bits are needed within a machine code instruction to select a single register in a machine with 16 general registers?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Ans: C

11. which key in any windows screen is used to invoke file menu

Ans :alt+f

12. Object which is used for calling the win32 api functions in QTP, we use

A extern B. description C. environment D. None

Ans: A

13. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000001 and 11111111 on an 8 bit machine?

A. 11111111 B. 00000000 C. 01111111 D. Overflow

Ans: D

14. Which of the following does POP stand for?

A. Post Office Protocol B. Peer over peer

C. Private Office Protocol D. Post Optical Protocol

Ans: A

15. Which of the following stages of compilation produces a syntax tree?
A. Parsing B. Code generation

C. Lexical analysis D. Semantic analysis

Ans: A

16. Which of the following is not contained in a system description?
A. Internal data flows B. Flows leaving and entering the system

C. Relationship between external entities D. Internal components or processes

Ans: C

17. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000011 and 10010000 on an 8 bit machine?
A. 11010011 B. 11110011 C. 11001011 D. 11010101

Ans: A

18. How is the decimal value for 30 represented in binary?
A. 00001111 B. 00011010 C. 00011110 D. 00011111

Ans: C

19. A memory chip has 8 data lines and 9 address lines. How many bytes can be stored on it?
A. 511 B. 512 C. 500 D. 256

Ans: B

20. Which of the following devices requires the highest input data transferrate?
A. mouse B. Keyboard C. Floppy disk D. CD

Ans: D

Wipro Placement Paper : jeppiaar engg colege,chennai ,6 June 2010

1.Written test

It has totally 50 qns.


It consists of 3 or 4 synonyms and antonyms(always frm gre books).Its quite diff to read everything and remember,so have a guess on this and dont prepare much for this.
then active,passive,tenses,jumble sentences,short paragragh qns(comprehensions).
The verbal section is very easy only.No preparations needed for this one.
it had qns from
Heights and distance,clock,ages,permutations and combinations,probability,profit and loss,boats and streams,distance(trains)
A go through on R.S.Agarwal,s Quantitative aptitiude book is more than enough.
memorise all the formulae in that book under each section and see the eg solved problems alone.
All the qns are always asked from this book only and hence a good preparation on this ll easily get you through to next round.
2 general questions
Which of the following will be loaded firstle when u switch on a computer

answer :bootstrap loader

apache tomcat software is a

ans:A popular cleint-server application

one qn from queue

3 qns from c nd c++(a small pgm was given and the output is asked)

1 unix qn,2 qns from operating systems.

this written test has a sectional cutoff
verbal and apptitude-12 each(they change often)
technical-5 or 6
So Getting all the qns correct from 1 or 2 sections ll not get you through.

overall the written test is quite easy compared with other app tests like hcl,infosys and all.

The results are announced in an hour.
the selected students were asked to write a essay on any one given topic in ten mins.our topic was-"Privatisation of education-your comments"

In the technical round,almost every panel asked to explain about our projects
So Have a very clear idea about it.Explaining it in a way satisfying to the interviewer itself ll almost get you through.
Mention your areas of interset in your resume. 1 or subjects is enough.Have a clear idea of all the concepts in that subjects.Dont mention c,c++ or java as areas of interest unless you are well verse with programming.
Some of them asked stud to write programs.Even if u dont know anything give a try and write something related to that!!

HR round:
Ther ll be only very few rejections in the hr round.
It ll be mostly a very general one like tell me abt urself,family like that!!

ALL the Best!!!

Wipro Placement Paper : sri vidyanikethan college of engineering,tirupathi ,2 April 2011

Hai friends,I just want to share my experience in WIPRO TECHNOLOGIES

don’t worry and don’t be tensed for not getting a job in MNC.

See take me as an example I started searching for a software job as a fresher from october 2010 searching was too late.almost all of my friends had got job but still I’m not.getting,my first company which I attended IBM written test .i lost in GD.then again accenture,cts,hcl,and finally i got selected in WIPRO.

I wrote exam in SVCET in tirupathi on Apri 2nd 2011,pattern of written test was:


Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test

There was individual cut off for all the sections.and also cutoff is different for all branches.

Later my results was revealled on april 4th,I was eagerly waiting for that results atlast and luckily my name was in the list.

Next session is technical and hr rond is in WIPRO campus at hyd,is on 10th april I was tensed and nervous whether I cleared my interview r not, after going to Wipro campus they said to write an essay,topic was Population to India is an Oppurtunity or a Problem,but no screening in this round,my technical session starts like

Me:goodmrng Sir

Tech hr:goodmrng,please take ur seat

Me:thankyou Sir

Tech hr:r u from EEE right?

Me:yes Sir

Tech hr:k,Have u in good in technical Backgrnd

Me:Yes Sir said confidntily.

Tech hr:what is transformer principle and how does it works?


Tech Hr:can you differentiate KVA and KVAR?


Tech Hr:abt your project.


Tech hr:can you write any C program using for loop and explain?

Me:I wrote factorial prog ram and explain confidently.

Tech hr:can you give the examples of the machines which run continuously and does not effect even if we r not stop?


Tech hr:can you tell the difference between intermediate speed and continuous speed and give examples in daily life?


Tech hr:can you tell the differences between e-learning and normal learning?

Me: told (advantages and disadvantages).

Tech hr:thank you prathyusha,take this form and fill it.

Me:Nice to Meet U sir..

Then I’l wait for hr round

My hr was just 3 min,in my hr also he ask some technical questions like how fan operates?which motor is used in fan?like that…I had a mail on april 28th 2011 that Wipro appointment letter and my designation was project engineer and my training was in VLSI domain…

So finally atlast I’m telling u guys be strong in your basics,and atleast u should hav a stuff in two subjects in graduation and be strong in C basics, after that u must b good in ur inter and intra personal skills,then wat else if u will b strong and confident enough in abov list u didn’t search for a job…job will only finds u..

I hope that whatever information i mentioned above is useful for you ..

All the best ,bye

See u in WIPRO

Wipro Placement Paper : Panimalar Engg. College, Chennai ,4 January 2010


Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test

There was individual cut off for all the sections

Section1- English, 15 questions

Directions 1-5 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete

1. While facts are ________ and data hard to come by, even scientists occasionally throw side the professional pretense of
______ and tear into each other with shameless appeals to authority and arguments that shameless appeals to authority and
arguments that are unabashedly ad hominid.

a. elusive...objectivity
b. establish...courtesy
c. demonstrate .. neutrality
d. ineluctable...cooperation
ANS: (A)

2. While the disease is in ______ state it is almost impossible to determine its existence by_____ .

a. a dormant ..postulate
b. a critical...examination
c. an acute ...analysis
d. a latent...observation
ANS: (d)

3. The storehouse was infested.........................rats.

A) by B) of C) with D) in

Ans: C

4. Please distribute these sweets........................the children

A) in B) between C) amid D) among

Ans: D

5. This custom seems to have originated .....................and East European country

A) in B) from C) by D) with

Ans: A

Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.


a. upright : integrity b. aboveboard : guile c. cutthroat : competition d. backward : direction
ANS: (b)


a. dwarf : stature b. witch : familiar c. ogre : monster d. sorcerer : spell
ANS: (c)


a. proclaim: objection b. denounce : defiance c. refuse : distress d. demur : protest
ANS. (d)

9. Duralumin : Aircraft

A) Brass : Alloy B) Stone : Sculptor C) Iron : Steel D) Bronze : Statue

Ans: D

10. Cool : Frigid

A) Livid :Lurid B) Pool : Placid C) Tepid : Torried D) Lack : Abundant

Ans : C

Direction 11-13 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is ,no error,

11. If I was you / I would have / terminated his services then and there / No error


Ans : A

12. as soon as I will reach Bombay / I will send / you the books / you have asked for / No error


Ans: A

13. Our conception of / what should a science of mental life be / has changed considerably since James, time / No error

Ans : B

Directions 14-15 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice.

14. Do you imitate others ?

A) Are others imitated by you ?

B) Are others being imitated by you ?

C) Were others being imitated by you ?

D) Have others been imitated by you ?

Ans : A

15. I saw him conducting the rehearsal.

A) He was seen conducting the rehearsal

B) I saw the rehearsal to be conducted by him

C) He was seen by me to conduct the rehearsal

D) I saw the rehearsal being conducted by him

Ans : D

Section2-apptitude 15 questions

The questions 1-2 are based on the following data

6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner. Since A does not like C, he doesn,t sit either opposite or
beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other.

1. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?

(a) D and C
(b) E and C
(c) D and E
(d) Either (a) or (b)

Ans. (c)

2. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C?

(a) E and B
(b) D and A
(c) D and B
(d) either (a) or (c)


3. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _

(a) B, F
(b) Y, C
(c) G, I
(d) K, O


4. If the letters of the word "rachit" are arranged in all possible ways and these words are written out as in a dictionary,
what is the rank of the word "rachit".

(a) 485
(b) 480
(c) 478
(d) 481

Ans. (d)

5. Ravi,s salary was reduced by 25%.Percentage increase to be effected to bring the salary to the original level is

(a) 20%
(b) 25%
(c) 33 1/3%
(d) 30%

Ans. (c)

6. A and B can finish a piece of work in 20 days .B and C in 30 days and C and A in 40 days. In how many days
will A alone finish the job

(a) 48
(b) 34 2/7
(c) 44
(d) 45

Ans. (a)

7. How long will a train 100m long travelling at 72kmph take to overtake another train 200m long travelling at 54kmph ?

(a) 70sec
(b) 1min
(c) 1 min 15 sec
(d) 55 sec

Ans. (b)

8. What is the product of the irrational roots of the equation (2x-1)(2x-3)(2x-5)(2x-7)=9?

(a) 3/2
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 3/4

Ans. (a)

9. The total population of a village is 5000. The number of males and females increases by 10% and 15% respectively
and consequently the population of the village becomes 5600. what was the number of males in the village ?

A) 2000 B) 2500 C) 3000 D) 4000

Ans : C

10. Fresh fruit contains 68% water and dry fruit contains 20% water. How much dry fruit can be obtained from 100 kg
of fresh fruits ?

A) 32 kg B) 40 kg C) 52 kg D) 80 kg

Ans : B

11. If "segment" is coded as rffndou, then "ritual" is coded as

(a) shutbm
(b) qjutbk
(c) qhutbk
(d) qhubtk

Ans. (c)

12. If "football" is "cricket" ,"cricket" is "basketball" ,"basketball" is "volleyball","volleyball" is "khokho" and "khokho" is
cricket, which is not a ball game?

(a) cricket
(b) football
(c) khokho
(d) basketball

Ans. (a)

13. Which of the following is a recursive set of production

(a) S --> a|A, A --> S
(b) S --> a|A, A --> b
(c) S -->aA, A-->S
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)

14. A sum ,s, is divided into 4 parts. second person gets Rs 10 more than first.3rd person is Rs 10 more than second,
4th is 10 more than much amount do 1st person get.
Ans: (s-60)/4

15. One ship goes along the stream direction 28 km and in opposite direction 13 km in 5 hrs for each direction. What is the
velocity of stream?

Ans: 1.5 kmph

Section3-technical ,20 questions

1. What sorting algos have their best and worst case times equal ?

Ans. O(nlogn) for mergesort and heap sort

2. What page replacement algorithm has minimum number of page faults ?

Ans. Optimality algorithm

3. What is the use of virtual base class in c++

Ans. Multiple lines between derived classes.

4. Assignment operator targets to _____
Ans. l-value

5. A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2 power m Kbytes and can perform 2 power n operations an
instruction involving three operands and one operator needs maximum of___________ bits

Ans. 3m + n

6. In round robin scheduling, if time quantum is too large then it degenerates to


7. What data structures you should use for dictionary searching and it should be capable of doing spell check also ?

Ans: Hashing

8. What is the value of 121 base 4 + 84 base 16 ?
Ans : 2130

9. When the fn. is called where the return address is stored?
Ans. stack

10. C program code

int zap (int n)


if (n<=1)then zap=1;

else zap=zap(n-3)+zap(n-1);


then the call zap(6) gives the values of zap

[a] 8 [b] 9 [c] 6 [d] 12 [e] 15

Ans: b

11. Virtual memory size depends on

[a] address lines [b] data bus

[c] disc space [d] a & c [e] none
Ans : a

12. Critical section is

Ans: statements which are accessing shared resources
13. In which layer ROUTING is performed ?

Ans. Network Layer

14. What is the output of the following code snippet





Ans. mile

15. Which one has no L-Value

A a[i] B. i C. 2 D. *(a+i)

Ans . C

16. Which is true for binary search ?

A Traversal scheme B. Greedy algorithm

C. Divide and conquer algorithm D. none of these

Ans. C

17. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node ?


Ans. A

18. Which is not an OS?

a) Win 3.1 b) Win 95

c) Win 98 d) Win 2000

Ans. a

19. Tcp/ip is

a) connectionless b) connection oriented c) both a & b d) none
Ans: b

20. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case and a worst time algorithm in worst case is

(a) Quick Sort (b) Heap Sort (c) Merge Sort (d) Insert Sort
Ans. (a)

Wipro Placement Paper : sathyabama university,chennai ,6 January 2010


Questions = 50 ; time limit = 50 minutes. no negative marking. Offline (paper & pen) test

There was individual cut off for all the sections

Section1- English, 15 questions

Direction 1-5 : In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an error. if there is no mistake the answer is ,no error,

1. Neither the plans / suits him and therefore / he decided not to / go out yesterday / No error

Ans: B

2. The Cabinet Ministers and the Prime Minister / was at the airport / to receive the foreign dignitary / No error

Ans : B

3. While proceeding on leave / he had orally committed that / he will resume after two days/ No error

Ans : C

4. The number of people / applying were so large / that the college had to / stop issuing application forms / No error

Ans: B

5. a series of lectures / of Indian philosophy / are arranged by the University / No error

Ans: C

Directions 6-10: The following questions, consist of two words each that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four lettered pairs of words. Select the lettered pair that has the same relationship as the original pair of words.

6. Illiterate : Uneducated

A) Country : State B) City : Village C) Palace : Hut D) Vision : Sight

Ans ; D

7. Money : Transaction

A) Life : Death B) Water : Drink C) Ideas : Exchange D) Language : Conversation

Ans: D

8. Overlook : Aberration

A) Mitigate : Penitence B) Condone : Offence C) Error : Omission D) Conviction : Criminal

Ans: B

9. Utopia : English

A) Odyssey : Greek B) Tulsidas : Sanskrit C) Monalisa : English D) Dante : Latin

Ans: A

10. Sailor : Pirate

A) Police : Robbers B) Lion : Lamb C) Plant : Fungus D) Major : Sepoy

Ans : C

Directions 11-12 : In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active (or passive) voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested select the one which best express the same sentence in Passive (or Active) Voice.

11. I know him.

A) He is known by me

B) He was known to me

C) He has been known by me

D) He is known to me

Ans : D

12. The residents celebrated the Independence Day

A) The Independence Day celebrated by the residents

B) The Independence Day was celebrated by the residents

C) The Independence Day has been celebrated by the residents

D) Celebration of Independence Day was done by the residents

Ans: B

Directions 13-15 : Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete

13. Even if rains all day I will not be able to journey

A) put by B) put out C) put off D) put away

Ans: C

14. Help yourself....................whatever you can use without wasting

A) with B) to C) in D) for

Ans: B

15. There is an exception............................every rule.

A) on B) to C) in D) for

Ans: B

Section2-apptitude 15 questions

The questions 1-7 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions. The correct answer is

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement(I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.
(E) If statements (I) and (II) are not sufficient

1. What is the volume of a cubical box in cubic centimetres?

(I) One face of the box has an area of 49 sq.cms.
(II) The longest diagonal of the box is 20 cms.

Ans. D
2. Is z positive?

(I) y+z is positive
(II) y-z is positive

Ans. E
3. Is x>y ? x, y are real numbers?

(I) 8x = 6y
(II) x = y + 4

Ans. B
4. If a ground is rectangular, what is its width?

(I) The ratio of its length to its breadth is 7:2
(II) Perimeter of the playground is 396 mts.

Ans. C
5. If the present age of my father is 39 yrs and my present age is x yrs, what is x?

(I) Next year my mother will be four times as old as i would be.
(II) My brother is 2 years older than I and my father is 4 years older than my mother.

Ans. C
6. How many brothers and sisters are there in the family of seven children?

(I) Each boy in the family has as many sisters as brothers
(II) Each of the girl in the family has twice as many brothers as sisters

Ans. D
7. x is not equal to 0, is x + y = 0?

(I) x is the reciprocal of y
(II) x is not equal to 1

Ans. A

8. Find sum of 3 + 5/(1+22) + 7/(1 + 22 + 32) + ......

Ans. 3n/(1 + n)

9. Out of 55 eggs 5 are defective. what is % of defective eggs


10. 1/8 is divided by ,s, , if ,s, is increased by 2 times, what is the result.
Ans: increases two times

11. For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds. Now time is

8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
Ans: 7:54.

12. If a person walks at 4/5th of his usual spee he reaches 40min late. If he walks at his usual speed how much time does he
Ans:160min or 2hr 40min

13. In a class 80% have passed english,70% passed Hindi 10% did not passed either. If 144 students passed both. What is
the total strength of the class.

Ans: 240.

14. Find the least number when divided by 7 gives the reminder 6, when divided by 6 gives reminder 5, when divided by 5
gives reminder 4 and so on....
Ans: 419

15. If a man stands in front of sun what is the first letter of the direction which is left to him:

Ans: North(N)

Section3-technical ,20 questions

1. After execution of CMP, a instruction in Intel 8085 microprocessor

(a) ZF is set and CY is reset.

(b) ZF is set CY is unchanged

(c) ZF is reset, CY is set

(d) ZF is reset , CY is unchanged .
Ans. A

2. Convert the infix to postfix for A-(B+C)*(D/E)
Ans. ABC+DE/*-

3. Picard,s method uses _______?

Ans. Successive Differentiation.

Predict the output or error(s) for the following:

4. void main()
int const * p=5;

Ans: Compiler error: Cannot modify a constant value.

5. main()
char s[ ]="man";
int i;
for(i=0;s[ i ];i++)
printf("\n%c%c%c%c",s[ i ],*(s+i),*(i+s),i[s]);

Ans: mmmm

6. Identify the recording mode, by which you can record the non-standard object in QTP

A) Standard recording B) Analog recording

C) Low level recording D) None

Ans: B

7. By default, how many no of tables would be there in a script?

a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four

Ans: B

8. The file extension of Shared object repository file is

A .MTR B. .TSR C. .QRS D. None

Ans: B

9. To invoke the function which does not return any value, we can use

a. call function name b. function name

c. Both A & B d. None

Ans: A

10. How many bits are needed within a machine code instruction to select a single register in a machine with 16 general registers?

a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

Ans: C

11. which key in any windows screen is used to invoke file menu

Ans :alt+f

12. Object which is used for calling the win32 api functions in QTP, we use

A extern B. description C. environment D. None

Ans: A

13. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000001 and 11111111 on an 8 bit machine?

A. 11111111 B. 00000000 C. 01111111 D. Overflow

Ans: D

14. Which of the following does POP stand for?

A. Post Office Protocol B. Peer over peer

C. Private Office Protocol D. Post Optical Protocol

Ans: A

15. Which of the following stages of compilation produces a syntax tree?
A. Parsing B. Code generation

C. Lexical analysis D. Semantic analysis

Ans: A

16. Which of the following is not contained in a system description?
A. Internal data flows B. Flows leaving and entering the system

C. Relationship between external entities D. Internal components or processes

Ans: C

17. What is the result of adding the binary numbers 01000011 and 10010000 on an 8 bit machine?
A. 11010011 B. 11110011 C. 11001011 D. 11010101

Ans: A

18. How is the decimal value for 30 represented in binary?
A. 00001111 B. 00011010 C. 00011110 D. 00011111

Ans: C

19. A memory chip has 8 data lines and 9 address lines. How many bytes can be stored on it?
A. 511 B. 512 C. 500 D. 256

Ans: B

20. Which of the following devices requires the highest input data transferrate?
A. mouse B. Keyboard C. Floppy disk D. CD

Ans: D
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