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Xansa Placement Paper : Mahalingam College Pollachi ,26 June 2007


Hai........I am Lavanya.k studying final year have undergone Xansa recruitment procedure in this week. I am happy to share my experience to you all.

Company has 4 rounds....
1 round- Aptitude round- 50 questions 50 marks
The question paper was easy. It contains General Apps(fill the series,time and work,etc....) 25 questions. It also has technical apps.25 questions. Only " C" questions. If u thorough the "Let us c" by Yashwanth Kanithkar,its more than enough..

2 round- Group discussion...
My topic is " Is GD a correct tool in Recruitment process" I was asked to speak that GD is necessary tool. Before discussion, they asked for self introduction.. To get selected,we should speak confidently and clearly.. only 3 out of 10 got selected and i was one among them.

3 round Technical round..
It was also easy to me... First they asked about my achievements,strength etc and we speaked generally. then he gave a simple program( to get 100 students mark and to display how many students are greater than 150) and he asked to modify the program by displaying the corresponding students name,address etc..)

some more questions........
-> achievements
-> what do you know about IT industry
-> how do you learn the unknown things.
-> have u helped others regarding education. if so how?
-> asked about company and PPT..
-> Extra courses
It took more than 30 min for me........

4 round- HR
Immediately after tech,i was asked to come for also some general questions like (tell about yourself,strength etc..........) He asked ,if there is any question from me i asked" How was my performance till this round" He said "good, i want to discuss with my team and i will announce the result" i was really happy, when i finished my HR..........And finally i got selected..............confidence and good communication skill plays a important role..............

Xansa Placement Paper : Xansa Placement Papers 17 th April, Xansa Pune

This paper was held on 17 th April, Xansa Pune

Information given by students who attended the test n got selected.

1. In a journey of 6 hours, a man travels for ¼ an hour,11/8 and 7/3 of an hour. Find out how much time more he needs to travel ?

Ans: none of these

2. In an election a man gets 55% of valid votes.20%of total votes are invalid , the no.of total votes is 4500.find out how many vote did the other candidate receive.

Ans :2700

3.The cost of tiling a room at the rate of 25 paise per sq.m. is rs.120. It is found that when the length is reduced by 3 the total cost comes to around rs.105 . find the dimension of the room.

Ans: 24,22

4.out of 22 students 21 of them gets an average marks of (35)* and one of them get (60)* find the average mark of all the students.

ans: 45

5. In a journey 180km is to be comvered in 4 hours.for the first 3 hours the average speed is 50km / hr. find out how much distance is remaining to be covered in the final hour.
Ans : 30 km/hr

6. In some question (,) comma is represented by frat full stop is represented by lant.....................

ans :a

7. Questions were based on diagramatic representation.

8. R S Agarwal (non-verbal) set theory.

9. Simple age + average problems

Xansa Placement Paper : Technical - Java - 13 August 2007




Only BE students were shortlisited.

I Could remember only these few question. Some question are multiple choice questions

Written test

3 Sections Duration: 90 min

1.What is the output of the following code?


for( j=1;j<4;j++){




2.There is a 200 miles long tunnel. one train enters the tunnel at a speed of 200mph while the other trains enter the tunnel in the opposite direction at a speed of 1000 mph. A bee travels at a speed of 1500 mph enters the tunnel goes to and back until it reaches the train. What is the distance covered by the bee when the two train collides (the bee survives)

3.List the two advantages of views.

4.Which layer is encryption and decryption done

5.What are the various modes used to send data over the network

6.Write a query to display the name of the students whose total marks is divisible by 25(total marks may be 175,200,150 ….)







P-wait, V-signal, S1 and S2 are semaphores. Consider two threads running. Is there a deadlock .If yes in which situation does the deadlock occur.

8.How do you find the port number of the remote host?

9. (Date; who)>logfile

Date; who>logfile

What is the difference between the two statements.
10.How do you find the machine MAC address

11.Write the set operators that are used for select.

12.Write a single command to find and delete all the files that are older than 1 day(modification time)

13.A is a 3*4 matrix and B is 4*5 matrix. What is the number of additions and multiplications performed to obtain the resultant matrix

14.What is the output


kill –0 pid


echo $_

16. #!/bin/perl

kill $$

echo “hello world”

17.List different schema/database objects

18.Randomization is good for which algorithm(quick sort, heap sort, selection sort, hashed table, ….)

19.Descride the language in the following regular expression (a*a) b+b

20.In an I-node what is not there (file type, file name, size, owner)

21.If the probability of work done by three persons are 1/3, 2/5, 5/12. Then what is the probability that the work is completed.

22.Given Id, author, creation time, size, links, web page, description

Bring it in 2nd normal form

23.Consider a heap containing numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 60, 70 such that numbers are in ascending order from the leaf to the root. If 25 is to be inserted what is the position.(A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4])

24. #!/bin/perl



echo ‘$var’

25.Krishna tosses a one-rupee coin and a rupee coin. He announces that one is head. But the result is not announced. What is the probability that the other coin is head?

26.In database sort the student id and the course id for each student. Which is the best possible solution.

-Sort the student id using a stable algorithm and then sort the course id using unstable algorithm

-Sort the student id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the course id using stable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a stable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm

Xansa Placement Paper : General - other Anna university - 23 July 2007


Selection Procedure was
* Written test.
* technical interview 1
* technical interview 2
* programming
* HR interview

Written Test::
Regular Expression
Unix commands
Data structures(trees,graphs)

The main things u want to be sure to get into yahoo are:
Unix commands - they ask basic commands in unix..
aftter that they give importance to C , C++
If u know perl then its an added advantage..
be sure with hashing too..

some algo questions which was fired at me where
* strcat()
* how to count the no of bits set in an no.. he asked me give a soln in O(1).
* how to delete the node in the linked list give the pointer to that node?
* given two integers a, b how to divde a/b without using /,% operator... (repeted subtraction is not the solution).

in tthe programming round
asked me to implement the dictionary datastucture with features
* autocorrect
* autocomplete
* spellcheck

Xansa Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper


Few Questions: (45 min)
1. In a village in each family they give birth to children till they
get a boy. IF girl child they try again. What is the ratio of boys to

2. 2n+1 numbers in a list except for 1 num all had duplicates, how to
find duplicate in O(n)

3. In 1000 wine bottles stack 10 are poisoned given 10 rats what is
the minimum number of tries to find the poisoned one. Rat dies once it
licks the poisoned wine.

4. Write 1,3,6,4 using +,-,*,/ to get 24 (no repeat of numbers)

5. Which is the DS used in dictionary mode in mobile (t9)

6. Which is DS used for chess predict move each and every

7. There are $1070 dollars how to split them into bags such that asked
for any denomination from $1 to $1070 , u must b able to give without
opening bag...

If any one has idea do mail me qrio.qrio at (qrio dot qrio
at gmail dot com).. Eagerly waiting...

Another paper:
1. First fit issues...

2. Algorithm to partition set of numbers into two s.t. diff bw their
sum is min and they hav equal num of elements

3. Prog: given Numerator & Denominator.... print 0.3333333333 as .(3)
0.123123 as .(123)

Xansa Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Mahalingam College Pollachi - 26 June 2007


Hai........I am Lavanya.k studying final year have undergone Xansa recruitment procedure in this week. I am happy to share my experience to you all.

Company has 4 rounds....
1 round- Aptitude round- 50 questions 50 marks
The question paper was easy. It contains General Apps(fill the series,time and work,etc....) 25 questions. It also has technical apps.25 questions. Only " C" questions. If u thorough the "Let us c" by Yashwanth Kanithkar,its more than enough..

2 round- Group discussion...
My topic is " Is GD a correct tool in Recruitment process" I was asked to speak that GD is necessary tool. Before discussion, they asked for self introduction.. To get selected,we should speak confidently and clearly.. only 3 out of 10 got selected and i was one among them.

3 round Technical round..
It was also easy to me... First they asked about my achievements,strength etc and we speaked generally. then he gave a simple program( to get 100 students mark and to display how many students are greater than 150) and he asked to modify the program by displaying the corresponding students name,address etc..)

some more questions........
-> achievements
-> what do you know about IT industry
-> how do you learn the unknown things.
-> have u helped others regarding education. if so how?
-> asked about company and PPT..
-> Extra courses
It took more than 30 min for me........

4 round- HR
Immediately after tech,i was asked to come for also some general questions like (tell about yourself,strength etc..........) He asked ,if there is any question from me i asked" How was my performance till this round" He said "good, i want to discuss with my team and i will announce the result" i was really happy, when i finished my HR..........And finally i got selected..............confidence and good communication skill plays a important role..............

Xansa Placement Paper : Whole Testpaper Sati Vidisha - 30 March 2007


tehre are only 50 questions & u hv to solve them in 50 min.
there were 3 sections no sectional cut off.neg.marking

Section 1 - operating system & computer architecture
there were 10 question normal which is not the component of ALU &control unit.

Section 2 - Quantitative
there were 20 que easy ques. 3 que from clock 2 from speed one from avg. etc

Section 3 - C language
There were 20 ques all from pointers u hv to give out put of that & find out the errors.

cutoff was 50% for written.

Xansa Placement Paper : Aptitude - General

Section 1 - Quantitative

Sum of three nos is 98. The ratio between 1 and 2 is 2:3. The ratio between 2 and 3 is 5:8 . Find the second no?

A car travels uphill at 30 km/hr and downhill at 60 km/hr. It goes 100 km uphill and 50 km downhill. Find the average speed of the car?

A batsman,s avg in 12 innings is 24.00 . If his avg is to be double of the no of innings (15 innnings), what should he score in the remaining three innings (avg)?

A man buys 1kg of sandalwood and 1kg of teakwood. He sells one for 10% profit and other for 10% loss.What is total profit/loss percentage?

In a class of 250 students, on JAN 2 15% of the girls and 10% of the boys are absent. If on 100% attendance there are 10 boys. Find the percentage present?

Mandrake has to choose from 4 from 10 people. There are 3 girls, 5 boys , 2 children. What is total probability that he will choose 1G , 2B , 1C?

Some questions on Geometry?

Some questions on Measurements?

Some questions on permutation and combination.

Section 2 - Ananlytical

Cities A - M are connected.Distance between any two cities is 1mile.They gave which city connects which city.Q,s based on these data

One pblm on DI.Gulshan Kumar and Rakesh Roshan take a film. If they take a art film it,s 25 lacs or a multi starrer it,s 75 lacs.They spend 28% on clothing ,11% on lighting.Actor fee 22% for Multi starrer or 10 lacs for art film.Based on these data some questions were asked.

Section 3 - Verbal

General GRE type q,s.:Analogies,Reading Comprehension.

Section 4 - Visual reasoning.

Some figures were given and told to fill up the blanks.

Some figures were given and told to fill up the blanks. for the post of system trainee. They need people to work in MAINFRAMES.The paper was ok, except a few questions others were basic.They paper consisted of 4 sections. Quants,Anals,Verbal and Visual Reasoning.They wnated us to attend all the sections, because they clearly stated that any ommission, they will not value the papers and chances of getting shortlisted was little. After the test they asked us to write a essay on any of these three topics.

My Family

My Career

What two things i would change if I was the prime minister of India.


The tech interview was a breeze

Tell me abt urself

Some questions on my project.

Q,s from subjects studied in past semesters.He actually told me to write 4 important subjects in each semester and asked q,s from them.

Xansa Placement Paper : Xansa Paper Aptitude - General

Section 1 - Quantitative

Sum of three nos is 98. The ratio between 1 and 2 is 2:3. The ratio between 2 and 3 is 5:8 . Find the second no?

 A car travels uphill at 30 km/hr and downhill at 60 km/hr. It goes 100 km uphill and 50 km downhill. Find the average speed of the car?

A batsman,s avg in 12 innings is 24.00 . If his avg is to be double of the no of innings (15 innnings), what  should he score in the remaining three innings (avg)?                               

A man buys 1kg of sandalwood and 1kg of teakwood. He sells one for 10% profit and other for 10% loss.What is total profit/loss percentage?

 In a class of 250 students, on JAN 2 15% of the girls and 10% of the boys are absent. If on 100% attendance there are 10 boys. Find the percentage present?

 Mandrake has to choose from 4 from 10 people. There are 3 girls, 5 boys , 2 children. What is total probability that he will choose 1G , 2B , 1C?

Some questions on Geometry?

Some questions on Measurements?

Some questions on permutation and combination.

       Section 2 - Ananlytical

Cities A - M are connected.Distance between any two cities is 1mile.They gave which city connects which city.Q,s based on these data 

 One pblm on DI.Gulshan Kumar and Rakesh Roshan take a film. If they take a art film it,s 25 lacs or a multi starrer it,s 75 lacs.They spend 28% on clothing ,11% on lighting.Actor fee 22% for Multi starrer or 10 lacs for art film.Based on these data some questions were asked.

       Section 3 - Verbal

       General GRE type q,s.:Analogies,Reading Comprehension.                       

      Section 4 - Visual reasoning.


      Some figures were given and told to fill up the blanks.

     Some figures were given and told to fill up the blanks. for the post of system trainee. They need people to work in MAINFRAMES.The paper was ok, except a few questions others were basic.They paper consisted of 4 sections. Quants,Anals,Verbal and Visual Reasoning.They wnated us to attend all the sections, because they clearly stated that any ommission, they will not value the papers and chances of getting shortlisted was little. After the test they asked us to write a essay on any of these  three topics.

 My Family

My Career

What two things i would change if I was the prime minister of India.


   The tech interview was a breeze

   Tell me abt urself

Some questions on my project.

Q,s from subjects studied in past semesters.He actually told me to write 4 important subjects in each semester and asked q,s from them.


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