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Download yahoo Placement Papers in MS Word and PDF Format for Job Interview

List of all download yahoo placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Click Here View Job List. This page will help you to get all details about download yahoo placement papers in ms word and pdf format for job interview. Download yahoo placement papers in PDF and Ms word format. Latest and yahoo last 5 years placement papers with solutions pdf download for campus job.

Yahoo Placement Paper : Yahoo HR Interview (2012-2013)

Hiring has been weak for the past few months, with the unemployment rate at a steady, high 8.2 percent. Those of you lucky enough to score an interview can,t afford to bring anything less than your A-game in this job market. Here are some of the best ways successful candidates have left a stellar impression on an employer during an interview:

1. For non-creative jobs, bring one sample of your best work. While a portfolio filled with brilliant samples is not required for non-creative jobs--leaving one example of your best accomplishment is a great way to leave a lingering presence long after your interview. This can mean any tangible evidence of great work you,ve done in the past, whether it be reports, guidelines, media clippings, or awards. Entrepreneur and Manager Trainer Karen Southall Watts warns against overloading your interviewer with too many samples for non-creative jobs. "Years ago, I actually did this myself and the hiring manager was really overwhelmed and didn,t seem to know how to react," she says.
Instead, carry one sample of your best accomplishment in your briefcase. "But be prepared with links to others (e.g. via LinkedIn)," she says.

2. Offer to do a free project or sample of work. Watts also suggests that you offer to do a free project or prepare a sample of work. "This can be a win-win since the candidate may land the job, can gather some useful feedback and the employer gets a ,free sample, of work," she says.
But remember to communicate clearly how much work you,ll do for free, Watts says. In other words, don,t fall into an unpaid intern or volunteer trap.

3. Don,t ask when they plan to go the Initial Public Offering (IPO) route. Coupa Software,s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Rob Bernshteyn says: "Maybe it,s a Silicon Valley thing, but nothing is a quicker turn off than the candidate asking when we plan to go IPO." Even if you,re not in the tech industry, it,s never smart to question the company,s financial health. "It gives you a sense of their priorities," Bernshteyn says. "It shows that they aren,t interested in contributing to the creation of a great company first and foremost." You,re only interested in a quick payday. Instead, steer the focus on the company,s mission.

4. Point out a mistake by the company. "We once hired someone who simply spotted a problem on our website and showed us how to fix it without any prompting," says Sandip Singh, CEO and founder of the fundraising website Go Get Funding. This type of initiative is incredibly impressive and demonstrates just how valuable you will be to the team.

5. Ask smart questions that really make them think. Stay away from bland, easy questions (like what,s the work attire policy?), or "yes" or "no" questions (like do you offer overtime?). Your interviewer can recite these answers in their sleep. Ask questions that show off your knowledge of the company and position.

6. Make eye contact. You don,t have to glue your eyes on the interviewer,s gaze. It,s okay to blink once in a while. But consistent eye contact speaks volumes about your confidence. Most people are kind of shaky and uncomfortable in a job interview--but if you focus on eye contact and be your most charming self, you,ll stand out from the herd.

7. Craft compelling stories, not just answers. Watts makes a good point: "The ,tell me about a time, or ,tell me what you,d do, interview is pretty much standard these days."
Anticipate these questions and create awesome stories (complete with a beginning, middle, and end) beforehand, pulling from your past experiences. This will help your interview feel more like a conversation than an interrogation. Bernshteyn would agree and says, "Robotic interviews just don,t win."

8. Weave in the company,s core values. For Bernshteyn, one memorable candidate not only explained the company,s three core values but also talked about how their values aligned with tangible examples. "They wove themselves into the fabric of our company during the interviewing process where at the end of the interview I felt like we had already been working together for some time," he says. This is particularly a great answer to the common question: "Why do you want to work here?"
Ritika Trikha is a writer for Career Bliss, an online career community dedicated to helping people find happiness in the workplace. Check out CareerBliss for millions of job listings, company reviews, salary information, and a free career happiness assessment.

Yahoo Placement Paper : Yahoo Paper August 2011

hi all..........i have made into yahoo, i am selected. the many poeple who got selected stands testimonial for this grps glorious help.well it had every thing. but they where in bits and pieces. i had 2 assemble them and read.
without this grps help i think it would have been difficult 2 pass through and get selected. any ways i am sending Q papers set C. so that others can make use of it. filtering
-candidates appeared : 2500
-shortilisted : 448
-after tech and HR shortilisted : 235
-verbal 30 questions 20 min
10 Q - syn
10 Q - anto
10 Q - fill in the blanks
-Quantitative 34 questions 40 min
-Critical Reasoning 12 questions 30 min
4 Para 3 Q each
-phycometry 150 questions 30 min

if shortlisted then,
-Tech round
again if short listed,
-HR round

Q paper set C
note that,The Qpaper had as May 2001 as date. note the answers may not be correct. try ur self. i am just trying 2 help u.


other i can not remember others. they where from 2001 papers. be care full (11) 2 (20) r opposites. some had not seen this.
fill blanks
one para was given and asked some choices more than number of blanks given. we have 2 choose the choice in the blank. it was about poeple 2 put money in market. about risk and etc. it was easy.

1.If g (0)=g (1)=1 And g (n)= g (n-1) + g (n -2)
find g (6);
Q like this one. just know the method
G(0) = 1
G(1) = 1
G(2) = G(1) + g(0) = 2
G(3) = g(2) + g(1) = 3
G(4) = g(3) + g(2) = 5
G(5) = g(4) + g(3) = 8
G(6) = g(5) +g (4) = 13

2.A plane moves from 9?N40?E to 9?N40?W. If the plane starts at 10 am and takes 8 hours to reach the destination, find the local arrival time?
Q like this one. just know the method
Ans: The time is calculated on the basis of longitude.
(Based on sunrise)
Sun rises earlier in calcutta than in Mumbai. The 40 degrees east and 40 degress west are calculated form 0 degrees.
The plane has travelled westwards by 40+ 40 = 80 Degrees. (WEST) For each degree there is a difference of 4 Minutes. The difference in timings is 320 Minutes behind. As per the starting point time 10.00 AM the flight should have reached at 6.00 PM.
Reducing 320 Minutes from it we get 12.40 PM local time at the destination

3.Given $ means Tripling and % means change of sign then,find the value of $%$6-%$%6
Q like this one. just know the method
ans. ((3)*(-1)*(3)*6 ) - ((-1)*(3)*(-1)*6)

4.The size of a program is N. And the memory occupied by the program is given by M = 4000 sqr_root(N). If the size of the program is increased by 1% then how much % inc in memory?
ans. (4000(sqr_root(1.01N)-sqr_root(N)))/(4000sqr_root(N))

5.what is the largest prime number in 8 digit number?
ans . 251

6.the word ****12******** was given.they asked us to do change 1st 2nd,3rd 4th,so on.then they asked what will be 10th letter from right? Q like this one. just know the method
ans. 2

7.they asked the temperature was same as previous papers.the ratio was -t*t/6+4t+12. it is like if t is the diff in temp. then find % change in temp from 5 to 9 pm.
Q like this one. just know the method

8.the ques on a man,a woman and a boy finish work together in 6 takes 10 days, woman takes 24 days then how much boy will take? ans. 40 days

9.the matrix of a(7,9) was given.the address of the first byte of a(1,1) takes 4 bytes to store the number.then calculate the address of the last byte of a(5,8).
ans .3000+(4*4*9)+(4*8) row major form

10.modulo(373,7)+round(5.8)+truncat(7.2)-round(3.4) = ?
ans . 12 = 2+6+7-3

11.the bucket size is takes 0.0001 KB/milisec to fill bucket.the bucket takes 100 or 1000 milisec to reach to takes 100 milisec to pass acknowledgement from dest to calculate how much time will it take to pass N KB ,write formula. Q like this one. just know the method

12.1234 in wich system for number xxx number?
Q like this one. just know the method

13.they asked us to match the pairs.they were like
basmati-wheat not type of
scooter-vehicle type of
4 choices

14. Complete the series 3,5,9,__,35,65
ANS. 17

15.If CYRNFR is coded as PLEASE then TNVA can be
coded as ---------

16. A power unit is there by the bank of the river of 900 meters width. A cable is made from power unit to power a plant opposite to that of the river and 3000mts away from the power unit. The cost of the cable below water is Rs. 5/- per meter and cost of cable on the bank is Rs.9/- per meter. Find the total of laying the cable. Q like this one. just know the method
ans . =(900*5)+((3000-900)*9)

17.Select the odd one out.
a. Java b. Lisp c.Smalltalk d.Eiffel.

18.Select the odd one out
a. Oracle b. Linux c. Ingress d. DB2

19.Find the physical quantity represented by (FORCE * LENGTH)/(VELOCITY*VELOCITY)?
ANS . d sqr/ t

20.Given the length of the 3 sides of a triangle. Find the one that is impossible?
(HINT : sum of smaller 2 sides is greater than the other one which is larger)

21.Find the singularity matrix from a given set of matrices?
(Hint det(A)==0)

22.Which of the following set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation?
ans. 3rd

23. A 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
B 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
C 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
(AuB)nC = ?
ans. u is OR, n in AND

24. Some Venn diagram was given about english, hindi and bengali speeking opeple. 3 sums were asked easy manageable. about % of bengali speeking people not speaking hindi but speaking english. etc

25.what shape will be obtained using these values
0 0.001
10 1.02
100 1.72
1000 3.00
9999 4.72
ans . log x

26.some BAR CHART and pie chart given & 2 or 3 question were asked fairly easy. bar was about poeple joining each yr and pie chart about % of poeple. about which yr had max growth %, like that.

27.based on deg, minutes and radians Q. just remember 1 deg = 60 min and 1 min = 60 sec. Q such that u have 2 carry over.

28.graph given and asked 2 write equation. it was some x cube graph.

29.which of the following is power of 3
ans. add the digits. 2 will divide. divide the numbers thrice with 3 time, 1 will not.

30.which fo the following are orthogonal pairs a)
3i+2j b) i+j c)2i-3j d) 7i+j
a and c

31.if A,B,C are the the mechanisms used separately to reduce the wastage of fule by 30%,20%,10% . what will be the fule economy if they were used combine.
ans. =70/100 * 80/100 * 90/100 * 100
32. faces, sides, edges of a cude asked.
ans. 6,---

1.M,N,O,P,Q& R are some person . They stay in five story building & some condition are given
2.x is having father, mother, aunt, bro, sis, daughter. like p,q,m,n,s,t. p and q opp. sex. m and same sex. s younger than p like this some Q. some Q were asked.
3.about 7 poeple stnading. a,b,c,d,e,f,g.
ab together always.
d before e always.
f(1) and g(last) or g(1) or flast
some Q asked, abour how amny possilbesties and some
other Qs.
<4>do not remember.

alwasy the some 150 Q.
Y-1. You start to work on a project with great deal of enthusiasm.
N-2. You would rather plan an activity than take part in it.
Y-3. You have more than once taken lead in organizing project or a group of some kind.
Y-4. You like to entertain guests.
N-5. Your interests change quickly from one thing to another.
N-6. When you eat a meal with others, you are usually one of the last to finish.
N-7. You believe in the idea that we should " eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die."
N-8. When you find that something you have bought is defective, you hesitate to demand an exchange or a refund.
Y-9. You find it easy to find new acquaintances.
N-10. You are sometimes bubbling over with energy and sometimes very sluggish.
Y-11. You are happiest when you get involved in some projects that calls for rapid action.
N-12. Other people think of you as being very serious minded.
N-13. In being thrown by chance with a stranger, you wait for the person to introduce himself or herself.
Y-14. You like to take part in many social activities.
N-15. You sometimes feel "just miserable" for no good reason at all.
N-16. You are often so much " on the go" that sooner or later you may wear yourself out.
Y-17. You like parties you attend to be lively.
Y-18. If you hold an opinion that is radically different that expressed by a lecturer, you are likely to tell the person about it either during or after the lecture.
N-19. It is difficult for you to chat about things in general with people.
N-20. You give little thought to your failures after they are passed.
N-21. You often wonder where others get all the excess energy they seem to have.
Y-22. You are inclined to stop to think things over before you act.
N-23. You avoid arguing over a price with a clerk or sales person.
Y-24. You would dislike very much to work alone in some alone place.
N-25. You often find it difficult to go to sleep at night because you keep thinking of what happened during the day.
N-26. You find yourself hurrying to get to places even when there is plenty of time.
Y-27. You like work that requires considerable attention to details.
N-28. You are satisfied to let some one else take the lead in group activities.
Y-29. You enjoy getting acquainted with people.
Y-30. It takes a lot to get you emotionally stirred up or excited.
N-31. You work more slowly and deliberately than most people of your sex and age.
Y-32. You are a carefree individual.
N-33. When people do not play fair you hesitate to say anything about it to them.
N-34. It bothers you to have people watch you at your work.
Y-35. You have usually been optimistic about your future.
N-36. You like to have plenty of time to stop and rest.
Y-37. You take life very seriously.
Y-38. You enjoy applying for a job in person.
Y-39. You would like to be a host or hostess for parties at club.
N-40. You often feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
Y-41. You are the kind of person who is "on the go" all the time.
Y-42. You often crave excitement.
N-43. The thought of making a speech frightens you.
Y-44. You find it easy to start conversation with strangers.
N-45. You often feel guilty without a very good reason for it.
Y-46. People think you are a very energetic person.
N-47. You sometimes make quick decisions that you later wish you hadn,t made.
N-48. You find it difficult to ask people for money or other donations, even for a cause in which you are interested.
Y-49. You are so naturally friendly that people immediately feel at ease with you.
N-50. You daydream a great deal.
Y-51. You are quick in your actions.
N-52. You have a habit of starting things and then losing interest in them.
Y-53. When you were a child many of your playmates naturally expected you to be the leader.
N-54. You sometimes avoid social contacts for fear of doing or saying the wrong thing.
N-55. You have frequent ups and downs in mood, sometimes with and sometimes without apparent cause.
Y-56. You always seem to have plenty of vigour and vitality.
N-57. It is difficult for you to understand people who get very concerned about things.
Y-58. When a clerk in a store waits on others who come after you, you call his or her attention to the fact.
Y-59. You would be very unhappy if you were prevented from making numerous social contacts.
N-60. There are times when your future looks very dark.
N-61. You sometimes wish that people would slow down a bit and give you a chance to catch up.
N-62. Many of your friends think you take your work too seriously.
N-63. You hesitate to walk into a meeting when you know that everyone,s eye will be upon you.
N-64. You limit your friendships mostly to members of your own sex.
Y-65. You almost always feel well and strong.
N-66. You seem to lack the drive necessary to get as much as other people do.
N-67. You make decisions on the spur of the moment.
N-68. You are rather good at bluffing when you find yourself in difficulty.
N-69. After being introduced to someone , you just cannot think of things to say to make good conversation.
N-70. You feel lonesome even when with other people.
Y-71. You are able to work for unusually long hours without feeling tired.
N-72. You often act on the first thought that comes into your head.
Y-73. At the scene of an accident, you take an active part in helping out.
N-74. You have difficulty in making new friends.
N-75. Your mood often changes from happiness to sadness or vice versa without knowing why.
N-76. You talk more slowly than most people.
N-77. You like to play practical jokes upon others.
Y-78. You take the lead in putting life into a dull party.
Y-79. You would like to belong to as many clubs and social organizations as possible.
N-80. There are times when your mind seems to work very slowly and other times when it works very rapidly.
N-81. You like to do things slowly and deliberately.
N-82. You are a happy-go-lucky individual.
N-83. When you are served stale or inferior food in a restaurant, you say nothing about it.
N-84. You would rather apply for a job by writing a letter than by going through with a personal interview.
N-85. You are often in low spirits. Y-86. You are inclined to rush from one activity to another without pausing enough for rest.
N-87. You are so concerned about the future that you do not get as much fun out of the present as you might.
Y-88. When you are attracted to a person whom you have not met earlier you make an active attempt to get acquainted even though it may be quite difficult.
N-89. You are inclined to limit your acquaintances to select few
N-90. you seldom give your past mistakes a second thought.
N-91. You are less energetic than many people you know.
Y-92. You often stop to analyzed your thoughts and feelings.
Y-93. You speak out in meetings to oppose those whom you feel sure are wrong.
N-94. You are so shy it bothers you.
N-95. You are sometimes bothered by having a useless thought come into your mind over and over.
N-96. You get things in hurry.
N-97. It is difficult for you to understand how some people can be so unconcerned about the future.
N-98. You lie to sell things (i.e. to act as a sales person)
Y-99. You are often "Life of the Party".
N-100. You find daydreaming very enjoyable.
N-101. At work or at play other people find it hard to keep up with the pace you set.
Y-102. You can listen to a lecture without feeling restless.
Y-103. You would rather work for a good boss than for yourself.
Y-104. You can express yourself more easily in speech than in writing.
Y-105. You keep in fairly uniform spirits.
Y-106. You dislike to be hurried in your work.
N-107. You sometimes find yourself "crossing bridges before you come to them".
N-108. You find it somewhat difficult to say "no" to a sales person who tries to sell you something you do not really want.
N-109. There are only a few friends with whom you can relax and have a good time.
Y-110. You usually keep cheerful in spite of trouble.
N-111. People sometimes tell you to "slow down" or "take it easy".
N-112. You are one of those who drink or smoke more than they know they should.
Y-113. When you think you recognize people you see in a public place, you ask them whether you have met them before.
N-114. You prefer to work alone.
N-115. Disappointment affect you so little that you seldom think about them twice.
N-116. You are slow and deliberate in movements.
N-117. You like wild enthusiasm, sometimes to a point bordering on rowdyism at a football or baseball game.
N-118. You feel self conscious in the presence of important people.
Y-119. People think of you as being a very social type of person.
N-120. You have often lost sleep over your worries.
Y-121. You can turn out a large amount of work in a short time.
Y-122. You keep at a task until it is done, even after nearly everyone else has given up.
N-123. You can think of a good excuse when you need one.
N-124. Other people say that it is difficult to get to know you well.
N-125. You daydreams are often about things that can never come true.
N-126. You often run upstairs taking two steps at a time.
Y-127. You seldom let your responsibility interfere with your having a good time.
Y-128. You like to take on important responsibilities such as organizing a new business.
N-129. You have hesitated to make or to accept "dates" because of shyness.
N-130. Your mood is very easily influenced by people around you.
Y-131. Others are often amazed by the amount of work you turn out.
N-132. You generally feel as though you haven,t a care in the world.
N-133. You find it difficult to get rid of sales person whom you do not care to listen or give your time.
N-134. You are a listener rather than a talker in a social conversation.
Y-135. You almost always feel that life is very much worth living.
N-136. It irritates you to have to wait at a crossing for a long freight train to pass.
N-137. You usually say what you feel like saying at the moment.
Y-138. You like to speak in public.
Y-139. You like to be with people.
Y-140. You generally keep cool and think clearly in exciting situations.
Y-141. Other people regard you as a lively individual.
Y-142. When you get angry, if you let yourself go, you feel better.
Y-143. You seek to avoid all trouble with other people.
Y-144. People seem to enjoy being with you.
N-145. You sometimes feel listless and tired for no good reason.
N-146. It is hard to understand why many people are so slow and get so little done.
N-147. You are fond of betting on horse races and games, whether you can afford it or not.
Y-148. If someone you know has been spreading untrue and bad stories about you, you see the person as soon as possible and have a talk about it.
N-149. Shyness keep you from being as popular as you should be.
Y-150. You are generally free from worry about possible misfortunes.

asked many Q. nearly 1hr 15 min.
asked many Qs in project if other than cs brach.
if cs also asked what given as softwatre skills in the form.
they asked us 2 fill a form BEFORE ITSELF. it was tough. u must prepare well.

this also had tech Q. but basics only.
manily why Yahoo?
r u ready 2 relocate?
r u aware of aggrement?

read all old papers verbal and u r sure 2 clear this.
see the most recent papers and u r sure 2 clear this too.
for this u must prepare from summers or other books. this is diffucult 2 clear with out preparation or previous knowledge how 2 solve puzzles.
think like : what should be my answer so that they will recruit me.
do not go there with out preparation. if u failed 2 prepare, prepare 2 fail.
do not go there with out seeing the web site. just answer the Q why YAHOO well and u r sure 2 clear. also about relocation and agrement.

Yahoo Placement Paper : Yahoo Test Paper Chennai November 2011

The process followed by Yahoo India was

1) Short listing on basis of CGPA
2) Written Test
3) Interview

Shortlisted on the basis of CGPA

Written Test:

Questions: 25 questions time 1 hour.
All Questions are multiple types

1. Teacher asked the students to find the cube root of a natural number but she did not mention the base. Students assumed the base found the cube root. Each student got an integer. Find the sum of digits of that number.
A. 0 B. 1 C. 6 D. 7 E. 8

2. What is the difference of last two digits of N where N=7^2010
a. 1 b.3 c.5 d.7 e.9

3. Find the first non Zero digit in 67!(Factorial)
a. 3 b.4 c.5 d.6 e.7

4. Suppose here are n processes in the system and each one needs k instances of a resources to complete. What would be the minimum number of resources that you should keep in the system to ensure no deadlock in the system.
a. n*k b. n*k-n+1 c. n*k+1 d. n*k*k e. None of the above

5. If we have a ring counter of 4 bits, with an initial state of 1000, what is the modulus of the counter?
a. 16 b.8 c.32 d.4 e. Node of the above

6. Which of the following masks can be used to zero out alternate bits of a 16 bit number?
a. 0101 b. AAAA c. FFFF d. EEEE e. BBBB
7. We define a function below. What is the value returned by this function: express your answer as a function of n?
unsigned int func(unsigned int n)
unsigned int r=0;
unsigned int i,j,k;
for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=1;j<=i;j++) for(k=j;k<=i+j;k++) r++ return r; }

a. func(n)=summation of i*(i+1) with i varing from 1to n
b. func(n)=n*n+1 + n*n-1
c. func(n)=func(n-1)+n*n+n with func(n)=0
d. func(n)=func(n-1)+n*n+2 with func(n)=0
e. both a and c.

Question 8:
Which of the following statements about the datagram sent by a node in a network using IPv4 protocol is (are) true?

i. Datagrams at the source must be the size of the smallest maximum transmission unit (MTU) of alla the links on a path to the destination
ii. Datagrams may be fragmented during routing
iii. Datagrams are re-assembled at the destinations
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I and III E. II and III

Question 9:
In a pipeline RISC computer all arithmetic instructions have the same CPI(Cycles per instructions), which of the following actions would improve the execution time of a tpical; program?

i. Instructions the clock cycle rate
ii. Disallowing any forwarding in the pipeline
iii. Doubling the sizes of the instruction acache and the data cache without changing the clock cycle time

A. I only B.II only C.III only D. I and II E. I and III

Question 10:
Let n(1), n(2), n(3)…. n(t) be positive integers. What is the minimum number N of objects to ensure that if N objects are placed into t boxes, for some I in [1,t], box I contains at least n(i) objects?

i. n(1)+ n(2)+ n(3)+….+ n(t)
ii. n(1)+ n(2)+ n(3)+….+ n(t)+t-1
iii. n(1)+ n(2)+ n(3)+….+ n(t)-t
iv. n(1)+ n(2)+ n(3)+….+ n(t)-t-1
v. n(1)+ n(2)+ n(3)+….+ n(t)-t+1

Question 11.
#define scanf “%s is a string”
What is the output?
A. Ccompiler error B. scanf is a string
C. %s is a string is a string D. %s is a string

Question 12.
#define boo(x) x/4 Main(){
Int I;
A. Compiler time error
B. 16
C. 64
D. 20
E. Divide by Zero Error

Question 13.
What the following C function will do?
Unsigned int bitwise(Unsigned int x)
Unsigned int r=x &-x;
Unsigned int l
x+=r if(0==l) return 0; l=x &-x; l-=r;
Return x|(l>>1);
A. Return the greatest integer smaller then x
B. Returns x/2
C. Returns the smallest integer greater than x with the some number of bits set
D. Returns the smallest integer greater than x with less number of bits set
E. None of the above

Question 14.
Int i
Void intcrement(int i)
Int main()
For(i=0;i<10; increment(i)) { } Printf(“i=%d”,i); Return 0; } Predict the output of the above C ode A. I=10 B. I=9 C. I=11 D. Compiler Error E. None of the above

Question 15.
Consider the following C program
Int i=0;

What is the maximum value of the I that will be printed?
A. 0
B. 7
C. 5
D. 2
E. 10
Question 16.
What will be printed by the code below?
Using namespace std;
Void swap( T *a, T *b){
Temp =*a;
Int main(){
Char hello[]=”hello”;
Char world[]=”world”;
Swap((char *)&hello, (char **)&world);
Consider a Binary Tee represented as a 1-indexed array(where the children of an element L are at indexes L and 2*L+1, elements at index is the root), with elements 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in that order. If the post order traversal of the array gives ab-cd*+, the the lebel on the nodes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 can be

A. +,-,*,a,b,c,d
B. a,-,b,+,c,*,d
C. a,b,c,d,-,*,+
D. -, a,b,+,*,c,d
E. none of the above

Question 18.
A hypercube is defined as follows:
A hypercube of dimension 0 has only a vertex. To construct a hypercube of N dimentions, take two N-1 dimentional hypercubes, and attach edges between corresponding nodes of each of these hypercubes. How many colors will you need to color the EDGES of an N dimentional hypercube such that no two edges of the same color share a common vertex?

A. 2
B. 2^N
C. N
D. N^2
E. Node of the above

Question 19.
Find the complexity function
F(n)=2F(n/2)+10n, if n>1
F(n)=1, if n=1
A. n^2
B. n(logn)^2
C. n
D. nlogn
E. None of the above

Question 20.
In each step of insertion sort algorithm, a new elemennt has to be inserted into an already sorted subarry. Instead of using sequential search to determine the location of new element which takes O(n) time( Which makes the overall cpmplexity O(n^2) ), We can use bunary search since the subarray is sorted, which will take O(logn) time. By using this techinue, we can reduce the complexity of insertion sort from O(n^2) to

A. O(nlogn)
B. O(n)
C. O(logn)
D. O(n^2)
E. O(1)

Question 21.
Cossider the following procedure: f(n)
for i=1 to n dp
j=n while j>i do
end while end for
Assume the above procedure are only an integer n>0; What is the time complexity in n for the procedure above:

A. O(nlogn)
B. O(n)
C. O(n^2)
D. O(N^3)
E. O(1)
Question 22.
The worst case time complexity of finding 5th smallest number in sa list of 50000 randomly chosen numbers.

A. O(1)
B. O(n)
C. O(logn)
D. O(n^2)
E. O(nlogn)
Question 23.
Consider the problem of sorting (in ascending order ) of an array of numbers, each number being the range(50,000 5000,000). What sorting algorithm is the best choice for the above problem. What is the best case time complexity of sorting achievable for this problem?

A. Merge sort
B. Insertion Sort
C. Quick Sort
D. Counting sort
E. Bubble SOrt
Question 24.
Two matrices M1 And M2 are to be stored in an Array A and b respectively. Each Array can be stored either in row major r column major order in contiguous memory locations. The time complexity to compute M1*M2 (Matrix Multipication) will be

A. Best if A is in row-major and B is in Column Major Order.
B. Best if both are in row major
C. Best if both are in column major
D. Independent of the storage scheme.
E. None of the above
Question 25.
An large array[]1…n] with N slots is filled only up to positions n for the n very less than N. To start with we do not know n. To locate an empty slot, we check A[j] for j=2^[2^i] in step i. What is the fewest number of steps in which we are guaranteed to find an empty slot?

A. O(n)
B. O(log n)
C. O(logN)
D. O(loglog n)
E. O(loglogN)

Yahoo Placement Paper : Yahoo HR Interview 31st December 2011

A Customer Can have multiple bank accounts A Bank account can be owned by multiple customers When customer logs in he sees list of account, on clicking on an account he sees list of transactions.

Yahoo Interview Round 1:

How to call a C++ function which is compiled with C++ compiler in C code?
When you deliver your C++ headers and C++ library of a class (what all can you change in the class so that application using your class does not need to recompile the code)
How do you initialize a static member of a class with return value of some function?
How can one application use same API provided by different vendors at the same time?
If you are given the name of the function at run time how will you invoke the function?

Yahoo Interview Round 2:

When will you use shell script/Perl ahead of C/C++?
How does yahoo handles billions of requests, does it create a thread per request or a process?
How does HTTP works?
How to count number of unique music titles downloaded from a log file which contains an entry of all music title downloaded?
What is the difference between COM and CORBA?
What is web service?

Yahoo Placement Paper : Yahoo Testpaper Whole test paper 2010

Few Questions: (45 min)
1. In a village in each family they give birth to children till they
get a boy. IF girl child they try again. What is the ratio of boys to

2. 2n+1 numbers in a list except for 1 num all had duplicates, how to
find duplicate in O(n)

3. In 1000 wine bottles stack 10 are poisoned given 10 rats what is
the minimum number of tries to find the poisoned one. Rat dies once it
licks the poisoned wine.

4. Write 1,3,6,4 using +,-,*,/ to get 24 (no repeat of numbers)

5. Which is the DS used in dictionary mode in mobile (t9)

6. Which is DS used for chess predict move each and every

7. There are $1070 dollars how to split them into bags such that asked
for any denomination from $1 to $1070 , u must b able to give without
opening bag...

If any one has idea do mail me qrio.qrio at (qrio dot qrio
at gmail dot com).. Eagerly waiting...

Another paper:
1. First fit issues...

2. Algorithm to partition set of numbers into two s.t. diff bw their
sum is min and they hav equal num of elements

3. Prog: given Numerator & Denominator.... print 0.3333333333 as .(3)
0.123123 as .(123)

Yahoo Placement Paper : RVCE Banglore ,29 July 2004


Hello,I,am a 3rd year student of Engineering(Information Science branch) from RVCE Bangalore.

Campus placements have started for us and Infosys was the first company to come, but I did not write the test. YAHOO came here on 29th of july ,04 and recruited 50 students out of the 350 who took the online test. 101 students cleared the psychometry test, out which 50 were chosen after the interview and GD.
6 students from my branch including me made it through. I became a member of this group 6 months back, and its been very helpful. I think this group was very instrumental in helping me get through the test.
By the information posted by freshers who had recently taken up the YAHOO test, I had a fairly good idea about the pattern and the kind of preparation I needed to do. the pattern is as follows..

VERBAL( 20 min):
5 synonyms, 10 antonyms( all from BARRON,S GRE book. Please work on the exercises given in it). And in addition to this there was a paragraph given with blanks in it. Each blank had a number in brackets( this refers to the question no). to fill these blanks 5 sentences were given. We had to choose the appropriate sentence which would fit in to the blank so that there was continuity between the sentences preceding and following the blank. This was very difficult.

This was the easiest section. Solve all the old questions from the previous papers of YAHOO and your sure to attempt 90% of the questions. There were some data interpretation questions also (10 in number). Totally 50 questions, so managing the time is very important.

This section had 3 questions with 4 sub questions each. One question was very simple having a 5 delegates speaking different languages and questions based on them. Another question was on seating arrangement and the third question was on time table for a student to take up various classes. I was told that similar can be found in the Barron,s GRE book from 12th edition. Please practise solving such questions as the time given is very less.

After I submitted my answers, I got the psychometry test on the screen. 150 questions with yes no can,t say as the answers. A lot of students were eliminated from this also so be frank while answering the questions and don,t try to change the answers once u have marked them.

The next day interviews were held. Around 20 people had come. My interview went well. Basically it was Technical, but he also asked HR questions. There were 2 people. One guy would look straight at me as I was answering, observing keenly and the other guy was looking in to the form that we were asked to fill up and asking me questions. Some of the questions were :

Tell us about yourself.
What was your DBMS project all about. What s/w you used for it?
Are comfortable using MS Visual Basic?
What is ODBC?
What is a binary tree?
What do you call a binary tree in which the value of the nodes to left of the root is less than that of those on the right of the root?
Do you know C?
What about pointers?
Write a structure for a node in a doubly linked list.( he asked me explain the structure)
What are the different types of file structures(we had file structure project in 6th semester)
What do you mean by Indexing? What are the different types of indexing?
What is your career objective?
What are the leadership qualities that you think you have? ( he asked me this because I said in would like to be a project leader in 3 years time)
Did you write infosys test yesterday? (I said no)
He asked me why? (I told him about the world-class training provided by YAHOO etc)

The interview panel was very cool and friendly. They did not intimidate us. There were many light moments during the interview when they were cracking jokes.( the member of the panel offered me coffee before he started asking questions!!) I was totally at ease. Just maintain the eye contact and look at every member of the panel. A couple of times they even helped me get to the answer.
After this we were grouped together in to batches of 10 and GD was conducted. The topics were :
America,s invasion of Iraq: is it justified or not?
Todays IT scenario is a total eye-wash.
Is it necessary to have an IT background to work in It industry.

As I heard from the previous batches, GD was utter chaos with everyone literally screaming. So I made an attempt to start the GD, and succeeded. After that I got only one chance to speak. Rest of the time I was listening to others and agreeing or disagreeing with them. I tried to make people who were silent to speak. Basically if you make yourselves heard a couple of times its enough. Try to be a good listener, that,s very important. Don,t pound on the table and don,t try to overpower others.

Finally after two days of grueling tests, I finally made through. Though it was mentally and physically very taxing, I think it was ultimately worth it. Though this was the first placement test ever, I have seen my friends not making it through, and I know how hard it is, but please don,t loose hopes. I thank this group, its members and the moderators from the bottom of my heart.


I would be more than glad to help you.
Thank you once again and all the best to everybody.

Yahoo Placement Paper : Anna university ,23 July 2007


Selection Procedure was
* Written test.
* technical interview 1
* technical interview 2
* programming
* HR interview

Written Test::
Regular Expression
Unix commands
Data structures(trees,graphs)

The main things u want to be sure to get into yahoo are:
Unix commands - they ask basic commands in unix..
aftter that they give importance to C , C++
If u know perl then its an added advantage..
be sure with hashing too..

some algo questions which was fired at me where
* strcat()
* how to count the no of bits set in an no.. he asked me give a soln in O(1).
* how to delete the node in the linked list give the pointer to that node?
* given two integers a, b how to divde a/b without using /,% operator... (repeted subtraction is not the solution).

in tthe programming round
asked me to implement the dictionary datastucture with features
* autocorrect
* autocomplete
* spellcheck

Yahoo Placement Paper : General - Interview

Yahoo Interview Questions

Yahoo Telephonic Round:

Design classes for the following problem. (C++)

A Customer Can have multiple bank accounts A Bank account can be owned by multiple customers When customer logs in he sees list of account, on clicking on an account he sees list of transactions.

Yahoo Interview Round 1:

How to call a C++ function which is compiled with C++ compiler in C code?
When you deliver your C++ headers and C++ library of a class (what all can you change in the class so that application using your class does not need to recompile the code)
How do you initialize a static member of a class with return value of some function?
How can one application use same API provided by different vendors at the same time?
If you are given the name of the function at run time how will you invoke the function?
Yahoo Interview Round 2:

When will you use shell script/Perl ahead of C/C++?
How does yahoo handles billions of requests, does it create a thread per request or a process?
How does HTTP works?
How to count number of unique music titles downloaded from a log file which contains an entry of all music title downloaded?
What is the difference between COM and CORBA?
What is web service?

Yahoo Placement Paper : Technical - Java - 13 August 2007




Only BE students were shortlisited.

I Could remember only these few question. Some question are multiple choice questions

Written test

3 Sections Duration: 90 min

1.What is the output of the following code?


for( j=1;j<4;j++){




2.There is a 200 miles long tunnel. one train enters the tunnel at a speed of 200mph while the other trains enter the tunnel in the opposite direction at a speed of 1000 mph. A bee travels at a speed of 1500 mph enters the tunnel goes to and back until it reaches the train. What is the distance covered by the bee when the two train collides (the bee survives)

3.List the two advantages of views.

4.Which layer is encryption and decryption done

5.What are the various modes used to send data over the network

6.Write a query to display the name of the students whose total marks is divisible by 25(total marks may be 175,200,150 ….)







P-wait, V-signal, S1 and S2 are semaphores. Consider two threads running. Is there a deadlock .If yes in which situation does the deadlock occur.

8.How do you find the port number of the remote host?

9. (Date; who)>logfile

Date; who>logfile

What is the difference between the two statements.
10.How do you find the machine MAC address

11.Write the set operators that are used for select.

12.Write a single command to find and delete all the files that are older than 1 day(modification time)

13.A is a 3*4 matrix and B is 4*5 matrix. What is the number of additions and multiplications performed to obtain the resultant matrix

14.What is the output


kill –0 pid


echo $_

16. #!/bin/perl

kill $$

echo “hello world”

17.List different schema/database objects

18.Randomization is good for which algorithm(quick sort, heap sort, selection sort, hashed table, ….)

19.Descride the language in the following regular expression (a*a) b+b

20.In an I-node what is not there (file type, file name, size, owner)

21.If the probability of work done by three persons are 1/3, 2/5, 5/12. Then what is the probability that the work is completed.

22.Given Id, author, creation time, size, links, web page, description

Bring it in 2nd normal form

23.Consider a heap containing numbers 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 60, 70 such that numbers are in ascending order from the leaf to the root. If 25 is to be inserted what is the position.(A[1], A[2], A[3], A[4])

24. #!/bin/perl



echo ‘$var’

25.Krishna tosses a one-rupee coin and a rupee coin. He announces that one is head. But the result is not announced. What is the probability that the other coin is head?

26.In database sort the student id and the course id for each student. Which is the best possible solution.

-Sort the student id using a stable algorithm and then sort the course id using unstable algorithm

-Sort the student id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the course id using stable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a stable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm

- Sort the course id using a unstable algorithm and then sort the student id using unstable algorithm

Yahoo Placement Paper : General - other Anna university - 23 July 2007


Selection Procedure was
* Written test.
* technical interview 1
* technical interview 2
* programming
* HR interview

Written Test::
Regular Expression
Unix commands
Data structures(trees,graphs)

The main things u want to be sure to get into yahoo are:
Unix commands - they ask basic commands in unix..
aftter that they give importance to C , C++
If u know perl then its an added advantage..
be sure with hashing too..

some algo questions which was fired at me where
* strcat()
* how to count the no of bits set in an no.. he asked me give a soln in O(1).
* how to delete the node in the linked list give the pointer to that node?
* given two integers a, b how to divde a/b without using /,% operator... (repeted subtraction is not the solution).

in tthe programming round
asked me to implement the dictionary datastucture with features
* autocorrect
* autocomplete
* spellcheck

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