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Zenser Placement Paper : Zensar Technical C 2012

1. Which command will delete all data from a table and will not write to the rollback segment?





2. Which of the following can be a valid column name?

(A) Column

(B) 1966_Invoices

(C) Catch_#22

(D) #Invoices

3. Which character function can be used to return a specified portion of a character string?





4. For what values if i the output will be 5?

int i,j=2;
if(i%j !=0)

a)when i is even
d) for all

5. complexity of merge sort .?

6. which sorting also will use to sort {1,2,3,4,5} ?

7. which cpu register holds the address of next instruction?

8. Write the output ?
Char *p[]=?pradeep mani?;

9. Find the output?
char *p[]=?rachit and devender?;

10.Find the output?
const char *p[]=?abhishek and Ankur?;

char k=?a?;


11. What is the output of the program?


extern int i;




12. What is the output of the program
void main()
int i=1*4/3-27%3^2+100*0.5-(4>3?1:2);
A. 49
B. compile error
C. 51
D. 48
Ans: B

13.What is the output of the program?
int x=5, y;
y= x*x++ * ++x ;
// print x and y

14.what will be output of the above programme?
.int a=1.1
float b=1.1
if (a==b)
printf("both are same")
printf("both are differnt")

15.what is the priority level of (),++,/,(),/,++ 2.++.(),/


16. what is meant by int (* xyz)[13]

17. what is true from

a. base call reference is compatible with child class
b. child class reference is compatible with base class
c. no reference to class
d. ??

18. class b class a
{ friend class b }
then what is true

a. a can access all protected and public members in b
b. b can access all protected and public members in a
c. a can access all members of a
d. b can access all members of b

19 : what is the output?

{ int n=0; int i; i=2; switch(1)
{ case 0:do{ case 1:n++; case 2:n++; } while(--i>0); } printf(\"n=%d\",n); }

a. compile error
b. 4
c. 1
d. 0

20. #define sqr(x) x*x, what is value of j if j = 2 * sqr(3 + 4)

21. #define FILENAME(extension) test_##extension, how will it print FILENAME(back)

a. test_back
b. test_#back
c. test_##back
d. ??

22. char *p = \"hello world\"
p[0] = \,H\,, what will be printf(\"%s\", p);

a. Hello world
b. hello world
c. H
d. compile error

23. int fun(), how do u define pointer to this function ??

19. select * from dual ; output..?

20. which is the fastest ?

21. Find the output ?
int x=20 ,y=35;
x= x++ + y++;
y = ++x + ++y;
printf(?%d %d?,x,y);

22. if(fp = fopen(\"dfas\",\"r\") == NULL), what is the value of fp

b. 0
c. 1
d. 0 or 1
23. calculating the no of bits required for the error detection & the error correction for the given
codeword set.
codeword a:
codeword b:

24. State the object oriented language?
a ) C++
b) Java
c) Eiffel
d) All of the above
Ans: D

25.Which of the following is/are storage class
a) Automatic
b) Static
c) Allocated
D) All of above
Ans: D

Zenser Placement Paper : Zensar Aptitude Numerical 2012

Zesar Written test Pattern with Quantitative, Reasoning, Logical Questions with Answer

1. If 8men 8hrs per day works for 8days get 45/- then how many men required if the work is 5hrs per day for10days they get 60/-?

2. A person sold an item at a profit of 12% .If he sold it at a loss of 12% then he would get Rs.6/- less. What is the cost price?

3. (1 ½ /((3/4-2/5 )/(2/3+4/5))) * ((2 ¾/((4/3-2/5 )/(5/3+6/5))) (Numbers different)

4. If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years. In how many years will it become 9 times itself.
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 10
(D) 12

5. Two trains move in the same direction at 50 kmph and 32 kmph respectively. A man in the slower train observes the 15 seconds elapse before the faster train completely passes by him.
What is the length of faster train ?
(A) 100m
(B) 75m
(C) 120m
(D) 50m

6. How many mashes are there in 1 square meter of wire gauge if each mesh is 8mm long and 5mm wide ?
(A) 2500
(B) 25000
(C) 250
(D) 250000

7. x% of y is y% of ?

(A) x/y
(B) 2y
(C) x
(D) can,t be determined

8. A, B and C contract a work for Rs. 550. Together A and B are supposed to do 7/11th of the work. How much does C get?

(A) Rs. 270
(B) Rs. 200
(C) Rs. 310
(D) Rs. 175
Ans: ( B) Rs. 200

9. How many meaningful English word can be formed by using the second, the fifth, the seventh and the tenth letters of the word APPROPRIATION, each only once, but in different sequence ?

(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Three
(D) More than three
Ans: ( A) One

10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence form a group. Which one of the following does not belong to that group?

(A) 21
(B) 35
(C) 49
(D) 63
Ans:( C ) 49

11. One bottle is half-full of oil and another bottle with twice the capacity is one quarter full of oil. if water is added so that both the bottles are full and the contents of both are then poured into a third bottle that is empty and large enough to hold the contents of both, what fractions of the contents in the third bottle is oil?



12. Don and his wife each receive an 8 percent annual raise. if don receives a raise rs.800 and his wife receives a raise of rs. 840, what is the difference between their annual income after their raises?



13. An investor purchased a shares of stock at a certain price. If the stock increased in price Rs 0.25 per share and the total increase for the x shares was Rs 12.50, how many shares of stock had been purchased ?

Ans :B)50

14. a man is standing on the bridge 180 mtr long. Man observes that train passes him 8 sec. while it crosses bridge in 20 sec. find the length of the train.

Ans=120 mtr.

15. pqrs is a rectangle having area 50. rx=1/4sr.what is the area of pqxs?


16.There are 6 red shoes & 4 green shoes . If two of red shoes are drawn what is the probability of getting red shoes

(Ans : 6c2/10c2)

17.To 15 lts of water containing 20% alcohol, we add 5 lts of pure water. What is % alcohol.

(Ans : 15% )

18.A worker is paid Rs.20/- for a full days work. He works 1,1/3,2/3,1/8.3/4 days in a week. What is the total amount paid for that worker ?

(Ans : 57.50 )

19. A boat travels 20 kms upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms downstream in 4 hrs.Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the water current?

(A) 1/2 kmph
(B) 7/12 kmph
(C) 5 kmph
(D) none of these

Ans. (B)

20. A goat is tied to one corner of a square plot of side 12m by a rope 7m long.Find the area it can graze?

(A) 38.5 sq.m
(B) 155 sq.m
(C) 144 sq.m
(D) 19.25 sq.m

Ans. (A)

21.The cost of an item is Rs 12.60. If the profit is 10% over selling price what is the selling price ?

(Ans : Rs 13.86/- )

22.A milk vendor mixes water to 20 lt of milk such that the ratio of milk and water is 4:3. He sold the mixture at Rs. 12 per liter but bought the milk at Rs. 10 per liter. Find the profit % of the vendor.

Soln: milk : water = 4:3 => he bought 4 parts (milk) but sold 7 parts (mixture) CP = 10 and SP = 12. So, profit % = (SP/CP) X (SP/CP) = (7/4) X (12/10) = 2.1 => 110% gain.

23. A and B together can do a piece of work in 14 2/5 days; B and C together can do the same work in 12 days. After A worked for 8 days, B for 12 days C takes up and finished it alone in 6 days. In how many days will each of them do the work, working alone?
(A)28 days
(B)24 days
(C)36 days
(D)20 days

24. A shopkeeper sold an article for Rs 2564.36. Approximately what was his profit percent if the cost price of the article was Rs 2400 ?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 12
D. 60

25. To do a certain work C alone takes twice as long as A and B together. A would take 3 times as long as B and C together. All three together complete the work in 5 days. How long would each take separately?
(A)15 days
(B)29 days
(C)20 days
(D)10 days

26. The distance between A and B is 356 km. A train starts from A at 8 A.M at 28 km/hr and another train starts from B at 10:00 AM at 32 km/hr. when will they meet?
(A) 6 P.M
(B) 3 P.M
(C) 5 P.M
(D) 4 P.M

27. 4 men or 5 women can construct a wall in 82 days.How long will it take 5 men and 4 women to do the same?
(A)30 days
(B)47 days
(C)32 days
(D)40 days

28. If 9 men and 12 boys can do a piece of work in 4 days and 4 men and 16 boys can do the same piece of work in 6 days. How long will 6 men and 24 boys take to complete the same work?
(A)5 days
(B)6 days
(C)8 days
(C)4 days

29. If a man running at 15 kmph crosses a bridge in 5 minutes, then the length of the bridge is
A. 1333.33
B. 1000m
C. 7500 m
D. 1250 m

30. A certain number of men can do a work in 20 days. If there were 4 more men, the work can be done in 5 days less.How many men were there initially?
(A)12 days
(B)18 days
(C)16 days
(D)4 days

31. X is 3 times as fast as Y and is able to complete the work in 40 days less than Y. Find the time in which they can complete the work together?
(A)12 days
(B)17 days
(C)19 days
(D)15 days


Hi !
Friends my name is VINAY CHAUHAN i m doing my B.E.(com sci) from GLOBAL INST. OF TECHNOLOGY, JAIPUR. I attended d centralized campus organized by ZENSAR TECHNOLOGIES, PUNE. campus was held at poornima college of engineering.
here i m describing the selection prcedure--
candidates having 60% in 10th n 12th and b.e. aggregate 70% with branches cs,it,ec were only allowed to appear in d campus drive

1. APTITUDE TEST(4 sections, separate cut off)
a) technical interview
b) hr interview (1 essay of 5 minutes was also dere)

First of all they conducted aptitude test.aptitude test contains these sectoins.

These sections in paper contains 80 questions and duration was 80 mins.we have to do each section in 20 minutes. We coudnt move to next section before 20 mins. and once a section is completed we coudn,t go back.there was sectional cutoff. some of the sample questions which i remember are --

A) English ability. --
Q1. which is suitable combination similar to - pesticide : crop :: antiseptic: ?
a) wound b) clothing c) bandage d) bleeding.

Q2. It is a long time.............i saw my friend who lives...............his parents...........he neighbouring town.
a) when ; at ; of b) since ; with ; in. c) when ; for ; in d) since ; for ; of.
and other questions of selecting suitable words and also 3 questions based on one small passage. it was very easy one and in fact d easiest section was english section only.

B) Quantitive aptitude--
Q1. if ratio of milk and water in one container is 3:5 and in another is 1:2 they mixed togeher then what is ratio of milk and water ?

Q2. dimension of a room is 5*8 meters. room floor is covered by carpet by leaving space 4cm from walls. if carpet is 18rs. per meter then total cost?

Q3. find out d odd one in d series
a)9 b)121 c)361 d)881
answer is d)881 since it is not a perfect square.

it also contains questions related to tabulaion,distance and time, work percentage , profit and loss. R. S. AGGARWAL is more than is time consuming part be fast otherwise u will not be able to attempt all the questions.

C) Logical reasoning --
for me dis section was tough coz it really consumed time n it was not possible to attempt all d questions in mere 20 minutes
although i tried my level best n i was sure i will cross d cut off of this section so guys b fast 4 dis section. simple q based on venn diagram and selection of suitable statement were also there refer R.S.AGGARWAL (verbal).

D) Technical skills --
this section was complete technical so be prepare. it contains C ,C++, DBMS ,RBMS and general computer architecture.
This is all about written test. 66 students were selected out of 600. i cleared dis round and then dey gave ppt to the selected candidates only. from my college only three cleared the written ppt dey talked about company profile. my interview was on d same day.

here he asked me to show him my resume. then he asked me about ORACLE. i strictly said no sir i m not good at oracle because i havnt studied it yet.
then he said ok which languages u have studied so far
strctly mention all d languages which u have mentioned in ur resume
i said c,c++,JAVA

Q1) what is the difference between c and c++?
Q2) what is object oriented programming?
Q3) what is the difference between the class n objects?
Q4) what was the need of classes?
truly speaking i loved dis question then i described from the beginning mentioning the name of the person who invented C++ and all the things which were
required to move to classes n object oriented concept.
Q5) what is encapsulation?
always try to give precise n exact definitions with examples
Q6) what is abstraction?
Q7) what is the need for abstraction? give some practical example?
Q8) what is inheritence?
Q9) give a real life example of inheritance?
Q10) what is polymorphism?
Q11) write a program for SWAPPING?


int a=5;
int b=10;
a=a+b; //a=15
b=a-b; //b=15-10=5
printf("value of b is %d",b);
a=a-b; //a=15-5=10
printf("value of a is %d",a);

actually i did this program witout using temporary variable then he asked me is there any other method then i very smartly said yes sir v can also use a temporary variable.

Q12) what is jvm?
Q13) what do u know about data base management system?
Q14) what is rdbms?
Q15) write a query to create a table?
Q16) if v dont pass the fields name then vil d table b created?
Q17) what is preprocessor?
Q18) what is the difference between compiler and interpretter?
Q19) what is the command to make a file in dos?
i said i was not able to recollect it now.
Q20) what are header files?
Q21) what r the needs for header files?
Q21) what is d difference between preprocessor directives n header files?
Q22) what is the use of main in any program?
Q23) when v make graphics in c++ then which header file v include?

questions were very simple n was all basics a student from cs branch must know. i was asked to wait outside after a few minutes i was called 4 the H.R. round-

may i come in mam?
hi vinay please come in
may i have a seat mam?
ya sure please sit.

ok vinay take dis paper n now i vil give u 5 mins write something abot urself ur college ur branch n y u opted 4 dat branch
n how do u see urself after 5 years 4rm now?

i quickly finished the work in less than 2 mins.
mam started readin it
ok vinay wat do ur father do?
mam my father is a govt. servant
how long has he been serving 4 his organization?
27 years
oh dat is a very long time would u serve 4 an organisation 4 such a long time
i said mam it depends totlly on d work environment n also if there is a kind of emotional bond b/w me n employees of the company
so u r avery emotional kind of person
yes mam i m a very emotional kind of person.

ok imagine u r a ceo of a company n one of ur friend who is emotionally attached to u asks u to leak the secrets of the company wud u do dat?
no mam the first priority is 4 the firm 4 which i m serving n no compromise on dat part.
ok so u r emotional but not ethnically emotional.
wat kind of person r u? domestic or international?
i said domestic n justified wid my views

next she asked traditional or modern? i said traditional
n gave the example of lalu prasad yadav (rail minister of india) being a traditional kind of person in speaking n living he is popular all over the world
she asked me really
then i said mam he recently gave management classes to students 4rm HORWARD UNIV.
mam u must hav read in the news paper? she said yes i did.
ok what kind of animal do u like? n y?
i said ANT coz hard working, always moving towards its goal, n team work.
i think u watch national geography channel a lot.
i said no mam i dont.
then wat do u watch in ur tv set.
i said i dont get time to see tv
then she asked me how do i manage my time?

mam after my college i use to give tuitions to school going children.
u like teaching dem?
i said no mam i dont like teaching them infact i love teaching them.
ok yes its gr8 fun then she mentiond dat she also used to give tuitions at her time

u live in hostel or some whre else
i said my hometown is in udaipur bt i live here with my relatives
ok vinay thank u very much
thank u mam it was pleasure talking to u
same here
she asked me 4 two photographs of mine

zensar is a company which takes both technical n hr interviews of all d candidates irrespective of the performance
Result came after 8 days to my college they selected only 13 out of 66 who cleared the apti n i was one of them. only thing i wud say to u is hard work is the only key to success because what i believe is dat luck is a loser,s excuse 4 winner,s position.

this was my fifth interview within a span of 2 months. n thank god this time i made it
earlier companies were

so never lose hope n whenever u fail then jus think dere is something better 4 u in the store. have faith in GOD n no one can stop u 4rm reaping the success of ur dreams.


Zenser Placement Paper : Bharati vidyapeeth university, pune ,14 January 2010

Zensar is IT Company.
Its placement procedure is fully changed from January 2010 and is as follows:-
1) Pre placement talk
2) Aptitude Test
3) Group Discussion
4) Technical + Personal Interview Together

In Pre-Placement talk they will talk about their company and will let you know about its working, market, revenues etc.
60 min 60 Questions. 20 Questions in each section. There was no sectional timing.
It had 3 sections:-
1. English- Type (a) There was one complete big sentence underlined with a small part of that sentence which was making another sentence. we were asked to select an option which could replace that underlined part means grammatically correct.
Type (b) Fill in the blanks with 2 blanks. "select an option which fits correctly to both the blanks".
Type (c) One passage was given on monarchy and democracy and there was five questions based on it.
Book Preferred----R.S Agrawal English Aptitude
2. Maths
Type (a) It had simple questions based on area, perimeter, percentage, ratio n proportion, mixture etc
Type (b) Two tables were given having data (shares, revenues, expenditure etc) of two companies were given and 3-4 ques were based on it.
Type (c) One Data Interpretation Question with 5 sub-question
Book Preferred----R.S Agrawal Maths Aptitude
3. Logical Reasoning
Type (a) select a sentence which can b deduced from first two given sentences.
Type (b) Verbal reasoning type.... If A,B,C,D,E,F are leaders from the fields education, railway....etc not in the same order. so if A speaks 3rd on his field following D.......................................(i dnt remember) so who spoke 1st.
There were some more types which i was an easy section.
Book Preferred----R.S Agrawal verbal reasoning is good enough for this section.
Group Discussion
There were two groups formed
1st group topic was- IS sex education necessary in high school?
2nd group topic was- Is china threat to India?
Time given 10 min.
They asked only HR Questions from non computer science students. and mixed questions to CS and IT students.
Students appeared- 84
After aptitude test- 30
After GD - 22
Finally selected-20
Means after interviews most of us got selected including me. ALL THE BEST. see you at Zensar :-)

Zenser Placement Paper : Pimpri Chinchwasd College Of Eng, Pune ,3 January 2011

Hello all,

Zensar conducted a pool placement at Pimpri chinchwad college of Engineering, Pune on 3rd January, 2010.
Out of 10 participating colleges, there were 400 students who took the test, 63 were shortlisted and finally 30 were selected.

There was an online test of 60 mins which had the following sections.

1) General aptitude (consisting of english, Quantitative and reasoning) 30 questions for 30 mins
2) C and SQL technical section for 20 mins and 10 mins respectively.

The general aptitude section was comparatively easy. Please do the last 5 years papers of this company. It helps a lot. Do english and verbal and non verbal reasoning a lot, because the quantitative section was quite easy. You should have basic mathematics formulae by-heart and you should be good in English. C and Sql sections consisted of questions on pointers, database related questions, foreign key, primary key etc.

They took 1 hour to get the results out and 63 students were shortlisted in this round.

The second round was Group discussion. We were made into a batch of 15 students each. The topics can be socio-political or completely dependent on the current news.

My topic was "India,s obsession with cricket is driving out all the other sports in the country". Please remember:

GD does not mean that you will shout and keep talking. Speak less, to the point, ineract with everybody, give everyone a fair chance to speak, and give valid points, if you do not agree with someone challenge that point and give justification for it.

The results were announced at 5.30 pm and I was selected along with few of my friends. The technical round started at 6.30 pm.

They asked me my most proficient language. I said C.

Sir: What is C? what exactly do you mean by C?
Me: C is a middle level language.

Sir (interrupting): What is a middle level language?
Me: Explained.
Sir: What are pointers? Advantages of pointers?
* What is struct? What is the difference between stack and queue?
* Write me a data structure for queue.
* What is data structure?What is heap?
* What is binary tree?
* Write me a program for swapping 2 numbers using 2 variables only.
* Write me a program for printing 2 numbers after multiplication.
* Write me a program for a prime number
* What is tower of Hanoi?

Then he switched to SQL.

1) What is foreign key and primary key?

2) Explain with example. Draw 2 tables of student and College and show the relationship between them.

3) What is the difference between DBMS and RDBMS?

4) Explain joins. What are the types of joins? Explain natural join and semi join.

These are the only ones I can recall. My technical interview went on for 45 mins.

Please remember: If you do not know the answer to something, say Im sorry Sir I cannot recall it right now.
Be honest.

The HR round was of 15 mins.

Basic questions were asked.

1) Tell me about yourself (advertise yourself as much as you can)
2) Why Zensar?
3) What is your weakness?
4) What are your hobbies?
5) Why do you think we should hire you?
6) Do you have any questions?

Note: Please ask questions. Prepare something beforehand if you want. Watch and listen to their pre placement talk very carefully. They can ask questions on that.

Finally at 10.45 pm, we heard our results. I, along with 10 of my friends were selected.

Be confident and smart, dress well and be polite. That is the key for cracking the HR related rounds.

Zenser Placement Paper : Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur ,17 March 2007


Hi !
Friends my name is VINAY CHAUHAN i m doing my B.E.(com sci) from GLOBAL INST. OF TECHNOLOGY, JAIPUR. I attended d centralized campus organized by ZENSAR TECHNOLOGIES, PUNE. campus was held at poornima college of engineering.
here i m describing the selection prcedure--
candidates having 60% in 10th n 12th and b.e. aggregate 70% with branches cs,it,ec were only allowed to appear in d campus drive

1. APTITUDE TEST(4 sections, separate cut off)
a) technical interview
b) hr interview (1 essay of 5 minutes was also dere)

First of all they conducted aptitude test.aptitude test contains these sectoins.

These sections in paper contains 80 questions and duration was 80 mins.we have to do each section in 20 minutes. We coudnt move to next section before 20 mins. and once a section is completed we coudn,t go back.there was sectional cutoff. some of the sample questions which i remember are --

A) English ability. --
Q1. which is suitable combination similar to - pesticide : crop :: antiseptic: ?
a) wound b) clothing c) bandage d) bleeding.

Q2. It is a long time.............i saw my friend who lives...............his parents...........he neighbouring town.
a) when ; at ; of b) since ; with ; in. c) when ; for ; in d) since ; for ; of.
and other questions of selecting suitable words and also 3 questions based on one small passage. it was very easy one and in fact d easiest section was english section only.

B) Quantitive aptitude--
Q1. if ratio of milk and water in one container is 3:5 and in another is 1:2 they mixed togeher then what is ratio of milk and water ?

Q2. dimension of a room is 5*8 meters. room floor is covered by carpet by leaving space 4cm from walls. if carpet is 18rs. per meter then total cost?

Q3. find out d odd one in d series
a)9 b)121 c)361 d)881
answer is d)881 since it is not a perfect square.

it also contains questions related to tabulaion,distance and time, work percentage , profit and loss. R. S. AGGARWAL is more than is time consuming part be fast otherwise u will not be able to attempt all the questions.

C) Logical reasoning --
for me dis section was tough coz it really consumed time n it was not possible to attempt all d questions in mere 20 minutes
although i tried my level best n i was sure i will cross d cut off of this section so guys b fast 4 dis section. simple q based on venn diagram and selection of suitable statement were also there refer R.S.AGGARWAL (verbal).

D) Technical skills --
this section was complete technical so be prepare. it contains C ,C++, DBMS ,RBMS and general computer architecture.
This is all about written test. 66 students were selected out of 600. i cleared dis round and then dey gave ppt to the selected candidates only. from my college only three cleared the written ppt dey talked about company profile. my interview was on d same day.

here he asked me to show him my resume. then he asked me about ORACLE. i strictly said no sir i m not good at oracle because i havnt studied it yet.
then he said ok which languages u have studied so far
strctly mention all d languages which u have mentioned in ur resume
i said c,c++,JAVA

Q1) what is the difference between c and c++?
Q2) what is object oriented programming?
Q3) what is the difference between the class n objects?
Q4) what was the need of classes?
truly speaking i loved dis question then i described from the beginning mentioning the name of the person who invented C++ and all the things which were
required to move to classes n object oriented concept.
Q5) what is encapsulation?
always try to give precise n exact definitions with examples
Q6) what is abstraction?
Q7) what is the need for abstraction? give some practical example?
Q8) what is inheritence?
Q9) give a real life example of inheritance?
Q10) what is polymorphism?
Q11) write a program for SWAPPING?


int a=5;
int b=10;
a=a+b; //a=15
b=a-b; //b=15-10=5
printf("value of b is %d",b);
a=a-b; //a=15-5=10
printf("value of a is %d",a);

actually i did this program witout using temporary variable then he asked me is there any other method then i very smartly said yes sir v can also use a temporary variable.

Q12) what is jvm?
Q13) what do u know about data base management system?
Q14) what is rdbms?
Q15) write a query to create a table?
Q16) if v dont pass the fields name then vil d table b created?
Q17) what is preprocessor?
Q18) what is the difference between compiler and interpretter?
Q19) what is the command to make a file in dos?
i said i was not able to recollect it now.
Q20) what are header files?
Q21) what r the needs for header files?
Q21) what is d difference between preprocessor directives n header files?
Q22) what is the use of main in any program?
Q23) when v make graphics in c++ then which header file v include?

questions were very simple n was all basics a student from cs branch must know. i was asked to wait outside after a few minutes i was called 4 the H.R. round-

may i come in mam?
hi vinay please come in
may i have a seat mam?
ya sure please sit.

ok vinay take dis paper n now i vil give u 5 mins write something abot urself ur college ur branch n y u opted 4 dat branch
n how do u see urself after 5 years 4rm now?

i quickly finished the work in less than 2 mins.
mam started readin it
ok vinay wat do ur father do?
mam my father is a govt. servant
how long has he been serving 4 his organization?
27 years
oh dat is a very long time would u serve 4 an organisation 4 such a long time
i said mam it depends totlly on d work environment n also if there is a kind of emotional bond b/w me n employees of the company
so u r avery emotional kind of person
yes mam i m a very emotional kind of person.

ok imagine u r a ceo of a company n one of ur friend who is emotionally attached to u asks u to leak the secrets of the company wud u do dat?
no mam the first priority is 4 the firm 4 which i m serving n no compromise on dat part.
ok so u r emotional but not ethnically emotional.
wat kind of person r u? domestic or international?
i said domestic n justified wid my views

next she asked traditional or modern? i said traditional
n gave the example of lalu prasad yadav (rail minister of india) being a traditional kind of person in speaking n living he is popular all over the world
she asked me really
then i said mam he recently gave management classes to students 4rm HORWARD UNIV.
mam u must hav read in the news paper? she said yes i did.
ok what kind of animal do u like? n y?
i said ANT coz hard working, always moving towards its goal, n team work.
i think u watch national geography channel a lot.
i said no mam i dont.
then wat do u watch in ur tv set.
i said i dont get time to see tv
then she asked me how do i manage my time?

mam after my college i use to give tuitions to school going children.
u like teaching dem?
i said no mam i dont like teaching them infact i love teaching them.
ok yes its gr8 fun then she mentiond dat she also used to give tuitions at her time

u live in hostel or some whre else
i said my hometown is in udaipur bt i live here with my relatives
ok vinay thank u very much
thank u mam it was pleasure talking to u
same here
she asked me 4 two photographs of mine

zensar is a company which takes both technical n hr interviews of all d candidates irrespective of the performance
Result came after 8 days to my college they selected only 13 out of 66 who cleared the apti n i was one of them. only thing i wud say to u is hard work is the only key to success because what i believe is dat luck is a loser,s excuse 4 winner,s position.

this was my fifth interview within a span of 2 months. n thank god this time i made it
earlier companies were

Zenser Placement Paper : Acropolis(open campus)Indore,27 January 2011

Written Test:

60 ques in 60 minutes and were divided in following manner:

1.)30 ques aptitude in 30 in.

2.)20 ques opn C n DS n C++ in 20 min

3.)10 ques SQL in 10 min.

There was shortage of time experienced in apti section.In C part max ques were to predict o/p.One should have thorogh reding of Kanetkar.Aptitude ques had time,distance,percentage,profit n loss.Also from verbal they had given some jumbled sentences and v were suppose to arrange them and select apprpriate option.RS Aggrawal is enough for quanta.But speed has to be maintained…………..


There were 13 students in our grp,out of which 4were selected.

Topic was “Are men better manager then Women”.10 min were given.Prior only instructions were given that if fish mrkt is created,full grp will be disqualified.Frnds GD needs a good command on language,statistics,and strong n non repeated points.

Technical Interview:

They asked abt my project which impressed them at xtreme.Then a program of call by value n call by refrence.

My intrvw was of about 15 min.Frnds the biggest strange thng happened with me was,after technical I was not called for HR and one of the volunteers told me that e1 my HR is Over.

Actually thng is selected me on the basis of Technical itself.They altogether selected 24 students out of which 23 students gave HR n 24th was me who was not called for HR.

I feel reason behind thi was,that I gave my technical with full confidence having command over my language.

Zenser Placement Paper : MIT Meerut ,1 June 2007


Hi, frens im vry happy that i finally got placemnt after some rejections. so all of u who r feelin dishearted cheer up coz its all matter of luck ,evry one wud get chance.

There are 3 rounds
Technical intrv
HR round

1) Written
it consist of 4 sections, each section has around 20 to 25 questns n u wud gt 20 to 22 min to solve.
first section is english :- there were fiil in the blanks, find correct heading for givn passage,reading passage, synonyms,opposites,grammar. this section is little tough bt if ur english is good then u can clear easily.

2) Aptitude
very esy questions on profit&loss,percentages,areas, volumes,time n work,height and distances,series,algebra u shud hav gud speed questions are vry simple. coz my apti is nt vry strong still it was easy fr me.

3) Logic
puzzles from verbal rs aggarwal, coding, series of alphabets,jumbled sentences, to find correct sequences from given sentences,all in all vey easy section jst need gud speed.

4) Technical
i foun it little tough n lengthy bt pepl with gud programmin skills will find it easy there were c,dbms,networkin. mostly questions from c output questions around 10.

At last i wud like to suggest u that wn u gt ur paper start from first section then speed up as they will give seperate time fr each section. so wn u r warnd to turn to nxt section before 5 min thn dnt solve lft out questns instd check the probability of choices that are repeatin n mark those choices in remanin time in each section.

no negative markin so good luck for written exams. Next comes technical inrtv
my intervr was vry good. he creatd good envirnmnt. i gave my intervw at 9 in evenin. he askd abt my skils intrst.n ask acordingly. i told him abt networkin watevr he askd as this is my area of intrest.
he askd me abt google os, cisco os,as i hav done ccna from cisco. most imp thin they will surely ask abt data structures, linklist codes, daa so be through with that. my tecnical was avg.

Last was HR
this lady was vry frenly. my communication skills r vry good so i was confidnt in this round, they chekd our patience by takin intrvw at 12 in night, chekd +ve attitude, ability to delivr uncr pressure. well she was really impressd by my participation in diffrnt activities n saw a team attitude. so she told me sleep nicely witht ny tension.

so dear frens this site has helpd me a lot coz i was also deprresd n thot i wud nevr gt palcd bt see i gt placmnt in prefinal year so dnt loose hope God will give success to evryone. jst have good speed n confidence in u thn world is waitin fr u to give good opportunities.

Zenser Placement Paper : Techno India College, Kolkata ,28 March 2007


Hi! I am Soham Goswami(Dept.-IT, BIT, Kolkata) & I got in ZENSAR TECNOLOGIES through campus placement process.

The interview process was divided into three parts::-

(1) Aptitude test (88 questions 80 minutes)

(2) Technical Interview

(3) HR Interview.

Some of our friends had technical and HR together, some had separately. I had my technical & Hr together. Total 91 students had cleared there apti & finally 36 out of them were selected.


There were four sections::-(a) General English & verbal test,

(b) Quantitative aptitude (c) Logical reasoning (d) Technical(mainly on C,dbms).[concentrate on R.S.Agarwal for quanti & the logical part.]


1. What are the types of OS, with examples?

2. Difference between Linux & Windows.

3. During multitasking, whether the jobs are executed parallely? Whether the WINDOWS OS is pre-emptive?

4. Is multitasking & multithreading are same or not?

5. Various versions of WINDOWS.

6. Latest Version of WINDOWS(Windows vista).

7. What do you know about Vista ?

8. What is SDLC & its steps.

9. How will you decide which language (whether c,java,etc…) is suitable for the development of a particular software?

10. Why java is platform independent?

11. Are the JVM for C & JVM for JAVA are different?

12. What are byte code & object code?

13. Difference between C & Java.

14. What is polymorphism & its types?

15. How overriding is done?

16. What is inheritance?
17. How error handling is done in Java?

18. Types of classes in Java.

19. Storage classes in C.

20. Types of function calls?

21. Call by reference & call by value.Which is better?

22. What are the types linklist?

23. Write a program to search a certain node in a linear linklist?

24. Write a program to find the length of a string in C?


25. Why Zensar? Your plans for the next 4 years with Zensar.

26. What are your achievements?

27. Which part of the powerpoint presentation did you like the most?

28. How many presentations have you seen before?

29. Why have you failed in the interviews which you had earlier?

30. How will you rate yourself out of 5 in the technical interview?

31. What do you think, your weakest part in technical interview?

32. Will you have any problem,if you are relocated out of kokata?

33. Do you have any questions for us?

Zenser Placement Paper : H.C.E.T. Jabalpur ,7 April 2007 ,


hi there, I attended the open campus recruitment of Zensar held in H.C.E.T. Jabalpur.I wasn,t able to clear the written but I am posting this paper so that u can utilize my xperience in cracking Zensar.

The paper had 4 sections -:

1) EU

2 questions on synonymns 1word was acrimonious & I don,t remember the other 1

2 ques. on antonymns like amorous

some ques on grammar corrections & 1 RC very easy

there were 21 ques & the time was 20 min. Friends if u have gud hold in English then u need not 2 worry about this section.

2)Quant apti

20 ques 20 min

Most of the ques were based on Profit & Loss, Pipes & cisterns, Percentages

Speed & distance, time & Work, DI. Prepare well 4 this section from R.S. aggrawal Quant

3) Logical Reasoning

20 ques 20 min

This was very easy. even without preparation u can solve atleast 8 to 10 ques.

2 ques on DI pi chart

3 ques from syllogisms

1 ques on number series

17,31,59,115,? (exact ques) ans 227

2-3 ques on coding encoding

3 ques on seating arrangements

a,b,c,d,e,f r to be arranged around a hexagon, a should be opposite of f, d should be between a & b bl ab la bla

rest I don,t remember.

4) Technical

21 ques in 20 min very easy

ques were basically from C,RDbms, data com computer architecture

only a basic knowledge of C is required to crack this section.

so friends prepare well & try to attempt as many ques as u can as there is no negative marking. try to attempt atleast 14 ques in each section.

Best of Luck

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