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FAQ for Government Jobs in India

Q1. Can I clear the SSC CGL but in my astrology I will not get a government job? I said that I'm an astrologer. What can I do to clear?
Ans: This question reminds me of my "exact" situation around 3-4 years ago. I was in final year of engineering when an astrologer predicted exactly the same thing for me. I along with few of my friends had gone to a place nearby Chandigarh where we met an astrologer (for fun purpose only. none of us was a believer astrology). Before predicting my future, he said a few things about my past. I must admit, many of those things were correct.
Anyways, he told me and one of my friends very specifically that neither of us will get a government job. He told us a few more things but that don't come under the purview of this question, so let's skip them.
Fast forward to 2020:-
1.I'm already working in a decent 4600 grade pay job under Government of India.
2.That friend of mine is working as officer in Indian Army since 2017.
3.I was recently selected as ASO in CSS through SSC CGL 2017.
4.I have 573/600 till tier 2 in SSC CGL 2018. Add 52-53 marks in tier 3 and I'm almost certain of securing one more job.
5.I'm not finished yet. Efforts are still being made for something bigger than SSC CGL.

I haven't written any of these things to brag about myself. My intention for writing this is just to explain my point. Astrology might or might not be true but many con-man try to exploit our fear and insecurities in the name of astrology. If you have faith in your own abilities and work accordingly, you'll succeed in your pursuit. Don't fear what would happen if you fail. This fear of failure is something which stops us from taking the leap of faith. Just make sure that your efforts are honest and you'll see everything falling in place. If you somehow fail even after making best of efforts then simply admit that you are meant for something better. But admit this thing only after making best efforts.
I know you might have heard this thing umpteenth times but this is very much true. If you give your best then luck will also favour you.
If you are clear with the above point, just gird your loins and start burning mid night oil from today itself. SSC CGL 2019 is not very far away.

Q2. How can I get government job easily?
Ans: 5 Tips to get Government Jobs Easily in 2021
1 First step is to have a positive attitude. Recently, the Government made it clear that they are reducing the number of Sarkari jobs for a year.
2 Finding the Government job that suits our qualifications and interests.
3 Apply for the jobs correctly.
4 Prepare systematically.
5 Have patience.

Q3. Which govt job has highest salary?
Ans: Top 10 Highest Paying Government Jobs in India
1.Indian Foreign Services.
2.IAS and IPS
3.Defense Services
4.Scientists/Engineers in ISRO, DRDO.
5.RBI Grade B.
7.Indian Forest Services.
8.State Service Commissions.
9. Lectures/Assistant Professor in Government Colleges
10.ASO in ministry of external affairs

Q4. What are the Government jobs possible in Computer Engineering field in India?
Ans: I always feel very strange when I think that despite being in the era of technology and digital governance, we often ignore the huge possibilities of government jobs and opportunities in the field of computer science. It is not fair to compare the numbers with the number of opportunities in private sector. Though the numbers are very less but it cannot be neglected. There are so many government organizations where there are jobs for computer science graduates and people are too ignorant to even know about it. I would certainly list down few such jobs as per my knowledge base. I will be dividing the list into two parts :

1.Public Sector Undertakings (PSU) (Central and State)
2.Central Government Jobs

Public Sector Undertakings

4.Coal India Limited
5.NLC India Limited
6.ECIL - Electronics Corporation of India Limited
7.GAIL - Gas Authority of India Limited
8.3BSNL - Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
9.National Fertilizers Limited
10.Power Grid
11.Airport Authority of India
12.Bharat Electronics Limited
13.Nationalized Bank IT or Specialist Officers (SBI and IBPS Exams)
14.Govt Insurance companies IT Officers (National Insurance Company, Life Insurance Corporation, Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited )
16.DMRC - Delhi Metro Rail Corporation and other metro companies of different cities.

Central Government Jobs

1.ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization
2.DRDO - Defence Research and Development Organisation
3.BARC - Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
4.NIC - National Informatics Centre
5.NIELIT - National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology
6.ICERT - Indian Computer Emergency Response Team
7.STQC - Standardization Testing and Quality Certification
8.NTRO - National Technical Research Organisation
9.C-DAC - Centre for Development of Advanced Computing
10.IB - Intelligence Bureau ACIO, DCIO

Q5. What is the best government job for an ECE engineer?
Ans: In core ECE, we have government jobs in Indian Railways, CDAC, ISRO,DRDO, HAL, BARC, Indian Navy .
The recruitment process for Indian Railways, Ministry of skill development and some others is done by UPSC through Engineering services exam (ESE) conducted in Jan of every year. Around 80–100 vacancies are filled through this exam every year and you will be placed as Group A officer if you qualify all the three stages of ESE. You may receive around 60k-100k per month in Group A job.
DRDO,HAL, ISRO and some other PSU s recruit through GATE exam conducted during the Jan — Feb of every year. The number of vacancies range from 150–250 for all the PSUs put together. The salary would be around 60k-90k per month.
BARC,ISRO(scientist C), BEL(Contract engineers), Indian Navy(Technical Graduate Course),CDAC, BHEL conduct their own exam for the recruitment individually. You should check on the employment news or their official websites for this. The recruitment has a max of 200 vacancies for all these organisations put together. You could expect 23k-60k per month.
For Non-technical Government jobs, you can go with group A jobs with CSE(Civil services exam); Group B jobs recruited through SSC — Combined Graduate Level(CGL). CHSL, bank recruitments, Indian post and many other government jobs are there for the non- tech sector. Alternately, state government jobs are also present where you could expect vacancies for police department (Head constable, Sub-Inspector and many more). The salary received would vary from 25k-100k according to the job profile.

Q6. What are the government jobs for civil engineers?
Ans: Most of the civil engineering students don't know the jobs available in government and private sectors.This is mainly due to lack of awareness.

Following are the various government jobs through ce:

(i) Indian Railway Service of Engineers.
(ii) Indian Railway Stores Services(Civil Engineering Posts).
(iii) Central Engineering Service.
(iv) Indian Defence Service of Engineers (Civil Engineering Posts).
(v) Indian Ordance Factories Services. AWM/JTS (Civil Engg.Posts)
(vi) Central Engineering Service(Roads) Group-A. (Civil Engg. Posts)
(vii) Astt. Executive Engineer (Civil) P & T Building Works Gr. ‘A' Service.
(viii) Assistant Executive Engineer (QS & C) in Military Engineer Service (MES)Surveyor

IES: Engineering Services are considered the most prestigious job profile for Engineers in India, equivalent to what IAS are in administration or IPS in Police. The selection is through Engineering Services Examination (ESE) which is among the most competitive exams in India. By writing Engineering Service Examination (ESE) CIVIL Engineering students or graduates get following jobs.

Q7. What are the disadvantages of government jobs?
Ans: The Negative Points are:

1.Very heavy level of sycophancy and bootlicking required for you to grow through the hierarchy.
2.Absolutely no accountability because of which absolutely no importance is given to merit and therefore good talent can not sustain for long.
3.Very high regionalism and linguistic partiality specially in the higher levels. ( My tamilian boss looks for talent only within the tamilian community. He is so myopic that he will get work from all but reward/ award only the tamilians.)
4.Absolutely no recognition and no awards for your hard work and your contributions. Criteria for deciding of awards, and there are many, are everything other than contribution and merit. (the day after we did a very good test, for the first time in India, my then boss came to me and asked me to make his resume so that he can apply for a national level award. Me and my team were left licking our thumb and virtually shocked)
5.Due to prevalence of reservation a good percentage of non-meritorious candidates tend to grow to places of power.
6.Corruption is rampant despite very good pay scales. Although, this is sharply declining in the era of the new government.
7.Lot of political pressure and you are never allowed to take independent decision (whatever may be your capability). Every senior tries to suppress you.
8.Most probably you will develop a health issue in a government job due to un ethical and immoral practices.

However there are a few Positive Points too:

1.In a few jobs with the government you get to directly work and contribute for the good of the society. Nothing gives you more satisfaction than directly contributing to the society and nation. eg. Armed Forces, ISRO, Civil Services, DRDO etc. The job profile/responsibilities/ job description in a few government jobs are phenomenal. Nothing in any private industry can match that.
2.Sky is the limit for you to contribute towards your job. Lot of opportunities available and usually nobody will stop you to perform. You can work 24/7 and serve your country. The work satisfaction is tremendously HIGH. Eg. ISRO, PSU's, Central Universities etc.
3.You tend to work in your own expertise area and sometime the domain of work is so widespread that professional experience is exceptional.
4.Usually funds are available easily for one to discharge his/her duties. Although, most people tend to misuse this advantage. Eg. Central Universities, Civil Services etc.
5.Pay scale at entry and mid level are better than private sector and at higher levels are comparable to private sector.
6.Very less level of professional stress due to little accountability.
7.Personal hobbies and an active social life can be maintained.
8.Good respect in society and one usually tend to retire with satisfaction. Disclaimer: I work for the government. The above are my personal experiences. I have a few very good and a quite a few very very nasty experiences working for the government. Believe me there are good people, irrespective of all this, working for the government who are actually making the country great.]

Q8. What is the best way to prepare for government Jobs?
Ans: 10 Effective Strategies for Success in Government Exams
1.Know the Exam

*Syllabus of the exam
*Eligibility criteria for the exam
*The job position that you are applying for and the department it falls under.
*Job responsibilities
*The knowledge and any special expertise required for the exam.

2.Have a Plan

*The subjects you have to study
*Necessary breaks like tea, meals, daily chores, sleep etc.
*Revision time
*Practise papers that you need to solve
*Class timings if you are taking coaching or are in college
*Job timings if you are working
*Travel timings if any

3.Be regular with the news:

If you are preparing for government exams, it is with no doubt that you will be tested on your current affairs and what is going on around the world. SO the one effective tip for the exam is to be regular with the news. With the digital age there are various means through which you can get your daily news:
You can either buy a good newspaper like ‘The Hindu' or ‘Indian Express' and read it in your free time.

4.Create Memory Tricks:

Learning the government exam is not easy and one really needs a strong memory to remember everything. Thus, one needs memory tricks to remember it all and translate the same in your exam.

5.Prepare for Aptitude test:

Most of the government tests the candidates' knowledge of their niche subject along with their aptitude. It is one of the core subjects in almost all government competitive exams. The aptitude helps in judging how smart the candidates are in solving the general problems and their ability to perform specific jobs under certain given situations. So while preparing for the government exam make sure you are also paying attention to the aptitude questions. These aptitude questions play a vital role in clearing your exam and make you stand out among the general crowd.

6.Solve Past Year Papers:

Past year papers are like the key tip in getting success in the government jobs. These are like the practise paper which gives you an idea about the type of exam, marks allotment and the questions that will be asked in the same. While most of the students will agree with us on this suggestion, many still forget to go through the past year papers before the exam.

7.Make notes:

Whether you are going digital or traditional note making is an art that one master it in order to get success in the government exams. There are various online tools that are available for notes like Evernote, however you will have to decide if you want to make online notes or offline based on the type of exam you are appearing for. If your exam is offline then you must make offline notes however if the exam is online, digital notes will also help.

8.Stay fit and healthy:

Most of the students have this notion that only focusing on the studies and sacrificing the rest will bring them success. Well, this is not true at all. While studies are important, what is equally important is your diet and fitness. A nutritious diet ensures that both your mind and body have enough energy to go through the day enduring the stress and fatigue that comes with preparation and practise sessions. So eating well is important

9.Prepare for All The Stages:

Most of the government exams are a two-stage process: a written exam followed by an interview. So no matter which exam you are preparing for make sure you are firstly aware of the number of stages and their respective syllabus and that you are preparing for them simultaneously. Do not just prepare for the first stage and then wait for the results then start with the second stage preparation. Before you know it may be too late for the preparation. Thus, prepare for all the stages and keep yourself ready for the exam as a whole.

10.Remain positive:

Motivation and positivity are the key driving force of success in life. So no matter whether you fail or succeed in the first attempt it is necessary to stay motivated and confident about yourself and your abilities. While confidence is necessary overconfidence can backfire you very badly. So you must make sure that neither failure drops your confidence, not good performance makes you overconfident, just keep accessing yourself and always stay confident.

Q9. Which is the best government job in India that most people don't know about?
Ans: The best government job in India today is the job of a Faculty in an IIT or IIM.

Few people know that the Faculty not only gets perks and promotions at par with IAS, IPS, IRS etc. but they get so many other benefits which no civil servants in India gets.

I am reproducing some of the benefits which are not available even to the top civil servants in India, as published on the website of IIM Indore


2. Leave Rules of the Institute

Casual Leave – 8 days per annum.

Restricted Holidays – 2 days per annum.

Half Pay Leave – 20 days per annum.

Vacation Leave – 60 days of vacation per year. However, faculty members can avail vacation to a maximum of 30 days at a time (except summer vacation) and are encouraged to take summer vacation between 15th April and 1st June. (NOT AVAILABLE TO CIVIL SERVANTS)


4.1 Faculty Development Allowance (FDA):

Reimbursement of an amount up to Rs.100,000/- per annum for items like purchase of books, periodicals; or datasets for research purpose, attending national level conferences/ workshops/ seminars/courses etc.

Faculty member can use FDA to plan for international visits. FDA funds can be used for travel, stay and visa expenses related to such visits.

4.2 Full funding, once a year, to attend one international conference as per institutional norms. (MOST CIVIL SERVANTS VISIT ABROAD 4–5 TIMES ONLY IN THEIR CAREER)

4.3 Full funding to attend and present papers in national conferences.

4.4 A faculty member can do consulting for 52 days a year. The Director may, at his discretion, extend this beyond 52 days. (THIS IS AN EXTRA SOURCE OF INCOME FOR PROFESSORS WHILE CIVIL SERVANTS ARE PROHIBITED TO DO ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL WORK)

There are even more additional benefits to Professors like-

*Low work pressure
*Lesser working hours
*Higher retirement age
*Stability of life (no transfer/posting)
*Excellent accommodation in the campus
I don't think there is any better government job in India than this.

Q10. Should one leave a software job for a government job?
Ans: Just for my background, I have left my Software job after working around 2 years.

I was faced with a similar question and I had decided I will leave IT services company job and will only work for a PSU/Govt.

The reasons were there. If you had entered in the IT space back in 2000 around, you are now certainly someone with Architect level in India or one may have settled happily abroad (well, happily atleast as we see it, it may not be the case). At that level, you can continue and actually can't do much to switch to Govt due to age and other factors. At that time in 2000, industry was young and growing at tremendous pace and there was place for everyone to grow. People joining before that time or during that time are now at CTO/CEO/Architect/PM level and well settled there, almost earning above 20–25 lakhs on avg.

Then there are people who joined near 2008–09. These people are at Tech Lead/Project Lead level. Or some may have risen at faster pace and reached better than these levels and mind you, there are people who are still SSE levels (yes there are). These people are somewhat settled and are mostly married but there is very very less job security. They have a constant thinking for a second business or alternate source of income and from my experience, about 40% have made an alternate source and others are searching desperately because they know Indian IT job is not secured. These people are always trying for an onsite for once a month atleast in an year, mostly for the cash savings. These people too cannot switch to govt now as due to age mainly.

Q11. What are some of the coolest government jobs in India which are even better than private jobs?
Ans: Most of the other answers have brought forth some interesting albeit well-known Govt. jobs. However, with particular reference to jobs under Central Govt./Central Autonomous Institutions, here are some of the coolest jobs (though lesser known)one can aspire for (in no particular order):
1.Junior Grade of the Indian Information Service
2.Asst. Section Officers in Group ‘B' of the Indian Foreign Service
3.Junior Analysts in the Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Science & Technology
4.Asst. Director, Dy. Director, Jt. Director positions in the National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention under the Cabinet Secretariat
5.Research Officers in the Lok Sabha Secretariat/Rajya Sabha Secretariat

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