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Latest Central Government Jobs in India for Freshers

List of all latest central government jobs in india for freshers. Click Here View Job List. You can find latest central government jobs for graduates for 2025. We help to provide central government jobs information for freshers graduates and experience. Today central government jobs list for 8th pass, engineers, 10th pass, 12th pass, graduates, mba and all. Apply for all upcoming central govt jobs and get jobs notifications in your email and mobile. More than 30% people who are searching for government jobs in India , they are mostly searching for jobs in central government as this is best govt sector and most secured government jobs in India. central government conduct different kind of exams like upsc, sbi po, lic aao,ibps po, rbi grade b ibps so, ssc cgl, indian railways and more to hire employees.
Company Total Jobs
Bank Of Baroda Recruitment
Recuitment For Probationary Officer Post, Java Developer, Bank Jobs For Probationary Officer Post
4 Vacancies
Bank Of India Recruitment
Specialist Officer, Apply Here Now, Freshers Office Assistant, Faculty 02 Post Salary : Rs. 20000/- Per Month
34 Vacancies
Bank Of Maharashtra Recruitment
External Member, Civil Engineer / Business Development Officer, Officers In Scale II, III, IV And V - 551
25 Vacancies
Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Recruitment
Opening For Media Assistant
1 Vacancies
Canara Bank Recruitment
Group Chief Risk Officer 01 Post, Supervisor, Asst. Vice President / Deputy Manager / Receptionist
14 Vacancies
Central Bank Of India Recruitment
Apprentices 3000 Post, Faculty Walk-in Interview On 15th January 2024, Sub-Staff 484 Post
59 Vacancies
Ferro Scrap Nigam Limited Recruitment
Apprentice Trainee 22 Post 10th / 12th / Any Graduate, Junior Manager, Assistant Manager And Assistant General Manager Posts
2 Vacancies
Hll Lifecare Recruitment
Accounts Officer, HR Trainee
2 Vacancies
Indian Bank Recruitment
146 Specialist Officers, Office Assistant, Specialist Officer 203 Post
23 Vacancies
Indian Overseas Bank Recruitment
Specialist Officer In IT And Digital Banking, Multiple 21 Post Last Date: 11th November 2022, Security Guard 20 Post
8 Vacancies
Ircon International Recruitment
Finance Assistant 11 Post, IT Assistant, Apprentices 33 Post
7 Vacancies
Mazagon Dock Limited Recruitment
Trade Apprentice 466 Post, Trade Apprentices 445 Post, Non- Executives 1388 Post
13 Vacancies
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Recruitment
Walkin Interview On 22nd January 2022, Assistant Metallurgy, Apprenticeship
6 Vacancies
Pawan Hans Recruitment
Finance Accounts, Trainee Technicians Walk-in Interview On 20th November 2023, Station Manager
22 Vacancies
Punjab National Bank Recruitment
Specialist Officer 1025 Post, Defence Banking Advisor 08 Post, Officer Civil Engineer
23 Vacancies
Railtel Corporation Of India Recruitment
Consultant Engineer, Apprentices 103 Posts, Deputy Manager 69 Post
14 Vacancies
Rites Recruitment
CAD Draughtsman 16 Post, Assistant Manager 12 Post, Assistant Manager 01 Post
54 Vacancies
Security Printing And Minting Corporation Of India Recruitment
23 Supervisor, Junior Office Assistant And Other Posts
1 Vacancies
Uco Bank Recruitment
Security Officers 10 Post Salary : 63840/- Per Month, Multiple 03 Post, Faculty 01 Post
8 Vacancies
Union Bank Of India Recruitment
Specialist Officers 606 Post, Multiple Posts - Check Here, External Inquiring Authorities
16 Vacancies

Top Government Jobs Locations

Government Jobs by Popular Departments
Department Jobs
Central Government Jobs 231 Vacancies
Jobs in Government University 107 Vacancies
Jobs in Government Institutes 102 Vacancies
Jobs in Government Banks 99 Vacancies
Jobs in Government Schools 60 Vacancies
Jobs in Indian Court 52 Vacancies
PSC Jobs 39 Vacancies
Indian Railway Jobs 38 Vacancies
Jobs in Police 31 Vacancies
Government Jobs in Ministry 31 Vacancies
Government Jobs in Cantonment Board 21 Vacancies
Government Jobs in IIT 18 Vacancies
Government Jobs in Post Office - Postal 11 Vacancies
SSC Jobs 11 Vacancies
Defence Jobs 10 Vacancies
Government Jobs in AIIMS 8 Vacancies
SRTC Jobs 5 Vacancies
SSB Jobs 5 Vacancies
FAQ for Latest Central Government Jobs in India for Freshers

What are the exams for central government jobs?

List of Government Exams After Graduation across India

UPSC Civil Services Examination
SBI PO Examination
LIC AAO Examination
IBPS PO Examination
RBI Grade B Examination
IBPS SO Examination
SSC CGL Examination
Indian Railways Examination
SBI Clerk Examination
Defence Examinations

Do bank jobs come under central government jobs?

No all banks jobs come under central govemnent jobs. Some banks jobs come under central government jobs and some banks jobs come to under private sector banks jobs.

Which are the best central government jobs?

Many jobs are the best central government jobs. Some of which are jobs.
Top best Central government jobs in India:
1. Civil servies job
2. Defence Services
3. Scientists/Enginners in ISRO, DRDO
4. Banks jobs
5. Railway

Which is the best government job in India and why?

UPSC is the best government jobs in India because this is better salary & facility and respectally jobs.

What are the central government job a graduate can apply for?

The central government job are a graduate can apply for UPSC, Income Tax Department, Banks, IAF,etc.

What are the different central government jobs we can get through the GATE score?

The different PSUs like BHEL, ONGC, WBSEDCL, HPCL, MDL, IOCL, BPCL, NTPC, DDA, Power Grid, etc. fill vacancies through GATE score. GATE cut off for PSUs is very high, and therefore one must score extremely well to be considered for these vacancies in PSUs. So, PSU through GATE is an excellent idea for aspirants who want to achieve big in life. If you want a government job in any stream you should at least get below 300 rank ,So that you have a high chance of getting government job.

What are the best central government jobs for software engineer?

There are lot of government/PSU jobs for Computer Science/software engineers.
I am giving few examples for banking jobs for which you may apply through Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
1) IT Officer(Scale-1)Eligibility a) Age:- 20-35 Years
b) Qualification:- Degree or Post Graduate degree in Computer Science/Computer Applications from a recognized university/college.

2) Technical Officer(Scale-1)Eligibility a) Age:- 20-35 Years
b) Qualification:- Degree in Computer Science from a recognized university/college.

3) IT Officer(Scale-2)Eligibilitya) Age:- 20-40 Years
b) Qualification:- Degree or Post Graduate degree in Computer Science/Computer Applications from a recognized university/college.

What are the government jobs for civil engineers?

The governmnet jobs for civil engineers:
1 . Central gov jobs :

In Railways ( through IES,RRB)

By IES exam you can go in following dept


2.State gov jobs:

PWD dept of state gov , irrigation dept.

3.Also there are many PSUs (IOCL,NBCC,IRCON,RITES etc) for civil engineers.

4.You can also try in academics (as professor in both state as well as in centre) .Academics can be considered as the job which offers quality life.

5.You can also try for ISRO, BARC, DRDO etc.

6.You can also try for DMRC and other such metro rail corporations exam.

You will see that in every gov job recruitment , generally higher no of vacancies are there for civil engineers.

How many types of central government jobs are there in India ?

There are now only three category : Group ‘A’, All are gazetted Officers; Group ‘B’ , Gazetted as well as Non Gazetted; Group ‘C’ - Non Gazetted . Group ’D posts have been reclassified as Group ‘C’. Group ‘ B’ and Group ‘C’ are further classified as Ministerial or non- ministerial ( technical, skill, semi or unskilled posts including MTS ( erstwhile helper type Posts like peons, chowkidars, safaiwala etc ).All these fall under General Central Services.

Is an IBPS clerk a central government job?

No, it is under the government jobs but it comes under public sector banks. If you are interested in IBPS Clerk exam then you can apply it online because now a days IBPS Clerk IX Form Available, so apply it online.

Can I get a list of central government jobs?

Yes, I get a list of central government jobs.
Here list of centeral government jobs:
1. UPSC Jobs
2. SSC Jobs
3. Railway Jobs
4. CBI Jobs
5. IB Jobs
6. ISRO Jobs
7. DRDO Jobs
8. IT Jobs

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