Company | Total Jobs |
Air Force School Borjhar Recruitment PRT/ NTT |
1 Vacancies |
Air Force School Delhi Cant Recruitment Computer Instructor/ Medical Officer/ Dance Instructor |
1 Vacancies |
Air Force School Panchwati Recruitment Accts Asst . / Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Ambala Cantt Recruitment PGT/TGT / Receptionist |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Amritsar Recruitment TGT / Music Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Bangalore Recruitment Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Bathinda Cantt Recruitment Teachers |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Beas Recruitment Teaching / Adm Staff |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Dhaula Kuan Recruitment PGT / Dance Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Faridkot Recruitment TGT/ Computer Lab Technician / Nurse |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Hisar Recruitment PGT / TGT / Adm Staff, Trained Graduate Teacher/ Post Graduate Teacher |
2 Vacancies |
Army Public School Kapurthala Recruitment Teaching Staff |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Nahan Recruitment PGT /TGT English |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Patiala Recruitment PGT/ Receptionist |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Ranchi Recruitment Computer Lab Technician/ Activity Teachers/ PGTs/ TGTs |
1 Vacancies |
Army Public School Unchi Bassi Recruitment Post Graduate Teacher / Primary Teacher, Teachers / Computer Lab Technician |
2 Vacancies |
Army Public School Wellington Recruitment PGT/TGT/Art SUPW Teacher, PGT/TGT Business Studies |
2 Vacancies |
Army School Bareilly Cantt Recruitment Assistant Librarian / LDC / Receptionist |
1 Vacancies |
Assam Rifles Public School Recruitment PRINCIPAL / HEAD MASTER |
1 Vacancies |
B.s.f Primary School Recruitment PRT/Accountant |
1 Vacancies |
Bihar School Examination Board Recruitment Bihar Sakshamta Pariksha II Exam 2024, Data Entry Operator Vacancy, System Analyst / Programmer |
4 Vacancies |
Board Of School Education Haryana Recruitment Teacher Eligibility Test, Principal/ PGT/ TGT/ Librarian/ Clerk |
2 Vacancies |
Delhi Public School Dwarka Recruitment PGT- Legal Studies/ Special Educator TGT/ Jr. Clerk LDC |
1 Vacancies |
Gail Dav Public School Recruitment Teachers / Counselor |
1 Vacancies |
Hpbose Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education Recruitment Teacher Eligibility Test |
1 Vacancies |
Hsspp Haryana School Shiksha Pariyojna Parishad Recruitment Special Educator 279 Post, Block Resource Persons, Special Educator |
4 Vacancies |
Ism Indian School Of Mines Recruitment Senior Research Fellow, Coaches 03 Post, Junior Research Fellow / Senior Research Fellow |
7 Vacancies |
Meghalaya Board Of School Education Recruitment Lower Division Assistant / Computer Operator |
1 Vacancies |
Meritorious School Ferozpur Recruitment Computer Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
National School Of Drama Recruitment Assistant Professor, Intensive Certificate Course In Acting, Assistant Director Official Language |
5 Vacancies |
Navy Children School Recruitment PGT / TGTs / PRTs, TGT / PRT / Counsellor/ Special Educator, Driver Cum Peon / Conductor Cum Sahayika |
3 Vacancies |
Rashtriya Military School Chail Recruitment Master Gazetted / Assistant Masters |
1 Vacancies |
Sainik School Recruitment General Employee, TGT/ Ward/ Driver Boy, Librarian Vacancy |
9 Vacancies |
Sainik School Amaravathinagar Recruitment Part-Time Medical Officer, Resident Medical Officer |
2 Vacancies |
Sainik School Ambikapur Recruitment Band Master/ Music Teacher/ Laboratory Assistant, General Employee, TGT MATHEMATICS / MESS MANAGER |
3 Vacancies |
Sainik School Balachadi Recruitment TGT, Counsellor, Ward Boys, TGT / Counsellor/ Quarter Master, PGT Chemistry |
3 Vacancies |
Sainik School Bhubaneswar Recruitment General Employee, Laboratory Assistant, TGT Physics / Nursing Assistant |
3 Vacancies |
Sainik School Chhingchhip Recruitment Post Graduate Teacher, PGT / TGT Vacancies, TGT (Social Science) And Counselor Posts |
5 Vacancies |
Sainik School Chittorgarh Recruitment Trained Graduate Teacher English Medium, Multiple Post, TGT / Ward Boy / General Employee |
6 Vacancies |
Sainik School Ghorakhal Recruitment Trained Graduate Teacher English, Lower Division Clerk, Post Graduate Teacher |
4 Vacancies |
Sainik School Goalpara Assam Recruitment Band Master , Walk-in Interview, PGT Mathematics, Walk-In-Interview On 17th October 2022 |
6 Vacancies |
Sainik School Gopalganj Recruitment TGT / Lab Assistant, PGT/ TGT, Mess Manager / Band Master |
5 Vacancies |
Sainik School Kalikri Recruitment School Medical Officer, 23 Teaching & Non-Teaching Posts, PGT Physics |
6 Vacancies |
Sainik School Kapurthala Recruitment TGT Computer Science, Trained Graduate Teacher Computer Science, Teacher / Computer Teacher /Accounts Clerk |
4 Vacancies |
Sainik School Kazhakootam Recruitment Art Master , Ward Boy, Walk-In-Interview On 10th August 2022, Walk In Interview On 18 Nov. 2021 |
5 Vacancies |
Sainik School Kodagu Recruitment General Employee, TGT-English/ TGT-Hindi/ Counsellor/ Horse Riding Instructor |
2 Vacancies |
Sainik School Korukonda Recruitment Trained Graduate Teacher 02 Post, Counselor, TGT ENGLISH |
7 Vacancies |
Sainik School Kunjpura Recruitment Art Master, Trained Graduate Teacher, Post Graduate Teacher |
3 Vacancies |
Sainik School Mainpuri Recruitment Teachers 20 Post, Counselor 01 Post, Lower Division Clerk |
4 Vacancies |
Sainik School Nagrota Recruitment Lower Division Clerk, Accountant / Quartermaster / Laboratory Assistant |
2 Vacancies |
Sainik School Punglwa Recruitment TGT MATHS REGULAR |
1 Vacancies |
Sainik School Purulia Recruitment Trained Graduate Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
Sainik School Rewa Recruitment Trained Graduate Teacher, Laboratory Assistant, Counsellor/Teacher |
4 Vacancies |
Sainik School Rewari Recruitment PEM / PTI / Matron, General Employee/ Ward Boy / Matron, PGT/Mess Manager |
4 Vacancies |
Sainik School Satara Recruitment Laboratory Assistant Chemistry, Trained Graduate Teacher |
2 Vacancies |
Sainik School Sujanpur Tira Recruitment Craft Attendant, Lower Division Clerk |
2 Vacancies |
Sainik School Tilaiya Recruitment Band Master / Matron, Ward Boy, General Employee Regular |
5 Vacancies |
School Of Archival Studies National Archives Of India Recruitment Reprography, Short Term Certificate Course |
2 Vacancies |
School Of Planning And Architecture Recruitment Transport Planner, Urban Planner, Download Form Here, PERSONAL ASSISTANT / SECTION OFFICER / STENOGRAPHER, Deputy Registrar |
3 Vacancies |
Tribune Model School Recruitment Pre-Primary Teacher / Library Resource Teacher |
1 Vacancies |
State | Jobs |
Government Jobs in Bangalore | 543 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Chennai | 418 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Coimbatore | 10 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Delhi | 1678 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Hyderabad | 339 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Kolkata | 35 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Lucknow | 149 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Mumbai | 964 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Nagpur | 69 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Pune | 171 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Surat | 28 Vacancies |
View All Locations |
Department | Jobs |
Central Government Jobs | 231 Vacancies |
Jobs in Government University | 107 Vacancies |
Jobs in Government Institutes | 102 Vacancies |
Jobs in Government Banks | 99 Vacancies |
Jobs in Government Schools | 60 Vacancies |
Jobs in Indian Court | 52 Vacancies |
PSC Jobs | 39 Vacancies |
Indian Railway Jobs | 38 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Ministry | 31 Vacancies |
Jobs in Police | 31 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Cantonment Board | 21 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in IIT | 18 Vacancies |
SSC Jobs | 11 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in Post Office - Postal | 11 Vacancies |
Defence Jobs | 10 Vacancies |
Government Jobs in AIIMS | 8 Vacancies |
SRTC Jobs | 5 Vacancies |
SSB Jobs | 5 Vacancies |
1. How do I get a teacher job in government schools after clearing the CTET exam?
Ans: CBSE Schools and Government schools publish advertisement in leading newspapers or in the website. If you know, schools nearby where you want to apply or join, visit school website and find their contact. You can apply for the post.
2. How do unqualified teachers get a teaching job in government schools?
Ans: A lot of them get a job because of “Caste Based Reservation”and a because of people with good score and talent these days won’t be going for such position,the number of the qualified youth of Indians are not interested in teaching jobs.
3. What should be done to get a librarian job in government schools?
Ans: Step-1:- Complete graduation in any stream.
Step-2:- Then go for 1 year B.LIB or B.LISC.
Step-3:- Then go for Masters in Lib. Sc. / M.Phil through NET.
Step-4:- Post Masters you will eligible to apply for Asst. Librarian posts in govt. schools/colleges.
Step-5:- After 5–6 years of experience as Asst. Librarian, you can go for Deputy Librarian post.
4. Is a B.Ed 1 year course after an MSc useful to get a job in government schools?
Ans: All recognised (by proper authority ) institutions offer two year B Ed degree course.After doing B Ed course,you may get job in UP govt. Schools easily.
5. How do I get teaching jobs in government schools like Sarvodaya Vidyalaya or Rajkiye Pratibha Vikas?
Ans: For government teaching you must have degree/certificate like BTC,b Ed .after then qualify exams like ctet,and other state teaching exam.Comes into the merit list and start teaching.
6. Can a post-graduate engineer M.Tech be considered eligible for a teacher’s job of PGT in government schools?
Ans: The only subject where a B.Tech/M.Tech/MCA is eligible without a B.Ed degree is computer science PGT. You can refer the advertisement which was released by Navodaya Samiti few months back. However once selected, you need to complete your B.Ed degree for further promotions.
7. Why do most of Indian want a government job but they don't want to study in government schools?
Ans: It is true that most people wants government job but do not like to send their ward in government schools. Not sending to government school is due to lack of facilities like not proper building, lack of proper attentions by teacher and regional or hindi medium school. There was/even now a days a perception in the mind of middle class and lower middle class that by reading through english medium school then their child can be selected in higher posts in government as well as private sector. This is somewhat true. In this mind set, middle class people had started withdrawing their ward from government school and started sending them in private schools. Slowly, as a result children from poor category were left in government school. It is a fact that parent of poor people are not able to give proper attention to their ward due to himself not educated or lack of time for attention to their ward. Since only lower category students remain in government school, as a result the atmosphere of government school become detrorius despite of having best teachers in government school. We see that the teachers in government school are far batter than private school not only in education aspects but also in pay perks . The main reason is only medium of teaching and only one category of child studying. In government only poor whereas in private middle and upper middle. If you see the Navoday School or Central school they also government school but their medium of teaching is english. In these school poor as well as middle class group gets study. These schools give best results in compare to private school. We see that most of best engineering colleges, medical college are run by government. Thus, problem is not government but the medium of teaching. The government official know this facts but their is problem at policy level , if we convert all government school in english medium than middle class people will again shifted to government school . The government have not much funds to open new schools. How poor people will get education.
Government know very well that middle class is capable to send their ward in private school but where will go to lower class people for getting education. Now a day a peculiar problem also arised that women share in government job particularly in education has been increased. Each women teacher wants to post near their home. Government try to best to post near their home but some times due to excess demands they have to post far flung area within town or nearby villages. Since they got posting far distance from their home like 30 to 50 kilometer, in this situation they commute daily from their home town to school. In this way lot of time consume in transit. By human nature they use shortcut as late coming in school and early going from school to save time. The villager do not talk to these Madam as they do not know the importance of education.
8. Why don't people doing government jobs teach their children in government schools?
Ans: Because they know the reality of education provided at government school. They want their children to study in private school and become teacher in government schools and so on. Process continues.
9. Can I apply for a geography teacher’s job post in government schools/colleges after doing an MSc in geology in India?
Ans: If you would be teaching physical geography, I would think your background in geology would be useful. However, if you would be teaching human geography you might find it challenging. My high school geography teacher taught us the equivalent of first year geology over two years. When I went to university, I took first year geology as an elective science, I found it a cakewalk. I ended up getting a degree in geography, focusing on GIS and remote sensing, so I took mostly physical geography courses. Ironically, I've ended up in a job that is much closer to the human end of the geography spectrum. Ultimately, the only way to know for certain is to apply and see what happens. Even if they offer you a job, you're not obligated to take it.
10. What should I do to get a government teacher job?
Ans: You haven’t mentioned your qualification. You can definitely build up a good career in education sector if you possess Master’s degree in any subject. You can then try for teaching jobs in higher secondary schools. To apply for teaching jobs in HSC, you are required to qualify in the SET exam. You also need a B.Ed Degree. The percentage criteria may vary with the decision of the authority that conducts the test. If you are searching for a teaching job in colleges, then you must qualify in the NET exam conducted by UGC. You should have scored at least 55% marks in post graduation to appear for the NET exam. If you have completed your B. Ed after graduation look for vacancies in your state which will be published in govt websites, newspaper. Similarly if location is not issue for you, you can look for central school vacancies. They have exams called TET for teacher, attempt for it, and meanwhile try working in some school it will give you hands on experience. If you clear the exam, wallah you will be appointed soon.