Job Details
Job Description:Technical Experience-u25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Hands on experience in AWS provisioning and good knowledge of AWS Services like EC2, ECS, S3, ELB, IAM, u00A0VPC, Auto scaling, CloudWatch, OpenSearchu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in working on tools like Teamcity, Jfrog, Gitlabu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Knowledge of Cloud formation scripts for automation purposeu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in working on GitHub actionsu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Good Experience in Dockerizing the Applications, In Docker file, Creating Docker images and configuring the Docker Containers.
u25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in working on Fluent bit & FluentDu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A05 years of Experience as a DevOps Engineer with technical expertise in Build and Release Managementu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in creating of DynamoDB tables, DocumentDB, and AuroraDBu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in creating of Redis cluster and monitoring the metricsu25CFu00A0u00A0 u00A0Experience in Monitoring the DataDog and checking the latency issues if any.