Job Details
Job Description: - Design and Develop Architecture for Various Software solutions On-Prem Private Cloud, Public Cloud like Amazon Web Services and Hybrid Cloud for Clients - Experience in Architecting Solution on Amazon Web Services for applications adhering to Compliances like PCI, HIPAA, FERPA, SOX, and GLBA Data for financial data and healthcare PHI data - Manage Offshore teams and Onsite resources for delivering multiple Cloud Migration projects and DevOps projects with Financial Clients and Health Care Clients - Develop DevOps practices to realize the goals of effective collaboration, smoother operations, and cleaner code which involves Stakeholder Participation, Test driven infrastructure code development using Test Kitchen, Server Spec - Integrated Configuration Management, Change Management and Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Application Monitoring and Automated Dashboards.
- Develop Deployment Pipelines on to AWS for Linux architecture using Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Rundeck, AWS Cloud Formation, AWS SDK, Sparkle Formations and various other tools - Develop Windows deployment pipelines for AWS migrations using Octopus Deploy, AWS Cloud Formations, Ansible, Troposphere and other tools - Develop Serverless DevOps Automation frameworks using ChefSolo, Puppet apply, Ansible, S3 and Jenkins without Centralized Management Infrastructure like Chef Server or Puppet Master or Ansible Tower - Expert level at Chef Development using Test Kitchen, Berkshelf, Kitchen-Ec2 while setting up development standards using lint - Expert Level at writing Cloud Formation templates with nested resources.
- Expert level at Powershell scripting for Windows Automation Soft Skills Required: - Good communication skills and being upfront about risks - Worked in a business client facing role Ability to participate effectively in team meetings - Clarity of thought and vision and resourcefulness to try multiple approaches when things fail - Comfortable with PoC Agile modes of working without compromising on quality, timelines and delivery